Jon thats our show. Join us next week at 1 00. Here it is your moment zen. Ty cobb began to show an excessive animosity towards blacks. When a black grounds keeper tried to shake his captioning sponsored by Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org captioning sponsored by Comedy Central [the colbert report theme music playing] [eagle caw] [cheers and applause] stephen welcome to the report. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. [cheers and applause] [crowd changt stephen] [crowd chanting stephen b. C. ] stephen thank you sox please, sit down, everybody. Folks, welcome to chit chat, where we girls [cheers and applause] we girls just sit around and talk to each other. Nation, you know if you watch the show, one of hardest thing about be me is always being right. [ laughter ] no one will watch baseball with me anymore, because i correctly predict every pitch will be boring. Im like cassandra. [ laughter ] well, lo, it hath come once more to pass just as i spaketh
His yellow rain of terror must be stopped. Im counting on you guys to help me. If ou see anyone drinking a suspicious amount of liquid, please email the show. Do not approach the subject. His gladder is extremely full you might be sitting across from the yellow peepee monster as we speak. All right. This week, bigfoot dies. Finally, you will be shot on pight if you attempt to trick or treat on my property. You have been warned. Good night. laughter captioning sponsored by Comedy Central [the colbert report theme music playing] [eagle caw] [cheers and applause] stephen welcome to the report. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. [cheers and applause] [crowd changt stephen] [crowd chanting stephen b. C. ] stephen thank you sox please, sit down, everybody. Folks, welcome to chit chat, where we girls [cheers and applause] we girls just sit around and talk to each other. Nation, you know if you watch the show, one of hardest thing about be me is always being right. [ laughter ] no one will watch
Join us next week at 1 00. Here it is your moment zen. Ty cobb began to show an excessive animosity towards blacks. When a black grounds keeper tried to shake his captioning sponsored by Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org captioning sponsored by Comedy Central [the colbert report theme music playing] [eagle caw] [cheers and applause] stephen welcome to the report. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. [cheers and applause] [crowd changt stephen] [crowd chanting stephen b. C. ] stephen thank you sox please, sit down, everybody. Folks, welcome to chit chat, where we girls [cheers and applause] we girls just sit around and talk to each other. Nation, you know if you watch the show, one of hardest thing about be me is always being right. [ laughter ] no one will watch baseball with me anymore, because i correctly predict every pitch will be boring. Im like cassandra. [ laughter ] well, lo, it hath come once more to pass just as i spaketh it last fall, when
Jon thats our show. Join us next week at 1 00. Here it is your moment zen. Ty cobb began to show an excessive animosity towards blacks. When a black grounds keeper tried to shake his captioning sponsored by Comedy Central captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org captioning sponsored by Comedy Central [the colbert report theme music playing] [eagle caw] [cheers and applause] stephen welcome to the report. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. [cheers and applause] [crowd changt stephen] [crowd chanting stephen b. C. ] stephen thank you sox please, sit down, everybody. Folks, welcome to chit chat, where we girls [cheers and applause] we girls just sit around and talk to each other. Nation, you know if you watch the show, one of hardest thing about be me is always being right. [ laughter ] no one will watch baseball with me anymore, because i correctly predict every pitch will be boring. Im like cassandra. [ laughter ] well, lo, it hath come once more to pass just as i spaketh