at thehe present time, w wew ththere s 27 p people missssing abouout 4:4:15 yesteterday afte. still n no o break k in that chchowchilla, californrnia schc bus kidnappiping. 2 26 school c children anand bus driviver have vavanished. vanisished yesterdaday after nenear chowcwchilla, califororn. prpresident foford directeted t atattorney geneneral to ususe a availalable governrnment resour. > the californinia nationalad jojoins state,e, local pololice the fbfbi i in a giant s search the e children a and thehe drir. > it was like somebody come down f from m mars andnd just t them u up off the plplanet. > was i it anan o outright kidnappingng? a psycychopath o or a sesex man the e loose? > whoever d did it put t a g deal of plananning and effort a you u might evenen say mononey. may nevever have been as anguisishing a mysteryry. it t s the worsrst kind o of you can tell. being buried alive is our worst fear. > the c chowchilla kikids sh the world what c childhood tr
withh ththe e u.u.s.s.s.s. w witith h ththisis i infnforormation. chchininaa w w w wll k knonoww o ourur r reded l linineses anandd k knonoww h howowowow f f f f t t t tyy c c c c g goo inin t terermsms o o o oonontrtracactitingng coconcncesessisionons.s. s.s. o offfficiciaialsls s sayay i it t ss o onene sqsqsqsqrmrmisish h inin o ongngoioingng s statate sponsored cyber war.r. 10100,0,000000 c cybyberer a attttacacksks w wereree rerepoportrteded t thihis s yeyearar a alolonenenn ththee u u.s.s.. mamanynynyny c comompapaninieses never k knonowww it hahappppenenss.. > t thehey y reremamainin undndisiscocovevevevedd fofofofo m mononththss or yearrs.s. > m manany y cocococotrtrieiess engage in ee c cybyberer e espspioionanagege c chihinana dedevovotetessssxtxtraraorordidinanaryry r resource of the m mililititararyy a andnd s spypy enencicieses t tooybyberer e e e eioionanagege.. chchininaa a alslsoo u usesess h hunundrdrededss o off lolocacalilizezedddd c cririmeme s s s sdidicacatetess
avavaiaiaiaiblble.e. avenen o outut o off t thihiss b blilindnd a allllllll ifif y youou w wilill.l. ththatat t theheyy h havave drivivenen ththememememlvlveseseses i inn t to.o. itit i iss t thehehehe s senenatatee b bilill.l. > w whihitete housese today sigignanalsls ththatat o o o oyy a aftfterer t thehe h houousese papasssseses w whahahaha h hasas alreadydy p pasassesesese ththee s senenatate,e, b bipipipiptitisasann d deaeal,l, twtwo-o-momontnth h exextetensnsioionn o off t t papayryrololl l tatax x cucutt and ununememplployoymementnt b benenefefitits.s. wiwillll t thehe p prerererededentnt s sit down too trtryy t too h hamammemememe o outut a a o onene-y-yeaearr dedealal.. totoninighght,t, h hererereronon spspecial poportrt, , d dememococratiticccc s senenatator ucuckk schumer c cld b bararelelyy ntntaiainn h hiissleleee a aboboutut t thehe sisisisiatatioionn p pololititicicalallyly. bring i innnn t thehe p pananelel.. jujuanan a almlmosost,t, m mararyy k katathrhrynyn haham
s senenatatee wowoululululnonott a accccepeptt t thhat and the prpresesididenent t wowoulululul t t s sigignn it. > b breret:t: d donon t t y you thenave toto a adjdjusustt t thehe p payay-f-foror?? oror d doo y youou j jususttxtxtenendd w whhatat ththeyeyeyeyayay f foror i inn the t t t t-m-mononthth dedealal?? > b breret:t: e e e eenendd it. rerenenegogotitiatate e itit a aftfterer january. > b breret:t: a a a a r rigightht. the wawallll s strtreeeett j jououououal edititororiaial l cacalllleded i itt g.o.p. . . . papayryryryrl l tataxx f fiaiaiaiaoo.. mamaryry k katatheheririnene b beyeyonondd t thehe popolilititicscs, , araree t thehehehe people babackck a att h homomee w whoho d doo f fololloloww prprprpresess,s, w whoho g getet t thihiss a a a a a arere kikindnd o off s sicickkndnd t tirireded o off t thehe wawayy t thihiss c citityy w w w wksks p pererioiod,d,d,d, ththee e endnd?? is t theherere s somomomominindd o off p pososititivivee foforr boehnerero sayay l l l lteten
p peoeoplple,e, hehe s saiaidd l letet s s s s g getet i it done totodaday.y. tetellllining g g g emem t too return too wawashshiningtgtonon o orr c comomomom out therere hahavevevevewhwhatat i iss c calalleled aro foformrmaa s sesessisionon a andndndnd go i i t too leleleleslslatativivee s sesessisionon.. gegett c cououncncilil r reieidd g goo to coconfnfererenencece c comommimitttteeee, , iriron it out and g getettt d donone.e. ththatat i iss a a a aorordidingng t too t thehe spspeaeakeker,r, s sayayining g ththatat t thehehe onus isis o onhehe s senenatate.e. dodoeses i itt p plalay?y? > i it t s s chchririststmamass t t te, so an isisisisee o off s simimplplicicitity y ofof memessssagage.e. papartrt o off p pololititicics iss you have toto w w w w t thehe a a a aumumenent.t. wiwinnnniningg t thehe argumumenentt w witithh cocompmplelexx m mesessasagegegegeboboutut process isis h h h hdd t too d do.o. ththey arere welelme t too s sayay i it t ss thththth p pererfefectct r rigighthto