they got her out. yes, they did give her a stuffed bunny for her troubles and i d be willing to guess she s not going to do that again. i bet you re right. those are your headlines, people. no kidding. have you noticed how in the mainstream media, everybody seems to be talking about hey, the economy is turning around. it s really good news for barack obama. there is one gigantic fly in the ointment, though. when barack obama became the president of the united states, the average price of regular in this country was $1.83. we showed some video that showed in some spots gas is $4.59 a gallon. look at that for the good stuff. and you know what? they re suggesting that as the summer driving approaches, it could go up to $5. that is going to mess up the recovery. but that typically happens when you start to approach summer, the gas prices do go up. but not this extraordinarily. it usually goes up but never has it ever gone up from $3.52 a
steve: that s where it is close to 4 bucks heading up higher. so if you re out west, if you re all the way from maine down through the i-95 corridor, there is a real good chance that this gas price is killing you. eric: right. one of the areas that s not red that probably should be red is you can see it. the very tip of illinois, the northeastern tip. that s chicago. that s the city of chicago which has of the highest metropolitan gas prices in america. here is the issue, barak obama took office in january of 2009. the day he raised his right hand and sworn in, it was 1.83 a gallon. now the national average is 3.52 or so a gallon. that means 1.70 has been tacked on to the price of a gallon of gasoline for every single penny of those 1.70, a billion dollars of spending power comes out of the economy. the american consumer. annually, we ve lost $170 billion from the economy.
take? bob: 1.7 million jobs. eric: that is his number. $1.83 when he took office. dana: he is right. eric: i will do this. let s bet lunch. bob: standard gas? dane not as if the republicans said you only have 60 days to decide on the pipeline. this has been in pipeline for years. the only decision is rerouting it through portion of nebraska. eric: we talk, we had a cup of coffee on time. greg: thanks for inviting me. eric: you were busy. look at the full screen. the current u.s. pipeline in place. it s red because there are so many of them. those are lines. one or two more pipes in the ground, what would it effect? nothing. andrea: opec must be laughing at us, rolling on the ground. this is the most perverted
quick. pipeline versus obama, anyone you talk to, whether it s the pipeline, you talk to governors in the states, it s going to go through, at least 20,000 jobs. gretchen: not according to the state department. democrats. the state department. you remember when they tell you entitlements, unemployment benefits create 1.83 for every dollar they put out? really? here are real jobs. shovel ready jobs. they have a 1700-mile pipeline that they need to put up. this is going to create jobs. 20,000 it s probably close it 100,000. steve: look at the number of barrels of oil. meanwhile, obama under his watch lost 1.7 million jobs, according to their own department. gasoline, look at the number. 1.83 when he started. 3.40 something now. this one right here. tens of billions of dollars in revenues to the states that this pipeline goes through. tens of billions! that s huge. obama is worried about a sage
take? bob: 1.7 million jobs. eric: that is his number. $1.83 when he took office. dana: he is right. eric: i will do this. let s bet lunch. bob: standard gas? dane not as if the republicans said you only have 60 days to decide on the pipeline. this has been in pipeline for years. the only decision is rerouting it through portion of nebraska. eric: we talk, we had a cup of coffee on time. greg: thanks for inviting me. eric: you were busy. look at the full screen. the current u.s. pipeline in place. it s red because there are so many of them. those are lines. one or two more pipes in the ground, what would it effect? nothing. andrea: opec must be laughing at us, rolling on the ground. this is the most perverted