constitutional rights in america. this is congresswoman denise slaughter from new york state coming at the debate quite ferociously. on wednesday republicans in congress considered a bill to make the hyde amendment more severe. among other provisions hr-3 that s three in which this is the third item on the republicans to-do-list for the whole list year, it would raise taxes on any company whose health care plan covers abortion. it would take away the credit that companies get for insuring their employees. before the vote congress wam denise slaughter said she has never had to debate someone s have saktmy. i served in three legislatures and every one of them was always men in blue
louise gets here because congress will make that decision? the congress did go on to pass hr-3, the bill she argued against them. republicans voted for it unanimously. now it will go on to the senate. but it does say something intense about this relentless campaign against abortion rights that republicans are waging this year. that senator wicker and his 20 male co-sponsors and one woman that they re willing to try. they are willing to raise taxes in order to further attack abortion rights this year. in case you re keeping track, the unemployment rate stands at 9%. did you know prilosec otc
private matter is he willing to say to people gathered in the hospital and doing a discussion, no decision can be made until louise gets here because congress will make that decision? the congress did go on to pass hr-3, the bill she argued against there. republicans voted for it unanimously. now the bill will go to the united states senate. and roger wicker of mississippi says he doesn t think he s got the votes to pass it. but it does say something intense about this relentless campaign against abortion rights that republicans are waging this year. something intense about that, that senator wicker and his 20 male co-sponsors and one woman that they re willing to try. they are willing to raise taxes in order to further attack abortion rights this year. in case you re keeping track, the unemployment rate stands at 9%.
messaging problem all year in that their legislative agenda sometimes looked less like jobs, jobs, jobs and more like abortion, abortion, abortion. the third bill republicans filed after taking control of the house, hr-3 was a bill to raise taxes on abortion. raising taxes and abortion above all over all other priorities. not great messaging for house republicans. luckily, though, osama bin laden just got killed by a bunch of navy s.e.a.l.s so while the media is 100% occupied with that, republicans in the house picked today to vote for their raise taxes to stop abortions bill. the one they never really wanted to talk about. which is why i just talked about it.
and you know what? it happened in congress, too. house republicans had a messaging problem all year in that their legislative agenda sometimes looked less like jobs, jobs, jobs and more like abortion, abortion, abortion. the third bill republicans filed after taking control of the house, hr-3, was a bill to raise taxes on abortion. raising taxes and abortion above all over all other priorities. not great messaging for house republicans. luckily, though, osama bin laden just got killed by a bunch of navy s.e.a.l.s, so while the media is 100% occupied with that, republicans in the house picked today to vote for their raise taxes to stop abortions bill. the one they never really wanted to talk about. which is why i just talked about it. [ man ] it s basically a computer.