Cheers and applause captioning sponsored by cbs stephen i did, too. Before we get started, i want to give a shout out to my good friendry he performed at the white house Correspondents Dinner this weekend. cheers and applause stephen yeah i agree. I agree. He stunned that room. People in washington arent used to seeing two black men speaking at the same event. laughter there was one controversial moment at the end where larry said the nword. And it was shocking, but it did lay the groundwork for President Trump to say it next year. laughter cheers and applause stephen its out there now. You can imagine it. You can imagine it. Jon yeah. Stephen now, personally, i thought larry gave a great speech that didnt let the president or the press off the hook. And im confident that larry will receive the ultimate recognition for his work never being invited back. laughter you can watch with me next year, larry cheers and applause its a lovely party. I did not go down for the dinner this year, as i said before. I dont like to go anywhere actually. Because, a, new york is fantastic and, b, air travel is a drag, and no one drags it more than the t. S. A. The only organization in the country with a no shoes, yes service policy. laughter and the United States spends, i think ive got this right, 7 billion a year on the agency and that amount raises a few eyebrows. So recently, the t. S. A. Proposed a novel new costcutting measure they plan to screen passengers from smaller airports only after they reached their destination. laughter thats smart. Thats very efficient. Thats like putting on a condom at the baby shower. laughter oh, this is so oh, this is so so this i didnt know it came uc colors laughter hey ive got a question. A bit of a technology question. Any Technology People here tonight . cheers and applause who uses bitcoin . You know what bitcoin is . Anybody . applause oh good, its good to know there are people in my audience who are arms dealers and murderers for hire. Excellent. Bitcoin, for those of you who dont know, is an Electronic Online currency that was created in 2009 for sort of the shadow dark economy of the internet by someone under the pseudonym satoshi nakamoto. Obviously, a fake name because, if you unscramble the letters of satoshi nakamoto, you get Tom Hanks Asia too. laughter i asked mr. Hanks, and he denied it. Well, today in australia, or yesterday for people, an australian entrepreneur named craig wright outed himself as the creator of this shadow currency. Some folks are skeptical that an aussie created this new technology. Me too. Because the last thing australia invented was that dumb stick that comes back to you. Just get out of here go away cheers and applause applause and, of course, the bloomin onion. laughter but, to me, the most their greatest contribution to society. But to me, the most personal story from over the weekend was that ringling brothers has held its final performance with elephants. cheers and applause yeah. I agree. The idea of using elephants as performers had become controversial over recent years. These are intelligent, endangered animals, and many activists believe they should be holding each others tails and wearing tiaras in the wild. laughter now, as god intended, these eleven pachyderms from ringling are going to be let go, but theyre not going back to the jungle. Theyre going someplace far more dangerous theyre going to florida. laughter maybe those elephants can get a job at sea world. Because theyre still willing to do weird stuff to giant mammals the elephants already have the snorkels, and i would love to see an elephant fight shamu or a captive breeding program. Thats fun to think of the kids watching that. laughter but i say mommy, whats happening with shamu . laughter but, i say, elephants arent the only things that need to be rescued from the circus. What about the performers . Look at their abuse. Theyre lit on fire, shoved into glass balls and dangled from the ceiling, tossed into cages with tigers. And look at these cramped work conditions. laughter i mean, for petes sake cheers and applause it gets you right there factory hogs have more room than these clowns but they are delicious. Speaking of delicious. Say hi to jon batiste and stay human, everybody cheers and applause stephen hey cheers and applause that was beautiful. You see . Jon feels good out here. Stephen you do feel good out there . Jon i feel so good. Stephen i feel fantastic. Did you do anything fun this weekend . Jon yeah, i went to new orleans. We played at the jazz festival. cheers and applause stephen mmm, that is like superman going back to h or Something Like that. Jon oh man, it was nice. Stephen you must be incredibly strong when youre there, like really in your element. Jon yes indeed, it does wonders for the ego. I had some red beans and rice. We had some jambalaya, crawfish etouffee, and then we went and played three shows in two days. Stephen wow, and thats how you burn off the etouffee . Jon yeah. Stephen there has to be a reason why you fit in those skinny jeans. Jon well stephen thats not packed with etouffee, as far as i can tell. Jon no, no, its something ive got a fast metabolism. Stephen maybe so. But you know where im glad im not right now . Jon where is that . Stephen indiana. Because i love indiana. I dated a girl from indiana, but indiana is chaos right now. The indiana primary is tomorrow. How many people right now are in indiana . A show of hands. Thats good. That would be weird. Indiana is an incredibly, hotly anticipated race. Its like the indy 500, except this flaming car crash is just a metaphor. This is road to the white house. Do i look like a president . How handsome am i, right . How handsome stephen i want to talk about donald trump. Well, want is a strong word. laughter im just practicing for when hes elected, and its the law. Last week, trump delivered a major Foreign Policy speech about his favorite foreign country america. My Foreign Policy will always put the interests of the American People and American Security above all else. Has to be first. Has to be. America first will be the major and overriding theme of my administration. Dedicated to putting America First that he will be president of america comma the United States of. And cheers and applause and trump a little hit to keep you going. And trump unveiled his Foolproof Plan for keeping america safe from our enemies. And then theres isis. I have a simple message for them. Their days are numbered. I wont tell them where and i wont tell them how. We must, as a nation, be more unpredictable. We are totally predictable. We have to be unpredictable. And we have to be unpredictable starting now. cheers and applause stephen booo laughter did it work . cheers and applause did it work . Jon yeah stephen did it work . Is isis defeated yet . laughter no . Well, that was predictable. Yes, donald trump wants america to be unpredictable. Its all laid out in his four point Foreign Policy plan Lethal Weapon 1 through 4. laughter you see, trump is riggs. Hes a loose cannon, with nothing to lose, a fantastic head of hair, and one black supporter. laughter and as cheers and applause and as president , trumps going to convince the rest of the world that you shouldnt mess with america because were crazy. And there will be ample evidence of our insanity when we elect donald trump president. cheers and applause this Lethal Weapon this Lethal Weapon metaphor is perfect because while im not sure whos three days from retirement, but one thing i can say for sure this is the fifth president ial election ive covered, and im getting too old for this bleep . laughter applause i cant say that on cbs, right . Can i . Im sure it will be fine. Right now, in this race for indiana, trump is setting the pace for the field while ted cruz is sucking fumes which face. With one day to go, the republican secondrunner is trailing trump by 15 points, even though less than a week ago cruz was up 16 points. Wow. Its almost as if spending time there campaigning hurt him. Well, you know what they say about ted cruz to know him is to wish you didnt. laughter indiana voters cheers and applause it seems that indiana voters clearlagree with former speaker of the house and former beef turned jerky, john boehner. laughter who last week called cruz a miserable son of a bitch. laughter applause by the way, i checked with cbs lawyers and apparently im allowed to say miserable son of a bitch if im talking about ted cruz. cheers and applause still, the former republican speaker calling a president ial candidate a son of a bitch is as big of an insult as i can imagine. Because i do not have the same imagination as john boehner, because at the same event boehner also called cruz lucifer in the flesh and boehner knows lucifer, because they clearly go to the same tanning salon. cheers and applause and ha ha, we all laughed but come on. If ted cruz really were the devil, i think thered be signs. The earth would open up and swallow people when they said his name. The next president of the United States, ted cruz cheers and applause stephen oh my god oh my god where did she go . She vanished instantly its almost as if theres some sort of demonic power about saying the phrase the next president of the United States, ted cruz. Oh applause cheering okay, where was i . Okay. Lets see. Right. Ted cruz cant seem to catch a break in indiana. Even at cruz rallies. Something truly bizarre happened last night. Every once in a while ted cruz gets a heckler, but this time the heckler was somewhere between 10 and 12 years old. Listen to this. kid yelling apparently, theres a young man whos having some problems. You suck applause stephen yes, a child shouted you suck at ted cruz. laughter now, we dont know the hecklers name, but we do have a picture of the child. There you go. laughter i just want to point out that this huge font saying you suck is not ours. Thats how fox news captioned this moment. laughter meanwhile, u. S. Artillery shelling and drone attacks is buried in the crawl, but ted cruz sucks is up here in 190 point man walks on the moon font. Man walks on the moon and sucks. But ted cruz showed that hes the type of strong leader willing to stand up to a small child. Children should actually speak with respect. You know, in my household when a child behaves that way, they get a spanking. audience reacts stephen and you know things arent looking good for the Cruz Campaign when theyre trying out the new slogan ted cruz 16 he hits kids. applause either way, he has called indiana his firewall, and hes going to have to pull off a miracle tomorrow if he ever hopes to hear the phrase, the next president of the United States, ted cruz. Ahh well be right back with bill oreilly only one network gives you more than just great coverage. Its tmobile only tmobiles lets you stream video m and usic for free and we doubled our lte coverage in the last year. The other guys canst y that we got you covered. Give extra. Get extra. What knee pain . . What sore elbow . Advil liquigels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. The seal you can trust. With stain and sealer in one. And easy to choose colors. Exceptional beauty and protection have never been easier. Thompsons waterseal stain and sealer. Available at national retailers. Okawhoa ady . [ explosion ] nothing should get in the way of the things you love. Get americas fastest internet. Only from xfinity. Double down on your candy and coffee cravings with dunkins new heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. America runs on dunkin. cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody my first guest tonight is the bestselling author of killing reagan and the host of the number one Cable News Program for four centuries running, the Oreilly Factor. Please welcome the great mr. Bill oreilly. cheers and applause stephen nice to see you. Come on up. Oh, papa bear, always good to see you. How are you . Im the same. Stephen really . Yeah. Stephen never change . Never, no, boring as always. Stephen slow and steady wins the race. Im surpris y stephen what are you talking about . Youre a guy whos willing to say what youre thinking laughter some days. Stephen lets talk about indiana first. The last time you were on here, i think i said what the hell is going on with this race . In this case, we know whats going on. Cruz has said indiana is his firewall. Do you think the polls are right . Do you think that the inferno of trump just burns that mother out tomorrow and its over . It looks like it. I called the race three weeks ago for trump. You cant stop him. What the media does the tv media is they try to get the horse race so you will watch, but it was over three weeks ago after new york. And same thing with Hillary Clinton. You know, feel the bern all you want, but the bern is going to be in the refrigerator and clinton is going to be the nominee. Thats the way its going to be. So its hillary versus trump. Indiana, if trump did not win tomorrow, that would give cruz a little bit of a thing to hang on to. But its still going t trump. Stephen but you know trump, right . I do. Stephen you have known him for years. I understand youve shared vanilla milkshakes with him, is what youve said. You try to entice him to come back to the fox debate by saying you would buy him a milkshake. I bought him a couple of milks shakes because he never has money. Stephen those rich guys never carry a wallet he has 10 billion, hes got no money. So we go to Yankee Stadium and hey, a couple of milk shakes here i got it, don. I got it. Stephen melania is holding my wallet now. Okay, so if you know the guy does it comfort you since you know the guy personally and you have know him for years, does it comfort you to think that this is going to be one of the two Major Party Candidates . Do you think that he is because thats a reasonable shot at being president. Im not arrogant enough to say this person or that person isnt qualified. The people in the Republican Party want donald trump, for one reason, they want to blow the whole establishment up. Thats why hes gotten where he has. Stephen why do so many people i party not want him . Well they dont want their party blown up, colbert they like it the way it is if youre going to blow it up, they dont like that stephen but its been around a long time, they put a lot of effort into it, bill. Yeah. Republicans are angry because they perceive progressive americans your crew, all right . Stephen let me write this down. I am the problem just want to make sure we know who the problem is. I am, okay . So traditional conservative americans believe that your crew, colberts crew, is winning the culture war. Its winning the Political Correctness war. Its winning and the culture is changing and they dont like it. cheers and applause stephen however conservative someone might be, i dont believe there is anything wrong with conservatism per se, but its always a losing battle because the culture always changes. You dont speak middle english. Number one, you could never had said that on a comedy channel or you would have been fired if you said stephen thats true. But its more than that. They dont like the what the country is becoming. Stephen specifically like what . Let me give you a good example. 32year old kate stienle, do you know this story . Stephen it was a very sad, tragic story. In the square with her father walking and shes killed and shot in the back of the head and shes dead. Who killed her . An illegal alien, aggravated felon with six felony convictions in the United States who had been deported five times and who came back six times, all right . The girl is dead. I say we need kates law, which means that if an aggravated felon defies deportation, that person gets mandatory five years, first offense, ten second offense just for being in the country. You pick him up, he goes to federal prison. Kates law. Simple, right . Cant get it passed. Why . Because the Republican Leadership wouldnt get behind it. Stephen why not . Successfully on an antiillegal immigrant platform. Its all b. S. And the folks know it . Stephen trumps b. S. . The antiillegal alien stuff is b. S. Because you shouldnt be anti illegal aliens, that doesnt solve any problems. Stephen you should be anti criminal. Right. Exactly. So stephen you and i are agreeing all the over the place. No, were not. Youre actually listening and thats a good thing. So harry reid, the senator the democratic senator, kills this in the senate. But mitch mcconnell, the republican leader, does nothing and then in the house, they do nothing. Why . Because they want to attach it to a sanctuary city bill they knew president obama would veto. So Everybody Knows stephen why would they do that . Thats right why would they do that all right . Im pounding the table put it as a stand alone. Stephen its a brandnew table right. President obama would sign kates law, i believe. He wouldnt veto it. But you cant attach it to 15 other things. Stephen oh, boy. I have been listening. Youre absorbing. Youre learning and now you have to live it. Stephen i have to live this . You have to learn and live stephen oh. So the republicans this. They see their own party not doing the right thing. They expect harry reid to do it, hes corrupt. But they dont expect their leadership to not do anything, thats why theyre furious. Stephen but its not just illegal immigration. Its a lot of different things. I dont want to be too complicated. So you could understand this. Im giving you something you can understand. audience reacts stephen i understand. I understand. I understand. No, its okay its okay. Be nice to him. Be nice to him. Little steps with colbert. Little steps. Stephen hold on for a second. Let me see if i understand you. Hold on for a second. Go quickly. Go quickly before it wears off. We have to take a little break. I want to come back and talk about the democratic side. Well be right back with more bill oreilly little steps cheers and applause when your type 2 diabetes numbers arent moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. But what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar . Imagine loving your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana®. With over 7 million prescriptions and counting, its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. In fact, its been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia®. 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Bill, i just want to take a second to talk about you still have killing reagan out there . Still a bestseller . Still out there on the marketplace. Still doing very well. Good fathers day or mothers day gift. Stephen mom loves hearing about the potential assassination of ronald reagan. Well no, no, no. Theres a lot of nancy reagan in this book. And nancy reagan is a fascinating story. Stephen whats the next killing coming up . Killing the rising sun the last six months of the pacific war during world war ii. Its out september 13th. Stephen nagasaki and hiroshima and the firebombing of tokyo . All that stuff . Yep, all of that. Stephen very interesting. Okay, lets get back to the election for a second. Before we go on to the democrats, trump is going to turn to the general. Who do you think hell pick for his Vice President . Is there somebody out there . Because there pe there who are saying no way. Jebs people texted back saying ha ha ha nobody wants the gig. There is a lot of people who dont want to be on the second with donald trump, thats for sure. So i suggested the governor of new mexico, susanna martinez, who is a very accomplished woman. Stephen is this how shes finding out now . We mentioned it on the show. Stephen everybody watches that. I told trump himself. Stephen you told him . Yeah. Did you call him up . No, he was on the show, colbert. He shows up once in a while. Stephen thats nice. Do you let him call in, by the way . No, dont let anybody call in. The reason is that if you do a call in with politicians, you will have three people there telling you what to say. So you dont know. Stephen they have life lines. They do all that. I dont like the call in business. We dont do that. Stephen okay, lets talk about the democrats. There is anger on the republican side, which seems to have gotten the man who is stoking the anger, the position. The guy who is stoking the anger on the democrat side doesnt look like hes going to get the position. What do you think is the difference between the angers . Stephen theyre not angry . They are very loyal to Hillary Clinton and bill clinton. Stephen is that true . Are you guys loyal to the clintons . Everybody loyal to the clintons . applause i have to check in every so often. cheers and applause okay, thats halfhalf. Sanders could not cut through the africanamerican vote in the south, and if you look at new york and states like that, the plurality was given to mrs. Clinton by the minority voters. So thats to her credit. Stephen do you think theres a difference between the kind of anger being stoked . The things that bernie was making people mad about . Right. Stephen because both trump and bernie were pointing their guns at wall street. They were crossing at that moment. Look, its an ideological anger. So its not the same. Bernie sanders wants the United States to become sweden, and thats fine. Stephen denmark, he throws denmark out there a lot. Nine Million People in sweden months a year because there is too much snow. So its a little more complicated here. And sweden has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. So im going to bernie, you want us to kill ourselves . What do you want to do here, bernie . Stephen they have the bikini team, too. They have got the bikini team. I didnt know that. Stephen yeah. So anyway, the anger on the left is an economicdriven anger. Folks would like to make more money. The anger on the right is a cultural anger, so its different. Stephen you ever thought of running for office ever, yourself . No, look, im fine with what i do now. This is what i was put on earth to do. Stephen really . I thought it was to know god, love god and serve god. You know, colbert and i both went to Catholic Schools and were waterboraded, and we know the catechism because we were dunked in the water if we didnt. Anyway, this is what i was born to do, im doing it and for 20 years have been successful. Now, do i want to be a politician and raise money and beg for money . No. Money, all you have to do is print these thing. laughter doing real well. But no, i dont have any interest. Stephen can we talk about boehner and what he said about cruz . Oh, yeah. Stephen i mean, you know what makes me mad about that . It is that he never comes on Television Shows and says those things. Has he ever come on to your show . No. Stephen he never came on my show either. With all due respect, and i dont have any respect for mr. Boehner, if youre going to Say Something about anybody for example, i say bad things about colbert all the time. But i show up, and i explain. Same thing with stewart. Remember stewart . He has a big beard, looks like a werewolf. If you see him in jersey. Stephen do you ever see him . Im worried about stewart. Im worried about stewart too. I saw him with a bottle of musketell underneath the George Washington bridge. Stephen he has a farm now, hes like dr. Doolittle. He speaks to the animals. Hes a jewish dr. Doolittle. He only speaks to liberal animals. The conservative animals are booted out. Stephen yeah. But anyway, when you say nasty about somebody else, at least have the cojones thats a spanish word laughter to come on and explain it and put it in some kind of context. Dont be a weasel and go to Stanford University where theres no press and go, yeah, hes like lucifer. You know . Come on. Stephen that was a spooky boehner, that was really good. laughter well, bill, i know you have to do a show tonight. I got to go but its just been delightful. Stephen and its been delightful for me too. Thank you so much. Thank you stephen the Oreilly Factor airs weeknights on fox news channel. Killing reagan is everywhere. Bill oreilly, everybody well be right back. Take on the unexpected with a car that could stop for you. Nissan safety shield technologies, available in the altima, sentra and maxima. Hey there, can i help you with anything . Hey siri, whats at ts latest offer . Oh, i dont think that siri can. Right now, switch to at t for an iphone and get one free. Wow, is that right . Yeah, its basically. Yes. That is the current offer from at t. Okay siri, you dont know everything. Well, i know you asked me to call you the at t hostess with the mostest. Okay, shut her down. Turn it off. Right now, buy an iphone and get another one free when you add a second line. Thisproof of less joint pain and clearer skin. This is my body of proof with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Want more proof . Ask your rheumatologist about humira. Whats your body of proof . band playing cheers and applause stephen welcome back, everybody my next guest started his career as one of the boyz n the hood. Hes now starring as a man in rosewood on fox. I found a contusion on his arm, probably from a fight. Bronze yellow, says three days old. Ah, but yellowish brown says two days old. I have yellowish brown, how did you get that. I took a picture, analyzed the pixels, created a histogram. Two and a half, i was rounding down. Actually, i was rounding up. Come on. Im still working on our signature bro shake, so stephen please welcome Morris Chestnut cheers and applause band playing all right i was looking at the clip right there, and the guy in the thing gives you a little pat on the shoulder and thinks twice about giving you any grief after that. I just did right now, man. You are absolutely were not that different in age. Thats like slapping a tractor. laughter how much of it do you make this part of your job to stay fit . Yeah, definitely on the show we film in miami. The setting is miami, so i have to take my shirt off a lot. Stephen you have to cheers and applause yeah. I go to the gym. I work out at 4 00 in the morning, six days a week. Stephen what . Yeah, because i like to get up early. Sometimes call time is 6 00 am, so i like to get to work out before i start the day. Stephen on rosewood you play something called, let me see if i get this right, a private pathologist . Thats correct, yes. Stephen what is a private a pathologist finds out how someone died, right . A pathologist is someone who examines tissue and blood examples and they were to diagnose things about certain patients dead or alive. And a private pathologist, which rosewood is on the show, i work privately to help Police Department as detective villa, who works with the miami Police Department, to help solve crimes. Stephen and what is a private pathologist . Is that how divided we are as a country between rich and poor . That rich people want a private pathologist to figure out how they die . laughter well, quite possibly. No, actually the pathologist that works on our show, hes worked with quite a few famous people. But yeah, regular pathologists work for the city. Stephen did you do a ride along with a pathologist . Well, no. No, no. Stephen no . Because im not a detective or a cop. Im a pathologist. Stephen well, i know. But ride along is just a term of art. Okay. No, actually, they come into the lab. Whenever we do a scene in the lab, like you saw there, there was someone to actually show me how to grab and handle the organs. As first i was acting all delicate because they were fake organs, they were not real. Stephen what are they made out of, by the way . I dont know to this day. But they feel real and they look real. Stephen they could be real, theyre not gonna tell you. laughter dont worry, morris, theyre not real, its fine. Yeah, youre right. Stephen because it looks real. It does look real. They make it look really real. The first time i was grabbing it and i said i was very delicate with it. I said, how would you do it . He put on the gloves, tossing it around like a tennis ball, going back and forth. Theyre so desensitized, they handle it just regularly. Stephen i think i like your way better. If you were cutting me open, i would want someone delicately handling my spleen. If you were cut open. Stephen if i were cut open. I mean, its waiting for all of us, morris. Well, im sure your wife delicately handles your organs pretty well. laughter cheers and applause stephen im not sure we can say that on cbs. Can we say that . cheers and applause do you like blood and guts . Does it bother you . Because it does look real. Do you ever say to yourself, why do i have to handle the blood and the guts . I used to think so sometimes the actors, they start off live on the show, then dead in the lab. Stephen tough gig. And so they put all these prosthetics on them and we cut them open and the blood and the organs, they look real, and you do kind of get a little queasy after lunch. Not the best time. Stephen do they bring in a fake body for you to work on . They do. Most of the time, if the show starts out and the person is dead, its a fake body. If the show starts out and they are an actor on the show, they put on prosthetics. It gets weird. One time, we were working on a body for at least three hours and it was supposed to be very still and very quiet. And there were four of us around the body. It was a long scene and the guy just couldnt take it and he sneezed, e back laughter we knew it was fake. But for a second, we got caught up in the moment. Stephen thats good acting. It was great acting. We were in the moment. Stephen now when you were cutting on the people, do you ever have to lose the shirt while youre actually doing that . It gets hot in there season two. Were going to do that in season two. Stephen all right. You guys picked up for season two yet . We are picked up for season two, yes. Thank you so much. Stephen congratulations. Great. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me. Stephen rosewood airs wednesdays on fox. 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Stephen here performing living my life, ladies and gentlemen, deerhunter. cheers and applause im living my life im off the grid, im out of range and the amber waves of grain are turning grey again the darkened stage and the infinite waves distance can change fate im out of range again will you tell me when you find out how to conquer all this fear ive been spending too much time out on the fading frontier will you tell me when you find out how to recover the lost years ive spent all of my time out here chasing the fading frontier im living my life im living my life im living my life im living my life im living my life im living my life im living my life im living my life qca stephen deerhunters album, fading frontier is available now well be right back. vo if you have type 2 diabetes, you may know what its like to deal with high. And low blood sugar. Januvia sitagliptin is a oncedaily pill that, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar. Januvia works when your blood sugar is high and works less when your blood sugar is low, because it works by enhancing your bodys own ability to lower blood sugar. Plus januvia, by itself, is not likely to cause weight gain or low blood sugar hypoglycemia . Tell your doctor if you have a history of pancreatitis. Serious side effects can happen, including pancreatitis which may be severe and lead to death. Stop taking januvia and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area which may be pancreatitis. Tell your doctor right away and stop taking januvia if you have an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, or affects your breathing or causes rash or hives. Kidney problems sometimes requiring dialysis have been reported. Some people may develop severe joint pain. Call your doctor if this happens. Using januvia with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. To reduce the risk, your doctor may prescribe a lower dose of the sulfonylurea or insulin. Your doctor may do blood tests before and during treatment to check your kidneys. If you have kidney problems a lower dose may be prescribed. Side effects may include upper respiratory tract infection, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat, and headache. For help lowering your blood sugar talk to your doctor about januvia. cheers and applause stephen thats it for the late show, everybody. Good night captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org band playing are you ready to have some fun feel the love tonight dont worry bout your taxes and stuff itll be all right its the late, late show cheers and applause reggie ladies and gentlemen, all the way from jakarta, give it up for your host the one, the only james corden

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