consul of europe and organization and security in europe and cooperation in europe. this is like a common position today that russia is state terrorist, is state sponsor of terrorism and hope very much that it will also supported in the united states. mike: texas republican congressman you know well michael mccaul commented on the war today. let s play it. we give them what they need, they win. we don t it s a long war. mike: is that correct in your view, álexi? absolutely. 100%, congressman mccaul is strong in foreign relations. i know him personally and i have this honor, he s absolutely right. we can finish the war quickly, ukraine if we receive more weaponry and that s the benefit of the whole world. it will be very long if we do not receive the weaponry. i just want to tell you, that is the best investment, i think, one of the best investments in
rene, the thing i did not hear in congressman mccaul s response was, there will be no diminishment of u.s. help to ukraine. i think it is obvious there is going to be. republicans have not really hidden that fact. at all. that is part of what they campaigned on going into the major terms. so the idea that representative mccaul is saying this and making it abundantly clear that we re doing this responsibly and we re not just going to be handed blank checks, we know what that means. look at what has been happening in ukraine, this is a fight about democracy. we already know how republicans feel about democracy. there is that. and basil, here is congressman adam schiff of california talking about host minority leader kevin mccarthy would terrorists ed last year is going to be house speaker.
jordan the promise to be judiciary chairman. so he can be a cloud over there and make a mockery of the judiciary committee. i firmly believe now that can either be elisa granic or steve scalise, possibly. i ve said this before. and i think that mccarthy, the fact that he s willing to just sell his soul like this. whatever little piece of his sole he still has left. that tells you everything you need to know about the republican party. listening to mike mccaul and to the responses to some of these questions that used to be very easily answered by republicans, because they pretended, i guess, at the time, about being pro democracy, this is all to placate the maga wing of the party. michael mccaul is not some guy that believes ukraine should have all the support but he is saying this because he wants to make sure he gets his chairmanship in foreign affairs. he s been waiting for this for years. same thing with what has been going on with others who are unwilling to speak out and say anyth
ownership. responsible gun ownership will have to pay the price for a responsible people, but there is a way to try to button up some of these loopholes and these laws. starting with red flag laws and enforcement. republicans are not interested in doing that. this is bread and butter for their base and we can expect more of this type of language coming out of republicans. there are no gonna do anything about this. speaking of republicans, wednesday, here is congressman mccaul in texas on ukraine. and what is going to happen with ukraine with the republican control of the house. watch this. republicans are not going to rule like that. we have a, voice now. and we are gonna do this in the unaccountable way with transparency to the american people. these are american taxpayer dollars going in. does that diminish our will to help the ukrainian people fights? no, but we are going to do it in a responsible way.
the way to earn that is to face-to-face diplomacy. it doesn t mean there aren t still going to be issues where we disagree with china and tensions in the relationship. that will probably continue. it s important the channels stay open. president biden is committed to that. harris: mike pompeo former secretary of state under president trump and fox news contributor. admiral kirby is saying of course we have disagreements with china and they should know it. it is a little embarrassing. thanks for having me on. disagreements. it sounds like they think china is sweden or norway. those are countries we have disagreements with. the chinese communist party is trying to destroy our way of life. xi has made that very clear. i heard congressman mccaul and the military guy they are right. president biden looked weak. not only did he not talk about