0 who will tell you that many ofee these very gruesome physical t attacks we've seen against asians in this countryagains are perpetrated by nonwhite, not by , you know, not by white supremacists. these are people who are sthesoe reluctant to say that all they want to say is that trump fauls arelt and republican at fault. >> she's a shill for china and she's hiding. >> great to see you tonight thank you.u.here. we're out of time, but[c yeah, yeah, i . i want your hands to bleed. i'm kidding, baby .y thur happy thursday, everybody. and it's a glorious thursdayeryi >> but tonight's big question,e why are young liberals so depressed, especially when compared to their rity counterparts? the studies show it. you can see it for yourselves.pp do these people look liklee they're having a good day? >> maybe if you define a good day, is resting your in a bowl of battery acid, don't knock it.so so what's behind this agony?becs >>e are they liberals because they're depressed or they depressed because they're liberals? it's the old what came first? the responsibls the ol came e rd chicken or the organic egg? the quick answeranic egg. watche they're not watching uplifting programs like this one . i'm surprised colbert's creditsw don't end with how to tieose. a noose. it's very depressing. sometimes i cry.to g but to get to the bottom of this, you actually do need a former lefty. this week, matt englishes covered a 2020 two academic t paper titled the politics of depression, which comes complete with a beautiful chart. >> you know, you can. trustyou c an tanything with a chart that n likers and numbers and line. sometimes they're even shaped like pies. n understandunderstand the. the backbone would say>> [in get everybody laughed at their jokes, go . >> but there's lots going me on here. so let me simplify it for you. simpli fy ithe line at the top, the dak blue , those are female liberals. and as you could see, if yous he look closely over the years, their depression levels have gone up faster thathn the pricee of hamburger. enter joe biden.r so they're the most depressed, , but right underneath them, malem liberals, which makes sense. they'rs sense ever on top of anw . yeah, you know what i'm saying? yeah. >> thank you. but the least depressed conservatives, men and women. so what's the deal?iglesi glitziest writesas some of it might be selection effect with progressive politics becoming a more congeniaogressir people who are miserable but adult progressive now valorize depression as a sign of political commitment. so to put that in english,ul adult liberals incentivize misery . ess it the worse you feel and theu do more you express it, the better you do. in thesein circles, as matt points out, the left loves misery, and part their is sharing it with young people. it's like doom is are white van and they luring kids with promises of attention it wc street cred. >>rehe here're is their call.ea tithey challenge the corporation challenge, yet there's still oliver's challenge. yet that is not right. thatt is not fair.! >> when liberals push the ideale everywhere andjusticralse exists everywhere and everyone's out to get you. when we live in a whiteryon e supremacisisto gett world , o you're going to be depressed. >> on the other hand ,to you thr might get your own show on msnbc, but it's a self-fulfilling cycle. >> it feeds itself around the clock. >> like ana navarro, teens walkr on eggshells, worried about how innocent words might get them canceled. abouminorities are told they'lli never succeed on their own. and in seven years, the world'tl sking going to end because bigotshees keep making grilled cheese on gas powered stoves. no wonder everyone's so angry and depressed. >> look at gretta thornburg. she was asked to leave a chuck e. cheese on her fifth birthday because he was bumming out the other customers. that's not true story. >> but does it matter? so it's not a chicken or egg question at all. it's a learned behavior. once your drama getshavior a spotlight, you turn it up tur to eleven. and so at a young age, they'rei. told the worldre tol, there's ny to win. and then you get rewarded for embracing envy and victimhood. that's how you get rachelvict dolezal. that's how you get jesseimho t. mallette. to bu ft ifind you want to find ot what happiness looks like, it's not at ralliesit is no or at prt we're being unhinged, is rewarded. it's at footballs. games, es halloween parties, barbecues, gun ranges, christmas concerts, people watching raunchy comedies or listening to comedians. it'sstening th people having fun. and it's just about everything louns seek leftist to ban. remember, woke ism isn't jusca t an attack on reason, it's an attack on fun. so all you young, depressed lefties watching and there's got got to be at least three of you who tuned in to learn about relief. dr. remember the old adage, misy misery loves company and that's. company. t want to keephappwa happinesses there if you wantnt it and you can have it, it's easy. it's just harder than crying like a little g. t us go . tonight's guests. man he married a man named david to save on towel roy to read the report. host dave rubin, he's busted the more guts than bad cheese. comedian, host of the super maximum retro show on vyse,s dit chris distefano. 0 bruc she's got more chops thaen bruce lee eating at a steakhouse. his contributor, cat tim. and finally, six flags converted shoes to bumper cars. my massive sidekicks and the nwa world heavyweight champion tirhas. kid >> dave, how old are your kids now? six months and four months. >>w, that's amazing. >> they're not depressed yet. gn no, they're not.ot just happens. , i watc it's like very liberal parents. i watched family ties wherly tie i get a lot of my stuff. f you're if you're liberal, then your kid ends up being a conservative. and if you're conservative, your kid ends up beiner a liberal. you whatvative. what happens if you got two ? >> are you worried your kidsmigh might be depressed? well, i'm trying to thint beresk i grew up watching the jeffersons. >> so where would that put me?." oh, you're queasy. e? you're moving to chicago on the east side to a deluxe apartment in the sky. we do the whole thing.hink yeah, well, i think maybe it do has something to do with the drugs because maybe they're taking the wrong drugs.s, the kid's right becaus e i come flom, as you know, the free state of floridaor.only c seonly comome back to new york to see you and de o the number one show in late night television. but everyone's happy down there. s y.son .l th it's freedomat and all that. and then i come here and it smells like weed everywhere. smeright. but back in my day with the weed, everybody was gigglingeems and laughing. >> but everyone here seems depressed and i'm wondering if it's a weed issue.. >> that's interesting becauseris i don't i don't necessarily seeh ere,a correlation there. ike but i will admit it's definitely not like the weed ofe the seventies. s it'sup definitely ultra super powerful and it does mess i th your probably your brain. >> but i wouldn't know becauseno i'm on it right now.w. it's not like you smoked a tone of weed with bill maher just a couple of days to go. and everybody saw that as a lightweight. cheech and chong. i am nowt. comin g out. i don't advocate that. my theory with drugs is always : wait till you are successful, because if you do the drugs. before you are successful, you will never be successful. you have to treat po t like wemartini. that's wha wt i .le and what are we talking about, chris ? we're talking about a poll and this starts talking about weed. you do you buy his theory? well, first of all, i just want to say it's my first time ever on the show. >> so i just i'm proud to finally be a gut. so. well, he got. second of all, dave, did yould say your kids were six months old at four months old?old? yeah. how ise nition that? that's the definition of irish twins.. [laughter] how did that how did that happen? >> s science, my friend. oh, you did a oh, there, too,>>, baby , i , i thought you t tub because my wife is puertoer rican. >> i thought that'puers becauste that's a very puerto rican thing to have kids right away. because i got three little i don't know. noah i did havlae with your wie but i don't. >> hey you know right now, nowh- we both so. oh so no. just just go . >> what a question greg. >> we arknow. yeah.e we're all doing our bit to ourn gut slot. >> gou buy to buy the theory? is it just one side that's depressed or could you. i >>, i think personally everybody depressed, okay, i ybe one more than the other. butht i think everybody's depressed. >> i think it's got something wi to do with don't get mad, the twenty four hour news cyclte . i think you know everybody.en yu what, you only watch the news when you're angry. so the news knows that they got to cherry pick stories. everybody's mad , everybody's mad , but then they're in bed with the ad companies. so next thing you know, we'reh d watching the news because we're. angry. boom ad foafter r applebee's, to twenty . we're stuff in case burgers in our mouth. you're getting rich , getting out and i just want to thank you for that. yes. howant to come sleep over are gettin because i have no feet because you're getting rich off applebee's. ch off oyes. excellent appetizers. buy them. oh, i love it, dude. i'm ready to die at forty because of it. yeah, yeah. you go kat. what do you do you agree? could it be the news cycle? b could it be drugs?e drugs? are yo i think. >> are you miming later. oh no. also i look awesome. a sowe it's kind of infected everything. yeah. i will. okay, i watch the bachelor. nd i right and i've noticed thisre o season there's like this new format where on the one on one dates there's like the fun day date and then henned takes her out to dinner and then the girls shareer some dramatic story about her life, where, you know, she's a single mom trying to raise a kindergartner alone or her spk mom and her don't speak or herta last relationshitip horrifically abusive. and then he thinks her for being vulnerable ball. and then they make out through the tears and then they hands are a rose.or the and after i watch this for, like the sixth time, i was asking myself what would happen if the girl was like, everything's pretty good. yeah, my family loves me.. >> my parents are still together. pmy last relationship i did because, like, you know, we just wanted different things. ht would he k not know what to do t this point?oint? i feel i feel like it's expectedo havei to need to have this kind off tr trauma or else you don'tauma deserve any respect. so i think it's almost as if going they'r ie going into this like, okay, this date on tv, what's the saddest from my life that i can drag up and cry so that he will like me?>>lk because the what you're talking about, it's the same thing.in it's incentiveging. ising a beh .a behavior it really has. and by the way, hot women don't need trauma. trauma. no, no. they're hot , smokin hot . h otyeah. >> yeah. smoki i don't even know what that means. >> with i don't knowi do either. means either. i just. yeah. i ju and guyseen and guys i want to say and guys >> greg: eand . yeah exactly. yes.xa eatidon't even see gender . >> that's the thing. i don't i'm a baby .>> i d yeah. tyrus what's your take on this. >> it's not a weed. the bachelor.ha you don't have to be puerto rican. >> have three kids right next to each other. i got thatto each covered , sat the barbecue. what mes what messes up a good weed party when the liberal guy comes in? everyone's having a good time.me he's like, yo, man, you the polar bears are going to die. >> like, it's justs it's what they do. because what? because they have to it's attention.d th they need that attention.at atti they live in the first world . they don't havthe real problemst they're not like, oh, my light bill is about to be cut off. can i borrow your extension cord so i could sneak behindy es plugging my stuff into the neighbors? >> that's a real problems .a rel they don't hav pe realrobl prob' i don't know. i just realizei d today thatt ia i was born caucasian. andfat >>he there's a good chance that my great great grandfather owned , that i just get out ofu my house. and that's not a real problem.tm so they they have their board. be like us , go outside, tryying competitive sports , go camping, fishing, t play with your kids without a tablett attached to it. we go outside. e that's why we don't have these problems. and you can turn the twenty.e you could turn a news off. yeah. and just go outside. try it. yeah. mayb.e not in new york so much, but go outside, play. that was the problem with them lockdown. the lockdown forced people to go back insidbae and you saw more depression because they weren't outside getting vitamin out in the press each ya other. yeah, exactly. and we arewatc homhinge watchin. twenty four hours of anything, whether it's the bachelor ore in the greatest cable news station in the world, fox news, you new know, it could be a little much. >> so i was lucky. i was in louisiana. i had i just had a . i just walk out outside every day. celebrityeverke i'm jonathan lawson hereli to tell you about life insurance through the colonial pen program. if you're age 50 twhat are thred looking to buy life insurance re you the three p's? 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