got this up. great. the notion that we can simply drill out way out of this or somehow, if we say that that the gas prices will go down magically now, newt gingrich s 2.50 a gallon and so on, that s not oil talk that s snake oil talk and people know the difference. and is she right about that. and gingrich dropping the gas down to 2.50 by drill by drill baby drill and those know they can t except for eric and newt gingrich. eric and newt gingrich can t control oil prices, but things that can be done to he reduce the gas prices, only to 2 pin 50 maybe as low as when obama took over, 1.83 a gallon and maybe not. bob. it doesn t take a lot. drilling has to be part of it and epa work to be done with it and a couple of other things which are out there that can be done, but for
to effectively root out excessive speculation. judge jeanine: but they are not doing it, tyson and that is the problem. eric, what is your take on the group s effectiveness? a great example of how government has no clue of what is going on. the department of energy steven chu is as lost as lost can be. the reason why president obama says republicans are like flat earthers because they have no answers. this he have no solutions they point the finger anywhere they can. speculation tyson has nothing to do with the price of gasoline. you are going to tell me that gas is $3.83 a gallon because of speculation? what about when gasoline went from $4.11 down to $1.83 when president obama was elected? guess what? those were speculators pushing it down, too. don t blame speculators when prices go up and sai oops, i don t know about the speculators when prices go down. that is misguided. judge jeanine: before you get into here is my question, tyson. this group is there to help the
we called on the administration to effectively root out excessive speculation. judge jeanine: but they are not doing it, tyson and that is the problem. eric, what is your take on the group s effectiveness? a great example of how government has no clue of what is going on. the department of energy steven chu is as lost as lost can be. the reason why president obama says republicans are like flat earthers because they have no answers. this he have no solutions they point the finger anywhere they can. speculation tyson has nothing to do with the price of gasoline. you are going to tell me that gas is $3.83 a gallon because of speculation? what about when gasoline went from $4.11 down to $1.83 when president obama was elected? guess what? those were speculators pushing it down, too. don t blame speculators when prices go up and sai oops, i don t know about the speculators when prices go down. that is misguided. judge jeanine: before you get into here is my question, tyson. this gro
to effectively root out excessive speculation. judge jeanine: but they are not doing it, tyson and that is the problem. eric, what is your take on the group s effectiveness? a great example of how government has no clue of what is going on. the department of energy steven chu is as lost as lost can be. the reason why president obama says republicans are like flat earthers because they have no answers. this he have no solutions they point the finger anywhere they can. speculation tyson has nothing to do with the price of gasoline. you are going to tell me that gas is $3.83 a gallon because of speculation? what about when gasoline went from $4.11 down to $1.83 when president obama was elected? guess what? those were speculators pushing it down, too. don t blame speculators when prices go up and sai oops, i don t know about the speculators when prices go down. that is misguided. judge jeanine: before you get into here is my question, tyson. this group is there to help the
dollars, they are not producing the fuels we need to put in our cars and homes. megyn: what percentage of energy is produced by solar or wind in our homes. reporter: i don t have the exact percentage, i tell you it s probably under 5%. if you had a solar wind, geothermal the three big alternatives, it probably is less than 5% of our total energy use. look at it this way, under can i show you this. megyn: i love props. reporter: under president obama the price of gasoline has gone these are the numbers, i mean you can listen to the pundits speak, these are the actual numbers. when he was sworn in it was $1.83. megyn: why is he mocking newt gingrich when he says he could get it down to $2.50. reporter: i can. i have one answer that could bring it down a dollar over night it s $2 a gallon higher than when he took office. we use 138 billion-gallons of gasoline a year. 276 bill dollars a year i