With police condition with police conditions all right. Take a bow looks frost aye lee aye bierman aye thomas aye caminong aye perez aye tan aye the motion has. Congratulations. [inaudible off mic] [laughing] thank you very much. We have a few more things to go through today. Item number eight is the session and possible action regarding draft ordinance amendment. To the please code this is mine. I asked for this to be put on there again becauseand this is prior to commissioner bierman being here. He did a nice Powerpoint Presentation on this piece of legislation regarding some amendment to the police code relative to amplified sound and the resolution that conversation sort of was unfinished i guess i would say if your call. I know its kind of late and we could push this to april 4 but i do need a more formal action from the commission so that i can move forward for the sponsor potentially at the board of supervisors for this piece of legislation to start a legislative process for Mayors Office or however i proceed i cant do it without a formal action. So if youre exhausted anyone outside workers on april 4, its fine because its waited a long time as it is. Or, you could give me some i think we [inaudible] good question. Did anyone do that . Did you read you did here. Well i dont think i have read it. I personally do not have any reason to follow it. I didnt realize you needed a formal action. I do. Im happy to move that could i dont know of commissioners want to have a little more time. The task was to read it over over comments to our director if you have those. Weve couple months to do that now. I know sometimes we would need reminders but i think most of it was really really good thoughtful cleanup of our current code and try to give a little more tools to dealing with outdoor sound amplification. So just to clarify, does it also include the street performers getting the permits it does. Just a question. We need from us is a formal action to continue pursue this as is . Without any changes essentially proving this as is right. It obviously may change within the legislative process because again its not a piece of introduce legislation so theres ample time if for some reason the commission thought i missed this the first time to make changes to it i wasnt given it, i dont think because [inaudible] i figured i would love the opportunity to read it over between now and the fourth. Absolutely. Thats fine. Im fine either way. I just want to make sure we dont lose the ball here. Can you do a motion then, to continue this item until the next meeting . Yes i like a motion to continue this item until the next meeting great. second. They gave the looks same house, same call . Yes. You will move on to item number nine election of Vice President. This and was commissioners to nominate and elect the seat of Vice President of editing commission did not had a Vice President since commissioner joseph left the commission. Now we have a full commission here. I have spoken with commissioner thomas to see if she had interest and will be willing to step up in the role. The Previous Public Health representative, commissioneri forget his last name,anyway [inaudible] anyway my point is he was former vice chair before event that and its appropriate for Public Health rep to be on the think he played a leadership role actually invoicing questions and asking our applicants poignant things that i think having graded gives great capacity to run a meeting which is the main part was based chair does. So i would like to move to approve an nominate commissioner thomas as vice chair. Hopefully there is a second . Second. Great. Any further discussion . No . All right any Public Comment known in the public. Lets take a boat frost aye lee aye bonilla aye caminong aye perez aye tan aye. Congratulation. Thank you for stepping up into that role. Item number 10 is commissioner amundson question any final thoughts from commissioners . Commissioner frost just to director stopped anybody is summoned coming in for us to modify their existing permits, for a change of permit that we get a twoyear history on complaints that been filed. Speed is twoyear history combines thats a great idea. Thank you. Did halcyon password extension they did ask for a continuance. I know if you hear the beginning but we continue the item on the quest also mentioned that they have 60 days to actually make sound increments and abatements for [inaudible] from our first hearing. So i think it was march 7. Thank you we notify them of that . No. I dont know. I just emailed you guys this afternoon about it so probably not. So youve got to let him know that. Not just a planning decision. Its now youve got to get your soundproofing done in 60 days correct . What the code says it triggers another hearing and at that point we would sort of decide we think theyve done their part and done enough after the afterhours permits visibly [inaudible] for everything. Again theres numerous ways to bring someone was a complaint. This is just another one am happy to formally send her a notice relative to what you are talking about. Its a little cumbersome on the backend so im hoping she makes improvements so we dont have to wander into formal suspension territory in front of you. If we can do a lot administratively without that. Understood question. What happens if you just suspend their extended hours . Their specific criteria do we have to sort ofssay that they have not met and because otherwise they can appeal it and i think that triggers a whole process. Therefore its there for them to defend themselves if they feel like we have not been good to them it seems like all the problems with the afterhours if i could caution you guys its not on the agenda as a point of discussion. The conversation. Fair enough do is i the couple things, completed briefly discussed 11 street zone before him and i think i dont want to spend the next 3. 5 years listening to the same three neighbors come back here. And brian made the point was trying to bring that up as well that theyre going to have to take some action over there and i think i just want to volunteer myself to help with that if i can in any way. The date needs to be some organizing over there i agree with you because i dont want to the other thing i want to bring up really quickly that something and were discussing in the bar world a lot is there was a shooting march 17 on 19th and mission on 19th st. It was incorrectly reported [inaudible] and picked up by speed the outside of [inaudible] and implication was that the implication was that somebody from one side of the [inaudible] has been a partitioning or that they somehow been partitioning. The neighbors around [inaudible] mark was done a great job of organizing [inaudible] as well as [inaudible]. Forcefully push back against that the common section and the letters to the editor in the sf retracted that statement, which as far as i know, that its maybe a first for many and i know this is public i know theres nobody here but currently but just on record i want make the point that the news they need to separate themselves from these issues forcefully if they clearly had nothing to do with them because it puts us in a worse position puts them in a worse position with entertainment and worse position than i does work. I just want to go on record for that its kind of interesting that [inaudible] there some kind of something happening and on the other tv stations are not really covering. I dont know of [inaudible] doesnt like nightlife or whatever because is a mass of confusion unusually involved. So thats great that you point that out. I definitely agree with that because it is it stop some pretty good when please of entertainment is somehow connected to some type of violence it done the report theyve come to us and we do, i agree with you, ben, that we do have to get the industries or the places of entertainment if they are named after come out and defend themselves because down the line, when people do their research in three years to say how much violence is been around a bar therell go to get that first article, something came back against it going to include that was another one. Incorrectly. Bring up 11 street corridor of something happened there would have been the same. Name them all. So thats what some people are doing i think it all right. Commissioner caminong did you say form 10 [inaudible] 1070 . From 700, that is right. [inaudible] april 3 or maybe 1 april actually. They are due april 1. He was there you go. [crosstalking off mic] if youve done one like a newish, commissioners may not have to do it again. May have to call [inaudible] they are due. Another note, if you dont get them in on time they will start the be monetary fines. The adamant about that. Going online but the really keeping track of late filers. Thank you. Number comments from commissioners if theres no one in the public of the common is quoted we will go ahead and adjourned the night and adjourn this meeting. Thank you. [gavel] [adjournment] b was good afternoon. It is 108 p. M. This is regular meeting on Community Investment and infrasfruckture. The Successor Agency commission to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for tuesday march 21, 2017. Welcome to members of the public. Madam scaert please call the first item. Roll call. Commissioner pimentel. Present. Bustos, here. Singh, here. Mondejar, here. Rozauls, here. All membererize present. The next is announcements. The next meeting will be held april 4, 2017 at 1 p. M. City hall. Prohibition of sound producing electroning devices during the meeting. The richcking and use of cell phone pager and similar sound producing e devices are prohibited. May order the removal of the person responsible for use of cell phone pager or similar sound producing electronic device. C, announcement of time allotment for Public Comment. Please be advising a member has up to 3 minute to make comments on each agenda item unless the xhickz adopt as shorter peerd. Members who wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card. The next item is 3 action taken at closeed session. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business, matters of unfinished business. No matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item 5, matters of new business consisting of consent and relural agenda. 5 a, approval of minutes. February 21, 2017. Madam chair. Do we have speaker cards . Y i do not. No speaker cards. Commissioners we have Consent Agenda approval of minutes february 21. Any edits, comments, motions . Move that. Commissioner singh moved and commissioner bustos seconded. Commissioner members please announce your vote. Pimentel, yes. Bustos, yes. Singh, yes. Maund maunds har, yes. Rozauls, yes. 5 b alection of chair and vice chair. Discussion and action. Madam chair. Yes, sometime annually usually we have election of officers and even though we are in manch march will we have the election of officer today because 3 members were sworn in for new terms today. Commissioner bustos apimentel and singh so have a full compliment the commission. I want to take nominations one office at a time and like to make the first nomination for chair. I like to nominate vice chair mondejar as the chair for the next year. Ill second. All is a second. Any other nominations for chair . I believe i need to askyes, is there a member of the public who would like to comment on the nomination for chair . Seeing no one, can you please cal the roll. Her fan base havent arrived yet she is saying. Please call the roll on the nomination for chair. Commissioner mands har for chair. Commissioner penmental, yes. Boousto, yes. Singh, yes. Mondejar, yes. Rosolace, yes. The vote is 5 aye. Congratulations, commissioner. [applause]. I nominate bustos. That was my next item. Nomination for vice chair of commissioner bustos for vice chair. There is a second for that nomination. Any other nominations for vice chair . Seeing none, can i ask is there a member the public that would like to comment on the nomination of commissioner bustos for vice chair the commission for the next year . The fan base is outside as well. Seeing none, can you please call the roll. Pimentel, yes. Bustos, yes. Singh rfx , yes. Madam chair mondejar, yes. Commissioner rosols, yes. 5 ayes. Congratulations to commissioner mondejar and bustos. Thank you. [applause]. I think it is appropriate at this time since im no longer the chair, you want to switch places . [laughter]. Okay. Thank you fellow commissioners for your confidence in me and electing me and chair rosales. [applause] i want to thank commissioner rosales, so used to calling you chair rosales for your more than 4 years of service. You really have guided this commission, shepherded it and especially during the beginning when it was difficult. We were going through a transition, so i have big leadership shoes to fill so hope im able to come up to your expectations and thank you for your extratime because i know what its like to be you know, especially as a chair all the side meetings before this meeting actually happens, so thank you. Lets see, where am i . Next order of business, madam screert. The next order of business is 5 c, conditionally apruchbing per sunt to owner participation agreement with mbllc. 5. 5 acre part in Mission Bay South within the scope of and described in the Mission Bay Redevelopment project approved under the mission bay final subsquents Environmental Impact report. Program eir and adopt Environmental Reviewper sunt to ceqa. Mission bay soget Redevelopment Area. Discussion and action resolution 122017. Madam interim director. Thank you. Through the chair i like to introduce this item. It is 5. 5 acre park with lots of aminities that will include plaza as well as trail paths so i would differ to the project manager, mark slokeen to present on the matter as well as we have the Development Team who will also be presenting. Good afternoon madam chair mondejar, commissioners, director; mark slescon project manier for mission bay and before and is mission bay Bay Front Park Schematic Design, request we will have for you guys as a conditional approval of the Schematic Design for Bay Front Park p 22 as well adoping Environmental Review finding pursuant to California Environmental quality act. Today we will go over the site information, the design standards, project design, the team introductions, community outreach, mission bay cac, sbe contracting, ceqa findings and next steps and any questions. As you can see here, this is the largest park in Mission Bay South and it is located on the east side of the project area along the bay. It is across the street from where the future event center will be. Here is a amenities map with all the amenities growing in mission bay. I dont think anything new since the last presentation but have a birch more coming soon on 4th street. For the design standards, two sets of standsards, Mission Bay South design for development. That was requires we have open flexibility use lawn areas to accommodate passive, active and major recreation use, soccer field and other sports. Performance area, and accessory use and restaurants under port ownership and the port will build a restaurant in the northern part of the park not part of this design. There will be a pad for later use but will work with the port on that design and also some restrooms in that area. Also, pathways linking city and regional pedestrian and bike systems and continuation the bay trail on the eastern park. There is also the San Francisco bay conservation and Development Commission permit and that calls for the Bay Front Development enhance the viewer of the bay and maximize efforts to provide enhance and preserve use of the bay and shore line especially from the public areas and the bay itself. With these guidelines contrains what we can do, but you will see a great presentation. The team here today the land owner is port of San Francisco and david [inaudible] is here any questions later. The Master Development is fossil mv and Mission Bay Development group and luke stort is here representing them. The Landscape Architect is surface design and raujric wally [inaudible] representing surface design. Private coordination [inaudible] dana perry and [inaudible] will be here shortly. From the Civil Engineering dealing with storm water management. Graphic productions is omni digital andnot here yet. Same with outreach and programming site lab and another Civil Engineer ghd. Now well switch over to the presentation from roderick wily of surface. Roderick wily with surface design, thank you for allowing us to present the park to you today. As you know, project like this is a big sort of team project. So, we are really thrilled to be presenting to you a design that incorporated all kind of team members recollect Civil Engineering and community outreach. I know i want to make sure i touch the right button. I think that you are familiar with the site. It is a site we are really honored to be working on right at the bay, sort of eastern tip of mission bay. We think it is a amazing opportunity to provide open space for the city and for the neighborhood. Also, it is opportunity to really celebrate the bay, the water, but also to celebrate the maritime history of the site. So, thats something that weve incorporated into our design thinking. You can see that this is part of a sort of larger master plan that the western edge of the park is the newly aligned nob naeb Terri Francois boulevard. Apologies forthere we go. Thank you. This is the park. I know that you have a booklot showing the park but this is the slide of where we are with the park right now. Schematic design, a lot of details are being flushed out, but the spirit the park i think is represented in this drawing. A lot of it is a very large open space that we imagine to be very flexible so programmed with event, programmed with informal sort of soccer games and on the southern part the site is a applauseey that connects more clearly with the 16th street corridor and allows for activities, connection tooz the water of course but also bbq and picnicking and events like that. Much of the sort of overriding design of the park was sort of related regulatory guidelines and those guidelines are prescriptive. Thesenter of the park is intend today be flexible open space and the plaza space at termination of 16th street is the more urban space. On the north side the park is the proposed restaurant space. We have been work wg bcdc not only in terms of the bay trail that runs all the way along the east side the park, but also in terms how the park shapes and allows access to views to the water. So, the views that we are outlining in this diagram talks about view tooz the water and east and maritime Activity Still there. The dry docks are functioning and part of port history and contemporary port use so we want to celebrate those and make sure people understand where they are in San Francisco. We are been ginning to develop materials for the park. These materials are 34e7b9 to be very resilient. This is a site we imagine a lot of people will use and speak tooz the history so it doesnt necessarily to be pressure materialsment we think we can be thoughtful about how we detame the material squz incorp thait in the park so we are talkingof course part of that is ent grating access lt to the park but not in a way that that becomes sort of distracting to accessibility but it is integrated in every sort of place that we work on in the park. The materials are fairly simp squl we know we can detail them in a elegant way. We talk about cast and place concrete for paths, asphalt painchs on the street edge and small insertions of wood to break down the over all scale and gesture of the design. The furniture plan for the park is developing. It helps to underscore the way we think about the park. The applauseey we are showing picnic table s and bbq, things that activate urban in the park. The larger lawn space re 345i7bs uncluttered from furniture along the east edge the parkt. We are excited to the opportunity to bring peep tool the agand have a moment to sit in what we imagine a fairly naturalistic experience and insertion into the city. We are beginning to work with stew winchester who is horticulturerist who has done work in mission bay. There is learning to be gleamed what succeeded in mission day and what hasnt succeeded in mission bay so we are trying to pinpoint exact species but now what we are proposing is brizbane box widely someplaceed 35 feet apart. It is something that doesnt32 feet wide so something that doesnt impinge on views but creates a urban edge people can respond time in. And then beginning to develop of overall strategy for planting so incorporating plant types. There is turf lawn of course but along the edge of the water is coastal scrub so something that speaks to the larger landscape and the planting we find in the bay area. This is a plan breaking down the programmatic elements of the plan. The waterfront composed of the bay trail and porchs, the moments where people stop and take in the water. The bay front green which is the open space can be programmed in all ways. 16th street plaza is urban end of 16th street. The restaurant cafe which is phased in at a later date and the promenade which creates this grand walk along Terri Francois. I know parking is a concern. There will be parking along terri fron swau boulevard and p 21 which is the parking lot on the north side of this slide. We have copal of blow ups of park design now. This is 16th street plaza design and the vista point we are trying tothe sea wall is in great shape. It is fairly new construction on the site so something that is resilient and serving the purpose of the edge. We are still ritoog invite people out to the edge. That sense that you are on the water and thats really the inspiration for the vista point and various kind of moments when you polk out tworsds the water. And then on the north side the park, the bay front green creates the sort of overriding experience on this part of the park. There is a small plaza directly across the street at the termination of south street. This is not something we imagine heavily programmed. It is a bump out within the promenade along terri fron francois boulevard. We applied for a grant from caltrans and Oakland Museum to use some fragments the bay bridge that was dismantle recently and we received a grant which we are really excited about. So, we have stock piled materials to possibly use as a shade structure in this park. It is something we are really excited about. We will be working with the local artist currently not yet named but have a few ideas and reaching out to leakal artist to see who might be compatible and design something reallyue meek and that speaks to the history of San Francisco. So, right now you are seeing actually our depiction of that shade structure which as i said is to be realized by a artist but we are trying to give a sense how it might be used in the park as a shade structure. There is a plaza looking east. This is the other view of the green looking south. So, you can see in a way we are imagine this structure as it develops in design be c34s a threshold from one zone to the other. A pretty straight forward view looking south of the bay front green, so we can i 3457b8gen all kind of uses here. There is probably never enough spaces for people to kind of have pick up soccer or any kinds of informal actaveties like that. A view south street plaza. This is the applauseey plaza i mentioned. The terminationf south street. Probably not as programmed as the 16th streetplaza. We wouldnt propose bbq and picnic tables, it is place for people to rest and creates a more intimate scaled edge to the park. These are terraces, so these are the west side thf park. Very subtle topography that allow the view about the grade to look at the water. Creating more intimately scaled park spaces. Ultimately the vocabulary of this park is one that is an oasis in the city. There is Large Program spaces but the idea is that also people have a moment to breathe and kind of reflect on being in the city or on the water. It is a real respite, that is the way we imagine it. Then finally there is subtle grading that creates a bit of a promentory for people to take into even more. Thats my slides. Thank you. Thank you. Jennifer m att Economic Workforce Development and was interested in key projects along the water front including the Chase Event Center across the street. Sadly in december 2012 she passed afrom pank attic cancer so in recognition of great contributions there is a element of the park dedicated to her. Later this summer we will work with family and in communication with the family to determine what is the appropriate memorial for her. Outreach over the past 18 months ocii the port and design team held 8 Public Meetings to develop review and receive feedback and approval for the park concept. Thrfs a specific design workshops, port central advisory group. Bcdc Design Review board. Mission Bay Citizen Advisory Committee on two occasions and just last month we were before the port of San Francisco commission which they approved design as well. Mission bay cac went for approval january 17 and after discussing concerns it was approved. The initial concerns about lack of exexpressive Design Elements and activation. It a great conversation talking about the constraints and bcdc permit that you have to keep more level areas to allow for views out to the bay as well as bay inwards so within those constraints we have a really great design and they ultimately approved it. They were also concerned about the porch area not damaged by skate boarders, very big concern in a lot of parks and then also with the shade pavilion they wanted to make sure that there was access to power and water so it is accessible for that. Sbe contracting, the agency goal was 50 percent Small Business enterprises on this was consultant who achieved 70 percent. Informational, there was 29. 6 percent minority owned and 5. 3 percent women businesses. During construction well affair the 50 percent sbe subcontracting goal as well as 50 percent local participation and that will be acheebed. Here is data break out of the consultant to show how we got to 70 percent. My apologies the memo that was sent out i didnt include the bioes so in the back of the packet you can nined a writeup on all of them. Ceqa fineings, staff recommends the commission make environmental findings and determine the Schematic Design approval is implementing action within the scope of Mission Bay Redevelopment project analyzed in the final Environmental Impact report mission bay north and south redevelopment plans and requires no further Environmental Review per sunt to ceqa guidelines, 16, 62, 163 and 180. Next steps, the Commission Approves or Schematic Designs, the construction documents continue working on them through this year and be complete january nerks year. Also the port will work onilities design for restaurant and work with them on that as well as incorporating bath room in the north end. This Time Next Year we have to hope have worded a contractor to build the praiject project and construction begins may 2018 and work go through august 2019 then go through the city acceptance process and hopefully open by october in time for the chase arena. Time exact. That is our presentation, so we are available for any questions if you have. Madam secretary, do you have any speaker cards . No speaker cards. So, now let me turn to the commissioners. My fellow commissioners, do you have any questions . Yes, commissioner singh. Question for mark . Or designer . I just want to know, i saw Parking Spaces, how many parking there . For Public Parking . Public parking along the street on not along the street. Special parking parking in p 21, that right now i dont know how many spots we have. David [inaudible] will tell you exactly. Commissioner, david [inaudible] planner with the port. That parking lot to the north of the site is reserved for people using the public boat launch to the north. There are 30 spaces for vehicles with trailers, we havent seen demand for all the trailers yet so split 15 of the spaces and have 15 for boats with trailers and another 30 that are interim that we allow people to park in. But ultimately it is reserved for those that need to trailer their boats in because it is the only public boats launch in the city. So not for Public Parking [inaudible] there is a lot of on Street Parking on Terri Francois so that is the primary location. I [inaudible] eerfben now you cannot park there. So the port manages terri fran cois boulevard and one thing we are work wg sfmta and manage the parking based on demand and adjacent to the open space restrict the duration the parking so people cant park there all day long and there is Public Access for parking to the park. Any other questions . Commissioner pimentel. I have two questions, who is responsible for the maintenance of all of the open space . Is it the port . This will fall under ociis responsibilities so covered by cft number 5 which we contract out to mission bay parks. My second question is regarding the local artist, where exactly are the artist from and what did your outreach to the Artist Community . We have not begun that is just beginning. We are just beginning to look at artist and soliciting ideas so that is where we are right now. Ocii and Compliance Department will work closely with them to insure it is a fair outreach process. Any other further comments . Commissioner rosales. Have a quick question. Im trying to figure out what is the jurisdiction of the port . It is a overlapping jurisdiction . Im interested in who has management. The port owns the land and we have the master lease over the land, so within the master least we are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep. It is part the 45 year lease all parks once they are built and accepted they owned by the city or port and managed by ocii. Depending on which park within mission bay. Management for the open space . What about the restaurant . The restaurant is a individual pad owned and managed by the port. We will not get into had restaurant business. I presume the port will then do some sort of request for proposal like what rec and park does with its restaurants. Okay. Good, thank you. Any further questions . So, i just have a couple of questions. The same photograph that commissioner singh pointed out with the parking spot, there were also bike racks. There will be bike racks enthe southern portion of the park is where we plan to add a bunch of bike racks. Do you know how many . This is the Schematic Design so havent decided how many but are looking to be a good portion of bike racks in that area. That is the lowersee if i can get to it. On the lower right hardscape, the red lines. Hard to see from here. Right now we are approximately locating 30 bike racks on the site and they would be distributed throughout. Probably a larger concentration of them at the plaza that terminates on 16th street but there will be others throughout the park and right now the numbers are [inaudible] sorry. Just repeat. Right now we are looking at locating 30 bike racks throughout the park. They would probably be more concentrated at the plaza space at the termination of 16th street, but they would be located throughout as well. And for mark, one more question. I just want to clarify, all of our parks are maintained it is our responsibility and the contract is for mgm now for all the parks so we have the last year you approved 3 year contracts with mgm so they oversee all the parks in mission bay. Aside from parks any other parks mgm manages . They deal with the park and maintenance the park squz landscaping and security and maintenance like trash and all those issues. More than just landscape. Okay. So, having no further questions, this is a resolution that we have to approve. Do i have a motion . I move. Second. Commissioner rosales motioned and seconded by commissioner pimentel. Please take the roll. Announce your vote when i call your name. Pimentel, yes. Rosales, yes. Singh, yes. Bustose, yes. Mand har, yes. The vote is 5 ayes. Can you call the next order of business . The next order of business is agenda item 5 c, authorize pursuant to transbay implementitation agreement memorandum of understand with city and county of San Francisco, acting through public work tooz increase funding for transbay folsom street improvement not to exceed 283, 268 for total not to exceed 1, 112, 791. Transbay redevelopment project area. Discussion and action, resolution 132017. Thank you. This is a item, the Second Amendment to the mou with public works who is responsible for the improvement and construction of streetscape improvements within the transbay Redevelopment Area and this would allow work to continue through phase 2 to 100 percent of construction documents. With that, we have shane heart who is transbay project manager. Chair mondejar, commissioners. Good afternoon. My name is shane heart and the project manager for transbay. I also like to introduce oscar g who workwise San Francisco department of public works as our project manager for folsom street project. We are here to aobtain approval the saecd amendment to the mou with dpw for folsom street improvement project. The aproouved transbay redevelopment plan includes revitalized folsom street and folsom street will include granite pavers and colored concrete and widen sidewalks that are more pedestrian friendly and also have new street lights, traffic signals, street furchtures, rain gardens, two rows of trees and cycle track bike lanes. In 2013, ocii hired dpw to manage the project and mou executed at that time which also includes mta as a subconsultant. In 2015, a First Amendment to the mou was approved. You can see from the slide the projict Boundary Ranges from Second Street to spear street. This gives you a idea how the project will look when its complete. A summary the mou with dpw, in phase one dpw provides Design Review servicess through 50 percent construction documentation. This work scope was approved in 2013. Phase two provides 100 percent construction documentation bidding, contracting services, construction management, inspection and acceptance services. We have since divided phase 2 into 3 subphases and subphase 2 a approved in 2015, that one is nearly complete. You can see what is involved in that one. Subphase 2 b, is completing construction documentation, bid and contract the project. Thats the next phase and the subject the Second Amendment that is before you today. Subphase 2 c will be the construction contract. That will be a future amendment and that should come back to you in fall of 2017. The subphase 2 b scope of work includes dpw project management oversee the subphase 2 b work. Dpw has numerous gigzs divisions listed here along with pu c and mta and together they all provide support services to prepare and review the 100 percent construction documentation, bid documents, bid submittal and adenims and also conduct the contract negotiationism also the Second Amendment includes dpws preparation and review of additional 95 percent construction documentation set, and dpw acceptance of granite pavers, benches, trash receptacles and rain gardens twhin within the project. The proposed Second Amendment amount for the contract in total is 383, 268. Since the 2 a contract was approved by the commission, that was done in the First Amendment which was brought to you last time. Mta spent about 100 thousand than what was in that phase and so what we have done is we now included it within phase 2 b and this will be put towards the dpw work within the Second Amendment. So therefore the net cost for the Second Amendment is 283, 268 and 1, 1 12, 791. With that, oscar and myself can answer any questions. Madam secretary, any speakers . No speaker cards. Since there is no request to speak on the item i will close Public Comment and turn to my Commission Members for comments and questions. Okay. Quite group. So, do i have a motion. Yes. Commissioner bustos made a motion. Do i have second . Commissioner singh second. Please take the role. Pimentel, yes. Rosales, yes. Singh, yes. Bustose, yes. Mondejar, yes. 5 ayes. Thank you. So, to the next order of business, madam screert. Secretary. Five e approving Schematic Design to candle stick point Hunters Point Shipyard Development agreement for mixed use residential and retail including 124 rez delths units, 13 below market rate and 15 thousand square feet of ground floor retail block 9 a and adopting Environmental Review findings per student california veeurmtal quality act. Bayview Hunters Point redwelt area. Discussion and action. Thank you. This item is a interesting one, the First Residential Development on the candlestick point. Exciting and residential units, market rate with about approximately [inaudible] below market rates. It inpluds aminities that used it being in rez dolesh units with parking, courtyard, as well as common space squz so on. So, annie wong will present on the item and also Development Team around will also present. Thank you director. Anna wong, the assistant project manager on Hunters Point Shipyard Candlestick point. The item presenting is cantle stick point block 9 a Schematic Design. As director mentioned this is a exciting milestone sfwr us and the project is it is the first Market Rate Development in phase 2 we bring before you for approval. Today we have our Development Team. They will present to you their design later in the presentation. In term oz thf structure of todays presentation we will start with Commission Action before you and provide a introduction to the project including where it is located and Overall Development program. From there i willhand it off to the Development Team to walk through the Building Design and then come back to discuss the Community Benefits component of the project. Any benefits component the projects as well as staff recommended approval and next steps for the project. So, the specific Commission Action before you today is the conditional approval of Schematic Design of candlestick block 9 a which is a mixed use residential retail building. I will include 124 Housing Units and approximately 15 thousand square feet of ground floor retail space. Your action todayologist includes adoption of Environmental Review findings per suint for ceqa. To help sich way to where block 9 a is located, this is a birds eye view thoof project. We have Hunters Point shipyard on the upper roilth corner and to the lower left side is the candle stick portion so the big yellow delynne yailts block 9 a. It is located in the candlestick neighborhood of the portion of the project. Zooming in you see block 9 a is Third Development block known as subphase cpo 4 on harny way which is the thorough fair and across the street fwraum the regional retail sent urwhich is the development for the neighborhood when it is completed. To the the east and west boun my 8 and 9 street and also bound my [inaudible] to itself. To the east are block 6 and 8 a with chare the Market Rate Developments brought to you for approval. To the west is the ocii Affordable Agency lots, block cps 11 a. That is a 100 percent Affordable Housing project including 150 new units of Affordable Housing for the neighborhood when it completed. Next i want to give a summary the Overall Development program for the project. As you heard this is a mixed use development. It is 6 stories and sets back toward the back. It includes 124 residential units, 103 of with chare coundy miniums and 24 town home and 13 below market inclusionary unit spread throughout the development. On the ground floor is 15 thousand square feet of commercial space meant for neighborhood serving retail. That will include restaurants, pharmacy, personal service item such as pet care or dry cleaning. Of the 15 thousand square feet of grounds floor xhrlsh space, 4 thousand is set aside for Community Facility space and will geinto detail later in the presentation. The project include 110 parking spots in at grade parking garage and shared aminities include 10 thousand square feet interior courtyard space and shared bike workshop space for the residents. With that, i will hand it overto the Development Team for them to walk through their Schematic Designs and return to wrap up the conversations. Hi. Im steve [inaudible] Senior Development manager with 5 point. I will first introduce to braidy smith who is architect of record and introduce to the design team and come back up. Thank you and good afternoon commission. Steve mitchen, my name is braidy smith the architect and leading the Design Effort on block 9. On behalf of the design team we are very excited toprint the project to you and like to take a moment to recognize our entire design team. Like to start withory associate architect which is van meter [inaudible] today careena is here to represent the firm. She is instrumental in development of the project thus far. Also, i like to recognize our Structural Engineer team. We have waltry bouleer, john harvey is the principle and the associated engineer is [inaudible] Landscape Architect is pga and diana [inaudible] doing a lot of slnt work on the project so far. The Civil Engineer is luck and sxs and jennifer san is here today. For mechanical and Electrical Engineering interface engineer is our record and unis yoon is here representing mechanical electrical and associated for plumbing engineeeing with mhc and jimmy lee is here. With that, i wanted to hand this back over to steve and then my partner ron metser will walk through the design the building. Thank you very much. Members of the commission, i just want to first kind of walk you through more detail and contectual of the location of block 9. You see on this page here and presentation you see block 9 sits on a major bike corridor so the green lines on harny streets are bike lanes as well on back side you have midblock breaks which are pedestrian only blocks that span the block that allow pedestrian experience that come to the project line. On this next slide this is theblock 9 sits on a major line. Peak service at that location is every 5 minutes ahong harny and you see it has a great pedestrian experience and access to the site. At this i will hand it over to ron metser who will talk more about the design. Thank you steve. Happy to be here on behalf the team and so going through the designthe first thing we to look at is how to make the project complementary to the fabric of the community dwened so looked at other projects and blocks developed at the same time and how we might compliment that to redevelopment the masing strategy to dojust that. You can see the building across 8th street and how we are complimenting that with similar massing but done differently. We see 8th and harnyicize important. It is the gateway to the Waterfront Park and a pex to the wedge park on candle stick. We took the mass of that building, raised it up to give more importance which you will see as we go through the presentation. We also took the mass the building as you come into candingistic and lowered it to street level which yoi also see. This is how it is translated into architecture. We took the important corning at 8th and harny, raised it up so expresses a transparent base for the retail environment at the corner opening up to the adjacent Retail Center across the straight engaging with 8th street connecting to Waterfront Park and front out to the wedge park. At the top of that form we created a void space which expresses bal cunies. The building lowers in scale down harny and there is a rooftop terrace at the top of the building along the street, but then also the overall scale and grain the fwilding as you go through harny also becomes less and less. This is what it would be like at the pedestrian level. You see the building stepping down, the scale of the building expressed with the form and so the store front also has a different character in each of those beys. Reminiscent of traditional neighborhoods here in the city. On 9th street we wrapped the character the building around and stepped that building down further towards the midblock break. Whereas, at h street we created a void to express bal conies up high to give prominence. As you come into the project we created that void at ground level. Here you see the building as you come into candlestick from harny. We have open base with the retail is expressed and the store front expands to the retail and see the facades down harny. Steve mentioned the south side the project has a pedestrian oriented midblock break so the character of that building is also similar to the ovall character the block but we created additional textture to the materials you see over here with simentitious panels and brought those scaled down to 4 stories with town houses with stoops that front directly on to that space that will activate that space. As you come along 8th you start to see the residential entry as the Building Steps back up toward harny. That is a view of 8th with the town houses on the left, the residential entry in the middle and the retail and commercial base on the right as you get back to 8th street. The building plans that you have, you can see what we have is a pretty flexible retail environment along harny and then we have parking behind within the building and ground floor residential along the midblock break and on the sides we have residential aminity and lobby on 8th. On the second floor the garage, we are again concealing with a residential town homes along midblock break and retail facing harny. As you go up above, the podium above the retail you have residential units that surrounds a residential courtyard. We also have aminity space that help activate that space and create Community Gathering space frz residents. Again, it continues up and as you see on the subsequent floors how it Building Steps and away from the midblock break. There you see the roof on the south allowing more sunlight into the main courtyard yet the building is surouning on the north and west and east sides. The building stepping back. Then you see the roof forms at the very top. So, as braidy mention rks pga did a fan fastic job outdoor rooms that can accommodate large groups or multiple small groups that will feel comfortable in the space at the same time thmpt rooms accommodate Outdoor Dining and living and fire pits used any time of day in this environment. This shows really the unit mix that is proposed as mentioned we have 124 units with certain amount of affordable units in this particular building. I think that is it in terms of the design. Thank you Development Team for the presentation. Next item i like to discuss are the Community Benefits component the project which includes Affordable Housing, facility spaces, contribution to Community Benefits fund as well as Small Business and local workforce hiring. As steve mentioned, there are a range of affordable below market rate units in the project so i wont go throw every unit about at a high level the bedrooms average object 2. 5 bedroom size in the development and this will be a mix of town home jz flats. There is also affordable to houses earning between 80 to 120 percent area medium income. The next component of Community Benefits the project will bring is Community Facility space which are in10 today provide critical programming space for Community Serviceing entities. The uses could be Serve Community youth center, Senior Service or Library Reading room. The Community Service entity that occupies the space doesnt need to pay rent or Purchase Price for the use of that space, but it will have to cover its portion of insurance and any operating and maintenance costs. For block 9 a 4 on the square feet of the ground floor retail is set aside for Community Facility space. That space similar to the rest the ground floor retail is built to cold shelf for future tenant to further improve on. Another component of the Community Benefits that block 9 a will bring is count bugz to Community Benefits fund. Market rate developments in the phase 2 project, the developer pays half percent of the sales proceeds of each market rate unit to the Community Benefits fund. The Legacy Foundation is the entity charged with analyzing the Community Needs and to make recommendation to the agency on how to best direct the use of those funds. As you may recall on february 7 commission meeting, my colleague presented to you the Legacy Foundation 5 Year Strategic Plan. In that plan they identified Education Workforce development, Home Ownership assistance and neighborhood buildings as key areas to direct the existing funds to. Next is Small Business and local workforce hiring. Under the Bayview Hunter point contracting policy and Small Business enterprise policy, Developers Must make good faith efforts to achieve 50 percent the contracting opportunity to sbu consultant and contractors with first consideration to bayview Hunters Point residents. The sbe policy requires agood faith effort to achieve 50 percent in the areas of construction hiring and permanent and temporary jobs. The developer achieved 47. 6 sbe participation in professional service contract. Of that 26. 4 percent are minority owned firm squz 4. 1 are woman owned firms. To date on phase one the shipyard the master developer achieved 39. 1 workforce participation, 22. 7 percent are Bayview Hunters and 62. 5 percent are minorities. In terms of community review, block 9 a has undergone appropriate community review. The project wasprinted to mayors Hunters Point Citizen Advisory Committee november 2016 planning and subcommittee meeting and at the cac meeting in february 2017. The cac expressed support and remed approval. Comments brought up during the cac meetings are resolved to date. Next as is typical for all Schematic Design approval, staff included conditions of approval the developer can work on in later stages of design. Those include further developing the materials pallet for the buildings. Developer the screening of utility room, level 2 parking and mechanical equipment. Insuring 9th street ground floor has active use. Identify the location of 4 thousand square feet of Community Facility space on their building plan andologist providing Schematic Design frz subphase cp04 midblock breaks. Kwrust to give backgrounds on what the midblock breaks are, they are small scale streets intended to allow Public Access to and the idea is allow for more pedestrian circulation. As you can see in the diagram, the midblock breaks in cpo 4 extends through 4 private Development Blocks, 68, 8 a, 9 a and 11 a. To insure the blockerize uniform and provide a coheaveive design staff recommends the midblock break adjacent to 9 a differed to a later date so the developer can submit one design set for all 4 midblock breaks at one time. By approving the Schematic Design of block 9 a the commission is also approving the number and location the bmr unit in the project so staff included a couple conditions of approval relating to bmr units and first afirm the number, location, size and affordsability levels of the bmr units are identified in the block 9 a set. Second, the geper will adhere to the most Current Marketing plan and timeline for the unit including early outreach efforts. In terms of schedule and next step, ocii workwise the geper to review Design Development document squz construction dumes as well as building permits. It is estimated the project can begin construction fall 2018 and that construction can be completed in 2020. Now thats the end of my presentation. Myself and Development Team are available for questions or comments. Madam seck rutear, do we have speaker card . Okay, since no requests, no speaker cards. Okay. No requests to speak on the item i will close Public Comment and now refer to my fellow commissioners for their comments and questions. Yes, commissioner singh . There will be 13 bmr units . Yes, that is correct. What is the price . The price has not yet been set, determined because that is probably coming at a later date when we are closer to construction but i can let the developer perhaps speak to that more. The price will be based on what is considered 100 percent ami pricing for that when we get to it in 2020. Can you tell me approximate . Y i dont have the approximate, sorry. Not till 2020. 2020 when it coming online. 2020. 80 to 100 percent ami. The only thing i can give approximately pricing is parking is decoupled here so in the case of parking we have a approximate price oof 60,000 for a parking stall. How many Parking Spaces on the units . For the bmr units, we are at. 89 ratio parking ratio so 110 Parking Spaces out there, two of those are reserved for ride share. All the residential buildings in the cp have a certain amount of raid share within those buildings and the remaining 108 spaces are decoupled and out there for the tenants. The bmr units have first right to refusal. They can purchase the parking stalls at cost and there will be a market rate cost for the remaneer of the parking stalls and that allow physical you a first time home buyer and buy a condo and dont own a car that many in the city dont, you dont have to purchase parking. It alos us to provide flexibility and pricing for the market rate people as well. Parking you have to pay extra . I wouldnt consider it extra, i consider the ditcherance buying a value meal or just want a ham burger. It allows to price the units a little less. That is separate aminity. I never heard of that you have to pay parking. I like to see everybody should have parking in their units. Ideally that would be great. Commissioner bustos. Commissioner singh, those are the good days. We all had a parking spot. So, one thing that i know that was important to the commission eeben when the redevelopment days was the aminities fixtures within the units that you couldnt tell the difference from what were market rate units and affordable units in terms of size, fixtures and all, so i hope this is absolutely. You have the same aminities in the market rate units that you have in the bmrs. I think that is actually in the design packet but it will have the same aminities. For the placement of the units they are scattered throughout the building. There is premier bmr units with great views on corners, town homes mixtures with that, it is spread out evenly throughout the building. I like you are contracting with businesses in San Francisco a long time so to staff thank you for pushing that forward because that is something near and dear to our hearts so just want to thank you publicly for that. Yes, commissioner rosales. Im interested in the marketing plan and what that looks like. It is a while i think we heard about marketing for bmr units so can you walk us through that . Im afraid i cant and only because this being the first building out there we havent gotten into that phase yet. I really only work on the virtical development but sure as part the conditions i know we will come back to you to speak about that issue. In fact well have Maria Benjamin to speak to you. Good afternoon. Marketing, you want to generalokay. Just remembered last time. That isnt easy for me. The aprieveiate version is they come in 18 months before they are ready to go at the start oof construction to do a early outreach to cop holders. Give opportunities to get Home Ownership counseling and get ready and then approximately 6 months before they are ready to start sales, they come in with a more detailed marketing plan that outlines all of the Community Organizations that they will reach out to, outlines new print ads they will do, outreach to electronic social media, outreach all of the different pieces that they willall the different areas they will reach out for marketing, including the postcard we sent to cop holders. The announcement once it comes through will go on the citys email housing alert system, which goes out to up to 60,000 people now that get the email housing alert and folks will be able to apply and have 45 days to apply and before the lottery happens. Thats abbreviated. My follow up, is there effort by the city to connect with candidates for loan asisance . Absolutely. We provide extensive training to all of the lendsers that we are work wg ing with so they know all the resources we have and we know the resources they have because sometimes lenders can provide programs as well that used in combination with our programs. We have a Downpayment Assistance Program used to provide Gap Financing for folks that need it and cant quite make the First Mortgage loan amount and as well as programs for teachers and First Responders and we always trying to get other resources for folks to be able to purchase. Okay. No further questions . My only other question and maybe it is too early but aminities. On aminities, what are it Grocery Stores look like in this area . We are adding a lot of people . That is a good question. Allow me to go to a backup slide. We are a foodie commission. And parking. It is a planned Grocery Store on the block on the [inaudible] cpo 2. No, 3. Cp north 2 a is where the Grocery Store will be located. It is third block to the right and thats where there are other site aminities in the area including the soma arts center and retailsenter there will be a hotel across the street from block 9 a and also going to be ground floor retail across all floor Development Blocks on cpo 4 on the ground floor so mixed use there. Commissioner pimentel. I have a question about there Community Benefit. It says 5 percent of the sale goes back to the Community Benefit fund, so is this in addition to the preexisting Legacy Foundation budget . This will come in to the future. Payments to the Community Benefit fund occur at the sale so wont happen undill the construction is completed but that correct, this is phase 2 portion. Phase one as 1. 5 million roughly and in the 5 Year Strategic Plan is spend down that existing funds and so these will be an additional contribution to that fund. Okay. One thing i want to point thought is we have a model of block 9 a so if you want to take a look at it later. Further questions . Follow up with commissioner pimentels question, the 0. 5 percent to the Community Benefit fund is that only new market units sales . What about resale later on . Do they still get that 0. 5 percent . I do not believe so. Only new . Right. Not internal 0. 5 percent. Exactly. And then my other question is Community Space availability. Is that only for residents or is thatope toon the public . The Community Facilityty space is meant to be for Community Services entities so these are can be nonprofits or for profits, sf library, there is a lot of flexibility built into it but it is intened for community and public use. The idea is we havent identified a specific tenant so want it to be flexible but cut out 4 thousand for community use. You want a nonprofit that needs a Community Youth center or nonprofit that needs space for Elderly Program that can all be polesh use of that space. Who manages the Community Space . That space will be managed by ocii and also work the developer tooz look for tenant for that space. Okay. Any other questions . One more. Commissioner singh. Do you what is the value ue of this project when it is completed . Approximate. I will hand that question to the developer. I dont have that available to disclose at this time. Approximate value of the building. You dont know . No, im sorry. Okay. When will we know . Probably soon when go overwe are private developers so as we finance the deal and go forward. Thank you. Okay, commissioner this is a for approval. Do i have a motion . Can i ask one more question . The Small Business contracting i think the is like 12i keep asking this question but maybe im dense but of the 47. 6 percent sbe participation, 26. 4 percent of that number minority owned firms but not necessarily all San Francisco based companies. Thats a question. I think the answer to that is yes. Hand that over to brook. [multiple people speaking at same time]. You are correct, but the majority is in San Francisco. Okay. What about in the bayview Hunters Point, 94124 . I have to at the specific but for professional service there isnt a lot within that area. You see more of that in the construction. Yes, thats true. I remember. Thank you. Just later on well get all the zip code too, right . You sure will. Thank you. I do have one more question. I notice the bedroom size are all two bedrooms, three bedrooms, are there one bedroom units . The idea is for all the below market unit we wanted 2. 5 bedroom sizes to accommodate families of different sizes so in order for the developer to hit the average for this promect they allotted a high number of 2 and three bedrooms to reach that average in the project. So, there are one bedroom units . There are one bedroom units but those are market rate. The ones you presented are for bmr . Thats correct. They will have parking, right, additional fee . There is a option so all in bundled so a option to elect at cost so what it cost to develop the parking spot is what is charged to fuper bmr home owners. The bmr is 80 to 120 percent . Yes, if we flip back to the page on the chart, earlier i think the developer said 80 percent. There is a range between 80 to 120 percent ami and so that means is there are some units pegged for 80 percent and some pegged for 90 percent, 100 percent, under 120 percent. Up to 120 percent. Thats correct. Thank you very much. Having one more question. Okay. How much are the Parking Spaces . That is a number that not yet determined. My understanding is it will be at cost for the bmr home buyers. Not sure what the market rate cost is but for the below market rate home owners shed they wish to purchase a parking spot that is at cost so whatever the cost of construction and developing that is what would be charged to the home owners. I think 60 thousand was said earlier. I think that was [inaudible] what happened to dahlia . Wasnt it a bmr yes, maria. [multiple people speaking at same time. Dahlia is alive and well and by 2020 it will be up and going for Home Ownership. [laughter]. We are starting it now. Bmr rentals are alive on dahlia. And we are working oen billing out theHome Ownership piece is more complex and so we are doing thetaking care of rental stir. What is the delay . I have been on the commission 6th year and talking about electronic we are on track for it. But doing it in pieces. So, and Home Ownership is the last piece. When we are pleased so pleased so far with our results with it and thei think the reason why it has taken so long to build the rental part is we did like consumer testing of it squent out and had real applicant People Living in bmr that had to go through the paper process testing it to tell how to better meet their needs. And im proud of it, the it team that created it has really created something that is so easy and on your phone you can do it. You take pictures the documents we need you to upload and upload on the phone. We found that people may not have computers but they got cell phones and smart phones and the agencies that we are working with the access to housing agencies are helping people who dont have a smart phone or may not be as technology savvy. It is definitely moving thank you. We are on you. Okay. Do i get a motion . Second . So moved by commissioner bustos, seconded by commissioner pimentel. Can you call the roll. Please announce you vote. Pummental, yes. Row zosal, yes. Singh, yes. Bustos, yes. Mondejar, yes. The vote is 5 ayes. Okay. Our next item, please. The next ord rb of business is item 6, Public Comment on non agenda items. Madam chair. Do we have speaker cards . No speaker cards. We do . We do have a speaker. Okay. [laughter] please state your name. Do you mind giving this to the commissioners . Thank you, everyone. Thaupg for the opportunity. My name is [inaudible] i know mr. Singh and rosales. Im here to see how i can negotiate with you to pay off my debt in a reasonable way and equitable way that i owe the city and state and when i say that, first of all i need you to understand the framework i like to pay off my loan. Asia know, as recently as couple of years ago, your commission that has the judicial responsibility for managing the effortss on [inaudible] are in some ways [inaudible] it is basically forgiven them. As you know, the developer of [inaudible] Michael Johnson walked away with 18 million loan. As you know, the owner of 1300 fillmore [inaudible] 4 million loan has not paid a penny. I think she paid 500 and you allowed her not to pay the rent of 10 thousand a month. Now, in this period is what im coming to propose to you. I want you to consider my offer to pay you off that was in the context of what happened historically. Now, you have been told that the [inaudible] and thats false. As a matter of fact, it is a matter of time that it will come out. If you look that document you read in terms of the term agreements, the document with [inaudible] you see the lease enof it and you see the director tiffany [inaudible] mr. Morales dozen sign. [inaudible] you are not in a position to forgive loans of 5 million. For whatever reason he didnt. I assumes i hired the top bank reps attorneys to review towns of pages of the document. It didnt happen. You were told the man was in bank reps. One thing, i want to make sure when you review my request that you review thinl context of fairness because we all got in fillmore in district as developers and i have a feeling that i seem to be not one of the favorite people in terms of [inaudible] the sec thing i need, sorry to take the time is i didnt know there was a limit. The second thing and im refinancing my property which you is a second on. If im not allowed to refinance which i have a agreement with the agency, then you lose your loan and the property. But time is of the essence. I like you to direct the staff to talk to me. Now, i see that you have a new director madam director and i like to meet with her and talk. I dont need every time i ask something from this commission that i have to hire a lawyer because i dont have the kind of political clout. I dont need to do that. I have fulfilled my obligation. Thank you, sir. We will take this into consideration. Thank you for coming. Madam secretary any other card . No other card. Lets call the next item, please. Item 7, report of the chair, madam chair. Madam chair, thats me. I have no reports. [laughter] item 8, report of the interim executive director a 8. Informational memorandum of update regarding transbay block 22 beale, 120 units of family Affordable Housing to incrude 24 houses witherantsal subsidies who volen tal relocate from sunnydale Public Housing with sf hope to facilitate correction at sunnydale transbay redevelopment project area. Discussion. Madam interim director. In your package you will see a memorandum from my office discussing the 120 units that is being built in the transbay Redevelopment Area. This is a collaboration with the Mayors Office of housing and community development, Housing Authority and hope sf in trying to fulfill the mayors mandate on revitalization of the hope sf, which includes 4 sites within Public Housing. Sunnydale hunters view, Alice Griffith and potrero. Lucky for us mercy housing is the developer on the transbay block in discussion as well as the Sunnydale Development so the idea here is to allow for 24 units volunteer lease to relocate due to staging of development of the Sunnydale Development to the transbay site once construction is completed in 2018. Um, the idea is that it will be fully service type relocation with resources being available. We think it is a good thing from a policy standpoint and what the intent of the hope sf initiated was all about and we are happy to collaborate with sister agencies to put this through. We have jeff white in the audience who is available to respond to specific questions if any the excisioners commissioners have. Any comments or questions from the commissioners on this item . Any Public Comment on the interim executive drether reports. No speaker cards. Okay. I will close Public Comment. I do also want to note for the record that staff responded to the inquiry from the commissioners at the last meeting about getting copies of the distribution of the sv local enterprises by zip code comparison as well as the zip code map of San Francisco. That was emailed electronically. If you want we can resend them. We have a map and training sener. Thank you. If you can reemail that. I have the trace Training Center and paperwork that was in the packet. Any other questions comments from the commissioners . Okay. Call the next item, please. Next order of business is item 9, commissioner question and matters. Madam chair. Yes, before any questions or comments come up from my fellow commissioners we cannot discuss the presentation, the Public Comment presented to us by mr. Shirf row upon as vise of council so i know commissioner singh you wanted to make a comment on that, so i think i will differ to council that we are not able to do discuss it now. Only because it isnt publicly noticed. Because it isnt publicly noticed. Western addition is [inaudible] i know [inaudible] [unable to hear commissioner]. We need notice first before we discuss it publicly. Thank you, commissioner. Lets next item. The next order of business is item 10, closed session. Conference with Legal Council significant exposure to paragraph 2 subdivision d of section 549 of california government code one case and b, initiation of litigation per sunt to paragraph 4 of subdivision d section 54956. 9 of california government code one case. Madam chair. I like to ask anyone not directly involved in the item to please leave the okay, we a toback the commissionism we just finished closed session and have uthing to report. The next order of business ajurnment. Motion oo adjourn. Commissioner singh and seconded by commissioner row zals. At 343. Thank you. [meeting adjourned]much. clapping. say a special thanks to our new police chief and fire chief for being here thank you and to all of the departments the growing number of departments under the Zoning Administrators Office and say to all of you and staff thank you for being loyal to our Zoning Administrator and thank you for working hard and thank you for all your years of service i thinks if my talks with Zoning Administrator kelly and i, we know that these are not jobs we can do on our own at the depend on great Public Servants and ill say this when i was Zoning Administrator and i believe that naomi building this today, we have the best downstairs if all the world thank you. clapping. thank you charlotte hluet our competitive officer of protocol and my School Advisors is here shes excited because this now is the city of the Free City College thank you. Thank you to all of you for doing that. clapping. ladies and gentlemen, i know that you know that this is a very special time in our citys history a time when were rediscovering what diversity means we are reinvest in the things we truly believe in because were all as a city challenged to do better and do more restrictive and certainly from the Vantage Point as a mayor i need other great leaders to step forward i have that in naomi cell not only a great Zoning Administrator but all this time having her kids a great mom yes. clapping. she led the effort and one the really people that i depend on on what charlotte and others to have one the best women conferences recently a lot of people on the agenda. clapping. and then i know that shes been at my side and working with the board of supervisors all the elected officials to keep our infrastructure going keep our city departments working but more importantly to keep the spirit of this city positive so at this point let me just say it is a pleasure to work with you naomi its a pleasure to work with a mom which i think it historic for a Zoning Administrator and its its a pleasure to put up with harlan kelly all this time laughter clapping. so are we ready for the next 5 years all right. Coming up up naomi clapping. please say your name after me and the constitution of the state of california. repeated. against all enemies. repeated. and that i will bear true faith and allegiance. United states. repeated. and to the constitution of the state of california. repeated. that i take this oath freely. repeated. without any mental reservation. repeated. or purpose of evasion. repeated. repeated. and during such time as i hold office of dir for the city and county of San Francisco repeated congratulatio congratulations. Thank you. I cant tell you how grateful i am for you mayor ed lee for a second term and thank you to the honorable board of supervisors every single one of you for your anonymous support in the years working with you want to thank you all wouldnt have been possible without the confirmation so thank you to you and all san franciscans that love this city as much as i do i serve capability with humility 5 years ago at my swearing in i felt the gravity and urgency of my responsibility and not regard them and that remains true today this is a job that i take seriously because San Francisco is my home where i live with my husband and two sons and parents william and maria i experience first hand the decision at city hall in on a 4 pen maliciously appointed me as city purchaser one the first phone calls was was to ed lee also a city purchaser i explained the importance of the ability to effect change whether if so for providing opportunity to minority and women owned businesses insuring equal benefits to domestic partners paying prevailing wages and burden of proof products in emergency precipitating o preparedness those conversations led to the foundation and values of the Zoning Administrators Office in ed lee i proudly continue to this day with the new administration with religious registry i look forward to work with the immigrant foyers with the pathways to citizenship pathways and working with the immigration lawyers to train our residents how to respond to ice raids where from dollars will come to our sanctuary city that is evidence by the gop for the caltrans electrification as a planner i know how important federal dollars to our seawall . Why we supported a 500 million transportation bond to support a three hundred seawall bond in the future as the trumpet administration talked about rolling bake the Affordable Health care act im honored to be working with labor and enforcement to implement Health Care Accountability ordinance in the Health Care Security ordinances that may serve as a backstop as women reproductive rights are threatened im proud to work with mayor ed lee well continue to address accountable childcare and promoting women in leadership and positions and reaffirm our commitment to inclusion and equality for all im grateful to my team among the 25 Department Heads of city agrees we have the privilege and honor of working everyday with you many of you are here today and two numbs to mention im proud what we achieved in the past 5 years and the great work with the eyes on the future i think my friend and colleagues here im so touched youre here with me like to thank you and unfortunately not here but someone who is true been a mentor in sacramento that is the willie brown he hired me 20s years ago at the age of 22 and he encouraged me to go to law school or not promote me unless i went to law school but truly in my corner as former gavin newsom and thank you youve been a dear friend 20 years ago and in closing because i know i want to party what all of you celebrations like this i always take time to invoke my family theyre my anchor i have my 96 greatest aunt and my cousin denise. clapping. and they have been in my corner since the moment i was born i want to thank my father william and mother and harlan and sons clapping. i know of my obesity are proud of the work i do i hear overhear them talking about it in the work many long hours and it takes time away from them i struggle with that at times but to listen to them talk about my accomplishment. What i do as a leader for the city and working with the mayor and the board of supervisors makes me know that is all worth that there are times they rather me stay home and bake cookies but the faith that all of you have in me and my love for the city keeps me going and collectively our voices will be heard and San Francisco politics and the principles and culture will remay i have a motion main unsecurity guard and thank you very much i love t other Business Opportunity when commissioners, the director, and the public may bring up topics for discussion, providing that any action is delayed until proper notice can be grantcouncilmember chow is a asked if i would be kind enough to chair this meeting to proceed with the many important items today we will call to order roll call please. Councilmember pating. Present. Mayor lee. Present. Councilmember sanchez. Present. Councilmember chung. Present. Councilmember karshmer. Present. The approve of the minutes of march 7th. 2017. no audio . [audio cutting out] motion to approve. Second. Any discussions or questions if not. Call for the motion. All in favor, please say, aye. multiple voices aye. Any opposed . Approved. Next item. Directors report. Good afternoon commissioners we have great information and i wanted him to take questions and comments from you. Good afternoon. I wanted to lel you now on march 20th. 2017 i received a letter that officially notified us the San Francisco public of Health Commission is an accredited health department. [applause]. Out of 3,000 Health Departments in the country less than 200 are accredited within california we have nine local Health Departments, that are accredited with long beach san diego humboldt Orange County pasadena venn tur yeah now San Francisco and los angeles were accredited i wanted to thank all of the commissioners in the process and special shout out to karen pierce who is the coordinator she did an awesome. Job cracking whip with the documentation. And april we will give you an official presentation and go over everything they said we are accredited for five years and continue to improve on. And i would like to acknowledge Thomas Aragon because he has kept this in the forefront of work and noticed the quality of improvement for the health department. Thank you so much. [applause]. Do we have any comments from the committee at this point . From the Commission Regarding this . Congratulations well done. I know a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into this and a lot of heart congratulations everybody very cool. Congratulation i was whispering if we have a higher score than los angeles. I dont know. [laughter] but were actually very innovative were doing really good stuff. Further comments. Congratulations i know this is a labor intensive work so congratulation of all the stachlt i have Higher Authority of my own that we did better than los angeles. [laughter]. Dr. Aragon thank you for your leadership and director garcias leadership is remarkable. Closing comments, many many years ago, with the robert boid Johnson Foundation there were institutions given to me one of the thoughts was, wouldnt it be unique for the population cities increasing to have some sort of accreditation for the Public Health. The old Public Health hospital continually deal wg this issue this was years ago they gave additional moneys to get the process going. And let me just say, after all of these years and seeing the changes within this department over the last 20 years and the change of staff, the change of culture, the change of, were all one team, we are together, Community Partners you name the above. Above all it takes a certain type of hereby and compassion and love on why were doing this in order to validate the fact that these Public Health departments are second to none. And our people now who are leading this flagship are second to none. And dr. Thomas and garcia and all the people involved, i mean, its just a living testimony of passion and love for our community and people we serve by formally institutionalized a process that acknowledges again and again the beauty of it is, you have all set the inner mechanism so we will perpetuate as issues come in and you review it every year comes before the commission. There are zoo many things that will be ongoing because they need changes here but the human variable is still the human variable thank god we have had the leadership and commitment that ewe have so the Accreditation Process is really a tribute to our outstanding professionals who have worked with San Francisco patients and community. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for a job well done. Thank you again. And our Performance Model is, we will be the best at getting better. [laughter]. Hold onto that positivity now we will have our policy Deputy Director kol lean talk about the Health Care Act. Good afternoon commissioners last Health Commission meeting i gave you a brief summy of the Health Care Act as proposed at the federal level i will give you an update to that presentation since then the Congressional Budget Office has released its score of the bill as it was introduced. And per the cbo, 14 Million People enacted as it was introduced 14 million would Lose Health Insurance beginning next year that would increase to 24 million who would lose access to Health Insurance by 2026. It would increase premiums anytime next few years then decrease them in the out years. And it would save about 337 billion to the federal government. So since that happened, it has also passed two policy committees and the house of representatives and the budget exity. I think mark up is in the rules committee occurred yesterday this would be amendments to the bill designed to get sufficient votes to have it passed out of the house of representatives which is scheduled for a vote on thursday of this week. Those amendments in addition to what i described previously at the last meeting would give states the flexibility to choose a block grant for medicaid per capita cap versus what is in the bill right now. It would remove expansion for states that didnt expand medicaid, california did but to expand medicaid between now and 2020. It would allow states to Institute Medicaid for work beneficiaries a matching percentage for implemented work requirements and increase the enflaegs factor for sub sidties that go to older adults i mentioned in the previous presentation the current version of the american Health Care Act would replace income based with age based subsidiys on the change this would increase the age based subsidies that is currently what is being discussed. Also what is being discussed this may or may not they dont know yet have enough votes to get out of the house of representatives this week even so, face a battle in the senate. Changes to the bill could occur in the senate at this time. Most likely, will need changes if they were to be approved in the senate. That is pretty much what we know at the time. Also, since your last meeting, the president issued his what they call a skinny budget. Skinny budget is just the Discretionary Spending president has his authority it does not include entitlement programs like mktd and social security. In that, the health and Human Services was decreased by 18 . The details where those decreases would be are not implemented in the budget there is not sufficient information at this time to know what the impact would be it does say support programs for Community Health centers but it doesnt say at what level. So more to come on that. We also will be presenting to the board on thursday the same presentation. A little bit different in the aspect that we really would like them to wait till the california state to advocate an all levels but we want to see what the state does on any local changes we have healthy San Francisco without any type of funding force for that we will be in a struggle to continue to provide care for people we will continue to did the best the we under the circumstances. Thank you very much. Good update. Okay. Also just to note i want to acknowledge the vision 0 staff here raise your hands are you going to be hearing about them today and want to acknowledge the great work they do in saving pedestrians lives and ensuring we have reductions in that area theyre doing a great job there. If there are is any items that commission therapies would like to ask about and the aye testimonies in the directors report. Thank you director garcia questions or comments . If not proceed next item please. Item four is general Public Comment i have not received any requests so we can move onto including sfhip childrens Oral Health Collaborative update and Food Security update and Councilmember Chung chair today. Good afternoon commissioners i was sitting in for councilmember pating to chair the community and Public Health committee this afternoon and at the committee, we had two updates one is cavity free children collaborative the other is from San Francisco Security Task force. And both presentations are quite enlightning its good to know that San Francisco is kind of ahead in terms of reducing wasteful food and really making the effort to work with restaurants to make sure not too much of the food goes to waste. That is my update for now. Any. Thank you very much. Questions or comments . If not we will proceed. Item six item six for discussion resolution in support of vision 0, the goal of 0 traffic deaths in San Francisco by 2024, and the 20172018 review the draft resolution. A vote on the resolution will take place at the Health Commission april 18, 2017 meeting. Please note the vote on tple welcome again. Thank you. Director garcia acknowledging the vision 0 team and the excision ners for the opportunity to be here with an up combaet with the january presentation my name is megan wier for the program on health and cochair also here today. In january we had preliminary data this slide depicts the final data for 2016. Two people injured in traffic collisions people in the red killed in vehicle collisions the green people while biking and the blue people while walking are the account total traffic fatalities for 2016 is at 30 we can see were relatively flat in recent years we saw a decrease in pedestrian fatalities and increase in motor, vehicle. However its notable. For Motor Vehicle three people were killed in one commission. Our numbers being flat are in contrast to what were seeing nationally i dont know if you have seen the recent headlines attention is given to the fact of 14 increase in traffic fatalities anytime United States in 2016 relative to 14 that is 10 of those deaths are occurring in california. The change is driven by increase to deaths to people walking biking and motorcycle that is a focus of vision 0 our best practices here for the discussion for the vision 0 network. That said of course any traffic fatality there is really no excuse. So were working hard to better understand traffic fatalities and inform targeted interventions to prevent them. Last year we learned the medical cost of the severely traffic energid people is estimated to be 20 of the total cost of traffic collision and the third most collision are 70 of the cost. The aim is to reduce injury and the costs were seeing with respect to who is most Vulnerable People walking comprise 50 of the People Killed seniors are a particularly vulnerable population this recent year they comprised 2 3 of the Pedestrian Fatality were grateful to them in the audience that is targeting this group. We know speeding is a leading prodikter whether or not you will be killed or severely injured and large vehicles are more deadly we also know or fatalities and injuries are highly concentrated on the vision 0 where mta is focusing their improvements that is 12 of where the fatal injuries ocurd. Im thrilled to announce. The Action Strategy packet last week i will provide overview today. Really focus of this strategy is identifying some of the key challenges since adopting vision 0 and articulating strategies to address those issues challenges is the communities concern population of low income residents and seniors at higher risk through the Data Analysis were hoping for a more increased focus with targeted interventions we have seen project opposition can result in fewer or delayed improvements particularly in the engineering world it focuses on best practices and Community Engagement and working across agencies to increase that throughout vision 0 projects. We also know we have a culture that prioritizes how fast we get some where versus how safely we get somebody thats why the aud hated Speed Enforcement and speeds campaign are key components of vision 0 i think were all aware of the growing population and booming economy we have been seening in San Francisco that highlights its not only looking at the current patterns how can we predict future injury hot spots and working with mta to develop predictive models if were dpog to increase the number of people in an area car volume etcetera how can we predict future improvements to save lives also we know there is a lot that can be done within Vehicle Design to help save lives so were working with the city Administrators Office to look at our our city vehicle fleet can be a model for best practices. As i mentioned were elevating equity and Community Engagement in the strategities as well as assessing equity and being mindful with producing equities advancing new ones and key ones from the strategy i want to share where d ph is taking a leadership role that includes continuing safe rules and streets for seniors and people with disabilities work. That is led by our Community Health equity and Promotion Branch also establishing a coordinated City Response to help victims of faal crashes we met with bay area for safe streets that is a new advocate group formed by survivors and family members of people seriously injured or killed they brought to our attention. Having a coordinated response at the scene. Im exsided at the breadth of the dpahs action, to help ordinate with the das office to make sure families are received Services Also continue to institutionally surveillance sf. Org system. Working with General Hospital on a regular basis in informing our work and conducting predictive model i mentioned and automaded Speed Enforcement legislation and we have been able to work with policy and planning to advance at a state level im excited to have the update here today that assembly man too introduces ab42 the state streets act of 2017 we were fortunate enough to have the media event in the lobby of the zuerberg city of San Francisco hospital. [inaudible] welcomed everyone. We were able to have a trauma surgeon there speak to the impact of severe injuries and mayor lee and from san jose spoke on this legislation the key framing to the advancement of this work is the Public Health policy. As we move forward, some details of the legislation that is via five year pilot deployed on the street where there is documented history of the speed related collisions the speeding is ten miles an hour over the posted speed limit its 100 fine administrative penalty as opposed to something that goes on your driving record finally i wanted to end with the resolution. And open it to questions. Thank you again. Any Public Comment . No Public Comment request on this item. Commission on this . We have the resolution voted upon the next yes . I have one quick question i thought i heard correct me if im wrong are you going to be engaging the crisis team to respond to folks who are folks family who are survivors of victims or who have been killed k you say more about what that means and what role theyre going to play. Sure. Those families of those killed addressing the needs in the short term. Were working with stephanie zelder in the Crisis Response team. They have a similar protocol for gun violence to working to expand that to gun fatalities when that occurs on the street its not just the police that respond but also Crisis Response team as well as the das office they have a Victim Service unit that is able to provide immediate Financial Assistance and other support. So were excited about the opportunity to coordinate as a city family to meet the acute needs of the victim in the immediate aftermath of fatality and provide the resources to connect them to services i wanted to acknowledge them for helping with that as well. Thank you very much. Additional comments or questions on this . I think there has been major major positive results just in focusing on this area and identifying certain area and following through whatever. I wanted to note in particular, especially cross zones we have one white line here both white lines crossing the street down the stool many have yellow ones across the stripes it makes a difference. For whatever reason drivers and bikers think about it, when they see kids or seniors crossing out in the sunset or mission or south market or what have you it makes a big difference i encourage to expand that especially around school zones and sear yor crossings. The other place i was trying to remember and it goes right by our la goo na honda on the other side where you cross lagoona honda to get to the other side of the streetcars, that is going to be closed even though there are sign and whatever there, what happens is, we have noticed this often, senior that are handicapped will be walking to get to the streetcar line or leaving the streetcar line to get to the laguna honda. Half way through the signal turns and theyre standing out there in the middle of the cement block which is not wide it looks like theyre going to fall over and you are afraid you are going to hit them or whatever they hustle up. The same thing happens in the corner when it crosses over to go towards portula and straight up towards up to hcheriville and down again its a cement block there people walk there and all of a sudden the light turns you are stuck there you got cars coming this way and this way i was wondering f we have creative students who would think about theres a button you can push to continue for ten seconds to get off that place you always worry something might happen. One more thing wtc on top of the hill. On the top of the intersection you have wtc at laguna honda you have the muni buses they let the kids off when they let the kids off, theyre half way down by wtc to get to the other side to get the buses going down many of the school kids they are kid they will cross. You have cars have a green arrow coming around they put on breaks and cars coming this way and the kid is there then you have seniors start to cross. Before you know you think one day its going to happen i dont know what we can do about it. If someone could look at that again because thee are areas close to our facilities where have accommodation bringing the kids or grandparents bringing the kids so forth you even have school kids crossing the other way to go to mctere or school of the arts theyre standing closely on a very small piece of, well, you just think my gosh, were just a wing and a prayer we just hope that nothing happen again its probably design but many of us have gone back there over the years and had our own kids go on the buses there get off or whatever think we have been fortunate there are not many kids hurt or scene years it has not changed much its scary. Yeah my colleagues in the audience is nodding. Am i right or wrong . [speaking off the mic]. Yeah. The changes have been great. You notice them in areas in the park people are aware of it. Thank you very much for an update im glad were still focusing on this very, very key area. Thank for your support and thank you to the commission for your support for aud mated Speed Enforcement as well. Commissioners do you have questions between now and when the vote happens email them to me and i forward them to mrs. Wier. Okay. Thank you very much. Next item. Much. Next item. Item seven for discussion sfdph revenue and expenditure report 2nd quarter fy 20162017. greg wagner, sfdph cfo the sfdph 2nd quarter revenue and expenditure report for fiscal year 20162017 will be presented. I will be pad passing out the presentation to you right now. Good afternoon commissioners greg wagner chief Financial Officers here to present to you the Second Quarter Financial Report for the current fiscal year we did talk about this at the meeting two weeks ac on the finance and Planning Committee in a little bit more detail at our last meeting in the Committee Report out was discussed there was a decision to move to cycle on the Financial Reports we do the first and third at the budget finance commits, and second and 4th. Quarters do it at the committee but have a presentation at the commission here as well. That is what were doing here today. So, we are projecting Second Quarter report to end the year with a lynette 30 million general fund surplus we would be drawing 30 million fewer in general fund subsidy anticipate nondeterminate the budget. Included in the balance is 11. 8 million which is the payment for the first year for the whole Person Care Program which was adopted under the 1115 waver. Since we put that report together, we received that payment and will have it refrekted at the Division Level in the next summary. So you can see here in our standard format, the projections were projecting 20. 8 million surplus in revenues compared to budget 2. 6 million overage in expenditures compared to budget. To go through at the Division Level, zucerberg San Francisco general were protecting 1. 6 million surplus there ray few things moving at dsfg we have additional revenue coming in under the 1115 waver compared to budget that is due to a couple of reasons some of it has to do with the federal dollars allocated to the program but also exceeding what we assumed in the budget for the amount that will draw down under the prime and gpp programs. So that is good news those efforts are going well. And we have some additional dollars coming in we have a lynette positive in our lynette patient revenues, that is fee for Service Revenue for medical medicare and others it looks like theyre holding up strongly and improving a little bit since we put this projection together so there is additional upside there we have a shortfall in capation revenues due to the reduction in rate from the San Francisco health plan that within the into effect in the current year. Salary and fridge we talked about this during the budget process there is overage in salary and fridge suspending, this is the result of having little more than half a year under our belt operating the new hospital when we went into the hospital we had projection and satisfying model based on the prework we had done as soon as you are actually in there on the ground you learn about what did or did not work in your hypothetical staffing model. And there are some areas in the hospital where expenditures are higher than anticipated we did in the budget submitted to the Mayors Office with the commissions approval did include corrections for this expenditure and we balanced around those corrections, so we think we should be in a good place to be back within budget within the coming year. Operating transfers out is and i tem you see here. That is the intergovernmental transfer payment the county has to pay the nonfederal share of revenues so gpp and prime line at top in order to draw those revenues, we need to put up an igt payment to draw them down so that offsets the lynette general fund impact of those revenues. At laguna honda hospital a 6 million surplus there is 4 million in revenue due to a higher than anticipated increase in the medical for diem. Rate for Health Savings health also has a small fridge savings in primary care we have 3. 4 million surplus the bulk in the capation revenues. We have for the past couple of cycles had a surplus in this item. This is the share of the predominantly medicare and healthy workers, that gets carved out for primary care we also had and i tem in the budget increasing the revenue budget for capation revenues and primary care to reflect this Actual Experience jail Health Service has 0. 5 million surplus in salary and fridge. And Mental Health were projecting 3 million savings that is in contracts and that is really due to some one time close outs of prior year balances you tend to see this more often in later nine month and year end Financial Reports we got a little bit of it we can reflect you cant identify accurately the variances and Health Revenues contracts until later in the year so its fairly typical to see a modest variance report in the Second Quarter Financial Report for Mental Health. Public health. Dinot update that top line its still got an old number in it. I will correct that but projecting 3. 9 million in saving and salary fridge benefits both of that you will recall under the prior budget process we centralized a lot of Administrative Functions into the Central Administration division which is under Public Health it and Human Resources are the biggest of those two those used to be budgeted out in the operating divisions and we took them all and put them in a central index code so they can be managed centrally. The bulk of that saving is due to positions adding as part of the initiatives ramping up to the Electronic Health system and the preparation work that is now beginning in advance of actually selecting a contractor so those are new positions that is taking us a little while to get caught up on hiring and we should see by theened of the year that will accrue some of the savings by the course of the year but will be closer to the annual budget so were seeing progress on hiring there. When we have increase in staffing that is that large it takes a while for our system to get the gears turning and really move through those large hiring efforts. Substance abuse has a modest deficit. The biggest driver thank of that is we budgeted for the current year revenues due to the Substance Use waver. So, there are additional eligibility benefits for Substance Use under medicaid waver we budgeted revenue and expenditure against that revenue the implementation of that revenue has been slower than we thought so were not realizing the revenue at the rate we anticipated at the budget were revisiting that based on the time line to determine if we need to make modifications to next years budget based on the change in schedule. So, a couple of just higher level points to make in this report we have a couple of deficits that are primarily revenue driven and relatively small. We do have the issue of expenditures at San Francisco General Hospital which as i said we corrected in the budget year that is really due to this change in operating in the new hospital. And that is the first time in several years that we have had a negative variance there i think we have gotten ourselves into a place we have the ability to respond quickly to what were seeing in the actuals at the hospital. Despite that negative on the expenditures there, i feel pretty good about where we are compared to 4 or 5 years ago running persistent deficits and did not have a lot of tools available to either the finance division or operations respond quickly to what is happening there. Were also doing well holding within budgets in the other division. So, i feel comfortable about where we are in terms of expenditure management and a good working relationship between the program and operation side and the management we have been making improvements in terms of the data made available to the operating divisions to give them tools to manage and we have more work to do, but i think we have seen quite a bit of progress on that front. As you will recall, two budgets ago, included in our budget that was adopted by the board provision that allows us to, if we have revenues excess revenues at the San Francisco general and zuckerber laguna honda transfer funds to the project as were trying to map out or strategy for funding the project , that was a way that allowed us to capture good news for one time expenditure if we have it. That is still in our budget in this Financial Report assumes we do make the full 25 million transfer to the project. That is good news reduce the burden we had to put additional funding to the budget because we can do it this year instead so we are on track to have that funded and you will recall, we put additional 15 million appropriation in the second year into that project which keeps us on track with our projected funding need we will have to revise that once we select a vendor and develop the actual spending plan. All the surplus projected in this report is in the controller six month report. Controller does a citywide general fund report that is kind of like what we do here but is rolled up for the entire city. That report is published at the six month and ni nine month mash mark in the fiscal year the good news is it gets rolled into the city wise projections to offset the deficit for balancing for the upcoming budget cycle. So, we return those dollars to the general fund and a good portion of that ends upcoming back to us and having a lower target that we need to meet to help. The Mayors Office balance the budget. So that is what i have for you now. Were always at the six month report able to make some projections but a lot usually changes between the 6 and 9 month report we are actually starting to work on right now it usually takes five or more months to get a clear picture overall, i think were on target to have a good year and performance and i would expect that we probably have a little bit more upside prior to year you will see in the nine month record. There is nothing included this this report that has potential change in the governors report project or projections that has not happens at the federal level but were working with the Mayors Office and the board and various organizations to monitor those and report on anything if needed. Thank you very much. Commissioners . We discussed last time the finance and Planning Committee will be primarily the ones that will be getting the quarterly updates and for the Second Quarter and the 4th quarters they will come to the commission the full commission for presentation. That way, we can streamline some of these processes. Thank you. Any additional comments questions . Thank for excellent update pertaining or [inaudible]. Thank you. No Public Comment for that item. Item eight is other business. If there is none we can move onto conference Committee Reports the Health Commission will hear a brief summary of the march 14, 2017 lhh jcc meeting. Commission Councilmember Sanchez you have report back for the march 14th. 2017 lhhjcc meeting. This is the joint Conference Committee of lh our open session our committee review. The update on the planned discharged the lh Team Additional update on the status report. It was comprehensive and enheightening and showed the unique collaboration with the overall baselines of the department and how were all working towards the same goals and outcomes the committee reviewed the administrators report and approved hospital wise policy and procedures and the unique highlights within the administrative reports which is worth highlighting the closed session the committee approved. The medical staff approved the report per se. Further addition by colleagues like to add if not, that would be the end of the jcc report for laguna honda. Move on . All right. Item ten is the Committee Agenda setting if you have additional comments or questions please let me know. Okay any items the commission wishes to bring or the director to bring to this item today . If not, i guess our next item would be a motion to adjourn. I move the adjourn. Second. Second. Any discussion . No discussion. All in favor, please say, aye. multiple voices aye. Any opposed . The commission is here by adjourned. Thank you very much. Wow. This is the shortest meeting we have both been through. [laughter]. meeting adjourns. . clapping. in 2013 San Francisco legislators newsom agreed to allow the reciprocate of our soft story buildings those building house one and 20 thousand resident a program of that collect requires extensive outreach and this continuation of that process who is here and bill graham the perfect venue so in 2014 we have the first earthquake retrofit a huge success were repeating this model what weve done it put together venues that are time professionals and contractor are financing institutions a other services that help people comply with the retrofit and as you can see the thousands of members of the public their assessing over one hundred vendors to comply with the ordinance or make improvements on their property i came to get specification information and puck h picking up information if you dont know what twaur doing i take it overwhelming. Were pleased a Critical Mass of people are keying into knowing their relents and understanding what had are the next steps to take and theyre figuring out who to talk to not only the contractor by the mustards and the architect and the Structural Engineers and getting the full picture of what options are necessary and being proacti proactive. So im very pleased to see the soft story buildings 99. 9 percent complies the highest of the program of this scale of the history a citywide effort high Blood Pressure in every stretch of San Francisco to understand real risks associated with earthquake and those are universally agreed on. At some point you need to gather information ill be talking to another engineer to come out and take a look at it and basically get a Second Opinion im for second and third opinions it is inspiring to see all the Property Owners that want to do the right thing and for proactively figuring out what the solutions to get them that. What is amazing to me here we are over two years of first retrofit fair and at the time we are rh2 out to contractors to help us and reaching it out to Design Professionals that soft story buildings is in any and people understanding how to comply now it is different an industry that springs up as a result of the their professed and gotten the costs down with lower Financing Options and these are defined and now the gene progression and have the buildings are buildings and the compliance we understand the 2020 one and 20 thousand San Franciscos 15 messenger of our population will live in a retrofit building those people buildings or lives in buildings with 5 or more residential building is soft story and wood frame and built before 1978 that house that one and 20 thousand san franciscans. San francisco is being the leader in getting in done and as you may know los angeles passed their retrofit law two months ago at the sort of taken San Franciscos lead on the one and tenth anniversary as the residents San Francisco this is a road map to the city and going to give us us plan are these to keep folks here on a disaster and steps to build a resident waterfront by 2020. This involves more than one and 80 individuals and over 60 nonprofits and other companies this is a huge plan and what are the challenges we realize that people are concerned about climatic change, Sea Level Rise and not only the affiliated hazards but things hike youre our amp infrastructure and consumed by social and other things we see this in society everyday and how we try to mitigate those are ultimately a direct result how resident we are after earthquake other issue out of the strategy of the concept after a major earthquake of keeping 95 percent of population here in San Francisco thats the single best thing to help a equitable recovery to keep people here keep people back to work and kids in school and a residents of normal after a disaster. Alliance energy in our partner undertook comprehensive bid process we interviewed a halfdozen of folks who wanted to have a part of our soft story buildings are ordinance so Alliance Energy project programming is a clean assess energy a special financing that is done using the taxed authority of local multiples and one of the interesting features the loan is tied to the property not the vital if an individual didnt have good credit but it is another option for people not able to comply to find another avenue the assessment is actually places on the property and the builds for in that come literally a line item on the tax bill thats how you pay off the segment and tax. 20 or thirty years is all paid up front there are advantages your property tax well it is important to give people on option and many private banks that provide loans over a are shorter term we wanted to create a longer pay back term. I think the next step for Property Owners after at the create themselves to take the plunge and quit the working downey done and have works of work done right of the right rest of the Property Owners can understand this process across the city. We need to do it. It is safety you know thats the bottom line safety. Earthquake safety a everybodys responsibility that is providing the resources that people need to get done if you want to know more of the resources as a san franciscan please visit the good evening o call todays meeting to order tuesday, march 21, 2017, roll call. Please ms. Casco ms. Pollock mr. Haney ms. Mendozamcdonnell dr. Murase ms. Norton mr. Sanchez mr. Walton ms. Eng ms. Zaragoza thank you could everyone please please join me in the pledge of allegiance

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