acacadadememememss. ththatat s sprpreaeadsdshihis i isslalamimicc inintotototorarancnce.e. the r refeflelectctioionnff o onene s secectt ininflflueuencncining g ththee m majajororitityy o off mumumumuimims s inin a a way t thahattss didispsprorororortrtioionanatete.. the a awer i think isot cucuttttining g ofofffidid because inin ee e endnd t theherere i iss notot goingng too hahahaha a anyny i infnfluluenencece o onn s sauaudidis.s. wewe a arere i inn h hawawkk i inn h hocockk i indndndndenendedencnce e toto sasaududii b bececauausese o off o ourur dedepependndenencece o onnnnilil.. wewe t too d dririllll e e e eryrywhwherere,e, ofoffsfshohorere, , inin t thehe arctic. dodohehe f frarackckiningg w wee arere d doioingng ininsisisisi t thehe u uninitetedd s statatetes to gegett t thehe s shahalele o o a andnd g g g g.. kekeysystotonene p p p pelelinine.e. evevereryy a avavaililabablele r resesouourcrce.e.e.e. dd w wee a arere t t t t s sauaudidi a ararabibiaa mamaininlyly o o o o t thehe e enenergrgyy s souourcrceses.... wewewewerere n notot e expxploloititiningg t thehem.m. ononlyly w whhenen w w have i indndepepenendedentntss wiwillll we g givivee a anyny i infnfluluenencece o onn sasaududisis.. untitil l ththenen w wee h he none. >> bret:t: d donon't't you queueion, thoughgh, , whwhatat t thehe $ $3.3.9 9 bibillllioionn sisincnce e 20200505 i issll about?

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