i m telling you, you re a lot more popular than you think you are. people watch this show. popular? not true. [ cheers and applause ] i m good with my popularity level. that shows just how popular he is. you raise a lot of money in small amounts when you come on the show. look, i need to be heard. i miss the debates, i didn t mean to criticize them. i think if you look at who should be in the debate, how about a guy with a record? how about a guy with experience? how about a guy who thinks we need fair trade with china? not unfair trade. how about a guy who thinks of the job of a president is to stand up for the working people and small businesses of america? you talked about obama being absent, not in touch. you know why? he s out raising $1 billion, joe. he doesn t have time to talk to
hampshire. i think you visited iowa once. it was all about new hampshire for you. for one of those silly debates. the if you do well here, let s say you come in second or a close third, do you worry about next steps, given the fact that you haven t looked far ahead to a place like south carolina or florida. what will your finances be like? will you call on more money from your father to push forward? why would my father want to do something. he s a humanitarian. last time i looked, politics doesn t fall into the humanitarian campaign. he s put in some money. i ve put in a little bit. he s put in a little bit. others from outside have put in a little bit. but here s the deal, like if you were a stock trading on the stock market. if you exceed earnings expectations people invest in you. so we have to prove that we are electable coming out of new hampshire. if we can exceed market expectations, people are going to invest. because they will see we re worth investing in, worth vol
can meet you eight times and come close to making a decision. they make fun of themselves that way. it s retail. retail. but there are two events in this campaign unlike anything i ve ever seen. there have been 18 nationally-televised debates and the superpacs are running the show. it is disgraceful. to watch mitt romney, jon huntsman and the other superpacs talk about, oh, they don t have anything to do with their superpac. it s a lie. this election is corrupted. by superpacs and big money. well the rules are flawed, what are they supposed to do? are they supposed to sit back or are they supposed to engage? well i m old-fashioned, when there s a problem and you re in charge, you ought to leave if you re running for president, you ought to lead. you ought to stand for something. and i challenge mitt romney and all of these other folks, to stand up for america.
me that mitt created a business from nothing. and made it very successful. but again, this will work in the democratic party. this will work, if you re the president of the united states. it will fit right into the narrative. you want to be a pop lis and go to kansas and give a populist speech. off of that ad and off of what you said the romney defense of that whatever happened during bain capital days, all the president has to do is turn to romney in the state and say, okay, i have a simple question for you how much did you make and how much did they lose. and you know what i would say? if barack obama said that to me as a republican? i would say, you know what, i made a lot of money. you know why i made a lot of money? because i created a lot of jobs. i created a lot of jobs at staples and at bain capital. you know that s what separates you from me, mr. president. i know how to create jobs. you don t.
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