abortion rights and reproductive rights, specifically. last week, even in the midst of pounding the podium, literally, john boehner pounding the podium, saying that the idea that there s a war on women is a fabrication, even as that was happening, more than 60 republicans in the house were introducing another federal anti-abortion bill. another one! republicans have also introduced a new 24-hour waiting period for women seeking abortions nationwide. they ve also introduced a new time restriction on when you are allowed to get an abortion in washington, d.c., over which congress has some jurisdiction. they also introduced a national forced ultrasound bill. so like the one in virginia that made bob mcdonnell famous, except this time house republicans want it for the whole country. they tried to block medical schools from being able to teach how to perform an abortion to doctors in training. they threatened to shut down the whole government over trying to defund planned parenthood. hr-3,
legislative level, you re picking or choosing. i could pick out some bills on the left. hr-3 in this congress was on anti-abortion bill. the third bill you introduced. it passed the house to require abortions be included in every health care plan moving forward. so you can t it doesn t reflect the priorities of the party. it doesn t reflect the priorities of the majority in congress. we have been focused on the economy, on bills that will get americans back to work. there are more anti-abortion bills now than at any time since roe versus wade were passed. if i may though i m not focused on that in a disproportionate it s become the priority of the party. that s what i don t understand. alex? this is how far the democrats, obama and rachel have to go to try to win this election. we re sitting here talking about the next president of the united states. i don t know if rachel knows this, but our nominee, this fellow is named mitt romney. he s actually running for presi
say, why haven t we had more anti-abortion legislation in the last year than we have since roe versus wade? what you re saying and doing as a party are two very different congresswoman when you highlight a few out of the thousands of bills introduced any time at the state legislative level, you re picking or choosing. i could pick out some bills on the left. hr-3 in this congress was on anti-abortion bill. the third bill you introduced. it passed the house to require abortions be included in every health care plan moving forward. so you can t it doesn t reflect the priorities of the party. it doesn t reflect the priorities of the majority in congress. we have been focused on the economy, on bills that will get americans back to work. there are more anti-abortion bills now than at any time since roe versus wade were passed. if i may though i m not focused on that in a disproportionate it s become the priority of the party. that s what i don t understand. alex?
of america, whether it s politics or corporate america, women s voices are largely not heard on the level that, frankly, they should be. and at the end of the day, reverend if we had 50% of women in congress, do you think we d be having a debate about basic rights to birth control? do you think we d be having a debate about hr-3 which is to defund all of title 10 which is prenatal care and cancer screenings? you wouldn t be having it. and so i am hoping that we can have a rosie the riveter moment for our generation asking women that their voices are so important. and if you remember in world war ii, she was a call to action to ask women to enter the workforce because we needed women in the war industries because men were fighting. 6 million women entered the workforce because of that campaign. so we need a campaign that 6 million women are going to come out and vote their priorities, vote their values. vote the things important to them to hold these representatives accountable. a lot o
more famous, more focused grouped, more clear, that they are more proud of, that republicans are more consistent about than the we hate regulation message? what s the only republican values message you hear more consistently from them than that? it s we want less taxes, right? lower corporate taxes. don t raise taxes. lower taxes. no one should have to suffer under a tax hike riot now. raising the tax rates is off the table. everything should be on the table except raising taxes. the safest thing for america would be to have a provision passed this fall that says no tax increase of any kind in 2011. i don t want to raise taxes. republicans hate taxes. nothing could be clearer. republicans hate taxes. on may 4th, every single republican present in the house voted to raise taxes. to raise taxes as a means of restricting access to abortion. that was hr 3, a bill that raises taxes on health insurance as a means of making abortion less available. they want to restrict abortion