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the largest country on planet earth. it's got a relatively huge economy for the region. and it's got one hundred and forty five million people who live there. ukraine has a population of about 40 million. it's the poorest country in europe. it's got an average annual income that is much lower than albania's. so just by looking at the most basic wikipedia level numbers, it was clear right away that if ukraine wanted to remain a sovereign country, and of course, all of us wanted that for ukraine, ukraine was going to have to reach some kind negotiated settlement with russia. pitched battles were not going to do it. now, that's not a moral judgment. you can root for the ukrainian military all you want, but it's still a fact and there's no getting around it. the second thing that was immediately evident about this war was how unusually destructive it was and was going to be . it wasn't just ukraine that was getting pummeled, though. it certainly was. it was the entire western economy, including our economy, russian energy fuels europe, a recession. and germany was certain to lead to a recession here. and in the months since, it has a bad the longer this war goes on , inevitably, the poorer everyone is going to be , with the exception probably of vladimir putin. so we are breaking things that are very hard to rebuild. again, this is very obvious. the first day of the war, you weren't allowed to say it at the time. anyone who did was denounced as a russian spy, but it was still clearly true. and the ukrainians certainly understood it. back in april, according to an account in foreign policy magazine, negotiators from the governments of russia and ukraine met secretly and , quote, appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outlines of a negotiated interim settlement to end the war. the terms of the deal were simple. russia would withdraw its troops from ukraine. ukraine would promise not to join nato . so each side would get the thing that it wants most simple and effective. and it might have worked, but the biden administration adamantly opposed the settlement. biden's advisers didn't just want the russians to leave ukraine. that's what they told us they wanted on television. but now biden's advisers wanted a total regime change, war against russia, apparently to avenge the election of donald trump. which they believed putin was responsible for, and they were willing to fight to the last ukrainian to get it. so on april 9th of this year, the white house dispatched its hapless cutout, then british prime minister boris johnson, to kyiv. according to ukrainian news media, johnson communicated two messages to the zelenskyy government, quote, the first is that putin is a war criminal. he should be pressured, not negotiated with . and the second is that even if ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with putin, the west is not. in other words, who cares what the ukrainians want? america and the uk demand total war with russia regime change, war with russia. and of course, the ukrainians caught in the middle had no choice but to concede. so days later, the peace negotiations fell apart. this was virtually unreported at the time, but it was the turning point in the war in ukraine. this was the moment where the goal change from restoring ukraine to what it was before the invasion and it seems reasonable to everyone in the west to something very different to a war designed to topple vladimir putin, just like we toppled saddam hussein and then hoping for the best afterward. that is clearly insane and dangerous. but that's where we are. and from that point on , everything changed and that is how we got to where we are today, which is the closest we have ever been to nuclear conflict in history. this week, president zelenskyy of ukraine gave an interview to the left newspaper, the guardian , and in it he casually called for the united states to nuke vladimir putin, quote, the other nuclear states seem to say very firmly that as soon as russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear strikes on foreign territory, in this case, the territory of ukraine, there will be swift retaliatory nuclear strikes to destroy the nuclear sites in russia. pass that and we're quoting, as soon as russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear strikes before russia actually launches missiles, the u.s. needs to launch nuclear weapons against russia. in other words, we need to launch nuclear weapons. now, why now? and how do we know that's what zelenskyy meant? because the leonski was responding to this warning from the russian government on wednesday. watch. >> katsunobu, i want to remind you that our country also has various means of destruction and four separate components for more modern than those of nato countries. and when the territorial integrity of our country is threatened to protect russia and our people, we will certainly the means at our disposal. >> it's not a bluff. it's not a bluff, says who we are told is insane. >> so we probably should take it seriously. he is , after all, running a country with the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet and he's talking about using nuclear weapons. if the west continues to threaten russia's territorial integrity, it's a conditional warning. and , of course, threatening russia's territorial integrity was never part of the deal. right. you remember this. it's why you were ukrainian lapel pin or put a ukrainian flag in front of your house. ukraine was invaded. the point was to kick the russians out. that seems reasonable. by any standard of fairness and decency, but that's not what the bush administration is pushing for. they're pushing for toppling the government of russia and once again, hoping that everything will be fine after that, someone better will somehow take over. he's bad. >> let's kill him. heard that story before. so in response to what putin just said, ukraine's government called for an immediate nuclear attack on russia, an attack that would, without question, result in the immediate destruction of new york , washington, dc, los angeles, the deaths of tens of millions of americans. that's what he just said. sane people do not talk this way ever. if there was a moment for the bush administration to shut this whole thing down and force a negotiated peace, which they could do in an instant, that moment is right now before huge numbers of people die. but that's not what the bush administration is doing. they're moving in the other direction, high speed and doing all they can to bring the west to the brink of destruction. at the un yesterday, joe biden accused russia, not ukraine, of making overt nuclear threats. >> watch. this war is about extinguishing ukraine's right to exist as a state, plain and simple. and ukraine's right to exist as a people, whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you believe that should not, that should make your blood run cold. president putin has made over nuclear threats against europe a reckless disregard for the responsibilities of the nonproliferation regime. we will stand in solidarity with ukraine. we will stand in solidarity against russia's aggression, period. okay, putin is bad. i agree. but putin is making nuclear threats. whatever the reason he is making them, the fact he is making them. and the ukrainians, of course, are also making explicit nuclear threats is enough for any responsible person to say now we stop, especially if that person is the leader of the united states , the country which is funding this war. and that could end this war tonight by calling ukraine to the table. russian troops leave ukraine promises not to join nato . everything is as it was in january of this year. and everything's fine. we have to worry about new york getting nuked, but that's not what they want. so joe biden didn't say a word about america's responsibility. here again, we are funding this war. we could end it. they're choosing not to. he didn't say a word about that at the united nations, of course, because they want war. and neither did secretary of state tony blinken watch the president putin picked this week as most of the world gathers at the united nations to add fuel to the fire that he started shows his utter contempt for the u.n. charter, for the general assembly and for this council, the very international order that we have gathered here to uphold is being shredded before our eyes. we cannot we will not allow president putin to get away with it. every council member should send a clear message that these reckless nuclear threats must stop immediately. okay, so tony blinken, the secretaries of state, is a buffoon, a failed rock musician, reading some paper posturing like a cable news segment, how putin is bad. great. got it. but sitting behind him in the shot, you just saw someone who is not a buffoon at all. >> and that would be tory nuland, one of the people responsible for the disaster in iraq. now, a functioning country. anyone who had a hand in the 20 or tragedy of iraq in which america's prestige was gravely degraded, in which thousands of americans died, in which we got much poorer for no good reason, anyone who was involved in that, including the lie that got us into it, would be disqualified from participating in american foreign policy. forever. but torie nuland just ascended, descend to descend until she brings us to the brink of nuclear war with russia. so tony blinken is telling the united nations and the rest of us that it's okay for ukraine to threaten nuclear war on behalf of the united states . >> and the rest of the world looks on with their jaws open, including china, of all places. here's china's foreign ministry spokesperson yesterday, one woman who we call on all parties to achieve a cease fire and stop the war through dialog and negotiation and to find a solution that takes into account legitimate security concerns of all parties as soon as possible. we also have the international community will create the conditions and space for this. we call on all parties to achieve a cease fire like the one they nearly had in april before the biden administration blew up because they want regime change in russia. now, that's coming from china, which has a human rights record that makes russians seem like sweden. and of course, china has benefited almost as much from this war. as putin has and raytheon and lockheed has. but even the chinese are not crazy enough to want nuclear armageddon in the end, all they want to do is do business and dominate through business. they don't want their customers to blow themselves up and they understand they're coming incredibly close. only tony blinken and lunatic's victoria nuland really want that. and they are fully behind ukraine's president as he declares that his goal is not ending the war and getting his country back , which is a fine and admirable goal that most americans support. his goal is toppling vladimir putin and turning russia into another failed state. oh, good plan. here he is . a crime has been committed against ukraine and we demand just punishment. the crime must committed against our state borders. the crime was committed again, the values that make you and me a community of the united nations and ukraine demands punishment for trying to steal our territory. this is the first item of our peace formula, comprehensive item punishment. >> so a corrupt eastern european authoritarian leader in a t shirt is lecturing us about the community of nations and telling us this is really about the punishing ukraine demands. it's not about self-defense. we're their territory back . it's about regime change. specifically, they're demanding a nuclear strike from us . how do we get involved in this anyway? but almost nobody in washington is standing back to ask that question. they're full speed ahead on this. this is insane. but they're all for it. adam kinzinger just tweeted this quote, by the way, any target within russia that contributes to the war is fair game. by law of armed conflict, there's no escalation possible by a country fighting for survival. anyone claiming ukraine is escalating could stop anyone saying things that stupid in public should immediately resign from public office and be silent until wisdom comes. >> please that over in the senate, lindsey graham and richard blumenthal are in agreement on just that same point they've announced that russia is a state sponsor of terrorism. >> okay, russia should be declared a state sponsor of terrorism. because the events of these past days and weeks have shown the need more powerfully than ever that russia should be designated a state sponsor of terrorism. i think bipartisanship is strong when it comes to supporting ukraine over russia. i want to thank the administration for doing more . we have our differences about the next step. but speaker pelosi's in our camp. she has said from her point of view, russia has earned the designation in us law of being a state sponsor of terrorism. >> the fact that lindsey graham can go on television, as he so often does, and claim to be conservative and someone who cares about the united states is beyond. >> so this is part of the endless posturing about how russia is bad and sure, russia's bad fine, russia's bad, but it's the words, as always, that matter. they're telling you that russia is now a state sponsor of terror. why are they saying that? and you're probably not. yeah, it seems like a bad place for the badly fine. but state sponsor of terror, it's important for them to define russia very specifically. is that why? because what do we do with terror states ? we topple their governments. >> we go on the offensive. we take the fight to them. and that's the position of washington on a bipartisan level. and it's particularly the position of people who believe falsely speaking of election related conspiracy theories, that vladimir putin stole a twenty sixteen election. and no one believes that lunacy more fervently. than the lady who lost here. she is there getting the weapons they need to defend themselves. and they're now on offense. and i think we have to keep supporting them, helping them. they were attacked by an unprovoked act of war and they've held out and they've done better than anybody could have predicted. and zelenskyy has been a true wartime leader. i'm so impressed with him. absolutely. and i think, you know, the united states should stand with them. so if you're one of the millions of good hearted republicans who , when this broke out in february, thought, this is awful, you shouldn't invade a sovereign country. and of course, we agreed with that. we should stand with ukraine. you may feel a little fooled at this point because what you're watching is classic mission creep. we arrive for one purpose and we extend the stay for an entirely different purpose that you didn't sign up for. and that will absolutely hurt the united states long term. so when hillary clinton says we're going to stand with zelenskyy as he goes on the offensive, that does not mean expelling russian troops from his country, which everyone would agree with that means toppling vladimir putin and creating a black hole in the center of eastern europe, the place where asia meets europe in a country with some of the biggest energy reserves on the planet and the largest nuclear arsenal. oh, how's that going to work out? well, let's listen to the pentagon spokesman there going on television to explain. >> what we need to do is instead we just need a reversal. we say i'm all in and we haven't done that. for example, we haven't given the ukrainians systems like the attack missile, which can reach all of crimea. it's a two hundred mile range, 500 pound warhead. three hundred three hundred bomblets to it. it really can put the russians at threat. but we haven't done that. and i think we should put them in threat until they really believe that we're seriously going after him. he's going to continue to make these threats. >> so, again, anybody who had a hand in, say, like the last five wars, the diminished american power killed americans, made us poorer, hurt the united states long term in very real ways. anyone who participated in any of that should probably bow out of the conversation about the latest war for the same reason that you wouldn't say take financial advice from someone who gone bankrupt or go to marriage counseling with someone who's been divorced three times because they've demonstrably failed in their area of so-called expertise. and that would include virtually everyone you hear talking about this stuff is going to continue making these threats, meaning putin. so was apparently the only threats that we object to. if ukraine wants us to launch preemptive nuclear strike on their behalf, that's totally fine. >> this is complete craziness. this is a, quote, strategy that could very easily bring the total destruction of the west end soon. and maybe that's the point. colonel doug macgregor virtually alone among american military analysts, understood the potential consequences of this war. the very first day, the day it started, he was attacked for that. we're honored to have him join us tonight. doug macgregor, thanks so much. for coming on . if zelenskyy is demanding that we preemptively nuke russia, you would expect someone in washington to say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's crazy. talk. but i don't hear anyone saying that. well, there are a couple of things at work. first of all, almost from the very first moment that the russians moved into eastern ukraine, a succession of retired generals and political hacks in washington, london and elsewhere have been declaring imminent victory for ukraine seven months later. and the ukrainian army is bled white. tens of thousands of ukrainian troops have been killed or wounded. ukraine is really on the ropes and trying to create the illusion that that's not the case. >> at the same time, vladimir putin has finally concluded that he can't negotiate with keith, that the real problem is , of course, washington and that washington will not negotiate with him. so he's opted for partial mobilization, bringing in additional forces, ostensibly for the purpose of ending this thing. and at the same time, he's very aware, as any of us are, who are in the defense community in washington, that there's been a lot of loose talk for several months about the viability of waging a limited nuclear war against russia, using the so-called tactical nuclear weapon. this sort of thing is very frightening to the russians. they've made it very clear that their use of nuclear weapons, is it limited to retaliatory strikes in the event that we or someone else strikes them? so they just wanted to reaffirm clearly that they will respond if we use a nuclear weapon. i just in one sentence, tell me you've been in washington in the in the u.s. army for all your life. people didn't used to talk like this. let's just throw nukes the country. i mean, when did the start i think we've always had a certain number of people who believed in the viability of a limited nuclear war. but normally they were beaten back into into the background and regarded as , quite frankly, crazy. but they are in ascendance and they have gained a lot of credibility. >> it's it's shocking to people who don't pay attention to this stuff every it really is the most reckless thing i can imagine. colonel doug macgregor, thank you so much. for something to make sure so as the bush administration pushes for nuclear war, there, of course, ignoring our own hemisphere because that might help america to keep our hemisphere in order. and that has allowed china to take over huge parts of our hemisphere, including increasingly brazil, the biggest economy in latin america, a country that's now led by global scenario. we spoke to president bono for a brand new documentary you made for tucker carlson, originally called the china take over. brazil is now available on fox nation. >> here is a preview of it. to his credit, bosna has resisted efforts by lawmakers to sell off brazilian land. he opposed the introduction of chinese made vaccines, and he has made efforts to get the us to invest in this country. >> but the goal is to try to be somebody who has the lunar orbit of brazil, a monkey with a cure. so i thought 30%, that was just you. you supported alone until the election of an openly pro-american president . was a rare opportunity for the united states to reset relations with brazil and reestablish influence there. but the democratic party, enraged by balseros conservative views on social issues, took a pass. america is a nation that can be defined. the single word put in to the foothills of the himalayan xi jinping. last summer, nearly two dozen house democrats sent a letter to the biden administration attacking both scenario by name. we hold these truths to be self-evident. all men and women are created by the go . you know, the you know the thing. >> in 2020 one , a group of left wing celebrities, including jane fonda, alec baldwin, mark ruffalo and leonardo dicaprio sent a letter to joe biden demanding that he not make deals with both scenario because of the deforestation of the amazon . ironically, deforestation in the amazon is a direct consequence of china extracting resources from the area. biden may be ignoring brazil for another reason. it turns out that our leaders may be just as much for sale as brazil's in the year's proceedings. presidency. biden's son , hunter, made thirty one million dollars from business deals in china. some of those deals with people who have direct ties to chinese intelligence. apparently, it had an effect on joe biden in joe biden's first year as president. how many times did you speak to him and what he is up in? >> biden's snubbed bull at the g20 conference, but incidentally, start united america. traditionally, developing countries will try to leverage great powers to get the best deal they can out of both sides. but in this case, america is not even at the table. all we do is show up and lecture them about stuff. nalliah obrigado will of america. and we'll see that the of they'd rather work with us and not with the chinese. but if the choice is between nothing and china, they're going to choose china because they need it. washington is simply too distracted by pointless foreign wars. you even notice what's going on in our hemisphere. that's tucker original documentary. again, it's called the china take over brazil. you can stream it right now on fox nation. told you last night about several hospitals that are mutilating young children for profit. those hospitals did not like to be named. it didn't appreciate it at all. and today they scrambled to delete evidence of the crimes they're committing. we'll tell you who they are next. >> it's really striking the amount of control that china already has. we're going to wake up one day and we're going to ask, how did this happen? and the answer is we let it happen. china knew very clearly what they wanted from brazil. they know how brazil can play a role in their rise under the biden administration. china is replacing the united states as the dominant power in our hemisphere. china will build ports, they'll build roads, complex infrastructure. they basically say just billions of dollars. and here's a few million for your family. we want to control your country. the chinese government has spent billions of dollars buying brazil's natural resources. are you worried about the level of chinese investment in brazil? if another country controls your natural resources, how really our country anymore and there won't be anything we can do about tucker carlson, originals in china take over brazil streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox station. >> .com is one of the games of the year. we three might be the last time we ever come here again. 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