cacarlrl c camamererononononasas t thehe latest acactitionon f froromm t thehe c camampapaigignn trtraiail,l, i i i iluludidingng a a sit-d-dowownn wiwithth m mitittt r romomneney.y. babarnrnststorormimingng h his way a acrcrcrcrss neneww h hamampspshihirerereremimitttt r romomneneyy ururgeged d nenewtwt g giningrgricichh t too s stotopp whwhininining g ababouououou the a attttacackk a adsds.. > i if f yoyouu can t s statandnd t thehe momodedestst h heaeatt i inn the kitchenenenen nonow,w, w waiaitt u untntntnt o obabamama s s h helelll kikitctcheheheheshshowowss u up.p. prprobobabablyly g goooooooototo g getet out of inn tthehe a airir n now s soo p peoeoplplee k knonoww whwhwhwh i iss c comominingg d dununee r roaoaoaoa i iff ananananofof u uss b bececomee t the n nomomomomeeee.. > g giningrgricichh i i i iisiststs h hee i iss rurunnnnining g aa p pososititive c camampapaigignn anandd a ausingg o oththerererer o off ceceptptivivee a advdverertitisisingng.. > i it t t t ululd d beb
acacadadememememss. ththatat s sprpreaeadsdshihis i isslalamimicc inintotototorarancnce.e. the r refeflelectctioionnff o onene s secectt ininflflueuencncining g ththee m majajororitityy o off mumumumuimims s inin a a way t thahattss didispsprorororortrtioionanatete.. the a awer i think isot cucuttttining g ofofffidid because inin ee e endnd t theherere i iss notot goingng too hahahaha a anyny i infnfluluenencece o onn s sauaudidis.s. wewe a arere i inn h hawawkk i inn h hocockk i indndndndenendedencnce e toto sasaududii b bececauausese o off o ourur dedepependndenencece o onnnnilil.. wewe t too d dririllll e e e eryrywhwherere,e, ofoffsfshohorere, , inin t thehe arctic. dodohehe f frarackckiningg w wee arere d doioingng ininsisisisi t thehe u uninitetedd s statatetes to gegett t thehe s shahalele o o a andnd g g g g.. kekeysystotonene p p p pelelinine.e. evevereryy a avavaililabablele r resesouourcrce.e.e.e. dd w wee a arere t t t t s sauaudidi a ararabibiaa mamaininlyly o o o o t theh
p peoeoplple,e, hehe s saiaidd l letet s s s s g getet i it done totodaday.y. tetellllining g g g emem t too return too wawashshiningtgtonon o orr c comomomom out therere hahavevevevewhwhatat i iss c calalleled aro foformrmaa s sesessisionon a andndndnd go i i t too leleleleslslatativivee s sesessisionon.. gegett c cououncncilil r reieidd g goo to coconfnfererenencece c comommimitttteeee, , iriron it out and g getettt d donone.e. ththatat i iss a a a aorordidingng t too t thehe spspeaeakeker,r, s sayayining g ththatat t thehehe onus isis o onhehe s senenatate.e. dodoeses i itt p plalay?y? > i it t s s chchririststmamass t t te, so an isisisisee o off s simimplplicicitity y ofof memessssagage.e. papartrt o off p pololititicics iss you have toto w w w w t thehe a a a aumumenent.t. wiwinnnniningg t thehe argumumenentt w witithh cocompmplelexx m mesessasagegegegeboboutut process isis h h h hdd t too d do.o. ththey arere welelme t too s sayay i it t ss thththth p pererfefectct r rigighthto
yoyouu d donon t t hahaveve to b beelblberertt eeeeststeiein n toto s seeee w whahat is goingng h herere. > b breret:t: i is s itit betetr iff dedemomocrcratats s inin y youourr e eststimimatatn to dragg t thihiss t thihingnn t thrhrououghgh chchririststmamas?s? > w we e wawawawa t too p pass a p payayroll tatax x cucut.t. ththere is a a simplee w wayay t toooo do itit.. foforr t thehe h houououou a allll w we e re asaskikikiki i iss s spepeakakerer boehner to puputt t thehe s senenatatee b billl o onn the flfloooor.r. ththatat i iss t t t t normal procedure.. whwhenen y y y y h havavee something thahattt isis r reaeallllyy i impmporortatantnt.. as a a t taxax c cutut o oveverr $ $1,1,00000000 f foror ththee a aveveraragegegegememeriricacann middle class fafamimilyly.. the senenenee p pasassesess i it ovovererwhwhelelmimingnglyly.. you put it on the h houousesesese f flolooror.. iiii b betet y youou d dololololrsrs t too ugughnhnututs,s, i iff i it t ss put on thehe hohoususee f flol
> i i i iououldld q queueststioion it evenn ththee a absbsenencece o off t texextbtbooooksks.. sasaududii a ararararaaa i isnsn t t e exaxactctlyly bebeggggarar k kiningdgdomom.. werere i innnn h hoockck t too t thehem.m. w wououldld b bee n nicice too k knonoww w whahat thththth i is.s. peperhrhapaps s sosomeme o off i itt is military aiaid,d,d,d,hihichch m migightht b bee exexplplaiainanablble.e. t nononetethelessss, , the s sauaudidiss araree a ass r ricichh a andndakakeses n noo s senensese atat a a. > b breret:t: i is s ththisis a a a a possible elelececececonon i issssueue in 2 201012?2? ii m m m mnn w wee h havavee a alrlreaeadydy h heaeardrd foforereigign n aiaidd b brorougughtht u upy the rerepupublblblblanan c canandididadatetes.s. but this s isispecific t too sasaududiirabia. tsts o off timimimim y youou s sayay f fororeieigngn aiaidd i iss smamallll p perercecentnt.. ththisis s spepecicifificacacacay y trtryiyingng to impactct t thihiss b bececececsese t thehey are suppo