more famous, more focused grouped, more clear, that they are more proud of, that republicans are more consistent about than the we hate regulation message? what s the only republican values message you hear more consistently from them than that? it s we want less taxes, right? lower corporate taxes. don t raise taxes. lower taxes. no one should have to suffer under a tax hike riot now. raising the tax rates is off the table. everything should be on the table except raising taxes. the safest thing for america would be to have a provision passed this fall that says no tax increase of any kind in 2011. i don t want to raise taxes. republicans hate taxes. nothing could be clearer. republicans hate taxes. on may 4th, every single republican present in the house voted to raise taxes. to raise taxes as a means of restricting access to abortion. that was hr 3, a bill that raises taxes on health insurance as a means of making abortion less available. they want to restrict abortion
program in kansas. this kind of thing is called trap laws. punitive regulations designed to make it anywhere from really, really hard to impossible for abortion providers to keep their practices open. from the we hate red tape party, the prescription for these trap laws is death by red tape. this legislative session, republican governors have also signed trap laws to regulate abortion clinics out of existence in indiana, in virginia, and in utah. so competing with the less regulation thing, what s the only other values message that might be more successful than that for the republicans? more famous, more focused grouped, more clear, that they are more proud of, that republicans are more consistent about than the we hate regulation message? what s the only republican values message you hear more consistently from them than that? it s we want less taxes, right? lower corporate taxes. don t raise taxes. lower taxes. no one should have to suffer under a tax hike riot now.
lower corporate taxes. don t raise taxes. lower taxes. no one should have to suffer under a tax hike riot now. raising the tax rates is off the table. everything should be on the table except raising taxes. the safest thing for america would be to have a provision passed this fall that says no tax increase of any kind in 2011. i don t want to raise taxes. republicans hate taxes. nothing could be clearer. republicans hate taxes. on may 4th, every single republican present in the house voted to raise taxes. to raise taxes as a means of restricting access to abortion. that was hr 3, a bill that raises taxes on health insurance as a means of making abortion less available. they want to restrict abortion rights so badly that in the great anti-abortion republican overreach of 2011, they have defied and undercut and given lie to their own supposed value