Part of that. The majority of our complaints were about non compliant barricades and damaged curb ramp requests. And another denied entry with their service dog and pedestrian signals. Most of the inquiries from people requesting information about football Affordable Housing and how to file reasonable accommodation requests on housing. We noticed more people dropping into our office and asking for information about financial assistance, discounted or Free Transportation and employment and housing opportunities. We also had a referral Success Story that i would like to inform you about. A couple months back we had a client who came by our office who who was homeless and unemployed he came to our office and received housing and resources information and he now reports that hes housed and employed fulltime and he wanted to thank our office and he was actually on the way to the bank to cash his first check and we wanted to give a shout out to tool works that was the referral we had given the client and they were able to find work for him. And this is a great example were primarily the ada Referral Office and this is a great example on how we partner with Community Agencies to help us assist the public in that way in order for them to live more independently. Thank you hearth heather. Thank you. Theres no Public Comment at this point. Theres Public Comment later in the meeting for general comment on that can be made later at the end of the meeting. Okay. Then. Go ahead and approach the microphone. Sir, we are not under strict compliance was we are a passive body so we allow adequate Public Comment. Im a baby that was delivered with forceps and as a pedestrian i share your opinion about curb ramps and uneven sidewalks. I hope this counsel will aggressively work with the board of supervisor on stricter enforcement of skateboards and bicycles and yes sometimes wheelchair user on sidewalks. Just 3 days ago as i was walking up sutter street a wheelchair user barely kept from striking me and i think there should be outrage in the disabled community that when you are in a motor ized vehicle you are in a vehicle. Give precedence to pedestrian on sidewalks in part that wheelchair user and so many skateboards and bicycles that have come close to striking me over the last decade are merely sound less such that people with disabilities like me who have hearing failures cant hear them approaching and there needs to be better rules of the road that bicyclists have to follow and so do wheelchair user. I do not want to become a patient with a traumatic brain injury from being struck by somebody who is inconsiderate to pedestrians on uneven sidewalks. It is becoming very un orthodox meeting yes go ahead jessica. This is just a 2 second comment thank you for mentioning the meeting on elevators. If anyone is interested in coming please let me know. If you dont have my Contact Information you can get it from car la. Housing resolution discussion. As many of you know the counsel has been working hard on the housing resolution since the midsummer that was after a year of seeing presentations from various city agencies, Community Based organizations and advocates and the disabled community about housing issues. Weve been in discussions with the Mayors Office on issues about housing and senior disability action and independent Living Resource Center and other agencies so were moving forward with this. Well have first of all have denise read the housing resolution and then the counsel will discuss it. Thank you. Resolution 20130 1 resolution recommending guiding principaling for the Construction Maintenance and financing of permanently affordable and accessible housing for people with disabilities and seniors where as this housing has been an issue that affects the Disability Community and the city of San Francisco and where as statewide funding for football affordable and accessible housing has severely diminished and were asking that housing for people with disabilitied is an urgent need and where as the mayors disability counsel has received public testimony from Community Members with disabilities and from their advocates who shared their frustration and disappointment with the state of existing housing and the many challenges they face acquiring affordable and accessible housing. Now and therefore be it resolved that additional Funding Sources for affordable and accessible housing be explored in particular the mayors disability counsel urges the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to collaborate with the California Department of housing and Community Development other federal Funding Sources, and Affordable Housing sponsors to access Additional Resources for the construction of new and reservation of existing accessible and Affordable Housing as it be further resolved that the mayors disability counsel urges the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to require whatever possible Affordable Housing sponsors to set minimum income requirements as low as fees ible for continued Financial Health of the building and the possibility of multiple subsidiaries to allow extremely low income individuals to qualify and be it further resolved that permanent housing to the maximum extent possible while assuring that affordable and accessible housing has created cost efficiency so that residents remain in their geographic communities and be it further resolved that the construction of new permanently Affordable Housing as well as the rehabilitation of existing buildings that maximizes accessibility including reliable working elevators should be a city priority and to construct affordable efficiency studios and be it further resolved that stricter enforcement procedures be developed for the maintenance of existing features including elevators and sros and further resolved that the city pursue incentives or other creative financial mechanisms to help Property Owners obtain funding to main the features especially those that have contracts with the city and county of San Francisco and be if further resolved that the new low Income Housing be constructed with design features that promote and enhance the Mental Health of tenants such as the use of Natural Light full Spectrum Lighting features and cheerful color schemes and Living Spaces and further resolved that this housing be allocated for people with multiple chemical sensitivities and smokefree and constructed with environmentally safe materials such as and let it further be resolved that the city pursue the development and maintenance of a single accessible and Affordable Housing portal to access information in order to find appropriate housing opportunities and further resolved that the mdc urges the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to create a Community Input mechanism where in all stakeholders including disability and senior advocates are involved in policy decisions pertaining to the permanent affordability of accessible housing in the city. The end. [laughter]. Thank you. That was enough. Okay. I have mr. Zarda. Request to approve. Second. Is there any discussion among councilmembers . You guys are approving this now . Theres a motion to approve, yes. Weve already had a second. Councilmember seconded so now its the time for discussion of the housing resolution. Are there any comments from councilmembers . Okay. Is there any Public Comment . On the Health Services planning counsel and it occurred to me while you were reading that that one of the things that might be advantageous for this new housing for, seniors and aging would be to grow fresh vegetables to put in plots because food as we know is getting very expensive and fresh vegetables would help with nutrition and for diet would help prolong their lives so thats another area to look at maybe and thats all i have to say. Thank you. Other Public Comments . You are all sick of hearing from me. First i want to really thank and applaud all the work of the Mayors Office and mayors disability counsel for putting together what we think is a really excellent resolution and i notice theres some talk about softening some of the language and it looks like its pretty clear about what needs to happen not too soft to make a difference so thank you for your work on that. We talked about this resolution yesterday and car la johnson brought it up and a couple of excellent points raised and one was about including something about food access which has come up twice already today at the meeting so maybe another further resolve that i dont have the language in my head but something about that Kitchen Facilities are built with universal design that theres a bunch of things that could be added with food access thats important what were talking about housing and recognizing the crisis that were in around evictions and displacement so something about funding for eviction prevention counseling and also something a little bit stronger about really asking the city to explore you know theres been conversation about a moratorium on evictions until we can figure out what to do about this crisis so sorry i guess a third option exploring the ellis act evictions so id urge the counsel to include these items. Thank you. Thank you, jessica. Any other Public Comment on the housing resolution . I would like to i should have filled out a speaker card. My apologies. I commend you guys for this resolution. Im 63 and one day i may well need access to housing foreseen i , seniors myself. I currently live in a 4 Story Building where the elevator frequently goes out so i sympathize with the statement. Having reliable working elevators is a priority not only for people with disabilities but for every san franciscan and to the extent it should be made a priority, i think possibly we might need new legislation to the board of supervisors that requires landlords to repair elevators in a timely manner. There have been incidents where ive been left for weeks with an onset of having an onset of copd, having to climb stairs and its becoming a struggle so if you could work with the board of supervisors to require landlords to fix them promptly that would be a good first move or a good additional move. And second, if its to become a priority, it needs to become a priority in the citys budging plan. The mayor needs to start setting aside money in the general fund to address this and i think this body should strongly work with the mayors Budget Office to make sure that the city starts budging for this and not cow towing to it. Its a priority but there has to be a marriage of the two. It has to be a priority and it has to be funded. Thank you. Councilmember wong, harriet wong. I was going to mention that in this low Income Housing that Community Spaces its really important and now i see it in one of these resolutions here. Because i think theres even, like, an sro on market and i think basically people go home and they just go back to their room and see thats a really sad way to live so Community Space and what the gentleman mentioned about the gardening you know the little spaces for gardening can mean a lot because thats also physical exercise for the person and but i do see it here so i think thats really good and thats what i had a question about. So thank you. Is there any other Public Comment on housing . Okay. Good afternoon. I really do not want to have i know excuse me, i know hes a very good driver but they are i really do not want we want to have a place in this city everybody be calm and nice to other people. I know this is not about the strike nothing about that but and i want to say thank you for helping out the bart and bart was on strike i have to interrupt you im sorry in the interest of time we were talking about the housing resolution at this time. Oh im sorry i didnt know. Its okay. Were past number 3 but theres additional Public Comment later. Oh im sorry i didnt know what number we were on. Would you like me to keep your speaker card for later . Its okay. I didnt know what we were talking about. Its all right thank you. Thank you for your comments. Are we finished with Public Comment . Councilmembers have any other comments . Then we shall have a vote. The motion is on the table to approval housing resolution 131. Shall we do role call . Councilmember hair i wong . Approved. Denise. Approved. Approved. Approved. Cochair a del wilson . Approve. Councilmember roland wong . Approved. Thank you very much councilmembers and well take a brief break now and well be back. Were going to they heard you. Can the control room put the Powerpoint Presentation up, please, for mr. Has kell. Haskell . Thank you. Good afternoon councilmembers im happy to be here im the longterm care Principal Investigator and im also the facility facilitator im here today to present the longterm integration Strategic Plan for San Francisco. This is the result of a great deal of work. Im going to give you Background Information on why it was prepared and then tell you something about what the recommendations are to be accomplished in the next two years so this is background for you. Information about what the longterm care design group is recommending and a heads up about whats coming because this is a big deal. So let me start out. This is a presentation that ordinarily would be given by a longterm care design group member this plan was prepared by the longterm care Design Group Members for the department of aging and Adult Services i am not on the design group i facilitated that work and im presenting it to you today. Next slide, please. Oh, its me. Next slide please. [laughter]. Okay. What is the purpose of the longterm integration Strategic Plan . Its to prepare for the transition to longterm care integration in San Francisco and to determine what is required to improve the provision of Longterm Services and supports for medical eligible older adult and see adults are disabilities. This is targeting people who are what are called dual eligible eligible for both medicare or medical and medicare. What is longterm care integration . What does that phrase mean . It means the integration of primary and acute Care Services with Longterm Services and supports as well as institutional care. So were talking about bringing the medical model together with the social services model, and they will both be provided by managed Care Health Plans to this population, the dual eligibles, those who are eligible for med ical and medicare so an older population as well as a population with disabilities as well as populations who are older so its a mix. This plan was prepared because california has instituted a coordinated Care Initiative. In january of 2012 governor jerry brown introduced the coordinated Care Initiative. Its purpose across the state of california is to improve coordinate and coordination of Service Delivery for Consumer Satisfaction of the groups i mentioned and at the same time substantial savings so they want to shift where services are provided. I should tell you that the coordinated Care Initiative is tied to the Affordable Care act. This is an implementation of an aspect of the Affordable Care act in the state of california. The Affordable Care act is intended to reduce the overall costs of healthcare and 15 states, including california, are designing integrated care models while the coordinated Care Initiative is californias demonstration project under the ac a. Coordinated Care Initiative requirements beneficiaries who also qualify will be enrolled into managed Care Health Plans for their medical benefits. I just want to review at a minimum, at a minimum. Ihss, mssp the multipurpose Senior Citizens program and Community Based services and Skilled Nursing facilities will be included and provided through managed Care Health Plans there will be many other services and supports as well but those are required mandatory. The goals of calmedi connect well talk more about calmedi connect just for a bit. To increase

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