It was originally created as a Marine Hospital service, for the purpose of providing medical care for sick and disabled seamen. It was established by an act of congress, signed by president 16, johnon july adams on july 16, 1978. The service was originally supported by a tax on american merchant seamen, but this was later abolished. The tax was collected by the collector of the customs of the treasury department. The Marine Hospital service came under the jurisdiction of that department, where it remains today. The first Marine Hospital in norfolk, virginia, was purchased. The second was built in boston, massachusetts. Some medical personnel were utilized by both the union and the confederacy for the care of wounded military forces. It frequently happened that medical officers of the early Marine Hospitals were the first physicians to diagnose diseases such as cholera and smallpox, which seriously endangered the Public Health at ports of entry. As time went on, the work of the service
Eric Adams, 63, wants his administration to find $2.1 billion they can cut from NYC budget to meet their January goal as part of the 5% city government -wide spending reduction proposed in September.
Former top-50 prospect Marcus Adams Jr. has decided to transfer to BYU, his third collegiate commitment before his freshman year begins.Adams, a four-star wing from California, originally chose Kansa
Former top-50 prospect Marcus Adams Jr. has decided to transfer to BYU, his third collegiate commitment before his freshman year begins.Adams, a four-star wing from California, originally chose Kansa