0 treatment. tell your doctoror nditions... r had the liver or kidney transplant or other liver problems, hiv r, other medical conditions and all your medicines do not take that out of your report right away. yellow skin, stomach pain or swelling, confusion and bleeding for 360. plus a call conference here at on this matter. ask your doctor about having to help you save. >> good evening and welcome and tucker carlson tonight. imagine you to went to school wh sandy cortez. a lot of people did mention 2011. and you're both students at boston university, a not quiteno prestigioust , a highly expensie school for kids who couldn't get into tufts university. this is because three daysat a week at twelve twenty you see her in your philosophy ofr gender and sexuality class. she's always there in the front row snapping her gum and then like clockwork, she never misses your theory seminar. >> which meets every thursday. at three thirty pm. because if there's one thing about theory, they're not early risers. thndy goes to both and shehe talksey a a lot in both classes. she jumps into the conversation whenever she feels she is somethinger important to say, which is frequently. >> she's hardly a genius, but she is highly self-assured. she's got strong opinions about racism , cosmetics. she seems to spend a lot of oume updating her facebook page . aret the main things that you remember about sandy cortez now fast forward ten years. suddenly cindy cortez is aly world, famous figure. somehow she's calling yourself alexandra ocasio cortez, some kind of female che westchester county's first socialist revolutionary. and she's still yammering ist racism. ey and i shadow her twin obsessions and she's still frantically updating her social media pages. t some things have not changed, buthings h other things have ch. >> one night you're watching tv and you see sandy cortez talking authoritatively about america's energyy grid like shen knows a lot about itd and that stops you in your tracks. wait a second. the energy grid, that'ss an adult thing, right? not theory. that's that'sed a very complicated piee of infrastructure. even a lot of engineers don'tnd really understand how the energy grid works h. y how could sandy cortez possibly know anything about that? she can't drive a standard transmission. she can't program a coffeee or even make her own bed in the morning. the energy grid, it seems preposterous. >> so you grab a beer and you settle to watch her talk about it and your jaw hangs open as you do. >> here's what you see. we know that there is no such thing as cheap energy because the price of cheap energy has a always been our lives. the trampling of indigenous rights is a cause of climate change, the trampling of racial justice is a cause of climate change. we're like the world is going to end in twelve years if we y don't address climate change. and your biggest issue is your your biggest issue is how are we going toy pay for it and like it? this is the war. this is our world war to the fossil fuel industry and the future of humanity are fundamentally incompatiblefu. they just are. i mean, that's not a political opinion. that is the sciencecethat is a. we continue to burn fossil fuels. our planet will become inhabitable. energy has energy generated. you know, what's a what what's amperage? speak slowly. we've got timeer. >> but she doesn't said knows the fossil fuel industry and the future of humanity are fundamentally incompatible. they just >> i mean, that's not a political opinion. that's just >> t of course it is . that's the science. whatever i say is thee science debate here. >> obey democracy works. >> thank god you actually have to convince people. and so she tried to introduce the green new deal three years go and didn't go far. in fact, it went nowhere. in fact, virtually nobody in congress supported it. in fact, whenin it came time for a vote on a green new deal , even her cospar answer the other guy who wrote it, the super woke senator fromfr massachusetts voted present not pr in favores. now why is that what? nobodyy di actually support it?o well, because if you think cow flatulence is even in the top two hundred top issues for most americans, you're sayingggo equities go back to theory class, get to fossil fuels. yeah. what then? well, starvation, poverty, societal collapse. la voters, it turns out, are not into any of those things. and so nothing that resembleses the green new deal is going to pass the united states congresss in our lifetimes, provided this remains an actual democracy, which is to sayem providedth the public has anything toth say about how they're governed, that's a nonstarter here. iit's never going to happen by democratic means, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. it doesn't mean that ideologues can't impose the green new deal on weaker countries that are too poor to refuse it and over the past several years, that's exactly what they've done. so the real deal is actually taking effect around the world. so we won't have to guess what would happen if it took effect here. we can. . >> no, that's science. let's start with donna. place, there's a pretty little country peaceful place actually on the west coast of, on africa. three years ago, ghana was in great shape. it had one of the fastest f growing economies in the world . and it's so much energy over most of the last decade. it wasng it to exporting it to s neighbors in west africa. now those energya. exports from ghana peaked in >> why that new will? because the next year the world bank published this headlinee on its website, quote, world bank approves largest ever. >> guarente for ghana's energyha transformationna. >> they promised to transform your energy slowdown, but itep didn't slow down. >> they just kept going.t the world bank promised to provide and we're quotingng technical assistance for energy sector reforms and the drafting of a new renewable energy law. w so in return for all this help, ghana agreed to limit its carbon emissions and then t they entered the paris climate agreement. oh, how virtuoushehe. what happened next? this the part you don't read that much about last year, ghana experience a complete shutdown of its national power supply. >> notdow more electricity, no emissions because we have no electricity and blackouts have continued since then. >> just yesterday, a new sourceo in ghana reported that, quote, residents in partsde of the shauntay region who have been hit with power cuts are without water as well.. because it turns out you needec electricity to provide water f also to grow food. now, this is not a small thing. the chanty region has millions of people living in it, but alln nowg living in the stone age. te and it's not just the energy grid that's now compromised eedn ghana. international observers say s the country is now facing severe food shortages and hunger, starvation within a matter of months. >> why is that? it'srd a fertile country, hardworking people. well, now are running out of fertilizer. why? well, because for years any cortez's friends in the ngo community pushed on it toward less efficient, more expensive organic fertilizers. and the government exp of ghana because it's not a rich government caved last year, according ghana's news service. ghana's agricultural minister, quote, urged local farmers to adopt an organic agriculture system to reduce the impact ofat climate change. >> oh,e what happened then? well, the good people gone up while they feel good about their fight against climate change are now starving. and in june last month, police in ghana used water and tear gas to attack hundreds of demonstrators in accra, which is the capital of ghana. it's not just gonna be the same thing, just happened in sri lanka. in 2006, the world economic forum published an article by a columbia professor called joseph stiglitz, one of the dumbest people on planet earth, urging ghana to transition to quote, high productivity, organic farming. what it's all about for me, ever farmed.d. >> but he felt strongly that sri lanka should try a new kind of farming and of course, sold it to sri f lankans as a pathway to prosperity. in 2015, the world economicwo forumrl published an article on its website entitled and recording this is how we will make sri m uncle rich by twenty twenty five . you can search for that article ,but it's gone now along with the government of sri lanka. sot they had an actual insurrection, not january six , not a guy in j hornes inni a bearskin running around on mushroom's making weird noises. insurrection will they like come to your house and swim in your swimming pool route through your sock drawer and make you leave. that's p what they did to the people who run sri lanka, they being the public. the turning point came in 2020wh one when the president of srieno lanka acting on advice fromn the world economic forum, banned the use and importation of chemical fertilizers.ld foune partition of chemical fertilizers. the problem was the problem was virtually every farm in sri lanka use thosei fertilizersla for food, which ia turns out people need every day in order toy survive as a result of that move, food prices in sri lanka nearly doubled. s millions more sri lankans now live in poverty, which is not a joke. >> and because the economy has collapsed so it can now cannot afford fuel imports. so sri lankans are now waiting days for gasoline watch. >> thirty six year old cuban and autorickshaw driver has spent two nights at the gas station 15% in colombo. it's been an endless wait to refuel his three-wheeler patrol bombs are all but dry across the city. >>ng i know myself at every: petrol station we go to, they tell us they have run out of gas with no fuel to run, has been out of work. hehe leaves his rickshaw in the care of friends and heads home to his family, wheretu the situation is equallyat dire it's been a crippling shortage of cooking gas across o the island nationf runs by fatima has been cooking on a kerosene for the last three months of i only have this one bottle of kerosene left. it'll finishene after i heat the food tonight with what's so interesting is millions of people are now really suffering . the government just fell in sri lanka, now known as flunkeys s whites. they're all what our democratic party would call people of w color. and yet the american intellectuals who push that disaster in sri lankaer who are responsible for the suffering there have escaped all s culpability. no one is sayingay a word about it. meanwhile, a a cop in minneapols was rough with a convicted felon two years ago. we have too stoptwve everything and send him to prison for life. but joseph stiglitz is totally fine.. and it's not just happening, by the way, in the third world. it's happening even in richun countries. the netherlands, for example, is a very richh country, the second biggest food exporter in the world tried to do for reasons that are noto clear but may have to do with western guilt. the same thing that leaders in t sri lanka tried to do. they just ordered farmers to cut virtually all of their nitrogen oxide emissions to, quote, save the environment . now doing that would shut down most farms in the netherlands and destroy the country's food supply. and once again, that led to riots. so everything that's happened in sri lanka and ghana and the netherlands is happening at the behest not simply of i ideologues, but of some of the largest financial institutions in the world. they wantd.f more of this. >> it's what ghana has achieved, a near perfect esg environmental impact score ofvi ninety seven pointro seven . according to world economic research. sri lanka has an easy score of ninety eight point one , the netherlands nineteen point seven . so the poorer you get , the more human suffering there is , the higher your esg score. and that's important because companies will not invest unless you have a high esg score. interesting. so these countries have noex choice. and that's why southd africa, for example, worked so get hardo get an fauci score that nowbe totals ninety one .ga that effort began in 2015 whenre south africa switched to renewables. w? how does that work like everything in south africa, no one in america really wants to know. it is country. >> it's a huge success. looks lifelike in south africa for people off all colors it stop. p well,la the guardian of all places reported at the time we're quoting solarnd, biomass and wind energy systems are popping up all over t the county and feeding the clean energy into the strained electrical grid. so that grid been fallinglect at since 1994. but no problem. the green energy genius's are going to save south africa. have that worked? well, seven years later, "the washington post" reports that south africa regularly experiences, quote, rolling blackouts s s that last eight hs or more crippling economic activity, disruptingno life in this nation, 60 million people. and that's true. ask anyone who lives there. >> it's falling apart. doesn't work. also true in france, franceew is committed to renewable energy. how's that working? well, franceabhosng? currently t esg environmental score of ninety two point six . why? because ten years ago france pledged to drive a quarter of all of its energy from renewables in 2018. these policies led to riots. remember the so-called yellowjackets? people didn't like it. if youou cared about democracy would listen to them. but notuey one in charge actually does. so they don't.ave gotten then. this and things have gotten worse since then. this past june, the heads of three french energy companies called on the public to quote, immediately reduce consumption of fuel oil, electricity and gas amid shortages and soaring prices o stop civilization. it doesn't work. that same month, france's president publicly begged joe biden to start pushingprd more oil because the saudis cannot make enough to supply europe. watch europe. i'm a with claims my according to its conclusions, can be one more capitalism peaceful solution inside. so only the europeans have been dumb enough to embrace this. unlike ghana, they could afford not to, but they are anyway out of some weird sense of collective guilt. so it's happening throughout europe. in the uk, esgs pe score of ninety two point seven , the national infrastructure commission has warned thate as many as six million households could face power cuts this summer. sound fac s like the first world? no, it doesn't. that's england now in germany, esg score ninety point to the government is now rationing hot water due to an ongoing gas crisis. officials in hamburg, germany, second largeststny city, just warned that, quote, warm water could only be made available at certain times of the day in an emergency. just a few years ago, the german government laughed at warnings from donald trump that thist could happen. it's on yeah,eo they are so stupid. you have no idea green energy is the future. every place that's been triedha has fallen apart, every single one with no exceptions. >> albon sin, kenya, argentina,r peru, ecuador, panama, libya,s so on . a but it's not just a problem there. it's becomingg a problem so nine states are school environmental issues currently stands at fifty eight . but joe biden, who buys into every stupid trend, wants to change. that is very important to get our esg score i because we want to be like donna. the very moment that biden is sending our strategic petroleum reserve, which wepe own, he doesn't to his son's business partners in china, he's vowing to end fossil fuels in this country and boostil our usd. esg >> what would there be any place for fossil fuelsls, including coal and fracking and a biden administration? >> no, we will work it out. we would make sure eliminated and no more subsidies for eitherone of those fossil fuels, no more subsidies for fossil fuel industry, no f more drilling on federal lands,n no more drilling including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. >> but c i want to look in my eyes, i guarantee you i guarantee you we're going to end fossil fuel.l, and i am not going to cooperate 1%. e so let's just be really clear . fossil fuels aren't just not bad. fossil fuels aren't just a net good. fossil fuels are the only thing that stands between the united states becoming guana. are the only thinge that makes the united statesthnd a rich country and not a poor country. we have the largest recoverableh oil reserves in the world. ift we can't tap those, weha will be gone. we will be poorna. but joe biden doesn't care. and so he is clamping downct on our ability to extract them . l and like the leaders ofea every other country driven into the ground by green energy schemes, thought up by like cindy cortez, he's taking no responsibility for the damage he has caused. we need more refining capacity .this ide this ideaa that they don't have oil to drill and to bring up is simply not true. this piece of the republic is talking about joe biden shut down feels wrong. nine thousand. okay, so we ought to be able to work something out whereby they're able to increase refining capacity and still not give up on transitioning to t renewable energy. know anythin he doesn't know anything about refiningng or extracting orth how the grid works or anything but anything because he's never had a real job because work foro the federal government so there's none of these people have any experience doings anything. again, most of them can't drive a manual transmission. t so to get a lecture o on the power grid or energyr from people who have no idea what it is is a bit much. and the topic is too important to continue tois listen to their nonsense as we become poor. and by the way, as the risk just beneath the surface in american society are exacerbated by that poverty is gdp drops, societal tension rises, it's dangerous. back off and it's accelerated. in the pastin year, the united states has experiencedas blackouts in some of our biggest states. why?y?ying because of relying more and more on renewables, places like california and even texas. just yesterday in order toas. ou avoid a blackout, the largest grid operator in the state of texas did beg residents to turn, up their thermostats. no more ac for youe and ask them not to use any major appliancess really in texas, which is the,nd largest oil and gas reserves in the continental united states. what are they doing in texas? butt across the orlando, florida recently experience with fertilizer bans to quote, curb pollution. so the world economic forum wants a lot more of this. f they just released a position paper calling for countries to, quote, agree to end the underpricing of fossil fuels, which is the principle factor preventing a clean energy transition. in other words, it'ss to cheap it works too well. gas needs to be higher so you won't be able to use it. so you'll have to be poor. and they're saying thises as we're watching countries around the world, we give you more detail. de you see the pointta are collapsing and enteringre to a state of revolution because these tampered with their energy grid. but they don't care. they're to continue doing it unless someone stops them until exactly the same thing happens. that's true. marc morano knows it's true. he's the author of the great reset global elites and the permanent lock. he joins us now. so mark, you've been working on this for years. you've written a lot about it. watching but now watching the public enter the homes of the people who run sri lanka and swim in their pools, you'd think the world economic forum and biden would say, wait wnd a second, we don't want revolution. luti back a little bit. but they're not they're not learning anything. what? >> they're not learning anything because this is such a deep set ideology i. if you go back about twenty seven , the un came outag with a report, an agricultural report warning that farmland was creating more dangerous heat trapping gases in the entire transportation sector. they've been at a warn on agriculture for decades and their goal is to literally get us to eat insects and this lab grown fake meat. and one of the ways they're achieving that is by collapsing the current farming. netherlands is a model success of farming, but because of the net zero goals of europe and its country, they're going to now have start shutting down. and these are family run generational farms. they're going to be replaced. either they're going to be usedd for some other purpose or they'reer going to be replaced with equity asset firms, people like bill gates orss even china buying up this land and they will play the game of the net zero emissions. and that's what'srl happening around the world. i call it the sort of the defund the police movement movement moment wheree in less d than two years defund the police. people could see the results, see pe,he the collapse of citiee and crime. we hadid joe biden saying it's time to fund the police less than two years after the movement began. kamala harris applause. nancy pelosi applause. i think green energy and this whole thi war on the agriculture is now the voters cannot support this anymore. and we're seeing what's happening in sri lanka. we're seeing what's happening in the netherlands. nds, protests in other countries growing. canada's following the same fertilizh fertilizer.r. this is a war against modern civilization, make no mistake about it. >> and it's a war against people. life expectancy will drop to the floor if we tamper withur fossil fuels there. there are greatest blessing. but i just got to ask if l i started lecturing anybody on heart surgery. here's how you do it. heart so you don't know anything about it. you've never performed heart performed heart surgery, how d ohow are we allowed people like cortez and biden who don't wanto a carburator is to lecture us about something as complex as energy policy like this is insane? >> well, it's because people like the world economic forum, s this is their stated goal. john kerry can go to the ceos of majorof corporations and get them to sign a climate pledge which then commits them to all these green goals. h so this is all happening behind the scenes. that's why they love places like davos. there'sslove places no lobbying. corporations can meet with politicians behind the scenes and this is what they do.. it's about how they can make money. they believe that us , the unwashed masses, if left to our own devices, will create inequity, racism, environmental destruction, climate crisis. so they literally want to regulate not just our farmingha but every aspectt of our lives. and that's really what the world economic forums and the united nations is after here is controlling humansco and they're playing with fire . they will get actual revolutions if they mess g. that is true. mark brown , i appreciate coming on . thank you soo much. thank you. b i appreciate it. so if sandy continues to be anw expert on the energy griden and joe biden can be a doctor , dr. joe problem is like sending joe biden sometimes goes outside and talks in publicta. he now herr adopted son describes her as a vindictive. is that true? well, we did an investigation on that. joe biden vindictive or i'm question mark and the resultsct will haveig for you it could serve the boot in the rear. you mean above the drinking loaded our post. we're headed down to the i don't care if we ever come back . that was the issue of the do you have a life insurance now youha can tell your policy, even a term policy for immediate cash payment. ha we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement, but we quickly realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you had one hundred thousand dollars or or let y more life insurance,fi you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel your policy lapse without 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The Guardian ,Solarnd ,Colors ,Success ,Energy ,County ,Electrical Grid ,Wind Energy Systems ,Green Energy Genius ,Fallinglect ,1994 ,Activity ,Anyone ,Nation ,Experiences ,Doesn T Work ,Franceew ,Washington Post ,Rolling Blackouts Ss ,Disruptingno ,Eight ,60 Million ,Wall ,Quarter ,Franceabhosng ,Ninety Two ,2018 ,Consumption ,Three French Energy Companies ,The Public To Quote ,Yellowjackets ,Notuey One ,It Ave ,Youou ,Soil ,Europe ,Fuel Oil ,Prices ,Shortages ,It Doesn T Work ,Stop Civilization ,Saudis ,Conclusions ,Europeans ,Peaceful Solution Inside ,Sense ,Thate ,Pe Score ,Households ,Ninety Two Point Seven ,Infrastructure Commission ,Uk ,Resgs ,Six Million ,Point ,Officials ,Gas Crisis ,Sound Fac ,Second Largeststny City ,Summer ,England ,Ninety ,Emergency ,Times ,Thist ,Warnings ,Ceo ,Video Id Yeah ,Donald Trump ,Triedha ,States ,Single ,Exceptions ,Becomingg A Problem Here To ,Albon Sin ,Peru ,Nine ,Strategic Petroleum Reserve ,Trend ,Fifty Eight ,Son ,Administration ,Business Partners ,Fossil Fuelsls ,Usd ,Fracking ,Coal ,Ability ,Subsidies ,Drilling ,Eitherone ,Drilling On Federal Lands ,In My Eyes ,Oil Industry ,Fossil Fuel L ,1 ,Thinge ,Good ,Iguana ,Oil Reserves ,Statesthnd ,Downct ,Clamping ,United ,Joe Biden Doesn T Care , Poorna ,Weha ,Recoverableh ,Gift ,Responsibility ,Damage ,Ground ,Green Energy Schemes ,Piece ,Refining Capacity ,Ideaa ,Tide ,Republic ,Something ,Know Anythin He Doesn T ,Transitioning To T Renewable Energy ,Nine Thousand ,Extracting Orth ,Job ,Experience ,Doings ,None ,Refiningng ,Bit ,Topic ,Energyr ,Power Grid ,Lecture O ,Manual Transmission ,Stois ,Risk ,Gdp Drops ,Nonsense ,Tension Rises ,Surface ,American Society ,Estate ,Blackout ,Grid Operator ,California ,Pastin ,Order Toas ,You ,Beg ,Mac ,Reserves ,Thermostats ,Appliancess ,Youe ,Curb Pollution ,Fertilizer Bans ,Butt ,Orlando ,Florida ,Words ,Factor ,Energy Transition ,Position Paper Calling ,Underpricing ,Yit Ss ,Thises ,Pointta ,Detail ,Someone ,Enteringre ,Revolution ,Collapsing ,Reset ,Homes ,Mark ,Permanent Lock ,Author ,Elites ,Pools ,Wait Wnd A Second ,We Don T Want Revolution ,Deep Set Ideology I ,Maluti ,Nineteen Eighty Seven ,Fun ,Farmland ,Report Warning ,Transportation Sector ,Heat Trapping Gases ,Outag ,Twenty Seven ,Goals ,Goal ,Model Success ,Lab ,Insects ,Fake Meat ,Ways ,Zero ,Equity Asset Firms ,Usedd ,Purpose ,Family Run Generational Farms ,Bill Gates Orss ,Results ,Land ,Sort ,Defund ,Around The World ,Police Movement Moment Wheree ,Game ,Crime ,Movement ,Applause ,Collapse ,Whole Thi War ,See Pe ,Citiee ,We Hadid ,Fertilizh Fertilizer R This Is A War ,Civilization ,Protests ,Mistake ,Bonds ,Heart Surgery ,Anybody ,Heart ,Life Expectancy ,Floor ,Blessing ,Mali ,We Tamper Withur ,Energy Policy ,Biden Who ,Don T Wanto A Carburator ,Pledge ,Lobbying ,Climate ,Ceos ,Behind The Scenes ,Majorof Corporations ,There Sslove ,Corporations ,Politicians ,Devices ,Money ,Scenes ,Climate Crisis ,Unwashed Masses ,Inequity ,Environmental Destruction ,Revolutions ,Forums ,Aspectt ,Humansco ,Playing With Fire ,Talks ,Joe Problem ,Energy Griden ,Fbi ,Publicta ,Anw Expert ,Mark Brown ,Vindictive ,Investigation ,Question Mark ,Resultsct ,Will Haveig ,Boot ,Rear ,Post ,Drinking ,Policy ,Life Insurance ,Cash Payment ,Retirement ,Term ,Worth ,We Don T ,Coventry ,Policy Lapse ,Income ,Finding Out ,One Hundred Thousand ,Four ,800 ,One Hundred Thousand Dollars ,Five ,Home ,Insurance ,Real Estate ,Network ,Information ,Commission ,Agent ,Service ,Icing ,Cake ,Twelve Thousand ,First ,Payments ,Hiring Ideal Agent ,Mortgage ,Process ,Agents ,Discount Brokers ,Breaks ,Blockbuster Headline Read ,Chassidim ,Season ,Humans ,Comedy Housebroken ,Saving Creatures ,Sarcasm ,Job Worth ,Victory ,Speech ,On The Road ,Well ,Episode ,Horizon ,Adult Supervision ,1000 ,

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