ththemem a aboboutut i it.t. thththth i iss w whahatt i iss nececesessasaryry.. pupublblicicanans s araree r rigightht a aboboutut cecertrtaiain n papartrts s ofofofofhihis.s. theyeyre r rigightht.. theyey a arere r rightht a aboboutut t thehe sesenanatete b beieieiei s sililly b bilililil wewe have canan a allll c cononcecededet t ss sisilllly.y. popossssibiblyly n notot p posossisisie to imimplplememememt.t. youu c canananan b be r rigightht a andndndnd a a a aoo lolosese.. bubuilildidingng t theheheherorounundwdwork for that n neeeedededd t t t t h happen before ththatat.. wiwithth c cererererinin a actctivivisists it w wililll reresosonanatete.. > l letet m mee s s s s i if you lookt ththee p polollilingng t thahatttt come out totodadadadainin t thehe wawashington popostst, , , , hehe prererededentntss n numumbebersrs araree goioi u up.p. ththee r repepububububcacansns a andnd c conongreseseses nunumbmbererss are g goioingngowown.n. shshififtitingng o onn i indndependents onon
$ $ b bilillilionon anannunualal c c c ct.t. aa n numumbeberr o off power p plalantntntnt cocompmpananieies s hohowewevever r arareeee expected toto c chahallllenenge the r rululeseseses sasayiyingngngngheheyy a arere toooooo e expxpenensisiveve.. ththeyey will force p p p pntntss t too clclosose e eaearlrly,y,y,y,osostt jobs andnd ththrereatatenen e elelectctctctcicityty s supupplply.y. aa e eururopopeaeann u uninionon c couourtrt u uphpheleldd aaaaawaw t thahatt w wououldld f fororcece amamerericicanan a airiririr cacarriers p plyiningg toto e eururopopee t toooo p pay forheheirir cacarbrbononmimissssioionsns.. amamerericicanan a airir carriers a argrgrgrgdd ununsusuccccesessfsfulullylylylyhahat t ifif p posing thee e e.u.u.. c capap a andnd t traradederorogrgramam ininfrfrfrfrgeges s onon n natatioional sosoveverereigigntnty y anandd v vioiolalatetess ininteternrnatatioionanal l avaviaiatitionon trtreaeatitieses.. ththee p prorogrgramam n nowow s s s srtrtssananuauaryry january y ti
ararababiaia h havavee b beeeenn close a allllieiessss sisincncee the 1 193930s0s.. hohowewevever,r,r,r, a ass c chihihihi i i i ielelliligegencncee cacaththererere herridge tells us, ededucucatatioionn i inn thahatt c couountntntnt i iss tt that f f f fenendldlyy t towowarardd amamerericicicic i idedeasas.. gogoodod e eveveniningng.. > t thehe r recect e edidititionon trtrananslslatateded a arererere e eyeyeyeyepepeniningng.. > t thihiss i issoror - - [[ i inanaududibibibib > a a saudidi n natatioionanall s s s sss t thehe kikingngngngmm t texextbtbooookkkk r rememaiainn babarbrbararicic.. these are books madee and papaidid f foror b by.y. > t thehey y shshowow t thehe students how totototo c cutut h hanandd o offff t thehe t thihiefef.. > w w w w i iss t thihiss for? ininthth g g gdede.. > t thihiss t texextbtbook reaeadsdshe hohourur o off j jududgmgmenenenen willl not comomee ununtitil l ththee m m m mlilimm f figight the jejejeje a andnd k kililll t thehem. there iss mor
Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20111222:09:05:00 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
cacarlrl c camamererononononasas t thehe latest acactitionon f froromm t thehe c camampapaigignn trtraiail,l, i i i iluludidingng a a sit-d-dowownn wiwithth m mitittt r romomneney.y. babarnrnststorormimingng h his way a acrcrcrcrss neneww h hamampspshihirerereremimitttt r romomneneyy ururgeged d nenewtwt g giningrgricichh t too s stotopp whwhininining g ababouououou the a attttacackk a adsds.. > i if f yoyouu can t s statandnd t thehe momodedestst h heaeatt i inn the kitchenenenen nonow,w, w waiaitt u untntntnt o obabamama s s h helelll kikitctcheheheheshshowowss u up.p. prprobobabablyly g goooooooototo g getet out of inn tthehe a airir n now s soo p peoeoplplee k knonoww whwhwhwh i iss c comominingg d dununee r roaoaoaoa i iff ananananofof u uss b bececomee t the n nomomomomeeee.. > g giningrgricichh i i i iisiststs h hee i iss rurunnnnining g aa p pososititive c camampapaigignn anandd a ausingg o oththerererer o off ceceptptivivee a advdverertitisisingng.. > i it t t t ululd d beb