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Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. And welcome to the San Francisco Transportation Authority mom meeting im supervisor wiener the chair and mr. Clerk. Roll call commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim absent supervisor mar. Supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee we have quorum. Okay. Thank you very much we will now go do the chairs report colleagues i have several update for the regional and local levels you may have seen after the months of reporting congress failed to pass the Transportation Authority budget well have a mutilate Services Authorization next month as sooeps to the short time measures the house and Senate Passes the reformation and overall the house bill is better than the senate that is less transit funding for the bay area our staff at the Transportation Authority and the mtc are both working to avoid any Reduction Agency those bills are reconciled the congressional leaders want this before the 2016 expiration and more fun and games in washington, d. C. Through the detriment of transportation and other critical needs interestingly an amendment during the house floor debate will provide extra 40 billion by locking down the capital reserves this is in conference and maybe possible to fund for 5 years rather than the of years that is a plat funding level i want to applaud the 40 major organizations including the American Transit Association the u. S. Chamber of commerce and labors and trade used that are recommending the higher level of funding of it means pga a shorter 5 year bill and keeps up with inflation and as noted in the Industry Groups quote holding the transportation at or blow the power levels will not create the york congestion in the transportation and the we urge the congress and president obama to get that passed the mtc this month has the best way to coordinate the sustainable strategy in the bay area we agreed to look at a full mtc abag merger this will bring our region into a similar structure of other metropolitan organizations across california but requires a careful thinking how we in San Francisco are recommended in the framework and ive made clear i will not be supporting any 3450erger that jeopardizes or undermines the need of our large city in the bay area that process is ongoing we need to have some sort of inclusion by june of next year and at a local level im struck by the progress our transportation agrees are making in planning and project delivery both small and large last week, a meeting for the Environmental Review that process has taken far too long we are nearing the end the construction of van ness pedestrian underpass sfmta opened the section for cycle on Market Street and caltrans will counts is the bay bridge peer and next week the groundbreaking avenue one of the anticipated one by the way, o bag it is important to see those agency work in addition design lastly commissioner sugaya attended to conferences for the past couple of weeks the submit in los angeles and in the last week of october and the National Larger conference in nashville in october mr. Mar wants to make remarks ill invite him. Thanks to commissioner lee and the staff for extending the brt final Environmental Impact report this is important to allow people to give more time for comments i went to not only two different cities but 4 unanimously historic gathering or gathering it is occurring in theville sustainability in coping 21 in paris in a couple of weeks and the climate march in oakland the four events policy linked is an Amazing Organization began in city of oakland that expanded around the country supervisor campos attended and the policy equality submit for the pro transportation city hall and mayors around the countrys was an amazing gathering in los angeles and a Government Alliance and race and equality i attended a portion of the gathering with the officials from seattle and oakland and other place of Equality Office and late a conference in nashville, tennessee which ive been attending on and off over the years i want to say i used the time for Relationship Building and cased studies from different cities had a great opportunity at the local process and the local submit that ill have to say commissioner avalos as a leader the Alliance State and federal brought in a mayor from minnesota from we wisconsin and shes bringing great ideas to minneapolis including a light rail that goes to st. Paul and others major groups im learning from a down to earth elizabeth and other City Council Members a highlight of the trips i also wanted to say that two besides commissioner avalos other leaders of local process from seattle and from Brooklyn New York and many others are leading the Economic Justice and jobs work citywide and local process is a great place to build those relationships in the cased studies i also wanted to say that policy link Angela Blackwell organization i had no idea 3 thousand people if government sector from University Researchers to grassroots activists in the community of color and it was 3 thousand people in la lots of intersections he wanted to key part of transportation Equality Caucus how people dont just seek transportation isolated or justice isolated it is enter tweend the grassroots if the bottomup was excellent in looking at an equality less than not only transportation but many other policies and Development Without displacement policies the cost had the black lives matter around the country it is inspiring and it was important i also began to see San Francisco Oakland Santa Fe and san raphael as a major section as other cities and metropolitan adrenalin talked about their work were the fifth go largest metropolitan adrenalin the 8 million or soon to be 9 Million People is the fifth bringing behind la and chicago and new york i didnt realize what how we work and many others as we on to local city level and regional equality and transportation policy sitting with supervisor campos and supervisor wiener on the mtc abag is eye openly but others was helpful i also wanted to say too that i take the time to bike sharing and it was a pleasure to ride only a few stations i know that nashville has a longer way to go thirty City Council Members it is hard to make policy in that city the new mayor of nashville the reps republicans and converts killed a major transportation harming their ability to link up the sgathd city of nashville it is 25 percent africanamerican or more than that theyre almost invisible in the Country Music and tv and hollywood it is seeing how the transportation policies address the equality that the lack of equality that exists in nashville i want to see if there is anything egg to add like the bike sharing the transportation caucus getting together with people work only anti displacement or transportation in the context of anti displacement make those gathered so valuable and helps me to do my work here with a better race and class and gender and neighborhood equality plans as well that in the work thank you, supervisor wiener. Thank you very much supervisor mar and i cant remember, if the they could sfgov for the broadcasting of the hearing next the item report oh, Public Comment on the chairs report item 2 any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed well move to item 3 the executive director report. Thanks chair wiener and schd happy to report for this past months progress the federal bill as supervisor wiener mentioned i want to make sure that the folks understanding of that understand this is an authorized bill for the proimthd funding hope the 5 or of year bill comes to fruition only a 3 year funded bill we will keep track of that good news locally the parcel f site that the transbay tjpa has been overseeing did become finalized with an offer being expelled for the crescent height with a second site with two parcels combined into a project that project is 35 percent of Affordable Housing component and the funds that the tjpa adopted it is one hundred 65 million allows the interim budget for the work for the project and avoid financing costs that will be helpful with that said, the overall cost coming in at a higher level with the cost review for the confidence level of 70 percent by the time we finish the project well have enough cushion in case unforeseen circumstances but with the additional budget from the f and additional work well before doing with the city well close the gap above and beyond there will be a one and 35 million gap well address that by the end of the year thank you supervisor mar sea others for mentioning the geary brt we had a good turn out one hundred and 20 people taking Public Comment with the environmental document and its been extended the period from responses from the community and happy to note that folks have a couple of weeks until november 30th to provide the comments and by email or in writing ill be happy to to take that we were pleased to see the response of doing outreach well have great view finding on geary people see and visualization of how the potential future brt project that 4 thousand people have taken the time for the devices 17 thousand to view the images of the improvements and weve received a strong response from folks that take a small survey they believe that the project is going to be a benefit to the community they support the proposed amendment with that, ill highlight a few more outreaches tonight in fact, in district 2 the lombard transportation Improvement Project has a third outreach at Marina Middle School at 6 00 p. M. Folks are invited to conduct with the tjpa to make progress on that design resurfacing of lombard and the utility work we continue it work closely with sfmta and schairz office in district one and schools district 7 and other districts around town turning to the western Edition Community basis Transportation Plan that is a robust process and sfmta the identification of safety and security and street Improvement Projects that the outreach has identity priority for the community we hope that will be exceptional designs for the update and committee and sfmta in the next month and prop double a the Voter Program that allows the 10 vehicle register fee to be applied to safety and resurfacing that will be a project that will be released from before thanksgiving to needed projects around the town and the principle of this program that fund should go to prelims so projects that are designed and ready for conduct 15, 16 timeframe go to our website sf ct a slash prop a to the Transportation Authority and the board approval 2, 3, 4 february. Keying off supervisor mars report on the conference in boston we met with uc berkley and my team and a whole host of public and private organizations to talk about the equality and assess of shared mobility those are the socalled go Transportation Network companies that are entering the markets with the urban citys and smaller cities around the nation at the conference he was pleased to represent the Transportation Authority and uc Berkley Research center and the council will be joinly manufactured the compliment impacts of tmc for the Transportation Network companies are contributing to the Million Dollars in the mission or theyre providing alternatives in supporting the transit for example, in a new way to enhance the facility thank you to the facility and our agency the tenant landlord is providing 25,000 to complete the equality analysis and hope to have this result in a year time for the planning here in San Francisco as well as contribute to that informed discussion elsewhere the selfhelp counties are meeting e meeting the 20 couldnt california to fund the transportation improvements through dedicated funds a number of counties are collaborating to look at the option and lord to reporting back on our progress in a few months time to move towards a plan for this year for the bart line that is making its way to the bart district beyond that i wanted to highlight the good the good work happening around town at sfmta, and caltrans were seeing tremendous project delivery and voter approved funds and the results from the past funding approvals by the public and look forward to this next week many of you all can celebrate the federally funded project moving forward and others the e r trailerer Elementary School another fund that was completed that concludes my remarks thank you very much. Ms. Jane commissioners questions or comments regarding the directors report any comment on item 3 none Public Comment is closed. Item 4. Item 4 approval of the minutes for the october 7, 2015. Colleagues, any questions or comments or changes regarding the minutes seeing none, well move to Public Comment any Public Comment on item number 4 . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed and can you please call the roll commissioner avalos supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee supervisor kim. There are 11 eyes the minutes are approved. Okay item number 5. Item 5 authorizing the executive director to exceeding execute all supplemental agreements and property and any amendments through to through the to and the California Department of transportation for the travel Smart Program and the timing free ramp Improvement Study and the programming and Monitoring Program an action item. Colleagues, any questions or comments regarding this item seeing none, any Public Comment on item . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Without objection that is the order item of item 6 the audit report for the fiscal year june 2015. Colleagues, any comments or questions regarding item 6 seeing none, any Public Comment on item 6 seeing none, Public Comment is closed and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. That will be the order item no. 7. Item 7 alternate 200 and 673 under prop c funds and others funds for the cash flow distribution an action item. Colleagues, any questions or comments regarding item 7 seeing none, any Public Comment on item 7 seeing none, Public Comment is closed and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. That will be the order item number 8. Item 8 adopt a new program for the clarification and reclarify two positions an action item. Colleagues, any questions or comments seeing none, is there any Public Comment on item 8 seeing none, Public Comment is closed and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. That will be the order item 9. Item 9 adopt the salary for the job clarifications an action item. Colleagues any questions or comments seeing none, any Public Comment on item number 9 seeing none, Public Comment is closed and colleagues, can we take that same house, same call . Well take that without objection. That will be the order item 10. Item 10 introduction of new items. Colleagues, any introduction of new items seeing none, any Public Comment on item 10 seeing none, Public Comment is closed and this is an information item item 11. Public comment. Any Public Comment . . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed item 12 a adjournment. Were adjourned. Were adjourned. Thank so you cant save money . Its easy as pie brown bag your lunch instead of going out. Six dollars saved timed 5 days a week times ten years is 21,000 bucks thats a lotta lettuce. Small changes today. Big bucks tomorrow. Feed the pig. Org. So were going to take alfred welcome to your unit so were going to take you. Hi, im carl with the fishermans were thrilled to have you here i get to open a lot of buildings or buildings and none of them brings me more pleasure than today a one and 90 units of air forces Affordable Housing in the heart of San Francisco mere jobs and near transit in the middle of the worst housing crisis to see this project come to reality having done this inspires and brings mayor edwin lee me pride a huge Publicprivate Partnership this deals dates back to chris daily in 2003 and in his office talking about what level of affordability well need what is now infinity that deal 12 years ago is finally give me rise to this project and the two at infinity close to 4 hundred uptsz among those 3 sites so im grateful to the supervisor to the supervisors predecessor grateful to the mayor and the mayors predecessor for the public and private partnering to make that happen and grateful to the Mayors Office of housing whos down the logistics and more importantly thank you to don and n mtc that controlled that site and worked with us this is their product their housing were thrilled to be partners with t n d c the labor life company that saw and put money into this project that helps to provide housing. Jobs in San Francisco and perry this is a huge publicprivate partnering but you explicit come here to hear from me we got a call could we pull the agenda for this forward i week i didnt see what a wonderful morning to be able to open one 90 units of Affordable Housing on the dawn of the mayors reelection by more importantly the passing of prop a and the commitment to the housing bond in San Francisco so congratulations to everyone clapping. with great pleasure introduce mayor ed lee that helped to make that happen congratulations. Thank you. Thank you, carl. Well campaigns is over were going right to work and i am also grateful to carl and to your relationship with tndc to our work request supervisor kim and making this happen he was here already months ago looking at the some of the unit and visualizing what some of the new residents will see are a long, long time im glad theyre here that is the exact the stories were chasing when we said lets get a promotion up before the voter and get a 310 million which will be matched with other money from the budget thanks to the board of supervisors and us agreeing with a higher goal he, he we are already with this how do we do that . Bond were already locating nonprofit partners for more housing we are using the word carl something you and your investors know about investment and about leveraging and this was a parking lot that we invested in now were leveraging it into residences one hundred 90 brand new unit all 100 percent affordable it an incredible story i told don earlier hes the only one that can tell the history how many hands and how many relationships had to be built and trust factor to be created in order for today to happen it is complicated ill let don tell the story but those agencies that live to tell those stories im glad hes with us and not only do we have this particular site to celebrate but it is on the dawn of celebrating more well have a lot more keys given out to love people that need housing in the city the workforce is part of the success whether or not teachers the one teacher got in on an incredible lottery that she had to wind travels in order to get in but hopefully for teachers and Health Care Workers people that work in restaurant and hotels make a good living but find it did to the will live in the city in is what the housing bond does as part of this this is what the private segment a dog more and more with us in government is trying to match up what they can do with us so you can literally see that people in the business whether the marketrate or low Income Housing can find that connection with government and be supportive to make sure that more units are affordable the obligation here targeted with one and 602 unit somehow and someway that story and that relationship was to solid with City Government we reached up to one hundred 90 units thats what we want to do supervisor kim; right . We want to set a goal and see how we can steady this is what the incredible story is about well do that in many sites certainly with the package of prop k you are joint efforts to locate oil public land weve gun control sites and some of the developers with literally calling and saying what wee, we do together now the message is clear you can do more we can all be more successful if we Work Together thats the message our prop a, prop k, our incredible relationships with the private developers and certainly with communitybased nonprofits im landmark to handing out keys and people will be happy to receive and having this incredible courtyard that is a positive experience right in the middle of San Francisco are these center and we have a number of sites within two or three block radius that are going to be underdevelopment in the next few years that signals on i didnt believe amount of of Affordable Housing people will say it great that is guarantee close to transit and close to our Civic Center Park and going to be center of a lot of good activities that people want to be close to as we want to live here and closeness to our arts organizations that continue to lead the effort along mid market and so theres a lot of good news and grad to see the office of Economic Workforce Development is here and the department of building inspection, because were all ready tarnishing not only the sites were going to do housing on but ideas as to how to accelerate them and an Accelerator Fund maybe talk with our kwiblt partners to accelerate all the goals we want because i know that our labor folks dont have enough to do want more work; right . Michael they want more work and do it the right way and get the housing up that is for the would it be fair to say as well thank you to you everybody all the partnerships weve had here and lets keep doing this more than slnlt lets go to work and get more done and video more smiles on families thank you. clapping. supervisor kim. First of all, i want to give a big congratulations to the mayor for winning his election 4 more years. clapping. weve not had much such a mayor and such an hour how were you to work with him and 24 particular were seeing 80 percent of San Franciscos development the statistic im proud of district 6 is building 44 percent in all of San Franciscos Affordable Housing clapping. and i would not be possible not for first of all, the strong support of our mayor and working with us to push the envelope both looking for the Nonprofit Institution and our private developers who know how important to hows everyone in the city but also i want to recognize we have a Strong Institution of communitybased organizations in the district that fight more Affordable Housing for decades and tenderloin corporation with search warrant r is one of them i want to acknowledge their work additional don fox leadership clapping. and building more Affordable Housing and we have several anymore sites im excited about mixed use p mission and howard and 4 and the forethought so when the revenue and the opportunities came forward we built Affordable Housing in the city where the land is incredibly scarce but what is exciting for me, i want to share a story in august i interviewed commissioners 3 applicants what was astonishing most of 3 applicant were recipients of the Affordable Housing program with an lived in my District Court and the second was the housing magnitude by lifesaving strfrtd and the third housing for 14 mists a tenderloin residents it is how for this work is it feels last week were not building enough when you meet the youth and families in the neighborhood weve built Affordable Housing those are the most cranial moments im excited to welcome our recipe to the in and look forward to serving you finally he just want to give a shout out and thank the city for their support of building more Affordable Housing it has been 20 years since we last passed the Affordable Housing bond no 1996 for one hundred Million Dollars and last night for one hundred and 50 million that will have a tremendous impact not only to the district i represent across the city and we have a lot to do a lot to do when i came into the office we were building at 80 percent of low Income Housing needs that is good but have to keep up the numbers we were this only building others less than 12 percent we have to continue to build low income Affordable Housing we have to we must build more middleIncome Housing in San Francisco in order to keep diverse San Francisco whether it is giant on this site or you know with future projects i look forward to making sure we are doing the balance we need to see thank you very much and congratulations to everyone involved clapping. thank you, supervisor kim im don fox ceo of the tenderloin development c n b c im tired those kind of projects have hundreds if not thousands i want to recognize our partners mayor ed lee supervisor kim and the Mayors Office of housing tishmans and hundreds of others we just are part of progress and those dont happen without a collection of people the story of this site begins in 1998 and so if nothing else this is a story of perseverance bank of america owned a parking lot the bart or parking lot the purpose was because they were going to eventually need to expand the data center right next door they were going to need more computers well, it turn out because of the rapid growth of Technology Computers dont need more space but less space they declared it surplus land and argued to to proposal to sell the property in a bargain sale below the market value value in order for us to build housing it is 17 years later thats a very arduous and difficult process through recreations and boosts the detergent of Affordable Housing resources that are available from the state and federal government many challenges to overcome to produce housing like this i think that is important for me to say and for us to understand this is not mark farrell Affordable Housing not mark farrell dwelling units those are homes and home is the platform for opportunity for people if people have Affordable Homes they dont have to make the choice been paying rent and medical skewer and teacher of the hear of their children we do much more than off for you walls and a ceiling thank you very much for being here and ems to the next person thats correct clapping. we have two units that are open for anything that wants to go in and see the units what else am i supposed to say eric. But we thank everyone for coming that this is a great public partnering thank you to everyone for working together to make this good morning, Everyone Welcome to the Veterans Academy here node presidio and i want to thank our Veterans Administration how you doing vets great to see you and were here to rezoning confirm over commitment to the vets and thankfully for joined by address the commission up to three minutes. Par offending and mark, thank you for joining me this presidio has and this site has been a very successful model of housing Affordable Housing for our veterans and it has been a part of a network of housing that beacon hill and i worked on now sam dodge beven margaritas to rest a little bit as our homeless are thank you to the staff in working closely with any office of housing and focus on vets i know that veterans day is around the corner we have more news was we rezoning confirm our commitment to end chronic homelessness and thank you to president obama and the first lady mrs. Obama theyve challenged many mayors across the country to make sure all us mayors do we we can to he said the homeless of vets well do that in San Francisco i want to thank our source of hours sharing michael are you are a Wonderful Agency and working on homes for heros on office of the city administrator its street and residential hostilities of hotels lying ever like the one on Kearny Center the that is yet again another great model today, weer identifying that we have about 200 and 70 Homeless Veterans were going to houses by the end of the year and identifying housing unit but asking for more help were going to be helping help from the federal government we need to make sure that those vouchers that our veterans get have the opportunity value that is reflective of the kinds of housing costs our vets are facing even though we have perhaps enough of those vouchers to go around they dont reflect the high cost of living thats why were advocating with hud and the freshen to increase the value 0 so this bmsz a more valuable thing the other part to request we have a deeper commitment by the Property Owners in San Francisco we have great people who have served our country that are having have possession of the voufrngz and need homes and apartments and place kept off the market we want to make sure that we ask a broad venue of landlord and Property Owners throughout the bay area to assist us in low income those units for our fine veterans this is what were nourng today begins with the citys commitment address my commitment as a son of a vet he want San Francisco make sure i honor my father and his service by honoring the vets and treat them as theyre my own kin as well we cant do more and better by treating them well theyve stated that for the country our role to make sure we honor them and not just housing in our city when we welcome in vets do it in a holistic way services that are invaluable and a lot of issues have arisen for the vets weve identified over time and want to provide them with Good Health Services and good job plummet and training thats why our office in concert with our homes are create a jobs portfolio for the vets for one stop and working with the trustees like ac election ralph at city college to make a ask the next question to those who are returning and work with them as they get the training and jobs of the 21st century we want to be there with Supportive Community communitybased organizations and all the training agencies have a spot for veterans to make sure their convenient and assessable and effective in giving job training to our vets ultimately i want to make sure our vets with work in the 15 destroys that are indicative of our success as a City Health Care a big economic driver why not and tourism and Hotel Industry and culinary worlds best were hosting the super bowl 50 why not have the opportunity veterans in that tourism and making sure theyre part with us and earner good job in the Technology Industry over the course vets can help that is what were doing with tech sf recruiting veterans and young people to Work Together to make sure they have the job skills and were creating in our city a administrative reviews segment that hopefully regrets the kind of commitment for look good men and women in the past this is making things with our hands and something we want to work request city college and the local legislators have a brewery and candy and crocks or my favorite ice cream i can make ice cream over the course i can make my favor one scoop for you two scoops for me in all the destroys we want our vets strained and ready and able well be advise our employers that you have a very great pit in picking a veteran for a job while advocate and make sure you have every chance of success ublt though that housing is one of the most important things thats why the question what a crisis in the city and make sure that out of this crisis we emphasis the needs for people who have already as far as i am concerned for our country that is getting homes for our veterans we have more to say than when it comes to veterans that are homeless we want to make sure that theyre off our streets and on to warm housing thats why were securing the are long term leases with our Residential Hotel but we want to take over the vabt Vacant Hotels and rezoning do them and rezoning wire and rezoning paint and have them with new facilities and alliances just like 250 kearny street expensive but worth it you should see the faces of those theyll not be proudly when in theyre in the center of where everything is happening and get a lot of good contact right next door in the restaurant and in the industries that are downtown to get the jobs we want those are all the things were doing were also building new housing for the veterans how about new housing in mission bay weve dedicated and break ground brand new housing for the veterans im proud of working with the mission bay residents they embraced that idea if the get go so 9 Biotechnology Companies and others welcomed the veterans where we have more and make sure that we preserve the housing that veterans with in right now and to make sure that a place like this gets a long he remember longterm history city and work with the Presidio Trust to make sure they how were you that as well i think that of all places and whether it is downtown, whether it is otis or the mission bay the presidio has extra matt haney because this is was the place a lot of people in the history took off to protect our country and welcome them so thank you veterans and the administration that is working with us and thank you to the Community Groups and homeless staff and outreach staff and the Service Providers thank you sam for your leadership youre taking acknowledge now in fulfilling big shoes that beven has in taking a but most 0 importantly will to eir e every single one of our veterans thank you for your your sacrifice and service i have gifts i want to welcome up here for a little bit of discussion about his life and what this means where patrick thank you, sir clapping. were really excited about moving into the academy today, i just my dog and i are owner movein thank you to the plowshares and the mayor and people to help house everybody that is involved in the preservations in this city and country im truly grateful for this opportunity. Thank you very, very much clapping. thank you, patrick and you know now for mark your welcomed to those welcoming bathes for the unit they have some good seeshltz and stuff you can much on a great partner in the city one i cherish flou plowshares your obvious on the other hand, and in peoples lives and advertising us on the issue buses a day to day basis that is unavailable in Central Government to keep us on track so michael. clapping. thank you i dont want else to say youve covered that all geeze what can i say ill say that this you know this building inspection former admitted base is the swords to plowshares to a place that people are former soldier are healing and having housing and since and response to that it is magical when you do things like give a veteran and can we to their own home helping with jobs and benefits thats a key weve been here since 2000 i said this base being able to take a deep breath and look around christie one of the most you Beautiful Spots this is worth several therapist i dont want to offending the therapist but taking a deep breath it is making a big difference with the community you know having a backing of mayor ed lee and this commitment that is what it takes takes a tremendous investment in the federal side and the federal assistance the veterans and the hope and a hope house and office all the working very hard people that is how it happens at the end of the day the veterans are there we need services on staff and onsite to make a difference in their lives theyve what wife be able to do with the help in the city it is typifies a time were grateful and onward and upward thank you so much really clapping. okay wow. Wow, i get to give the keys to each one alfred welcome to your unit here clapping. thank you. Thank you, sir. Mark welcome to our unit thank you were proud thank you. Patrick welcome to your unit and your. Reilly thank you very much. So were going to take age tour all right. Thanlittle tou. We all know a major earthquake will eventually hit San Francisco are reproerl presented San Francisco is making sure we are with the Public Safety buildings. This consists of 4 consultants the Police Headquarters with the from 850 with a brand new fire station number 4 to serve mission bay swimming pools at office of Economic Workforce Development in the fire station thirty. Is the the hall of justice on bryant the new home for 2 hundred and 50 uniform and voiven compresses we all it was opened in 19 so sociothat is a 50year improvement as far as structure and Work Environment had that will be a great place to work. When construction began in 2011 this was with an clear goal to make sure with the big one heights the resident will will have a function Police Department those are the highly seismic standards it is up to operate up to 96 hours from the Police Department perspective that building is selfsufficient for a main made arrest in all disastrous zake ever after we will run our operational from here no matter what happens this building and the people that serve the businesses will continue to function building is designed to meet lead goal certification and also to art installations on the campus that was designed and constructed to better sense of ability so for example, were using solar water heaters were also urging gray water for reuse inform flush water and rainwater for the cooling and irrigation locked on third street and mission rock is it serves the motorbike neighborhood and motorbike i moiks is a growing neighborhood and the intent of the bond to have please and fire serves to serve the community. Hemming helping to keep the building and the stay safe was the not the only opportunity it creates many jobs with 82 bleb businesses overall san franciscans contributed one hundred and 87 thousand hours to help to complete the project it shows the city of San Francisco the elected officials and Police Officers and more importantly the voters that paid for the building this is what we can do with when we wrorpt this is a beacon when we need to build new extra we can trust them with the money and the plan they did a good job the San Francisco public is a reminder of the importance of being presented and will continue to serve the residents for decades to come hi today we have a special edition of building San Francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about San Franciscos earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. The next episode of stay safe, we have Alicia Johnson from San Franciscos department of emergency management. Hi, alicia thanks to coming it is a pleasure to be here with you. I wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in San Francisco. Well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. Having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. How long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in San Francisco. It depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. What kind of neighborhood and Community Involvement might you want to have before an earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. It is important to have a Good Relationship with your neighbors and your community. Go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. It is important to have a batteryoperated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the Community Around and how you can communicate with other people. One of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. Yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. So a title to a home, a passport, a drivers license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any Vital Information on your computer. Back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. In your home you should be prepared as well. Absolutely. Lets take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. We have no water, what are we going to do about water . It is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. We have this big container and also in peoples homes they have a hot water heater. Absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well what other things do people need to have arent their home. It is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. Here is a giant can of green giant canned corn. And this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. Yes. So in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. Having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. It is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. And here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. I hope that you have an alternative one at home. Oh, i forgot. And in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. I have them right here. Good. Excellent. That is great. Additionally, you are going to want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. Markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. I am okay and i will meet you at. Exactly. Exactly. Water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. We have matches here. And my spare glasses. And your spare glasses. If you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. If it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. Inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. Very important. We have a little first aid kit. And lots of different kinds of batteries. And another spare flashlight. So, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we dont have damage . One of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. Make sure that your tv is strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. Also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. Becoming prepared is not that difficult. Taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra everyday items on hand helps to make the difference. That contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. Absolutely. If you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. We are all proud of living in San Francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. So, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. Absolutely, it is my pleasure. And thank you for joining us on another edition of building music herb theatre,open rehearsal. Listen to the rehearsal. I think it is fun for them, they see our work process, our discussions, the decisions we make. It is good for us. We kind of behavior little bit when we have people in the audience. Msk music we are rehearsing for our most expensive tour; plus two concerts here. We are proud that the growth of the orchestra, and how it is expanded and it is being accepted. My ambition when i came on as music director here it was evident we needed absolutely excellent work. Also evident to me that i thought everyone should know that. This was my purpose. And after we opened, which was a spectacular opening concert about five weeks after that the economy completely crashed. My plan and im absolutely dogmatic about my plans were delayed slightly. I would say that in this very difficult timefor the arts and everyone, especially the arts, its phenomenal how new century has grown where many unfortunate organizations have stopped. During this period we got ourselves on National Radio presence; we started touring, releasing cds, a dvd. We continue to tour. Reputation grows and grows and grows and it has never stopped going forward. Msk music the bay area knows the orchestra. You maybe take things for granted a little bit. That is simply not the case will go on the road. The audiences go crazy. They dont see vitality like this on stage. We are capable of conveying joy when we play. Msk music any performance that we do, that a program, that will be something on the program that you havent heard before. String orchestra repertoire is pretty small. I used to be boxed into small repertoire. I kept constantly looking for new repertoire and commissioning new arrangements. If you look at the first of the program you have very early, young vibrant mendelson; fabulous opener and then you have this fabulous concerto written for us in the orchestra. Is our gift. Msk music and then you have strauss, extraordinary piece. The most challenging of all. String orchestra work. 23 solo instrument, no violin section, now viola section; everybody is responsible for their part in this piece. The challenge is something that i felt not only that we could do , absolutely could do, but i wanted to show off. I cant tell you how aware i am of the audience. Not only what i hear but their vibes, so strong. I have been doing this for a long time. I kind of make them feel what i want them to feel. There is nobody in that audience or anywhere that is not going to know that particular song by the fourth note. And that is our encore on tour. By the way. I am proud to play it, we are from San Francisco. We are going to play that piece no matter where we are. clapping. i want to welcome you all to it press Conference Im signing a member of getting to zero and hiv the Research Unit in the San Francisco district 2 on behalf of Barbara Garcia the director of Public Health and the cyber come storm i want to talk about the 3 goals of getting to zero the zero inspections and preventable deaths eagle that hiv and discrimination against hiv we have those goals and building we can get there because of tremendous break through these with prevention and attempts by bringing those together we can do that were launching our 3 spheres initiatives to take advantage of those the first is citywide the preextensive taking a daily pill to prevent new infections and rapid that get people offender the day of diagnose into care with wrap up around comprehensive medical and social services the day same day and retention everyone living with hiv connected with care, he want to say that the way wale get to deter is get everyone to zero we need to reach into our vulnerable communities those who may be suffer from the greatest amount of city hall stigma and barriers to those great break televise in hiv we can get to zero and so im here to introduce several speakers mr. Will talk about exist Publicprivate Partnership and ill begin by introducing mayor ed lee who is a stalwart supporter of the hiv and aids work over the many years and also the first last year donor to get to the effort by allocating an additional 20th century 4. 4 million to our program mayor ed lee clapping. thank you, dr. Bucking minor and thank you to you to our Public Health department to our incredible relationship of sf and then appreciation of the work over the year buzz you entire staff to not only prevent aids but make sure we put the science in front of everybody were ignite by that as much as id like to take the total credit for the bucket i have two supervisors that have been in my office many times to make sure wear sage i want to say and appreciate supervisor wiener and supervisor campos for always working with me closely with had comes to everybody from the cuts in federal government to what we need to do to get educated approaches like using prep and make sure we do all the things that dr. Bucking moisture second therapists our model and the National Model in not the worlds model to how we approach it and aids as the doctor said im committed and the board altogether as a city have tremendous partnership i want to thank the communitybased organizations that are recommended here they are just incredible they represent the diversities of the city that is our strength but also represent the way in each we communicate in different languages without boys welcoming in our transgender population our lgbt population people from all over the world that might be experiencing and victimized by aids and hiv were a welcoming city a city where we do build walls around the communication we have to have and allow ourselves to understand the science approach thats why were here and also here today to say were at at astonishing time in our city a time we can see some answers beginning to happen in an especially desk that plagued over city for years, of course, a city where hiv started and was discovered and reached epidemic levels but were also since that time a city at the forefront of appropriate response and this would not have happened the communitybased organizations and this would not have happened without a great Institutional Department of Public Health urban forest and the conceives partners we have and we signal to our Lgbt Community that their toichlt was to be part of this not deny them or afraid but welcome them into the covet levels of services they need this is what we do in San Francisco and we know now that it is a model not only recognized by many other cities but suggest this has been a mellowed for the United Nations to suggest to other countries facing the same epidemic over city will never turn our backs on those effects by hiv and aids weave made that commitment to our Community Partners and the rest of the world and thats why we have funded our hiv prevention and care to the tune of 44 million of hiv prevention and care for the next year and we will continue to do that and continue to fight for the money that we deserve but if congress cannot act wale backfill that we know that is absolutely necessary and it is also work of willing to sign and support with our board of supervisors the United Nations getting to zero initiative as well because we want to have zero infections and have zero death we certainly want to have zero stigma perhaps earlier than 2030 and this declaration demonstrates over commitment and were flooding to do it but back up request serious money in addition to that we have included actually, 1. 2 million in new money for getting to zero initiative and i know that this is an incredible signal again that getting to zero is important very important to the city but as i said today, we have partners that know that if we take a step forward theyll take a step forward and whether it is the communitybased organizations or the partners at usf were also always welcoming additional partners and today is to announce that making aids foundation is generously supporting our getting to zero initiative with over half a millions to this case added to the 1. 2 millions we added partners thats incredible clapping. this is a credible announcement i did tell nancy and karen it is great because at my house with the wife and kids i only see making stiff with your part of that effort here but i just say just a deep thanks above the city we have yet again another partner to step up i know theyll be even more that will be petitioning took this we all want to get to zero that zero cause is going to guide us and be our mantra a rallying crepe we cant in our lifetimes ends up this epidemic we want to do so this is what we do in San Francisco this is why we live here and want to second class with our partners and those are are experiencing to say we have a rich life in San Francisco to be gained by following this by the by working with us i say today an incredible thank you on behalf of the city and is that we as a city will continue this wonderful effort that we have continue the dialogue but getting to zero is going to be a guidance and the conceives but well do it in a way to honor with incredible diversity thats you are strength of the city thank you for being here clapping. thank you so much mayor ed lee and now id like to introduce supervisor wiener from district 8 who has been with the consortium from his id like to take the opportunity acceptance. Thank you very much well, i dont use making products laughter i am thank you. Always i am deeply appreciative of this contribution to our getting to zero consortium and this effort to once and for all eliminate hiv infections and death in San Francisco and do with San Francisco has always done with hunting the pioneers and to end hiv infection throughout the world period end of story and mr. Mayor, thank you for your strong support for those efforts i again in came out as a gay man in 1987 with no real treatment people railroad dying left and right a tough time as a young 17 yearold gay man, i came to San Francisco in 1997 living in castro just starting to see the treatment and people railroad getting healthy again and really terrific over time this progress a disease weve having had played defense for many, many years trying to keep people alive and get people healthy and federal hiv through the federal biscuit congress couldnt get it together with so many years of hero, etc. Efforts that wave overcame our hiv funding and thank you, mr. Mayor and supervisor campos for us you will of us back phil the hiv federal cuts we were playing defense now offense now moving forward and doing so well in our getting to zero effort since the early 70s weve reduced hiv deaths by 90 percent we have in the early 90s reduced hiv infections by 90 from over 2 thousand last year three hundred and 2 infections and well, thats three hundred and 2 too many but with that effort germany quick testing, regular testing and investigating people notice over 90 percent of hiv positive people in San Francisco ive noticed immediate access to treatment and viral infections and all tools including assess and making sure that people can afford prep we can do this and get it done that is an exciting step forward we have a Wonderful Partnership within your city and communities and communitybased organizations all working together and very, very grateful for the foundation support of this effort thank you. clapping . Now id like to introduce supervisor campos from district 9 as also been part of getting to zero since its inception. What an exciting did i thank you, mr. Mayor and supervisor wiener and everyone that is here you know when we talked about doing a budget supplemental last year to specifically target making prep available to anyone who wants it in San Francisco the idea behind that is you know San Francisco has never been afraid to be the first to do many things and San Francisco has been a sanctuary when it comes to things like immigration and things like mel medical cannabis and this is about San Francisco becoming a sanction from hiv infections we want to be the first city not only in the country but the world for that to happen the reality were all connected i know and we will be able to do that and be successful only if we are able to target the most vulnerable amongst us this is the challenge that we have when it comes to hiv infection i believe that the city is cable of doing that i want to thank making i do use your products laughter thank you. I expect you you know some sort of fee for that you can give it to one of the organizations here i think that we can do it if anyone can do it San Francisco, california do that and i want to provide some context i want to ends with that because it is not a negative note it is simply remembering how far weve come the they know that comes to mind as were here talking about this exciting prospect all the friends weve lost to this day so to and all of us have someone last week that to the memory of my friend michael and who died from this epidemic he ask you for a moment of silence to remember them in that memory rededicate ourselves to this silence . Thank you very much. Thank you supervisor campos and. Now, its my pleasure introduce dr. Diane the leader of the aids program at San Francisco General Hospital who was providing care with patient with hiv from the beginning of the epidemic in San Francisco. Thank you susan the getting to zero movement in San Francisco started in 2013 at a World Aids Day we hosted at the lgbt center after a series of panelists described the scientific advances and Initiative Programs in our city one of the Community Members in the front right now raised his had an had is you go attorney are you all working together and it was a month to month moment of silence a call to action 3 months ago latter we pulled together an all City Consortium with our political leaders and ucsf and kaiser and People Living with hiv and set others priorities cigarette butt for the 90 percent reductions in 2020 one of the initiatives one of the things weve realized people are falling all the care between the time they were history tested and the opportunities to start therapy the testing and the care at the car centers we did something practical we did we called a taxi for people after they have unusual or transportation and welcomed them to our clinic the same day they got tyler hiv results and engaged them with care and counseling issues and offered them to start therapy that very day well, just like in 2010 there was some resistance we were the first city in the world to offer treatment for people with history a little bit of resistance but with with our experience we know that is working and we everything that the time to viral infection to undetectable we have cut in a half that gay for a patient living if hiv it reduced contribution this provides a terrific relieve foreclose People Living with hiv and helps with disclosure ill share a story from one of the patient who told his mother mom i have hetch hetchy but dont worry ill be okay i started treatment today right now getting to zero a movement to thank all the sponsors the mayor and supervisors to making aids that focused on detention to allow us to expand the first in the world Initiative Programs weave have this in adam dam and paris wanted to know about that in conclusion weve made process in San Francisco not over with the Strategic Investments we are convinced by working together as a multiple sector group of people in the community San Francisco style well be the first jurisdiction to get there thank you. clapping and. Thank you diane and now my pleasure to introduce the making president karen. Good morning, everyone and thank you to the city of San Francisco and blair for allowing us to partner whether i think about hiv and aids it has been a fight well have from of the beginning when our founder frank and others over 20 years ago they said what can we do we know how to do lip shrink stick that will be the plan it was formed and this is 100 percent giving me model that went to a mac if you remember rubbing paul i remember him that brought awareness against hiv and aids we honor today, our last spokesperson over current spokesperson is millie they give us the power to reach miles of people around the world and Underserved Community thats what we are b this is about genders and the mac aids funds to serve the communities all sex see sexes we can both do with that the power of this lipstick we have our San Francisco Leadership Team here it is this pact that makes that work we have 9 thousand artists around the world that sell those plans we say at mac you sell a lip is it correct youll save lives we want to save a lot of lives we are going to challenge every city in the United States and around the world to bring it grant to you get rid of atas aids thats what we say to. clapping. thank you. Ill introduce nancy who is the Global Executive director of mac aids funds. Thank you susan i start my career working in San Francisco if we or thought about what would be the lass last city it was not San Francisco i had the president ial Council Partnerships are difficult an Credible Partnership the fact that the mayor and the supervises and ifrls are willing to be here shows skin in the game peep have gotten out of the way they think and bring the food retail to health care we spend a lot of time thinking of cosmetics youve done the exact same thing to keep people in the testing story i want to acknowledge the make up artists weave erase almost 434 million thats laugh lipstick clapping. and really it is very proichd the specification understand that a city is only as healthy as the citizens the way were going to end this epidemic through the leadership of San Francisco it is an honor and thank you, again mar mr. Mayor for back filling those funds we want to invite more funder and people to fund this incredible effort and people to end this in every city thank you very much. Our next speaker at Vice President s for philanthropist and fee aids foundation. Thank you. Good morning everyone you you know we have a assessing at San Francisco aids foundation you can tell with macro u mac is in the house theyre the most fwlam reduce people in the room often theyre the most compassionate so thank you and a round of applause for mac corporation. clapping. you know for 3 decades our city is simultaneous with the groundbreaking issues like zero San Francisco is once again setting the pays for the rest of the nation soon, well ends hiv contributions and death and hiv limit stigma getting to zero is the natural have you had occasion of what weve done time and time again innovation didnt get the job done process requires commitment, collaboration and Community Action it requires a plan and getting to deter is that plan for San Francisco San Francisco aids foundation is very proud to play a major really in the plan and soon the foundation will open a center in the castro marketing a new era how to approach hetch hetchy but celebrating people for who they are and how they look we created this because we believe that is fare time to treat gay and bio and transmen id like to take a maximum to thank mayor ed lee and supervisor wiener for a being our dna samples and thank you for their support theyve secured one . 5 million for funds thank you both clapping. im proud to announce for the first time a gift an additional gift if mac aids funds of one how do we do that . Hundred thousand for preparing and p. A. P. And thaengs for their port well have the opportunity largest prep program in the city if not the world thank you clapping. together with major vanes wear more confident than ever well soon add history contribution to the long list of definition that can be accomplished when san franciscans come together thank you clapping. thank you, james and jailz james is a member of the getting to zero Steering Committee with the Wellness Center and hell speak. clapping. good morning this is such an incredible moment in the hiv epidemic we stand here today and not just dream about that maximum well have no new hiv infections in hiv dedicates and stigma we can actually stand here and say confidently this will happen well realize that i cant they know mayor ed lee and supervisor wiener and supervisor campos for your support tremendous investment i participate on the Steering Committee of getting to zero were the community that has invested strategizing in investing care and prevention that is incredible it is. Result of years and years of hard work im also the cochair the Hiv Aids Network over thirty hiv, aids services and support organizations it provide medical care and mlk Substance Abuse and Employment Services and Housing Support wrap around services for living with hiv we work hand in hand with the city over mayor and board of supervisors to make sure that safety net has remained intact and unbroken despite the cuss in the federal funds our leadership is unparalleled across the country weve long championed in collaboration as a cornerstone the San Francisco model of hiv care over 19 years weve established a aspirin with the debiting to provide comprehensive and integrated care in the tinder neighborhood in San Francisco over four years ago, we where he lived federal funds to establish a Pilot Project that focuses on women of color and living with hiv and keeping them in care and getting them the health and wellness and youll hear from one of our mutual chinese to talk about her satire those promotions of national sixth are helping the vulnerable folks achieve Health Wellness that rely on the institutions and resources like right thing to do center and the district 2 are doing together a core approach in our city that for our success weeping well ends this epidemic thank you. clapping . Its my great pleasure to introduce joann brown who will talk about here experience. Thank you for having me in 1988 i was diagnosed with hiv in 1994 he found out i was living with aids i was nervous and lost any job and parttime and i got on drugs real heavy and got directed from my father and mother by 2011 i moved to San Francisco and want api there i met my doctor a can say manager and worked on any esteem and helped me get back to work im a nurse and work as as outreach worker the good part this is a program for transgenders theyre for coming together and we can learn about our needs and who we are and in this Community Living with hiv and aids and get to support each other and not worry City Government missed and judge people passenger seat fingers we live a healthier life and build on ourselves and good back into the communities and strength and get to find jobs and apartments and houses then today, i have a two count of 2 thousand and 6 today it is for getting to zero so my call to all of San Francisco i think that is important that as transparence women and men for this program to we can possibly be part of movement it is important for us thank you i love teaching. It is such an exhilarating experience when people began to feel their own creativity. This really is a place where all people can come and take a class and fill part of the community. This is very enriching as an artist. A lot of folks take these classes and take their digital imagery and turn it into negatives. There are not many black and white darkrooms available anymore. That is a really big draw. This is a signature piece. This is the bill largest darkroom in the u. S. There are a lot of people that want to get into that dark room. I think it is the heart of this place. You feel it when you come in. The people who just started taking pictures, so this is really an intersection for many generations of photographers and this is a great place to learn because if you need people from different areas and also everyone who works here is working in photography. We get to build the community here. This is different. First of all, this is a great location. It is in a lesspopulated area. Of lot of people come here just so that they can participate in this program. It is a great opportunity for people who have a little bit of photographic experience. The people have a lot, they can really come together and share a love and a passion. We offer everything from traditional black and white darkrooms to learning how to process your first roll of film. We offer classes and workshops in digital camera, digital printing. We offer classes basically in the shooting, ton the town at night, treasure island. There is a way for the programs exploring everyone who would like to spend the day on this program. Hello, my name is jennifer. My name is simone. We are going on a field trip to take pictures up the hill. Cmon, cmon, cmon. Actually, i have been here a lot. I have never looked closely enough to see everything. Now, i get to take pictures. We want to try to get them to be more creative with it. We let them to be free with them but at the same time, we give them a little bit of direction. You can focus in here. That was cool. If you see that . Behind the city, behind the houses, behind those hills. The see any more hills . These kids are wonderful. They get to explore, they get to see different things. We let them explore a little bit. They get their best. If their parents ever ask, we can learn they can say that they learned about the depth of field or the rule of thirds or that the shadows can give a good contrast. Some of the things they come up with are fantastic. That is what were trying to encourage. These kids can bring up the creativity and also the love for photography. A lot of people come into my classes and they dont feel like they really are creative and through the process of working and showing them and giving them some tips and ideas. This is kind of the best kept secret. You should come on and take a class. We have orientations on most saturdays. This is a really wonderful location and is the real jewel to the community. Ready to develop your photography skills . The Harvey Milk Photo Center focuses on adult classes. And saturday workshops expose youth and adults to photography classes. Thank you everybody. Let me begin by doing this [beeping] i always wanted to do that. Every since my Elementary School teacher did that to me. I want to thank you for coming to city hall today to help the School District to be the best uben School District in the country and one way is respond to the housing needs. As you know we have a housing crisis that is decades in the making and want to make sure as we commit 250 building new housing and preserving the neighborhoods and preventing people from getting evicted that we Pay Attention to the essential workforce of the city. We have in the past talked about the need to make sure the First Responders are in the city so we started a loan program and thank tooz the supervisors working with my office we are able to do that to the tune of 250 Million Dollars and believe that whole program is taken care of and we need more in the future but it is a mark of our effort to make sure or essential workforce is here. As you also know i ar ticulated the need to brild houseer by 2020 and making sure a third is affordable to low income and over half affordable to middle income fmlies as well. We are rebuilding the Public Housing as noted last week with [inaudible] in town and we declared and announced our blue print how we will get to insure over 10 thousand of the 30 thousand units affordable and as you know we recently introduce would the boards cooperation several pieces of legislation that can accelerate the building and rehabbing of the housing faster. Im also making sure that long time San Francisco residence can stay and maintain their residences here in the city and so we have funded programs that strenten eviction protection and using Small Sites Program to also preserve and build more housing. All of us unanimously have sent to the voters 310 Million Dollar housing bond that will not raise property taxes bit will be of great help in areas like the Mission District that need more Affordable Housing and also need the neighborhoods stabilized. Speaking of middle class it brings me to todays announcement and happy to be joined by so many supervisors and School Superintendent and united educators and one of our teachers so we are also make sure we Pay Attention to a grit great part of or essential work force and that is those who teach in the Public Schools. We know about 70 percent the Public School teachers live in the city but we also know the housing prices means that number could change very quickly. We are not certified with 70 percent. If we can make that higher that will mean teachers will have more reasons to sacrifice the time, the expense it is to be here, but also to be aworld Class School System you have to have teachers willing to spend a lot of time after school, before school, parental engagement, engaging with students and families. This is what makes a world Class School System worlds class. So, our housing challenges for the teachers also mean that we will meet the retention challenges for our School District and therefore the challenges that face or stud chbts. That is why i made teacher housing a pritorty and a part the housing working groups that have gone on that included everybody that is standing beside me and somany others. I worked closely with superintendent [inaudible] and the school board and the School District is here. The elected officials from inSchool District is here to join in the announcement between a joints erfbt between Mayors Office of housing and the School District to provide Affordable Housing for ast least 500 teachers by the year 2020 and will use programs and refund and resource programs like a very successful teachers next door program. It is so successful as of today has zero money and we can renew that with some 200 what we call forgivable loans. I like that term, forgivable loans. They provide down Payment Assist toons the teachers so they can buy a home and continue to teach and live in the city. Our School District and our office will jointly fund a Housing Development for at least 100 educator house holds. We will provide rental assistance frs at least 100 educators and provide at lease 250 thousand dollars of Housing Navigation counseling recollect if you will to over 100 education households within the next 5 years. All 4 of these programs are important because we heard in our discussions with teachers, with representatives, that not unlike the housing challenges in our city, the challenges for the teachers are just as variesied. Stabilizing rental assistance, opportunities to buy a home through downPayment Assistance and program and counseling all of that is important to keep the teachersism we believe the programs in the funded manner and we plan and the strategies we discuss it will allow at least 500 teachers afford to be here in San Francisco through 2020. Supervisor [inaudible] agreed on the strategy to achieve the goal and talked through it and agreed with this and know it will make a huge difference. While there are programs already insuch that help people find and attain Affordable Housing middle class earns like the teachers do not always qualify for them and that is quhie i am focused on teachers today. Today we have with us a teacher who accessed our existing Housing Programs to purchase her own home. She is a relatively new teacher at James Lick Middle School but so lucky because she won our housing lottery. You is student have to win a lotly to get a house in San Francisco. I want to congratiate lindy [inaudible]go bull dogsism she will come up here and talk about her experience as a teacher in sth School District. Lindsey was able to access below market rate Housing Program and won the lottery to purchase her own home at 1400 mission street. Well create more housing opportunities for the tuchers so they can live where they teach. That is important to us. As i said earlier, i think if we have teachers who live here you have their time before and after school and have a lot more parental engagement and these are things that are foundidations of great school systems. Before she speaks i want to come up and have come up our superintendened of Public Schools and want to congrat ylshzs superintendened [inaudible] and the School District because just last night we received word that the states California School Board Association awarded our School District what they call the, golden bell award, which is i think a fantastic achievement. I think we again are the best performing large urban school in the state of california and it was recognized by the School Board Association so want to congratulate the sfr intendened

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