jamie: but he didn t say any of that. i wish he had. the great thing about joe biden, while he tends to exaggerate, he actually tells the truth every once in a while. he said in several interviews he sees himself as the truth teller-in-chief in this administration. he is right. the middle class has been buried the last four years. look at the price of gas in america. $1.83 on inauguration day. now knock on the door $5. you go to any grocery store you see the inflated prices of milk and eggs and bacon. taxes looming over america, taxes in the middle class have gone up under the obama administration. energy prices are through the roof due to the poor energy policies and weakness of this
prices when president took over $1.83. now $3.84. unemployment is now 8.3%. total debt public debt is $10.6 trillion and now $16 trillion. food stamps, now 46 million. those are four points. people i talk to here say that is cherry picking but those are four big points in how the economy was and how is it now. let s take a look at the unemployment. right? yes, we re the number is different than it was four years ago. but understand the journey we were on. when barack obama walked in the white house, the last month of the bush administration, we lost 800,000 jobs. i forget exactly what the number peaked at but seven months in to our administration, that number hit 10.3%. i think around 10.3. 10.2, 10.1. we ve gone from 10.3 or 10.2
tenth ten times higher than anybody else. this is a national problem and i want to just speak to this very forcefully. i was just looking at numbers that said that if you are a young black male, one young black male is killed every 1.83 days. that s correct. you see this not only in new orleans but in every city and all mayors are starting to talk about this. in certain neighborhoods that are adjacent to cities, young african-american men are killing each other at catastrophic levels and they are absolutely doing it in the city of new orleans. it s a local problem, it s a national problem, it s one in my opinion that s unacceptable and one we have to be very forceful about. we are working very hard on that in the city. what about the corruption in the new orleans police department which was legendary and led to some dramatic convictions of course, what happened during hurricane katrina. first of all, katrina really reflected the greatest things about new orleans, things that
the program, you mentioned that coming up on friday, you got a special on gas with former governor sarah palin. the governor and i are going to sit down and there is a special gasoline, 139 billion gallons we use a year. that means during the presidency since president obama took office, gasoline went from 1.83 to 3.93, 3.92. that means $200 billion per half year so almost $500 million. almost half a trillion dollars we re shipping overseas to the middle eastern dictators instead of americans spends it. governor palin and i will sit down and break it down from regulation, speculation. steve: what can we do right now to bring down the price? the most important part is at the end of the show, we ll put together a four-part plan, present it to president obama and see if he takes it.
got this up. great. the notion that we can simply drill out way out of this or somehow, if we say that that the gas prices will go down magically now, newt gingrich s 2.50 a gallon and so on, that s not oil talk that s snake oil talk and people know the difference. and is she right about that. and gingrich dropping the gas down to 2.50 by drill by drill baby drill and those know they can t except for eric and newt gingrich. eric and newt gingrich can t control oil prices, but things that can be done to he reduce the gas prices, only to 2 pin 50 maybe as low as when obama took over, 1.83 a gallon and maybe not. bob. it doesn t take a lot. drilling has to be part of it and epa work to be done with it and a couple of other things which are out there that can be done, but for