The regular meeting for wednesday, february, 15th, 2017, i would like to remind the members of the p you believe that we do not tolerate any disruption and please silence your mobile devices and when speaking before the commission, state your name for the record. I would like to take the roll at this time. First on the agenda, it is general Public Comment, within the subject matter description, with respect to agenda items it will be afforded when it is reached, each member may address the commission for up to three minutes,vy no speaker cards. Does any member like to speak on a nonagenda items. Seeing and hearing none we will close comment. That will place us under the department matters, directors announcements. Mr. Fry is not here at the moment, so maybe we will reopen that later. Sure. We will move on to commission matters. Yes. Very good, commission matters item three, president s report and announcements. Item four, consider of adoption for the minutes arc july, 20, and the draft
And supervisor katie tang. I want to thank our clerk of the committee today as well as asian stocks and jim smith from sfgov tv for covering the meeting. Mdm. Clerk any announcements . Yes please sounds all electronic devices. Thank you very much. While we wait for some paper to be delivered to the committee were skipping over item number one for the moment move on to item number two. Item number two Ordinance Amending Division of the workout to establish a violation for bicycles Share Program bikes left part standing or unattended without a permit for location authorized public works to take enforcement action to abate remove the mice and making appropriate findings thank you. This item was sponsored by supervisor peskin so i will turn it over to them. Thank you chairman templars and thank you for your early support for this legislation for your cosponsorship. As we mentioned at the press conference this is actually the first time that the city of San Francisco is getting out in front
Competitive officer of protocol and my School Advisors is here shes excited because this now is the city of the Free City College thank you. Thank you to all of you for doing that. clapping. ladies and gentlemen, i know that you know that this is a very special time in our citys history a time when were rediscovering what diversity means we are reinvest in the things we truly believe in because were all as a city challenged to do better and do more restrictive and certainly from the Vantage Point as a mayor i need other great leaders to step forward i have that in naomi cell not only a great Zoning Administrator but all this time having her kids a great mom yes. clapping. she led the effort and one the really people that i depend on on what charlotte and others to have one the best women conferences recently a lot of people on the agenda. clapping. and then i know that shes been at my side and working with the board of supervisors all the elected officials to keep our infrastructure go
Competitive officer of protocol and my School Advisors is here shes excited because this now is the city of the Free City College thank you. Thank you to all of you for doing that. clapping. ladies and gentlemen, i know that you know that this is a very special time in our citys history a time when were rediscovering what diversity means we are reinvest in the things we truly believe in because were all as a city challenged to do better and do more restrictive and certainly from the Vantage Point as a mayor i need other great leaders to step forward i have that in naomi cell not only a great Zoning Administrator but all this time having her kids a great mom yes. clapping. she led the effort and one the really people that i depend on on what charlotte and others to have one the best women conferences recently a lot of people on the agenda. clapping. and then i know that shes been at my side and working with the board of supervisors all the elected officials to keep our infrastructure go
With police condition with police conditions all right. Take a bow looks frost aye lee aye bierman aye thomas aye caminong aye perez aye tan aye the motion has. Congratulations. [inaudible off mic] [laughing] thank you very much. We have a few more things to go through today. Item number eight is the session and possible action regarding draft ordinance amendment. To the please code this is mine. I asked for this to be put on there again becauseand this is prior to commissioner bierman being here. He did a nice Powerpoint Presentation on this piece of legislation regarding some amendment to the police code relative to amplified sound and the resolution that conversation sort of was unfinished i guess i would say if your call. I know its kind of late and we could push this to april 4 but i do need a more formal action from the commission so that i can move forward for the sponsor potentially at the board of supervisors for this piece of legislation to start a legislative process for May