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Change Police Practices across the nation, use of Excessive Force, admit Police Officers more accountable for the use of deadly force. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Nadler madam speaker, the tragic and blutal death of george floyd has been a wakeup call for millions of americans. Across the nation and around the world the streets are lined with protestors demanding fundamental change in the culture of Law Enforcement and meaningful accountability for officers who commit misconduct. Today we answer their call. We value and respect the many brave and honorable Police Officers who put their lives on the line every day to protect us in our communities. We know that most Law Enforcement officers do their jobs with dignity, selflessness, and honor. They are deserving of our respect and gratitude for all they do to keep us safe. But we must also acknowledge that there are too many exceptions. Too many Law Enforcement officers do not oppose the ethic of protecting and serving their community. Instead the reality for too many americans, especially for too many africanamericans, is that Police Officers are perceived as a threat to their liberties, dignity, and all too often to their safety. To those who do not believe it, look at the tragic statistics. Africanamericans are more than twice as likely to be shot and killed by police each year. And black men between the ages of 15 and 34 are approximately 10 times more likely to be killed by police than other americans. This is not a new problem. Our countrys history of racism and racially motivated violence, rooted in the original sin of slavery, and lynchings and jim crow and systemic racism continues to haunt our nation. We see it in the rates of covid deaths, our system of mass incarceration, and in the vast chasm of economic inequality. All of which fall disproportionately on the backs of africanamericans. We see an harassment in Excessive Force that people of color routinely face by far too many of our Police Officers. An unmistakable message has been sent to africanamericans in this country. That they are second class citizens. And that their lives are somehow of less value. Let me state clearly and unequivocally, that black lives matter. George floyd mattered. Breonna taylor mattered. Eric garner mattered. At that myrrh rice mattered. Walter scott mattered. Mcdonald and so many others mattered. Rayshard brooks mattered. And the countless other people have lost their lives at the hands of Law Enforcement mattered. For far too long pleas for justice and reform have fallen on deaf ears in congress, but that changes today. The George Floyd Justice and policing act would finally allow for meaningful accountability in cases of Police Misconduct and it would begin the process of reimagining policing in the 21st century. This legislation makes it easier for the federal government to successfully prosecute Police Misconduct cases. Effectively bans choke holds. Ends racial and religious profiling. Encourages prosecutions independent from local police. And eliminates the dubious court made doctrine of qualified immunity in civil rights lawsuits against Law Enforcement officers. At the same time, it works to prevent Police Violence and bias through a series of front end approaches aimed at edge courages departments to meet a Gold Standard in training, hiring, dee escalation strategies, bystander duty, use of body cameras, and other best practices. The bill also ends noknock warrants in drug cases. Stops the mill tarization of local policing. And requires the collection of data on a number of key policing matters which would be made public, vug the First Ever National database on Police Misconduct incidents to prevent the movement of dangerous officers from department to department. It also creates a new Grant Program for communitybased organizations to create local commissions and task forces on policing innovation. To reimagine how Public Safety could work in a truly equitable and just way in each community. I want to thank the sponsor of this legislation, the gentlelady from california, ms. Bass, for her tremendous work in crafting a bill that is at once bold and transformative while also taking a responsible and balanced approach to the many complicated issues associated with policing. I also want to thank the activists across the country who are leading the protests. It is because of you that we are here today. Considering the most significant reforms to policing in a generation. It is because of your energy, your determination, and your demands for justice that the nation has awakened to the need for action. I know that everyone in this chamber mourns those who have lost their lives at the hands of Law Enforcement. But today is our opportunity to offer more than just sympathy. Today is our opportunity to show the world that we are listening. That we will respond with real and lasting reforms. Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Pledges to study the problem are not enough. Half mesh shurings are not enough. Measures are not enough. Pretend sham measures are not enough. We must not let this moment slip away. If we do it will be a terrible stain on our legacy. I urge all my colleagues to support this vital legislation and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan thank you, madam chair. What happened to george floyd last month in minneapolis was tragic, horrific, and is wrong as wrong could be. His family deserves justice and i hope they get that swiftly. Bad Police Officers must be held accountable for their misconduct and justice must be carried out. While we focus on rooting ott the bad apples, we need to remember that the overwhelming, emailing majority of Law Enforcement officers are good people who put themselves in harms way to keep the rest of us safe. We need meaningful legislation that increases training, ensures transparency, holds everyone accountable, and guarantees that tragedies similar to what happened in minneapolis dont happen again. This moment in our great nations history demands that we Work Together across the aisle to fashion legislation that works. Legislation that actually makes a real and lasting difference. Unfortunately, democrats havent done that. They show no sign of wanting to do that. They didnt consult us when they put together this legislation. In committee this last week we offered republicans offered 12 thoughtful, good amendments. Every single one voted down. Every single one. And in the senate, just yesterday, democrats voted to not even debate a commonsense proposal put forward by senator scott. Its interesting there was some bipartisan support for moving to debate. Two democrats, one independent voted with republicans, but yet democrats chose partisanship over real reform. We need reform, but House Democrats have delivered a bill that is designed to keep cops in the car. When you do that, when you do that makes our communities less safe by preventing good Law Enforcement officers from being able to do their job. Thats what this bill is going to do. Now is not the time to cripple the men and women who so selflessly serve our communities. This bill has serious due process concerns for Law Enforcement officers. That officers must be held accountable for their crimes, no one disputes that. This bill would punish unadjudicated allegations against officers, including officers who may be innocent of those allegations. This bill will make our Law Enforcement officers less safe by prohibiting them from obtaining surplus equipment from our federal government. We had an amendment in the Committee Says what about just allowing folks on the border dealing with the cartels, dealing with the terrorists they deal with down there, what about letting those Law Enforcement agencies to have access to surplus military equipment . Democrats said no. That was one of the 12 amendments they said no to. This equipment allows officers to protect themselves and the communities they serve. For example, Armored Vehicles in texas were used to rescue vehicle from rising floodwaters during harvey. Helmets saved the lives who were shot while responding to the terror attack in the pulse nightclub in orlando in 2016. This bill does nothing to address the calls for defunding and dismantling Police Departments. Frankly i have never heard such a crazy idea. This concept, most insane Public Policy proposal i have ever heard, i have been in politics a few years, this will make our community, certainly will make our communities less safe. Its a real failure of leadership that the speaker and chairman chose to not even seek any republican consensus, any republican input on the legislation. Rather than working with us in the house to put forward meaningful Bipartisan Solutions, democrats have rushed this bill to the floor and put forward extreme measures knowing these measures will not pass the senate and will not get to the president s desk. Just last week we held a markup for this bill. As i said every single one of the republican amendments were rejected by my democrat colleagues. All 12 of them. Fortunately, President Trump has led the way. Signed an executive order last week that will invest more energy and resources in police training, recruiting, and Community Engagement. Something we we consulted many Law Enforcement folks on our side. Like the sponsor of our legislation, mr. Staub, 20 years as a commander in the Duluth Police department. That Community Engagement is essential. Thats what was also in the president s executive order. This in addition to the many achievements on err over the past years. The usmca, and the list goes on. Senator scotts bill, which as i said mr. Staub introduced in the house gets to the heart of the issue without him stringing the men and women who faithfully serve our communities. Focus on training, accountability, and transparency. It provides additional training four our Law Enforcement for our Law Enforcement officers and dee escalation tactics when officers are observing the excessive use of force. It provides more funding for body cameras and the storage of the footage. It prevents bad officers from Going Department to department and creates an enhanced penalty for the falsifying of police reports. Its a bill with the right answers. A bill that should pass the senate and get signed into law by the president. Now is the time for us to come together. As americans and continue to make this country the greatest nation ever. I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill and reserve the balance of our time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. R. Nadler mr. Jordan is correct. The democrats in the senate did, indeed, oppose the republican bill because that bill is a sham. Designed to look as if its doing something, designed to look as if its having some reform while in fact doing nothing. Just ore, just more sham, more sham histrionics designed to make sure nothing real passes, that nothing changes. I now yield three minutes to the distinguished gentleman from georgia, mr. Johnson. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Johnson i thank the chairman. Madam speaker, i rise in support of the George Floyd Justice and policing act because black lives matter. Police killed george floyd over a counterfeit 20 bill as if his life dew point matter. Police didnt matter. Police in georgia killed Rayshard Brooks for running away as if his life didnt matter. Breonna taylor, katherine johnson, at that myrrh rice tamir rice, walter scott, eric garner, and a long list of others. Each killed by police and robbed of their constitutional right to due process. None of these notorious killings moved congress to act. It took regular folks of all races, creeds, and colors taking to the streets in every part of this country, even in the face of a global pandemic, to tell the world that we have had enough of Police Killing black folks. We hear them. And Congress Knows that on the one hand, President Trumps cronies like roger stone and Michael Flynn can lie to federal investigators only to receive a get out of jail card from the president s protector, attorney general william barr but on the other hand, regular black folks floyd george and Rayshard Brooks get executed by the Police Acting as judge, jury and executioner. The only way that congress can prove to the American People that we believe that black lives matter is for all of us, republicans and democrats alike to ke to take legislation stop killing black people. Not tomorrow, not next year, now. In the fame of Michael Brown and the citizens of ferguson, missouri, lets demill taize Police Departments. In the name of Breonna Taylor bankatherine johnson, lets noknock warpts and ban chokeholds and make it easier for Police Departments to fire. In the name of tamir rice, lets enact a registry of bad cops so the people of the United States, lets pass the george floyd policing and justice act. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio. Mr. Jordan the chairman of the Committee Said that democrats rejected senator scotts bill yesterday. Not all of them. Not all of them. Couple of them voted for it. Bipartisan support. Thats the only proposal that has bipartisan support right now, senator scotts bill. One of the independents in the senate voted for it. Its not accurate to characterize senator scotts legislation the way the chairman did. With that, i yield to the the gentleman from North Carolina for four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from North Carolina is recognized for four minutes. Madam speaker, im disappointed. Im disappointed by the fact that we had an opportunity today to make real bipartisan and meaningful reform, yet thats not the bill that is before us today. Im disappointed the democrat leadership is more interested in passing a bill through the house than having Actual Solutions signed into law. And im disappointed the bill punishes good Police Officers. This is very personal to me. One month ago, our community lost one of our own. I was honored to be asked at a Memorial Service where i promised our community that i would work to create meaningful reform. Mr. Hudson after listening to many leaders, it became clear there is a lot that republicans and dell cats agree on. We agree on banning chokeholds nd increasing training and increasing the use of body cameras. For any legislation to become aw, it has to pass the democratcontrolled house and Republicancontrolled Senate and signed by the president. This bill was jammed through the Committee Without any constructive input or amendments. Many republican amendments would have helped and blocking unions from protecting bad cops and removes qualified immunity. Ta means any Police Officer can be dragged into civil court by any disgruntled person they come in contact with. Bad cops shouldnt be able to hide. Representative kline and i earned a support of the majority of this house and would have solved this problem. But the democrats wouldnt allow it. Why would they do that . My colleagues across the aisle may have the votes to pass this nesh in the house, but legislation is dead in arrival in the senate and the president will never sign it. They would say to the families who mourn the loss of life and say to the people who marched for justice that 100 of nothing is better than 80 of what they propose in this bill. They want you to believe the failure to get real reform is republicans while they shut us out of the process. Wake up, america. The democrats in Congress Hope you arent smart enough to see the truth. Wake up and demand that your elected officials Work Together to get you the reform that all people of goodwill demand. Tell them to stop this charade while there is still time. We owe it to the memory of george floyd and Police Officers who rive their lives. Im committed to continue the fight for meaningful reform and for healing in our communities and i ask my colleagues to stop the political games and answer the cries heard across this country. With that, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Members are reminded to address their remarks to the chair. The gentleman from ohio reserves. And the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Nadler i now yield three minutes to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Cohen. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Cohen i rise in support, strong support of the George Floyd Justice and policing act. Mr. Hudson is my friend but he wasnt in the hearing or mark up and what he would have seen is what i put and put in the hill publications. I saw shams bringing up ant inch fa and russia hoax and Michael Flynn, brought up abortion and didnt talk about george floyd or attacks on africanamericans or talk about justice and making it better. And brought up sham issues to try to divert the american oples ayes to what is the trump train propaganda machine. They were on it. They brought up the sister of a slain officer in oakland thinking they were going to change the narrative to the protestors and really the ry orderers. Well, it turned out it was a member who was white, many are White Supremacists and want civil war in this country and within a week killed an officer in santa cruz. They bring up ant inch fa and they arent involved in these protests. This is a good bill and time is now. It collects data on bad cops. Collects data on the use of deadly force and prohibits chokeholds and makes reforms and sets up an independent system of judgment on officers where they wont be home cooking hand and glove as it is in the law currently and better training, racial bias and deescalation. They brought up defunding the police. The congress has not brought up defunding police. Thats their ruse. It is not defund. It is embarrassing. I was embarrassed to see the republicans did it and it was a shame on the life of george floyd, eric garner, Michael Brown, all the other people and n memphis, Steven Atkins and david stewart. Police are mostly good, but the ones arent need to be brought to justice. I yield the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york reserves. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan i yield to the louisiana three minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Johnson i rise to join my colleagues invoicing my debate concern with the substance of this bill and the broken process by which it was pluse produced. As we have agreed, the issue of updating and reforming the way in which our communities are policed and strengthening the relationship between those brave americans who serve in uniform and communities they serve are matters of critical importance. The people of this country expect and deserve the members of this body to rise to this occasion and Work Together to find Common Ground on solutions that will preserve the civil lits of all people and protect and honor the legitimacy of Law Enforcement. These are not mutually exclusive pursuits. At our hearing in Judiciary Committee, you heard about that. Its interesting the lens by which we see this. Anybody who watched that, we all heard moving testimony, George Floyds brother was there and testified and family attorney was there and a panel of experts that we heard from. At that Committee Hearing, i and all of my republicans expressed our sincere desire to Work Together and find Common Ground with a democrat majority to solve these problems. We all agreed on the core reform issues and talked about transparency and improving training and improving termination ability for those rare individuals who serve in Law Enforcement and violate the law and the legitimacy that upholds the character of our legal system. We could have built consensus around those and key ideas to restore faith in our institutions and trust in our communities but unform 10 days after introduction of the bill, the majority marked up the final version without any opportunity for input from republican members. They blocked us out of the room and denied us as our Ranking Member said, they denied a dozen amendments that we brought to that process. What a tragedy that is. D you have to ask my constituents, why would they do ta and shut us out of the room when everybody acknowledges this is a real problem and we need Bipartisan Solutions to it. Senator scott explained it well on his epic speech on the floor of the senate after the democrats spiked and killed his bill. He explained the process that he went to Chuck Schumer and went to each of the democrats to find out what their concerns with to figure out how to fix it and offered five amendments to the bill then 20 and said he would do a managers amendment to containing the substance of his bill to get something over the line to solve the problem. They gave him the stiff arm. Why is that . They want to preserve this as a wedge issue for the elections in the fall. And tim scott said it better than we could and watch the individual of his speech on the floor. This reality leaves us at an impasse today and makes clear that this bill in its current form goes too far. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Johnson ties the hands of Law Enforcement and jeopardizes the safety of every american. We need to oppose. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Nadler madam speaker, you have heard a lot of nonsense on the floor. Must not go unrebutted. Ms. Bass, the chairperson of the black caucus and chairperson of our subcommittee spoke personally to the republican leader, mr. Mccarthy and got nowhere. The Judiciary Committee staff talked to the republican staff of the Judiciary Committee and got nowhere. The republican amendments that mr. Jordap advanced, wonderful mendments included antifa, the seattle autonomous zone, stripping out the entire legislation, defunding Police Departments and adding a Death Penalty to antilynching legislation passed by the house. Of course we wouldnt accept these amendments. They couldnt say the phrase black lives matter and barely engage the subject of Police Reform. Their amendments i have given you half of them just listed here were errant nonsense, off topic dealing with imagine area and negateic tifa the entire purpose of the bill. They werent interested in black lives matter or Police Reform but pure demagogry. Of course we wouldnt accept their amendments. I now yield one minute to the gentleman from rhode island, mr. Cicilline. Mr. Cicilline doesnt Martin Luther king visited my district in april, 1967. Dr. King told rhode islanders, i havent lost faith in the future rhythm madness of racial inequality. All of us in this chamber are here for a reason acknowledge the since of the past 400 years to repair the soul of america. We can build a better more just. Pass the george floyd policing and justice act because black libes matter. Do the critical reforms, end chokeholds, demilitarize Police Departments. When we do this we can rebuild trust between the police and community. Colleagues, do not be obstructionists. Stand with us. Set aside politics. Stop living in fear of the president s twitter account. Remember the oath you took to your constituents and our country. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan i thank you for yielding. I cant believe the chairman of the Judiciary Committee would a statement on the house floor but he said imaginary things like antifa. Imaginary. Theyre real. And if you dont believe me, go alk to portland, the journalist, andy, the journalist in portland who was attacked by who the president of the United States designated as a terrorist organization and to ave the chair of the Judiciary Committee on the house floor say this sentence imaginary words e these imaginary words like antifa, from imaginary. There are people in this country who know this. The chair of the judiciary made that ust statement. That is scary. When we say we werent consulted kind of you have that attitude, we had good, thoughtful amendments in that committee. No. No, we cant deal with it. Antifa is imaginary. Its far from that. Ask that journalist in portland just a year ago was beaten up by these individuals. Ridiculous. I yield to the fine gentleman from our great state, mr. Four minutes. The speaker pro tempore ok. The gentleman from ohio is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Chabot thank you, madam speaker. I thank the gentleman for yielding. Despite what you may hear and theres the majority, actually a lot of Common Ground between the legislation that ande considering today here the legislation that im an original cosponsor of, recently by senator tim scott, stauber. By pete we ought to pass those provisions we agree on and continue to discuss and debate dont. Ngs we last week in the judiciary ommittee, as has been mentioned, we offered a dozen reasonable, thoughtful bill,ents to improve this but every single one was rejected by the majority. Every single one. Community olice relations is a critical issue on we should be working together to solve, which could positiveal and Lasting Impact on preventing future violence. Acts of we should also be working together to honor the memories unrest, including eorge floyd and Breonna Taylor and david dorn. Doing so would begin a healing stronger, more a unified nation. Madam speaker, i represent ohios first congressional much of which includes the city of cincinnati. Protests002, following and civil unrest over the shooting of a young man, the man named Young Timothy thomas, the city, police representatives, Community Local and federal officials entered into something called the collaborative agreement. To build positive, constructive relationships between the Police Department and the communities they serve. The collaborative agreement implemented many of the reforms were discussing today. Policies. E of force mandatory training. Mphasizing deecan lakes procedures. Deescalation procedures. An independent citizen complaint uthority to Evidence Police behavior. The results havent been perfect. Eve seen dramatic improvement in local Police Community relations. Also, arrests in serious crimes across the city. And notably, excessive use of against violence Police Officers have decreased. Hese positive results are not due to heavyhanded mandates from the federal government. More , the changes are ttributable to the grassroots collaborative process which required everyone involved to jaedz de their political and agendas and Work Together, both police and the had to hoods they serve reach out to each other and come together to address concerns and problem areas. Of my suggestions to improve his bill calls for a study of cincinnatis collaborative agreement and other similar agreements to explore what well, what didnt, and what lessons can help other nation. Ies across the at the same time, we must recognize the important work law keep ement officers do to our communities safe. Thats why i suggest that we on supporting those Police Officers who dedicate heir lives to protecting our communities. Specifically, i proposed that we officers who lice are killed while serving in public or private security roles Sergeant David dorn to the Public Safety officers benefits death , which provides and education benefits to the families of officers killed in duty. Ne of madam speaker, these and other proposals from my colleagues are and would improve the legislation that were considering today. And e that democrats republicans here in the house can Work Together with the senate to get meaningful to the president , just as we did with the before rus legislation another life is lost. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. Ohio ntleman from reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Nadler madam speaker, we agree on some things. Meaningful. The republicans agree on action. Not on they agree on nothing that will add accountability to the will , nothing that prevent Police Brutality, in any that contributes way to black lives matter. Banning not agree to choke holds. Changing not agree to the mens rea status so we can Police Officers accountable. They will not agree to ending warrants or qualified immunity. So theyll agree to studies. Gestures. Ree to theyll agree to shams. Whole their whole approach is a sham because they agree to nothing meaningful and claim to be meaningful. Their claims are a sham. Hey will do nothing to add accountability, nothing that will save one life, nothing that ill put one police one brutal policeman in jail, nothing. Speaker, i yield now one minute to the distinguished speaker of the house. The speaker pro tempore the of the house, nancy pelosi, is recognized for one minute. The speaker thank you, madam speaker. The gentleman for ielding, and i thank him for his stalwart support for justice policing. Thank you so much for bringing this legislation to the floor, of ou, mr. Nadler, members the Judiciary Committee, and the Congressional Black Caucus. Speaker, exactly one month ago george floyd spoke his final words, i cant breathe, and changed the course of history in nation. Ill never forget that, nor will many others. Forget his calling out for his mama right there at end. Since that horrific day in minneapolis, americans from ofry walk of life and corner the country have been marching, protesting and demanding that of National Agony ecome a moment of national action. Action. Passing the George Floyd Justice in policing act, the house is honoring his life of all killed by saying neverity by again and taking action. The congress and the country are served by the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus, the conscience of the congress, we call it, with george with john lewis and so many ther leaders, which has been developing these reforms contained in this legislation decades. 49 years, to be exact. We are blessed to be led by who. Chair karen bass brings 47 years of leadership dvocating for an end to Police Brutality. She brings extraordinary jen gentility, grace and strength to this fight. Madam speaker, the George Floyd Justice in policing act will fundamentally transform culture of policing to curb s systemic racism, Police Brutality and save lives as it puts an end to shielding accountability. We dont paint all police with same brush, but for those who need to be painted with that need to take the action contained in this bill. Contains bold, unprecedented reforms, including banning chokeholds. People say, why cant you other side . Ith the chokeholds. Ont ban chokeholds. Stopping noknock warrants on drug offenses. Ending the courtcrea courtcreated qualified immunity octrine which is a barrier to holding Police Officers accountable for wrongful conduct. Ur distinguished chairman enumerated all these things just now. Combating racial profiling. Mandati collection, ta including with body and dash board cameras. Trengthening independent investigations of Police Departments. Reating a publicly Accessible National Police Misconduct registry. Accessible. Thats what the senate bill does do. Well take the data and keep it to ourselves. Use . Whats the and establishing strong new policing. For this week, a coalition of more 135 leading civil and human Rights Groups sent a letter opposition to the senate bill. Bill. E our they have their bill. And this is what 135 leading say. Rights had to the senate act is an inadequate pain,se to the decades of hardship, and devastation that black people have and continue as a result of systemic racism and lacks policies that fail to hold accountable for misconduct. Of bill fails woefully short the comprehensive reform needed to address the current policing crisis and achieve meaningful Law Enforcement accountability. It is deeply problematic to meet meanial nt with incremental approach and few effectively address the constant loss of black lives of police. S passing watereddown legislation that fails to remedy the actual resulting in the loss of life is a moral statement that genuine istent with a matter. Hat black lives further, the letter says, any attempt to amend or salvage the act will only serve to reform e box and claim when in actuality no reform has police to combat isconduct and to protect black lives. 135 leading civil and human said that. Nizations House Democrats hoped to work in bipartisan way to create meaningful change to end the epidemic of Racial Injustice and brutality. However, it is disappointing that the senate g. O. P. Has hundreds e voices of of thousands of people peacefully calling out for and progress. Day in and day out, week in and for the past month. Proposal, Senate Proposal real reform rds of but takes no action to make any difference. And unworthy of support. During this moment of action, moment of during this anguish, which we want to turn into action, it would be a moral to accept anything less change. Nsformational yet, it is clear that the white ouse has zero interest in real change. Yesterday, the white house went so far toish issue a to issue veto threat stating that the George Floyd Justice in policing act would deter good people from pursuing careers in Law Enforcement. Mr. President. Good people are pursuing careers in Law Enforcement. Not going keholds is to deter good people from in law careers enforcement. The whiteeir concern, houses concern. Hundreds of people are dying. This will make the white ignoring of this epidemic . The George Floyd Justice in policing act is a bill that people are insisting n, that this moment in history demands, and what is shapeful, the aith act to dismiss will of the public out of hand. Ago, the brother of george floyd testified so powerfully and before mr. Nadlers committee, the Judiciary Committee, on this legislation. He said that day, the people marching in the streets are is enough. Enough be the leaders that this country, this world needs. His challenge to us. Then he said, georges name something. If his death ends up changing better, and i he think it is, it will have died as if he lived. To make sure his death isnt in vain. We have the opportunity and obligation to ensure that George Floyds death and the death of so many are not in vein. Their lives matter. Black lives matter. With that, i urge a strong bipartisan on the George Floyd Justice and policing act. Justice is nor george by passing this bill. I thank the chairman for his leadership on these issues, not only today and this past month, but overtime. Thank you, mr. Nadler. I urge an aye vote and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan i yield three minutes to the distinguishedustr everyone. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio reserves. The gentleman from new york. Mr. Nadler the gentleman who just spoke referred to the collective bargaining provision, that providing is in the bill. I suggest he read the bill. I yield three minutes to the gentlelady from texas, ms. Jackson lee. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee they are being persistent in the language why process for them is more important than saving lives. I answer the question with a little book called the constitution of the United States, which on this day we hope we will make it holier and more potent for the large numbers of africanamerican men and women that have seen the brunt of racial profiling and Police Brutality. Now let me be very clear in the opening of this constitution, it tracks the language that says we are created for a more perfect union. Centuries later, dr. Martin luther king asked the question why we cant wait to be allowed to be full citizens in this nation as africanamericans. He also said now is the time. When a member asks me about the moment of this bill this day, i said, there are few seismic moments on the fleer of the house, few catastrophic earthquake moments that change and save lives. Today, we cannot wait. And now we have legislation that will be a significant civil rights moment in our history. I am very pleased to introduce the Law Enforcement trust and integrity act with my colleagues that does help police and does require the accreditation of 18,000 Police Departments. Maybe if the officers in minneapolis had been trained in human did he sensey and stopping of Excessive Force and duty to intervene, not only would George Floyds life been saved but many others. But we have a bill that says that you have to require something. When i walked amongst the neighbors of george floyd who grew up near jack yates and they said, what is this bill going to do . Is it going to do something . This bill provides a direct requirement for accreditation, the requirement to professionalize police, and yes, it is racial profiling and it has teeth in it because it includes a provision based on eggetsnissity, National Origin and gender and requires action by the attorney germ by those who are injured. We never had that before and roll back on qualified immunity, but i say to my friends in rolling back qualified immunity, you have due process. T limits the military hardware disbursement, use of force and professionalizes the police. Now i want to answer the question of george floyd and doesnt want his brother to be on a shirt but wants justice. Anna said nswer, guy my daddy changed the world. We cant wait ap now is the time. T process, but reality and passing a bill. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The gentleman from ohio. Mr. Jordan i recognize the gentleman from florida for four minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. I rise in opposition to this bill and while i have many Major Concerns to federalalize state and local Law Enforcement i want to issue the issue of qualified i will muent. It protects Police Officers and teachers from civil liability when performing their duty in a proper manner. This would eliminate qualified immunity for Law Enforcement. Many of my colleagues on the other side along with well meaning folks around the country think thats a good idea, but they have been fed a false narrative. Let me break a few myths surrounding qualified immunity and why it is so important to protect it. If you are a good Police Officer, you have nothing to worry about. That is absolutely not true. Imagine this scenario and this is one that occurs every day in departments across america. You are attempting to make an arrest, the suspect physically resists arrest. The suspect is fighting arrest and he uses empty hands techniques to secure him but he is injured while being lawfully and properly secured. The officer hasnt done anything wrong. Followed the law and Department Policy and agency training. Did everything by the book. If this bill becomes law he will be sued individually despite doing everything by the book and thats just wrong. I spent 41 years of my life in Law Enforcement including 12 years as sheriff. Every single day i went to work i knew and was willing to put my life on the line. Its what i signed up for and what every officer in this country signs up for. However, i shouldnt be asked to put my wife and childrens future in that also. That is not what i signed up for. Not when i properly followed the law and followed my agencys policies and followed my training to the letter. I could still be sued. Thats not part of the deal. Qualified immunity number two, it is always granted by the courts. This also is not true. In fact, courts only grant qualified immunity to officers 57 of the time in majority of the cases where qualified immunity was granted, it was determined that Police Officers did not violate anyones Constitutional Rights. Under current law, if the court grants it, the plaintiff can still sue the agency for alleged ineffective training or policies. Myth number 3, qualified immunity gives officers free rein on the job. That is absolutely false. In order for qualified immunity to apply, the officer must have followed the law. Followed agency policy, followed all the proper training. If he violates any one of those, he is on his own and open to civil litigation. Madam speaker, Law Enforcement is too dangerous a professionous that deals in splitsecond decisions. Most people in this room have no idea whats it is like in a high stressed situation where a suspect is pulling out a gun or cell phone and never wrestle a man to the ground who is fighting like hell. Police officers dont watch a video in slow motion to figure out what to do. Thats why qualified immunity exists and the u. S. Supreme court just confirmed it. We cannot be so eager to make major policing reforms on the federal level that we overreact and prevent good officers on the street from being able to do their job. We should not put our communities at that kind of risk. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. Mr. Jordan additional 30 seconds. Mr. Rutherford i ask my colleagues to reconsider. Not one single point will destroy the bedrock of Law Enforcement in this country and know there are members across the aisle that understand that, because they have been there. They have done that. They have made those arrests. I ask you to listen to them and vote no on this legislation. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. The gentleman from ohio reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Nadler gentleman stated a moment ago he said 60 or 65 of people, Police Officers who got qualified immunity did not violate the Constitutional Rights of the victim. He is conceding in other words that in 40 or 30 , whatever it is, of the time when qualified immunity is granted and holds officers accountable, they have violated the Constitutional Rights of the victim. Thats one of the reasons why mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, we ought to come together, we ought to reason together and we will get a better product in the legislative process. Sadly, our friends in the United States senate dont always do that. Sadly, when your party was in the leadership, it didnt always do that. And yes, from time to time, we do that. , is is an issue of critical immediate concern and there is a way to get to where the the entleman from texas suggested. Pass legislation in the senate, pass legislation here, well go to conference and we will try to resolve our differences so we can pass a bill. I talked to the gentlelady from california and shes told me, and doesnt want a message, she wants a law. And i am absolutely convinced thats true. And she understands the legislative process very well. But in order to initiative that process we need to pass a bill and we have constraints on amendments because of coronavirus. But having said that, i hope that we pass this bill. And i hope the Senate Passes a bill. Unform, they will have to come to agreement and get 60 votes. I say unfortunately because Mitch Mcconnell is not prepared to get to 60 votes. We dont have to get to 60 votes. Here, the majority rules. And the majority will rule today nd the majority sponsored this bill. Trum eaker, on the ross behind me rostrum behind me, there is inscribed five words, actually, it is in front of me. , tolerance, peace and liberty. It is our individual and collective responsibilities as a member of this house, the peoples house, to ensure that all of these virtues are upheld in the United States. Here is justifiable anger in this country because justice is not being upheld. That does not mean its never being upheld, but it ought to be always upheld. There is a deep frustration because some of those charged with enforcing our laws are doing so without tolerance in a way that disregards the rights and welfare of victims without just cause. That does not say all members of the police. In fact, not the majority. But it does ban actions that are inconsistent with justice and peace and tolerance and liberty. Many of our people will never see the full light of liberty because of the color of their skin. The result has been a broken union and a broken peace. That is why this house must act. We must act to make it clear beyond any doubt to every person livess country that black malter matter. For too long in america, black lives did not matter. Too many people who lived in america were challenged and their lives were counted in the property was at worth. For n their human value, far too long hasnt been a leg as. Slavery and prejudice. We must act to ensure that Law Enforcement in every jurisdiction understands that ach human being is entitled to equal justice under law and to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And we must act to ensure that no longer will we see horrific images and videos of unarmed black men and women being killed by those who are sworn to uphold the law and keep the peace. The bill we are voting on today is long overdue. I congratulate the Congressional Black Caucus, ms. Bass, senator harris and senator booker. Is bill would ban chokeholds i knelt on the marble floor. My knee rejected that as something that i wanted to do. It was not only painful, but it was a long time, eight minutes and 45 seconds that was to restrain george floyd. He was restrained. It would also ban noknock warpts of the kind that led to the murder of Breonna Taylor in andhome that was mistakenly racial n funding on profiling as identified by the obama task force. This bill would facilitate under appropriate circumstances, the ability of victims to be compensated for their loss. A right without a remedy is no right at all. I want to thank chairwoman bass and the Congressional Black Caucus for introducing this bill and i thank chairman nadler for moving swiftly to mark up this legislation so we could have it on the floor today. I said swiftly. It has been centuries that the dark lot of slavery and dehumanization of some of our fellow americans has been a reality. Senator mcconnell has already said that the Republicanled Senate will not even consider this bill. Thats not surprising. There are 275 bills, all of whom have republican votes, sitting on senator mcconnells desk or maybe wastebasket. And not surprising that he wont consider this bill either any more that he considered justice garland by a president who had 11 months in his term, well see what the people say in a few short months. If we do not consider this bill, it will be a mistake and failure to honor the United States that we are all created equal and not be judged by the color of our skin, which happens too often. Too frequently, too regularly. Not by the color of our skin or the kept of our character and the caliber of our conduct. Senator mcconnell is ignoring the cries for justice from blacks and whites and americans of all different colors and all different religions. All who are distinguished by one facet or another, that they have in common that they are americans governed by a constitution and laws of our our country. Senator mcconnell would be ignoring the history and legacy of slavery and segregation that has led to these acts. Colleague mentioned montgomery, alabama and the number of museums. Brian stevenson has a museum and he said the first thing you do when you discriminate against people is you dehumanize them. We have dehumanized people of color that from time to time and too often, they are not treated as human beings. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, vote for this bill. Vote for this bill even if you dont think its perfect. Vote for this bill to say we want justice for every american. Vote for this bill because you want to say you wantal remedy for wrong. Vote for this bill to restore justice. Vote for this bill to go protect liberty. Vote for this bill to promote tolerance. Vote for this bill to restore peace. To the families and victims and entire communities that live in fear. And vote for this bill to preserve our union as not only a union of states but a nation of free People United in our common pursuit of justice and opportunity for all. The peoples house needs to do its job for all the people. This is not an antipolice bill. It is a bill that cries out for whatever our discipline including members of congress, that we act consistent with the law, consistent with the constitution and consistent with our moral values. We will not leave these words to only be insubscribed in wood but enshined in our hearts and in our laws. Union, justice, tolerance, peace and liberty. Not for some, but for all. Those are neither democratic principles nor republican ones. These are american principles. These are in many ways unique principles honored by its country in its rhetoric. This bill is to honor those in its reality. That is why all who believe in these principles should vote for this bill. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from mr. Speaker, with all due respect, when the democratic majority in the house wont accept any of the republican amendments and the democratic minority in the senate wont accept the 20 amendments that enator scott offered it is disingenuous that senator mcconnell is the problem. And i yield three minutes to the gentleman from alabama. I rise today in opposition to this bill because it would result in more crime and fewer law willing to serve in enforcement. And this eliminates qualified immunity for Law Enforcement officers. So in the course of doing their job, an officer could go to prison for unintentionally breaking the law. Who wants to serve in a job that could be possibly charged as a criminal . Without qualification what happened to george floyd was horrific and those involved deserve full punishment sm it was a brutal and callous assault that undermined the trust of law nforcement we depend on. Notwithstanding, we cannot undermine the entire Law Enforcement community because of it. Every group has bad actors. Congress is not without examples of such. But we cant continue do paint all Law Enforcement officers as villains. Im thankful for the Law Enforcement officers. They take an oath to run toward danger. In fact, two officers, david and crystal did just that when they kept my come etionap me from being killed on the baseball field three years eeg. Im convinced some several of my colleagues and i would have been killed or wounded as was Steve Scalise were it not for the courage and dedication of the officers. They are heroes and i stand with them, not with these lawless vandals who are pressuring my colleagues across the aisle to if not eliminate our Police Departments, make them ineffective. Police officers put their lives on the line and far too many who lose their lives as they honor apply do their jobs. I will not support any effort to make their jobs more dangerous while leaving our communities to the lawless acts of violence we are witnessing today. In lard to the majority leader, mr. Hoyer, i appreciate he specifically referenced senator scotts bill in the senate. Wish that the speaker of this house of representatives, nancy pelosi, had made a similar to that l response bill. As i wish senator dick durbin made a respectful response to that bill. The majority leader called on us bork with our work with our colleagues across the aisle on this legislation. Been serious about that, here would have been a discussion before it was brought to the floor. As my dleague from north from as my colleague north dakota said, there will amendments accepted. Here arent on the senate either. Its disingenuous to say the republicans are not interested n pursuing justice through sensible Law Enforcement. I urge my colleagues to oppose back. Ill, and i yield the speaker pro tempore the entlelady from california is recognized. Mr. Speaker, may i inquire ow much time remains on each side . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman has 38 minutes. Thank you. The ld one minute to gentlewoman from illinois, kelly. Ntative mrs. Kelly mr. Speaker, i ms. Kelly mr. Speaker, i rise in support of the George Floyd Justice in policing act. I am going to be frank. Have like this should passed years ago. We know that chokeholds are dangerous. He same with noknock warrants and nonviolent federal cases. His legislation would have prevented George Floyds death black death of so many people. N you may 16 shots in a coverup rokita boyd. A toy that was killed by gun because of a toy gun. Watching the life and oxygen drain from the life of george floyd, my colleagues on still defend the status quo. Some parts of this bill are not new. Ut we could never get them passed. I was part of speaker ryans ask force on Police Accountability 18 months meeting with the public and nothing came of it. Time. Not this ecause george floyd deserves better, Breonna Taylor, Laquan Mcdonald and oscar grant deserve justice. And this is from the niece of three cops, the cousin of one of two cops, but also the mother of a black son and a black daughter. More just have to say one thing. I get so sick of hearing chicago being bantered about. Years and for five could not get one gun violence prevention bill passed or signed on to by my colleagues on the other side. It wasnt until the democrats over that we could at least get background checks passed and loophole but, again, we cant get anything called in the senate. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, may how much time we have left . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman has 28 minutes left. Mr. Armstrong thank you. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentlelady is recognized is. Mr. Bass mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from representative meeks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. 1953. i was born in brown v. Board of education had not been decided. Was not yetghts act law. And the Voting Rights act was away. Han a decade africanamericans could be bus, a room g on a in a hotel, entry in a school color of ause of the their skin. For my three daughters, such a still somewhat unimaginable to them. They could not fathom being restaurant orto a being legally barred from living n a neighborhood because the laws on the books said it was the right thing to do. These are the realities of my generation, for i recall getting ff a train and seeing colored and white. But it was not the realities for my daughters. About a world w where black men and women can be officer on police the flimsiest of prospects, and they understand the pain of unarmed black men and women shot, choked, and kneeled take their last breath. Also have a 1yearold granddaughter. She does not know about mass incarceration. Seen videos of black men being murdered by those that law. Upposed to protect the i do hope she learns about these incidents, like the murder of eorge floyd or eric garner or shawn bell, but in the same way my daughters learned about through books and movies and history and classes. Hope she views our current failings as unimaginable problem era a air a i from an far past. And lets not wait now. History is f rolling. Those in ls down on 53. Let it not roll down on us today. Act. S pass this this bill will not take us all the way to that destination, but a real step towards a just world. Lets pass this bill. The speaker pro tempore the north dakota. Mr. Armstrong i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentlelady is recognized. Bass ms. Bass i yield to the entleman from michigan, mr. Levin. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Levin thank you, mr. Speaker. Thise in strong support of profound legislation, the George Floyd Justice in policing act, a long overdue step towards ending brutality of police in america. This liberate when i call a step. However important. To do to much more dismantle racist systems that country since ur before we were a country and indeed were part of our documents. L genocide of native americans, crow, mass incarceration, and many forms of injustice, ongoing as i speak. This month, mr. Speaker, i my hed with 6,000 of constituents in mccomb county crying out for major structural in what may have been the biggest antiracism rally that ever seen. If we pass this bill and pat back for having done something, we will have people. He instead, lets pass this bill today and continue to work to systemic racism tomorrow. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Bass mr. Speaker, i yield the gentlelady from michigan, representative lawrence. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mrs. Lawrence thank you. Today because i have heard the cries and the screams lives e street, black matter. As a black woman elected to the generations of my people calling on our and decades and decades to enact legislation to finally have a law on the books to stop Police Assaults on black lives. Sadly, as a country, we can no excuse of being blind of racism. We can no longer grews the of use the excuse of the arrogance of white privilege. Ur country, our people, the citizens of this country are calling on us to come together to join america and vote for this bill, the George Floyd Justice in policing act. Ur country, we pledge one nation under god, indwisible, libertyindivisible with and justice for all. Its time to act now. I yield back. Tempore the o gentlewoman yields. The gentleman from north dakota. Mr. Armstrong i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentlewoman from california is recognized. Ms. Bass mr. Speaker, i yield minute to the gentlelady from the great state of barragan. , ms. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Barragan the time is now. Month, not after more studies, not after more deaths. Now. Our country demands it. As a congress have listened. Oday we must act for george floyd, Breonna Taylor, eric arner, and the countless others, we demand justice is, we demand change. In my very own district just week, a young latino kid, was shot ld, andres, in the back by police. There were no body cameras, video. Lance gone. And andres is gone. Ith six Police Bullets in his back. The public should not need to call for a thirdparty investigation into these deaths. To trust the ble system. More importantly, they should not need investigations because killings must stop. Today. George floyd he justice in policing act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the back. Lady yields the gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong mr. Speaker, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, representative doggett. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Doggett i thank the gentlewoman for her tremendous leadership. Bill is an important top start not an end of what it must be done to stop racism in america. So much more must be local policeby the departments across the country. Bad is more than a few apples. Its a virus thats too often infected the ofrn arrested. No orchard. His is not a time for watereddown proposals but for real meaningful action. Black lives matter because for so long they have been the subject of violence and not. Dice though they did in austin, mike ramos was fleeing. Couldnt breathe. Both were unarmed, unthreatening and both are now dead. Technology has literally brought this violence into our recognize how any incidents have never been reported. Failure by some Law Enforcement personnel to protect black coreens threatens the very of our democracy. Hat we do today is not only about protecting those victims but it is also with respect and the many dedicated Police Officers who put their ives on the line daily for our security. What we need is to reach across to have protesters educating police about their concerns and officers listening that they want to be a part of the solution that we offer today. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the yields back. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. I reserve. The speaker pro tempore the reserves. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Bass mr. Speaker, i yield to the gentlewoman from ohio, representative beatty. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized. Mrs. Beatty thank you, chairwoman bass. George disputable that floyd should be alive today. Is killing was the result of Police Violence that too many black americans have experienced. District. Black lives matter. Attend george o floyds funeral and proud to support this historic bill in his name. Breathe. Today, we breathe in honor of george floyd. This bill will honor his life nd in the words of his daughter, my daddy will change the world. I ask all of my colleagues to change the world by ending some of the most dangerous and practices of Law Enforcement in our nation. Toond this bill, we must get the root of Structural Racism that has plagued our country for centuries. As i have called out in my esolution, House Resolution 90, racism as a national crisis. We must move toward a truth and process. Ation today, my colleagues, we go from agony to action. And i ask his bill, you to join me. Thank you and i yield back. Mr. Armstrong we reserve. Ms. Bass i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york,. Presentative espaillat mr. Espaillat i rise in support of this bill, one month ago george floyd was murdered. As i said in the days following, his daughter said daddy changed the world. And there is a manifest to, the harlem advocates for a ban on chokeholds and ends qualified immunity. The harlem manifesto includes a provision that Police Officers can be held accountable for Excessive Force. The standard should not be willful intent but reckness intent. We must pass this bill. The best anticrime policies are antipoverty policies. We must continue this fight. Black lives matter. Thank you, mr. Chair. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from north dakota. Mr. Armstrong we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. Green. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Green thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker. For those who are not sure as to why we are here today, please allow me to explain it to you. We are here today because all awed murder was cap furnished nd ms. Coopers murder was captured a black man assaulting a white woman to summon the police. We are here because eight minutes and 46 seconds demise was captured on video and the American People dont like what they see and dont agree what they see. They know they have been lied to. And if they havent been captured on video, we wouldnt be here today. Dr. King is right, the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends to justice and we are here to bend the arc to go to moral justice. The gentleman yields back the balance of his time. Mr. Armstrong i reserve. Ms. Bass mr. Speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from maryland, newest member of the ongressional black caucus. Mr. Mfume thank to my friends on the other side of the aisle, every now and then, we find ourselves at a sing did you lar and see him national moment, a moment such as this, whether it was the great debates of the 1960s in the civil rights bill or granting the women the right to vote or the debates of war and peace which predates all of us, this is our moment. And we need to do the right hing on behalf of faceless men and women who lost their lives. So that when future generations peer through the telescope of time and look back on us and this day, let them say of us that when it came to addressing the issue of racist, ugly, violent criminal actions by bad Police Officers, that we did not waiver, and did not flinch or shirk our responsibility to do the right thing and the right thing is passing the George Floyd Justice and policing act and to do so on behalf of all those who are not here to pass it and to vote and speak for themselves. I strongly urge passage. This is the moment that we have to act in and it will be a fleeting moment. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore scrabt. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass i yield one minute to the the gentleman from new sf mr. Norcross. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Norcross i rise today on the importance of George Floyd Justice and policing act and im horpped to stand with my colleagues and certainly with the Congressional Black Caucus to combat the epidemic of Racial Injustice. This bill creates unprecedented reforms, needed reforms, but the first step is to admit we have a problem and apparently we havent done that as a chamber in whole. This is not a standalone issue but one that continues today. It is about ending racial profiling and transferring the culture of policing. My hometown of camden city, 10 years ago had the highest murder rate in north america. We reinvented the Police Department, not alone, but together. Changed their culture. How can we do this better. 63 , thats murders. 73 drop in the crime rate. It can be done. But we have to do it together. The president and Senate Republicans seriously should. They merely are suggestions and insult to us in this house. I urge my colleagues to vote yes. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from north dakota is recognized. Mr. Armstrong i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass i yield one minute to the gentleman from california, mr. Levin. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Levin our country is in crisis. We are broken by generations of systemic Racial Injustice and its clear only real change and action will allow us to put the fragments back together. Millions of americans are demanding accountability and reform to a structure that has allowed Police Brutality against people of color for far too long. As we continue to hear new names that lost their lives, thoughts and prayers have never been enough and not enough now. E cant by not acting. The justice and policing act will bring about the changes we need and strengthen transparency and accountability in our Law Enforcement and we need to ban excessive uses of force and end the militarization of local Police Departments. And we begin the first of many steps towards a more just system ensuring george floyd and Breonna Taylor and countless others are not forgotten. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is organized. Mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass i yield one minute to representative from new york, representative velazquez. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is reckniesed. Recognized. Ms. Velazquez mr. Speaker, in nearly every city and town across this country, the American People are raising their collective voice for change. Our nation is having a long overdue conversation of our race and policies and we are timely acknowledging that black lives matter. But it takes more than words. It American People want true reforms. This bill takes tangible steps in that direction. It ends qualified immunity. The bill bans chokeholds and noknock warrants will become a thing of the past. We are outraged of the murders Breonna Taylor and eric garner. Anger is not enough. The American People are demanding action. This bill offers change, not lip service or half measures being floated by the president and Senate Republicans. The time is now. History will judge us on how we respond to this moment. Vote yes. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentlelady the gentleman recognized. Mr. Jordan we reserve. Ms. Bass i yield myself such time. The justice and policing act establishes a bold vision of policing in america. Never again should the world witness of what we saw in the streets of minneapolis, the slow murder of an individual by a fune formed Police Officer. The world is witnessing this movement and spread to many nations around the world with thousands marching and hearing the cry i cant breathe. People marching to demand change that ends Police Brutality and cial profiling and denying americans to sue and and black communities have been sadly marching for over 100 years against police abuse and for the police to protect and serve our communities like they do elsewhere. Exposed 0, cameras horror segregation and they exposed the brutal treatment of people who dared to challenge the system. Plaque people did not have the same constitutional protections that freedom of the speech, the right to assemble and protests were not rights extended. Cell phone camera has exposed the continuation of violence against black americans and the right of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is not guaranteed to africanamericans. The movement for Police Accountability is a rainbow movement. And the power of this movement will help move congress to act. And increases transparency but assists Police Departments to change the culture sm i know that change is hard but im certain Police Officers, professionals who risk their lives every day are concerned about their profession and do not want to work in an environment that requires their silence when a fellow officer is abusing the public. Police officers would like to intervene and stop an officer from using deadly force when it is not necessary and im certain Police Officers want to be trained in the best practices in policing. A profession where you have the power to kill should be a profession that requires highly trained officers who are accountable to the public. I am so proud to be here on this historic day for the first time and i have no idea how many years the house of representatives will pass the George Floyd Justice and policing act. I yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan i would yield to my good friend from north dakota as much time as he might use. Mr. Armstrong thank you, mr. Speaker. I sat through this through a Committee Hearing and markup, and rules committee and all day today and i have heard a lot about now is the time for bold action and now is the time for change but we dont talk about what we are doing and what we are passing is actually good policy, whether this policy will work in as Diverse Communities that we have from one end of this nation to another. If there was ever a subject that requires deliberation, Police Reform is this this. We are incommable in this town at this time. The American People want reform and that reform has to start with recognition with the basic recognition that two million out of 2. 3 Million People incarcerated are incarcerated in state and local prisons and this becomes a community action. Law enforcement is mostly a local function and when we are talking about reform we must recognize that these laws must work at 2 30 a. M. In a dangerous, unpredictable and often vial ent significance. And whether that officer is patroling washington, d. C. , or rural north dakota road. We can move quickly and thoughtfully. We can work towards policies that hold bad officers and departments accountable without making it difficult for good cops to do their jobs. We need to recognize uncomfortable truths. Systemic Racial Disparities exist and not just in Law Enforcement but throughout, whether in pretrial release programs, and decisions in determining sentence and enhancements that have disparity decisions. When we talk about these things, we have been talking about them for years and long before President Trump was elected. If your claim is historical and stemic racism, it is hard to believe it started when President Trump took office. This bill no not chase bad cops hroughout the business but it will dissway good people from going into Law Enforcement and that will make our communities less safe. Makes it easier to sue Law Enforcement. It makes it easier to prosecute just bad cops, not cops. It ensures there it is a public database of all complaints, theyre completely frivolous or not. And it takes away their ability o use equipment, whether they need it or not. It takes away the ability for to use lifesaving tools whether they need it or not. On ined with what is going and a combination between eaceful protests and violent rioting, i have a friend, an officer in minneapolis just this week have responded to calls spit on andre being have bottles thrown at them while they are responding to murders. These types of policies and this type of rhetoric is not going to chase this out ut of of this profession is just not true. In the Judiciary Committee did offer substandive substand tiff and to enhance the use of body cameras by federal officers. Considered hat i reasonable collective bargaining reform so that bad cops can ctually get fired from their jobs. We exempted our Border Patrol from the ban on the purchase of surplus military equipment. We asked we also even offered banff no on the ban of noknock warrants. Say to say we were everything we offered and what we tried to accomplish either side was he other was not relevant to the onversation just simply isnt true. But there are things we agree on. With body cameras for Law Enforcement. We agree that more transparency thing. Best congresswoman bass has talked a lot and i think this is actually accurate. We wouldnt know a lot about things without cell phone cameras and what has gone on. Nd thats the reality that exists. But the other reality that exists is that we all are unctioning in a digital society, and asking our federal Law Enforcement to come into the 21st century along with us is terribly not a irrelevant nor unreasonable request. With making sure we have a way to track officers. We dont necessarily agree on but theresecifics, a way to get there. I think everyone agrees that is deescalation training incredibly important and that doesnt matter if you are in a Diverse Community or not. Talked to law s enforcement knows they deal with way too Many Mental Health issues. Resources. Th those we all want to hold bad cops accountable and bad and that have too many accountable. Many of us on our other side agree with qualified immunity reform. With congressman roy when he said we want significant reform. Id also argue we need to with something. The problem with noknock warrants isnt that theyre there. Theyre overused. The problem with military equipment isnt that its its that in some departments its overused. If we continue to paint a broad all of these things and have it effect every department, regardless how urban rural in nature, regardless if they have a history, a all,ory of abuse or none at then we run a real risk of alienating the people who are closely and most want reform. And ill end on something i think is fairly hopeful. I do have hope because i think this is the most criminally Justice Reform seen. Ss weve ever there are members on both sides of the aisle that are serious about marijuana legislation, and want to talk about a system in the criminal code that not racial impact, i am sure you need to go a whole lot further than marijuana reform. We have people on both sides of that have done the juvenile justice act, the ustice reinvestment act, trial undoly s, clemency for harsh unduly harsh prisons. Repeating. Bears i just truly, truly mean this. The First Step Act, which was assed by the last congress which was bicameral, bipartisan, and advocated for by this most ent is the single important criminal Justice Reform thats probably come out of this congress. And i dont say that from being politician. I say that from practicing federal criminal defense under both the Bush Administration and the obama administration. So in three years at a federal at the federal level, we have gotten more done. But its called the First Step Act for a reason. Theres a second step. And i have add the opportunity through all the rhetoric and all partisan fighting and everything, ive also got to thoughtful people on both sides of the aisle. People on my side of the aisle of time t as short ago as several years ago didnt believe in some of these things now. Ve in them its no not just at the federal government. States from colorado to new to texas north dakota are doing criminal Justice Reform. And theyre doing it houghtfully and moving it forward. I find it unfortunate that were going to be here and that we couldnt have this conversation we are going to do what we do so well in this town is talk and then fail lk to have action on anything that has a realistic chance of law and i think, unfortunately, that is where this is going. But i do have hope because i of people are a lot on both sides of the aisle that truly want to work on this. Go very ont have to far. 350 members on both sides of the isle have already cosponsored bills related to criminal Justice Reform. So we will get this done. Aybe not as soon as we could have. But im hopeful we will rise to the moment. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentlelady from california is recognized. Ms. Bass mr. Speaker, i ask that the consent gentleman from new york, the distinguished chair of the democratic caucus, be permitted the remainder of the time on the majority side. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The gentleman from new york is recognized. I thank the gentlelady from california on George Floyd Justice in policing act and this important legislation forward. Mr. Jeffries let me yield one distinguished gentleman from california, representative davis. The peaker pro tempore gentlelady is recognized. Mrs. Davis thank you, mr. Speaker. Weeks people or across the country have been protesting in the streets, george g justice for floyd, for Breonna Taylor, and for countless number of people police. Y adly, these incidents like these are something our communities of color no too well. Well. Know too this moment, this moment begs us o ask, to be bold, to capture this opportunity for change. I commit and i urge all my to be allies in this voices. D amplify our recognizing that once again its color who will take the lead in assuring justice for all. Vote yes on this bill. Back. D the speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. R. Jordan thank you, mr. Chair. I yield to my good friend, the minority whip from the great much timeouisiana, as as he wants to use. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Scalise thank you, mr. Speaker. Thank my colleague and friend from ohio for yielding and for this issue andon also want to thank my friend and colleague from california, ms. For her work over years on this issue as well. Stand on a we moment in time thats so important in our countrys where we can ent actually come together and solve a problem that weve seen thats gone on for a long time. Something thats come to light over years butys George Floyds death, a death happened, should have really did awaken and create a we can n time where actually get something done on this issue. Nd i hope that we rise to this moment. I hope that we Work Together to ddress the problems that weve seen while making a careful and important distinction not to important work that Police Officers do every day risking their lives to keep safe. And thats really the thing that on. E got to focus the most because we know there are bad cops like there are bad people profession. But to paint everybody with the same brush is not only unfair, actually does a disservice to he work that they do in every community on a daily basis. Thats unheralded. What i would first say is that while the bill thats a bill that ay is has some components that we support but some components we would create even more problems. There can be work done to come together. There were mmittee many opportunities to bring that forward, to bring other amendments forward. That every single republican amendment was shut down. Single amendment was shut down in committee. Every single amendment that we was shut down on this house floor. Thats not going to solve this problem. Know that. All were here to make law, which i think a lot of us. Means both sides coming together to bring their best ideas forward and to address the problem. Very disappointed yesterday to watch on the senate floor our former house colleague friend, tim scott, whos worked on this for a long time, actually been a victim of racial profiling closely with a lot of people to bring a bill to the floor that had a lot of support. N and, yes, maybe some people had differences with the bill, but coming together and working through those differences, the democrats in the senate voted down the even bring the bill on the floor. The motion to proceed is the debate on to start the issue. They voted it down. How is that going to solve the even want you dont to debate the problem . At least here on the house floor were having a debate. An open amendment process where we can try to settle these differences here. Hats not going to happen, unfortunately. But i, as my colleague, mr. Armstrong, dont give up hope, we present the opportunity to solve this problem. Nd if you look at the bill, h. R. 7278, the justice act, by stauber, who served as a Police Officer for over 20 years. In aw the good and the bad policing. And he brings that unique perspective as somebody who problem. Solve the he will tell you that the person who doesnt want a bad cop more cop. Anybody is a good you dont want to go on a call with a bad cop. While t to root them out not undermining the important work that Law Enforcement officers do every day. R. Speaker, ive seen it firsthand. I would not be here today if it and t for the bravery heroism of Law Enforcement. Seen them risk their lives for myself and for other people. Maybe not knowing if theyre home that ke it night. And they do that every day. And if theres a bad cop, lets out. Them but we also need to make sure we dont undermine the ability for all ood cops that are around our communities, keeping us safe every day, they have a ight not only to keep us safe but they have a right to make it back home to see their families at the end of that night too. When were ke sure striking this important balance we dont forget about those two competing sides. This problem. We need to Work Together to get this done. Do that ully we will before this moment is lost. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries i now yield to my classmate, and distinguished gentleman from the great state of california, representative peters. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Peters thank you very much. Thank you for yielding. H. R. Today in support of 7120, the George Floyd Justice in policing act. Comments flect on the from the gentleman, my colleague from louisiana, we all believe people who e good became most cops are good people who became officers to serve their communities. The provisions in todays bills will help us support the good cops by rooting out the bad ones. Fundamentally, the culture of policing in this country must change. Nd theres a tremendous amount of support nationally, and i believe in this body, for better raining, transparency, and accountability. Its devastating were acting too late to save the lives of floyd and Breonna Taylor and eric garner and the many ther victims that havent even made headlines. But theres hope that this bill can save lives and protect black forward. Ing and we may not finish today, but this is an important start. Colleagues toe my support this legislation. Vote yes. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the back. Man yields the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan thank you, mr. Chairman. I yield to the republican good friend from the great state of california, one minute. The speaker pro tempore the recognized. Mr. Mccarthy i thank the gentleman for yielding. Thent to thank his work and work of his committee. I want to thank congresswoman bass. I served with her in the state assembly. One month, one month since george floyd was tragically killed. We all agree jorm floyd and countless others should be alive today. Republicans have listened to calls for justice and responded proactively. Leading our response has been senator tim scott. We could not ask for better to work on this. A black senator who has faced discrimination. A retired Law Enforcement officers wounded on the job in the state of minnesota, now serving in the house. The thoughtful efforts have produced something rare in this town, a bill that tries to solve a problem and not just score political points. It is truly a bipartisan plan with over 80 of the policies in the bill supported by democrats. The bill is a previous civil rights effort, such as when we did opportunity zones and school choice. In fact, it could be on its way to becoming law today. In a more sensible environment. It would pass on the merits with overwhelmingly bipartisan support. But we dont live in sensible times. When i looked at george when i looked George Floyds brother in the eye and told him george would not have died in vain, i meant it. To those on the other side of the aisle, i believe you meant it too. But theres questions that arise. Did you work in good faith across the aisle . Or did you choose to go it alone . Did you choose to make a point rather than make a difference . All while putting politics before people and slandering epublicans in the process. First you dismiss the justice act as ineffective before one single word was read. I never once said the Democrat Bill is a nonstarter, not once. I was asked at a press conference to name one thing that i oppose. I went back to the reporter and said no, i will not. Because this is a moment in time the country expects us to rise to the occasion. Im not going to point something i disagree with because i believe we could get to the point together. I had hoped that on this floor we would be debating amendments. Not one single amendment was allowed. Not one single amendment was allowed. I listened to the democrats on the other side because theyre in the position the republicans are here in the minority. They were offered 20 amendments. They felt they shouldnt go forward. Not to vote on the bill but not even to debate it. Would it be too much to offer . He minority one vote then you try to diminish its author. One Senate Democrat who is white went so far to say on the floor of the senate that senator scott, a black republican, was taking a token approach. I dont know if youve ever served with tim but theres no one who has higher character than the man i know. I dont know what its like to walk in other eems lives but tim is a good friend. Hes told me the story. Tim did not start working on this bill a month ago. Hes been working on it his entire life. Like others as well. Tim did not ask to do the bill on the senate side with no input if the other side of the aisle. Tim offered amendments and others but cant even move the bill forward. Now, youre defaming its supporter, saying as Speaker Pelosi absurdly claims that we are trying to get away with murder. The murder of george floyd. She know she is should have apologized but she doubled down on her remarks yesterday. That was a very sad state of affairs. Think for one moment, the speaker of the house, second in line to the president of the United States. That job is too big for words so small. Especially in this moment and in this opportunity. So much for meeting the moment and working together to solve a problem. Weve reached a new low in this body. Its not one i wanted to be part of. Democrats in the senate had the opportunity to add 20 amendments to address their concerns about the justice act but chose to walk away. Meanwhile, in the house hasnt given the republicans an opportunity to offer a single amendment on the floor. Ive been in the position of being majority leader. I understand you let a few make a decision. But i do not believe its the will of the other side of the aisle to shut out voices on this side. I do not believe that you think you have all the answers or are afraid to have a debate. When you know this is an issue that all americans on the street are rising up and want to have a voice heard. I dont understand why anybody is afraid to have amendments. We didnt stop for participating even though weve been shut out. Weve been to every hearing. Weve been to every place. We want to make law. Worse yet. Democrats are trying to distract from the partys failures in governing major american cities. While we stall serious reform allies and left wing mob are engaging in destruction and violence, attacking public property and monuments to heroes. There wasnt it was in the city of madison, wisconsin, not a republican stronghold but a democrat, for decades. There, local officials stood by as a mobber to down several statues that are publicly owned and entirely unoffensive. The first statue they tore down was of lady ford. A symbol of progress in the womens suffrage movement. Next theyer to down the sta child abuse of hands christian e. G. , an abolitionist who died fighting to end slavery in the civil war. But it wasnt just statues they attacked that night. The mob also ais alled a sitting state senator, a selfdescribed supporter of the protesters. This lawless and unjustified iolence must be stopped. But their own wisconsin Lieutenant Governor seemed too surprised by this act to do anything about it. The fatal mistake is to assume that democrats would be safe because as the Lieutenant Governor said, theyre on the proper side. But heres the reality. Mobs dont care about your political affiliation. Mobs wont draw any lines, because they cant draw any lines, because they are mobs. They dont want peace, justice rereform. They want obstruction, upheaval and control over you, over others and over our past, present and future. In this country no one is above the law no matter how proper the coastal elites or Mainstream Media deem their cause. It is our responsibility to respond with force and moral clarity. It happens in the speak ears district. Just a few short years ago, the pope spoke from these chambers. As he left, the leadership stopped at st. Sara and parade together. There was a statue in San Francisco that the mobber to own. Mob tore down. Im not sure but i havent seen any comment from the individual who represents that district. In fact, there socalled solution such as dismantling and disfunding police would only make the problem worse. Especially for our vulnerable communities. By giving left wing allies a pass, democrats are giving the mob more power. More license. And more ambition. That is a recipe not for justice but for more chaos. Mr. Speaker, Abraham Lincoln knew riots, mob rule and defunding the police present serious threats to the american way of life. As a young man he warn tad lawlessness in spirit quickly becomes lawlessness in practice. He knew if it was proper, and you ignored it, it would become a practice. Today we are witnessing the situation that lincoln feared, a war of Civil Society that is quickly escalating. We must summon the courage to protect lawabiding citizens against lawlessness. Our choice is clear. Civil society or chaos. Those are our only options. Republicans know which side we stand on. We will stand up, hold the line and fight until the mob is stopped. Enough is enough. Today on this floor, one month ago, i thought wed show the country that we are worthy of the office they let us serve in. We may be of different parties, im proud of mine. I was not born into the republican party. I came from a party of democrats. In my office i keep portraits. I keep a portrait of Abraham Lincoln, the first republican president. I love what he stood for. I love what he stood against. Malice toward none. I wonder what this nation would be had he not been assassinated. Would we ever have had jim crow laws or the k. K. K. . Would we even be standing here today . But i think george floyd would be. So would pat underwood. In my office in my chambers, i have fred lick douglass as my newest portrait. A man born into slavery, worked his way out, even though every reason to criticize this nation, loved it. For its bruises and sores and all. Because he believed in a more perfect union. Advisors to a president. And believing tomorrow would be better than today. Inside my Conference Room i keep a very big portrait of Washington Crossing the delaware. If the mob was allowed in theyd probably tear it down. You see, in that portrait, its painted not by an american but by an immigrant who lived here. Because america is more than a country. America is an idea. An idea about liberty and freedom. He thought if he painted this painting hed inspire others to believe in the freedom that we stand for. He gets it historically incorrect. He puts washington in a row boat with 3 people but only shows you 12 faces. You look at washington, hes in a ceremonial uniform with his hand on his chest, bigger than life. You think that man had never lost a battle but history tells us he had never won one yet. That was the night we surprised the hessians with our first victory. If you look at the portrait and see who is in it, you look at the second rower, a black american. The one next to him is scottish. Down in the red is a woman, in the back is a native american. I do not know if they were in the boat that night. But to this young immigrant thats who he believed, having lived in america, would be there. To the back you see this man, a farmer, with his hand across his face. The hand of the 3th person that nobody sees. O this young artist, he said here we are, not even a nation, but an idea. An idea based upon that we are all equal. Having never won a battle, willing to risk everything people would say on our holiest night, well go to a challenge in rough water and cross that wed never won before. Heres a hand would you get in and join us . Its as true today as it was then. In that portrait they didnt say only one party to join. They wanted all. They didnt say one had all the ideas. They said we were collected. And they were willing to do thing to do things they hadnt done before. They knew they were not perfect but strived to become a more perfect union. I had hoped that thats what we would see today. Today, that will not be the answer. But that can also not be the end. I would hope both of us would rise up on both sides and ask us to go to conference. Lets not miss this window of opportunity to show that we are worthy of the cause we strive and the responsibility people give us. Lets not call each other names of murderers and others. Lets believe in the goodness of one another. And lets understand that we can solve this problem once and for all. With that, i yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Nadler mr. Jeffries despite the representation just made, Speaker Pelosi, as she does, has risen to the occasion. The question is, will you . The republican minority leader just said that we have put politics over people. Thats insulting. Because its our children, our sons, our daughters, our brothers, our sisters, our fathers, our mothers, our husbands, our wives are the ones who are being killed. This is not about politics. Its not about politics. Racism has been in the soil of america since 1619. We need transformational action. The time to talk the talk is over. Its time to walk the walk. That is why we are moving forward with the George Floyd Justice and policing act. I now yield to my good friend, distinguished member of the new york delegation, a former federal prosecutor and district rninge of one of the largest offices in the nation, kathleen rice. Miss rice i offer my support to this bill. As my good friend, mr. Jeffries just said i spent the first 20 years as a career prosecutor and i have seen where it works and i have seen where it doesnt work sm the Police Accountability is one of the areas that is fundamentally broken but we need to do more than hold individual officers but address the system that protects them. Thats why im proud to cosponsor this bill that will make critical canges by banning the use of chokeholds and creating a registry and modifying the standard to hold and continue to listen to local black leaders back in my district on long island as we continue to root out injustice and discrimination. Black lives matter, mr. Speaker and about time that our laws and policies reflect that. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan we just heard the conference chair that Speaker Pelosi rose to the occasion calling republican senators murderers is rising to the occasion . We have had all new kinds of definitions. We heard from the Committee Chair fert Judiciary Committee that antifa is imaginary and the conference chair said and oh, by the way, it wasnt just republicans that voted but two democrats and an independent and we get somehow that language, the speaker of the house as the republican leader said that the individual second line of the president rising to the occasion using language like that preceded by the chairman of the Judiciary Committee and focused on the constitution saying an organization that the president of the United States has called terrorists is imaginary. Thats what we hear on the house floor . I appreciate the Republican Leaders remarks and i thought they were right on target. And he we will reserve the remapeder of our time, mr. Chairman. Mr. Thompson as someone who has been both a victim of police incense activity and someone who has spent his entire life in an area known for police mistreating people and somebody who represents the area where emmet teele was killed and his accuser wore a badge. So therl notion that somehow Law Enforcements activities just started is not true. But you know, you have to walk in my shoes. And the shoes of the Congressional Black Caucus to know what we are talking about. I hope at some point we can get there. Im a grandfather. The story that my father told me about Law Enforcement, this date, im telling him that same story 50 years later, Law Enforcement hadnt changed. And what we have to do if we are committed to it and we have to support this bill. And the notion that the system how broken is operating it was designed. So we have to fix it. And we physical it by supporting this bill. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries how much time do we have . The speaker pro tempore 17 minutes. Mr. Jeffries i yield to a representative bustos. Mrs. Bustos thank you, mr. Speaker, i rise today as a wife of a sheriff and i rise in support of the justice and policing act. I have listened to so many people throughout the strict the i have heard who are hurting, so many stories of people who are in pain. A woman whose cousin died that a Police Officer used a neck restraint and that was in 2010. Her family has been fighting for justice ever since. I recognize that i as a white woman cannot fully understand the pain that black america caps feel, but i know that if we are going to make real and lasting change to end systemic racism, i must care just as much and i must be just as motivated as those in the communities who are hurting most. Today, i lift their voices. America will hear you. For this familys decadehong quest for justice, we can, we will and we must act. I yield back. Ism the gentlelady yields back. Mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries i yield to a great new member of the freshman class, distinguished the gentleman from from the great state of new jersey, tom mallin now sky. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Rs. Maloney i will proudly mr. Malinowski and because i believe what we need right now before above all is trust, trust between Law Enforcement and the people, all the people they are sworn to protect. Trust is not built by police who use force as a first resort and not built by police that look like they are the 82nd airborne parachuting or hiding problems so abusive officers get fired for misconduct and get rehired. It is built from training, accountability that every Public Servant welcomes. This bill is surely the start ofal process that will make us better. And so please, lets get this process started. And if you want to fund the police, if you want to support the good cops who are out there, then please, ask the senate to support the heroes act along side Police Reform, the whole point of which was to help our state and local governments keep our First Responders on the job. Thank you. And i yield become. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan i reserve. Mr. Jeffries i yield one minute to the gentlelady from state of california, judy chu. Ms. Chu the lynching of george floyd shocked our nation. That one of countless man was murdered. After centuries of inequality and prejudice and discrimination, people are crying out for justice. Today we are taking action. The just is and policing act urbs the Police Brutality, chokeholds would be banned. Eadly force would be banned. And body cameras would be mandatory. It limits qualified immunity which protects police. But reform is not enough. We must change the culture of policing which this bill does for funding of states and communities. George floyd was not the first black man killed by police. But with this legislation he can hopefully be amongst the last. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york. Mr. Jeffries i yield one minute to the gentleman from florida, representative soto. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Soto mr. Speaker, in my florida if kissimmee, joined local protests. We came together, members of the naacp, black lives matter, local Police Chiefs and multitude of our puerto rican brothers and sisters and we condemned hate and stood houston fide for change. I led a conversation on justice and equality with plaque civil rights leaders, Law Enforcement and local officials. I listened intently and voices were clear. Black lives matter and support the George Floyd Justice and policing act of 2020. We see you, and hear you and honor those we lost with action. And with that. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from ohio. Mr. Jordan i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york. Mr. Jeffries i yield one minute o the distinguished gentlelady from commonwealth of massachusetts. Ms. Trahan we have long encountered excuses why we cant tackle this in america. Excuses that prevented equality in health care and classroom, housing, in the workplace and yes in the way Police Interact with communities they are sworn. That approach led to a deadly reality where black lives are equal on paper, but not in real life. We know this because the data shows it. Black americans are more likely to die to a trip to the hospital ap likely to be killed while unarmed by the police. We know that george floyd should alive and brie owna taylor, tamir rice and eric garner. And it is long overdue and we owe it to make this bill law and get to work fixing the injustice that has been in our country and create a truly equal and just america for everyone to call home. I yield become. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back. The gentleman from ohio. Mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york. Mr. Jeffries i yield to the gentlelady from the debate state of new york, ms. Clarke. Ms. Clarke i thank our conference chair i rise in support of the George Floyd Justice and appliesing act. Breonna taylor, george floyd, eric que, sand dra bland, garner, sean bell, patrick, how many more black lives must be hashtagged . I heard my colleagues make every excuse under the sun for maintaining the status committee. Not today. When americans are tying and have been doing so for generations enough is enough and Congress Must act. This legislation will make Police Accountable for their acks. 1976, randall evans, unarmed black boy shot down. 1978, Arthur Miller choked to death. Ooklyn, new york, my first protest. Breonna taylor shot dead in her home. George floyd choked to death. Only crime being black. The only black women in congressional delegation and it will remain true, black lives matter, no justice, no peace. I choose justice. Mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york. Mr. Jeffries i yield two minutes to the gentlelady from michigan, ms. Tlaib. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized. Tlaib 70yearold 17yearold Ayana Stanley jones would have graduated high school if she had not been killed when police raided her home, the wrong home. Who killed george floyd should be the focus but also what killed george floyd. We are talking centuries of dehumanizing black folks in our country and it must end now. We cannot stop here, we are again failing our neighbors when it comes to Public Safety, education, poverty, Structural Racism, which is deadly and its up to us to tear it down. So its not enough for us to just say black lives matter. We in this chamber have the power for real policy change and implementation that truly free ours black neighbors. So iana, george, breonna, we failed you but your murders may be the way not to continue the injustice we see in our country. We have to stop it now. Thank you and i yield back the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan welcome mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries i yield to the gentleman from the great state of colorado, an army ranger, a patriot and a great member of the United States house of representatives, representative jason crow. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Crow i rise in honor of elijah, mcclain, a young of elijah mcclane, a young block man who died in police custody. Skid elijahs mother what she wanted to tell the world about her son. Here are her words. He spread joy wherever he went, he was a lover of all blings, he dedicated his energy to healing others in his work as a massage therapist and playing his violin at the Animal Shelter to keep them from being lonely. Colorado was blessed by elijahs legacy and last week we passed the most prans formative police bill in the country. Tonight it is congress turn to do the same. I urge my colleagues to join me in passing the George Floyd Justice in policing act. The time for talk in congress is over. My vote ninety will be cast for elijah mcclane. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeff reese i yield to the gentleman from the great state of texas, chair of the congressional hispanic caucus, joaquin castro. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Castro for far too long, too many people have lost their lives to Police Brutality and for far too long the government failed to protect the people. That changes today. This is a first significant step to save lives, especially black lives. In my hometown of san antonio, Police Violence has existed for generations. In just the last few years, marquise jones was killed by an offduty officer during routine fender bender. Tony scott was killed by an officer who thought his cell phone was a gun. Charles roundtree was killed by police, he was only 18 years old. The Latino Community has also suffered from Police Brutality. Carlos lopez the latest to be killed. 40 years ago in san antonio, hector was killed by a Police Officer who had also killed a black man, bobby joe phillips, in 1968. The cases we see on video are only a frack of the misconduct and abuse that occurs every day leaving long lasting physical, mental and sose yo logical damage. The good, lifesaving work of police is undercut by the blue code of secrecy, officers who refuse to tell on each other, Police Unions who never admit when theyre wrong and politicians who have been afraid to take on Police Unions. This Congress Must have the courage to tact now and pass this legislation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeff reese i yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from the great state of illinois, raja krishnamoorthi. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Krishnamoorthi i rise in support of the justice in policing act. In 2019 the usa today published the largest public database of disciplinary records for Police Officers. They found that fewer than 10 of officers in most Police Forces have been investigated. But of those who are investigated, most have 10 or more misconduct charges and worse, some faced more than 100 allegations. Almost all still had their still have their badges today. To address this issue the justice in policing act includes a National Registry to bring transparency to disciplinary decisions. To brick disciplinary to Police Misconduct and to bring transparency to the high cost of irresponsible individuals to taxpayers. The george floyd act is about transparency and sunlight. We need that now more than ever. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordan reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeff reese how much time do we have left on our side . The speaker pro tempore 7 1 2. Mr. Jeff reese thank you. One minute to the distinguished gentleman from the great state of oregon, mr. Blumenauer. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Blumenauer im honored to stand for the justice and accountability act an important step for racial justice. I hope our approval will soften the hearts in the senate because there is much to do. Im honored to work with another champion for justice, congresswoman barbara lee whose marijuana justice act would be the next step repealing nixons blatantly racist prohibition of marijuana with its selective enforcement against young black men. Which continues to enshare ensnare tens of thousands of young black men every month for something that americans think should be legal. Lets approve the more act, already passed out of the Judiciary Committee, the next tritt crith call step in racial Justice Reform and protecting young black men from oppression. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Jordap we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. This gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeff reese i yield one minute to the distinguished gentleman from the great state of maryland, the former head of the naacp as well as the Congressional Black Caucus, representative mfume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mfume i thank the chair of our caucus for yielding. I listened intently with the litany the minority leader chose to deliver and i watched and looked through a lens of history about his admonitions about our 16th president , Abraham Lincoln and they were all well stated. I think the bottom line though is in any debate there ought to be real context. So there are other things that lincoln said that are relevant to this debate as well. In 1848, in a speech delivered in edwardsville, illinois, he spoke these words to his countrymen, and i quote. He said when you have succeeded in dehumanizing the negro, when you have put him down and made it but for him to be but as the beast of the field, when you have extinguished his soul in this world and placed him where the ray of hope is blown out, as in the darkness of the damned, are you quite sure that the dehuman will not turn and rend you . Lincoln went on to say derek stroy the negres spirit and you would have planted the seeds of despotism at your own doorstep. He said ignore the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them. And finally he said, accustomed to trample on the rights and the freedoms of others, and you would have lost the Creative Genius of your own independence and then become the fifth subject of the first cunning fit subject of the first cunning tyrant who rises among you. While i appreciate the minority leaders comments i think its important that we have context in this debate and we have driven here and been driven here by the actions of people all across this country who want justice, who want an to end Police Violence, who want an end to rogue cops and want to be able to live, work and breathe in a society like anyone else. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i thank the distinguished leader, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from ohio is recognized. Mr. Yordan we reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries we are prepared to close, we have no additional speakers. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from ohio. Mr. Yordan thank you, mr. Speaker. It seems to me four principles should frame our work in putting together policies that help the country. First and foremost we need to recognize, as we all do, the tragedy that took place in minneapolis. The taking of George Floyds life was just that, a tragedy, never should have happened, its as wrong as wrong can be and his family deserves justice. As do others. Republican leader mentioned pat underwood. His death was as wrong as wrong can be. His family deserves justice as well. Second, we should condemn violence and also the creation of any type of autonomous zone separate from our great country. There is a big difference between peaceful protests and some of the things we have seen. People protesting, thats first amendment. Weve all engaged in it. Thats apple pie. Thats america. But peaceful protest is different than the rioting we have seen. Peaceful protest is different than the looting we have seen. Peaceful protesting is different than the violence we have witnessed, the attacking of people the taking of peoples business and destroying them. Peaceful protest is different than different than chas and chop and these autonomous zones that are forming. The vast, vars majority of Police Officerses are good. Good people. Doing great work. Risking their lives every time they put the uniform on and serve their shift, do their duty. Theyre the guys who protect us here on capitol hill. Theyre the folks who rushed into the twin towers on 9 11. Theyre the guys who gals back home, men and women back home who protect our community. We should remember that. Fourth. Defunding the police is crazy. One of the most crazy ideas ive ever heard. Youve got the mayor of new york the mayor of new york is going to cut the police 1 billion. The super majority on the city council of minneapolis want to abolish the police. So many other major cities saying the same thing. This congress started with democrats saying abolish i. C. E. Now we have democrats in big cities around our country saying defund the police and get rid of Police Departments. Makes no sense. Those four principles should seem to me to be commonsense. Should form the framework to Work Together. Unfortunately the democrats tnt want to Work Together. Didnt want to Work Together. Saw it yesterday in the senate. Saw it last week in the house. In the committee. Amendments offered last week, none accepted. No amendments allowed on the floor today. Couldnt move to debate in the United States senate. The only bipartisanship weve seen on this issue was yesterday in the senate when two democrats and one independent voted to move forward on senator scotts legislation. Lets hope on this issue, this important issue and others that we can begin to working to for the gad of the American People. For the gd of this great country. Greatest nation, not perfect, greatest nation ever though. And when you live in the greatest nation ever, i think the people of this great country want us to Work Together to find the solution that makes sense that makes good commonsense fit within those principles i talked about. Thats what i hoped ewe could do over the last few weeks. Thats not the course the majority has taken. I urge a no vote and yield back the balance of our time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Jeffries let me begin by thanking the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and prime sponsor of this legislation, karen bass, for her extraordinary leadership on such a critical issue during such a critical moment in time. I also want to thank the distinguished chair of the house Judiciary Committee, congressmannierry nadler, for his tremendous leadership in ushering this bill through committee and to the floor of the house of representatives. I want to thank Speaker Pelosi and the entire House Democratic caucus for rising to the occasion at this particular moment in time. I want to thank my colleagues on the other side of the aisle for participating in debate and sharing their ideas. Though i will note that many of my republican colleagues spent this debate talking about antifa. Talking about the autonomous zones. Talking about abolishing the police which appears nowhere within the four corners of this legislation. They know what this bill is really all about. It criminalizes the choke hold. Because its about george floyd. Who was strappingled to death with a knee to his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds while handcuffed. Its about being handcuffed while black. About george floyd. They know this bill is really about tamir rice. A 12yearold who was gunned down while playing in a cleveland park. Its about tamir rice because the bill will establish a registry for brutal officers. So that jurisdictions will have some visibility into who they are hiring. He officer who murdered the officer has been fired by a Neighboring Department for brutal behavior. And then he was hired by the cleveland Police Department with tragic consequences because they had no visibility into his record. This bill is about tamir rice. They know this bill is about Breonna Taylor, sleeping while black, gunned down because of a noknock warrant in a drug case that was falsely executed in louisville. And now a husband has lost his wife. About Breonna Taylor. They know that. Its about countless individuals. And in this great country of ours, killed by Police Officers without justification. Yes, we know that the majority of Police Officers certainly, the ones i interact with those in palestinian are hardworking individuals who are in the community to protect and serve. But there are violent officers. There are brutal officers. There are abusive officers. And far too often, they are not held accountable because of a toxic culture that exists and that cannot be denied. Not month after month. Not year after year, but decades after decades after decades. We know the names. Many of those names were called today from the floor of the house of representatives, but he names are too numerous to mention. Thats why we are here, to do something transformative about it. Im thankful for those peaceful protestors who gone out in four rners of america, yes led by africanamerican men and women, but joined by every other race. Ack, white, lat tino, asia yabamerican, multi rasheal, multi generational, coming together saying enough, we need to deal with systemic racism and start with the cancer of Police Brutality. That is what the George Floyd Justice and policing bill is all about. Some about antifa or autonomous or defunding the police that doesnt appear in this bill. But lets have a real debate. You are entitled to your own opinion, but not entitled to your own facts. Those words ring true. That president john adams. Im thankful to the House Democratic caucus for rising to the cage. We have said to the protestors of every race throughout america, we hear you, we see you , we are you. Death you know that the of george floyd was not called to my attention by a fellow member of congress, by my chief of staff or legislative director but called to my attention by my young son who said dad, its happened again. What are you going to do about it . And those words ran straight through to my heart. And i say to him and say to all those other black children in america, we are here today as House Democrats to do something about it. Pass the george floyd announcer which provides defense programs and policies for the next fiscal year. Senators will hold a vote at 5 30 eastern to begin debate. Watch the senate live on cspan2. Sunday night on q a university of california berkeley of on thee, alayna gomez, lessons the polio vaccine can teach us about a covid19 vaccine. Will face distribution problems. Equity face problems of even if we have enough vaccine for everybody, there will be those who have the privilege to say, i am not comfortable getting it until 5 Million People have been vaccinated. Then there will be those who say, i have to get that exited because i have to go to work and i have to be sure i am safe and can provide for my family. I guarantee we will see problems in equity. Historians are not supposed to guarantee anything about the future, but this is one thing i feel concerned about. Announcer watch sunday night at 8 p. M. Eastern. What do you think we can do about that . Announcer with Police Reform, protests, and the coronavirus continue to affect the country watch our unfiltered government response with briefings from the white house, congress, governors and mayors from across the country. And from the campaign 2020 trail, join the conversation every day on our live callin Program Washington journal and if you missed coverage, watch ondemand at cspan. Org or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. Announcer next the house Judiciary Committee holds an oversight hearing on Justice Department operations. Current and former officials testified about the actions of attorney general william barr and decisi

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