Tv, emptied on our door, which is not great, but whatever, not a big deal. But then im looking at it and im wondering, how did it hit at that angle . Did the bird come in sideways, like it was sliding into second base . How did this get there . And thats when i realized that the pigeon guano was coming from inside the door it was inside. I still dont know how it happened. From a physics standpoint, it doesnt make any sense. I guess logic tells me that the door must have been open and the bird somehow edged over and did that thing birds love doing to us, the revenge of the birds, but the door wasnt really open. For a moment i had to think, is it possible that this came out of me . Maybe i sneezed or something . I mean, to hit the glass at that trajectory, theres only one bird in the world that could make that shot and hes retired. He hasnt crapped on a window in years. Anyway, i dont know how this happened, but i know it was a bird. It must live in the area. My plan now is to find that
Thats very nice. Welcome, brooklyn. Ching at home. Wear on the road beaming into your heads from the Howard Gillman opera house at the Brooklyn Academy of music in brooklyn, new york. [ cheers and applause ] plean o sit. Thank you very much. Was there enough bike parking for everyone here tonight . This is our third time broadcasting from brooklyn. [ cheers and applause ]n last but a lot has were here 2015. Bedstuy is the ticket 5ac i now. Oi tofarella level is. 375 rht nights in a row. Yesterday, shes 3 y if sh [ chrs aindow ope d, it ] ers. Every time we come line Something Weird happens. Breaking news out of prospect park, brooklyn. A cow is on th the cow is near aere. A in l. A. We go through a similar thing every out of h this cow slaughterhouse the only one that hasnt been converted into an art a field which parents you is the worst place world to they h it, took two hours to get ahold of this baby bull. The police were able to wrangle bull was arrested and charged with endangerm
Of it. We have had the Supreme Court rulings, but the federal Election Commission has issued regulations that basically have narrowed disclosure to a level that is almost absurdly impossible to meet. People giving money specifically for an advertisement. I know that you see it as a vote best the federal Election Commission. Youre a very litigious guy. And repeated instances you have and judges have rebuffed those regulations. But in this particular case the District Court judges so and then the panel of the d. C. Circuit sent it back. Did you talk for just a couple of minutes about the destruction of the federal Election Commission and its role in the problems that we had but also the state of play in that particular and let me start with the latter. You are right best, we essentially won the case at the District Court level. On appeal the court actually found against us in part but then sent the case back to the federal District Court level to look at the other piece of the case. In f