Minute this originates in sacramento, but the fact that the medical budget cuts meant that people no longer get dental care, incontinence supplies is not paid for. This is creating a horrible situation for a lot of people that cannot afford dental care. There is very few avenue to get anything done besides getting a tooth pulled on an emergency basis. So those are quality of life issues. The last thing i would like to speak to is just asking us to address the question of who gets left out of the information loop . I was struck by some of the recent Community Meetings that were sponsored around the changes that were talked about megan elliot. At both senior sites we had probably 300 people who came to hear about that. And then im thinking well who got left out of that and who maybe didnt hear about that . Because there is an existing network of Senior Centers and Senior Housing where a lot of information gets communicates, but i think sometimes we tend to keep connecting to the same peo
Rich person. Aside from the staff, the other people, artists that we work with being a reflection of us, yes, the community is changing, but brava has always tried to be ahead of that trend. When i came in, i tried to make it about the work that shows the eclectic mission district, as well as serving the mission. Those are the types of things that i feel build one brava is now we will commence the meeting of the Mayors Disability Council and member Denise Senhaux will read the announcement. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs, and other assistive mobility devices. Wheelchair access is provided at the grove van ness and mcallister streets and wheelchair at polk street, Carlton Goodlett is temporarily interrupted due to wheelchair lift repairs. We appreciate your patience during this time and ask that you use any of the remaining entrances when visiting city hall. Assistive listening devices are available at our meeting is opencaptioned and sign languaged interpreted and
Now we will commence the meeting of the Mayors Disability Council and member Denise Senhaux will read the announcement. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs, and other assistive mobility devices. Wheelchair access is provided at the grove van ness and mcallister streets and wheelchair at polk street, Carlton Goodlett is temporarily interrupted due to wheelchair lift repairs. We appreciate your patience during this time and ask that you use any of the remaining entrances when visiting city hall. Assistive listening devices are available at our meeting is opencaptioned and sign languaged interpreted and our agendas are available in large print and braille and please ask staff for additional assistance. To prevent electronical interference with this sound system and to allow everybody the ability to focus on the presentations, please turn off all mobile phones and pdas or change set these devices to vibrate mode. Your cooperation is appreciated. We welcome the publics part
Information loop . I was struck by some of the recent Community Meetings that were sponsored around the changes that were talked about megan elliot. At both senior sites we had probably 300 people who came to hear about that. And then im thinking well who got left out of that and who maybe didnt hear about that . Because there is an existing network of Senior Centers and Senior Housing where a lot of information gets communicates, but i think sometimes we tend to keep connecting to the same people who already have a connection. And that i think we have to think about who gets left out. That is not to denigrate at all the work of the Mayors Office on disability and this council. Anyway, thank you very much for your work. I think we have some things to attend to. Thank you. Thank you. Next is jerry grace. Good afternoon everybody. My name is jerry grace and i i alive across the bay in cc county, city of san pablo. The bottom line a lot of people live here in the city and most of the peop
Announcement. City hall is accessible to persons using wheelchairs, and other assistive mobility devices. Wheelchair access is provided at the grove van ness and mcallister streets and wheelchair at polk street, Carlton Goodlett is temporarily interrupted due to wheelchair lift repairs. We appreciate your patience during this time and ask that you use any of the remaining entrances when visiting city hall. Assistive listening devices are available at our meeting is opencaptioned and sign languaged interpreted and our agendas are available in large print and braille and please ask staff for additional assistance. To prevent electronical interference with this sound system and to allow everybody the ability to focus on the presentations, please turn off all mobile phones and pdas or change set these devices to vibrate mode. Your cooperation is appreciated. We welcome the publics participation during Public Comment. You may complete a speakers card available in the front of the room or ca