Security and who we are as a country. Trey we understand why people want to come to this country, to escape persecution, to taste freedom and liberty, to no hard work and education and a level playing field, can combine forces to transform lives. Escaping a country rife with conflict is one thing. Picking a new home is another. And america is picked more than all the countries combined because we are a country that embraces justice, we reward fairness, and we are a nation of laws. In fact, if you look at the oath new citizens take criminal law is mentioned different times. Six times. In one paragraph. Six times, these new citizens swear allegiance to this thing we call law. Is irate we can break this thing we call law and bring allegiance to this thing we call the law. It is ironic to say the least that you would reward people who do not follow the law by administering an oath to follow the law. President obama used is that he wanted a country where everybody plays by the same rules. W
Kevin good evening. Welcome to mount vernon. My name is kevin butterfield, i am the director of the fred w. Swift National Library for the study of George Washington at mount vernon. It is my pleasure to welcome you here tonight. The Ford Motor Company each month sponsors a free book talk like this one. An opportunity for the community to come and learn from the greatest historians in the field. Thank you for being here tonight. We are thrilled to have you. We will hear a brief hesitation from susan swain, copresident and chief executive officer of cspan, and coauthor of the president s. She will be joined by brian lam, the founder and executive chairman of cspan and moderating an esteemed group of historians discussing the american presidency. The american presidency is, as you know, a fascinating subject of inquiry in every possible way. [laughter] in the constitution, there is not as much said about it as you would imagine. Article one is quite long. Article two is quite shorter. As
Did you call your book that you wrote 35 years ago, uncommon man . Richard its taken actually from the title of a relatively famous hoover speech about the uncommon man. Remember Vice President henry wallace, who was the second of fdrs Vice President s, gave a famous speech in 1942, i believe, maybe 1943, about the century of the common man. And wallace, from a left of center perspective, was projecting the goals and ambitions of the generation that was fighting world war ii. It wasnt enough simply to the nazis, but to create at home a true democracy, a place where the common man would finally come into his own. And hoover approached this from a different place on the political spectrum. He was in effect making the case for what we might call a meritocracy. I should not paraphrase it, but when you get sick, you want an uncommonly skillful doctor. When we go to war, we want an uncommonly able general. You get the picture. The advances in society were brought about not by common, but by
E biden is a centrist and Bernie Sanders would like more delegates at the upcoming democratic president ial nomination and he could pull the party maybe a little more left with the platform. It certainly appears as if the two men running for president in november will be President Donald Trump and Vice President joe biden, biden beating out sanders. Sanders announced the decision on a livestream this morning. Today i am announcing the suspension of my campaign. Please know i do not make this decision lightly. In fact it has been a difficult and painful decision. Over the past few weeks jane and i, in consultation with top staff and many of our prominent assessment of the prospects for victory. If i believed we had a feasible path to the nomination, i would certainly continue the campaign. But its just not there. Reporter sanders dropped out the day after the primary in wisconsin, a primary that most polls showed he was going to lose and fairly badly. The president ial race was not the
Richard its taken actually from the title of a relatively famous hoover speech about the uncommon man. If you remember, Vice President henry wallace, who was the second of fdrs Vice President s, gave a famous speech in 1942, i believe, maybe 1943, about the century of the common man. And wallace, from a left of center perspective, was projecting, in effect, the goals and ambitions of the generation that was fighting world war ii. It wasnt enough simply to defeat the nazis, but to create at home a true democracy, a place where the common man would finally come into his own. And hoover approached this from a different place on the political spectrum. He was in effect making the case for what we might call a meritocracy. Some of these things, i should not paraphrase it, but when you get sick, you want an uncommonly skillful doctor. When we go to war, we want an uncommonly able general. You get the picture. The advances in society were brought about not by common, but by uncommon individua