Uttar Pradesh minister Arun Kumar, who is also the MLA from Bareilly, said that some unwanted elements wanted to create tension in the state and spoil the atmosphere. “Therefore, an impartial probe will be conducted, and those found guilty will be given strict punishment,” he said.
Before Delhi became the capital of British India in 1911 it was part of the Punjab province. Even in the early days of the capital building, the tussle between the municipality under Punjab and the imperial government had become evident. Negotiations over power-sharing in Delhi took place in the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly too.
Four religious structures, India's sole leprosy museum and a bungalow that housed the resident doctor have been restored as part of a Rs 3-crore project by Mumbai's civic body
Do you agree that it looks like an eyeball? The European Space Agency (ESA) has a shared a photo taken by its Mars Express spacecraft of a crater on Mars.