With August being the driest in 122 years, Monsoon 2023 could end up with the country getting "below normal" or "lower side of normal rains". This could damage chief kharif crops like rice, pulses and oilseeds. This could lead to increase in prices of these commodities. IMD considers rainfall in the range of 90-95% of LPA as “below normal” category
The weather office has forecast intense spells of rain in several states, including Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Maharashtra. Check out the latest all-India forecast here.
The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has warned of high-speed stormy winds in Delhi-NCR on Friday as well, while in Haryana, along with stormy winds, there will be heavy rain and hailstorm in many places.
Both agencies have gone for a weaker monsoon, ostensibly on account of evolving El Nino in the Pacific Ocean during the season. Too much is being read in between the lines, without any conclusive evidence, specially by those who have least idea about the complexity of monsoon.