Scientists have found evidence in mice and human brain tissue that the drug ponesimod can reduce inflammation and toxic amyloid plaques common in Alzheimer's.
A new blood test called p-tau217 shows promise as an Alzheimer's disease biomarker, and when used in a two-step workflow very high accuracy to either identify or exclude brain amyloidosis, the most important and earliest pathology.
Lead author of the ATTRibute-CM trial says it was "robustly positive," and shows "the tantalizing possibility of genuine clinical improvements" for this progressive and fatal condition.
The study explores how the improvements in cardiac and hematologic parameters can predict better outcomes for people with stage IIIb AL amyloidosis. | Health
A research group led by Dr. Tomoaki Murakami from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology has revealed that fibrinogen Aα-chain amyloidosis, a previously unreported disease in animals other than humans, is highly prevalent in Japanese squirrels (Sciurus lis).