tenth ten times higher than anybody else. this is a national problem and i want to just speak to this very forcefully. i was just looking at numbers that said that if you are a young black male, one young black male is killed every 1.83 days. that s correct. you see this not only in new orleans but in every city and all mayors are starting to talk about this. in certain neighborhoods that are adjacent to cities, young african-american men are killing each other at catastrophic levels and they are absolutely doing it in the city of new orleans. it s a local problem, it s a national problem, it s one in my opinion that s unacceptable and one we have to be very forceful about. we are working very hard on that in the city. what about the corruption in the new orleans police department which was legendary and led to some dramatic convictions of course, what happened during hurricane katrina. first of all, katrina really reflected the greatest things about new orleans, things that