Well to a degree yes some crises are brought about by traumatic events in history in our culture or in our personal lives many times we find ourselves having outlived our assumptions or not fitting within the structures of belief such as our family suggested to us or the Popular Culture around us so you know a good girl to ask the question once what what abides amid all this change so he was concerned in the late 18th century about change and the key is what is that within myself that allows me to maintain a certain consistency of a dennehy and purpose and an integrity of belief and action thats the key what do i carry with me in mid all the changes that happen around me and as far as i know you know also sad that any transformation demands as its precondition and being the collapse of an old philosophy else live but. The people who have a stake in an old philosophy or who are doing well in an old world may find these not only deeply unpleasant but also threatening and sometimes they f
Hello and welcome to worlds a party girl gust of young a pioneering sway psychiatrys who is now seeing and now their rise to prominence more than 50 years after his death once remarked that we dont solve our problems but rather outgrow them this may be true for individuals but does it also apply to societies and if saw why do you know our societies despite all the economic and technological growth seem more info untile than ever while to discuss that im now joined by dr james hollis a Prominent Union psychoanalyst and author of the upcoming book living between worlds finding personal resilience in changing times dr hollis its a great privilege for me to talk to you thank you very much for your time my privilege. Used to be with you now let me start to be dick title of your upcoming book the 16th i believe to come out from under your pan changing times isnt that a bit of an oxymoron because history has never stopped evolving and the dynamics of personal development are that everybody ex
I carry with me in mid all the changes that happen around me and as far as i know you know also sad that any transformation demands as its precondition and being over world the collapse of an old philosophy off live but the people who have a stake in an old philosophy or who are doing well in an old world may find these not only deeply unpleasant but also threatening and sometimes they fight tooth and nail to force the old to change do you find it effective do you think one can stop or slow down a transformation once its sat in motion no we really cant set back change nor should we because its a natural evolutionary process but just to give you a quick example when i was a child there were very strong and fixed beliefs about what it meant to be a woman what it meant to be a man and all of thats been changing being the. Constructed over the last few decades and a priest people up but its also frightening to people who dont have a sense then of who am i what are what are my scripts what
A sense of Core Integrity during those changes that inevitably happen to us now i know that psych psychologists and even psychiatrists often see crisis and conflicts as focal points when long story problems and grievances finally get a chance to be addressed when people and societies renegotiate the outdated terms of their coexistence doesnt that make crises not only inevitable but also healthy well to a degree yes some crises are brought about by traumatic events in history in our culture or in our personal lives many times we find ourselves having outlived our assumptions or not fitting within the structures of belief such as our family suggested to us or the Popular Culture around us so you know a good girl to ask the question once what what abides amid all this change so he was concerned in the late 18th century about change. And the key is what is that within myself that allows me to maintain a certain consistency of a dennehy and purpose and an integrity of belief and action that
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