>> tara, your thoughts? >> well, first, when i saw that, it took me back to my days at george washington university and the gospel choir, we used to sing every february during homecoming. and it was a nice way to introduce that to a lot of people. a lot of folks are unaware of the black national anthem. so, i'm glad to put awareness on that. as far as the history making of the black quarterbacks playing, i mean, it is remarkable to me that we had a black president for with two black quarterbacks in the super bowl. and also, this is a shift really in the nfl. i think learning from the kaepernick controversy, really making efforts to try to be more inclusive, to really try to put less confrontational aspect of that whole controversy on race and sports, what's happening in the country, i think they're hitting really good tenor here. rihanna performing tonight in the halftime show comes from