the only thing i think allen had an out standing view of what is happening, i don t think he s principal principaled. he loves the atepgs and loves to be the darling of the tea party but what you do with people that are bullies is you test them and i think the senate tomorrow will test ted cruz. is he going to pass is he going to try to obstruct a senate deal that the majority of his party and the senate is support sin supporting? ? in the end i don t think he can stop it. this is what i think john boehner can do. we have gone to the last brink. we can t have this nation default. it s hurting internationally. people are getting hurt. let the housework it s will. alan, is rome fiddling while the world is getting on with other stuff? in other words, china is looking at this saying increasingly this is ridiculous. this deamericanized the world
hezbollah or any of israel s enemies. i love america. i would die for my country. i think it s best for america and world peace for the united states and israel to work together to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons and for that, he calls me an israel firster and disloyal to america. and his response, by the way, very intelligent in response. he said go to hell to me and the best response to me is to have people pick at my classes. that s no answer and media matters has to take this issue up. professor, is media matters anti-semitic? well, i think that rosenberg has crossed the line. when you accuse jews of dual loyalty, you invoke a kenard that goes back hundreds of years and falls into the category of anti-semitism. to the extent that media matters hired him to do that and is tolerating him to do that, they ve crossed the line. you said this issue could become the jeremiah wright issue for this administration of 2012.
all right. time for your news by the numbers. first $1300. that s about how much each american household is paying to prop up fannie mae and freddie mac. that does not include the $4.6 million the mortgage giants are asking for now. next $25,000, that s how much the e.p.a. is giving to a utah dance company so they can teach kids about pollution in a creative way. fantastic. finally, $100,000. that s how much justin bieber s new sports car costs, the karma fisker given to justin on his 18th birthday on the ellen degeneres show. all of us can relate to that story. thank you very much, brian. media matters, the liberal left wing organization with close ties to the white house may end president obama s hopes of getting re-elected in november. those words now coming from a well known harvard law professor, professor alan dershwitz and he says media matters is posting anti-jewish, anti-israel hate speech on their site and that their rhetoric is