Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Land Use Committee 31317 20170314

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And supervisor katie tang. I want to thank our clerk of the committee today as well as asian stocks and jim smith from sfgov tv for covering the meeting. Mdm. Clerk any announcements . Yes please sounds all electronic devices. Thank you very much. While we wait for some paper to be delivered to the committee were skipping over item number one for the moment move on to item number two. Item number two Ordinance Amending Division of the workout to establish a violation for bicycles Share Program bikes left part standing or unattended without a permit for location authorized public works to take enforcement action to abate remove the mice and making appropriate findings thank you. This item was sponsored by supervisor peskin so i will turn it over to them. Thank you chairman templars and thank you for your early support for this legislation for your cosponsorship. As we mentioned at the press conference this is actually the first time that the city of San Francisco is getting out in front of one of these technologies and rather than asking for forgiveness or permission later, we figure that we should take the appropriate steps to regulate this industry in the best interests of the public. I particularly want to thank the team at the sfmta eight as well as public works. The Mayors Office has been involved and the City Attorneys Office to come together to create a public realm permitting and enforcement scheme to reflect the changing transit landscape and reflect our desire to make sure that this is done appropriately and i want to be clear to my think we all fully support bike sharing and robust regional solution to our Traffic Congestion but we also want to make sure that this is done in a weight does not become a nuisance on the sidewalks of San Francisco. To that end, i have before the committee this Ordinance Amending Division one of the transportation code to establish regulations with regard to station must bicycle sharing programs and other like to note that division two, which is within the sole and absolute authority of the sf mta is going to be before the sf mta Commission Later this month on the 21st. I like to bring up katie price from the sf mta sustainable Space Division to give a brief overview of the mtas permitting program currently and with you guys envision for a program update. Good afternoon and thank you Committee Members. Jimmy parks with the sf mta and i oversee the citys bicycle programs are excited to be here today for to propose a ordinance to Amend Division one of the station must bicycles go shepherd him and [inaudible] supervisor peskin just mention her by the mta board on march 21 we feel that these legislations are really strong and make sure station was by showing his right leg in a manner thats consistent with how we already treat station base by sharing and remote Public Health and safety. We appreciate working closely with supervisor peskins office to develop this combined division i and division ii transportation code package thats been cordoned eight. I want to take a couple of minutes to provide an overview of bike sharing as it exists in San Francisco today. I describe the emerging trends and station was bike sharing. Then describe the legislation that you are hearing today as was the legislation that the mta board will tour x fits into the overall framework. First some background on by sharing. San francisco already has a successful station vice bike Share Program to date launched in 2013 with approximately 350 bicycles at 35 stations in San Francisco. In 2015 San Francisco works with regional partners at the metropolitan Transportation Commission or mpc to form an agreement would motivate already is the operator of the bay area bike share system. To find privately funded a massive expansion of that. The resulting expansion of the station was by sure love about 7000 bikes throughout the bay area with a tenfold expansion in San Francisco alone. In 2016 motivate announced a partnership with old ford motor, the work sensibilities eight expansion is already underway. Weve got a new stations already in the ground as part of the expansion. We Bishop Harmon permits for 50 additional stations new permit has been ordered that well start seeing over the ground over the summer. Expansion is well underway in this very exciting to see. At the same time our station is taking shape the concept of station was bike sharing in scheduling to involve a number just a bike share model. What is station was bike sharing . For people that dont know it totally new especially bike share bikes that dont need a dock. Bike themselves have gps they have their payment. Internal locking mechanisms so they can be left anywhere which is [inaudible] but by being left anywhere they can be left up ipod leaned against a tree or symbol in the middle of a sidewalk. Some station with systems such as Portland Oregon software docs is way to organize and relate the use of public right away with station was bike share bikes. All other systems critically several marching Chinese Companies forgo docs altogether and the boys are simply placed wherever users choose to place them. I think [inaudible] the bestknown of these right now but really theres half a dozen or more competitors out there and if theres only one special station was bike shirt operator i think as an agency we would be very differently but knowing that great growing interest in stations by sure we want to get out in front of you as the supervisor mentioned two insureds wellregulated. That means treating it consistently with all ready how we treat stays this patient was bike sharing only along in the transportation would also means regular and station was bike shirt in a way that promotes Public Health and safety. In terms of the book registration is up division i legislation referred to a could violation to operate stations by sharing without a permit and essentially treats unauthorized station was bike share bikes like any other unauthorized item in the public rightofway to be collected and disposed of by public works. The only purpose of the Economy Division ii legislation which will be heard next tuesday by the mci board which we made fully public available later this week, is to actually establish the station was bike should permit itself establish the conditions receiving this permit. So while the full details will be discussed at the mta board in broad outline, the red requirements is really are trying to look at legislation that ensures any stations by sure system remote Public Health and safety in the slight details of those and that. Two major things that we really put a lot of thought into developing legislation is first, equity. We want to make sure the bikes are available across a wide geography of San Francisco that includes the kidneys and not simply the core of San Francisco. Also memberships are formal to be both low income. The system is truly at wearable and assessable to every ordered the second major thing is maintaining the public rightofway with it doesnt allow bikes to be a nuisance whether they are blocking transit travel on the sidewalk or simply cluttering the urban space. We want to make sure that we are meeting the public rightofway which is one of the oversight rules of mca and finally the report is required data sharing to make sure operators are meeting the responsibilities we laid out in the requirements and so in summary we are excited at the legislation. Thats an example being collaborative and also being proactive and as a result helps to ensure any use of the public rightofway is in the Public Interest and that applies to private companies is welcome without him having to take any questions they may have. Supervisor peskin i have no questions for mr. Park said i would like to thank them for him for his colleagues for their help and collaboration and then ask mr. Sanguinetti for the Public Department of public works to come up. This amends the public works code and gives mohammed and jerry their staff some new tools. Thank you supervisor. So as it relates to our collaboration with the mta which you are familiar with, we will be amending the public works code article 1603 which in the past has referred to illegal dumping. What we will do is include bicycles for the removal of bicycles found to be out of compliance if they were left stranded in the middle of the rightofway is an example. Left in violation of governing regulations. We will go ahead and catalog goes, route them catalog and store them at the operations yard. For specified period of time where they can be claimed could then public works is looking to draft a directors order that will discuss fees for that storage and for the reclamation of those bikes. Great. Thank you dennis with colleagues any questions . Mr. Chairman i dont know if you want to hear from doug johnson was available from the municipal Transportation Commission with regard to the regional bike shared network and pvc reference by mr. Parks but he is here if you would like to hear from him. If not we can open up to Public Comments. I think were okay and less you youre welcome to come up and say a few words but otherwise will open up this Public Comments. But why dont you have you, about ip your first Public Comment i tell you what will open this up to public, john anyone else who wants to make public almond, please sign up on the side. Thank you doug johnson for metropolitan Commission First off thanks to you and to the city staff for tackling this important issue. As you may know, five bay area cities San Francisco, san jose, oakland and berkeley and emeryville Work Together to reach an agreement to expand bike share tenfold in partnership with motivator with Sponsorship Agreement motivate and ford are close to bring 7000 bikes to the bay area. To these five cities. Without diverting tens of millions of dollars in public funds to fuel the expansion. The agreement motivate negotiated in good faith amongst all five of the cities and mtc and motivate over the course of nearly a year seeks to maximize Public Benefit. Mpca appreciates all efforts San Francisco has and will take to protect the bay area bike share system expansion as a was negotiated. Thank you. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is janice lee advocacy director of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Our Organizations Mission is to promote the bicycle for everyday transportation weave over 10,000 numbers believe its important this mission you honestly we never thought wed be in this position to see Companies Competing for a chance to get more people biking in San Francisco. Yet here we are. So this is really exciting likely with that said, we really think this a move in the right direction and thank the city and the leadership from the supervisor peskin and farrell introducing the legislation before us today. Initially these are strong concerns and opposition when the first by sharing company had plans of expanding their operations to San Francisco. We heard a lot of unclear reports about how many bikes that there were and what their plans were in the fact that its unlikely without working through the city. We really want to make sure the biking creates affordable and Sustainable Transportation not clutter are somewhat forthright and safe passage on our sidewalks and other places. So again we are glad to see that this legislation is being introduced and we think that it provides the right framework for these companies to be able to engage with city officials and really give all by sharing companies what the right framework is for what these programs should look like in San Francisco to make sure this really does promote the bicycle for participation thank you and we hope you will all move this on to the full board tomorrow. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon on darcy brown a second rector of San Francisco beautiful. Since 1947 when we save the iconic cable cars from demolition San Francisco beautiful is been the only organization to advocate for cities civic beauty is an instrument till in creating and delivering Amenity Center artistic benefit while enhancing our unique and increasingly threatened neighborhood character. I am before you today in sport of the ordinance to regulate the growing concern of our members regarding dr. Spike sure. San francisco beautiful is not opposed to bike share but we do want regulated and balanced bike share to avoid our streets and neighborhoods from becoming a discriminant dumping grounds for piles of unregulated bikes. As we have learned many of these companies have policies which adopt the philosophy of better to demand or given us than ask for permission. San francisco suffer the consequences of rogue companies are thumbing their noses at our local laws and regulations and ignoring the valid concern of our public trustees. These companies have no interest in the unique needs of our neighborhoods with the participation of neighborhood groups. Preferring to use the onesizefitsall approach. By share is a growing and important part of our citys urban mobility. It should be planned as should all lucrative corporate schemes that advertise Public Benefits in collaboration with government civic organizations in the citizens is intended to serve. It should be regulated to promote the specific needs and welfare of San Franciscos and not encroach upon the livability of our city. Please please, lets not allow the be somebody to turn the public realm into their private parking lot. Lets not add another layer of obstacles to our increasingly crowded streets and litter our parks and lovely neighborhoods with thousands of cheap bikes that leave the city to respond to complaints and our Citizens Holding the cleanup bill. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im j walter president and ceo of motivate. Motivate is a bike share leader partnering with governments and brands in some and the largest cities in the world. As has been discussed we are currently planning the rollout of four go bike in cooperation with five bay area cities the mta and the mtc. By way of background before i joined this company i helped run three of the Worlds Largest transit systems in new york london and hong kong improving urban mobility has been my lights work. Its one of the reasons i joined motivate. Its the reason i am grateful to be here with you today. Theres an old proverb. If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Motivate believes in going far. Its the reason that we have undertaken a multiyear collaborative effort that will culminate with San Francisco having the most advanced safe and robust bike share system of any city in the world. I want to briefly talk about what we have been doing and where were going with bike share in San Francisco. We spent the past two years working hand in hand with the city to grade a bike share system that this region deserves. When that provides a highquality flexible ondemand transportation option that will complement the existing transit network. Over the past year and a half motivate has held over 200 meetings with Community Leaders and 27 citizen, halls. The input of the community has been integral to shaping will soon be the second largest bike Share Program in the nation. The reason we are here today is because some operators want to disrupt that approach. They have a mentality that its better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission. Now that is not innovation. Its just greed. The bill before the committee today provides a framework for permitting bike Share Programs and enforcing those rule so everyone including us, will be [inaudible] thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is Ariel Fleischer transportation policy associate whispered. Spur is a Nonprofit Organization promoting the planning and Good Government and the bay area to Research Education and inadequacy. We like to discuss our support for the legislation but by supervisor peskin to regulate speed fans by share operators. We believe by share is an important and necessary part of the citys transportation eight assembly need by chair thats planned regulated and accountable to the city and stakeholders. Several by share starts are offering station was bike share system are seeking to enter the bike share market in San Francisco. We like to be stored unattended for long periods of time or sidewalk and our parks and on our streets. Theres a real concern about ice littering public face of becoming eyes were on our streets impacting safe patches. A robust integrated technologically advanced bike share system is fundamental to San Franciscos transportation future. Achieving this goal will acquire regulation and working in partnership with the city so we dont end up with the unattended negative consequences and also we could undermine the very important goal of expanding bike share. The city needs a proactive measure to ensure all by share operators abide by standards and rule seconds was consistent with the larger mobility goals of the bay area. We are encouraged by the collaborative process undertaken by motivate. They work with stakeholders to ensure at google by share infrastructure that protects the safety of writers and promotes ridership. We believe the legislation now under consideration is consistent with these aims to support moving into the folder. Thank you. Thank you got any of the members of the public was to speak in Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] width supervisor peskin before i make a motion to make a move this is a recommendation i want to clarify mr. Maybe mr. Parks can come up for one second because i know there were some concerns which i think are abundantly clear in the legislation but i want to put on the record with regard to electric scooters which as i read this are not covered by legislation want to confirm that the staff. Yes that is accurate. The legislation weepers to specifically to bicycles in the transportation code refers not to the call for the definition of bicycle. So refers to bicycle. Would not comprise mother motorize [inaudible] thank you ended up questions were comments . Look for to seeing this deployed instantly will continue to be vigilant in our vigilance that seek to on our laws here in the city specially this regard. Supervisor campos can make a motion . Spews i will move what i stated with recommendation as a Committee Report. For hearing tomorrow at the board spews motion by supervisor we can take out without objection [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item number one item number one is been cementing the planning code to great and the former housing Bonus Program established procedures by which these programs shall be reviewed and approved adding application feet and projects of making appropriate funds. Thank you this item was loved by supervisor tang so i will turn it over to her thank you so much. I just want to start by saying that i dont housing and especially for the housing is been a very hot topic here in San Francisco for many many years and i have worked on legislation previously without Planning Department and Community Members to address this issue of Affordable Housing and in particular, as a relates to middle income and workforce housing. So first of all i will start by taking a couple people work on this would make kiersten disinterred from planning pablo [inaudible] and a reed rogers [inaudible] and audrey kiersten whos here with us from the City Attorneys Office. I just want to quickly as much as i can recap what has gone on since the introduction of this item and some of the actions we take in. Again just to bring it back to why they been introduced the legislation in the first place, as you all know our city really does not invest any dollars into housing that sports are middle income and workforce households and families here. The vast majority if not more than 90 of our citys public dollars go toward supporting low very low income households which is absolutely necessary but i do think we are missing serving a hugely important segment of our population here that are struggling to remain here in San Francisco. So that is how we came up with a local program to incentivize the development of 30 Affordable Housing in markedly projects. By offering certain incentives such as additional 20 feet of height and some other zoning incentives. So the goal of this Program Overall is to develop potentially 5000 promenade affordable units over the course of 20 years and thats the affordable side alone. We also know that given the existing state density bonus law thats been in existence since the 1970s, that is a tool that does actually get to invoke at this very moment. We want to exceed the goals of that state law. So what we have before us today is a program called home as half which is an optional program. Again it applies to having it incentivizes 30 of formal house with it applies to buildings with three or more units rhone or rhtwo are exploited. Area programs are not included as part of the Strategic Development bonuses include 20 additional feet and some other zoning incentives the affordability and comments on that. 40 of the new units required must be two or more bedrooms this again really to foster more family size housing especially those with children. We printed merging of loss the resultant more than 125 feet lot frontage and a bird commercial district. We also limit projects to new construction and exclude any project that includes in addition to existing structure. Most important, we do actually all go over the amendment we made into nanosecond, but i want to remind everyone this legislation does also allow developers to utilize state density bonus law which is required of us to do so. Of course we will receive an evaluation update every five years. Just to remind us what happened back in june of 2016 i introduce a set of a amendment then to also see a copy before you today colleagues. They are also double underline and so the summary sheet i passed out to you allows you to see which amendment were adopted in june of 2016 and which ones are merely introducing today. So in june of 2016 put in a amendment oh no displacement of existing residential commons and no demolition or removal or conversion of any existing residential uses. We also were required any project using this home has a program to go through a conditional use permit process and it requires the placement of groundfloor level active uses of like size for any number of commercial space that impacted by project using home sf. We also built into the legislation as comfortable as we could at the time, information on how we can support commercial tenants the mighty impacted by project. That point we included early notification to Small Business tenants of no less than 18 months from the relocation date. Again this was all due to restrictions that we have at this a level regarding commercial rent control. So for todays purposes im going to be introducing another set of the amendment and then further after that i will ask the chairman to continue this item to the call of the chair so that the full home sf item will be able to say that committee for some time for public discussion. The amendment today i will introduce will remain the local federal housing Bonus Program to home sf. To distinguish between the factor weve already passed last year the 100 local affordable Bonus Program and so again reducing was the fact that now we are just focusing on the market great program. I will also be amending the income levels for the below market rate units to ensure equal distribution of low moderate and middle income units. So rental low market rate units will be offered at three different income levels that 55 ami, it percent a. M. I am 110 ami. In terms of ownership, bmr units to be offered at three income levels and 90 ami, when 20 and 140 . All these income levels mirror dmi level that are also in the inclusionary legislation sponsored by supervisor safai. We also write into this legislation some familyfriendly amenities we encourage our developers and the inclusion for example of three or more bedroom units the distribution of larger units on all floors and to the adjacent open spaces are play yards incorporation of familyfriendly amenities such as backup stroller storage and open space and yard. We also have a few more things to protect and provide options for existing commercial tenants. Again as much as we possibly could running up against the commercial rent control laws at the state level. We also have lastly a few technical cleanups could for example exude the northeast waterfront area plan south of the centerline of broad white to make that consistent with the height limits within the general plan and also we do make some technical changes in response to weaselly adopted state law ab 2501. Again is a summary sheet i passed on that i apologize for the long summary of what has gone on. We will have a definitely a more robust conversation after this legislation after we adopted a amendment and we can have a more full on policy discussion in the future landuse hearing. So with that colleagues, im open to any questions you might have a suggestion. Im sure we have a lot of input hear from the public as well. Im happy to turn it over to college or Public Comment colleagues any questions we supervisor peskin first of all i want to thank supervisor tang for approaching this. We dont with this last year we end up with the percent density bonus legislation which in conjunction with a lot of things were doing is expanding our toolbox whether it is the accessory dwelling unit legislation that supervisor farrell and i collaborated on or actions that weve taken to make sure that shortterm rentals dont gobble up existing Housing Stock and host of other things. I think its time to have this conversation again. I also think its important to see it in the context of a changing Regulatory Environment at the state level. I think many of us were surprised that density bonus law said been on the books since 1979 and no one had availed themselves of it until very recently. I think the fundamental concern that ie and other people had was the fact that this could actually dilute the amount of inclusionary housing that we required locally. To that end, part of the changing Laboratory Environment is a bill that our own Assembly Member building introduced ab 915 in the current legislative session which would recognize that state density bonus not undermine local inclusionary law. That might change things as well. Then of course the conversation is happening at the state legislature with regard to buy right and whether or not that brings other preemption issues in the months ahead will show us more and finally, i want to be iterate some of the concerns that expressed the last time i we have this relative to ensuring that density is equitably distributed to graphically through the city and i say that through the lens of a supervisor who represents the smallest geographic district albeit and has the same number of people crammed into much smaller area. So i do have concerns relative to district 3 which is mostly rhthree zero log line or in many cases denser. I hope to work through those issues with you over the months ahead and then finally, finally, i would like to point your attention to i think a very well thoughtout letter from a Neighborhood Organization in my district, the middle Polk Neighborhood Association from a threepage letter dated march 12 that is i think worth our consideration. As relates to soft sites. As a relates to what Zoning Districts and what areas may want to be removed from the market rate affordable density Bonus Program were home sf or whatever we call. So i would point your attention to that letter and think the middle Polk Neighborhood Association for offering that letter without any prompting from the supervisor. Thank you supervisor peskin supervisor tang thank you for your comments. I appreciate it. You talk about density equity geographically speaking thats actually what im very much trying to do here. As we all know the westside especially district for place like district 1 we really dont see a lot of development and there are benefits i think that come with certain types of development especially vigilant transit and commercial corridor. Again we dont want to [inaudible] shook the neighborhood is [inaudible] something worth thinking about. I have suddenly seen the letter from the middle Polk Neighborhood Association and a lot of the feedback we are certainly going to be taking that into consideration but i do want to point out that many of those elements were discussed previously as well and i want to remind everyone this is an optional program. The state density bonus slot is still and will continue to be available unless divisadero changes in state law but again we want to make sure that we the local level here in San Francisco has stronger affordability requirements better place and leave a program that really actually reflects what we want to see here in San Francisco. I think when the first project approved at Planning Commission to this board that utilizes state density bonus law i heard from any Planning Commissioners that why dont we have our own local density permits program. We are has that been . Crinkly we have been working on it for a long time but there are many reasons both political and policy wise where it has been stalled and so i am really hoping if we truly do stand for wanting to provide for middle and our workforce families that this i think is a great solution especially as we put in stronger protections last summer so that no existing residential units were tenants are going to be evicted or any of those units can be demolished. So with that said, at this moment ill call up some Public Comment cards and we will you looking for to hearing from you. [calling Public Comment cards]please, come on up. Also help those born in sunset and now i live in richmond picking from a workingclass family because my union job i was able to buy a home there in San Francisco any years ago. The union worker could not do that to. It would be impossible. Im retired yuni operator and minimize oh operators were born in the city moved to the use paid most of them they said god wish i could afford to live here. To avoid this big commutes. Im here because i care about the future of the city that can give we really want to be a diverse city that also means economic diversity. Thats why its so important i think its to support supervisor tangs proposal. Thank you thank you and thank you for your service. Next speaker, please. The afternoon supervisors. My name is Jaramillo Polk neighborhood associated as supervisor mentioned, we have been following this program and offered some thoughts to it. I just want to say at the forefront i think we are one of the few neighborhood groups that actually dug into this program and is supportive of the concept offering density incentives in exchange for greater levels of Affordable Housing. I think that this board and the city did a great job last year by passing the 100 affordable Density Program which has been utilized by couple of projects so far and thats exciting. The question is, do we want to take such a large action or more gradual or piecemeal steps . We would argue that would be the wisest course. Put simply, adopting a program for our districts along van ness ave. Higher density parts of the city, could be done without much controversy. If you can push 3040 levels of affordability in those districts which are already able to take on that height that would be great. C districts i dont think anyone could have a problem with that. And see three and nct three, if we are going to do a gary biaggi it make sense to do some work there. But when we Start Talking about the ncds think we are to be very careful to limit to larger sites because ill give you the example of polk street. Many small onestory commercial buildings are owned by multigenerational trusts. Once developers are combining lots they can put something there. You cannot replace that essence of that commercial corridor. So i urge the board to review the letter. Theres some specifics and there where i think it would be great to get a program past. That focus on the districts that are not very controversial and of course, different parts of the city particular the westside want to add this further and cds that sounds great but development will go with the highest uturn is. That is, polk st. , union chestnut, sacramento street, noe valley domitian. Thats where the highest rate of return is. Thank you thank you very much could i just want to clarify that again we do branded the merging of lots resulted in more than 125 feet lot frontage in and cds. Next speaker, please. My name is norman depoe overwhen im coming to here is that i believe in Affordable Housing. I do great opportunity to have housing at the cornets and like i said and for many years, for six years ive been at the cornets. Before i was in completely homeless and like i said, everybody deserves a chance to have Affordable Housing. Im also with the institute of aging. They provide my services but its very important for everybody to have a chance like i did to have housing. With the housing has done, like i done many thingsi participated Supervisor Campaign and other things that i would not have been able to do i have not had the chance to the cornets and the institute of aging and the department of Public Health job programs. Im here because i have a chance and like i said, i feel everybody, the whole city, every race, age, money bracket, should have a chance for Affordable Housing. Its for everybody. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is dick morten resident supervisor tangs11 supervisor tangs district. I support the proposed legislation and im going to have you go back to the way back machine of 1979 when the city adopted residential and neighborhood commercial zoning which generally down zones of the city. If undermined, gary craft, is that the Planning Department worker brief paper and hes in the economist said that housing costs would go up, increase runs, increase homeownership costs and will be a lot of pressure and low in moderate income homeowners. And people. Supervisor tang had a series of meetings in her district and i was surprised that roughly 40 of the residence supported higher density housing on commercial zones. That just floored me. I thought it would be not in my neighborhood kind of mentality. Her recent newsletter also had a Youth Council out there and if i read it correctly, the second highest priority for youth was housing. I am also speaking on behalf of my daughter who cannot afford to rent in this city. I would like to have you consider whether or not theres a way to of any expedited permit processing as part of this. Whether we can evaluate how the Development Fees are handled so they could be pro rata over several years to reduce the impacts or whether a percentage of property tax from the new development could be applied to offset the development fee. Thank you. Your time is up with you to wrap up your sentence. The last thing i would say is i think good design is essential. Secondly, we have to Pay Attention to people because people will oppose it unless there is parking. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. I miss kevin burke and i am a renter and i run a Software Consulting business. Other than district 3. Speaking in support of the legislation and i think people are going to want to move here could this not that much we can do about that and that we can try to accommodate new people that we can try to accommodate our citys kids by building new projects so we can [inaudible] what prices continue to increase. I think we should doing what we can to increase number of Housing Units in the city. The sole factor this was watching prices drop since 2015 of these fair market rate rents. The down about 67 i believe. There was a large result of building a lot of new housing in the city watching prices drop. Lower prices help everyone. Lower ends help everyone they reduce demands for innovations make it cheaper for the city to build, make it cheaper for cities developers to build here and they help put money back in peoples pockets. Renters pockets and people trying to get by. Im a Small Business owner myself. Only to grow my business and hiring employees but its really difficult and housing are so expensive that it just makes it a tough proposition that more housing we can build the lower prices the easier it will be to have people move here and help them get hired. In terms of your common supervisor campos cannot afford housing be distributed, i think thats important but i think we should start somewhere i think this is a good start. I think this is a fair proposal considering how difficult is to build housing in San Francisco is about 4000 per door buster to run the gamut of losses discretionary review, multiple pieces of the real prospect that if youre willing to run the gamut we should reward you with a little more density in the process. I dont think any the developers are making a ton of money office so i love to see it go forward. Thank you. Thank you very much. Before the next peter comes up im going to call a couple more cards. [calling Public Comment cards] hello. Supervisors christie one from spurt Committee Planning policy director. Thank you for the opportunity share support for the home as a program. I was here last year to speak in favor of the prior under the ironing and i would reiterate a few those reasons for why we support it. Thats increase in the number of homes in San Francisco affordable and market rate, that its going to encourage housing the right places and in the right places we mean, by transit but also not just in the area plans we plan for housing extensively over the last 10 years getting into some neighborhoods where there have been sites that are being underutilized or underused and things we can use them better. It will create a muchneeded middle Income Housing program that also pays attention to the needs of families. This is something that is not been addressed completely by San Francisco housing strategy. We can always do more but were doing a pretty good job on the low income side and i think weve seen some recent success on market rate but its getting increasingly difficult because of our market to address market rents for the modern and middleincome households. Then i want to say also the smart alternative to the state density Bonus Program which doesnt take our local inclusionary levels into account or a local design and planning priorities. So this is a great way to incentivize developer to do some of the right things and provide more benefits for this more desired by the city to get more in return. I guess i would just say i think this is a fairly targeted program. Its awkward to transform the city overnight. We appreciate supervisor tangs vision from last year and i think probably would argue that some of the things we agree with the original version in terms of demolition of units. Theres more nuanced ways to replace units and said of losing him. So we support the program. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Eileendistrict for resident support the continuance of the items so it can be heard after the Planning Commission action scheduled for march 23. This item is deja vu of the previous Affordable Housing density Bonus Program. The Previous Program was based in part on blueprints of the sunset. It included four components. This legislation version number five appears to add the three components back in. This version adds a Small Business protection. These protections and Relocation Assistance had previously been deemed inadequate by the Small Business commission. This version has the same issues as the Affordable Housing density Bonus Program which are exceptions to the rear yard, dwelling unit exposure, height, paul, floor area ratio, usable open space, parking, offstreet loading, and instructions over alleys. They two additional stories could be more stories with setbacks. This legislation includes the urban Design Guidelines, which shall be applied citywide. Unfortunately, the latest version of the urban Design Guidelines will not be out until march 16. If this would move by four before my 16th work it would basically approve the urban Design Guidelines before theyre even released. So the timing of this hearing both before march 16 and also the 23rd continuation date being semipersonally its not clear but these are two issues about the urban Design Guidelines and the 16th and the Planning Commission action item on march 23. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervised my name is [inaudible] all a very and amir to support homicide. Is a major gap in her housing infrastructure. The Housing Market in San Francisco is [inaudible] force working people out of this a good processing when the most wonderful weather starting out their careers. Of families start out there is and veterans whether it be integrated back into society need to protect these people from being priced out of the city. In fact we need to welcome these people in San Francisco to create a sustainable communicate currently theres no Public Housing programs were subsidies for moderate or middle income households. All my stuff would alleviate some of the issues surrounding the affordability crisis in San Francisco by focusing precisely on the housing best way needed for families making between 60,000 150,000 in. We think but thats not a lot of money at all if you live in the city. 60,000 a year people working in San Francisco living in San Francisco. These are our teachers, our nonprofit employees, the City Employees. These the people working for the greater good in the city and decent people just starting out. I urge you to these, protect them. Thank you thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervised my name is nick lonnie and im here to act support this because i was talking to some friends and one of them is a friend of mine that i been born and raised here in San Francisco. She has been the same way. Shes a single mother was in a single bedroom home. She kind of on a twobedroom place for her and her daughter. Unfortunately, the prices are incredibly scary for her. She has a decent job as a cpa for wellknown law firm in the city. She cant basically move out of the onebedroom with her daughter growing up and kids as we all know grow. So thats where she is. Thats why this is so important. We need to find places that families can be here like the last speaker said, City Employees. Also my girlfriend is in the same boat. She has to live with a group of roommates to stay in the city. So to end this, to and what im saying is to support this. Have you guys have a great day and thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is steve boyle am an artist and Immersive Theater Company and one of things that binds together all the collaborative work with you they actors, hiphop artist, drummers, ballet dancers across class culture treat and if the city, is the threat of displacement. You know the story i think. First you had off to the east bay and out of the bay area entirely. San francisco has a thriving arts ecosystem at its core to the identity of this town and its economic driver a lot of hardworking san franciscans and a lot of Small Business. Im here to tell you its a genuine risk and peril because of the human tragedy of our housing crisis thats why i enthusiastically support home sf that comes to build more Affordable Housing without displacing existing tenants. It seems to me that the cost of height whether they are shadows were blocked views or architectural inconsistency, pale in comparison to the human needs a place to live the ability to lay down roots in your community the ability to start a family. Thats why i support home sf now you will, too. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. If any must like to comment on item 1, please, come on up. Good afternoon my name is angela [inaudible] supervisor peskin thats been an honor to see you again. Supervisor tang great to see. Having said that im a native san franciscans and upset on several community boards. [inaudible] District Improvement association, etc. Etc. What we have in common with those things that was the people that are on the boards with with mercy high school. I the class of 179 people six them still live in the circuit so we have been displaced. I had the opportunity to work at [inaudible] the first time in over 15 years i saw people actually own to school with. So no more City Employees could in fact most of them were firefighters, cops good was them within [inaudible] in the east bay so i am with a little bit of trepidation, but still very excited supervisor tang has stepped forward with some sort of proposal that actually addresses workforce housing. I applaud great. Try to work with those the least of us. Housing has been address where people that were the worst among us and thats definitely honorable but things are lost and also people like me who appeared and if i did not inherit my own for my mother, which believe it or not [inaudible] i would not be able to live and i do make 60,000. I would not be able to afford to live here. So i think its important that when we have our policies in place i think we really need to take these into account not just for the artists which is very important but for people actually have lived here and experience the San Francisco community deserve the right to be able to raise multigenerational people and other kids have experienced with her just as much as anybody who comes in. I think of your times to supervisor farrell its good to see you as well and i definitely hope you take this important is legislation into consideration. Thank you been much. Next speaker, please. Hello. Moorcock gimme action. I just want to say its time. Its past time. Its a long past time. We need housing and we especially need it on transit corridor and especially in the west side. Think katie tang hit it right on the head. The westside and the south side has consistently not done did the development that is been needed in the city. It is time for everyone to take their share to welcome more families into these communities. We can build dense vibrant Diverse Communities out in our outlying neighborhoods. We can originals communities. We can have workforce housing. We can have families come back to San Francisco. Because they are leaving right now. We are losing those families every day. The best time to build a house was yesterday. The second best time is now. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. Troy smith on behalf of San Francisco Housing Action coalition they for the opportunity. As mentioned by number of previous speakers, we know San Francisco has the lowest percentage of children of any major metropolitan city in the United States that this legislation will specifically help families by requiring 40 of all units to be familyfriendly and if we are truthful about having a goal of keeping families in the city, we need to be passing home sf as soon as possible we also note weve seen at the claimant across. About 30 years ago the middle class made up of about 50 of San Franciscos population are closer to date to 30 . A portion thats been entirely replaced by high income earners. By requiring 30 subsites Affordable Housing onsite for emts, firefighters, for teachers, electricians, construction workers, and for all the other folks that make San Francisco a workingclass city, passing home San Francisco is critical to we can keep working folks in San Francisco if we pass home sf. Lastly, theres been a lot of discussion around displacement specifically in the Mission District. Because this legislation excludes area plans we know that passing home sf and are leaving the house in pressure on the mission will reduce displacement of logan middle income tenants in the Mission District. For families, for working people and for the citys most wonderful, we look for to passing this piece of legislation. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisor of this beer [inaudible] this legislation is not perfect. However its a great solid start. Im not enthusiastically prodeveloper but just like corporate farmers over in the Hunter Valley are Necessary Evil but we need to worry about less about the greed of developers and more about housing human beings and holding the rest of the city accountable because we can just shove all our Housing Needs onto district 6 onto district 9 and district 10. This particular piece of legislation is great to provide equity and fairness to all the citizens of San Francisco and hold all the districts of San Francisco accountable for building more homes for families and for young people. We can simply keep pushing out dumb people and the homelessness and those who are unable to afford more than people that make more than 20,000 a year. Because most of the bmr units are for those folks that only make about between 5000 a year 20,000 a. The of a workingclass group of folks and they need our help getting a leg up here in the city of San Francisco housing crisis is a regional crisis and the other cities around us look on San Francisco as an example. So if we can work our small nuances and differences and Work Together with the housing crisis, helps the rest of the region to encourage them to build more and take pressure off the old city including the mission from displacement and even actions. Thank you. Please, support home sf be thank you very much. Next speaker, please. And animals please, lineup good afternoon pat ballfield im sure my personal capacity as an Affordable Housing attorney involved with the south Beach Mission Bay Business Association western and present of the board of tomatoes in part i work on a lot of housing issues both at work and committee support. I do support this home sf program. This legislation. With the amendment. I guess all come seven pretty much made that was going to make except for one. I think it is important that as far as were geographic placement i know there is concern about different neighborhoods carrying their share beat Affordable Housing special middle Income Housing but i think its important to let in part the economics decide to not be afraid of living economics decide where Development Takes place. That means it can happeni would rather see places already existing to take on more housing if necessary so that housing gets built this post would not getting done in some of the outer name is it yes, its important to enhance the transit corridor but not at the cost of the project not getting done at all. Having worked with Real Estate Developers and though state investors over 20 something year or not, sometimes the bottom line doesnt have as much of a analysis as to the social dynamics which is very unfortunate but i think at this point production of middle income units is extremely important. So my common is to let hot when lets allow for permission for middle income units to be built along possibly already existing areas instead of just favoring were trying to force people [inaudible] thanks a lot thank you any other members of the public was to comment . Seeing none, we will close Public Comment Public Comment is closed. [gavel] be thank you for everyone who came up and provided feedback and i want to remind everyone that last year or even the or before that actually our office and also any Department Staff had gone around 210 districts in the city. Sometimes more than once. To actually do a listening tour of what everyone feedback was on the legislation. While the amendment you see we really tried hard to listen. Its not perfect we tried everything we could to a lease at this point incorporate those comments. It wasnt 11 districts only because one of the district want to combine the meeting with another one. As one to remind everyone that this is an optional program. So supervisor tim haskin mentioned in his comments, this is just one of many other tools, other programs out there we certainly dont have anything to support our middle and workforce Housing Units here in San Francisco. So thats what i am here to achieve and at this time then i circulated a summary sheet as well as the actual legislation with the amendment. I would like to ask the Committee Members to entertain a motion to adopt the minutes and then we will continue this item to the call of the chair. Motion by supervisor tang just want to personally thank supervisor tang crawler efforts and leadership on this effort but i know things i knows that a long time in coming i thank you for contingent work and your approach is what the supervisor peskin okay for is there a second . Weave a motion by suppressing second i supervisor peskin we can take that without objection [gavel] mdm. Clerk call item number three please item number three urging California State Legislature and governor to pass california state a summary bill 342 automated Speed Enforcement policy in San Francisco and san jose thank you very much. So we have our colleague supervisor chinese is a sponsor of this item. Will well, us with this is worth. Supervisor yee, welcome thank you. Thank you chairman farrell. Thank you for allowing me to be heard. Colleagues, last month and used a resolution edges urging state legislators or and the governor to pass ab 342 and hopefully its not a surprise to anybody because this is something that we talked about for several years now ever since weve adopted the policy of vision zero in 2014. In fact, last year over in january the board of supervisors we unanimously passed a resolution supporting the legislation to authorize an automaticautomated Speed Enforcement program and why did we do that . Because that particular item is something that we can do at the local jurisdiction since the state controls a. So without having some support from the state legislation to allow us to do this we cannot move forward and now we have this bill that would allow this as a Pilot Project for two cities. San francisco and in san jose and this is authored by our Assembly Member choose office can choose office this is something important to us ever since we adopted it. Asian zero because we know that number one, speed is the main ingredient that accident causes the fatalities versus injuries. And depending on how fast you happen to be moving it is something that we know as a fact that, indeed, if you are going lets say 20 mi. h and you collided into a pedestrian theres probably a 90 chance that you will survive but if youre going 40 mi. h the chances goes down to 20 . So we know this is a major major ager factor and from other jurisdictions, we have learned that once they implemented such a program with a of automated Speed Enforcement capacity that actually the fatalities were reduced enormously. This action 142 jurisdictions in the United States that have this capacity. If you places to indicate the effectiveness of this. For instance, in washington dc they found that once they implemented the programs it was 70 reduction in fatalities and in you are city where i heard about it in the first place, reported that violations dropped by 59 in terms of speed in the first four month period. So allowing the automated Speed Enforcement is common sense and a survivor of a near fatal collision im committed to San Francisco being a vision zero city and more than just words but action. So are we alone in supporting this . What we have now is the mayor of not only San Francisco, mayor lee the mayor of san jose, police chief Scott Department of Public Health, staff at the zuckerberg General Hospital, center, San Francisco bay area families for safe streets, walk sf, and by coalition. Numerous Neighborhood Organizations who have come out step forward to support this legislation. As policymakers we must do everything in our power to step i can stop these preventable deaths. Ab 342 allows automatic eight as he only high injury records were speed has proven to be cause of coalitions. But let us be clear. Despite the overwhelming data of this technology that saves lives, and the overwhelming local support it will not be easy to win in sacramento. There are organizations that are against it were seems to be against it raising issues such as well is his can take away jobs . So what is the argument here read her stories are really going to take away jobs . We lose one job we save three people. Come on, do the math. The reality is this. People might use that argument but we had in San Francisco alone, when we implemented having cameras at the traffic lights, installed to catch violators, did we reduce the number of Police Officers in San Francisco. Because of that. That answer is, absolutely, no. When mta decided to put cameras on their buses to catch those that are double parked in the lanes, did we reduce the number of staff that was going to take itthis is an sf mta stafftwo ticket parked vehicles . The answer is absolutely, not. To me the argument is stupid and i dont understand why people would even use that argument to say, well maybe i dont care about the people that died. So that is sort of my spiel for this and eight as you can see him passionate about the good i think we need to support it wholeheartedly. We give everyone of us on board with this. As i said it seems like its still going to be a battle at the state and if we could do this and get save lives in San Francisco, i think we did the right thing. Today, there are some speakers are they to bring up if thats okay chairman farrell absolutely. Width i want to bring up tom maguire from mta and megan we hear from dph here they are here to call present. Thank you the opportunity to speak at my name is megan we are within a prominent Public Health. I cochaired a Vision Zero Task force and director of the program on Health Equity and sustainability im here with, choir director of sustainable streets from mta. Also want to mention we have staff when the Mayors Office is ugly members chius office as well as advocates to make remarks. Thank you again for the opportunity to speak regarding automated Speed Enforcement which is our number one seed policy priority for vision zero in San Francisco. What a vehicle collisions are leading cause of death due to injury in the United States. Exactly on the rise in this recent year weve had 40,000 People Killed in traffic collisions 10 of those people are in california. Proximally 30 people a year die in San Francisco in disproportionately impacts people walking and biking are seniors as well as our low income committees and committees of color. We adopted vision zero as a city in 2014 and core two mission zero is a framework that really shows traditional Traffic Safety approaches from focusing on individual behavior to focusing on the save system. We know that its an imperfect world and people want to make mistakes but when you make a mistake the consequence should not be death. Envision zero originated in sweden and core two mission zero is reducing speeding. Thats why again this policy is so important to our efforts to eliminate deaths on our streets. As a part of vision zero we have been really collaborating with, surgeons. As zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital to better understand not only the burden of fatalities but also severe injury and we were actually surprised to find that a full half of people seen at the Trauma Center either for transportation related injuries. Proximally 500 people year hospitalized with severe traffic injuries and again seniors are disproportionately impacted it when we look at medical costs direct medical costs alone are 35 million annually in a third the people of the most severely injured comprise 75 of the cost that really speaks again to vision zero or opportunity to reduce both social and monetary costs by dressing this serious Public Health issue. Again speeding is really core as supervisor yee of the gated oh twisted speeding is core to reducing most severe injuries and because and thats because when a fastmoving vehicle hits a pedestrian speed at which a vehicle is traveling predicts their survival. So 20 mi. h roughly 9 10 people will survive good at 40 mi. h it significantly reduced to only 20 of people surviving a crash. With that ill turn it over to tom maguire to continue our presentation. Thank you megan. As megan said we know that we have a Public Health crisis traffic fatalities in San Francisco. Were speeding is the primary behavior that results in nasal townies. Fortunately we also know theres a tool thats proven in jurisdictions around the country to help stop the speeding problem is not something me to reinvent her. Her 42 carries are currently using automated Speed Enforcement and their achieving some really remarkable results. [inaudible] reductions in rates how these reductions and speeding reductions in number of vehicles speeding. These are the things we need to be able to do 22nd number which is a 30 number of favorite fatalities we have area. The results you simply bill prefer to language is visibly drafted to address the speeding problem. I would just give an overview of some key features of the legislation. Ab 340 we create a fiveyear Pilot Program which is two cities San Francisco and san jose committed to vision zero. Would allow those cities to deploy carrots on a limited number of streets the documented history of fatal and serious injury coalitions. So its on every street in the city not even every city in the high injury network. The sheets of the most of your speeding and could tally and injury problems. We define speeding as the and being 10 miles above the speed limit. Again were going after excessive speeding. This is not a gotcha. This is going after associate [inaudible] the penalty would be to mention that it will be equivalent of parking target, 100 on a Motor Vehicle violation or moving violation. The of talk to jurisdictions on the country who influenced what we call asc cities like Portland Seattle new York Federal Court any reductions and forces of their police or Law Enforcement to the concerned this could somehow displace one person jobs not been borne out by the city that are already doing [inaudible] intact refine its with a call if force multiplier which allows them to extend the influence of targeted enforcement without bringing on additional costs. Ive also put them operate in places where they be unsafe for Law Enforcement officers to either parked beside on this standard busier or narrow loyalties and extensor coverage to those unsafe streets in our city and of course cameras are able to enforce the law very impartially. Strictly speaking not based on any opinion the officer may have but the vehicle. We have an impressive list of supporters. I wont repeat with supervisor trainee said with crosscutting speak [inaudible] San Jose City council was debating a similar manner as whats before you passed unanimous resolution in support of ab 342. Without having to answer questions. As vacant said art thinker is ugly members chius office and mayor salazar here i dont see any questions oh supervisor tang thank you for the presentation. One of the things i know there was something which in ab 342 the Program Evaluation given this was a pilot but am wondering if you go into a little more detail about what we are sfmta is an agency are looking for specifically around percentage introduction of collisions or fatalities. If you can go into more detail about that . Thats right. The legislation provides the [inaudible] in San Francisco would prepare evaluation parts on how its doing and primarily about the key measurement have we reduced fatalities have you reduced collisions and injuries and on the specific corridor where we are enforcing cameras are we reducing speeding. So one of the things that counterparts in the cities like new york have found when the cameras are out for a period of time they see not only fatalities reduced but they will see drivers react to the cameras by slowing down. They shoot fewer violations in the program and doors. Is that the way your full wage whether to evaluate whether the speed is going just by looking at the number of citations issued or are you actually cannot some people out to monitor or so forth . We also do a beforeandafter speed started. Back the legislation requires to do in engineering speed study which we need to income we change as the permit and will make sure you have before and after. In terms of the corridor wouldve been located so as is only to put on streets with documented collisions due to speeding resulting injuries and deaths. Imagine you probably dont have exact locations where you deploy the cameras in San Francisco but i am wondering if certainly the high injury corridor map before but i heard for example potentially you could not do this on streets maintained by caltrans for example so that would mean no turning [inaudible] of foresight that is right. [inaudible] caltrans owned roads like the ones mentioned. We know those are also high injury corridor but the way the Pilot Program is really about getting the cities because cities are leading on vision zero summary person country and definitely in california chile cities have authority over their shoes to test this idea okay. Of course, when we were deploying scammers there will be clear signage to indicate especially if those visitors coming they were no that theres a camera there . The legislation citizenry requires us to note the locations of video. Okay. Thank you very much. Any other questions . Thank you. Let me bring up jenniferfromshe is the district director at the somewhere number chius office. Good afternoon supervise that my name is Jennifer Court battle Assembly Member david chius office. Just want to thank you for considering ab 342 and four this board support of automated Speed Enforcement in the past. As you just heard, every year dozens of san franciscans are involved in fatal traffic incidents. Hundreds more are seriously injured in traffic collisions which would easily be avoided by satan responsible drinking habits. Speeding is a leading cause of fatal incidents in San Francisco has biased number of these collections per capita in california. Data shows 70 of these fatal and severe collisions occur on handful street and roads in San Francisco. Often these incidents occur in communities with a large number of low income disabled and minority residents. Research from the national highway Traffic Safety administration and dozens of other studies have indicated that automated Speed Enforcement systems result in measurable safety improvements at highcost locations and produce the streets run the city. As a part of vision zero, San Francisco has certainly stepped up its enforcement in cracking down on dangerous speeding but we can and should do more. This bill is about giving San Francisco and your counterparts in san jose the flexibility and the new set of tools to effectively reduce speeding and cut down on the number of fatal and serious traffic incidents. The legislation is about using every available tool to save lives to improve the safety of some of our most honorable travelers but which kids going to school, cyclist going to work and seniors on the way home from the Grocery Store. So automated Speed Enforcement targets drivers and vehicles that put the public at a greater risk. As part of vision zero article is to illuminate series fatal collisions from our city and automated Speed Enforcement will help us get there. So just want to thank you for your consideration and hope we can count on the sports continue support. Thank you very much. Next up, i like to bring up katie and god he. She is from th Mayors Office. Good afternoon. Chairman farrell, supervisor peskin and supervisor attending by name is katiei can work on the federal legislative affairs for the Mayors Office and im here to support the resolution could i want to first thank you supervisor attorneys for introducing this and supervise peskin for cosponsoring this as well as kim safai sheehy. I also want to [inaudible] sfmta a Police Department and the department of Public Health and the vision zero stakeholders walk sf by Coalition Just to name a few transforming this vision zero best practice into a bill. In order to a limited traffic related deaths is imperative we target top contributors of these deadly topic collisions in San Francisco which we all know by now is unsafe speed. To address this dangerous and systematic driving behavior its important that we use all the tools in our toolbox but Speed Enforcement is a proven method to reduce excessive speeding and reduce traffic related deaths and injuries. Automated Speed Enforcement is not a new technology. Its currently being used in over 140 two maze across the states including our fellow vision zero cities such as portland, seattle, chicago and new york city. The cities have seen increases in speeding on the streets. Basing reductions in collisions and reductions in traffic fatalities. The state law currently prevents us from using the toilet must be changed. Ab 3. 2 changes a lot and give the city county is San Francisco the opportunity to test the technology are streetscape like to applaud the leadership of the somewhere number im sorry Assembly Member chiu for offering the legislation. We look forward to putting the bill into action in saving lives on our streets. Thank you. Questions . Seeing none, other to bring up the callfrom walk sf. Thank you supervisor yee. Thank you chairman farrell and commissioners Committee Members. The callwith walk San Francisco and we have been working handinhand with the city and the supervisor, the Assembly Member, and the community to support this really incredible i saving tool and great policy. I urge your support today. You have heard a lot from city leaders here about why this policy is so important though i want to take some time to put a face to the stories behind those numbers and those stats. Every 18 hours someone is severely injured or killed in traffic. Five times a day a surgeon from sf generals pager goes off to let them know someone is being rushed through their doors and might not come out back out because of a traffic crash. One in four of those crashes are people who were hit from a speeding vehicle. We know that we can address that and thats the importance of this tool. So i want to share a few images. These are members of families for safe streets. This is jim jones. Jim is a father. His wife passed away from a heart attack. He has one daughter. His daughter got a phone call one morning that her father was hit and killed. Thankfully, jim recuperated it was a miracle. You literally was killed his heart stopped and was brought back to life in a miracle weight. Jim was able to make it to his daughters wedding who is shown here. This is dylan mitchell. He was 21 years old. And hits and kills dylan did not have the same fortunate fate as jim. Dylan was riding his bike on 16th st. In the mission and hit and killed by a truck. This is armand laster. Sen. Alvin lester alvins only son. Hit and killed at third and cargo from a speeding vehicle. He took a quick turn and ran him over. Armand was studying to finish his College Degree and working three jobs he was a great person outstanding member of our community and his life was taken away in an instant. This is little eileenswho was three years old walking in a crosswalk in the school cross walk in San Jose Holding her aunt hand and her siblings hand and hit by a speeding vehicle didnt yield. She lost her life in the school cross walk. Finally, this is judywho was hit at [inaudible] and Park Presidio pay speeding driver. Judy was in the crosswalk and judy suffers everyday. Her daughter, jennie, takes care of her helping her code but everyday life unsure of what kind of future she will have each day. Imagine change the life around this result. So these are just some of the people behind the figures. These are six people time that 30 person statistic of People Killed every single year in the 500 more get severely injured. They could be any of us in fact. So i cant reiterate home for this technology is. I know you all led in adopting vision zero unanimously at the board and this is really one way, one of the very very important ways you to continue that leadership and show that we are all here as a city united to support automated Speed Enforcement. So i urge you all to to support it and fax cosponsor the legislation if youre not already. Thank you. Thank you. Next up, i like to call generously from the by coalition. Thank you supervisor lee. Hello everyone generously director of the Bicycle Coalition i think we further statistics, the story so much why this is so important. So my chocolate about the bill. Of course as you know last year all four of you and mr. Russell board of supervisors meeting emily passed a resolution in support of automated Speed Enforcement. Im incredibly proud of the work has been achieved thus far to get to the current version of the bill which is ab three free to introduce as mentioned by a summary member david chiu and also the support of the San Francisco delegation with the somewhere number to obtain ctr. , scott weiner on board as well. We say what support we really hope this committee was for this board position as well. This is just such important bill but when im actually proud of your efforts in the past to get it version of this bill introduced that did not happen until this year but what happened in 2006 and was incredible amount of work to really use this pilot opportunity to look at really progressive ways to shape the bill that makes the most sense, make sure that the right streets are chosen and not chosen at random because we know he finds in the structure of the data privacy structure, just the operationalizing of this very massive program, and all the details as part of it could be replicated in all california after the pilot happens and we want to make sure that all the details are correct. So really applaud the work that has been done at every single level through the sfmta a department of Public Health, along with the leadership of a summary member david chiu get the bill where it is today. We note it will still be amended, still have to go to sacramento processes but we would not have done those amendments were not also for the fee that we were hearing from all of you run the privacy concerns around making sure that this program is really solving the issue and bringing to light the real issue of speeding in the dangers on our streets. So with that said just want to echo what nicole has said in that we really hope you move forward with a support position for recognition to the board. Thank you. Width actually this is Public Comment at this point. [calling Public Comment cards] width youll notice him a slow walker now. Im going to tell you why the california [inaudible] retired americans and senior disability action are really supporting this bill. In fact its one of the few bills that i is a legislative director of the California Alliance for retired americans that has over 1 million members and taking as a priority bill and we are cosponsoring this bill. One of the reasons is that our members are people who are hurt in traffic accidents. 40 of the traffic accidents involve a senior. Theyre the most severely injured. They have less of a chance of making it. Every time there is an accident on our streets involving a senior that has to go to the hospital, many of them dont come home. If they do, they still are severely impacted by this. If you want to save money, youve got to look at how much it costs to send them to the hospital. Its about 78,000 hospital admissions for serious accident. But its not that that am talking about. What im talking about usually changing everybodys mindset about getting through the city and helping our citizens. I think the two highway impacted our small children on their way to school and old children like me on the way across the street after i parked my car. This is a Pilot Program but every city where it has been use has cut the deaths and has cut traffic accidents. We really wanted San Francisco and san jose to do this is a Pilot Project so we can show the rest of california how we can make california safe for all of our residents. I hope that you will vote to pass this on and that the full board will vote in favor of it. Even more than that, i hope that you joined the California Alliance for retired americans and sponsor this important bill. Because speed kills. Because it kills real people. The people you saw in the pictures and the people close to you. I was hit by a car when i was four. My husband was hit by a car when he was 54. We understand the whole thing about how this changes if family and changes their lives. I hope that we can pass this and we dont have to say, that we get into something that could help all of those people who live in the city. So please, vote yes. Thank you. Next up, laura clark. Are you here, laura clark . Okay so any other of the comment . Okay. Width supervisors, thank you. Supervise, think. How can you [inaudible] safety. You cant. What ive heard please speak into the microphone ive heard maybe the speed cameras are a good thing to do. I think its worth trying as an experiment but i also think that since they are enforcement measure we should put them under the control including placement of the sfpd. Sf mta has not had a very good record with experiments. The red lane experiments including the one in the mission, we were never told they were at an experiments. It was a debate as to whether the mission was even included in the area they asked the state to experiment and the sf mta to not report back to the state is required in either a timely or complete the fashion. So i think if we move forward with this, we have to have some really good oversight of the sf mtas reporting and if it stays with sf mta i think we should strongly consider putting it would sfpd. Thank you. Thank you any other Public Comments . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] colleagues, again i would love to have you pass this out with a positive recommendation as was mentioned. I like to think my cosponsor supervisors kim safai, peskin and sheehy. To support this legislation that would provide actually the most valuable tool we can have in San Francisco to prevent these collisions that take peoples lives and ruin peoples families. So i will leave the rest up to you. Thank you supervisor trainees. Colleagues, no further comments or questions, can i entertain the is there a motion . This just to be clear would be considered as a Committee Report for tomorrows work meeting. Speakers on the commotion to semaphore to the full board with a positive recommendation is a Committee Report okay. Motion we can take that without objection [gavel] thank you these call item number four item number four approving a easement agreement between the city and county is San Francisco and pg e along 9035 galvez st. Mr. Updike, welcome back. Thank you. John update director of real estate. Good afternoon members of the committee. This item secure approval of a easement agreement with Pacific Gas Electric for about 3600 ft. 2 of the easement. The project comes from the pending relocation of our central shops from its Current Location at 1800 gerald to this site near selby and galvez. As part of the Development Process for the new central shops it was determined that the current pg e facilities need to be relocated. It was also discovered that this area where the current facilities like his former galvez street which was vacated and sold in 1969 and in 90s and nine the board of supervisors directed that an easement be reserved to pg e predecessor and interest but no easement was actually reserved. So its an odd situation. Normally they would simply be existing in the street under a franchise right then have to be relocated. Its a little bit different as an easement is required because of that history this season will be delivered at one dollar cost a nominal cost to them even though the property has value thats the rationale for the nocost delivery and easement because of the prior rights in the property. The easement itself ranges from about 1015 feet in width running the distance of the property on the northerly edge and pg e has agreed to the terms of an easement agreement that easement agreement is in your package. Of course, given that the only party who uses this easement is the utility, there is no need for competitive process so that is noted in the resolution. Its also consistent with the general plan referral in this file. Happy to answer any questions you also joined by my colleague from dpw if you have questions about this particular relocation effort. Okay. Thank you. Colleagues, any questions . Supervisor peskin to think that one is a housekeeping matter that generally easements like this theres usually a map that shows the current easement and the future easement that is being exchanged for an here that flat map of the easement area is blank on the attachment to be filled and it would be nice to have that for us and the public to see. Thank you supervisor peskin. Thats an excellent lawyer recognize we do not have a map in the board filed this depicts that easement running as i said between 10 and 15 feet in width just off the northerly edge of the property that this moves it out of the path of our future Development Envelope for central shops project. Than the other thing i was can ask some the larger context of 1975 galvez. It doesnt have to do with the value of this easement but insofar that i have it in front of us, it has to do with the original Purchase Price, plus the Purchase Price for the acquisition of the balance of the leasehold interest and whether or not, as i said to your staff last week we have insofar as we never had an appraisal of the original purchase but we had some palms and listings whether or not we believe that the 1,650,000 for the purchase of the 10 or so your balance of the leasehold interest together with the approximate 59 dollar Purchase Price is still within the fair market value of the property . Width supervisor, not exactly this item before the committee right now, yes, we believe that is justified particularly based on the new brazile information. I believe that the subsequent item later this week in front of a Different Committee where well have a robust discussion about that. He was i figured insofar as i had that one of those Committee Members here i would pollute his thinking. Okay. Collects any further questions or comments . Will open us up to Public Comment. Anyone wish to comment on the easement for a dollar . No Public Comment. Public comment is closed [gavel] he was collects the data is there a motion . Without objection make a motion to send this to the full board with a positive recommendation. As a Committee Report thank you baroness. Mdm. Clerk motion by supervisor things that my supervisor peskin. We can take that without objection [gavel] mdm. Clerk please call item number five. Item number five a fiveyear monitoring port on the eastern neighborhoods plan. Okay. Thank you mdm. Clerk. I tell you what, do you have one of our colleagues here to speak on this item. I tell you what when we go on a we are back in open session. Im clerk please call item number five. Yes item number five five year monitoring report for eastern neighborhoods. Supervisor cohen good afternoon colleagues good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for hearing this item today. I believe most of you are very familiar with eastern neighborhoods plan could just by way of background this particular plan was adopted in 2009 after more than a decade of a public process. With community in the Central Waterfront the potrero hill, showplace sq. , east soma, westerns, and the mission neighborhood. So for the last 1015 years these neighbors have been changing and growing and of seeing the landuse conflicts that have arisen. The residential and office the moment have begun to compete with industrial uses. So the user neighborhood plan represents two very key policy goals could first, is to ensure a stable feature for pdr businesses in its production distribution and repair, special planning terminology that we are going to be using today, pdr businesses by preserving lands to the these types of uses. The second key policy goal of the user neighborhood plan is to provide a significant amount of Affordable Housing for low moderate and middle income households with the emphasis on providing quote complete neighborhoods and spiegel. Youll hear that term brought the presentation and Public Comments. Providing an in providing complete neighborhoods that provides amenities for the existing and also since. So the ordinance that enacted the eastern neighborhoods plan required that the Planning Department produce a fiveyear report monitoring residential and commercial development in these particular neighborhoods. As well as monitor the impact fees generated in the public and private investment in Community Benefits as was the infrastructure. So that is what we are going to be discussing today. We have also be hearing directly from the user neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee regarding their respective i think regarding the response to the monitoring report should also be are going to be hearing about how most of the development in our citys happening on the eastern neighborhoods even eastern part of the city impact in eastern neighborhoods. So i believe its critical for all of the collective board of supervisors to understand that these changes are occurring that they are directly related to many the landuse decisions and policy changes that we are making and without other to bring up pager peterson from the Planning Department to make a presentation. Colleagues, i had handed out to you a copy of the presentation that you should have that before you and following pedros presentation we we are from keith goals seem represented on the user neighborhood cac. Welcome. Thank you thank you supervisor cohen. Thank you supervisors for having me here today to talk a little bit about the user neighborhood monitoring report for the period between 20112015. Three presentation outlined. I will give a libido brought down about the [inaudible] to have what supervisor cohen just discussed. And go over the reporting requirements that were in the legislation that adopted the plans. Talk a little bit about the commercial Development Activity in the eastern neighborhoods and the jobs trends we saw during the period of monitoring reports. Discussed residential the roman activity and Affordable Housing within the Planning Areas and then finish the discussion of the impact fees and 20 benefits programs that enabled by the plan. So as supervisors and mentioned, these are neighborhoods area plan there are five separate plans. Four of them were at dr. David 2009. Mission, e some commercial place where and potrero hill in Central Waterfront. The western Soma Community had a parallel process and the plan was about 2013 adopted. In addition to neighborhood specific goals and objectives the plans have a twin set of overarching policy goals that span across all the five project areas. The first is the stabilization of pdr activity. Predominant industrial zoning in the neighbors prior to the adoption of the plan was m zoning does allow for broad range of uses including office and residential with conditional use authorization so the idea of the plans were to carve out some areas that would be appropriate for protection as pdr protection zones. As well as to produce more housing at higher levels of affordability and to generate impact fees that would allow for complete neighborhoods and for the installation of infrastructure to support that housing them in combination with other city resources to improve infrastructure in general. The ordinance also created a Citizens Advisory Committee to provide input and oversight on implementation of the plant that like to thank the cac for working closely with us on the production of these monitoring reports. We worked with them for nine months and they provided crucial feedback on our data in on even the scoping of the monitoring reports to make sure it really answered the policy concerns. So the reporting requirements for the eastern neighborhood area plans are that we report on all Development Activity that took place during the monitoring period. So for these monitoring reports to the. Period 2015 and the current pipeline at the end of that permit. December 31, 2015. So the issue with that is that a lot of the Development Activity that occurred in during that time within the boundaries of the eastern neighborhoods were not entitled pursuant to the plan. Were projects for example entitled prior to adoption of the plan projects that will seek entitlements under separate plans and ers. For example central soma pier 70 and annexed copacetic husband theres convergence of pdr space taken prior to the plans and legalize to the Embassy Program that ended in 2013. As all smaller projects that do not rely on those zoning. For examples all residential projects. The numbers that i will present today include all of these. If you have questions about the numbers that dont include these kinds of projects by the table that we can talk about after the presentation. But this is what the legislation required. So this is what i will be reporting on. The reporting requirement also include a discussion of the Public Benefit could included the impact fees generated by the plant in the Community Benefits program and other sources of revenue addition to the impact fees that fund the program and implementation good Agency Responsibility on budgets. So the commercial activity commercial Development Activity, that took place between 20112015 this table summarizes that but i will sort of walk through some of the highlights of the table. In that sort of first column their Cultural Institutional educational space we had about 4000 square feet but premature all of that is attributable to the sf General Hospital expansion in the showplace potrero hill neighborhood. Those about Even Development of office and conversion of pdr space close to 1,000,000 ft. 2 and the total amount of Commercial Square feet that developed that was about 460,000. As i mentioned, some of these projects for example converted pdr were projects approved prior to the plan. So for example in 1880 mission st. We convert about 63,000 ft. 2 of pdr into about 200 units of housing in the project proved in 2006 before the plans were adopted they were completed in 2013. So this is why it shows up as a loss of pdr during this period. Another example is that 15 50 bryant theres a loss of 93 at 9000 feet of pvr shows up here but this was the conversion to office that happened well before the plans were adopted and was legalized under this program at sunset it in 2013. As far as jobs, we these are neighborhoods added roughly 32,000 jobs three 20102015. The greatest gains by managers were in office occupations, which added about 20,000 jobs as well as we joke that added about 9000 jobs. Even though there was a loss of pdr space as i mentioned, we actually added 2000 jobs during this period in pdr activity. B was could you explain the acronym cie . Sure. Cultural institutional and educational institutions is that like an art gallery . It would be our gallery for example a sf general is classified under here. Schools you said its a Cultural Institution and educational okay. Thank you. There some data issues here that you look at other it went down while cie one out there think some of it had to do with how the state pacifiers like personal medical services that were classified under other and now its under cie so there are some nuances there but have you explained visitor . Visitor is a tourist hotels. I think you would include like shortterm rentals and things like that. Or, restaurants. Restaurants would be under retail. What falls under the other category . You know i am not sure. I can back to you on that. You might be things Like Personal Services and things dont fall neatly under all of these. I can followup thank you. Okay. So one of the interesting things we found here is the edited 32,000 jobs without adding a whole lot of commercial space. So a couple of the puzzle of nations that we think is well first of all 2010 was the during the recession 2015 the economy was growing. Part i might just be formerly vacant spaces occupied but we especially office jobs. Theres a lot of stuff being written in the literature got out their specification of office occupation. We have more jobs given amount of square feet. Maybe some of that is happening as well. So as for the pipeline, we basically see a similar trend happening where we are seeing again in office space and a loss in br space. We see here theres about 5,000,000,000 ft. 2 in office and 1. 4 squarefoot loss in pdr but of the 5,000,000,000 ft. 2 and office space, 4 million is located in central soma were pier 70 so these are projects though under review that where the Planning Commission for the supervisors has discretion over those projects. As for the pdr, 1. 4 million loss of pdr in the pipeline could of got about 1 million is still projects under review. Projects have not received entitlements. For residential development, during this period we added about working hundred residential units. 20 of which were affordable so if we remove the 1 affordable from this project from this total, just look at with the inclusion of program added, it was about 17 of the units could so higher than the 12 that was amended by the city during this period. 69 units were in the euro hundred percent affordable project in 221 were developed through the inclusionary program. One example of this is the [inaudible] where we added 202 units 40 of which were below market rate. A couple of other examples. The top one 1880 mission is one i mentioned. There was a bbb in 2006 bonnie completed in 2013. That was eight and depressed i got developed in a most 200 units of housing. So in the pipeline, release as the end of 2015 we had about 11,600 units. Of that, 7400 were still under review and then about 4000 were entitled. Either under construction about 3000 actually under construction, or about 1000 that were entitled and had not Broken Ground yet. Here it is by land area. So 1800 units in the mission, about 2600 in Central Waterfront though a lot of those are in pier 70. 1300 in western soma and eastern soma again some of those are part of central soma projects still under review and subject to approval of the central soma plan. Then, in showplace potrero hill, there are 4500 units in the pipeline. 2600 are still under review and that includes 1000 units at the hopeless of project potrero annex. So the impact fees and committee benefits programs. Through the end of 2015 we collect about 50 million in impact fees that are divided between these five different buckets. The biggest buckets, if you will commodity transportation and transit and recreation and open space that get about 17 million each of the 50 million and they were collected from all five of the different area plans. So the major Infrastructure Projects that have been received funding from the impact fees program include daggett park opened last fall, 17 temples and park in the mission that is set to open this spring, major rehabilitation of south park there was also just completed as well as pedestrian and transit projects, for example 16th st. In mission in showplace potrero hill area plans fulsome and howard and eastern and western saw some of its own. Just to give you the id of the geographic dissolution of the projects, theyre kind of sort of distributed throughout the five plan areas. With that, i can do my presentation and welcome to take any questions you have. Thank you. I was wondering if you had one of the things that perpetuated me to bring this hearing request is because im in agreement with my constituents that are concerned the projects moving forward then i Pay Attention to the commode of impact of the neighborhood. Your presentation didnt really talk about that it was more high level about the fax of the fiveyear evaluation. That is fine but is wondering if you could offer any kind of insight of your process for these inning be sitting as it relates to paying attention to chemo the impacts that these multiple projects are having vertically on the Showplace Square area particularly in the sure hell dogpatch even northeastern mission. Sure. Well before the plans were adopted the eir studies the cumulative impact on these projects and estimated a set number of units that would be residential units and commercial development to go in the neighborhoods. I can show you if we are looking at the projects entitled under view just pursuant to fisa neighborhoods plans, for example, the eir preferred project alternative estimated that there would be about 9000 units built across the eastern neighborhoods and when we have released as of the end of 2015no, this is the end of september of last year there have been about 1 Million Units completed about 1600 units under construction and the entire pipeline if everything gets built approved dental, would be about 8000 units over the next 57 years or so. So we understand that its a pretty so is also the brand doesnt necessarily take into account the concerns that i am hearing about the impact. Your knowledge theres an impact but it sounds like okay i know theres an impact but so what, who cares were i am sorry. What we are trying to do is to find a balance that sits on just a much of a cavalier attitude zane, okay we hear you. We need to account for these impacts. We need to make an adjustment. Is there room and if so, where would we be able to make this type of adjustment in the eastern neighborhood plan . So the monitoring report the purpose of the report was more to track the progress of the plan. So we sort of shied away from offering suitable policy discussion in their good other than to note that some of the impacts were accounted for by the eir and by the plan and also that the nature of impact fee funding for these kinds of things is that developed happen and we collect the fees and that money lacks. She might see the infrastructure might lag somewhat from the actual do you have an idea of how much that lag is . I mean i can give you an idea. In terms of to quantify, we are talking but i think its anonymous taken its like a 26 million gap during development and Infrastructure Improvements that are needed. Sothats just the financial side of things. Usually, things dont materialize to have the money could i would imagine the timeline is even further behind the gap. So you can see you are familiar with the plan you just made a presentation. So really its a policy discussion am trying to push for us to begin to have and i think this most appropriate place to begin have this conversation. It is frustrating to shoulder such an awesome responsibility with all of that involvement happening in a small little section of the San Francisco and youre kind of almost like promised that youre going to get infrastructure dollars little and Infrastructure Improvement yet not really seeing that ketchup with the Development Project itself. For example we got projects already built but we dont have simple things like street lights were in some parts of the district, sidewalks and cost walks. Its a very hard into graciously accept projects that are entitled before i got on the board of supervisors and probably entitles well before many of the current advocates that are at the table now. To graciously accept this and say this is the way when there is no benefit. Theres no Community Neighborhood benefit. That the impact fees were promised to deliver. Matt snyder i think might be able to yes welcome to mike a couple things to note about the infrastructure ladder first of all for the iraqis they 50 million we received as of the close of last fiscal year probably a percent of that came in here before with the two years before the money has not really come in until fairly recently that the stories a little bit different of each of the impact types. We had generally the freeman carries transportation transit, complete streets streets giving an open space. The transportation and transit part of the lab may be the reason that we committed to having become partnered with the other agencies we said lets identify some priority projects but about 80 of our money towards those projects we can commit to them. Those projects are fulsome st. , howard through south of market and then 16 street 22 fillmore crucial pl. And the mission. Those as you said theyve taken a long time to get through the environmental to get going. Also in howard has not yet completed through its environmental. On that side thats one reason for that live. Weve also been trying to be very working with our Agency Partners to be flexible to be nimble and to kind of fill holes for you possibly can. We are now contributed about a third of the money to the Second Street project through south of market and thats going to be a great project. Both streetscape vliet streets project. 22nd st. To Central Waterfront is another project that we prioritize the on the priority projects. For open space for minor theres a lot of frustration and i think probably some of the frustration is that they feel like we shouldve committed to more open space from the beginning but these are neighborhoods plans are specifically committed to one new park and one rebuilt. Parking each of the five neighborhoods. We are actually making some Good Progress on that. Again, three purchase recently have finally opened her about to open that the supper rehabilitation part, in south of market, dr. Park, and Showplace Square in the 17th and posting part for the Mission Street. We are looking at sort of a second part two by genotyping projects that spending the that are somewhere in the plenary sages. Thank you mr. Snyder i appreciate that explanation. Look six supervisor katie tang has a couple questions. Thank you very much. I know that theres a lot of talk about lhasa pvr space and so forth and originally when the ballot measures on for november for example had initially included i believe user neighborhoods but we taken it out. One of the questions i asked during the hearing was whether theres been any analysis as to the quality of the pdr spaces. So i know theres a lot of talk about this placement of it and lots of it but it was some cases and not particularly in eastern neighborhoods but some others where they were pdr spaces but not necessarily open to the public or well utilized by the community. So i had hoped for a deeper analysis on billy the quality of the pvr space and for example why i disagreed with about measure was one of the reasons was because i do not feel like just oneforone replacement meant that you were going to get a Great Community space in lieu of what had previously existed. So had there been any thoughts or analysis around that . We are not done an analysis in our department about the quality of the pdr space. We been talking about perhaps doing Something Like that is part of the pdr strategy but its not something we started yet. So, yes, for example the space i mentioned that 1880 mission was to construct that are not bemused and was converted to 200 units of housing. I think any that conversion is typically given the industrial tradition the standards will be contentious. So i would agree it would be [inaudible] yes i think we have producing a because recently i want to pick a pvr use against housing. Right . With that sony has that scenario has come up before but i would if thats okay with supervisor cohen as well, i would like or our department Planning Department to look at that because i think it will help inform future projects coming up again just to say theres a lot of pdr, deauville sometimes its actually a fair analysis of whats really going on in the community. So to the chairman, ive no further questions. Thank you for the presentation. Okay. Thanks very much. At this point will open this up to Public Comments. If anyone wishes to comment on item number five, supervisor dan has some speaker cards. [calling Public Comment cards] im sorry you are right. Keith closing is making a presentation. Im sorry keith. So sorry pacer allowing us to him keith closing by sure the user neighborhoods cac thanks for a much to supervisor cohen for arranging this presentation today. We have been meaning of the last 70 years and so as part of the monitoring report the cac presented the response letter written by more on the ground perspective which doesnt paint quite a rosy as picture is you been hearing from the Planning Department of what is going on that. Just to quickly summarize, stable pdr Affordable Housing, complete neighborhoods, with the main goals of the land. Then it stops four different principles. Lots of pdr again, new industries, new housing, and complete neighborhoods. So our response letter took each of those principles and although we agree with the Planning Department that some aspects are working there are some things that we dont think are working and so but i like to present to you today on behalf of the cac is what we dont think is working and also some propose strategies that we brainstormed that we thought might help the situation. So looking at the pdr situation, first, basically theres a whole change in the nature. It appears all pdr businesses. The traditional bluecollar jobs are disappearing on not really talked about blacksmiths or buggy whip manufacturers of right . Good auto repair shops, plumbers, sheetmetal manufacturers. I own a waterproofing, the myself and i see the businesses that i do work with disappearing and businesses like mine offer wellpaid jobs to unskilled workers to immigrants, to previously employed just to interrupt him want to bring to sfgov tvs attention of a powerpoint presentation. Because youre speaking but we are not seeing it. Thank you okay you are not seeing it sfgov tv the powerpoint presentation. There we go. Continue as we are seeing the ground for buildings now they dont have pdr uses anymore. Theyre not point to have a painting contact at the bottom of a building with 2 Million Units there. There is an increase in them makeup of the community definitely but its the repair and distribution the production thats contractors, distribution, warehousing. You dont see warehouse jobs anymore. The makers are doing quite well to the other categories are disappearing. This gesture reiterates the points i just made. That there is no mechanism here to keep these pdr businesses in the eastern neighborhood. I think i want to reiterate this is not backwards looking theres always going to be a need for a repair shop. Buildings are always quick to leap. People always going to need a plumber. So we need to keep those businesses around to have a complete community and we are seeing terrible losses among the Small Artists although we see it 1275 minnesota the galleries stuffed in your so independent artists are just performance faces are just getting kicked out and center. So were seeing a lot of growth the methodology and bioTech Industry and thats where roxie seen some houses broad definition of these Biotech Industries of the new pdr jobs. We dont want to stop those but youve got to keep the other types of jobs because from what i see the Biotech Industries do not attract these immigrants previously incarcerated people previously Unemployed People that might go and work for a waterproofing company or an auto repair shop. This cac is very concerned about the Affordable Housing issue. I think we dont need to really harp on this too much. Everybody seems to know that it costs a whole hell of a lot more basically [inaudible] a nominee spaces left for people on moderate to low incomes were even aboveaverage incomes. To live in the city. And of course overseeing and our neighborhoods is pressure on rent controlled units. And the umu seems to mean builders much luxury space while meeting that Affordable Housing requirement as you possibly can. Not creating a complete neighborhood. So weve seen a tremendous surge in units. It would nice to see a surge of the same level in Affordable Housing units. Just as the impact on her neighborhoods its really extreme. The plan is eight years old and weve already gone way abovenot way aboveweve marginally exceeded those of her projected in the plan and we are still several years to go on the plan. The Infrastructure Development as you are from supervisor cohen is lavender we dont have enough money to fund the improvements that we dont know how we will get more money and this seems to us to be a clear failure in how this plan was developed. So the lag time according to the Planning Department, money is coming but they mentioned that 80 of the impact these are dedicated could basically 2 16th st. And fulsome street. So that scrape you will have a great bus line and rode down to the warriors stadium in mission bay nice transit down fulsome street so you can go to work at the Tech Industry on Second Street but we have hardly any money left for neighborhood improvements within our community. 20 . So in the Community Comes to us with requests for more money, to build a park or crosswalk there isnt no money because all the money set aside for these two big projects which im not so sure have that much of a direct impact on the communities most affected by all the developments. The green space is not quite as rosy a picture again as just was paid. Ashley 17 and fulsome part which i went by just a few days ago is far from opening in the spring. Finally, the first new park in the neighborhood did open about two weeks ago dr. Park. You would be amazed how little of a park you get for 3 million. And how small 1 acre park can be good its remarkable. South park has opened up. So the plan says that theyre meeting the goal of the amount of new open space in green space but the plan was wrong to be needed more. Then there is the noneir projects which massive projects like the warriors, the johns, mission bay ucsf, potrero pier 70 those are thousands of thousands of units that are not further impact and they will are not included in the projections for the eastern neighborhoods plans. So those impacts put further stress on all the infrastructure needs. So umu as i said before is not really given us this mixed use. Basically given us a developer has no reason to try to lease a space on the ground floor to a Grocery Store or dry cleaner when they can sell that unit per couple of million dollars. So no neighborhood served in retail commercial ground floor is really an issue and we need to see that for more complete neighborhoods. Terrible [inaudible] very poor Public Transit service especially the slow placed potrero and i dont need to tell any of you if you do drive about Traffic Congestion. I think this applies throughout the city. I here every week is on the head of the local Merchants Association we have a lot of nonprofits that members of our Merchants Association which is keep on hearing about being forced out and that seems to be another on projected impact on these neighborhoods planted width can you expand on that that comment but the merchants being pushed out and how that relates to these neighborhoods plan . Well, just how the how do the eastern neighborhoods plan or the plan as it stands[crosstalking off mic] its an indirect impact these to neighborhoods plan but i want to make a point then maybe think about some legislation to try and encourage space for nonprofits. To maybe include some sort of program to include nonprofits as pdr and some sort some program to pursue space for nonprofit pdr uses. If we could classify nonprofit as pdr. But we can keep seeing all that nonprofits disappearing from the eastern neighborhoods. Thank you. So thats what we are seeing and i just want to reiterate about the infrastructure and the dogpatch neighborhood, i believe the population is objected to grow about four times from 2000 to about 8000 may be as much as 10,000 with plan projects in the pipeline this is a neighborhood that still doesnt have any new parks. Its got one tiny childrens playground. Minute. It doesnt have sidewalks in many areas. It does not crosswalks it does not street lighting. So theres a huge deficit particularly in the Central Waterfront. So cac came up with some proposed strategies that we would like to suggest that we think the city agency can probably take it a better look at these things and supervisor tang alluded to this just now with studying trends of specific pdr sectors to see where the jobs are being created where they are being lost in pdr and what sort of population is getting these jobs. Maybe put a side some plans for pdr were trying to vote bayshore. I look at bayshore. This a lot of space on bayshore and maybe we could zone back that there may be some funding mechanisms are zoning to encourage new pdr within these districts. Affordable housing. Obviously prop or charlie helped and we hear about this all the time and we dont have any magic elixir for solving this but maybe purchasing some sites were increasing the affordability levels for for the housing might help the situation. I am trying to figure out the infrastructure needs. The impact these meet 30 of the infrastructure needs and i was part of the eastern neighborhoods plan at the start. As i said before weve already reached the limit of development there. Increasing impact the levels, i know oewd will tell you and maybe theyre right to develop [inaudible] to back off theres a certain level they can get but maybe we could do an analysis and see how much they could there and then magically, lets think about spending the money we impacts actually occurred. As i stated before, 80 of your money is going down fulsome street and 16th st. A lot of nonneighbors that would like to see it right on their doorstep. This is asking for this infrastructure again. So lets think about how to bring Infrastructure Improvements in advance of developments. I know this blockage constipation is apparently being stalled somewhat and maybe we can figure out some way to leverage the impact fee revenue to other sources. They be some sort of bond against revenue stream that might help that and then just to encourage in general the city to make a more holistic approach to projects not just look at how eastern neighborhoods were our particular boundary but everything in general and so that some of our strategies for solving the situations we see and i would just lastly like to ask if the board of supervisors might consider taking a look at all of this as old and then think about some amendment to the eastern neighborhoods plan address some of these concerns. Do you have any suggestions in terms of a amendment to the plan . Maybe not now but something constructive thing about think some of my fellow Community Members may have some insight on that. Id like tocac cac bruce chair would probably like to speak to that as well. Okay. Well thank you very much for your presentation on time. Clerk mr. Jericho to speaker cards economy absolutely. We will open up Public Comments. Please, feel free to line up on the far side your 2 min. [calling Public Comment cards] hello. On the house and either district and speaking on behalf of potrero responsibly. The user neighborhoods plan protected Development Two 2025. The monitoring report cuts it off at the end of 2015 with 10 years left to go. Per chair available plan anticipated at 3180 residential units will be built in the showplace potrero it area by 2025. The report shows that as of late 2015 participating 4526 units. A near doubling the population. Suggestion that Infrastructure Improvements are keeping up with the pace of development is false. The plan identified a number of laudable objectives complete committees and so on but the promise was broken and said we are falling further behind overbuilt and with funding for benefits depend on either of further development on potrero hill were told will get a transit which area as we witness daily increasing traffic and gridlocked due to the abysmal failure of the city to provide as adequate transit options. Currently, there are no viable mechanisms to fully fund our Infrastructure Requirements impact fees as keith mentioned are artificially low at a third of the knee. The adoption of the plan board mayor and city agencies were supposed to identify and implement future revenue opportunities. That never happened. But we are here now asking that you take this up with a full board. As noted by john king in todays chronicle, the danger is that when the construction does settle dust settles on one be what we see around us this ability out of thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon on jude [inaudible] 25 year resident of potrero hill. While not an impact number i do go to all those meetings and all those ninemonth meetings working on the monitoring report some very familiar with this plan. Today im here representing friends of jackson park. Jackson park is the part that at the base of potrero hill was to Showplace Square. As of jackson was born seven several years that safety of this part of those was a needlestick or neighborhood Advocacy Group opening to create and save what little green open space we have in our neighborhood. Im going to focus my comments today on the Showplace Square open space land for potrero hill Showplace Square. The analysis is and i quote reveals a total of about 4 acres of new open space should be provided in this area two, the expected growth. What we have seen so far is less than 1 acre was opened this year might not last fall at daggett as keith said is sorely lacking. Objective 51 was to provide public [inaudible] meet the needs of residents and visitors the planning, will continue working the recreation and Parks Department 20 in a fireplace for public park and will continue to work to choir additional open space. Objective five was too great a network of green streets that connects open spaces the walk ability is that its an ecological sustainability of the neighborhood. The potrero hill and dog patch is historically underserved in terms of open space and were digging a deeper hole with [inaudible] little or no investment but i would come here without a solution as our lovely supervisor said overhead, please sfgov tv we see it we are working on a project or renovation of jackson park. The see a connection through related couple California Development plans there. The maxwell with open space theres 2. 7 acres there that we would like to rate this land and work with sfusd thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. On j great. Is in of potrero business paper scissors just for somewhat obese or neighborhood Citizens Advisory Committee for the response to the monitoring report. The highlights quite well some of the efficiencies and plan implement it over the last decade. But probably these amendment plan has not filled his promise of providing complete neighborhoods. He talked a lot about how we do struggle to achieve the max in urban mixeduse zoning in particular providing. Are businesses. So essential to the neighborhood character. That we have in the developed parts of the city but dont happen in those areas that are developing. Was not simply the use mix that these are neighborhoods incomplete whether were discussing traffic, transit or open space with the subject to the ad hoc processes that are used for the citys more astonished infrastructure which neighbors. Have some of that is because as keith pointed out he impact fees only need 30 of the disputed developer impact. We dig ourselves deeper with every new approval we make. All we are clean catch up on projects with the piece we do receive such as the fix 16 street between omission admission they cannot quest for infrastructure designed specifically to mitigate these neighborhoods plan lack. So why do we raise this now and widely want to raise this with the full board . Welcome we see two things. One several large projects adjacent to but a part of the user neighborhoods plan are imminent including ucsf is bashing the dogpatch [inaudible] these large projects provide us with an opportunity to review impressed to find both attorneys infrastructure needs rather than just those parts. Second, somewhere along the line will run out of building capacity under the user neighborhoods in er. Minor importance in complete review of the data. But whether it is six months ago or six months from now, we can get there soon. It will require cogent legislative oversight and correlating with cedar city agent with goals making good the promise of complete neighborhoods in order to provide for sustainable path for. Thank you thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is bruce hughley. President of the dogpatch neighborhood association. Chairman of the [inaudible] when the Founding Members of Progress Park which is a street park in dogpatch and also Founding Member of the playground that keith referenced in the statement. We actually are looking for more open space in dogpatch and more amenities infrastructure just to give you a perspective on keynote of impacts, within the next 912 months three apartment buildings will open up good 650 indiana, 800 indiana, and 1201 hennessy. They will have about 725 units. We calculated 02 persons per unit, theyre going to double our population within a year. So in terms of cumulative impacts we dont have a Grocery Store we can want to. We can get to transportation that sometimes is reliable and if we want to try to focus in on is more sooner rather than later. Thank you. My name is rick fall. I think one of the things we need toashley might get to the bottom line. My ask is that the full board does something to start digging into this and reviewing policy. Not only for the user neighborhoods clan itself but for all the other stuff in it impacts us and i think we really need to look at how we do these plans. They seem to be done with a construction with the zoning as the only tool. Our Planning Department doesnt even have a sociologist on staff. The problems we are seeing are about square feet of acres of park or numbers of buses. It is the sociological impact that this new construction and the new residents bring with it that we need to address. I think if we address it to the sociological lens in addition to a landuse lens, we will have a lot better is old for the people of this city. And i think thats not going to happen at one hearing. I do think we need to begin to dig into this big is your war plans coming and none of these plansthey all sort of tearoff eastern neighborhoods plan and they will use the same mitigations, the same transportation etc. And really, we need a new lens to look at the stock. None of the plansone of the things we learned there was no peace in the plan. Anything could be built at any time as long as it was within the full window of the plan. Fans need sociology and a new pace. Thank you. Thank you next speaker, please. Eileendistrict for resident. I am here to express solidarity of the website with user neighborhoods. And to echo the concerns of the Community Members of spoken today. And also there asked that this come before the full board as this needs i think the entire board to become involved. Thank you. Thank you. Any other members of the public was to speak on item number five . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] supervisor trenton thank you i appreciate the participation from the constituents. Thank you for being here. I want to also thank max snyder and pedro peterson. For your presentation. Thank. I liked things for during this item. Supervisor farrell you can file this okay. Colleagues no other questions or comments all entertain a motion to file on the commotion about hearing moved and seconded and we can take that without objection [gavel] any other business in front of us no further business. Thank you everyone. We are adjourned. [gavel] [adjournment] much. clapping. say a special thanks to our new police chief and fire chief for being here thank you and to all of the departments the growing number of departments under the Zoning Administrators Office and say to all of you and staff thank you for being loyal to our Zoning Administrator and thank you for working hard and thank you for all your years of service i thinks if my talks with Zoning Administrator kelly and i, we know that these are not jobs we can do on our own at the depend on great Public Servants and ill say this when i was Zoning Administrator and i believe that naomi building this today, we have the best downstairs if all the world thank you. clapping. thank you charlotte hluet our competitive officer of protocol and my School Advisors is here shes excited because this now is the city of the Free City College thank you. Thank you to all of you for doing that. clapping. ladies and gentlemen, i know that you know that this is a very special time in our citys history a time when were rediscovering what diversity means we are reinvest in the things we truly believe in because were all as a city challenged to do better and do more restrictive and certainly from the Vantage Point as a mayor i need other great leaders to step forward i have that in naomi cell not only a great Zoning Administrator but all this time having her kids a great mom yes. clapping. she led the effort and one the really people that i depend on on what charlotte and others to have one the best women conferences recently a lot of people on the agenda. clapping. and then i know that shes been at my side and working with the board of supervisors all the elected officials to keep our infrastructure going keep our city departments working but more importantly to keep the spirit of this city positive so at this point let me just say it is a pleasure to work with you naomi its a pleasure to work with a mom which i think it historic for a Zoning Administrator and its its a pleasure to put up with harlan kelly all this time laughter clapping. so are we ready for the next 5 years all right. Coming up up naomi clapping. please say your name after me and the constitution of the state of california. repeated. against all enemies. repeated. and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. United states. repeated. and to the constitution of the state of california. repeated. that i take this oath freely. repeated. without any mental reservation. repeated. or purpose of evasion. repeated. repeated. and during such time as i hold office of dir for the city and county of San Francisco repeated congratulatio congratulations. Thank you. I cant tell you how grateful i am for you mayor ed lee for a second term and thank you to the honorable board of supervisors every single one of you for your anonymous support in the years working with you want to thank you all wouldnt have been possible without the confirmation so thank you to you and all san franciscans that love this city as much as i do i serve capability with humility 5 years ago at my swearing in i felt the gravity and urgency of my responsibility and not regard them and that remains true today this is a job that i take seriously because San Francisco is my home where i live with my husband and two sons and parents william and maria i experience first hand the decision at city hall in on a 4 pen maliciously appointed me as city purchaser one the first phone calls was was to ed lee also a city purchaser i explained the importance of the ability to effect change whether if so for providing opportunity to minority and women owned businesses insuring equal benefits to domestic partners paying prevailing wages and burden of proof products in emergency precipitating o preparedness those conversations led to the foundation and values of the Zoning Administrators Office in ed lee i proudly continue to this day with the new administration with religious registry i look forward to work with the immigrant foyers with the pathways to citizenship pathways and working with the immigration lawyers to train our residents how to respond to ice raids where from dollars will come to our sanctuary city that is evidence by the gop for the caltrans electrification as a planner i know how important federal dollars to our seawall . Why we supported a 500 million transportation bond to support a three hundred seawall bond in the future as the trumpet administration talked about rolling bake the Affordable Health care act im honored to be working with labor and enforcement to implement Health Care Accountability ordinance in the Health Care Security ordinances that may serve as a backstop as women reproductive rights are threatened im proud to work with mayor ed lee well continue to address accountable childcare and promoting women in leadership and positions and reaffirm our commitment to inclusion and equality for all im grateful to my team among the 25 Department Heads of city agrees we have the privilege and honor of working everyday with you many of you are here today and two numbs to mention im proud what we achieved in the past 5 years and the great work with the eyes on the future i think my friend and colleagues here im so touched youre here with me like to thank you and unfortunately not here but someone who is true been a mentor in sacramento that is the willie brown he hired me 20s years ago at the age of 22 and he encouraged me to go to law school or not promote me unless i went to law school but truly in my corner as former gavin newsom and thank you youve been a dear friend 20 years ago and in closing because i know i want to party what all of you celebrations like this i always take time to invoke my family theyre my anchor i have my 96 greatest aunt and my cousin denise. clapping. and they have been in my corner since the moment i was born i want to thank my father william and mother and harlan and sons clapping. i know of my obesity are proud of the work i do i hear overhear them talking about it in the work many long hours and it takes time away from them i struggle with that at times but to listen to them talk about my accomplishment. What i do as a leader for the city and working with the mayor and the board of supervisors makes me know that is all worth that there are times they rather me stay home and bake cookies but the faith that all of you have in me and my love for the city keeps me going and collectively our voices will be heard and San Francisco politics and the principles and culture will remay i have a motion main unsecurity guard and thank you unsecurity guard and thank you very much i love to working for the city and county of San Francisco will immerse you in a vibrant and dynamic city thats on the forefront of economic growth, the arts, and social change. Our city has always been on the edge of progress and innovation. After all, were at the meeting of land and sea. Our city is famous for its iconic scenery, historic designs, and world class style. Its the birthplace of blue jeans, and where the rock holds court over the largest natural harbor on the west coast. The citys Information Technology professionals work on revolutionary projects, like providing free wifi to residents and visitors, developing new programs to keep sfo humming, and ensuring Patient Safety at San Francisco general. Our it professionals make government accessible through awardwinning mobile apps, and support vital Infrastructure Projects like the hetch hetchy Regional Water system. Our employees enjoy competitive salaries, as well as generous benefits programs. But most importantly, working for the city and county of San Francisco gives employees an opportunity to contribute their ideas, energy, and commitment to shape the citys future. Thank you for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco. Please, rise for the pledge of allegiance. [pleage of allegiance] commissioner termini like to call roll call president turman here, vp mazzucco here marshall here dejesus here melara is excused hing here. The measure you have a quorum. Also with us i is the chief of Police William scott and director of the department of Police Accountability choice hicks. Thank you mdm. Sec. Mems of the public welcome to the meeting wednesday march 8, 2016 of the San Francisco Police Commission. In reviewing the agenda there are no additions or changes so we will begin with the first line item. Mdm. Sec. Item number one consent calendar receipt and file action. Sfpd dpa document protocol Quarterly Report fourthquarter 2016 okay. Commissioners, in your package is a memorandum from lieut. Catherine wayland and deputy chiefs sainez lane for the occ document protocol Quarterly Report for the Fourth Quarter. I understand from the secretary there are no issues with this report. I have reviewed it in detail and its on the consent calendar. Hopefully you received it earlier and have done so as well. With that i moved to adopt second. Okay Public Comment Public Comments. My name is john jones is unfair to the public but tickling those were unschooled in Police Matters to draft a report of this length on the table as you walk in the door and expect us to respond to it intelligently. Its been the practice of this commission repeatedly to prop long and lengthy reports on the table the minute we walked in the door. It precludes intelligent comment and i call this to attention that its unfair to the public. Am i interrupting something . Its online. Continue with your comments. My clock is not running. I stopped it for you, sir. Thank you very much. The people who try to make intelligent comments on conduct and Police Activities in San Francisco something that is important to everyone in this room up to a little more noticeable the commission is receiving and commenting on. Even if our questions from time to time appear in name. Thank you for much. Thank you. Just by way of information as we announce 1000 times in this commission, such information is posted on the website on the monday prior to the Police Commission. So it is better. Its visible its been there and visible for more than 48 hours as required by the rules. So we are certainly not painall nor are we dropping it on the public for the first time tonight. It is always been announced that this information is posted to the sfpd website. So, with that, i have a motion by commissioner and zarko and second by commissioner marshall. All those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, say nay. Thank you. The motion passes unanimously. Im please item number two reports of admissions discussion. Twoi thought shes report. Report on recent Police Department activities including major events weekly crime trends and announcements. Presentation of sfpd on the status of returning to calls for service involving people with Mental Health issues. Resignation of sfpd eightdpa reports on general orders all see proposals sparks report. Thank you good evening, chief. Good evening commissioner president turman. Good evening, commissioned and i will start this weeks report with the crime statistics. Starting with homicides, 2017 we have 10 homicides at your to date. The good news is we do not have a homicide this past week. Last year, year today we had seven so we have an increase of three homicides. Nonfatal shooting victims were actually down from last year. With 20 year to date this year, 2016 year to date there were 34. When violence was nonfatal shooting we had 35 year to date this year. Last year to date there were 38 sore ashley down three. We had a productive week in terms of some significant arrests. Weve been having burglary issues in the taraval on march 1 officers from the taraval station [inaudible] regarding two burglaries at the sunset had the same but after an exhaustive investigation and extensive church they located the suspect in sigmund stern will part. They were booked on the burglary charges. We also arrested on invasion suspect on the february 26. This Home Invasion occurred at the 1000 block of doubt in street in the Bayview District. Two suspects one with a firearm force their way into the home and assaulted the two victims. They fled one suspect fired a shot interaction of one of the victims regarding task force conducted and best of patient and my second day locate one of the suspects [inaudible] and well in [inaudible] both related San Francisco county jail for attempted burglary and false [inaudible] we also had another rest of a robbery suspect with help from the community on march 3 is about that particular jewelry start in the knocking employee on the ground while ordering everyone to the floor at gunpoint. Sfpd reach out to the public for assistance or much that a citizen identified a suspect you later taken into custody at his home and booked for the robbery. We also made arrests in recent series of robberies. From the Northern Mission district apprehended to robbery suspect on march 2. These two individuals have been linked to several recent armed robberies throughout the city of San Francisco. On march 7, the board of supervisors requested an update of the doj reforms the Blue Ribbon Panel report and the civil grand jury inquiry. I provided that update yesterday march 7 and also will bewill provide an update at the ass of Police Commission on friday, march 17. Significant other significant arrests and incidents. There was a shooting in the tenderloin with the victim arrested. This occurred on march 2 at 8 am at the victim was found in the area of seventh and mission did he stated he got shot somewhere in the tenderloin district. The victim was uncooperative and a felony warrants for failing to update for his 290 sexual predator registration. The victim was booked at the San Francisco county jail for the felony warrants. Tenderloin detectives are investigating the shooting. Second shooting i would like to report wasnt in the Mission District said it occurred on march 5 at 2 30 am at 35yearold victim was on foot at 26 and false him when he was approached by an op unknown vehicle. Occupied with several suspects and they pulled alongside and began shooting should he sustained a gunshot wound and is in stable condition at our Investigation Unit is investigating this particular shooting. Lastly significant event was a fatal [inaudible] coalition and the angle side dish. Occur on march 1 at 6 45 pm. The vehicle was traveling northbound on Mission Street and struck an asian female pedestrian in a crosswalk at may street. The driver remained at the scene to our victim [inaudible] some come to her injuries on march 3. The driver was arrested for vehicle violation and vehicle manslaughter. Significant Upcoming Events tomorrow night on thursday 9 march i will be participating in a town hall with the justice for marielle woods group. This will be at 1395 meadow st. In the Bayview District from 6 pm8 pm. In addition, on saturday, march 11, we participate in the st. Patricks day parade in the central and northern districts from 10 am3 pm along with San Francisco Police Department command staff. This would be a second and market to pulp and grow street. And westbound on market to mcallister and westbound on mcallister to cell phone poll. On march 11 bill be a summer resource there highlighting 150, plus summer programs at the Golden Gate Park in therapy from 10 am2 pm at the computer building at ninth and urban. Sfpd will recruit recruitment unit will be there to recruit for new hires. Also have our pal [inaudible] end of the summer job and volunteer opportunities as well. In the Mission District on our sunday at 1211 am4 pm on valencia street we will have a street closure from the [inaudible] due to Family Friendly events. That concludes my report for today. Thank you, chief. Any questions for the chief . Actually, the chief support has a few other subparts but if you like towould you prefer to take questions now on that from the commissioners, chief . Yes. Commissioner dejesus i think i will wait. Well, with that when we go to the presentation by the sfpd and the department of Public Health. Chief . I have deputy chief redmond who will present. Good evening. Width good evening chief hardeman just to add to the chief crime reports i just got a text they took another suspect into custody on the terrible burglaries the one that did the series over the weekend really got 78 so taraval officers took a person into custody so thats another great arrest report to the commission. Thank you, chief good evening commissioners. Im here to introduceits my pleasure to introduce lieut. Molina could we also look from the department of Public Health director Stephanie Felder. I saw stephanie walk in and also dr. Angelica omega. On this mou with us and will give a brief presentation as well the tenant molina. So we are here tonight give you an update and overview of the mou signed with the department of Public Health which i believe is a really forward thinking proactive approach to ensure not only the safety of our officers but also the community as a whole. The partnerspartnership includes strategies to Work Together to prevent behavioral crisis from occurring but also to provide the investigative support to our investigative units around behavioral crisis situations. We developed the Team Response which during a Critical Incident distinguished on now and lieut. Molina will recognize some of the authors working with them to try and come to a good conclusion into a peaceful resolution on that response. After the response, we also have a plan to follow coordinated approach to prevent that reoccurrence whether its within a neighborhood in San Francisco, at a Treatment Center or anyplace like that. The dph members will also be working with our officers actively around training in Crisis Response to getting a better understanding of how we have trained better in our tactics around deescalation. We will also gain insight and understanding from them with a clinical psychologist and Behavioral Health commissions that are god, on board to work directly with our officers. So some initial goals weve initially set for this program is obviously dph providing support in the field where there is Behavioral Health components with the goal of a peaceful resolution. Also we will focus on chronic Mental Health users in all Police Districts to prevent a behavioral crisis from occurring and lastly, to support the patrol force and try and reduce the Mental Health calls for service for patrol officers in the field with a proactive approach up front working with the district station captains. Lastly before they not only to welcome commissioner mazzucco will be joining the cit workgroup representing the spotty in working through all our crisis intervention training to come. So welcome, commissioner. Without of the view lieut. Molina and her dph staff as well. The thank you chief. He was lieut. Molina is no stranger to us. Good to see back your lieutenant. Thank you commission appeared good evening director and chief. The me introduce my unit did ive sgt. Kevincarlos [inaudible] an officer [inaudible] were going to be part of the psychiatric unit but its a component of cit. With me we have Angelica Medina and director Stephanie Felder. So just to do an overview i know you did a great job of doing the overview of the program that we have with dph. This unit is quick to focus on two components. We are going to have the prevention component which means, as i said before to the commission, having excess of over 4000 even be in the year. So our focus, our main focus we concentrating on those highend users of services. So with that, our goal is to collect the data, to see who the highend users are and reach out to the people through the department of Public Health. I know there is some [inaudible] that we have to abide by and show the person is going to be a little bit slow in the beginning but we already have established the bridge of communication between sf pd and dph and were working [inaudible] ive seen a lot of progress in the last two months ago we been working together on how we are going to address this issue. We have a list of about 100. The top people that have been 5150s more than 40 times in one year. So we are focusing on that individual and with the bridge of communication we have established with dph reach out to them obviously they cannot talk back to me because of hippa laws but were able to connect with the commission assigned to the person and secure a waiver allowing us to talk to her and her to talk to us and now we have a plan in progress. We are going to be addressing this persons Mental Health issues and hopefully treatment or lack of treatment but now we are engaged so very actively working with dph in that sense. That just one of the first things that this joint partnership has done so far. I think its going in a good direction. The second component will be the Crisis Response. I know lieut. Medina is can talk more about how her department is quick to respond. I just want to give you a brief just action about sfpd will respond to it. We will be notified. We will notify director of crisis which is Stephanie Felder, i think. [inaudible] by phone she will connect to her unit. That unit will designate a crimeintervention specialist to respond in that specialist is going to connect with our Operational Command that will be in charge of the crisis situation. There will will be for advice and for information based on whatever [inaudible] we can have were allowed to communicate with each other and we will come up with a plan to negotiate on the team is can a huge role in working with dph as i said before the three members of my unit are negotiations Hostage Negotiators also. So that is a platform for that. The last components will be the investigative component. Sgt. [inaudible] has been one woman unit in the past for the Police Department was billy sick i took liaison for the unit and working with the different agencies and the city so now she has help and we are going to continue with that unit. There will will be to provide support to the investigative units at district stations to the bureaus into the patrol force. So when they [inaudible] that has Mental Health components she will be notified and she will respond to assist or provide advice on how to deal with the situation, or with the come out with the best plan addressing the Mental Health issues that this person might have [inaudible] and are big thing is to look for divergent when possible. So thats one of the goals we have. Thats it in a nutshell. Thank you. Good evening directors and commissioners and she could intercept course a pleasure to be here and to work on the development of this program an extension of our already existing relationship with the Police Department with deputy chief redmond tenant lena and sgt. Krueger about the privilege of working with sgt. Krueger with many years at this point. So as im sure you are aware this program was an initiative of the Mayors Office was also a recommendation of the reenvisioning the jail workgroup that occurred. This team will sit under the conference of crisis under the direction of Stephanie Felder. You included three clinical psychologist and to Behavioral Health clinicians that will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is based on eight respond or model that utilizes the combined expertise of an officer and a Mental Health clinician to address the crisis and support linkage to ongoing care. The goal of this program of course is to support Law Enforcement and crisis situations with her sis is back to Behavioral Health components and also for us to further support the efforts of the crisis intervention training any specialized training thats needed by Police Officers. As lieut. Molina has already discussed, our role on the scene will be to report to the Operational Commander and liaison with the on scene Hostage Negotiation Team. Whenever possible sharing critical information that may help resolve the crisis. This may also include speaking to a prechristian we can individualize ways to help this deescalate the situation at hand. Once the crisis has been resolved, the crisis intervention specialist will also be able to assess the individual four 5150 criteria to support them and getting to the hospital if thats with clinically indicated and one sure the hospital has all the necessary collateral information upon their arrival. In the event an individual is placed under arrest this team will also be responsible for ensuring that collateral information is sent to jailhouse services again that information is of able upon their arrival. This team will also work with an individual pass the crisis and ensure if they go to the hospital were to the jail, that there is a clinically appropriate discharge plan in place before they are released from the facility which connects an individual to voluntary proverbially based Community Based services. The team will also be responsible for supporting family members and anyone else is affected by a crisis by providing crisis intervention support debriefing services if that is needed. Of course we look forward to working with the Police Department to gather Additional Information to see how we can continually improve on this joint program and are other associated efforts. So are the permits will Work Together to support Data Collection is allowed by confidentiality and this may include anonymous information such as demographics outcomes of negotiation crisis assessment, services at the individual is linked to in any realized reduction in negative outcomes such as hospitalization incarceration or other crisis contact. Currently, we are wrapping up the process of hiring the staff that we part of this team could we still have one more staff member that we need to add and none of the staff is it started we will be starting in the coming weeks. So we look forward to starting the training process. You also be training other members that currently exist on the conference of crisis team so that we have further test to ensure that all times we are able to support Police Officers in any crisis situation. Of course we look forward to continuing this effort and working on implementation. Thank you. Thank you. Since you folks are here now we will take any questions you have on this particular segment of the cheese report. Thank you and welcome everybody to this something Mayors Office suggested. This Police Commission has wanting for quite a while and i think that we see a Common Thread that her officers get involved in situations with people were mental Health Crisis. So ive a question for you. It sounds as ifno i like the prevention side of this in him glad to be part of the group. I was told yesterday would i be willing to be involved and i told commissioner turman i would love to be involved so its a project thats important to the city. The Police Department to the citizens and i feel very strongly about it. So you pick out a list of the 100 top consumers and you have said that there was one person whos 51 5048 times in a year . Yes. So on the prevention side, therell be a focus on this individuals and imagine it would pretty immediately of an idea where those people are at and we will start approaching them to try and bring them into the services. The itc that is correct. That is correct. Weve got the beginning of the year so we have done some research on those individuals and of ensuring the information with angelica and that those able to connect to that clinician we actually are in touch with a clinician thats working with this person. Now were getting from the inside for the department of Public Health because he signed a waiver which allows us to talk. Once the waiver is in place, we are allowed to talk and i have sgt. Guwahati made it onto the ivan talking to the clinician at least twice in the last four days. On how were going to approach the person that we are talking about and it looks good. It seems like theres some needs that have to be taken care of and once we get him stabilized in those needs i think the service the calls for service will be reduced. I didnt i think of clinicians need to know this is their work product theyre turning out on the street. Essentially, weve all seen these as you walked on the street here in San Francisco, people on mentalHealth Crisis. He will say to me all the time, why are these poor people out on the street. Why are they being released from a 51 5072 hour hold before 72 hours . So i think we need buyin from the clinicians from the article called because her officers and our dph people working this is not going to be successful unless the doctors take care of their patients and not be concerned about the number of beds that are available or do they meet the allowed them to listen to the radio i hear the person does meet the 5150 requirements now as the officers are approaching but i think we need a stronger strongerinfluence and stronger participation from the medical side of this. I think thats one of the things i would like to see when i go to the first meeting. The legacy mori presents from the doctors of the San Francisco general from pes. Many many times i hear our officers called his durability and they say its in code red which means theres no availability,. So i think thats the part we need to work on in addition to the 100 could again i appreciate this and sgt. Krueger even great for years and welcome to the other two officers doing this. Again we need more buyin and hopefully will get more buyin from the physicians. Sorry commission what i was going to add is i serving appreciate that perspective. I think we all worked very closely just what the individuals we are seeing in San Francisco and there are certainly lieut. Molina stalker case where he for terrific to get consent from an individual who will share information that doesnt always happen and work was limited by law and what we are able to share and also how longer able to keep them a buddy at the hospital could so those are all challenges that were chronically dealing with and of course were looking at how we can better maximize the services that we have available but i certainly want to assure you were of course committed to the population that we are serving and have a robust set of services. That being said are services are bound. Our goal is to always to support the engagement of the individual involved harry services. I appreciate that. Commissioner, i would like to add an article in the units to community with the department of Public Health and create a plan that i won the plan for this person i want our officers to have information when they contact them on the street what will be the next steps to take. So im looking into technology and develop a new app that i talked to companies here in San Francisco that are based out of seed San Francisco and hopefully will do a pro bono for us. Where are officer will be able to go on their smartphones, click on the app and look at the Response Plan for this individual. To see how the service, what connection does he have what resources are payable for this individual, elke response to the crisis could that is our goal. I know we talked about it so its work in progress but i think we are getting there. It will take all of us to get there. Thank you very much. I appreciate your commissioner hing yes thank goodness the second him weve heard on this program which of course is quite laudable and i asked the question on good repeat a question that i asked last time. Do you contemplate situations where a Mental Health professional is at the scene and either on his or her own, use is engaged with the suspect, or in conjunction with the Police Officer, or, are all the scenarios contemplating always just an officer thats engaging based on training . Spears as of right now that we contemplate just the officer. A trained professional like [inaudible] Hostage Negotiator officer we doing the negotiation. Some of the research that we have encountered i guess we call the Hostage Negotiator will better to have expand research, but what weve seen is when only one person communicates is the best result. So i will defer to you on how you guys do communication. What would be effective. I just want to add that we are actually already working together like the Police Department goes out with mobile crisis were adult protective services. So we actually all already has a team going out. Just in case all those 5150s numbers are just sfpd. So when we say those numbers that isnt including likelet say the paramedics picked him up or other agencies pick them up with just talking about San Francisco police 5150. But in response to a question were actually already doing it and will continue to do it another we have the mou we will be able to make it even stronger. Well, youre already doing that in terms youre already out there but you actually engage in conversation with the suspect . Or, are you going through an officer . So i am actually sfpd but mentalhealth will be out with me and they are doing it in the conversation and we are there to support them and depending on the circumstances, we go back and forth. So thats already actually happening. Not in a crisis, though. That something we do on a daily basis when dph mobile crisis was fontweight house because theres issues. Mentalhealth issues that havent communicated to dph and then we will go to support dph but a crisis situation where the barricaded suspect or person in crisis, Police Department will be the first responding the Police Department will stylish negotiation with that person. You would not be the clinician doing a facetoface good it will be a Hostage Negotiator. In that circumstance there will be mentalhealth professional more than likely out there also . Definitely. Thats how the team works to weaker contact director Stephanie Felder the call will go out. The team will respond and they will report to the Operational Commander of information is going to be passed back and forth between the hostage negotiating team. And the crisis precious thank you. Commissioner just read the public out the clinicians assessing individuals for 5150 outside of contact with the Police Department and our adult mobile crisis unit is doing that on a daily basis. So thats only does occur outside of please contact. So just to be clear, in a prevention situation dph is actually the agency doing the initial contact with support by the department but in a crisis situation, the department is the responding and the dph Agency Member is there to provide the support . Correct. The prevention model in the be doubly outreach somebody jointly certainly, again on a daily basis we are outreaching individuals and assessing for crisis situations and trying to reduce contact with Police Officers. So that may happen just as a clinician were in addition with a Police Officer but if a crisis occurs where the Hostage Negotiation Team is called out the hostage to go chasing team will be on point to have contact with the individual and we would provide Additional Support on the team. But the police about it with you prevention, commissioner. We will go out there and check on the wellbeing of the people that are i think we will do both. Im a little concerned about that. Heres my concern. Understanding theres likely going to be maybe some type of waiver in place, i do not want i understand we are in the prevention mode. I just want to make sure we have the right kind of training, the right kind of approach, the right kind of support needed that doesnt turn a noncrisis situation into a crisis situation. Sometimes that can be set off just by the fact that the woman is wearing a uniform. So that is what a mostly concerned about. That is what i would like to hear a little more about. I think the best way to hear more about that is after we establish some kind of training and protocol if that has been established, then the spirit if not, let me go back. I hear you commissioner. Thats a concern because uniforms sometimes is the trigger to a crisis. Seeing the uniform presence might be a trigger. The officer might be the trigger the lights and sounds my theater so taking that into consideration basically whenever we say were going to do well check and we will be with dph. It would not be just the Police Department. It will be a joint effort to get her clinician and Police Officer going to the house. Yes i want to hear more about the training. And your module is complete i like to see something. Okay. Chief did you want to just to clarify a couple things, on the prevention side, before theres any type of approach there is really a complete work work up up down of the individual person before we go out and would make any contact. A lot of times within the Police Districts, he would have certain addresses that could be that the officers are there all the time and it sort of a preventative measure. Were getting all this cause but is there something we can do on the front and prevent the officer to going from these calls were doing were research on the house of the family the individual. Whats going on with that person to try and prevent a crisis from happening. So before theres any contact with his huge discussion with this group and they have i mean theyre teaching the cic cost are very involved in training in the department. He briefed me on anytime they are going out to the scene could officer safety in the approach is really taken and its really on the medical side were dph is to lead and we would be supportive sometimes the officers may not be in new orleans for that that flash. Then to revisit commissioner hing a little bit if there is a crisis situation so this is weve had a couple instances where this is happening in one of those was when the chairman was suicidal in front of city hall myself and dir. Garcia were ashley talking to the whole situation could nuke league wasnt actually sgt. Krueger had worked with the person prior and responded out and deescalate of that whole situation to the piece are resolved and those the gentleman very publicized was right in Civic Center Plaza that was suicidal. So the idea around the response when theres a crisis happening there could be a situation and reviews family members before because we will do anything to resolve it peacefully or maybe it could be a situation we had a robbery situation in the terror about where to the department of Public Health, we were able to get in contact with a persons clinician would been working with a person four years and theyalthough they did not enter the scene already in resolved peacefully this is sort of where the idea came from, is are we missing something in these crisis situations that we can bring in on the clinician side to help the Hostage Negotiator with the crisis officer to resolve a Peaceful World we dont have to do an entry into a house. Though there could be a situation where they could be used at the scene and i think all of us would agree we would use anything we can to resolve that peacefully. But just towe are always looking out if theres any type of approach words and noncrisis its very lowkey sometimes the officers may not be the person at the door. They could be there for safety reasons but we do not want to create the crisis. Thats not our goal here. I know that is not your goal. Believe me. We have to be very careful yes okay so im going to take [inaudible] just to see how its working. Thank you. The last thing they are keeping track of all the contacts in everything and maybe get something the commission would want to see because we want to show the success in all the successes are having on a daily basis and try and support the stations and reduce those calls. So thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you so much everyone. The him please. The presentation by the department and dpa go to report on general orders. Leaving commissioners. Director takes give scott deputy chief from professional standards and principal just here to give you a very brief report on the Fourth Quarter 2016 general orders and Department Bolton were issued. As your very well aware we had a very busy Fourth Quarter when the department of justice issued their lengthy report and it was also commendation of when we were changing general orders fit into the general orders being change that theres only three that were impacted. One was the use of force which was issued again december it was a brandnew general order. General order 5. 02 which was the preexisting use of force, was rescinded and rolled into 5. 01 and then the Crisis Intervention Team which you just heard very much from that was a new general order Crisis Intervention Team policy which was approved by this commission. In the same quarter, fourthquarter, there were 70 priority excuse me 78 the bar emboldens issued it introductory at 27 eight, [inaudible] primarily impacted were impacted general orders that they related to department of justice recommendations. So as an example, when were looking at use of force, we would issue a bulletin saying that theres been a change to the use of force could as an extension of 5. 02. So its a port of the doj recommendations. A number of these bulletins will continue to be issued in the next quarter. Ill report on that shortly. Just to be clear, we are developing working groups on all the general orders in the department bulletins member of your staff, your Senior Analyst is made with my staff to look at a process to improve department general orders and Department Bolton issuance and we will report back on that in the next quarter. Finally commissioner hing has met with the command staff and they were reviewing the department general order 810 which is a public First Amendment activities and it is been recommended that we convene a working group to look atto amend the general order. That concludes the overview on this report. First, i was remiss. I want to first thing i want to do is congratulate you jeopardy chief them on your elevation to the level deputy chief from capt. So welcome to thewelcome to the big leagues deputy chief. [laughing]second of all to the commissioner 70 specifics before we moved to ms. Mary que s evening commissioners, chief director hicks member of the public, i dont have much to add. Most certainly we filed a letter and artwork we did in terms of the policy work last order focused highly on cit geo as well as the use of force dg oh. The third Time Department of justice an immediate implementation of recommendations. It has to do with the Police Department paid a reported basis not only do this when what you really look at any training or policy failures or enhancements that come out of that process. So to move that forward we drafted a Police Commission resolution and i know that something under review by the Police Department. That something the doj recommended implementations were hoping to move that forward as soon as possible but im happy to answer any questions about this sparks report. Are there any specifics on the sparks report . Im sorry good im just looking down on my notes it. [inaudible] i dont want to hold you up. If no one else has any questions, thank you for your time. Thank you. President turman of course, chief spews same one more thing going back to the last report on cit, i will followup with the commission on exactly the training is. I know that was part of the i think part of the question you had but i will followup with the commission and exact with the training is composed of and give you a detailed or summary of that training. I would appreciate that. Thank you, chief. All right, questions for the chief for the chiefs report . So i just want to followup the mission or dejesus commissioner dejesus sorry. I want to followup on [inaudible] im sorry can you here me . Is that better . I want to followup on a couple of questions. Last week we talked about how me women were on the command staff in italy was to civilians and two sworn members. That made 90 and this one women were 15 . But i dont have all the informations white rocket put you on the spot but i been informed that if you add all the civilian woman and all this one woman its 23 of the force. So i guess when we get toi dont put you on the spot when we get to new items im going to talk about a little bit about about promotions and about you know, whats in the pipeline in terms of women and minorities in promotional pipeline and how are the determining whos been promoted and what type of test are reusing. Have we been using the same test for ever . Is it the best practice. Him and ask a lot of questions for because him and asked for a report to come up soon and perhaps what we may need to do is to do is audit the promotional part of it. Seeing none, the best practice is good with the questions and factual scenarios are the news another biased warfare or are they representation of everyone on the force, or is it to narrow . I just want to let you know thats coming up. If you want to address it its fine. I dont want to put you on the spot. Yes i think you had a couple questions that there. One was the Testing Process yes so the Testing Process stops cheap this is not agendize so what im going to do is im going to take what commissioner dejesus has asked and we are going to schedule it for a report. So you can come back and you wont be cut off. You can answer specific what you want right. When it comes to that i want to be a little more specific with some of the questions could thank you. Okay. Any further questions for the chief . Okay. Public comment on chief reports. [crosstalking off mic] we are not done at all. Sorry. Item twob dpa directors report. Report on beeson tva activities and announcement. The evening director hicks evening pres. Turman and members of the commission. Chief scott members of the public. The dpa has no recent activities to report this evening good that is why you skipped over pres. Turman. [laughing] width way to be a team player. [laughing] next item the item 2c Mission Reports Commission President support commissioners report. Just by way of commissioners report i did attend the march 7 report to the board of supervisors and deliver some prefer marx before the chiefs remarks some of our more recent activities discussing some of the activities we will be taking on in our specific role in on the commission related but related reforms as and how we will be interacting with the departments in those reforms. Other than that, i have no further report. Commissioners, do you have anything to report . Nothing . I will take advantage but i did attend it [inaudible] a 10 meeting with the command staff last friday, i guess and i find it very enlightening good i understand much better some of the issues that are of importance to the department and so am happy to learn more about that. We are going to convene a meeting soon with some stakeholders and also again i wrapped upim wrapping up my captains visits. I was at the bayview yesterday and enjoyed meeting capt. Thank you thank you. Okay. Next line item please item twothe commission announcements and certain of items identified for consideration of further commission meetings. Commissioner dejesus i want to get back to this. In the promotion you just have no women were promoted in one of the questions i have is what is the percentage of women and minorities in the pipeline for promotions . I want to point out to this commission that the department of justice reports basically said overall the promotion rate for women have declined from 26 to 13. 6 in our department and this promotion just kind of having this promotion just came through just kind of layering in that the were no women in there. So now that i know theres 23 of sworn and civilian women i dont think that 19 i think thats a skewed number of ad like to know without real number is. The question is, not just minorities, not just women by minorities in the pipeline. I want to report to talk what the testing procedure that we use, who develops the questions, who builds the factual scenario how are the results judge, what is the makeup and representation of the committee that sets this up and was the best practice through the nation and what is the best practice to promote women and minority separatism tatian on the command staff within the department itself . Potentially, do we need an audit on this whole procedure . I think its really important and i cant tell you how clearing that promotion was in terms of what it was lacking and all the comments that are becoming my way since i mentioned it last week. Why think its really important and that part of justice has noted that theres a decline in district unsure this is going to add to that a client this recent promotion to so thats what i want. I think its an opportunity that dr. Callahan is one. Because it seems i just want to be your report. So we will allow you director callahan to put our Heads Together with this department and come back to that us with that report. I will get that scheduled as soon as we can. Thank you. Commission i won enough of the Police Commission will hold a special meeting at a location other than city hall and the commission will meet in the Southern District ethic and every Jewish Museum 763 mission st. , San Francisco on wednesday, march 15 2017 at 6 pm. Their comments from the public southern station capt. Darrell fung discerning Public Protection issues in the Southern District. Okay. That is next wednesday. Commissioner mazzucco will chair the meeting as i will be away on business. Any further comMission Reports were announcements . Okay. Now Public Comment on item 1, cheese report item 2a through d thank you. 28 through d can i give you guys some brief idea why im here and how i got here right . I want to run through i dont mean to interrupt you but this is going to be Public Comment on the items we just went through. Theres another period for general Public Comment so its not related to the items we just discussed am asking you to all the just a little while longer and thats good through these items. Thank you, sir. I just want to show the video since were talking about the homicides. I just want to show part of the video. [video] is working. The microphone is on. [video] mr. Salivary 10 you go ahead and will come back to ms. Brown. While we get our technical stuff worked out. One second. Let me get our timer on. Sorry. You see where you are. Shes going to get the timer. Good evening commissioners dictated i want to make sure that you get your time. [ would you start the stores all the areas time . Rachel, could you start this time . So good evening commissioners davidSan Francisco san franciscans for Police Accountability. I dont think thisll take a three full 3 min. But i want to say that in general, the community is very very pleased about whats happening with the cit especially now that the dph is involved. We were concerned is only 25 clinicians citywide but it sounds to mekind of got me into the details yet as if that may be sufficient. We will see. I spoke to mike lieut. Molina outside in the hallway in all get together with him next week and get more information about just how this rollout is can happen. So i think that in general the commission and sfpd and the dbh is heading totally in the right direction and i commend everybody on the other work thats been done. I just want to do one but little reality check which is shone more case. Thats a case where cpi definitely should have been deployed and was not. The situation right now for shone more i do not both the bail hearing and the very long now preliminary hearing the third day tomorrow and basically what you have is a schizophrenic with a some major psychological issues that are now been shocked and is now being prosecuted and has [inaudible] very serious charges on and it has nowhere to go even if he can get bailed out. As no services that we discovered for him. Hes wounded. He can go back into his house though best reality check on what happens when cpi is not deployed the way it should be. One of the things that we tking to sgt. Molina about is just exactly how does 9 11 actually dispatch on these calls. How do they become aware of the fact that somebody has a mental Health Crisis we all get back you more next week or in the immediate future on that we are definitely going to dig and realty bonnie. I just want to say one other thing. Thank you for the talk that are now hearing about some auditing capacity. We were concerned though yesterday that it sounds like sfpd itself is going to audit and that is something that may cause some issues within the activist community. It might be better to have some type of an outside audit and what we will look and see what sfpd is going to do in terms of auditing itself and weigh in on that also. Thank you. Thank you. I think the gentlemen is here to assist you. While ms. Brown is working on the technical difficulties, is there anyone else prepared for Public Comment on the items toeight through twod . [video] enqueue thank you ms. Brown. Okay, and congratulations to the new chief. Congratulations to everybody is here. The peace officers, im trying to go from police to peace officers. They have to own the street. Day or night. As situation, mental crisis, if they are their first theyre doing their job. Assessing the situation is i presume, primal in what they do as a Police Whenever about wherever, whats going on here . But the Police Officers have to own the street. When there is a fire that peace officers give control of the situation to the Fire Departments. The same thing should happen with our item in a crisis intervention moments. The police should stay there as long as they can because you are watching a human being a broken human being in their mind and their for the grace of god go i spent it to be genetic it could be who knows why. The angels, the people that respond are the angels to their volunteers out there that are doing it now. There are policemen out there now. That can talk to people in crisis better than other peace officers can. We have to recognize our talents. We have to put our best keep out there. From what i understand, that is happening to we are going in the right direction. I would like the tenured veterans day and night last time they were here they said that the tenured veterans have a little more new wants good i like the tenured veterans or look never fired a gun to that of not been brought up for excessive force, have never falsified a report to work with a rookie in two tenured veterans with one rocketed three people the conversation goes better than two people that dont get locked up between generation gaps and whatnot. We need a place to take the people. Thats a major major major everybody should be just upset and say mayor, mayor, mayor, we need a place to put these people. I would would like to be part of an injection site as a place and we can get these people that if they arent drugs or to conduct all of it and maybe reach a stable situation and maybe in that situation get out of it. I want the situation to not be police and not be the department of Public Health good i want their own identity, team x we have to give birth to this. Thats where its going to get a little rough and we need a place to allow these people to calm down. Thank you. Thank you. Not yet, sir. Thank you congratulations to women of the world on wednesday. We appreciate you all. Starting with my mother. I walked around and spoke to the officers represented to you on the cit and what was missing in the conversation is a stronger emphasis. I found out there is an emphasis but a Stronger Public emphasis about Mental Health First Aid Training for the First Responder officers. The cit team by design is second responder in. What we know about some of the tragic incidents is they have it happen in seconds. So while the phone is ringing in the cit office were locker room were home or wherever they are, there is no pause button. If im that person im unraveling. So the First Responder officer is doing with that while waiting on the cit and. I do not understand im pleased to understand there will be 40 hours of training eventually for every Police Officer in what we are calling Mental Health first aid. Which is very reassuring and those who know about folks in military maybe for example every person on that [inaudible] is trained in firefighting whether the job his cook or capt. Or whatever. So thats very refreshing to hear and i just want to reinforce that seems logical to avoid their First Responder officer says its not my jacket i got a call cit and i know im exaggerating to say that, but that dynamic can be there when the situation really depends on that First Responder. So we really appreciate and hope you will help accelerate the training for the First Responder officers because they make a difference in matters of seconds. I just want to say that ive another thing on general comment but i will pass it on. So its a way of saying, thank you for how this program seems to be going. Thank you. Public comment on items twoa through tod. Hello. My name is john jones my comments please the commission. Ive nothing but praise for those involved in the Mental Health aspects of police work. However the overwhelming impression i had was that the commission is passing the buck. Of necessity. The mentally ill person has contact with the Police Department. The persons needs are properly addressed. Refer to the common Public Health or whatever and they are off. Then what . During mental and this is extremely expensive. I hear nothing here about where the buck stops. That is something you have the expertise to talk to. Sir, i am pausing your time. Was there a question no. Go ahead and finish. I and you and most of the people in this room we walk run the streets of San Francisco and we see people with a glazed look in their eyes. The people acting out. These are the people probably have been through the system once or twice with a 5150 person whos been through the system thousands of times. But theres nothing in this about addressing the overall Mental Health issues that conflict present themselves to the Police Department. Now, the answer may be that this is clearly on the scope of police work. Where does the buck stop . I mean after they go to the haulage hellish homeless shelter or they get shuffled around and austere is completed and shuffled some fills out the man out the door they go, what happens . That ought to be the question. Because what you want to do is keep it from happening in again and nobody else in civil government is really going to ask that so i am asking you to ask it. Here is my suggestion. Get around number for how much it would cost to serve the Mental Health needs of San Francisco and put it in your budget. Send it off to the mayor and the board of supervisors. Locally oh, we call that sticking it to the man. In which you get is a lot of conversation about how to do with Mental Health. It might even make it into the newspapers but what you wont be doing annually doing this to people of San Francisco at an enormous service as you will not be passing the buck. Thank you. On going to exercise my right for limited Public Engagement and going to say this. Ladies and gentlemen, members of the public, this is the San Francisco Police Commission. Arched with the oversight of the Police Department and the department of Police Accountability. We have no Mental Health expertise. The department comes into contact with individuals with Mental Health issues all the time. What have we tried to do . Create a bridge between the departments interaction and the department of Public Health. The body in San Francisco that has that expertise the body that has that that needs to act for the money and the services. The body that needs to direct the people in mental Health Crisis. In this department comes into contact with people in mental crisis, i dont want to see violence but i do want to see them hurt good i want to see them directed and treated in age as humane fashion and get the help they want and need and what have we done to address that we tried to reach out to dph to form a partnership to go into Preventative Services as well as services that come about because of crisis. It is not the Police Departments job to address Mental Health issues. It is not it is their job to directto belize and when does to interact, or intersect, we need to find a way to help people that does not necessarily involve a Law Enforcement and good we are doing that. But the ultimate responsibility does not lie with this department and this is not the cureall hole for every single social issue in San Francisco. We can do what we can do and we are trying to address it but we dont need to be told were doing something wrong. Because we dont have thewe dont have the ability to address certain needs nor have we evernor have we ever held ourselves out to be that world we can take on the responsibility for every single of the department in this city and county. Next public speaker on items twoa and twod absolutely. Something for you guys to consider when youre out there policing. Something for you to consider. Our urban neighborhoods are turned literally into a war zone. From 831992 good which basically is extreme [inaudible] speaking as a veteran. I know guys that ptsd. I worked there [inaudible] enlist also [inaudible] i did what people who lived in f2 afghanistan, you name it right . With less severe issues than the people that are in the hood. If you think about it i can [inaudible] who died in the hood, but i cant think of anymore that died in the war. Thats what youre doing with. You can have that much death, that much mass incarceration that much carnage without there being some consequences to the community itself. So those kids out there in gangs gaining up, they do that for security. The dad is in prison getting broke. Right . What you do in a sick community. Could you please consider the people that youre dealing with and not bad people but people who need to be sealed right . Can you any tree stand that much carnage and death and not have an affected psyche . Thats what we are up against good i think ptsd, thats it. Thank you, circuit next Public Comment, please. Good evening commissioners and cheap scott. Tammy bryant from district 5 and obviously came in really late and i saw the agenda and sorry i could not be here. I miss the presentation get a map to look for it online but i did want to say that i was really wanting to hear what going to be the next steps when doing with a mentally ill because i agree with you. Its not a police issue. It really is in the purview of other agencies and other providers that the police are people feel threatened or whatever. But i do want to see a change i do want to know that if i 911 because i see some distress him not to find out later they been shot and call killed and i dont, and one for that very reason even though i see people they were due to what happened next so i just wants to just say im glad you guys are looking at this and i cant comment on details but i think its really really important and i totally agree with pres. Turman its not in your purview get when i walked in with commissioner dejesus was not that the lack of women that were promoted and definitely not a person just spewing is a woman is better viewed on not that person however i do think you have a lot of [inaudible] officers i figured something to think about about promoting him up to that command staff level could i think some of the implementations and reformsin limitations were reforms will be good to also have a balance of women in am really looking forward for at least a couple that are also black. I think its reported that we have black officers in the command staff. Those are my comments for tonight. Thank you well, the chief [inaudible] is a black officer. As is is over everything and [inaudible] good one of the deputy cheats, please was bryant in touch with lieut. Molina is so she can hear details on the department of Public Health partnership with the Police Department . Any further Public Comment we seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] next item item please item number three presentation from the department of Human Resources dhr process for conducting Public Employee performance evaluation executive director department of Police Accountability, discussion and action. Good evening director of the Human Resources departments. Good evening president triggerman and commissioners. I have a canned out and a powerpoint. Powerpoint is the same as the and out at some copies for the public as well. Their blackandwhite and smaller but they are the same. Commissioner gentleman before dir. Callahan starts i like to announce their apartment Human Resources powerpoint will be made available tomorrow online as was not made available to the Commission Prior to the start of the meeting and the presentation. Dhr has provided some hard copies tonight but we will also have additional hard copies able at the commission office. Thank you. Good evening president turman, commissioner the chief scott director hicks. Im here today to present information on evaluation of department which is standard throughout the city. That specific guidance we provide to other commissions and im going to review this standard process that we use in the city that we recommend to department of commissions. However commissions do have the ability to customize the process for their own needs. I will start with talking about theso my idea. Tonight is to simply talk about an overview of the Performance Plan and appraisal cycle could go through some best practices and conducting performance grants and appraisals, particularly in regards to Department Heads and then speak directly about the Department Head process. Before you begin dir. Callahan, i just want to clarify. This process we are talking about the medicinal be applied to any Department Head because we got distracted into other things and do not complete a process last year but we will be doing one for the director hicks and also doing one eventually for the teeth as well. So this is universal . Yes, it is. In fact this is the same presentation we did for the fire commission. We just changed we are not special at all. [laughing] we do this throughout and in fact Department Heads slightly differ from those of other managers in the city that we focus more on Strategic Planning and less on daytoday management but its effectively the same prostate i will note, too, that the because we are San Francisco even Department Heads are labors rubbers in my Labor Organization this case of the Municipal Executive Association and occasionally the Commission Decides to do something rather unorthodox with respect to Performance Plans and appraisals they will make a complaint which is happened before. To me and then weve always been able to work it out. So the ema Municipal Executive Association is very familiar with this process and has no problems with it. Would you like me to go forward . Please, do please, do bimetal values of our program involved partnership. Basically are jointly going to identify the goals, the commission in this case or the of appointing authority and upon it are totally going to identify goals. We favor a lot of communication about those goals and about progress through the Performance Plan. What we want to do is work out a performance agreement and thats the basis of how we do it. If you look at thetheres a picture of the cycle and the way it works is you start at the top could we have the performance agreement so the be a plan to be filled out in the commission in consultation with the Department Head would be saying these are the objectives we would like to reach during the year. For me, it might have to do with concluding enrolling implicit bias training or preparing an excellent presentation for the Police Commission on promotional practices and development exams. Thosethats the first part is we set thewe come up with the performance agreement. Then as the year progresses, we recommend a midpoint review, how we doing on these objectives you meant to get to this repeatedly met our deadlines included in the plan, etc. At the conclusion of the period and again it could be a fiscal year by calendar year to conclude its a fiscal year will be a preappraisal meeting see me with the Department Head , how have we done this year . And complete the performance evaluation. The resultant performance appraisal. Its basically the process we call Performance Planning and appraisal because you say in advance what is you expect to get done and then the person is evaluated at the conclusion of the period on how successful they achieve the objectives and goals of the plan. You will see our ports i have only one copy but its Public Document and then it would would like it i can give it to you. Sgt. Kill shaw, we sent out this year as we do every year a proposed evaluation form for developing the Performance Plan. The appraisal. I note, as i think you reference, this commission was very busy this year but cannot use of force and hiring a new police chief so it is not surprising that perhaps the commission has not completed the Performance Plan for its to Department Heads could certainly you a brandnew one as well. But this is a brand one we have here is specifically for those reporting to commissions and its pretty much the same as the one that i would have reporting to the mayor and it focuses on setting out specific goals, and provides place for noting accomplishments and areas of growth and a moment that are desired, and a final evaluation where the Department Head signs off on it. They can also attend a statement they may or disagree with the report. Theso thats the general plan. We go to the , what we recommend the best practice is that the performance agreement is very explicit good we dont want to say things like manager overtime did and said we would say keep your overtime under 10 or whether was the year before because then its easier to know whether the been successful. Another thing. Complete project x i january 1 at those be the sorts of things that you would want to include as opposed to a generic to a good job managing your department. Again, the best practices have agreement on the expectations of performance at the purse knows exactly whats expected of them during the year and there should be regular medication about progress. I will note that this a little atom we use in performance evaluation it they should be smart specific, as i noted, as specific as you make them, measurable, doing a good job is not a goodis not a good we all do a good job we hope everyone does a good job we want to have some measurables in the get something achievable. It shouldnt be so aspirational that the person is doomed to failure. Relevance and of course timeframe to we learn much recommend there be a checkpoint along the way as far as when things should be accomplished. So it looks like this pretty much the same slide. Im not sure why. We can go past this one could be about performance agreement mid point review and performance appraisal. Again, we think collaboration and partnership that should not be any surprises. At the end of the other person shall be shocked to find that they are not meeting expectations that is indeed the case. Similarly, once we recognize the person throughout the year for publishers. But it performance process is successful if theres continuous communication. The form can be used to document the performance this objective was met this is not [inaudible] moved to ensuing year or the following conditions that i should note its not even when its not carved in stone. Things may happen that change the priorities you have legislation or other things happen and maybe a new commission is impaneled may have different priorities. That can be changed, too but again it has been the communication in the form should not be used to disciplinary actions. That is not what it is for. But it should be used to document performance improvements. So if its for the separate symbol, nikki, you did not complete your objectives in preparing an excellent presentation for the Police Commission therefore, you have failed. You better do better next time or therell be consequences. Etc. So that is the general process good as i noted, it is the case that Department Heads excuse me commissions can amend it or you may want to have other forms but it absolutely is a favor to use this one because we know that we will not receive any complaints that its an unorthodox process. Just the three sections we have the first page is simply identifying Department Head at the second page not show up in the powerpoint but its an appraisal report summary. The second page was the Performance Planning goals which i think is right there. Thats where youre going to list the smart items which we achieved overly over the fiscal year. The next page we get the comments regarding new overall performance. This is what went well, this is what didnt and areas for growth word of him and even for people are doing amazingly well we always recommend that you didnt fight areas of growth that may be recommend professional development, etc. Then alternately, is signed off by the, i would say in this case the Commission President and the Department Head who it applies to. If it isi would know, two, and this is not in my powerpoint, but the commission may decide to hear at midyear [inaudible] you may desire to do in evaluation when you have not already filled out a form like this. I would just suggest to you if you want to do that, you would need towe never like people to be evaluated on a surprise. They shouldto the extent the commission has clearly indicated to a Department Head, these are things we want you to do over the year, then i think you could do in evaluation. But it should not be anything the person isnt aware of. They have to be told in advance. This is what youre measured against. At least that is our process good so i hope you find that helpful and very happy to answer questions. Thank you, director good questions for dir. Callahan . Commissioner dejesus i find this very rigid. I dont find it well round. Doesnt provide us with information. I mean we are more like the board of directors but we dont work with our Department Heads. So like the chief of police that hes been a be interacting with many different facets of the community be easily working with professional groups. It may worked with business groups. So i was on the internet looking how you valuate a director with the best practice for evaluated director and one was they give you three options. You have a high rate get one of them is you do a survey. Two surveys with Stakeholder Community stakeholders professional community and professional stakeholders as well as with the staff. The staff is can have input, two and then have the your department give you his evaluation whether or not where he stands in these met his goals are not some of the reasons the board of directors or the board, should actually write evaluations and then come back and meet and have a consensus. So i was hoping that we would hear from you in broader opportunity to get more information to make real of valuations were to set up a plan and to know where they may be the strongest portions of their work and then any weaknesses they have. You know, so im not hearing that and im wondering is because you said the unions are involved. This set threw up with a union or you said it it we ask for anything unorthodox. Is it unorthodox last four participation from staff participation from Community Stakeholders . Well, let me address several points it on sorry viewfinder which it does not solely preclude you from i try to say this is something that can be customized by the commission. The general format is we have a plan. How did you come to compare to that plan. Now when youre answering the question of how do you compare to that plan, you can get input from various sources. Right . So that you are not precluded from that. But i would say that there are some tools that we would not consider to be appropriate for example, and i ama manager might beyou might have a new manager and the new manager is really laying down the law in a way that probably needs to be done may be managing for the first time. And were a unit that is often wellmanaged before and that person is not likely to be popular with the employees but maybe we doing exactly they should do. Like everybody got to call him suck all the time and nobody ever checks the new manager comes in and says, no, we are the limitations good you cant call in sick every monday and friday. The gumby unpopular. So we dont think its appropriate to be serving the staff saying what you think of the new boss because they have mixed motives. So there are tools that for example a three its called a 360 evaluation that are used to provide feedback to the individual about how theyre perceived by the subordinates colleagues and supervisors could ive had got myself. Where its not generally didnt go to the mayor for him to see what my staff thought of me. Was information for me to know. You dont plan your meetings very well. Or whatever it is. So it was helpful to me in my own professional the moment but thats what i 360 evaluation is for. There helpful tool. It would not be in my view appropriate or best practice to use that as a way of evaluating your Department Head. I do recommend though you know because people come and talk to, you look at measures that youre going to have three or process you be debating the results is this a good result not a good result and i will ultimately enter into your determination on whether the performance, how was the performance. So thats notjust to reference the unions, if a department for example decided to use a three or 60 evaluation to valuate the bonnet of anticipated credits from the Municipal Executives Association because weve agreed with them thats not really appropriate week to use it. It should be professional growth. That was mainly the reference was talking about but i think was a broad ability of the commission to for example, very specifically listings out and youre not limited in how you elicit information to form your opinions on whether things are cheap. I hope that is little more comforting. Well, no i think the 360 is what i think thats what they were calling it could you just 02 360s within the department within the city and county at all . No. As a Department Head to do his own 360 and get feedback from its own staff for their own knowledge but we wouldnt that information for any other set. The most of the three and 60 evaluation tools are dietary and you would hire an executive coach two, and administer it and executive coach that has a protocol of coming in and meeting with a person who is subject of the evaluation and would coach them on what the results mean. So sometimes its a little unclear and they would give them suggestions on how they can improve. That is thei dont know of an executive coach who for example would give it to the Police Commission for a different purpose than the growth of the individual. Thats how they were developed and thats what they are really for. That might be other mechanisms that you could use to solicit input so i just want to make it clear. Do we sit with a Department Head and we come up with awhat we want and they tell us what they want or what they think need or something we come up with a plan between the two of us . Things like we won our Department Head to one of the things we talked with the chief was to cultivate and select senior staff to develop leadership within senior staff, of the route behavior skills, develop skills you have a succession could maybe in the department. Among the staff and volunteers. Things like that . Is that part of what we would come up and talk about what our goals would be with a Department Head . Absolutely. In fact you can do it when of two ways. You might as a commission seeking speaking generically of any Department Head, you might have either subcommittee or sold in closed session develop a list of things you all agree should be in the Performance Plan in about their draft and say to their barn and what you think of this draft are we missing i think you want to add anything is this achievable not a realistic goal, but agreement valley. In the alternative, is what most mayors Department Heads do, is that we come up with our own and we taken to the marion say is this okay . So the mayor would say, i do note present my to the mayor. Would include my objectives based on the work im doing and may would say you need to do something in this area were without an iterative process could be amended a sign off now would be my goal. One of the things this year i find it we [inaudible] i dont think we ever [inaudible] but one of things you mention you can do more often. Once you come up with a big plan can you meet informally like quarterly or maybe at the Halfway Point just have an informal discussion of where we are with when on we can keep our hand on the pulse so to speak . Absolutely. I would recommend that could impact the centerpoint of one of our recommendations is ongoing communication. So in a minimal Relay Committee are with you but there could be frequent meetings to say hows it going, this one well, this did not go well. Are we doing here. Thats ongoing communication is the best. Okay. , thanks. Commissioner hing thank you director. I am new to the commission. What can you tell me about the history of this commission and its evaluation with Department Heads. . From our records well not all commissions submitwe collect them and have them did if we get them but we have no on record in our files from this Commission Although i think we may have seem on i think police chief but not from the occ now dpa. How long of you been with the department . I been the hr director for 9. 5 years. Okay. Do find that audit . I think commissions operate pretty independently and they may not decide to provide us i can i think theyre busy also. Commissions i think have more difficulty doing the weather cycle because of changing members on the commissions and imperatives that rise before them. So i do know that i would say most commissions do them but not all. I think you are cut off for you are about to say something. Short of the 360 format, i think youre about to say our other options for us to gather information . I would not recommend like a big survey or anything that couldi think we have to be respectful of the individuals in these roles and particularly women the public eye. I would noti person not considered a Good Practice to have everyone come tell us what you think about this person. That would be what i said to be used to meet with your director. [crosstalking off mic] please, comments. No, go ahead i will come back so what were talking about i would not [crosstalking off mic] im asking you for how to do it. I think that meetings with for example Community Leaders that you deal with or Business Leaders and asking how things are going and making notes about that and bringing that information to back to the commission, are you satisfied has this met your needs, etc. That might be proper . I would say so, yes could you help us design Something Like that i would workweek yes. What about staff . I know you alluded to the potential for disgruntled employees and we dont want to go there but white hypothetically, what if its not speak a disgruntled employee who has a vendetta but in fact, objectively you and i would agree that person has a valid complaint as an employee. How do we get that information . Well, let me say first that a validtheir mechanisms for complaints that you can look at and identify whether they are patterns. For example, the eeo complaints which often are not just about eeo but about people werent happy at work manifest themselves with an eeo complaint because they [inaudible] and for example our department tracks all those and we can let you know how many complaints there are. And of what type in fact we report those to the board of supervisors. Yes but there are sometimes when short of an eeo complaint thati would think more likely than not that somebody wouldnt file an eeo complaint that has a legitimate complaint could there are also other ways we learn of employee disgruntled isliptheres a few ways. One is that remittances can everybody is in a union to whether the grievances are valid or not effective in files and we can know how many there are its reasonable to say what we would like to see those resolved at the lowest possible level. Another thing i just had a thought that i forgot. Im sorry. Its fine am trying to think on my feet are good i think youd also look at patterns of peabody employees are engaged in their work. This is a big field of interest right now the city is doing a lot of work in the area of employing engagement people engage in the work which means effectively care about their job. Not just putting in the time. Theyre going to be more productive if they are happier. Or not they understand the mission they are devoted to it. Those of the employees that you want. In any groups are going to have the engaged people sort of on the margin and the actively disengaged when you want to do is to obviously have as many peoples possible engage released not actively disengaged. The actively designate you probably cant move but the others you can and some of the measures are particularly patterns. Sickly patterns but how does your sick use leave him there to the rest of the city as an example how about your injury right . Workers compensation injuries. So theres a number of objective measures, i think which are reasonable to use and we could probably help you develop lists of ones to look at. So let me understand if i heard you correctly. Earlier [inaudible] earlier you said that with respect to stakeholders public, that he might be able to help assign something that was acceptable. Are you now saying, that with respect to staff you might also be with to help us think through something i think the difference would be with staff we would want to be very careful in how to do it and i think what im suggesting is that the minority have access to a lot of information thats not in front of you right now that we can help collect for you so we think these are things you can look at it objectively. Also the department can consider doing Employee Engagement survey. Which we have done in my department recently and we we look at how people feel about their jobs should know another objective measure be retention. Right . Are you able to keep people after they come here so there is precedent been in the city for employee staff survey . Not to evaluate the Department Head. But to do what then . To identify areas in which the department can improve Employee Engagement. So as an example in my own department we did one and we found the people felt like they didnt know what their career ladders were. They also found employees are seeking more recognition than they are getting. We have two working groups among our staff and theyre coming up and it cuts across working units and levels and people volunteered and they seem to be happy to do it and theyre coming up with recommendations for the executive staff including need to implement. Who sets that up . We can assess any department in doing that but when you do an Employee Engagement survey again its not about evaluating an individual scholar changes can be done in the arm and to promote engagement. And when you to those it does cost some money because employees dont want toemployee by employee does not tell me that they are unhappy. Right . But are happy to tell someone else. Whos going to tell me in the aggregate. So you have to really use an external entity and so it would be a process that you could either none or departments are doing it i know Health Service system is doing it. What we did was kind of a pilot which we canwill be doing some work with Department Heads anyway on the subject of employment as i dont take market hundred that might take away your willing to help us yes. That is my job. Anything else . Yes. Commissioners marshall these are all good questions. So we know what we can or cant do. We hadmy since i personally get reviewed and i review people all the time, its a collaborative process to help my borders to help me improve and its a collaborative process. I think that in the spirit of should be to do that. The broad outlines and parameters were trying to establish and of course [inaudible] the different level but my thought is that they have to first establish when is the improved on in order to really look at someone. All these tools that we may need to do that are fine. Believe me, i some of the things you said particulate goes about material being given to the be Department Head so they will know that they need to work on. I think we can craft something for everyone. Batches i take on the whole process. Commissioner dejesus b was a couple things. The 360 i was clear you dont ask everybody but to me with your Department Head or executive director and have them give you a reference, some and they would want you to talk to things like that. And from the different categories good but thats okay i think you answered it with the Employee Engagement. That might be the better way to go and i was just try to get how can we work more collaboratively and also gather more information. You know we have done with used it at the last time was 2012 we have done for here and i know but where are they stored if we do these reviews create and they will be in the individuals personality which is kept at the apartment of liana locke four. [laughing] i guess we dont know where so we asked the barman has to give us at least the plans we dont always get them. Director hicks informs me that she was last evaluated in 2011. It may have been 2012 and i do have those plans and he was president mazzucco who signed him. Is it appropriate may produce peak little bit . Sure. Director hicks i did meet with the then president and Vice President of the commission to develop a plan that the plan was discussed in closed session with the entire commission. We altered some provisions of the plan based on the commissions input then i was evaluated on that plan but it has been a while. In the early years, we did it. But it has been sometime. I have been remiss because i did not provide the plan to the department of Human Resources. So the director. Thank you. Ive asked to clarify director the commission does evaluate the chief on an ongoing basis, especially and we in closed session where we have reviews on decisions to return officers to do the over after other personnel matters. [inaudible off mic] in closed session we do [crosstalking off mic] i remember a report given to us not an evaluation best achieve the specific questions were not present for any of those for a report not an evaluation, no we evaluate the chiefs performance and his action. He was i dont see it that way. I know what its called but i dont see it that way. Well, whatever anyone sees it the question to clarify the record and i have. Any other questions for dir. Callahan . Thank you director. My pleasure and sgt. , you can let me know if theres anything or feel like to proceed. Absolutely. Thank you. Maybe we should set up a committee to work with director to so we can come up with some ideas to present okay. The public. Public comment. On this matter. Public comment on this matter for the evaluation process. Good evening id. Commissioners davidSan Francisco for Police Accountability. Dd eight and opc is a clinicala critical part of accountability in San Francisco. The numbers unfortunately speak for themselves. The success rate in terms of actually getting anything done is very very low to bring to your attention the fact that this salary of the current director just went up big time did you know, you guys serve with basically every item on eight hours work you do but you do a tremendous work. Youll get paid for it. The expectation that you should have of your directors should be very very high. The fact that five years has gone by since the last evaluation, i mean i can only chalk that up to the fact that you guys are really overburdened. I get that. But i think that the anecdotal evidence that we have is that this department is not doing its job in any way shape or form that we would very much like to be part of the Stakeholder Group that if you have something and it would like to bring to you the sensibilities of the communities involved i think that one of the things you could do in terms of a survey is to really talk to the client, talk to the client from an occ dpa. The people that actually been there to try to get something there about a some type of officer misconduct etc. We have one member of our group who went recently to does when it was still occ and had a basically a disaster. You know, this person was felt she was very badly mistreated them a disregarded and she ended up just throwing our hands up in the air and pulling back from it. I will also let you know that i been told i have independently checked this, but sean moore, about two years ago when he was badly beaten up by sfpd in a muni incident, actually dropped the charges, and self, went to occ to try to file a complaint and basically got nowhere and gave it up. So i think theres a lot of anecdotal evidence that you will find if you reach out to the community about the failures of this department. So i really hope that whatever you do in terms of the evaluation edit be prettypretty strict, pretty reality based and its this is not a touchya time for touchyfeely get this a time for getting a department back on track so it can do the job that its tasked with. Thank you. Further Public Comment on line item 3 . Mr. Short. If there was a problem inhouse could it be investigated and written up within 40 days . This is if theres a problem within the police force, the problem with too much force, complaint, could that be solved within 30 days and presented to the District Attorney instead of lingering that on . Would that be a form of performance of tested performance . We are a professional investigative team. We keep hearing we are the best but inhouse, we should be able to figure out whats going wrong within a month. Again with the videos. As soon as a police opposite her sees the video or offered to see their videos should be released to the public within 24 hours or 20 hours afterwards. Without a part of what were discussing your . Thank you. Yes, sir. Hello. Michael adams san franciscans for Police Accountability him understand his conversation to be not just directors but employees and at a previous meeting i presented you with a pilot certificate in a medical certificate that combined allow person and airplane. Once not good without the other. The medical certificate is extremely important and there are 34 levels of medical evaluation under fitness for duty concept and i like to suggest you look into this and try to extrapolate from the Aviation Industry the notion of fitness for duty with periodic reviews depending on the level of your pilot license it can be as few as six months, one year. I just passed mine which is at the lowest level for three years i get reevaluated in three years. That fitness for duty includes a mental component which gets into the environment that many of our Police Officers find themselves. Its the other side of the cit its about our officers im sorry, sir is the thing about the evaluation is about evaluating the officers are forms its not about officers about directors okay. You heard me a little after i started. Spew i decide to let it go wanted to see the wasspew okay. Ill wait until general, then come back [crosstalking off mic] thank you. Thank you. I will pick up where i left off and keep it short. Thank you. Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel] general public common. Item for general public almonds. The public is welcome to address the commission. Speakers all dressed the remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners were departments or dba personnel. Under Police Commission be rules of order during public, Neither Police or deviate personnel were commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public may provide a brief response. Individual commissioners and police and dba personnel should refrain however from entering into any debates with discussion of speakers during Public Comment during these limit your comments to 3 min. Mr. Adams. We thank you again Michael Adams after halftime i guess. So i was hoping you would consider when youre doing evaluations of these officers performance that there be some way of doing a periodic review and determine fitness for duty might turn some employees off but its a way of evaluating good is this person in trouble . Is this personand relates to the eis and you may remember i can challenge the e part of the eis last time because arise on beta evidence that that drives the intervention. Which means sometimes its afterthefact. This kind of evaluation is nonstigmatized because everybody goes through. Doesnt wait on an event or incident under eis is a regular program of checking in with the mental and emotional states and physical state of the officers and everybody would go through it and nobody is singled out in that way. Now we know the Fire Department does spotchecks for drug and alcohol use i understand the surprise folks go to the i believe thats accurate. So i would just offer this information to transpose from the Aviation Industry where lights are at risk to the Police Industry where officers are at risk as well as the public. And invite you to kind of look creatively at the opportunity that i realize the union would have to weigh in on this but the opportunity to prevent illness burnout, suicide, domestic problems at home where officers are stressing out and nobody is catching on because its not officer like to ask for help. So this would be a regular routine program. Thank you much thank you mr. Adams. Next general Public Comments. Good evening get we spent an hour talking about you. We should all been in close stores. Imbeciles to bring all the stuff out about a director of the occ in a public format is imbecilic opiate and of subject. Lets move onto something more important welcome chief scott i dont talking to a former boss when you got sworn in but chief [inaudible] is one great man i read a great article about them lets move forward cit, organa talk cit [inaudible] impotent. Plain and simple. If the [inaudible] is not crying part of cit is impotent. Unaware [inaudible] argues, where 70 of the San Francisco is [video] muscle where African Americans will be gazed three times more than white counterpart for same offensive am aware of that. Its that documented. [inaudible] new york, okay its a fact we can live with that but its part of the game. Godblank blank dont be biased with that taser beat [inaudible] you come back from that taser. But look, we are impotent we still dont have it. Weve got the bodycam yesterday at the board of supervisors meeting but what happened on january 2 . We shot a man. We shot a video. Yes. Had we had a taser we would not have shot that man. Of course the officer should not been approaching him. Okay, fine. Oh well, we shot him hes alive god bless. He had a taser and eight end of subject at two weeks ago on six street i was there. Three cops with their weapons drawn [inaudible] with 2 x 4 i written up a friend of mine with an issue that nader. I said, no theyre not good i got between them officers that i looked him and said put that blank blank done and he walked [inaudible] he was sweating and were screaming them i said put that blank playing down. If you step forward to going to shoot you. God bless you. They tackled him. Sf general. Had he step forward what choice did they have . Is going to buy for 6 feet long. What choice do they have . [inaudible] gimme a break is good to buy for what is a baton. [inaudible] forefoot how close are you to get to him but with a 2 x 4 . Lets be adults here. Lets get these [inaudible] mayor lee wants them chief suhr wants them everyone in the density but they Police Commission get we dont want them. Adam and tagging. Back with a taser. Have a good evening. I want to be on record for objecting to objecting to the use of the racial epithet by this person. So noted. Where he just mentioned police bias and when i spoke earlier i mentioned why im herewhy im here is because the primary reason is, i sevenyearold son right now his name is on your brown. I cant see or speak to him. Ill tell you what. I was in a relationship back in 2015 where i was on the receiving end of domestic violence. Simply because i dont hit women. It put me on the defensive right. . So i met with a woman on the job we moved in together yet a son my son was five years old [inaudible] she became physically abusive to me and we had a situation. She would hit me. Now i literally bear on the table calling 911. She still hitting me. Youre being assaulted right . Still it happened three times between 2013 and two 2015. Three times should two or three times i called i was arrested. I was taken from my home. And the other times actually taking a walk. I took that water. I took that walk and came back [inaudible] she came downstairs and resumed hitting me could i call the cops again right . And [inaudible] is my shirt fell off me right . Please came in the door and person i do [inaudible] im in the back of the car. Im not sure what type of person that is but this consequences to that because there is noguy got shot and killed right . But this is a slow right . Consistent with the rain did what i mean by that this is weathered me. Ive aged more in the past few years than in the past 15 years. The past few years right . Because i was taken for my home. I hope i invest my last few years and by last few years everything in that house less unvested putting my energy into the relationship it i invested in. [inaudible] i coached her son from out of school. So you understand me. [inaudible] to be in a [inaudible] within three years. When we broke up the courts [inaudible] the house the court gave her complete custody of my kids. My of user has total control of my sevenyearold son that can talk to. He can talk to me or anyone outside my family even rather see grew up with is that other brothers erupt with that he can talk to because of bad judgments. They came to the house they assume i was a bad guy and i was arrested. [inaudible off mic] thank you, sir. Thank you sir i appreciate you coming we had to keep everyone to 3 min. Thank you, sir. Next Public Comment please. Width tombudget for the homeless and for the crisis people will be interesting. Whoever would try that we could prevent it thats why dont want folded into the prominent publichealth needs be on its own. The Police Officer teams im still trying to bring forth the idea of two tenured thats that have no problems working with a bookie 413 years that we can change teams but i like the idea of two tenured bets with morning once whove never fired a bullet and no complaints helping a bookie get established and you can change the teams every six months so this way a rookie in three years could have the knowledge of six, eight, mathematically a lot more experience that is going to get at the two guys working with mr. Moore did. Again, i would also like these teams to experiment in being godless. I think its time again the militarized nation of this country, letswe had a military man die in yemen last week. What are we doing in yemen . 50 years ago we were in vietnam. Were still fighting it 50 years ago the police were referred to as pigs when i was a child growing up were not a child. A young adult. The demonstration in chicago in 1968 was a police riot soma alabama am a right now we want people that are from San Francisco, please, you can be a cool cop. This is a cool town. We want people here. There are people that been raised with bullets flying over in hunters point, bayview and they are not part of that deadend scene. They are adults could they know they want to go straight they know thats a dead end seemed yet they dont want it. They can be part of our police force could i would like 70 of the next class to be from San Francisco. A hard navy to reach but we should try to we should get it done. Next, i really think we can do some nets ive seen some fishnets that insult then your throat 23 nets at a person where are they going to go . They are all entangled. I would like to see something going along those lines. I will leave it there. Thank you good luck to all of us. Next member of the public please. Good evening for last on commissioners davidsan franciscans for Police Accountability, one not overstay my welcome. Lets see. With regard to the committee of the whole yesterday i think it was a very very successful one. And im very much looking forward to the fact that the next one will be in may. We will probably try to do a livermore preparation for it. The chief will have been here long enough so that we will be able to ask some more questions may be more detail. One of the things that came out of it was the new community rations unit. We are very happy thats happening and we are going to stay as informed as we can about how to hook into it etc. Would also like to commend the chief four when he was asked for some the statistics letting us know a fix of the officers involved in the texting scandal were no longer with sfpd. Thats a step very much in the right direction it is not clear and i dont think that you can tell us whether those six were fired, with a left on their own accord. Etc. Nor was happening with the other 12. I just wonder bring us back to that for a second and say theres any way to deal with those other 12 that should really happen. Thats a very sore point of the community. Those tax. Youve all had a chance to look at them they were really horrible. Lets see, what else. I think thats about its. Thank you all for what youre doing and i think were heading in the right direction. Next member of the public please hello ms. Brown. Hello. Again im here to talk my about my son by also want to say that on 2020 they had a gungunfire i mean firearms third leading cause third leading colors of children ages 117. My son was 17 when he was murdered. So i hold the signs because i talk with my signs. I would keep the overhead. My son operate other cost up murdered august 14, 2006 from a semiautomatic come 30 rounds of bullets left a gun into my son and because he called out to save someones life and no one saved his life and to this day theres no justice for my son. When doing this his birthdays coming up in april. April 6. So im feeling it. Im really feeling it. So i want you guys to understand what im feeling to know i want i dont my son to be forgotten. I know i say this all the time. I need to say this and like i say every time i come here this is my therapy. This is my therapy. I only talk to my son. I talked for all the children and mothers that video i showed earlier than most of those mothers are children are on this picture. I walked with these mothers all the time. And you see their children and i still talk to them. I bring this picture because this is all i have left of my son of 17yearold boy laying on a gurney lifeless. Cut from head to toe bite autopsy and wasnt shot in his head but they lift his face up up off his body. His what i had to look for in the grave. I mean in his casket. My me, he has a father. A mother and a father who raised him well. His father is from nigeria. My son was raised well. We put him in school we pay tuition. Offer someone to take his life. So my me, 11 years later, you guys, i still cry but dont let these tears for you. Im a strong woman. But i still grieve for my son. I wont i want justice for my son. This is what i remember it hes fading away from me and i cant even remember his smile anymore. I cant get this is all i have left. I want some closure. Thank you. Thank you. Other Public Comment . Earwig Public Comment is closed. [gavel] commissioner turman if i may, i like to make a comments. Many times during the public since ive been on the Commission People say things. Sometimes its irresponsible. Sometimes its helpful to the commission. Sometimes it is harmful and sometimes it out right mean. I do not this commission when clive comes back he walked out before we had chance to talk to him. That he be censured for what he said to this commission. The term he used is a term that should never be used. Its not just by anybody in any context. Its derogatory. Good for the men and women in this audience of people who i serve with on this Commission Im up here with the chief director of the occ pc members of this commission, when that term was used i felt something the man sitting to the right of me. Thats irresponsible should never be used at this commission. I asked the people in the Public Comments be responsible. A lot of times when i was the president has the people use especially if they were lawyers are held to a higher standard. Their officers of the court after represent the fax is a know them could not rely on hearsay and make things up. I also asked members of the public that they, too, be responsible. We sit here and listen to Public Comment every week and sometimes people walk away and they joke about the things that are said that sometimes they walk away and they are angry about what said what was said tonight was wrong to only perpetrates all the issues that continue and when clive comes back i know well be watching this tonight that i ask that next week he be censored for what he said. Next item mdm. Sec. Item number five public on on all matters pertaining to item 7 below close session including Public Comment on the weather to hold item 7 in closed session. Ladies and gentlemen every public on on the fact that we are about to consider items in closed session . Hearing none,yes doesnt transparency start somewhere around here . Thats it. Do with Public Comment is closed. [gavel] speak next item item 602 whether to hold item 7 in closed session including vote whether to assert the attorneyclient privilege with regard to item 7rob up San Francisco administrative code section 67 point and action. So moved. All those in favor say, aye. [chorus of ayes. ] opposed, say nay. Commissioner we are back on record in open session and you still have a quorum. Thank you to a motion with reference to disclosure regarding closed session . So moved. Second. Please call next why dont item number nine a german is there a motion . So moved. Second. The meeting is adjourned. Thank you everybody. [gavel] [adjournment] today. clapping. ive been working in restaurants forever as a blood alcohol Small Business you have a lot of requests for donations if someone calls you and say we want to documents for our school or nonprofit ive been in a position with my previous employment i had to say no all the time. My name is art the owner and chief at straw combinations of street food and festival food and carnival food i realize that people try to find this you dont want to wait 365 day if you make that brickandmortar it is really about making you feel special and feel like a kid again everything weve done to celebrate that. So nonprofit monday is a program that straw runs to make sure that no matter is going on with our business giving back is treated just the is that you as paying any other bill in addition to the money we impose their cause to the greater bayview it is a great way for straw to sort of build communicated and to introduce people who might not normally get to be exposed to one nonprofit or another and i know that they do a different nonprofit every most of the year. People are mroent surprised the restaurant it giving back i see some people from the nonprofit why been part of nonprofit monday sort of give back to the program as well answer. Inform people that be regular aprons at straw they get imposed to 10 or 12 nonprofits. I love nonprofits great for a local restaurant to give back to community thats so wonderful i wish more restrictive places did that that is really cool. It is a 6 of nonprofit that is supporting adults with autism and down syndrome we i do not involved one the wonderful members reached out to straw and saw a headline about, about their nonprofit mondays and she applied for a grant back in january of 2016 and we were notified late in the spring we would be the recipient of straw if you have any questions, well be happy to answer thems in the month of genuine we were able to organize with straw for the monday and at the end of the month we were the recipient of 10 percent of precedes on mondays the contribution from nonprofit monday from stray went into our post group if you have any questions, well be happy to answer theming fund with our arts coaching for chinese and classes and we have a really great vibrate arts program. We we say thank you to the customers like always but say 0 one more thing just so you know youve made a donation to x nonprofit which does why i think that is a very special thing. It is good to know the owner takes responsibility to know your money is going to good cause also. It is really nice to have a restaurant that is very Community Focused they do it all month long for nonprofits not just one day all four mondays. We have a wall of thank you letters in the office it seems like you know we were able to gas up the 10 passenger minivan we were innovate expected to do. When those people working at the nonprofits their predictive and thank what straw is giving that in and of itself it making an impact with the nonprofit through the consumers that are coming here is just as important it is important for the grill cheese kitchen the more restrictive i learn about what is going on in the community more restrictive people are doing this stuff with 4 thousand restaurant in San Francisco were doing an average of 6,000 a year in donations and multiply that by one thousand thats a lot to the office of controllers Whistle Blower Program is how City Employees and recipient sound the alarm an fraud address wait in City Government charitable complaints results in investigation that improves the efficiency of City Government that. You can below the what if anything, by assess though the club Program Website arrest call 4147 or 311 and stating you wishing to file and complaint point Controllers Office the Charitable Program also accepts complaints by email or 0 folk you can file a complaint or provide Contact Information seen by whistle blower investigates some examples of issues to be recorded to the Whistle Blower Program face of misuse of City Government money equipment supplies or materials exposure activities by city clez deficiencies the quality and delivery of City Government Services Waste and inefficient government practices when you submit a complaint to the charitable online complaint form youll receive a unique tracking number that inturgz to detector or determine in investigators need Additional Information by law the City Employee that provide information to the Whistle Blower Program are protected and an employer may not retaliate against an employee that is a whistle blower any employee that retaliates against another that employee is subjected up to including submittal employees that retaliate will personal be liable please visit the sf ethics. Org and information on reporting retaliation that when fraud is loudly to continue it jeopardizes the level of service that City Government can provide in you hear or see any dishelicopter behavior boy an employee please report it to say Whistle Blower Program more information and the whistle blower protections please seek www

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