Kelly clarkson saying what doesnt kill you makes us stronger can numb bull companies emerge from this crisis better off i think they can i think were all learning how to do work differently and i think this is one of those life gives you lemons make lemonade type of a moment and as such i think this is one of those survival of the fittest things youre going to see businesses come out of this and come out stronger better and youre also going to see a lot of businesses unfortunately go under. The restaurants are gonna fold theres no 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the Party Headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during the couple of months since they sent us home and we still managed to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time finally but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many of us
Learning how to do work differently and i think this is one of those life gives you lemons make lemonade type of a moment and as such i think this is one of those survival of the fittest things youre going to see businesses come out of this and come out stronger better and youre also going to see a lot of businesses unfortunately go under. Yeah restaurants are gonna fold theres no 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during the couple of months since they sent us home and we still manage to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time fondly but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many of us can relate to 40 percent say theyve gained weight during quarantine and thats the 40 percent who admit it and i was equally unsurprised that nearly a 3rd that y
No 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during the couple of months since they sent us home and we still manage to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time fondly but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many of us can relate to 40 percent say theyve gained weight during quarantine and thats the 40 percent who admit it and i was equally unsurprised that nearly a 3rd that you have surveyed admit they are drinking more and you are very kind to surmise that we are easing isolation with the zoom happy hours but from a product to vittie standpoint how are employers and employees and customers tolerating this trio mo d. Private of in person interaction. Theyre doing it the way were doing it right now its you know whats fascinating is how little im usin
Kelly clarkson saying what doesnt kill you makes us stronger can numb bull companies emerge from this crisis better off i think they can i think were all learning how to do work differently and i think this is one of those life gives you lemons make lemonade type of a moment and as such i think this is one of those survival of the fittest things youre going to see businesses come out of this and come out stronger better and youre also going to see a lot of businesses unfortunately go under. Yeah restaurants are gonna fold theres no 2 ways about it theyve just been out of business for too long and as much as i miss the camaraderie back at the r. T. E. Headquarters in washington i must say i have never felt claustrophobic during that couple of months since they sent us home and we still managed to do a show every week and i will confess that i am going to remember this restful time finally but thats anecdotal you have actually researched this and one factoid you have surfaced which many
Good afternoon, commissioners. Grant colfax, director of health. Happy new year. Of aofi have a few things to highlight. Very exciting news with regard to medy cal expanding coverage to undocumented immigrants up to age 26. This is an expansion that Governor Newsom authorized as part of the states 2019 to 20 budget, including full scope medical to eligible adults ages 19 to 25 regardless of immigration status. Statewide this is expected to have a wide impact, covering 90,000 people, and enrollment started the first of the year. We have to make that expansion will apply to about 1,000 to 2,000 individuals in San Francisco. And we have been working with the Human Services agency to notify eligible san franciscans, including transitioning those who qualify from healthy San Francisco to medical. This is also an important opportunity to remind residents about the available of medical, that immigrants are not pen liesed when they apply for a green card, and there are no changes to the public