Getting staff we have good funding everybody is pressing on the bureau of architecture right now. We had a presentation by the better Market Street focus group in the focus Group Workshop to make a presentation on the preliminary final report and what were some of the good findings and of course that group then came to the counsel on the subsequent meeting and made a presentation on the whole process. Ive talked to the team they are ready to distribute the final report put online so they will contact the irlc to provide copies to all the focus Group Members then we followed up with our second meeting which was november 8th of last week. We had a presentation by the port of San Francisco given by david dupre whos senior project manager by the 2012 clean and safe recreation and parks fund and this is the park down by peer 70 talking about a billion dollars project that would really create a new commercial downtown down in the area of dog patch but just adjacent to it would actually give
That folds out and this ramp can also as the driver herself so she can drive the car herself and be allowed greater independence in her community. I have an ipad to kind of showcase what it means whether when you have technology thats becoming more interactive such as tablets real quick im going to go ahead and put on one app today from an ipad thank you so much so we have here an application called proloquo to go thank you again to the asl interpreters to help me out im speaking fast ill try to slow down. So basically we have a communication board thats been is shown here kind of virtual ly which allows a person with a cognitive ability the independence to communicate their needs better and this one here offers customizable options so not just pushing in i have i should have probably prepared one thats more advanced. You can say im hungry i want to read a book i want this, i need to go here, you can insert your own custom word and see when you grant this type of access to students to
Market street focus group in the focus Group Workshop to make a presentation on the preliminary final report and what were some of the good findings and of course that group then came to the counsel on the subsequent meeting and made a presentation on the whole process. Ive talked to the team they are ready to distribute the final report put online so they will contact the irlc to provide copies to all the focus Group Members then we followed up with our second meeting which was november 8th of last week. We had a presentation by the port of San Francisco given by david dupre whos senior project manager by the 2012 clean and safe recreation and parks fund and this is the park down by peer 70 talking about a billion dollars project that would really create a new commercial downtown down in the area of dog patch but just adjacent to it would actually give San Francisco a beach facing east in sunlight they rarely get fog over this part of town and i think its really nice that they are try
Had a meeting on friday october 11th of this year at 1 30 to 3 30 p. M. Old business was a presentation by me on the status of our ada transition plan what projects had been completed in construction this recent year what ones under construction and which ones are under designed. I wont go through that list i do that once a year for you all. I have to say were doing pretty good but having challenges getting staff we have good funding everybody is pressing on the bureau of architecture right now. We had a presentation by the better Market Street focus group in the focus Group Workshop to make a presentation on the preliminary final report and what were some of the good findings and of course that group then came to the counsel on the subsequent meeting and made a presentation on the whole process. Ive talked to the team they are ready to distribute the final report put online so they will contact the irlc to provide copies to all the focus Group Members then we followed up with our seco
Have to say were doing pretty good but having challenges getting staff we have good funding everybody is pressing on the bureau of architecture right now. We had a presentation by the better Market Street focus group in the focus Group Workshop to make a presentation on the preliminary final report and what were some of the good findings and of course that group then came to the counsel on the subsequent meeting and made a presentation on the whole process. Ive talked to the team they are ready to distribute the final report put online so they will contact the irlc to provide copies to all the focus Group Members then we followed up with our second meeting which was november 8th of last week. We had a presentation by the port of San Francisco given by david dupre whos senior project manager by the 2012 clean and safe recreation and parks fund and this is the park down by peer 70 talking about a billion dollars project that would really create a new commercial downtown down in the area