Welcome to our rules Committee Meeting for thursday november 21, 2013. I am supervisor norman yee and i will be chairing this meeting today. Im joined by supervisor cohen to my left and supervisor london breed to my right and joining the committee today is supervisor farrell, and right on time for your item. So, before we do that though, the committee would also like to acknowledge the staff of sfgtv and also who are Jessie Larson and Jonathan Goma who record each of our meeting and make the transcripts available to the public online and im also joined by our clerk today, linda woning. Madam clerk, are there any announcements yes, there chair, please make sure to silence all cell phones, the documents to be submitted to the clerk, items will appear on the december 10th board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. At this point, could you please call item number 1. It is an order nones amending the administrative code to modify open data standards and set deadlines for releasing open data. So, supervisor farrell, the author of the legislation, can we have your comments. Thank you very much, chairman yee and to the members of the public, were here today to discuss legislation is that ive authored, all across the nation, were seeing federal government taking steps to make appropriate Government Data available because open data has helped us spark innovative and fuel further Economic Development, it has potential and weve seen the largest positive impacts happening at the city level. Here at the local level, we have a unique opportunity to reevent and reimagine the opportunity we can have between our City Residents and government, weve seen open data used in practice already and we can see how it can accomplish all of the positive benefits i mentioned, whether its to help publish Health Scores on their website, helping residents making healthier choice, or make sf rec park to help people make picnic reservations or using your smart phone, all the examples i just mentioned are real examples of how open data can improve the lives of our city resident, further fuel Economic Growth here in San Francisco. Specifically, this ordinance will enumerate open data numerical standards, it creates a sense of accountability and certain for the public and Entrepreneurial Community, it creates city staff and agencies to interact with the public about relevant data set and is the priority of certain data set and is creates for the first time in the nation a strategy for residents of San Francisco to access their own data and furthermore and very importantly ensures we have the tightest privacy measures to protect our resident and is our city from any privacy concerns. The ordinance in front of us today will further establish San Franciscos role as a National Leader in the open Data Movement and ill talk about a few of the details tat legislation, the chief data officer when hired and when create witched the further passage will be responsible for drafting rules and common stray technical standards such as ensuring data being available for download in machine readable format and conducting with our City Attorneys Office what sets are available for public disclosure. Since the city is also a custodian of private data, the chief data officer will be charged with creating a plan for the release of this data on a format and on systems so people can securely access their own data on themselves, digital versions of their own medical records or their own permit application, this follows a National Movement growing to give residents own access to their own data for their own use, it will become the first city in the nation to develop a strategy to give residents access to their data. Dated ta will now be released, specific data sets will require documentation for apis xhs how applications can talk to one another across different databases. All of these updates are key to unlocking the True Potential of the data set that is we hold as a city, were building upon National Standards beyond state that is are showing leadership in the open data field while providing leadership in the open Data Movement. Were creating more accountability and sernlt, not only for the public and entrepreneurs but for city staff and agencies who will be tasked by uploading these data sets. You can see in the legislation, weve inserted timelineess for the release of the appropriate data sets. I want to mention two minor amendment that is are previously circulated outlive copies that im introducing today that strike the portion that the chief operating officer be hyper, i know our city staff is making sure that person is hired as soon as possible, and an amendment that was suggested by our Information Technology adds a provision for a ceo to propose a modification of the timelines insert ined this application as long as its i approved, open data should be a priority for the Respective Department and is all these deadlines ensure that we and City Government remain accountability and accessible to the public so that they and the Entrepreneurial Community are made readily aware of any guidelines and data set that is we release, they will be extremely beneficial to the public and Entrepreneurial Community because with more certainty and better planning around ideas and implementations regarding our open data set sos they can use the open dated ta as to create the new service and application here in our city and well be creating and encouraging mos fear that will spur innovation, discovery and growth, all areas that i think the city should actively support. Im excited the ordinance has earned the support on technology information, which is compromised by the mayor, the controller, the city administrator, the department of technology and Department Heads that represent Major Service areas as well as i want to make sure to thank j. Naf, our citys chief innovation officer as well as [inaudible] from my office whos been working hard for many of the members of the entrepreneurial members out there, not only here in San Francisco but also nationwide, we have in front of us an opportunity to cement San Francisco standing as National Open data lead and her can continue to push forward the bar to create Better Outcomes and results here in San Francisco as a result of passing this ordinance. I would be happy to take any actions and i hope to have your support today. Thank you, supervisor farrell, i would like to ask a question of the timeline, just for clarification, when i looked at the amendments on there, so you want to change the first item which says [inaudible] chief data officer. Okay, and then the next thing is this 3 month, the City Department shall designate Department Data coordinators, would that remain the same or would that push it down a little bit since we dont know if we have the chief data officer yet. Right, we want to make sure the chief data officer is in place and that is coordinating for all the different department, it really prioritizes the data which was existing in the ordinance before my ledge slaix, this is not only creating timeline that is are responsible to make sure we are acting on this data but also we want to make sure our city staff has the ability to take the time to hire the right chief data officer here in San Francisco and that person can be the one coordinating going forward. Okay. So, i guess theres for the Department Data coordinators, even though they might be identified before the chief data officer comes on board, they have things to do. Got it. And the other question i have is is the expectation that the plan itself or draft of a plan be developed given that year or would it be sooner because im looking at Something Else here that says six months. Right. Just to take a step back and as a concept, e what we want to do is we w e ear creating timelines to make sure were acting on this and were providing this to the public, we gave the chief data officer flexibility because theres certain needs in certain department, we want to make sure were meeting their needs as well, i dont want to have the consequences of pushing timelines on people if it doesnt make sense, were giving the chief data officer flexibility within that. Okay. So, the answer to that is really if it gets done within the year, thats the timeline, okay. Any other questions, colleagues . Seeing none, are there any Public Comments on this item . You have two minutes. Thank you very much, thank you very much, supervisor farrell for introducing this legislation, my name is yo owe shaoed da, im the ceo of ap limber, a civic start up in San Francisco that wouldnt exist without the open data, its going back almost 4 years ago now, introduced the first legislation to push it forward, mayor lea and supervisor chu lead thing way with the support of jay naf, our Company Created the San Francisco rec and park app using open data, we are now about to become a venture back startup which is a major fete for a civic startup, so its coming from not just, you know, a bunch of that talk about open data but its it became a movement a few years ago and now its turning into an industry that i think theres at least about 20 or 30 civic startupcoming from silicone valley, San Francisco to create useful products for the public. Our first product was the San Francisco rec and park app, well be releasing the San Francisco arts app and these are using open data sets. We created within partnership with department of Public Health the first neighborhood score which is a comprehensive aver all health score for the neighborhoods within the San Francisco and that looks like it will be expanded and adopted as a standard for the country, so we look forward to putting some teeth into the open Data Movement through this legislation. We do have some [inaudible] with some departments not being able to release it quick enough to give the abilities to create product from this and create industry, jobs and move the movement forward. Thank you very much for your time and thank you for pushing this legislation, mr. Farrell. Thank you. Anybody else . Come on up. Good afternoon, supervised sores, my name is corey marshal, im with splunk, open data is the foundation that we do, we have partnerships that are currently in place with fema and the fac and doing some work right now around trying to make better use of Public Comment. These are partnerships that we do purely on the back of open data and open data thats made available to the public. And without that, we wouldnt have anything to do, we welcome this and its an honor for me to be up here speaking about this because i have been working closely with supervisor farrell to make this a reality and on the version of the open data legislation, im a previous City Employee for many years ago, back in the day that we had to fight departments get information expose today the public, its refreshing to see a day where we can engage those things and build on that, i think there are a number of different excellent opportunity that is the city can take advantage of there engaging the information and the partner that is are available to them. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Marshal. Hi. Im persa sang. Im with Community Local data and for my work at local data before that, its important to see open data, not just as a nice thing for developers but really as a city infrastructure, the same way that roads, we have to make sure theyre usable, having buses with three or four seats isnt good, we need to know that open data is useful and accessible, ive been able to work in areas that have very good open data and really provide a lot of value to municipalities there to other private partners who are doing work in those areas and communities, and areas where open data is harder to get a hold of or not as well maintained, so im excited that locally well be able to do that work aggressively. Thanks. Thank you, anybody else . Hello. My name is kathrin johnson, i aoep s ent caravan studios nonprofit, thats a division of tech soup global here in San Francisco, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to comment on this today, this allows us better tools to serve the community. We are currently working on a project called range which allows a user to find the nearest space in both time and location to find a free meal, something that is critically important, especially during the summer when the Summer School lunch programs are not as active. Without this type of open data, this type of project that would Surface Community resources would be virtually impossible, so we appreciate seeing this move forward and we look forward to hearing more. Thank you very much. Thank you, ms. Johnson. Any other Public Comment, come on up. Just come on up. Good afternoon, supervisor, my name is jay nas, im the chief innovations officer and i want to express my support for the amendments to the open data legislation, as you know, our citys been a National Leader in open data and this legislation continues and strengthens that leadership role by permit putting timelines in place, by introducing any concept around personal data and having access to that data and i think it will continue improving transparency, accountability and i think most importantly, encouraging our community to engage with our city, to park the creative and entrepreneurial spirit that we have, to create new services, to drive Economic Development and new creations. I think it will help internally as well in terms of communications and building better relationships between departments and exchange of data. Thank you. Thank you. Everybody, thank you for taking this up, this is brian, i staffed with jay a few years ago, i got back from brazil helping them launch their open data program and the first thing i told them was basically having open data coordinators, having a chief coordinating officer from a bin, i know it took us a while to get to this point, someone advised us a number of civic startups, a number of organization, this will be incredibly helpful, will be adopted throughout the country and throughout the world and San Francisco should get back in the lead of this movement. Thank you very much, guys. Thank you. Any other Public Comments . Yes . Seeing one more. Hi. My name is [inaudible] garcia, i am founder and ceo of [inaudible] and we are a Geographic Information system that indexes millions of data sets from different sources, especially open data and we are helping small and medium businesses to optimize their decisions using this kind of information. Today, a big company for example like star bucks, they have millions of dollars to know where should i locate the store, but thanks to the data that is going to be open, we can understand exactly where a Small Company that doesnt have the same resources to have that kind of analytic and understand exactly where they should they low kailt and be successful. Your company is what . Insta gis, like Geographic Information system. Thank you very much. Thank you. Seeing other any other Public Comments . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. So, colleagues, can we have a motion to accept these amendments . I just had a few questions for mr. Farrell. Thank you, supervisor farrell, for proposing this idea. I know one of the challenges that i had as a former director of a cbo is the fact that we had received numerous grants from various City Departments and part of the challenge was the fact that they required different things, they had different technical systems which also required classes to understand those technical systems and it was extremely time consuming and i know that whats being proposed here is a way to organize departments, the communication with departments better, and i just wanted to get because this is of course a big picture type of thing, but i just wanted to understand the smaller picture in terms of its direct impact on grant recipients or people who do business with the city because, again, it is a challenge to get sometimes departments to communicate with one another, but also its not a one size fits all, in some cases, one department may need one thing, another may need another but there is certain basic information that can be clearly established and i just wanted to understand how this translates in the end to being a more effective system for the folks, the general public that will be using this system . I think theres two perspectives, one probably fra the cbo perspective about how they communicate with our City Government, is that going to be easier for them or more efficient, from that perspective, a large part of this is what were doing is right now, we have so much data as a city that is not being utilized at all, and as they call it, pdf is the way open data goes out to die, now what were doing is were saying it needs to be in machine readable format so people can take that data and use it to create all these apps, this open data policy will not only allow individuals in San Francisco or residents to take control of the data about themselves, its obviously going to have an entrepreneurial effect, but the answer is we dont know where its going to go, you know, were creating it out there and were allowing the Entrepreneurial Community to take with it and do what they want. The most exciting about this accidenter hearing a year from now and see whats been created a year from now because of it, i think this is to be determined, the only thing we can say, its going to be in a more positive manner that has the potential to do with this. In terms of the departments themselves, i think it seemed to be a little bit also to what youre getting to. Were going to have the time now right after this for the department tos come forward and say these are the things that should be relevant and should be releasing in materialser of open data, providing privacy, but were going the make sure when these departments come forward with their proposed data sets, its not only that these departments are going to issue these data sets once a year, its in regular intervals, so people know, gis applications, think about having uber type app for muni, how much better would that be for our residents, whether it has to be superfrequently or it has to be a longer period of time, i dont know in jay would want to comment on that as well, hes been a leader far before i got involved in this, so if you want to add any comments. I think its an excellent question, supervisor breed, and one of the things weve done as a city that has been effective is establishing standards around data and how we share data and that allows for, you know, easier input of data, so with youre talking about different departments and agencies asking for different information, thats not standardized, were not coordinating and say, were asking for the same information, lets standardize that, so weve been working with the private sector, with nonprofits in doing that and i think this is a great opportunity for us to look in

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