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aggravated murder. there's also one count of felony assault. we're standing by this hour to hear from the football coach who is being hailed as a hero for chasing the suspect out of the school cafeteria where the shoot it is took place. let's go to ted rowlands right now standing by with more on what is going on. dramatic developments under way even as we speak. >> reporter: wolf, the charges just came down within the last few minuted filed by david joyce. it's three aggravated -- all against t.j. lane, the 17-year-old who still in the eyes of the law is a minor. we do expect that at his next court appearance on march 6th, next tuesday, he will be sent to adult court, from then on out he will be considered an adult in the eyes of the law. right now says other things that have happened. today the students return to school for the first time along with their parents and counselors were on site there. we also are going to hear from that teacher hero, frank hall, the teacher that had the wits about him and the courage to actually chase this young man out of the school. he's being credited with saving lives. he was chasing him out of the school while literally being shot at. >> once he speaks you want to make sure our viewers get a chance to hear this hero. >> what about today? >> i understand the kids will formally go back to school tomorrow, but what happened today as as far as the school campus is kerpd. >> today the students got their first return to the school, but instead of coming alone, they came with their parents. they were allowed to come in and just briefly. they stayed for about an hour or some of the type of ceremony in the cafeteria. we talked to a couple folks, students and parents they said it was the perfect way to reintroduce the 'tis into -- >> we're getting more information also as the days continue about the suspect now formally charged as you point out, t.j. lane. it seems like yet a very disturbing background. >> reporter: absolutely. also talking to people that knew this young man, he was a kid that really did have a tough life at home. his father was arrested, charged and found guilty of assault against his mother and against another woman as well. his father was in and out of jail. so he lived with his grandmother. one individual said t.j. was part of the gang for a while, but in the last three, four years, really drifted off and kept to himself, and became more of an isolated young man. there's a lot of speculation in this community is that his troubles at homemade a big difference. meanwhile, what we were talking about earlier was today. today they want was about the victims and about the other students here at the school. it was a different morning as students along with their parents returned to school for the first time since monday's shooting. >> it was pretty emotional, seeing everyone hug and cry, and everyone unite and remembering this hard time. >> reporter: and remembering the three students students skilled. the families of danny partnershipen terr and demight reius huen talked publicly about their loss. >> demetrius was energetic, and a good young man. demetrius has donated his organs, and for one life he gets to change eight lives. they took him this morning at five minutes to 8:00 to take his organs, so i'm kind of having a hard time and this was the last time i got to see him. >> my brother was the happiest kid on the planet. he never got mad at anybody. he always just loved to have fun. he was going to change the world. >> 17-year-old nick walczak is the still hospitalized with no feeling in his legs his teacher pulled him into a room after he was shot. >> he is forever a hero. >> reporter: while none of the victims' family members would talk about the accused gunman. demetrius hewlin's mother sounded conciliatory. >> i have to forgive. you have the memory of your child, but hatred in your heart. so this is for my son. this is for my son. >> reporter: you know, wolf, talking to a lot of people here, they do have empty think for t.j. lane on some level, as disgusted as they are with what he did, and the impact that he had on so many lives here. we haven't heard a lot of hatred toward this young man. it's an odd sort of situation, to know what he did and not have any real anger towards this young man. there's a lot of empty empathy for him as well. it's a tragic, tragic situation. and the suspect has formally charged now, three counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder. some of the counselors are speaking right now. i just want to listen briefly to hear what they're saying. bln to this. >> a lot of problems, a lot of physical complaints that they wouldn't normally have. what we advise, to promote the healing is, first and foremost, to keep perspective about what a rarity this kind of event really is. we also really would hope that people maintain as normal of routines as possible, and be very mindful will taking care of their own health. even if they don't feel like it, make sure they do the basics in terms of getting rest when they can, eating well, getting some exercise, these might seem simple, but this is what we've got to do is really take care of the most essential aspects of our wellbeing. we need to reduce stress as much as possible, making lists, being really patient with yourselves and limiting distractions, especially limiting the exposure to tv or news or facebook, the things that might sort of keep this going in your mind. we need to talk to people, reach out and spend time with each other. it's through community that people really heal. do things that feel good and are good for you. taking walks out in nature, even if it's cold. listening to music, journaling, creating art, giving yourself permission to feel the pain and to share the feelings with others. there's no need to fight the recurring thoughts or dreams or flashbacks that might occur or probably will occur, because they're normal. over time they will decrease and become less painful. however, if any of these symptoms do continue to be experienced for a prolonged period of time, then we really stress that it's important to seek professional help. thank you very much. >> i'm struggling myself to try to make some sense of this senseless violent act, and i cannot. what i can assure you is that we will give it the chardon effort, as we step forward into some quite frankly uncharted territory. as we try to nurture your children in a safe and successful educational environment. over the next several days, we will continue to mourn and support the families of our deceased and injured students. i again off my sincere condolences, and forever will severity the loss of their child. we cannot begin to understand or know your pain. what i can assure you is these children will always have a place here in our school community. to the 3,100 other innocent victims, the students and their families, our teachers, staff and community, i offer you this advice. i do so as your superintendent, as a husband and as a father. students, take advantage of our wonderful teaching and professional staff. people are here and ready to help you when it's a friendly smile or counseling session, someone will be there for you. parents, be a model for your children. they watch and will embrace everything you do. send them off to school each day with a hug and a kiss, and the message to do their best. my mom did that for me and my two sisters. i also did that for my daughter. and if you as parents need help, we'll be there for you as well. our community, you are never alone, not here in chardon. you need to only ask for help. there are many resources throughout our great geauga county. i can assure you we will do our best with the school district and the surrounding communities to continue to provide an exceptional education and remain a wonderful place to live and learn. thank you. as you know, many people did many things on monday that helped the situation from being any worse. one of those people is frank hall, the assistant football coach, study hall monitor and tutor at the hospital. frank chased the gunman out of the billing saving even more bloodshed. we have asked frank to say a few words to you this afternoon. frank? >> it's an emotional time, be patient with me. to the victims and families, i want to say that i'm sorry. my thoughts and prayers are still with you. to the families of danny, demetrius and russell, i want you to know i was with them. i prayed with them, i wiped their tears, and i know god was with them. i don't know why this happened. i only wish i could have done more. i'm not a hero. i'm just a football coach and study hall teacher. the law enforcement, first responders that came to our aid that day, they are the heroes. to the chief, sheriff, mr. briggant, thank you for the training that we received. we all wished we never had to use it, but we used it and it worked. to the teachers and support staff that carried this training out, that went above and beyond, that put their kids before themselves, i thank you. you're the best america has to offer. a while back i read a book about tel aviv and israel, and after a terrorist attack on one of their markets, the mayor was so adamant that the very next day the markets were opened. to show that terror and evil would not win out, that the way of life would not change, their faith would not change. i'm here to tell you that tomorrow our schools will be open. our teachers will be there, our administration will be there. our parents and community. but more important our children will be there. i can't tell you how great these children are, how great these kids are. i want to leave you now with some scripture. matthew 5:14 -- you are the light of the world. a town built on a hill that will not be hidden. neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. instead they put it on a stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. in the same way, let your light shine before others, that you may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven. there's so many people i want to thank, i just can't do it all right now. our administration, to my two good friends, our head coach, our director who's been with me. my lovely wife ashley, who's been with me through it all, i want to say thank you. god bless and thank you. [ applause ] there he is, frank hall, the teacher, the football coach who saved lives in chardon, ohio, just outside of cleveland on monday when he chased the suspect t.j. lane and the headline out of all of this we're seeing, formal charges have been put forward, aggravated murder, three counts aggravated murder, one count felonious assault. we'll stay on top of this story, update you. martin savidge is on the scene as well. stay with us for more on this developing story. also stories of unbearable heartbreak as survivors recall those moments before dawn whether their lives were literally turned upside down. don lemon is on the scene and standing by to join us live. that's up next. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. 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>> reporter: wolf, it's always amazing to see the scope of this destruction, when you're talking about an ef-4 tornado, that's almost the biggest one you can get. i'm standing in front of a sporting goods store. we've been seeing what's happening to the retail pros properties and business around the area, but what struck us the most is the devastation from the people, the personal devastation. you can replace all this stuff. what you can't replace is the lives and the broefr hearts. we learned that when we met the people of harrisburg today. how are you doing? >> um, i think god is the only thing getting us through this. we know our mother is in a better place, and, you know, i'm sure it will hit both of us at some point. >> reporter: this is where she lived? >> this is what's left of her home. >> railroad she moved here just in november? >> yes. she loved the place. >> reporter: she did? >> yes. >> i heard the sirens and could hear a lock motive sound. i put her in the bathtub, made her kuwait down, and we held on to each other in that tub. >> i lived in the very last one on the right. straight across from the rands, who both passed away. i found them, i found the cottums. she was free, but he was pinned in. >> reporter: you saw -- >> i saw two of them, and they were already gone. >> reporter: you're walking back to your house for the first time? >> yeah, until since they got us out of here and took my wife and grandkids to the hospital. this is mild first time back. >> reporter: when you ran out, you had to come around the street? >> i came out that bathroom door. you see where i busted it to go out. i crawled over all this stuff and came out to hear, hollering for anybody. this is my oldest daughter as a baby. these are my old junior high yearbooks. i wished i could find some pictures of my grandsons, i could show you the one that's in the hospital. >> reporter: wolf, it is so sad to hear some of those stories. your heart can't help to go out, you want to help as much as you can, but we have to do our jobs as journalists. they're moving on from this sort of destruction to this. they're looking forward to the future here, wolf. you can see the workers out here putting roofs on buildings, new shingles, tarps anything to shore the buildings up. the once that can't be shored up, the bulldozer will come and tear them down. and guess what? friday another round of bad weather expected to come through. lots of rain. if that's the most they get, they'll be happy. they hope they don't get the high winds. >> they emotional stories are so powerful, don, thanks so much. meanwhile, a new storm system is brewing that could bring more strobe. chat, the system that's developing could produce even more tornadoes. is that right? >> yeah, it could be worse than the one we had yesterday, worse in a different way. there's no way to tell whether those tornadoes will hit a town like harrisburg. -- they hit farmland. they don't go into -- tuscaloosa, it's just been a recent thing, but the towns are getting bigger, people are moving away from the counties, and into the cities, so -- east coast the tornadoes have also moved off the east coast. here is the setup for tomorrow. as we move you ahead, the storm system is setting up a lot like yesterday, with cold air in behind it, warm air, so moist in nashville it will feel like you're sitting on a beach in miami. that's how much humidity will be in the air. that humidity and heat that feels like miami weather is that air is volatile, when you get cold air to push it up into the air, it wants to bubble straight up, the bubbles stay thunderstorms and begin to twist, and they probably will, you would get tornadoes. i'm expecting at least 20 tornadoes tomorrow alone, some may be small, some may be big. all we have to hope for is no towns get in the way like those towns branson and others did, like in harrisburg the other day. wolf? >> thanks, chal. we'll be in close touch with you tomorrow. herman cain is out with a shocking new video. and the battle over ensuring contracepti contraception. did the obama administration directly attack the first amendment. mitt romney says yes. a keep member of obama add -- that's coming up. 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[ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. our republican amendment to president obama's controversial contraception directive has failed. the administration's mandate requiring most employers, even religious affiliated universities and hops to cover contraception, but nos senate republicans want to give employers the option to opt out if they goods agree on, quote, faith principles. let's discuss this and a lot more with a key member of the reelection campaign, the deputy campaign manager, stephanie cutter. thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> i'll read what mitt romney, who may be your challenger in november, he says he's directly attacked the first amendment of our constitution. the president of the united states must protect and defend the constitution, not ignore it. >> let's get our facts straight. this was a decision made at the recommendation of a series of medical experts and independence scientific bodies about what was best for women's health. the president put a rule out that says that employers have to provide insurance coverage, and insurance companies have to provide coverage for contraception with no out of pocket costs. it prevents cancers, keeping women healthy, helping to make their own decisions. there was an important exemption for churches, the president expanded that for religious organizations like the one that governor romney is mentioning, for hospitals and universities to opt out so that they can exercise their conscience. >> the bishops aren't happy. >> let's remember, they're against contraception. there's not a compromise to be had there. the president expanded the exemption, he heard from the catholic community and he did what they asked. he expanded the exemption. what mitt romney is giving -- >> let's say you're a observant catholic, a small business, ten employees, you don't want to have to pay for contraception if you believe that's morally wrong. >> it saves employers money -- >> i said for religious reasons, you may not -- >> i heard somebody say earlier today that what mitt romney is advocating is putting bosses in your bedroom. my boss, if he finds it morally objectionable, then he can make the decision about my health care. that's not right. you know, i think women all over this country are looking at the debate and scratching that i heads -- >> so you think this is a winning issue for the president in november? >> i think the president made this decision based on what was best for women's health, based on the independent science. i think the way that republicans have overplayed their hands is a problem for them politically. i think women all over this country, independent women especially, are runling away from them because of this debate. let's move to another issue generating buzz today, this tweet that the president put out@barack obama, i'm sure you follow him. add your name to demand that the koch brothers make their donors public. very wealthy, billionaires, republicans, active in opposing many of the president's policies. the argument is the president wants to make their donors public, but he has a similar super pac that supports the president that he's not demanding -- >> the president has said they make them public. >> but they don't. >> the koch brothers, remember, have said at their last conference this was the mother of all wars, the mother of all wars to defeat president obama. they're raising hundreds of millions for that one single reason. they should tell exactly whether that money is coming from. >> the organ sag run by people who obviously support the president of the united states, bill burton, you worked with him, our own paul begala a political contributor here. you want all of their donors, priorities usa, all of their names to be made public just like the koch brothers super pac should be made public. >> we think everybody's should be made public. that's why we make our bundlers public. we believe in full transparency, the president has been very concluder on that. >> has the president called bill burton -- >> he's not allowed to make a phone call based on the rules, but. >> he could say it in public ijts an important point. a couple weeks ago we made a change in our own strategy. >> you're talking about the reelection campaign. >> that would lend our support to -- or only doing events for the side of priorities that discloses their donors. so we feel very strongly about this. if the koch brothers are going to raise that money in seek yet from oil executives all over the country, why not tell the american people? what is it that they have to hide? let's move on and talk about herman cain. he's got a new organization out there, and he's got a new video that he just posted. i'm going to play it -- have you seen this yet? >> no. >> okay. watch this. >> this is the economy. >> this is the economy on stimulus. any questions? any questions? pretty brutal video, if you look at it. >> i think it's very creative. it's also factually wrong. if you look at where the economy is, the stock market has hit the 13,000 mark, you know, the economy is moving forward. there's a direct connection to when this president passed the stimulus bill and implemented it or when this economy turned around. herman cain and other republicans might not want to believe that orb have voters believe that, about you those are the facts. instead of talking down, they should get on board. >> are you ready for a brutal campaign? >> thanks to the koch brothers, i think -- >> you think it's going to raise a billion where you're the deputy campaign -- >> well, we never said a billion. it was reported as we want to ensure we it tell the president et cetera story, we can get the grassroots engaged and ensure we can defense against some of the attacks. half a billion is being raised directly for one simple reason. we'd like to be ready for that. >> as i've been saying for weeks, if everybody think this republican campaign is tough, brutal, nasty and ugly, just ge ready. when they get their nominee, whoever it happens to be -- >> it's been a negative primary on the republican side. >> stephanie cutter, thanks very much. >> thank you, wolf. joe bide been is also on the offensive, this time going after rick santorum. plus the 1ud death of andrew breitbart. we'll talk about it. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world of identity thieves "enough." we're lifelock, and we believe you have the right to live free from the fear of identity theft. our pledge to you? 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[ male announcer ] tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. it's the perfect time to save up to $300 on select mattress sets. mitt romney is certainly gaining ground in the polls, but his nearest rival is opening a new line of attack with just five days to go before tuesday, and its ten primaries and caucuses. our senior correspondent joe johns is following all of this for us. what's the latest on romney and santorum? >> once again seemingly two steps forward, one back. in the latest, even now some of rob any's old campaign troubles continue to haunt him. the latest gallup national trackingport conducted after the primaries, showing romney out to a big lead on the morning after. but it wasn't all joy for the romney campaign, because the old rap, the charge that he flip-flops resurfaced in a big way. the issue was romney's initial conditions on a proposal that had have allowed health insurance plans if it runs counter to a sponsor or an employer's religious belief. romney said this on wen day. >> i'm not for the bill, but look, the idea of presidential candidates getting into questions about contraception within a relationship between a man and woman, husband and wife, i'm not going there. romney quickly clarified saying he misunderstood the question and actually supported the proposal, which had been introduced by roy blunt as a conservative -- >> i'm in favor of the amendment. >> but by then romney had opened himself up to the charge, and at a rally, rick santorum pounced. >> when governor romney was asked that question, his knee-jerk reacwas no, i can't be for that. after his cuttants talked to him, he said i didn't understand the question. maybe he did or didn't, but if i was asked a question like that, my gut reaction would be always, my gut reaction would be, you stand for the first amendment. you stand for freedom of religion. >> reporter: with the last weekend before super tuesday, run santorum's campaign was preparing for a whirlwind, then planning to go to central ohio by noon on friday. his fund-raising hay skyrocketed. for his part newt gingrich has been focusing hard on georgia, the state he represented while in congress, hoping that voters keep him viable after super tuesday. >> i have to win georgia, but if i win georgia, the following week we go to alabama and mississippi, i think i'll win both of those, and we have a good opportunity to win in kansas. >> reporter: meanwhile, tonight authorities in michigan struck a blow to the campaign, by 'nouncing mitt romney is is receiving one more delegate, which means santorum will no longer be able to claim that he tied romney in michigan, santorum pushed back today, calling that change a back room deal. >> so romney will get 16 delegates, santorum 14, is that correct? >> that is exactly right. before that santorum had been claiming because hi was -- he could say it was a tie. now 16-14, no time, romney the winner in michigan. they'll be back in ohio, one reason geography, it's situated between michigan and pennsylvania. santorum's home state, so each man thinks he has strength there. ohio i think is the biggest prize. >> absolutely. because, wolf, it really is a test of both the seriousness and the staying power. >> if you can prove you can win, it's important in order to have national appeal. this state is a bellwether for the general election. no candidate has ever won without winning ohio. urning, rural, moderate republicans, all of them in the state of ohio. thirdly it tests how whether you have a true crossover appeal. rick santorum hopes he can appeal to the reagan democrats, the blue collar voters, who will be very important in the general election should he become the nominee, so very, very important state. 63 delegates, but actually it's not even the number that counts. you just have to prove you can win there. >> what do the recent polls show? >> first of all, we haven't had one since tuesday's primaries, but the most recent poll shows that rick santorum is 11 points ahead. what we'll be able to see when we get another poll, perhaps as early as tomorrow, we'll be able to see whether romney has any momentum coming out of his twin victories the other night. mitt romney has more money to spend. so far he's outspending rick santorum 4-1. already been up on the air in the state. rick santorum has five or six days to catch up. >> i always say i would like to be an owner of a tv station in ohio right now. >> you and me both. a plane is seconds from landing, and controller send it back to the sky. how the controller presented a possible disaster when a jeep suddenly ended up on the runway. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast speeds. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small businesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best technology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. a passenger plane was just seconds from landing in foggy weather when a jeep crashed through an airport security fence and drove onto the runway. lizzie o'leary is here, working the story for us. what happened here? it happened in philadelphia airport. the man on the jeep broke there you a fence and drove onto the -- and the local air forecast controllers union president says a controller spotted something on the runway on the ground radar. they couldn't exactly see what it was at the fog, but at the same mom a us airways express was about a quarter mile from the end of the runway, the controller send that back up into the air. we have audio of them realizing there's something in the way. listen to this. >> everybody there's going to be a delay. you guys can shut down. we have a rogue vehicle driving around. we're not talking to him. we are not moving anybody until we find this guy. the controllers closed the airport. they watched as the local cops chased this guy. they went up and down the main runway, across the departure runway, across the secondary runway, three of the four runways overall. the local traffic control folks told us it was a dangerous one, only by the grace of god that the controller happened to be scanning. we don't know how many people were on boo are 9 flight, but about -- the police in philly have released the photo, 24 years old kennest mavik. 9 charges keep coming. he could face federal charges as well. the police chief told us this appears he was high on something, no nexus to terrorism. the faa says arriving flights were delayed by about 30 minutes. >> you can imagine if you're on that little plane and it's only 100 feet off the ground and you're about to land, and all of a sudden -- >> going right back up. >> but everyone was okay. >> lizzie thank you very much. the death of a powerful conservative blogger, a lot of people didn't love him by the left. our "strategy session" will weigh in. rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ conservatives woke up, andrew breitbart dead at the age of 43. breitbart was certainly a driving force in the tea party movement as well as an influential voice on the internet, after helping to run drudge report and helping to launch the huffington post, but also known for controversial stories among them anthony weiner's twitter picture, which led to the resignation from congress. he was heavily criticized for posting an incomplete video of shirley sherrod, which appeared to show her discriminating against a white farmer. she was forced to resign before the truth came out that the video was edited and actually helped the farmer. breitbart appeared on piers morgan tonight only hours before his death. the website says his death was from natural causes. the l.a. coroner's office says an alpsy is planned for tomorrow. let's talk about this and a lot more with two cnn contributors. 6 first your reaction. >> it was shocking. i knew andrew before he was andrew, if you know what i mean. he is relentlessly curious, charming, jolly, and it was comforting to hear rush talk about him today, how kind and thoughtful he was. these are not the caricature that's been made of him in his political life. but the shock of his premature death is balanced by his belying the notion that we only live a fraction of our lives. he was a kacarpe diemguy, and i hope his wife and four children are confidented by however much he accomplished in his political life, they were his real life. >> i know you were upset about the episode in 2010, but what's your reaction? >> i had an opportunity to talk to andrew about that. we frequently talked on the phone. we shared each other cell numbers, e-mail accounts. we didn't always agree. look, he was tough. he was tenacious. he showered his friends with love and shamed others who disagreed with him. he was fearless, conservative combatant, andrew enjoyed politics. he understood it was a contact sport, and he had no shame in bringing to light anything that he thought the left was doing that he disagreed with. but, you know, i think of him as someone, you know, who had just a deep passion for political participation, and he loved his kids, hi wife susie, and he was a fun guy. when i would disagree with him, i would call and say, can we stop talking about this and start talking about things we enjoy talking about? but he was -- he was fun. i tried to get him to talk to shirley sherrod, to apologize, to put this behind him, but he still wanted to dig into it. he was thoughtful again, and on some special -- how to aggregate the media. if you wanted to ask him a -- andrew spent time on the phone. he kept you on the phone for often 40, 45 insomes. he was a good guy in that way. >> let me make the turn to the vice president of the united states listen to what the vice president said for surging high school 'tis listen to the vice president. >> i think there was an ideological divide between rick santorum and all the -- i don't think it's between the parties, you know. look, i've been going to college campuses and high schools all across america for the past six months, talking about what the facts are. six out of the ten jobs over the next ten years will rig. it's that simple. >> is the president a snob for wanting high school kids to get a little post-high school education, maybe a university, maybe a college, maybe a technical school, maybe some sort of post-high school training? does that make the president a snob, mary? >> absolutely not, but the vice president is distorting the clear context of santorum's contents. notion, what i presume, rick, what santorum was saying in the context of -- to whom he was delivering it with a manufacturing blue collar audience that there are worthy lives outside the ivy league, a state schoolgirl and -- i felt that disdain. donna and i did okay, but everyone in higher education knows there's a big problem. people need to be attached to jobs. they need to be attached to apprenticeshi apprenticeships, all these activities are under way in higher education. i think that's what the president clearly meant, and i think santorum responded poorly. the sad thing about this is he can't advance without having to bash obama in every incident. >> i'm going to let that stand. unfortunately we're out of time, donna, but i know you'll be back tomorrow. >> i agree. this is your chance to go behind the scenes with me and cnn's political team. join us super tuesday, this coming tuesday at noon over for a lift virtual roundtable where our political experts will answer question from participants. to how this year's election will affect you. that's this coming dulles. to our viewers, you're in soich. happening now, disturbing new allegation that a key united states ally may have played a role in the 9/11 attack. a former united states senator who had access to top-secret information is unleashing new concerns about the government of saudi arabia. kicked and crawled their way. more heartbreak, and new storm dangers on the horizon right now. and a billboard stars washington, d.c. -- staring washington, d.c. commuters i should say in their face, telling president obama to go you know where, and how a democrat is calling it indecent and said the billboard has to go. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in "the situation room." certainly been the source of whispers and fears for a decade since the 9/11 attacks, but now an outright allegations, who says the saudi government provided critical assistance to carry out osama bin laden terror plot. brian todd has been investigating the story. it's a pretty shocking story, but explain what new developments have occurred. who led the senate's investigation gives jarring detail on alleged contacts between one man who says was a saudi government agent and two of the hijackers. new allegations that those who carried out the worst act of terrorism on american soil got help from an american ally. former senator bob graham, who led a senate investigation into the september 11th attacks says a man who he believes was an agent of the saudi government maid money and other help to two of the 9/11 hijackers. graham identifies that man as omar al biyumi, who lived in california, and the two hijackers he allegedly helped. in a court document filed in recent days, part of a lawsuit by families of 9/11 victims against the saudi government, graham says when the two hijackers traveled to san diego, al biyumi held a dinner in their honor, helped them find an apartment, fronted the initial payments. nearly nine years ago, al bayoumi said this about that he was involved. >> they also investigate me. they didn't find any evident to connect me to this. >> senator graham says at the time he was allegedly helping the buy jacker. al bayoumi had an unusual number of discussions with saudi officials. graham's statements raises other questions, says the victims' families. >> to what extent has it through the dominated controlled banks and ngos funded terrorism both with al qaeda as well as other international terrorist organization for the purpose of attacking western interests. >> an attorney represents the saudi government in this case said he couldn't comment on the statements, because the case is still pending. we couldn't get comment from anyone at the saudi embassy, but a consultant family with the embassy -- told us that the commissions and the saudi government have said all there is to say. funded al qaeda. i asked analyst peter bergen about al bayoumi's aid to the hijacker. could that translate? >> i don't think so. at the end of the day, brian, you know, it fails the common sense test. al qaeda's angle goal is to overthrow the saudi government. -- >> bergen says the saudi top leaders would not have backed such a horrific attack against their strongest ally. >> it's part of a massive lawsuit. >> that's right. it seeks billions from the -- it also insurance companies that paid out billions, the saudis were -- this firm is trying to bring them back in, the saudis are fighting it. that's where we are at this point. a critical juncture in the lawsuit. >> but former senator bob kerrey of northbound been, who will be running again, he also gave a deposition. >> he gave an affidavit we did get both of them to try to speak to us. >> any reaction or from the embassy here in washington? over the years they flatly denied this. for this -- they're -- when you ask them, but nothing today from them. we did speak with someone connected to their position on this, though. >> brian todd reporting for us. >> now we want to go inside iran for a rare live report from a nation that's considered dangerous. cnn's ivan watson is in the capital of tehran right now. ivan is joining us. when i was in north korea, i had government minders with me all of the time. i was restricted where i could go, with whom i could deal, who i could interview, first of all before we get to some substance, give us some of the restrictions you're facing now, the first time in three year that someone representing cnn has been allowed inside iran? >> this has never been an e -- but compared to the last time i was here seven years ago, it has gotten a bit tougher. we were told we were not allow to do bring in a satellite phone. with kell came here it would be confiscated. we were also told we can only report on the iranian parliamentary elections to take place in the next couple hours, no other topics. to be fair, iranian journalists when they go to the u.s., they're confined within a certainly number of miles within the city of new york, so there's a bit of a tit for tat here, but it has got a bit further. this time cnn has been told it must work with a foreign media guide agency with an assigned translator as well. people have been great on the streets. there's no friction or tension whatsoever with ordinary iranians. they're terribly friendly, terribly hospitable. our first night here, within the first 15 minutes of filming campaign posters on tuesday night, a basiji militia officer detained us. we were held in a police station for three hours, but check this out. today i went to the bazaar, bumped into the same guy, and he greeted me warmly. he kissed me on both cheeks, gave me his phone number if i ever have a problem. that shows you some of the contradictions in this very complicated country. wolf? >> the reason they have given you a visa and our crew to come in is to cover these placementary elections. take about what we expect from these elections. back in 2009 they had elections that resulted in a lot of violence and a lot of dead people. one of them said this election is much, much more important exactly because of what happened as a result of that 2009 presidential election when you had street protests, you had opposition candidates accusing the government of rigging the elections, and then a pretty brutal crackdown on the opposition that has prevented members of the former green movement, opposition movement from even participating in this election. the government is urging iranians to come out. and one of the was in fact a western plot. and that is why iranians have to prove to western adversaries that they are united behind the system here that's been in place ever since 1979 islamic revolution. wolf? we'll check back with you tomorrow, ivan. two more american soemgs shot dead in afghanistan today, the third attack on western forces since u.s. troops mistakenly burned korans, sparking protests and violence across afghanistan. a local official says one of the two men involved was an afghan army soldier. although chilling piece of new evident despite an apology for the koran burnings. in a new interview the president is defending the apology, claiming it calmed things down. >> the reason that it was important is to save lives and make sure our troops who are there right now are not placed in further danger. >> reporter: you think it has improved it? >> it calmed things down. we're not houst woods yet. >> our chris lawrence is looking at the attacks. it's a blunt question, can the americans trust these afghan forces that the u.s., the nato allies have been working to train and education, but now we see afghan soldiers shooting u.s. military officers in the back of their heads as they work inside government ministries. >> short an, maybe. i have seen -- about you a recent study for the u.s. military really peeped back the curtain on how the u.s. forces see u.s. troops as self-serving profane bullies. it also shows what american troops think of their afghan partners, as treacherous, drug-abusing thieves. they're supposed to be partners, but afghan soldiers and government workers have murdered six american troops in less than a week, yet pentagon officials say the relationship is still good. >> we will not let recent events allow us to lose sight of the progress we are making. >> reporter: in the last five years afghan forces have attacked nato troops nearly 200 times, killing at least 70 coalition troops and wounding more than 100. an army report declassified last year found that american troops think afghan forces are dangerous and unstable. many afghan soldier and police demonstrated a general loathing of u.s. soldiers. >> it might be you're an american fighting the taliban, but it also might be because you object to them selling drugs. it might be because they feel that you insulted them in public. >> reporter: the taliban have instigated some of the current violence. in a fox news debate, president candidate mitt romney questioned why the u.s. would talk to then. >> the right course for america is not to negotiate with the taliban while the taliban you are killing our soldiers. the right course is to recognize they're the enemy of the united states. >> reporter: when a taliban office a office in qatar, some saw it as a sign of forcing the u.s. to the negotiating table. >> this incident was almost placed right in their lapse to gain some strategic leverage. >> colonel david lamb worked on afghan for years ago. he said encouraging the attacks is the larger of the strategies. >> the key is those actions are on the ground being deliberately instigated to sway opinion in the west, to sway opinion in capitals, in particular the capitals that contribute coalition to the effort in afghanistan. to short of chart 9 way forward. put a lot of previous to withdraw some of their support from the coalition. warm front? >> thank you, chris. american british and pro-democracy activists have now gotten out of the country. the workers had been barred from leaving egypt, but their travel ban was lifted yesterday. they are still facing fraud charges. the son of the transportation secretary ray lahood is one of the americans charged. fortunately the americans are out of egypt on their way home. one second his house was standing, the next was rubble. and trapped inside. we're hearing remarkable story. plus he's been called a hero in the ohio school shooting. stand by to hear directly from the coach who may have saved so many students' lives. a free speech fight over an ad that tells president obama where he can go, and it's not the white house. stay with us. the landscaping business grows with snow. to keep big winter jobs on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time. you can't live under a dome in minnesota, that's why there's guys like me. 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>> reporter: it's an important issue and important vote. the senate defeated this measure today, but it's clear this issue is not going away. frankly what may matter more than the final tally we saw is the way both sides are using this issue to their political advantage. depending on who you talk to on capitol hill, the latest battle is about two very different issues. for democrats, it's about women's access to contraception. for republicans, religious freedom. >> every step of the way it seems as if there is an assault on women's reproductive choice and having access to health care. >> this is tyranny. it is the political bullying of a religious group in the views of the president's allies unpopular religious beliefs. so for political reasons the groups who differ with this are being pushed around. >> reporter: sponsored by republican senator roy blunt, the move would allow employers to opt out of some health coverage requirements if they object because of religious beliefs or moral convictions. >> the government's moving in a direction that would force some americans to violate their religious beliefs. this is wrong and we want to stop it. >> it's as much about policy messages as well as policy. >> to deny any health service to any american for virtually any reason. not just for religious objections. >> democrats view a fight over contraception as a political win, hoping to galvanize women voters. at the same time republicans know fighting for religious liberty and against government overreached is popular among their conservative base. this is not only a political fight in congress. it's becoming a defining issue in the presidential race. >> my gut reaction would be always. my gut reaction would be, you stand for the first amendment. >> reporter: republicans in their view have overplayed their hand as this could hurt them with women voters, but back on capitol hill, republicans insist they'll continue pushing this issue. how speaker john boehner, wolf, today would not say how other when the house would move on a similar measure as was defeated in the -- >> i suspect it will be a huge issue months ahead. so we'll be watching that closely. kate, thanks very much. after wins in arizona, michigan and wyoming, mitt romney is hoping conservatives will rally around him on super tuesday. not everyone thinks the fueling of the base is necessarily the best strategy. let's talk about this and more with joe klein, who is joining us from our sister publication. a really strong column, you make an excellent point that bill clinton and george w. bush, both of them, even as they were seeking their parties respective nominations, they were reaching out to the middling, to independents, crossover voters, if you will, unlike mitt romney right now, who's just appealing to the base. explain what you have in mind. >> it struck me last week was an important week. for the first time we heard he wouldn't -- he said he wouldn't set his hair on fire by criticizing -- outrage out and insidious ways -- that was the first time during the course of this campaign that romney has taken a first stand to the left of the rest of his opponents. you know, when you're running as romney is, as a moderate, someone who claims to be electable, claiming he can win moderate votes, independent voters, you have to give something, or as you want, wolf, bill clinton gained credibility with moderate over well fair reform, and george w. bush did the same when he pose illustrated himself as a passionate congress serve tiff. mitt romney is in the unfortunate position of not having much credibility, and not having much credibility with the moderates or independents he will need to win the general election. >> look at they poll numbers from new gallup organization. registered republicans a week ago, romney was at 27%, santorum at 34%, but look how it's flipped over the past week. romney is now at 35%, santorum 24%, that's 11-point spread, ging what is going on here. >> it's the weekly yo-yo, right? wolf, next week, if romney doesn't win ohio, and if santorum does, and has a good day down in tennessee and oklahoma and newt gingrich wins georgia, we may see the yo-yo move back in the other direction, although there is a sense, as this goes on that, romney becomes more and more likely to become the nominee if an unloved one, as the weeks go by. >> some call him right now a weak front-runner in the republican race for the nomination. joe klein, thanks very much. joe klein. >> good to be with you, wolf. >> thank you, joe. the tornado was coming. a man told his wife and kids to run to safety, but he wound up trapped. he tells us how he clawed his way out of the ruins of his home. mitt romney leaves some super tuesday voters guessing. we're going to explain what's going on. stay with us. the life here is a normal life like any other life. people wake up, go look for job, kids play. it's only outsiders when they come and they think that people live in complete sadness. there's wealth, so great and so -- i mean, there comes a special richness. this is the place. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? 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[ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at the death toll climbs to 13, almost 200 people have been hurt after the monster storms that left part of the northwest and the southeast in at that timers. some in the region are bracing for yet another round the storms. forecasters warn a new storm is forming over the mid mississippi river valley that could put them at risk. cnn's soledad o'brien is in harrisburg, illinois, ground zero for the devastating storms where more marroing survival stories are pouring in. >> reporter: wolf, the story is in this debris field. when you see all this stuff bakley pushed against, it's another house, what you're seeing is a home that's been picked off its foundation and blown into another home, the homes where it was lifted off the foundation, where the largest number of deaths occurred, and here a large number of injuries. this debris field goes back for hundreds of yards. people who had to pull themselves, drag themselves, climb their way out of this, many injuries reported from this particular area. some of the stories of people who were able to survive, or who lost loved ones are absolutely harrowing. we're really pretty much on your property. >> yes. >> reporter: point out where your house is. >> it was right there. >> reporter: this right here. this is pretty much the driveway up to the house? >> that used to be the garage right there, that used to be the house. the closet there was the front bedroom. a bam bathroom was in between that, and the back bedroom, and i was in that bathroom when it hit. >> reporter: so you heard the warnings? >> my wife got up and said there was warnings, then she came back in and said the sirens were off. i was preparing to go to work. i said get my daughter and two grandsons in the utility room in the center part of the house. i said i'll be there in just a minute. before i could ever get out of the bathroom, as it hit, everything collapsed, had me to 10 or 15 minutes pinned in the bathroom and they were pinned in the utility room. >> reporter: how did you get out? >> kicked and kicked until i got the door open. i crawled out. i was barefooted, had a pair of shorts on, no shirt. just crawled out over the stuffed, made it out to some concrete, looking toward the utility room hollering help, hollering for my wife, for my daughter, trying to get anybody to answer me. >> reporter: how is everything in your family? >> they're fine now. >> reporter: thank god. your grandsons i understand were a bit injured? >> yes, the 3-year-old is fine, a little shaken up. the 5-year-old has a concussion and some head trauma, and they took him and kept him overnight for observation. >> reporter: i just saw you discovered there's a bucket of sort of belongings. >> yes, some of my grandchildren -- of course like i said he's 3 years old. but that was one of them that was involved in it. that's my three daughters. these are some of mire other grandchildren, thank god, that were not involved in it. sudden today i'm just trying to find anything to hold on to. >> reporter: wolf, then the focus today is on the cleanup, grieving for those who lost people, but also cleaning up, trying to figure out how to move forward. they're picking up pictures, whatever items then can salvage and then putting them in the trucks they have drich in, so they can start getting their lives back in order. wolf? >> soledad, what a heartbreaking story. another area hit hard, a popular tourist destination, branson, missouri. our jim spellman has a closer look at the damage said to be in the tens of millions of dollars. >> reporter: this is the legends in concert theater here in branson, missouri. >> what was it like when that storm rolled through here? >> it was pretty scary. once we got in the car and started driving back to the theater, it was just a surreal experience. >> how important is it to get the theater back on its feet as quick as possible. >> it's very important to us. we're normally open in this time. we've been in the market 15 years, people expect us to be here. >> reporter: the show must go on? >> the show must go on. >> reporter: justin clark plays elwood here of the blues brothers. normally been would be getting ready? >> yes, normally putting on the costumes. i have the blues suit ready to rock and rot, but it would be a while. sooner than better, but we're trying to knock it out. we're devastated, but also encouraged with how branson is reaching out to help us out. all the theaters that weren't damaged at all have come together. it's amazing how much they have reached out to help out. ♪ ♪ ♪ we're on a mission from god. >> the new storm system developing for complete coverage. >> a federal judge is apologizing. up next, the teacher whose heart-wrenching message to the families of those who died. hey. this is challenger. i'll be waiting for you in stall 5. it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, the moment you land. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. chchasase e scscenene,e, x cocomimingng s soooonn exextrtra a bubutttter titickcketets,s, s swon pepengnguiuin n jojouruy jujuninioror m minints momoviviefefononee evevilil p pririncncee bobollllywywoooodd 3-3-dd shsharark k atattatack nened d ththe e hehead 5%5% c casashbhbacackk ririghght t nonow,w, g getet 5 k onon m movovieies.s. itit p payays s toto d di. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car, and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life, or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life, so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? turning to the horrific ohio schooling, where a while ago t.j. lane was charged on three counts of aggravated murder in the deaths of three students. chardon high school staff, parents and students were encouraged to return today for visits and counseling before classes officially resume tomorrow. an emotional message from the heroic teacher we've been waiting to hear from. frank hall chased the gunman out of the building just moments after the shooting began. >> to victims and the families i want to say that i'm sorry. my thoughts and prayers are still with you. to the families of danny, demetrius, and russell, i want you to know i was with them. i prayed with them. i wiped their tears, and i know god was with them. i don't know why this happened. i only wish i could have done more. i'm not a hero. i'm just a football coach and study hall teacher. the law enforcement, first responders that came to our aid that day, they are the heroes. to the chief, sheriff, mr. brigant, mr. fetchit, thank you for the training we received. we all wished we never had to use it, but we used it and it worked. >> to the teachers and support staff that carried this training out, that went above and beyond that put the kids before themselves, i thank you. you're the best america has to offer. i'm here to tell you that tomorrow our schools will be open. our teachers will be there, our administration will be there. our parents and community, but more importantly our children will be there. i can't tell you how great these children are, how great these kids are. what a sad, sad day. we wish all the students, parents, teachers the best when they return to school tomorrow. nasa's in trouble over a major security lapse, as a computer the agency can't find contains some key codes. what they control. we'll have details. and are you using a password that's so common you're making a hacker's job easy? 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[ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. i have to be a tree in the school play. good. you like trees. well, i like climbing them, but i've never been one. good point. ( captain ) this is your captain speaking. annie gets to be the princess. oh... but she has to kiss a boy. and he's dressed up like a big green frog ! ewww. ( announcer ) fly without putting your life on pause. be yourself nonstop. american airlines. new information just coming into "the situation room." out of the state of maryland, lisa sylvester has the story for us. lisa? >> hi there, wolf. it is official. same-sex marriage will be legal in the state of maryland next jan wear. governor martin o'malley has just signed the legislation into law. five states allow civil unions that provide rights similar to marriage. nasa says 48 computers were lost or stolen in a recent two-year span. one of the computers contained codes used to command and control the international space station. a congressional report finds that nasa lags far behind other agencies in protecting data on laptops. montana's chief federal judge is in hot water for sending a racial e-mail. a local newspaper says the e-mail contained a jokes about the president's mother. the judge is apologizing, calling the e-mail inappropriate and stupid. he was appointed by president bush back in 12001. is your password the word "password" with a capital p, and the number 1 at the end? you're not alone. easily guessable are the most common vulnerable leading to a security breach. experts say to make your password something long and yew symbolling to make it more complex. they were airplanes, not just for board students. it's the new world record for a paper airplane. it flew -- look at that. just 26 feet. it was designed by a producer at korn, who's the so-called paper airplane guy. knowing he doesn't have the arm strength to break the record himself, at the wisely recruited a former college quarterback. look at that thing go. it was 226 feet. guy's pretty proud of himself. >> should be. that's amazing. good work. look at that arm. >> i know. it looks like he's throwing a football, but it's actually the airport. >> get up there. get up there. [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks, lisa. a free-peach -- where he can go, and it's not the getting rather testy. is that in the book? is it in the book? okay. let's move on. brian? you're a beauty, you know that? [ male announcer ] we put a week's worth of bad odors in a home. some aerosols may just mix with them. can febreze remove it. [ moderator ] describe the smell. it's very pleasant. some kind of flower maybe? awww, oh yuck! [ male announcer ] febreze air effects doesn't mix, it actually removes odors. so you can breathe happy. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ it's a final sprint to super tuesday. today mitt romney is hunting for wins out west. jim acosta is traveling with romney right now. jim, we told our viewers a little while ago about the senate rejecting bush -- romney spoke about that earlier today. what's the latest? >> just to set up why he's coming out west, mitt romney needs to win as much as possible out west. he was in north dakota and idaho earlier today. he's coming to washington state right 2340u. this state has its caucuses on saturday, but getting back to that amendment, mitt romney was asked about that issue every step along the way, and just to refresh our viewers on all of this he was asked about the amendment which would have basically -- and. >> to put it simply, he wasn't very blunt. >> i'm in favorite of the blunt amendment. >> reporter: what happened to -- >> yeah, absolutely. >> he said he could elaborate, but opted not to, perhaps because perhaps because the campaign wants to get back on message. >> i think -- listen to how mitt romney talked about how important it is to win the state of idaho, to win the state of i just to pick up states or delegates in idaho when he was at an event in idaho falls earlier this afternoon. here's what he had to say. >> i want you to know that i don't need a lot. i just need you to go out and vote. i want to make sure we win. we win solidly in idaho. that i get the delegates i need from idaho to go on and get the nomination. will you do that for me? [ cheers ] >> now, mitt romney is on his way to washington state as i said. so is rick santorum. he has two events here in the state later on this evening. wolf, rick santorum could win washington state. and as for this overall battle for delegates there is a rick santorum campaign conference call going on right now, surrogates on that conference call talking about what's happening in michigan right now. the republican party in michigan has decided earlier today to go ahead and allocate those delegates as a win for mitt romney. now, 16 to 14 delegates coming out of that state instead of 15-15, a tie that we thought we had coming out of michigan yesterday. the santorum campaign put out a statement earlier this afternoon calling it political thuggery, wolf. >> we'll see what happens on that front as well. jim acosta in seattle, washington. the washington election on saturday. here in the washington, d.c. area, commuters are getting a tough an some say outrageous dose of politics in a billboard that tells president obama to go you know where. our lisa sylvester is joining us with details. >> reporter: wolf, this ad was meant to get your attention. it's at the clarendon metro station outside of washington, d.c. a single ad that's stirring up lots of controversy. it raises the question, free speech or inflammatory speech? walk by this ad in the metro station in a washington, d.c. area and something will certainly catch your eye. this line. "go to hell, barack." it definitely caught the eye of riders, too. >> i think it's offensive. >> i think it's tasteless. >> i think it's kind of terrible. it only contributes to the political discourse and partisanship of the country. >> reporter: the ad is promoting a new dvd documentary called "sick and sicker" that rips the obama healthcare plan. >> not the best healthcare system in the world. we're in the middle of the pack and heading down. >> reporter: it's produced by logan darrel clements who makes no apology for the inflammatory ad. >> when you use strong language you're expressing not only disagreement but the degree of disagreement. i very strongly disagree with socialized medicine. >> reporter: it's not just metro riders who are offended by the billboard. so is virginia congressman jim more ran. >> on priefd property i think you should have much more discretion as to what you want to show. but the taxpayers at the federal, state and local level are paying for this facility. and to have it host an ad that tells the president of the united states to go to hell in their language, i think that's inappropriate. i think it's offensive. it's profane. >> reporter: representative moran has asked the transit authority to take down the ad immediately. but the metro authority says no, citing the first amendment. in a statement saying "wmata advertising has been ruled by the courts as a public forum protected by the first amendment of the constitution, and we may not decline ads based on their political content. wmata does not endorse the advertising on our system, and the ads do not reflect the position of the authority." we asked cnn senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin his take on the issue. he says the ad may be disturbing but it is well within free speech rights. >> the metro is on very solid ground here. it is possible that activists may use this controversy as an opportunity to push the envelope further in terms of what's permissible. but i don't have any doubt that this expression, even with the word "hell" is clearly protected boy the first amendment, and the metro would have no right to take it down. >> reporter: jeffrey toobin says if the ad had nudity or used language that was truly vulgar it would be easier for metro to take the ad down. but the use of the word "hell" he says may make people uncomfortable but not enough to warrant senship so the ad will stay up. >> did tiger woods almost give up golf to become a navy s.e.a.l.? that's next. mid grade dark roast forest fresh full tank brain freeze cake donettes rolling hot dogs bag of ice anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback right now, get 5% cashback at gas stations. it pays to discover. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ an accident doesn't have to slow you down... with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? will be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to a new book claims tiger woods wanted to become a navy s.e.a.l. here's cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: when tiger woods eyes you with the same intensity he normally reserves for a golf ball, maybe you ought to duck. a look as steely as a navy s.e.a.l. with a target in his sights. which we mention only because tiger got testy when asked if he really considered giving up golf at the height of his career to become a navy s.e.a.l. based on excerpts from the soon-to-be published book by tiger's former swing coach. >> specifically in regards to being a navy s.e.a.l., was that something you were considering? >> i've already talked about everything. in the book. yes. i've already commented on everything, alex. >> i must have missed you answering that question. >> well, i've already commented on the book, is that in the book? is it in the book? >> okay. let's move on, brian. >> you're a beauty. you know that? >> reporter: but there's beauty in imagining tiger woods wielding a gun rather than a golf club, submerging himself rather than his ball in a water trap. this is as close as we'll ever come to putting tiger in a tank. he visited army bases and the navy s.e.a.l.s. an s.e.a.l. spokesman told cnn "i can confirm in 2006 he fired weapons at one of our ranges." tiger's coach wrote "as incredible as it seemed, tiger was seriously considering becoming a navy s.e.a.l. after finding out that the navy s.e.a.l. age limit is 28, i asked tiger about his being too old to join. "it's not a problem" he said "they're making a special age exemption for me." so did he really consider giving up golf for the s.e.a.l.s? >> i'm just trying to find out if that's true or not. >> i don't know. >> reporter: then came a four-second silent stare. >> have a good day. >> reporter: translation according to one online poster?" i am going to get my putter and shove it up your --" anyway, we haven't seen tiger stare this long since that weird nike commercial he did right after the sex scandal. >> did you learn anything? >> reporter: we learned from the navy s.e.a.l. spokesman that tiger's visits were "informational. we never construed his visits as a desire to become

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Campaign , Goods , Option , Faith Principles , President , Constitution , Challenger , Facts , Decision , Women S Health , Independence , Rule , Series , Recommendation , Bodies , Insurance , Coverage , Cancers , Companies , Pocket Costs , Exemption , Organizations , Hospitals , Mentioning , Decisions , Women Healthy , Churches , Compromise , Conscience , Bishops Aren T , Small Business , Employees , Catholic , Ten , Money , Reasons , Bedroom , Bosses , Boss , Somebody , Issue , Country , Women , Debate , Health Care , Scratching , Problem , Science , Hands , Move , Let , Runling , Tweet , Issue Generating Buzz , Brothers , Donors , Policies , Argument , Billionaires , Name , Public , Super Pac , Has , Reason , Wars , Millions , Contributor , President Of The United States , Bill Burton , Organ Sag Run , Paul Begala , Susa , Everybody , Transparency , Bundlers Public , Names , Koch Brothers Super Pac , Strategy , Change , Rules , Phone Call , Ijts , Events , Priorities , Side , Soil , Organization , Executives , Economy , Questions , Stimulus , Stock Market , Hit , Mark , Wrong , 13000 , Voters , Stimulus Bill , Orb , Connection , Campaign , Talking Down , Koch Brothers , Deputy Campaign , A Billion , Attacks , Et Cetera , Defense , Nominee , Primary , Nasty , Rick Santorum , Offensive , Joe Bide , Death , Andrew Breitbart , 1ud , 1 , World , Identity Thieves , Lifelock , Identity Theft Protection , Identity Theft , Fear , Pledge , Moves , Go To Lifelock Com Today , Identity , Tempur Pedic , 1 800 Lifelock , 800 , Bed , Version , Massage , Owners , Brand Owners , Ergonomics , Mattress Brand , Tempur Advanced Ergo , Mattress Sets , 300 , Rival , Primaries , Polls , What Santorum , Latest , Caucuses , Joe Johns , Campaign Troubles , Rob , Steps , Wasn T All Joy , Lead , Gallup National Trackingport , Romney Out , Proposal , Conditions , Health Insurance , Romney Campaign , Trap , Flip Flops , Look , Candidates , Counter , Bill , Employer , Plans , Belief , On Wen Day , Sponsor , Idea , Question , Relationship , Conservative , Roy Blunt , Favor , Cuttants , Rally , Gut Reaction , Didn T , Freedom Of Religion , Newt Gingrich , Georgia , Run Santorum , Central Ohio , Whirlwind , Hay , Fund Raising , Congress , Following , Mississippi , Alabama , Opportunity , Michigan , Authorities , Blow , Kansas , Nouncing , Delegate , Change A Back Room Deal , 16 , Delegates , Hi , Tie , Winner , Geography , Home State , Strength , Pennsylvania , Test , Prize , Seriousness , Staying Power , Election , Estate , Order , Bellwether , Appeal , Urning , Candidate , Rural , Reagan Democrats , True Crossover Appeal , Number , Blue Collar , 63 , Poll , Points , 11 , Victories , Momentum , Night , Outspending , Six , Controller , Plane , Landing , Tv Station , Owner , Sky , You And Me Both , Jeep , Runway , Strawberries , Speeds , Disaster , 4g Lte Tablets , Dave , Businesses , She S The Boss , Customers , Disabilities , Technology Rules , 4g Lte Technology , Verizon Center , Verizon , 974 , 6006 , 1 800 974 6006 , Decatherms , Brother S Keeper , Bout Ya , 90 , Attention , Gas Turbines , Answers , Siemens , Nine , Passenger Plane , Airport Security Fence , Philadelphia Airport , Lizzie O Leary , Something , Union , Fence , Ground Radar , End , Audio , Fog , Us Airways Express , Guy , Controllers , Rogue Vehicle , Delay , You Guys , Traffic Control , Airport , Departure Runway , Runways , Cops , Police , The Grace Of God , Scanning , Philly , Photo , 24 , 9 , Police Chief , Terrorism , Feet , Of A Sudden , Land , Flights , Nexus , Faa , 30 , 100 , Lizzie , Blogger , Left , Accomplishment , Strategy Session , Fish Stories , My Turn , Little Bird , Oooh , All Of Us , Paris , Everyone Else , Conservatives , Age , Driving Force , Tea Party Movement , 43 , Drudge Report , Internet , Voice , Huffington Post , Picture , Resignation , Shirley Sherrod , Discriminating , Anthony Weiner , Farmer , Truth , Piers Morgan Tonight , Talk , Natural Causes , Website , Alpsy , L A Coroner , Andrew , Reaction , Contributors , Charming , Caricature , Him , Rush Talk , Jolly , Notion , Belying , Shock , Fraction , Kacarpe Diemguy , Real Life , Episode , 2010 , Phone , Cell Numbers , E Mail Accounts , Love , Politics , Contact Sport , Shame , Conservative Combatant , Participation , Passion , Say , Susie , Sagain , Media , Special , Vice President , High School , Turn , Insomes , 45 , 40 , Divide , Tis Listen , Parties , High Schools , College Campuses , President A Snob , School Education , Context , Technical School , School Training , College , University , Mary , Contents , State Schoolgirl , Disdain , Higher Education , Manufacturing , Donna , Ivy League , Activities , Apprenticeshi Apprenticeships , Roundtable , Participants , Scenes , Team , Coming Dulles , Government , Access , Concerns , Allegation , Role , Top Secret Information , Soich , 9 11 , Saudi Arabia , Storm Dangers , And A Billboard Stars Washington D C , Horizon , Commuters , Billboard , Washington , Democrat , Face , Around The World , Fears , Whispers , Source , Allegations , Brian Todd , Assistance , Terror Plot , Osama Bin Laden , Investigation , Contacts , Led , Detail , Who , Hijackers , Bob Graham , Agent , Act Of Terrorism On American Soil , Omar Al Biyumi , September 11th Attacks , Maid , Led A , September 11th , Lawsuit , Court Document , California , San Diego , Al Bayoumi , Apartment , Payments , Dinner , Honor , Senator , Buy Jacker , Statements , Officials , Discussions , Extent , Ngos , Banks , Case , Attorney , Comment , Interests , Terrorist Organization , Couldn T , Purpose , Al Qaeda , Embassy , Family , Commissions , Consultant , We Couldn T Get , Anyone , Saudi Embassy , Hijacker , Peter Bergen , Angle Goal , Common Sense Test , Billions , Leaders , Bergen , Insurance Companies , Firm , Bob Kerrey , Juncture , Deposition , Affidavit , Washington D C , Nothing , Report , Nation , Position , Reporting , Iran , Ivan Watson , Capital , Government Minders , Substance , Tehran , North Korea , Restrictions , The , Bit , Satellite Phone , Kell , Seven , Elections , Topics , City , Tit For Tat , Translator , Media Guide Agency , New York , Iranians , Streets , Filming Campaign Posters , Friction , Tension , 15 , Police Station , Militia Officer , Bazaar , Tuesday Night , Basiji , Contradictions , Phone Number , Cheeks , Crew , Visa , Violence , Placementary , 2009 , Result , Street Protests , Opposition , Crackdown , Opposition Movement , Members , Green Movement , Fact , Urging , Adversaries , Plot , Western , Islamic Revolution , 1979 , Forces , Afghanistan , Ivan , American Soemgs , Troops , Soldier , Official , Protests , Army , Men , Piece , Burned Korans , Apology , Interview , Koran Burnings , Woods , Nato , Chris Lawrence , Soldiers , Allies , Officers , Heads , Government Ministries , U S Military , Study , Partners , Self Serving , Bullies , Military , Thieves , Curtain , Coalition , Times , Progress , Sight , 70 , 200 , Unstable , Loathing , Army Report Declassified Last , Fighting , Taliban , Drugs , Fox News Debate , Course , Enemy , Qatar , Sign , Negotiating Table , Lapse , Saw , David Lamb , Key , Larger , Strategies , Actions , Leverage , Capitals , Opinion , Sway , West , Chart , Way Forward , Chris , Activists , Egypt , Warm Front , Travel Ban , American British , Ray Lahood , Fraud Charges , Coach , Up Next , He , Rubble , Ohio School Shooting , Sad , Free Speech Fight , Track , Landscaping Business , Winter Jobs , White House , Snow , At T , Field Workers , Accounting , Dome , Solution , Minnesota , Possibilities , Network , Guys , Osteoarthritis Pain , Back Pain , Cymbalta , Doctor , Mood , Changes , Behavior , Fda , Risk , Blood Thinners , Glaucoma , Adults , Maois , Antidepressants , Suicide , Teens , Thioridazine , Aspirin , Nsaids , 18 , Skin Reactions , Abdominal Pain , Liver Problems , Confusion , Medicines , Signs , Skin , Fatal , Yellowing , Migraine , Muscles , On Cymbalta , Fever , Alcohol Use , Dizziness , Mouth Sores , Peeling Rash , Hives , Blisters , Liver Disease , Stop , Fainting , Trial Offer , Cymbalta Com , Little , Journey , Yup , Measure , Attempt , Correspondent , Setback , Bolduan , Vote , Sides , We Saw , Tally , Step , Issues , Freedom , Democrats , Capitol Hill , Women S Access To Contraception , Group , Bullying , Views , Tyranny , Choice , Beliefs , Groups , Health Coverage Requirements , Convictions , Direction , Moving , Health Service , American , Policy Messages , Fight Over Contraception , Objections , Win , Women Voters , Base , Liberty , Overreached , Race , Fight , View , Hand , John Boehner , Wins , Fueling , Kate , Wyoming , Arizona , George W Bush , Sister Publication , Joe Klein , Column , Bill Clinton , Independents , Crossover Voters , Nominations , Middling , Wouldn T , Fire , Criticizing , Ways , Moderate , Opponents , Rest , Credibility , Votes , Reform , Serve , Moderates , Tiff , Numbers , Gallup Organization , 34 , 27 , Ging , Romney Doesn T , Spread , Oyo , 35 , Move Back , Does , Win Ohio , Tennessee , Oklahoma , Nomination , Front Runner , Safety , Ruins , What S Going On , Outsiders , Go Look For Job , Kids Play , Energy , Sadness , Special Richness , Wealth , Chevron , Power , Size , Natural Gas , Projects , Australia , Singapore , 50 , Novel , Volunteer Firefighter , Road Trip , Storms , Timers , In , Region , Northwest , 13 , Storm , Mississippi River Valley , Forecasters , Survival , , Marroing , Soledad O Brien , Ground Zero , Zero , Foundation , Debris Field , Stuff Bakley , Deaths , Injuries , Homes , Property , Ones , Bam Bathroom , Driveway , Closet , Garage , Bathroom , Warnings , Back Bedroom , Utility Room , I Ll Be There , Center , It Hit , Kicked , Door Open , 10 , Concrete , Shirt , Shorts , Utility Room Hollering , Stuffed , Pair , Thank God , Concussion , Fine , Head Trauma , 3 , Grandchildren , Observation , Belongings , Bucket , Daughters , Mire , Cleaning Up , Cleanup , Focus , Items , Trucks , Branson , Missouri , Drich In , Tourist Destination , Soledad , Jim Spellman , Hit Hard , Legends In Concert Theater , Dollars , Tens , Damage , Theater , The Show Must Go On , Experience , Market , Justin Clark Plays Elwood , Ready To Rock , Blues , Costumes , Rot , The Blues Brothers , Weren T , Theaters , Mission , Apologizing , Judge , Reservation , Location , Heart Wrenching , Speed , Jojouruy Jujuninioror M Minints , Atattatack Nened , Swon Pepengnguiuin , Chchasase E Scscenene , Cocomimingng , Pririncncee Bobollllywywoooodd 3 Dd Shsharark , Soooonn Exextrtra , Bubutttter Titickcketets , Odi , Toto D , S Itit P Payays , G Getet , Onon M Movovieies , Ririghght T Nonow , 5 K , Repairs , Price , Accident Forgiveness , Guarantee , Accident , Features , Drivers , Horrific Ohio Schooling , Chardon High School , Visits , Building , Classes , Demetrius , Fetchit , Brigant , Sad Day , Password , Codes , Details , Computer , Agency , Trouble , Security Lapse , Hacker , Nasa , Tire Rotation , These , Vehicle , Dealership , Inspection , Filter , Hoses , Brakes , Suspension Checks , Belts , Ford , Pressures , Works , Battery , Dealer , Tires , Air Filter , Fluids , Transmission , Oil Change , 29 95 , 9 95 , Car Doctor , Pancakes , Dry Cleaning , Invoices , Shoes , Sushi , Marriott Hotels Resorts , Smoothie , Xerox , Invoice Process , Annie , Captain Speaking , School Play , Tree , Trees , Captain , Princess , Boy , Pause , Fly , Big Green Frog , Ewww , American Airlines , Same Sex Marriage , Lisa , Maryland , Lisa Sylvester , Unions , Computers , Martin O Malley , Marriage , Legislation , 48 , Space Station , Command , Congressional , Agencies , Data , E Mail , Chief Federal Judge , Water , Newspaper , Laptops , Jokes , Montana , Word , Capital P , 12001 , Symbolling , You Re Not Alone , Leading , Security Breach , Yew , The End , Airplanes , Paper Airplane , Complex , Record , Producer , At Korn , 26 , Arm Strength , College Quarterback , Paper Airplane Guy , Work , Arm , 226 , Peach , Football , Cheers , Beauty , Odors , Let S Move On , Worth , Aerosols , High School Science Teacher , Moderator , Smell , Flower , Febreze , Air Effects Doesn T Mix , Awww , Science Teacher , Science Teachers , Build It , Geologist , Servo Motors , Microcontroller , American Education , 100 Million Dollars , 100 Million , Love Science , Thousands , Cool , Sprint , Jim Acosta , North Dakota , Washington State Right 2340u , 2340 , Idaho , Idaho Falls , Evening , Conference Call , Surrogates , Campaign Put , Statement , Thuggery , Seattle , Dose , Metro Station , Clarendon , Controversy , Eye , Speech , Free Speech , Riders , Partisanship , Go To Hell , Discourse , Terrible , Logan Darrel Clements , Healthcare System , Dvd Documentary , Middle , Pack , Healthcare Plan , Sick And Sicker , Language , Disagreement , Medicine , Degree , Virginia Congressman Jim , Discretion , Facility , Taxpayers , Shell , Transit Authority , Representative Moran , Authority , Advertising , Ads , Courts , Forum , Statement Saying , Wmata , Jeffrey Toobin , Content , Metro , Free Speech Rights , Envelope , Expression , Doubt , Nudity , Permissible , Ad Down , Use , Tiger Woods , Navy Seal , Golf , Senship , Cashback , Mid Grade Dark Roast Forest , Gas Stations , Wash , Bag , Ice Anti Freeze , Brain Freeze Cake , Flat , Diesel , Jumper Cables , Car Replacement , Accident Doesn T , Auto Insurance Product , 15000 , Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance , Offices , Alcoholism , Copies , Addiction Cure , Ssagesmalibubook Com , Book Claims , Intensity , Golf Ball , Duck , Target , Jeanne Moos , Seal , Swing Coach , Career , Sights , Book By Tiger , Height , Excerpts , Regards , Alex , Gun , Golf Club , Spokesman , Army Bases , Ball , Tank , Ranges , Water Trap , 2006 , Being , 28 , Seals , I Don T Know , Commercial , Putter , Translation , Poster , Anyway , Silent Stare , Weird Nike , Tornado Survivors , Campus , Hero In Monday S Ohio School Shooting , Nic Robertson , Turned Upsidedown , Brooke , Sex Scandal , Desire ,

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