Disturbing to some viewers. Narrator the United States Public Health service as it exists today is a product of experience extending over nearly 150 years. A was initially created as Marine Hospital service for the care of sick and disabled seamen. It was activated in an active congress signed by president john adams in 1798. Was originally supported by a tax on american merchant seamen, but this was later abolished. The tax was collected by the treasury department. The Marine Hospital service came under the jurisdiction of that department, where it remains today. The first Marine Hospital in the secondrginia, built in boston, massachusetts. Some medical personnel were utilized by both the union and the confederacy for the care of wounded forces. Frequently happened that medical officers of the early Marine Hospitals were the first diagnose diseases such as cholera. The work of the service became of such increasing importance that congress extended its duties until it became in functio
It was originally created as a Marine Hospital service, for the purpose of providing medical care for sick and disabled seamen. It was established by an act of congress, signed by president 16, johnon july adams on july 16, 1978. The service was originally supported by a tax on american merchant seamen, but this was later abolished. The tax was collected by the collector of the customs of the treasury department. The Marine Hospital service came under the jurisdiction of that department, where it remains today. The first Marine Hospital in norfolk, virginia, was purchased. The second was built in boston, massachusetts. Some medical personnel were utilized by both the union and the confederacy for the care of wounded military forces. It frequently happened that medical officers of the early Marine Hospitals were the first physicians to diagnose diseases such as cholera and smallpox, which seriously endangered the Public Health at ports of entry. As time went on, the work of the service
Theauthors live in roxbury new york. Please give a warm savanna welcome to and jean ellsworth. [applause] thank you for inviting us and the focus for the last negroes at harvard and 61 years ago , harvard admitted 18 negroes and thats what we were called then and we were the largest number at that time ever admitted harvard. We were from all different parts of the country. North, south, east and west and we came from economic and socioeconomic backgrounds. And we heretofore they had been letting, admitting blacks to harvard but only two or three at a time most guys would just go and do their four years and get out of town. We leave cameras but was different in the sense that we had numbers. 18 and we could form an individual racial identity as well as a group identity. We were able to become actually a force for change at harvard and harvard, we changed harvard and harvard changed us and that essentially what the book is about, its about our four years here and what happened before and
He has had a 30year emmy and peabody awardwinning career in Television News and documentaries. Jeanne ellsworth has a ph. D. In social foundations of education from the university of buffalo and has devoted her life to teaching from Elementary School to prisons, to universities. The authors live in rocksbury, new york. Please give a warm savannah welcome to kent garrett and jeannie else worth. [applause] finish jeanne ellsworth. [applause] well, thank you for enlightening us, and ill let you know the book is called the last negroes at harvard. 61 years ago harvard admitted 18 negroes, and thats what we were called then, and we were the largest number at that time ever admitted to harvard. We were from all different parts of the country north, south, east and west and we came from different economic and socioeconomic backgrounds. And we, heretofore theyd been letting, admitting blacks to harvard but only two or three at a time. And most guys would just go and do their four years and the
Narrator the United States Public Health service, as it exists today, is a product of experience extending over nearly 150 years. It was originally created as a Marine Hospital service for the providing medical care for sick and disabled seamen. It was activated in an active congress signed by president john adams in 1798. The service was originally supported by a tax on american merchant seamen, but this was later abolished. The tax was collected by the collector of the customs of the treasury department. The Marine Hospital service came under the jurisdiction of that department, where it remains today. The first Marine Hospital in virginia, was purchased. The second built in boston, massachusetts. Some medical personnel were utilized by both the union and the confederacy for the care of wounded military forces. It frequently happened that medical officers of the early Marine Hospitals were the first physicians to diagnose diseases such as cholera and smallpox, which endangered ports