According to the WHO, a 30-40% cancer burden can be attributed to lifestyle risk factors such as tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, a diet low in fruit and vegetables, overweight and obesity, and physical inactivity. Experts encourage individuals to go for health screening
Cancer Treatment in India: Doctors and researchers at Tata Institute in Mumbai have developed a treatment, claiming that it could prevent cancer from occurring again.
Every time a person is exposed to carcinogens, cancer is brought on, and when they are exposed to elements in our food, the growth of the cancerous cells is also inhibited, say experts.
One of the primary ways in which diet contributes to cancer prevention is by promoting a healthy weight, according to Dr Randeep Singh, senior consultant and director, medical Oncology, from Narayana Hospital, Gurugram
When you're on the road to personal development, loving your body and taking care of it is a priority. There are certain foods you should be eating to fight off cancer and other diseases.