David one of the most powerful women in the Business World today is ruth porat. She rose to be the cfo of google and now alphabet. In that role she has enormous influence at that company and has done a terrific job in making certain that the Balance Sheet works well and that they really are much better organized. I have no doubt she will be a power at alphabet for a long time unless the next president says i would like her to be secretary of the treasury. She would be a terrific candidate for that position. During this period of time, google and alphabet have done quite well. Your stock is up more than 20 this year and from the time you became the cfo, the stock is up over 200 , so its done quite well under your leadership. Im curious, are more people looking at doing searches now during this covid19 period of time than ever before, or are people not spending as much time searching . Ruth no, people are spending a lot of time searching. We have trillions of searches every year, precode
President trump boarding. Marine one the helicopter there on wednesday to take him to air force one where he continued on to a rally and then shortly after hope hicks walks across the grass as you can see here to board marine one as well with the president shes there you can see Jared Kushner is part of that as well hope hicks a very integral part of the president s inner circle. Now she has traveled with the president several times this week including flight on air force one for tuesday nights president ial debate. President trump was on fox news last night after he confirmed that hope hicks. Has tested positive for coronavirus and here is what he had to say. Thats very hard when you with soldiers what year airman marines and i would tend to police with him so much and when they come over to its very hard to say stay back he back, you know its its a tough kind of a situation is a terrible thing today. They want to hug you and they want to kiss you because we really have done a good jo
Hicks and that she definitely was experiencing symptoms and then indeed tested positive so she first tested positive on wednesday. However, the president continued on to events thursday yesterday, a potentially exposing a lot of other people so thats the big story this morning is who else have it and all we know at this point is that Vice President pence has tested so far negative. We dont know if thats the quick rapid test that tends to be a little a false positives or negatives or or if it was a more indepth test that took some time say 24 hours maybe he was tested yesterday he and he tweeted last night obviously his support for the president and well wishes for a speedy recovery. Well of course be tracking that this morning we have heard from the doctors physician or for some sorry, the president s physician and heres the memorandum he sent out in which he said that at this time theyre both doing well they plan to remain at home at the white house while the recovering, he said the W
Against the left indoctrination of americas children. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world. The leftwing, cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the american revolution. As many of you testified today the leftwing are the direct result of decades of leftwing indoctrination in our schools. Its gone on far too long. Our children are instructed from propaganda tracts like those of howard zinn. They try to make students ashamed of their own history. The left has warped, distorted and defiled the american story with deceptions, falsehoods and lies, teaching this horrible doctrine to our children is a form of child abuse and the truest sense of those words. Lou President Trump also slammed the news york times 6019 project which is a platform that some schools believe it or not have adopted in their curricula. It is a false rewrite of history. It seeks to redefine the United States describing this co
Danger would have been too much water with just a little bit more water wed have had deeper oceans maybe tens of thousands of meters deeper and wed have had no land just one big ocean granted but no surface no interaction at the actual no possibility of environments favorable to life if we can wonder if the fact that earth had just the right amount of water to have 70 percent oceans continents and then interactions was what made life possible i mean i feel. The ponds of hydrothermal springs provide an ideal environment in which the chemistry of life can get started water heat and chemical elements rising from under the surface that theyre not creamy to primitive earth was definitely a chemistry level a dirty Chemistry Lab with lots of components all mixed up with a lot of changing of parameters and condition its a metal book will take on the show. To say. Hundreds of millions of years the molecules mix together rearranging themselves in all possible combinations becoming ever more comp