The dimensions of the accessible path and i even need to hold it close to my eyes to read them to you, but the engineering measurement for the path from the doorway to the wheelchair zone is 48. 83 inches and the path to the aisle is 42. 78 inches. The car thats pictured there is a cab car which is a car that has a train operator space, the cab where it operates. The noncab cars will look very similar except instead of the cab there, you will have more seating. 40 percent of the bart cars are cab cars and the other 60 percent have more seating than the cab cars. So, we have put the poles in for a reason. You heard it today. Weve also got some issues that we want to work through. I can tell you anecdotally that when we were out talking to 17,000 people the last few weeks, we did hear a lot of people who found the pole valuable. A lot of people with disabilities as well as Senior Citizens and shorter individuals, people with balance issues, for example. But we also heard loud and clear a
And are people with disabilities. And, so, our mayor today announced in a press conference that through the Mayors Office of housing that they have identified 4. 5 million worth of money to do these incredibly critical elevator renovations to make sure that those elevators are going to be reliable in the future. And there are nine specific properties that they have identified as being buildingses where theyre going to be making those improvements. Also over the next few months youre going to be hearing more from our office about the Housing Authority because the Housing Authority properties taken under the umbrella of the Mayors Office of housing are going to start contracting out the management of the Housing Authority properties to some local nonprofit housing providers. And what those nonprofits will be doing is putting forth plans to actually renovate and repair those properties. And our office does the Quality Control permit review and field inspection of those. So, well be very m
About features for individuals who are blind or have a vision impairment. One feature that will continue from the old cars are the external inter car barriers that are meant to help protect people with vision impairments from inadvertently stepping off the flat form and being in danger. Those were retro fitted into old bart cars after ada was passed. But these will be built in from the ground floor to the new cars. I mentioned earlier that we often have people on bart that dont know what the next stop is or other Important Information like transfer information, the destination of the train, major delay advisories, etc. We have a 42yearold pa system on most of the cars that doesnt function very well. We also have employees that occasionally do not make announcements for various reasons, some legitimate and some due to employee performance. With the new train cars, we plan to remedy all of those issues. First of all well have a brand new pa system, a modern pa system that will perform mu
These are the people that you really have to sit down and say, this is very serious. The city of San Francisco has to pay for these things. I think its important to sit down and have classes and have people come and talk and ask questions especially youth. Because if they dont start putting that into place, who is going to listen . Thank you. Now i will turn it over to comment from staff. Okay. Lets go to Public Comment. Well start with, if you will be kind to hang back if there are questions. We have a speaker. Thank you. For your presentation on accessibility on bike lanes. I have a question and concern and also a rhetorical question. Will there be, should there be, could there be installed on the medians on the north south, east west, roads such as gary and van ness an aps push button on the median to assist pedestrians crossing over those routes which in those two examples are also highway 1, which is van ness is 101 but equates to lombard which is also 101. Can that be installed t
Of San Francisco has to pay for these things. I think its important to sit down and have classes and have people come and talk and ask questions especially youth. Because if they dont start putting that into place, who is going to listen . Thank you. Now i will turn it over to comment from staff. Okay. Lets go to Public Comment. Well start with, if you will be kind to hang back if there are questions. We have a speaker. Thank you. For your presentation on accessibility on bike lanes. I have a question and concern and also a rhetorical question. Will there be, should there be, could there be installed on the medians on the north south, east west, roads such as gary and van ness an aps push button on the median to assist pedestrians crossing over those routes which in those two examples are also highway 1, which is van ness is 101 but equates to lombard which is also 101. Can that be installed to van ness, market and gary and lombard . Thank you. Next. We have comments from howard chad n