specialist friday. russia on trial. we go inside with live student jurors. we hear both sides of the conspiracy. alan dershwitz has convicted many cases. breaching the doj wall. donald trump using the justice department to attack points. i have a key figure from nixon s impeachment. and later, mike zuckerberg s ad problem is getting worse, from russians to racial discrimination. just a pay check, you actually like what you do. even love it. and today, you can do things you never could before. you re developing ai applications on the cloud. finding insights hidden in decades of medical documents.
it is called russia on trial. debating evidence of collusion. we will be live on location to hear both sides he pressing the case. we have a prosecutor and the defense attorney alan dershwitz. he is waging trump s defense. it could be interesting. and ahead, more on the breaking story. donald trump urging people to vote for this accused predator. what is happening on the ground? and a photo journal iist. how he covered the protest. and that reporter you see is on the beat exclusively tonight. it s what this country is made of. but right now, our bond is fraying.
we will get to all of this but let s start with why you re back in the news. you along with apparently steve bannon are saying, it is bad in the white house. very bad. does donald trump get in it your view? i don t know if he gets it. i ve heard from people who have talked to him. what i ve heard he is that he is listening to this guy, ty cobb. from my perspective, he is playing defense. ty cobb you re talking about he s a lawyer. correct. he came in. ty cobb, they had him brought in once when kelly came in. he was part of this whole new regime. to cooperate with mueller. and bannon says that s a terrible idea. have you talked with steve bannon about this. ? let me not say whether or not i ve talked to anyone. it sounds like a yes. it sounds like a yes. because it would be easier to say no. what i would say in general, what i ve heard from alan
strategy good because he ll be cleared faster. no. it is not good and i ll tell you why. there s a difference between whether or not donald trump is innocent on the actual collusion, which by the way, alan dershwitz, and you ve reported because i ve watched you. alan dershwitz says it may not a crime. are you not answering my question on purpose? i like that question, by the way. you re very good. this is why you get good ratings, by the way. i like that question. we re almost going to finish here. you said you disagree with the strategy that said cooperate with mueller because he ll be exonerated but up he doesn t have exposure. what they ve said publicly, as you ve acknowledged. it is good to move forward with mueller because the fact finding would do not release executive privilege. you do not give, you just do not give up executive privilege. so you just see it as risk. even though you don t think he
american people right now, economic will growth. tax cuts are one means to achieve economic growth that will provide americans with more median income and jobs. that s what we re waiting for. you re right. the distractions. we need to get away from it. the wous needs on tight yen the messaging. so we can get the america growing at 3%, 4% again. kennedy achieved it. lowered the corporate rate, got economy moving, reagan did the same thing. the american people are waiting for that. the business sector is waiting for that. if we do that, he have one will be happy again. we can move beyond the drama and that s good news we all agree on. congressman brat, good to see you thank you. . and if alan dershwitz wants to cut a tv ad, we know where we can go.