The Willmar City Council on Monday heeded the concerns of its constituents, approving in a split 7-1 vote a motion to cancel the sale of parkland in the south Swansson Field Recreation Complex.
Michelle Marotzke, current economic development professional at the Mid-Minnesota Development Commission, has been hired as the Kandiyohi County Economic Development business development manager.
In November, the Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission joint powers board approved shortening the EDC name to Kandiyohi County Economic Development, leaving "Willmar" out of the new name.
The Kandiyohi County and City of Willmar Economic Development Commission Joint Powers Board on Monday, Nov. 20, approved the new name of Kandiyohi County Economic Development.
As part of its rebranding strategy and pending the approval of the EDC Joint Powers Board, the name will go from nine words to four Kandiyohi County Economic Development.