Change Police Practices across the nation, use of Excessive Force, admit Police Officers more accountable for the use of deadly force. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Nadler madam speaker, the tragic and blutal death of george floyd has been a wakeup call for millions of americans. Across the nation and around the world the streets are lined with protestors demanding fundamental change in the culture of Law Enforcement and meaningful accountability for officers who commit misconduct. Today we answer their call. We value and respect the many brave and honorable Police Officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect us in our communities. We know that most Law Enforcement officers do their jobs with dignity, selflessness, and honor. They are deserving of our respect and gratitude for all they do to keep us safe. But we must also acknowledge that there are too many exceptions. Too many Law Enforcement officers do not oppose the ethic of protecting and serving
Be permitted to control the remained ore they have time on the majority side. The speaker pro tempore without objection. He gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Bass the gentlelady from florida, representative wasserman schultz, for one minute. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from florida is recognized for one minute. Ms. Wasserman schultz thank you, mr. Speaker. Today we take a crucial step toward racial justice. We do it in the name of george floyd, Breonna Taylor, tony mcdavid, corey jones and all those lives unjustly taken by Law Enforcement. We mourn and say their names on the house floor because their lives and all black lives matter. So lets move to end the policing culture that lacks Real Transparency and accountability. Lets unite to ban barbaric choke holds and build a registry so Problematic Police dont just move to another town to keep a badge. Lets outlaw racial profiling and dangerous noknock warrants. This bill targets bad actors and practices and affirms the standards p
Transparency through Data Collection, and Reform Police training and policies. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to House Resolution 1017, the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on the judiciary, printed in the bill, modified by the amendment printed in part d of report 116 436 is adopted and the bill as amended is considered as read. The bill as amended shall be debatable for four hours equally divided among and controlled by the chair and Ranking Member of the committee on the judiciary. The gentleman from new york, mr. Nadler, and the gentleman from ohio, mr. Jordan, will each control two hours. The chair recognizes the gentleman from new york. Mr. Nadler. Mr. Nadler i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material on h. R. 7120. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Nadler madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore
Proposals and congress and recounts the Police Response after he was shot three years ago at a congressional baseball practice. Good evening, everyone. Welcome to team trump online. I am mercedes, Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications to President Trumps reelection campaign. Be sure to like and share this broadcast with your friends. Joining me tonight is a top member of the House Republican leadership team, republican web whip Steve Scalise from the great state of louisiana. Congressman how are you doing , tonight . Rep. Scalise i am doing great. It is great to be with you and all of team trump out there. Mercedes we were just talking about our homeschooling experiences. The kids just finished school. That was quite a test through this coronavirus pandemic. Rep. Scalise families have had to pull together and have had to do challenging things. With the economy shut down, you have got a lot of turmoil out there. In the midst of all this, parents are having to homeschool their kids
Kelly clarkson saying what doesnt kill you makes us stronger can numb bull companies emerge from this crisis better off i think they can i think were all learning how to do work differently and i think this is one of those life gives you lemons make lemonade type of a moment and as such i think this is one of those survival of the fittest things youre going to see businesses come out of this and come out stronger better and youre also going to see a lot of businesses unfortunately go under. The restaurants are gonna fold theres no 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the Party Headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during the couple of months since they sent us home and we still managed to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time finally but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many of us