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i'm candidate crowley, and you're in "the situation room." just coming in, a new snapshot capturing the big picture, a cnn lorcp poll shows support for president obama up slightly from last month 67 this new poll shows a five-point lead over romney, though still within a sampling error. the same poll shows a seven-point lead for the president over rick santorum. that is up only slightly from january. we want to bring in cnn's chief analyst gloria borger. so i look at this and think maybe a problem for mitt romney? >> absolutely a problem for mitt romney. as you pointed out, in january neck and neck. now president obama is up. what's mitt romney's calling card as he campaigns he electability? what do republican voters say they want in all those dpit polls we've been taking and all those primaries? somebody who can beat president obama. he kind of loses that argument. it's early, this is good news for president obama. we should say it's february, these numbers can change. >> and he can also say i'm the most electable, i suppose. >> absolutely. >> even though we all lose. >> that's right. why has the approval rating gone up? imgts i think there's lots of reasons. right now it's at 50%. disapproval at 48%. first of all, the voters have seen nothing else other than republicans argue with each other over -- since new year's. secondly they believe, according to our poll that the economy is heading in the right direction, at least more of them believe that the economy is heading in the right direction. and there's another thing that is very important to the president's improving fortunes. that is independent voters. take a look at these numbers. we asked of the approval of obama's handling his job, then we broke it out with independent voters. you can see here, in february, 50%, that's up five points in the last month. so it's clear that independent voters are warming up to barack obama again, probably because of what they've been watching. >> i always say politics is really 90% perception. and you see a real divide? >> right. it's along the lines of who do these candidates really care about wloz policies favor the middle class? you see here that ron paul, the anti-big government republican does the best, candidate, followed by rick santorum, who beats barack obama, which is very interesting, because rick santorum is running as a pop you list candidate, anti-elise, a great story to tell, coal miner father, for example, but who fares the worst? you see it right there -- mitt romney. inch are. >> well all nose they number are great, but if you can't -- there was a lot made last year about republicans were more enthusiastic. has that changed? >> there had used to be a huge enthusiasm gap, as we call it. now, if you look at they numbers, you see back in october, not too long ago, there was a 121-point enthusiasm advantage for the republican party. now two points. so again that can change, but so far it looks lie the primaries have not really worn well with republican voters and with independent voters. >> a good time to erase it from voters' minds. >> there is. there's plenty of time. >> thank you so much. gloria borger, our chief political analyst. the new lineup with rick santorum and mitt romney at the front of the race means a new run of ad wars. joe johns is working that part of the stories. joe, some of these ads are pretty amazing. >> that's for sure, candidate, heating up again as the schedule compresses with more contests sort of bunched together in a short space of the calendar, including february 28th, arizona and michigan, and super tuesday, march 6th. the contenders really just need to compete in a whole bunch of places at one time. >> there they go again. comes out of the block with a negative ad whose surge in the polls suggest he's the guy to beat. >> rick santorum, big spender, washington insider. >> the santorum compare returned fire with a humorous ad depicting a guy that looks a lot like romney. >> romney and his super pac, with a staggering -- >> reporter: it's funny all right. even mitt romney laughed about it in an interview. still from a political perspective, what matters is whether the ad works. bret o'donnell is an independent strategist who just finished a stint with the romney campaign. >> i think it's a different strategy to try to rebuff the attacks from the romney folks. you know, telling the truth about issues is what seems to be the most effective. >> it's a complex problem, how to respond to the pro-romney super pac attacks the newt gingrich dug do so well. he has yet to recover. they have up until now achieved near total dominance in the campaign air wars. the latest buy, about eight states, about $1.5 million. >> every state so far romney and restore our future have absolutely dwarfed all the other candidates and the other groups in terms of spending. >> the ad battles partly reflect how hard it is to reach voters in a bunch of states in a time where there have been fewer and fewer debates and fewer opportunities to get unfiltered messages out. >> the debate i think next week will be critical for both candidates, because it will be the first time that senator santorum hag stood in the center of the stage as the front-runner, so the pressure will be on him to occupy that role and to see how that debate goes down between he and governor romney. >> as we approach that debate, the question is how can santorum compete against an organization with a lot of money. he appears to be looking for creative ways to have an impact, though he doesn't really have the resources to match romney. candy? >> joe johns, thanks very much. iran is flaunting its nuclear capabilities. state television shod president ahmadinejad loading what state television said were fuel rods into a nuclear reactor. the stay announced a goal of producing enriched uranium, but some sees a more pressing threat. chris lawrence is here with us. hard to imagine there's a problem more pressing than rage getting nuclear capabilities. >> in this case there is. u.s. military officials are preparing to fijd an asymmetric war. what that means is iran declares a military exercise zone that infins on the shipping lanes or inn gates riots during the pilgrimage in saudi arabia, even raiding desalinization plants that other nations use to get drinking water. it's not as dramatic as iranian subs blasting away at u.s. carriers, but u.s. officials say it's much more likely. they look like suicide speedb t speedboats around small, nimble boats that could be use to raj larger ships. a u.s. navy official says the threat has been overblown, but spilgts how iran has been developing the ability to wage low-level war. >> a lot of people think that iran has to start blowing things up to be effective, but we've seen that's not always the case with the speedboats harassing vessels in the gulf. could be done to shipping lanes. >> the folks that are conducting this time of activity understand what the limits are for u.s. and international vessels, wartime vessels in terms of their engagement profiles. they'll stay out of that engagement profile, but will keep everybody else very attentive to what they are doing. >> retired general james "spider" marks says it could disrupt the shipping lines. >> iran and its support from china, maybe from russia, could drop into the gulf capabilities, trigger mechanisms that we heretofore have not seen. >> reporter: we believe they may have smart mines that could detect the size of a tanker and then go off? >> proximity types of passage, disruption, water type of movement, signals, absolutely. >> reporter: iran did deploy troops from several islands in the shipping lanes. nations like saudi arabia get 60% of their drinking water from desalinization plans in the gulf. that could be prime targets to sabotage. >> you start thinking about a shortage of drinking water or perhaps a few oil spills that contaminate the water and cause a disruption in the food supply. it's one of the reasons, candy why the u.s. is rushing to get this mother ship on the to the area where they can quickly deploy special operations forces, get the mine sweepers out there. those aren't the assets you bring to some big battle like we saw in world war ii in the pacific form it's what you use for the low-level warfare. >> is there muscle flexing going on here on either side? is a lot of this at the precipice of some sort of conflict? oar is this just don't this far and no farther sort of stuff. >> the one thing i keep hearing from sources at the pentagon is the lack of communication, and how when you don't have that line of communication, even very small incidents can quickly mushroom. >> we've seen that happen. thanks so much, chris lawrence. good to see you. right now lawmakers are working on something that impacts the paycheck of every working american. we'll get the latest on efforts to extend the payroll tax cut. the obama campaign finds itself embroiled in a chimichanga controversy. plus american coins nickel ago diming the u.s. government. now there are plans to change our change. oving backward. 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[ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at jack cafferty is here with -- and this will surprise you -- "the cafferty file." it's always good to see you, even from afar. >> it's a pleasure to have you with us. thank you. president obama has broken a promise to cut the deficit in half. the latest budget forecasts a $901 billion deficit for 2013. if you add in the trillion dollar plus deficits he's run and the estimated $200 billion in economic stimulus, that's about $5 trillion in red ink during his first term t george w. bush said the previous record, $3.4 trillion in deficits, but it took eight years to do it. president obama is on track to add it in four years. this is part of the reason why our national debt stops $15 trillion. the weekly standard crunched the numbers and found out that deficit spending, just under president obama now equals more than $17,000 per person in this country, about $70,000 for every family of four. in february of 2009, shortly after he took office, president obama pledged to cut the $1.3 trillion deficit he inherited from president bush in half. meanwhile, a quick look at what's happening around the world might provide a glimpse of what our future hold. greece saw more violent riots this week following their government as approval, and the credit rating agency moody's downgraded six european countries, including italy and spain amid concerns over the continent's debt crisis and sluggish economy. here's the question -- where is the united states headed? if president obama is adding an estimated $5 trillion to the national dead in his first term? post a comment on my blog or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. my guess is after the election, taxes will go up big time. >> jack, i love you, but you are always a little depressing. >> it's just my nature. >> i know. thank, jack. we are following developments on capitol hill that directly impact the paychecks of 160 million americans. right now house and senate negotiators are trying to put finishing touches on a deal -- they're also working to extend unemployment benefits and avoid a fee cut for medicare doctors. cnn congressional correspondent kate bolduan joins us live. where are we in the process? >> inching closer. i'm told by some key negotiator 99% there. take a listen right here to one of the key negotiators brokering this deal, democrat ecsenator max baucus. >> we're there. what really counts is to get the job done. we apply the unemployment benefits and payroll tax cut for americans. we're there are. there are just a couple wrinkles that sometime get in the way, but i think they'll be ironed out today. >> reporter: they won't detail what the couple wrinkling are, but we are told that one issue has to do with how they'll cover the cost of some of this. republicans already gave in on covering the costs, dropping their demand, if you will, to cov coversh they dropped their demand on that, but negotiators have agreed that they will still cover the cost of extending unemployment insurance as well as a voiding the cut -- and that seems to be where quite a bit of the focus is. >> clearly they wanted to get beyond this issue, yet i can't help believe that conservatives are not happy about extending that payroll tax cut without paying for it. i know they met with speaker boehner. what are you hearing? >> reporter: you are right, they are not happy. one of them being congressman jason chaff its, and they're not happy about it, and other conservative members say they're not going to be able to support it if the payroll tax cut is going to be extended, it would need to be paid for. so they are not happy about it, but i'm still not seeing the significant blowback from members that we have seen in the past that seem to threaten any passage. congressman la tourette put it to me best last night. he told me he thought there was recognition, in his words this isn't if i were winning, and we need to get this issue behind us, for republicans, it seems to be a victory of sorts. you can be slur, candy, democrats are already privately claiming victory, that they were able to get republicans to cave on this issue as they push forward on a deal. >> when it trouble, change the conversation. >> ah yes. president obama's campaign manager tweets about a chimichanga, and now there are demands for an apology. and federal regulators are moving to restrict a particularly annoy kind of call. and a firecracker going off in a man's mouth? we'll tell you about an electronic cigarette that exploded. >> announcer: with nothing but his computer, an identity thief is able to use your information to open a bank account in order to make your money his money. 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[ male announcer ] tempurpedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. it's the perfect time to save up to $200 on your own ergo. find out more at mary snow has the top stories in "the situation room." >> a fire in central honduras has killed more many victims were sleeping as the blaze fred. others were said to be trapped inside after guards abandoned their post. more than 100 prisoners are still accounted for, but authorities say they don't know how many forced their way out of the prison and fled. they say a short circuit or mattress fire may have sparked the blaze. federal regulators are making it harder for telemarketers to call or text you. new fcc rules will limit robo-calls as well as automated text messages. one officials says it will close loopholes in the existing regulations. information calls such as school closing information and flight cancellations will still be allowed. a florida man has been hospitalized after an electronic cigarette a fire official says it appears to have caused the problem and describes it as similar to a firecracker exploding in the victim's mouth. these types of cigarettes, i guess they're used to help quit smoking. >> that was my question. what the heck is an electronic cigarette in you answered the question. wow. dangerous, apparently. thank you so much. president obama's approval numbers are on the rise, but how come? we'll talk more about it in our strange session. plus chimichangas and latinos, details of the tweet that's causing controversy for the obama reelection team. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... 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[ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. the president got some pretty good-looking poll numbers, at least better than in the past. joining me are maria cardona and mary matalin. mary, first to you. looking back to november, the president had a 44% overall approval rating, now hit a magic 60% mark. is this something republicans have done wrong or something the president has down right? >> i think it's largely a function of the cycle obama has been out there campaigning nonstop, and he has a good campaign. he's been campaigning well. part of his good campaigning is attacking republicans, and part of the cycle for where the republicans are right now is they're attacking republicans, so there's no pushback on obama in this part of the season. he's running a good campaign, but he's running a good race on an empty track. i don't think they see numbers are sustainable, and they're also not present in the 14 most competitive states where the unemployment is higher and his numbers are lower. it does matter thousand you're doing in the battleground states. what do you think is behind the president's rise in approval numbers? >> i think what's behind it is he's talking every day what he'll do for middle-class and working-class families, who are most hit by this economy. he's talking to them about creating jobs, about continuing the growth path we are on, talking about continuing all the good numbers we are seeing, but telling them it's not enough, we need to continue to do 340r. while republicans are attacking republicans, and obama is actually speaking to the american people, importantly speak to those independents, speaking to latinos, all the key demographics he's going to need in the general election, while mitt romney, if he's still considered the front-runners, but he's tanks among all of those key demographics. i do think these numbers need to be of huge concern for the republicans right now. certainly something the republicans have done has is seemed to turn off the independenting, but it is february. jim messina, the reelection campaign manager retweeted something from "the washington post" this morning, columnest dana mill bank. this is what he said. the chip i changa, it may be the only thing republicans have left to offer latinos. i will say messina acknowledged it cause d a stir. let us go back to the original tweet. pretend you are a republican -- i'm sorry -- yeah, pretend a republican had said that. democrats would go after them, wouldn't they? it depends on the context. the reason why i think the hispanic leadership network, who is demanding the apology doesn't have a leg to stand on, where is the outrage where they were -- wrote this article, where was the outrage when they were filibustering -- >> isn't -- this is about stereotyping. >> no, not really -- yes, and i think -- exactly. i think jim talked about that in terms of, you know, using some other person's words, and they weren't jim's words. but i think the context is important here, candy, because republicans have done everything possible to alienate latino voters and to offend latino voters, when you have mitt romney the supposed front-runner who is campaigning with chris coback. when you have pete wilson, the poster child -- >> i don't want to totally take a trip down -- >> they don't have a leg to stand on. >> i want mary to get in on this. mary, do you think a republican would get a rough go over this? is it a big deal? a little deal. >> here's a word for you, candy -- duh. but democrats make up and look for reasons to be offended. they charge racism where none occurs. so all of that was nice rhetoric, maria, but not one whit of influence on the electora electorate. it is president obama whos tanking, particularly among key demographics. let's take hispanics, in florida, florida hispanics, a critical case for obama, a critical state where hispanics make the difference last election he beat mccain. he is less than 50/50 in this election. policies that they really disagree with, including the keystone pipeline, the hhs, so he's losing that demographic while they're calling each other names, and attributing a kind of racism like they always do in lieu of debate. it was republicans in the last midterm that won hispanic in high spots, the governor of new mexico, nevada, and senator rubio, et cetera. the proof is in the pudding, not in the tweets. >> maria, mary, at the very least they agree this is a very important voting group. thank you both so much. are you one of those people who treat pocket change as just a nuisance? well, now it turns out those nickels in your pockets are worth more than a nickel, a lot more. why is china's vice president spending part of his historic visit in rural iowa? it turns out he has connections there that go way back. whitney neuen had some of the best-selling hits, so how much was she actually worth? 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[ male announcer ] learn more from your state farm agent today. it's an unlikely stop for the man likely to to be china's next president, so what brings xi jinping to iowa? so those are just words i never thought i would hear in the same sentence, the future president of china and musca teen, iowa? >> reporter: yeah, people living here never thought they would hear those words, either. the story is he made a trip here 27 years ago, and in fact he had dinner in the house behind me there, and he said he's come to the united states and could he come back and visit with the same people he met back in 1985? it's quite a story. >> cynthia and dib mcclean were thrilled when they found out xi jinping was coming back. >> i went upstairs and for you these pictures. >> there he is the likely picture standing in the maeglis' kitchen. he doesn't speak much english, but that didn't matter. >> a smile and a piece of cake, it's not that complicated. >> he wanted to be the maeglins again along with 17 others he met on his trip 17 years ago. >> he had the itinerary from his visit. >> governor terry bran stead was serving his first stint as governor. the two met last fall in beijing and he said the leader said he wanted to come back. >> he was so pleased with the warm and friendly welcome, and he really considers iowaen his old friend. >> reporter: experts say xi was known mostly for his famous wife. wheels his lineage runs deep in the communist parties, he represents a new generation of leaders. >> he's gone out of his way in recent years to bone up on economics and trade, knowing full well these are the issues that will determine whether the united states and china will get through the years to come. >> reporter: china has been blamed for the loss of thousands of american jobs, but china buys soybeans, pork, farm machine have i and other products from iowa. in fact, from 2000 to 2010, the state enjoyed a 1200% increase in exports to china. the governor wants to expand that relationship and thinks xi will help. >> personal relationships are really important to the chinese people. having this kind of relationship i this is very helpful to the state of iowa. in muscatine, preparations are going on, and the maeglins are pleased. >> just an hour or so to spend time with old friends, that's significant. that's significant. if he weren't the president. >> reporter: and vice president xi jinping is expected to be here for about an hour, hour and a half in that home. he's only meeting with the folks he met with back 27 years ago, about 17 people p. although the weather is not cooperating. it's actually a very miserable day here, i'm sure the good folks in iowa will show the vice president -- future president of china a good time. >> having lived there, ted, i can tell you they will. the only solace i can give you is if this were a real winter, that would be snow. thanks so much, ted rowlands. here's a look at some of the other political headlines making news. for the first time ever megadeath makes or political ticker. the founder and lead singer is endorsing rick san tore tomorrow for president. he said he was impressed by the decision to leave the campaign trail to be with his sick daughter and how he's avoided attack ads. he previously supported newt gingrich, but became disillusioned. michele bachmann on "dancing with the stars"? she spoke about the rumors. she said she loves ballroom dancing and did once win a polka contest, but she focused on her congressional work. for complete coverage, be sure to readle ticker on she made a fortune. how much of it was left when whitney houston died. plus coins that cost more to make than they're worth. a push to change the penny, and the nickel too. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. whitney houston was one of the best known entertainers in the world. in the wake of her death last week, some are wondering how much money did she actually have left? our tom foreman has been looking into that. >> a lot of people wonder this, and you know -- we both witnessed this our whole life -- when a megastar passes away, two things emerge -- they had a huge fortune, or they were broke. both have emerged in this case. but that still leaves the question hanging out there. how much did she really have stwh ♪ whatever you want from me ♪ i've given you everything >> reporter: measuring. her 1992 hit movie "the bodyguard" over 20 years it's made almost $411 million. the soundtrack has sold 17 million in the u.s. alone, according to the recording industry, that's the most ever, more than "purple rain" and "saturday night fever" rover the film also gave you that song ♪ and i will always love you "i will always love you" sold 4 million copies in its first year alone. that's seven records every minute. it was great news for houston, maybe even better news for dolly parton who wrote it. under recording law, parton, not houston or her estate gets paid of time you hear it. she talked about it today. >> and whitney did it, and it made all that money, i got the money for the writing, and i bought a lot of cheap wigs. >> reporter: still houston's music was the cornerstone of her empire, and her records broke records time and again. she produced more number one singles in a row than the beatled. he songs climbed the charts fast, but stayed near the top for long periods. how much she earned from all of that is. >> the singer her suggest suggested it. >> first of all, let's get one thing straight. crack is cheap. i make too much money to ever smoke crack. let's get that straight, okay? i don't do crack. crack is wack. >> reporter: now her songs are dominating online sales just as michael jackson's did after his sudden loss. that could be wortham millions. billboard says he sold 16 millions songs, and almost 11 million albums. houston would that to work at that. after all, in the mid '90s she was widely regarded as one of the wealthier. she owned properties, made tens of millions touring. in 2001 she signed a record deal worth $100 million. >> the show underwent a huge transformation. >> and her appeal continues. the grammys packed with references and tributes to houston scored its biggest audience in almost 30 years. when her final film "sparkle requests is released later this year, industry experts expect it to build even more on the fame and fortune of whitney houston. that giant record contract, she wasn't able to complete all the records involved, so obviously some of that will go back to the record company. already all sorts of disputes inavailably. that's going to be involved. then there's this massive question of future earnings. as you know the everything after they pass away can almost be as much as they made in a lifetime. a lot of strange things were happening in her life which could have kept her financial affairs in tremendous disarray, so what will the bottom line be? i don't think we're really going to know for quite some time. even this it's going to keep moving because of the continued earnings from whitney houston. >> none of which brings back a mom for a teenage daughter. but interesting nonetheless. you are looking at the church in newark where houston sang as a child. be sure to tune in this saturday morning at 11:00 eastern for special live coverage of whitney houston's funeral. we are told a camera will be allowed inside the church. our piers morgan sol dade o'brien and don lemon will coanchor the special coverage. now back to jack cafferty with "the cafferty file" and some answers for us. >> the question this hour is where is the united states headed if president obama is adding an estimated $5 trillion during his first term. ben writes from boston, i guess we're headed from 10 to 15 trillion. and from there we'll be headed for indentured serve toured of sorts. since the -- hey, don't blame me, hillary won the primary, i wish she was the president now. left -- his choices were to let us go into a depression or add to the debt. i support the latter, because it eventually leads to recovery. tony writes -- it's quite astounding how a question like this can get answers that mention former president bush. it seems no matter what this current administration does or doesn't do, it's always the fault of george w. bush. just like little children blame others for their lack of abilities, they folks continue to cast a blind eye on the incompetent of barack obama. it's really quite amazing. david writing -- greece. >> and kirk in minnesota says the u.s. will pull a thelma and louise if he keep hemorrhaging money. to read more, go to my blog or through our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. candy? >> thanks, jack. iran flaunts its nuclear capability to the world, but how close is it to actually making a nuclear weapon? plus the government's penny problem. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaids, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. go to ♪ ♪ one, two, three, four ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do ...we inspected his brakes for free. free is good. free is very good. my money. my choice. my meineke. a possible change in store for pock change. athena jones has the detail. >> reporter: you may think it cost as penny to make a penny, but you would be wrong. just the administrative costs add up to nearly half a cent per coin. it's that mix that could see a change. >> reporter: julian knows coins. he's been collecting since 11, and dealing them for nearly half a century. >> when cents were first made, this was the size of the cent. >> he says the look have changed multiple times over the years. >> they started in 1793. there were three different designs in 1793. there was a design that went through 1794 through 1796, then there was a design that went 1796 to 1807. >> reporter: you get the point. now pennies as well as nickels could be set to change again. in the latest budget, the obama administration asked congress permission to change the metal makeup, because they've become more expensive to produce. it costs 2.4 cents to make one penny, and 11.2 cents to make a nickel. the reason, the prices of the pennies are mostly made of zinc, and at current market rates the price of raw materials is almost six cents per nickel. add in the minting process. it's more that doubled face value. >> reporter: does it surprise you it costs so much to make these coins? >> because of raw metal, no, it doesn't. what surprises me is they haven't found something before. >> reporter: the u.s. mint is in the early stages of studying an issue, so it's too soon to know what the final mix will be, but lehman thinks both coins could be discontinued. >> my thoughts is i like them, whatever they make of them, i like them. my thoughts as a guy on the street, get rid of them and do the rounding. >> reporter: so this is the latest attempt to cut costs. the decision to stop making the presidential $1 coins last december is expected to save the mint $50 million a year. >> athena jones, thank you so much. you're in "the situation room." happening now, iran ace president flaunts a big step forward in the country's nuclear program. this hour, growing fears an atomic bomb could be next. plus news concerns that iran might attack jewish targets in the u.s. also a new focus in the investigation of whitney houston's death. authorities want to know who prescribed the medication found in the hotel room where she died. and an international fugitive caught after almost 20 years on the run after his son apparently had too many drinks and his daughter-in-law got scared. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos are straight ahead. wolf blitzer is off. i'm candy crowley, and you're in "the situation room." right now iran may be a big step closer to making a nightmare scenario for the west come true. many world leaders are skeptical, and even more determined to prevent iran from developing nuclear weapons. we want to go to our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. barbara? >> reporter: candy, even today as it unveiled new limits of the program, it claimed it was for medical and research purposes, but is it? >> president ahmadinejad on hand to unveil what he says is a big step in the nuclear program, loading the first nuclear fuel rod made in iran. the announcement came with lots of pageantry on iranian state television. the stage he spoke on adorned with images of nuclear scientists killed by unknown assailants and defiant ahmadinejad franked by what looks like a centrifuge. >> translator: any nation that will dare approach to try to get access to this know-how, they started immediately to put pressures, to impose sanctions, to make threats. >> reporter: iran says it's always getting a new generation of advanced -- and will produce yell yellowcake. how significance is it all? the state department doesn't seem to be too worried. >> we frankly don't see a lot new here. this is not big news. in fact it seems to have been hyped. >> reporter: but experts disagree. >> it's definitely a technical achievement to be able to make fuel rods. many people didn't think iran could do it, so they definitely have something to crow about. >> reporter: it may be the latest negotiating ploy for against crepeling sanctioning. but it still leaves the u.s. looking for any signs that they have crossed the so-called red line into making a nuclear weapon. >> a clear indicator would be enrichment of uranium to a 90% level, which would be a good indicator of its seriousness. >> reporter: but its own account, iran isn't there yet. >> they would have to kick out inspectors turned their facilities over into making bombs and we would have time to take action. >> reporter: so if iran was to make that decision to go to weapons grade nuclear fuel, estimates are another six months to make enough, and after that another year and a half to put it on a warhead and on top of a missile. all very worrisome developments that you can bet u.s. and israeli intelligence, candidate, will keep watching. >> barbara starr, thanks very much. most americans don't want the u.s. to take military action to force iran to shut down the nuclear program. our new poll shows 60% of the public mortgages diplomatic or economic action. only 17% think the u.s. should use military force. there's another reason u.s. officials are worried about iran right now. there are growing concerns that iran or its surrogates might launch attacks against jewish targets here in the u.s. our brian todd is looking into that. >> reporter: candy, at least one group targeted in other countries is aware of this possible threat and taking its own measures. 9 jewish leaders tell us they're boosting their security and for good reason. there's new concern about how iran might retaliate, maybe be using its proxies. >> what's iran's capable of doing damage inside the united states? >> that's give a clear, concrete answer to, but we no hezbollah does have footprints and they have a role and have had a presence in the united states in the broader americas. >> >> reporter: this former homeland security aide to president bush says there's enterprises in the u.s. that iran could tap into. experts say synagogues, jewish community centers and schools are soft targets. this joint homeland security and fbi bulletin sent last week says that violent extremist groups have long advocated attacking places like this, but it also says as of last week, there was no specific threat to jewish organizations inside the united states. >> the homeland security official sell there's been no change in that assessment since then, but i asked one woman about the threat. places like this are considered a soft targets sometimes. are you concerned? >> of course i am. i work as not only as an individual, but as a jewish woman. >> reporter: janet napolitano says it's monitoring the threat. >> we are reaching out to particularly the jewish community across the country who have been the intended targets in the past. >> reporter: iran has proven it can launch strikes. in argentina, assassinating a former prime minister in paris. the iranians may again make a bold stroke like the alleged plot to assassinate the saudi ambassador in washington. but it's said that that shows that the regime can bunkle the plots. >> even when they have succeeded and often succeeded, i don't know of a one where we haven't recognized that? >> gerecht says the iranians may have sleeper cells, but it may take a while to be operational. for that reason if iran is attacked, look for that for a lag time between that and a possible retaliatory strike. >> but there is some way more immediately the u.s. could strike against u.s. interests at least? >> he says in the more immediate after an attack, they could try to close the strait of hormuz. he said that would, of course, provoke a nasty confrontation with the military, but there is a way to hit back right away and they're right there. they can do that. >> we also have new information about another global threat. cnn has obtained a u.s. intelligence bulletin about the merger of the terrorist group ashabab with al qaeda. it says the move could further radicalize al shabab sympathizers and encourage them to -- but the bulletin says the merger could reduce al shabab support within the somali community here in the united states. we want to bring in cnn national security contributor fran townsend. she serves on the homeland security advisory board. so we have these new alerts, many pages long. can you translate them for us? is this get worried or just, hey for lack of a better word cya on the part of government officials. >> those in the intelligence and law enforcement communities would say we've known they've been working together for some time now, so this wasn't really any news other than they made an announcement about it. if you look closely at the wording of the alert that came out, there was some snickering about, well, it could radicalize people and it could turn them away. on rein, on the other hand, there is a good deal of chest beating by ahmadinejad today in this announcement, and you have to take that with some skepticism. saddam hussein also beat his chest and misled, frankly u.s. intelligence. so i think we have to be skeptical about the facts. the frut of what ahmadinejad was saying today. that said we've seen a more radical approach, and they've got from a program which is about 3.5% enriched uranium to 20% is concerning if that's true. of course that's not the 90% you need to weapons grade, but it's a star step on that path. we've seen bombings in georgia, india and thailand, it's not proven that that's dresktly tied, but that's got to be a concern if it turns out that they are. >> i think the iran threat is one that you have to take seriously efederally if you're a jewish community here in the united states. >> you've already suggested we should take that photoop, at least skeptically, there was -- but, you know then why do it? let's assume it's not really what he says it is. is it for a internal consumption? is he pounding his chest for world purposes? >> i think he does it for both audiences. first we know there's a tremendous amount of price in the program. that's why you see the pictures of the scientists who have died. there's a real sense of pride in that program. also remember the sanctions -- by the international community have had a crippling strong effect. it's only going to get worse. i think it's both. and he's also looking to maintain a certainly level of national prize. >> finally, fran, if you had to look at it, is iran any more dangerous to u.s. security interests today than two months ago or three months ago? >> i think as they feel increasing sanctions, and when you see their willingness to sort of consider how much botched it was you've got to see them getting increasingly desperate. >> imam pretty concerned these are an case, and willings in to take desperate steps, so i think they are a greater threat. >> fran townsend, thank you. we should mention that fran and many other former national security officials support the u.s. state department dropping the terror decidingation for the opposition group mek. the european union has already dropped that group from its list. new details on the whitney houston death. now her medical reports are in the spotlight. that's not all. we're live in los angeles. plus the mormon church issued an apology for what it calls a serious breach of protocol. and we'll explain more in "the situation room." 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he also inserted himself into the terri schiavo case. that's where some members of the government thought it was their job, not the family to decide if a brain-damaged woman should have her feeding tube removed. it was a disgrace. does she are electionability issue? here's a clue -- you bet your fern, he does. you can comment on this on my blog, or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. candidate? >> bet my fern? okay. >> yeah. if you have a fern, bet it. >> thanks,ial. we'll see you later in the hoyer. the investigation into whitney houston's stunning death is taking an unusual terms. kareen wynter is in los angeles with the latest. >> reporter: it's been four days since whitney houston died, and new details are coming to light. the coroner's office confirms they have issued subpoenas. investigators are also contacting familiar sills where the prescriptions were filled. several doctors and pharmacies have been contacted and officials say.doctors have been cooperative. and it's also been confirmed where. they were under the singer's name. we should mention that it does not appear that houston, who had a public ballots with drug addiction was, quote, doctor shopping. cnn has confirmed that she visited a doctor in beverly hills just four days before she died. the doctor an ears nose and throat practice 'tissers. he's treated her for many years as well's other well-known singers. >> her funeral takes place this saturday. i understand the pastor that that funeral is sippinging out? >> that's right. marvin winans officiated her marriage to bobby brown, he will give the eulogy at the funeral. yesterday, winans, the brother of c.c. winans was asked what it was like to give the eulogy. here's what he said tell me the reaction to being asked. >> well, you know when i heard that whitney was gone, i have to say i wasn't surprised. that's how close our families were, as you probably hear, when she was here in november, she was at church. that was a frequent thing. i mean whenever she was in town, she would come. whenever she did concerts, she would call and we would get together. i would much rather have whitney here. >> it was actually at the request of her morse cissy that winans give the eulogy. >> that i can you so much. you are now looking at live pictures outside the houston family church in nuke, new jersey. we also now know that houston's cousin dionne warwick is in north carolina with the family helping plan the arrangements. please tune into cnn for special live coverage of that funeral with our pierce morton, soledad o'brien and don lemon. over to syria where the constant bombardment isn't the only concern. now new details on a pipeline explores that blanked homs with thick black smoke. plus looking for answers about the controversial mississippi -- our ed lavandera chases after former governor haley barbour. >> governor, ed lavandera, can we talk to you real quick? >> let me get my instructions -- >> reporter: can you come out and talk to us here in a second? president obama on the move today to try to sell voters on his economic agenda. at the same time his poll numbers are on the rise. his approval rating is up to 50% for the first time in eight months, at least according to our new surveyor, but many americans still are hurting, even in the shadow of the company he showcased and praised today. our dan lothian traveled with the president to wisconsin. >> reporter: long before u.s. jobs flew overseas for cheaper labor, this community in milwaukee was alive with manufacturing plants and the residual prosperity that came with made in america. but much of that boom is boarded up. this is where president obama sees opportunity. >> you're selling products directly to products in china, stamped with those words "made in america." >> reporter: the president has touted masterlock as an example of insourcing, in other words outsourcing in reverse. >> the ceo told me it now makes business sense for him to bring jobs back home. >> 100 jobs from china have returned to this plant on 32nd street. it's not like the good old days when the company ran this unforgettable super bowl ad, about you the president says it accept blys a positive trend. >> we've got to seize this moment of opportunity. we can't let it slip away. we've got an opportunity to create new american jobs and american manufacturing. >> but insourcing has yet to benefit many people from just around the corner. >> we need jobs, you know, jobs are our most focused, because some hard-working man is still out here, just there's so much we have to -- at that time, it's hard for us to raise our children with the jobs surrounding us? >> it's a desperate situation for some who stood in long lines at a job fair this week in milwaukee. >> i need to be employed. >> there's a lot of pressure on the president to deliver on his economic promises. >> if i don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition. >> reporter: republicans use every opportunity to give him a failing grade. >> the president's policies are not helping our economy. >> reporter: but a new cnn/orc poll shows that while americans are pessimistic about how the -- the number of people thinking things are going well are on the rise. the president talked about the need to provide tax incentives, to try to entice some of those companies already there to come back, and to help pay for that move. candy? >> sometimes when you're on the campaign trail, you don't even need to look at the new poll numbers to know whether someone's had a bad look at them or a good one. is there anything different about the president now -- this is the first time in, what, six months or something that he's had poll ratings with 50% overall approval? >> that's right. it's not something that they're talking about publicly, but you can certainly see the president today in his remarks feeling a bit more upbeat, it appeared, as he was delivering his remarks here. it was almost like a call and answer session at different points with the audience, felt very much like a campaign event. so this is certainly good news for the president who's seeing those low poll numbers now for quite sometime, for the past eight months, and now his approval rating at 50%. >> dan, thanks very much. we appreciate it. president and mrs. obama apparently felt like celebrating when they went out for an intimate dinner, as intimate as you can get when you're president and the first lady. we just got the photo at a restaurant called vermilion. it looks like the president may have had a martina white the first lady -- >> he intimated earlier in the day he had special plans. mississippi supreme court is deciding whether scores of pardons granted by haley barbour keg challenged. cnn's ed lav dera tried to catch up with barbour to ask him about the roughly 200 people he pardoned, including four murderers. >> reporter: since haley barbour won't come to us, we thought we would go to him. we found the former governor giving a speech at washington and lee university in -- >> hey, ed, how are you doing? >> reporter: can we talk quick? >> let me get my instructions. >> reporter: can you that you can to us in a second? >> he wouldn't give us a second and walk right inside the billing, but not showing us what he thought of the questions. >> can you talk to us about the questions? >> my business is right here. >> we'll wait for you out here. >> he just told me to stay where i'm cold. we waited. we found him giving the speech, the theme ironically enough of how government needs to do a better job of explaining that i actions. >> the government is not a very good communicator, that the government doesn't do a very good job at getting things across. so i've been trying all of my career to do a better job. >> reporter: but governor barbour wasn't in the mood to practice what he just preached. governor can we get a few minutes to talk about the pardons? >> not really. when the supreme court rules, it will be time to talk. i'm not so presumptuous to predict what the supreme court is going to do. when they rule, then we can talk. >> reporter: the families want to hear from you. why won't you talk to them? the governor walked away again. so we waited outside to give him one last chance. this time he surrounded himself with security to keep us away. >> you have to move back, please. >> governor, we can knock this out in five minutes. can we get just five minutes? >> when the supreme court rules we can. >> reporter: why can't you talk to these families who you refuse to meet with? do you regret pardoning? -- >> the door slammed before i could finish asking the question. bothic was in jail suspected of a fourth dui after the crash that ended in the death of an 18-year-old. the question remains unanswered still. ed lavandera, cnn, lexington, virginia. a serious breech of protocols. we'll explain next. plus a surprise move about bashar al assad, but some people are very suspicious. stand by. you're in "the situation room." 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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. the thick smoke is said to be suffocating residents, while -- the u.n. could vote as early as tomorrow on a resolution formally condemning the bloodshed. meantime, syrian president bashar al assad said a february 26th vote allowing for a multiparty system. protesters are rejecting the move, calling it nothing more than, quote, window dressing. new signs former italian prime minister silvio berlusconi could face jail. prosecutors have asked a court to sentence him to five years behind bars if found guilty on corruption charges for allegedly bribing a british lawyer. berlusconi faces a separate trial on charges he hired an underage prostitute. he resigned in november. here in the u.s., los angeles mayor antonio villaraigosa has tapped to chair this summer as democratic national convention. he'll oversee the schedule. between now and then he'll likely also be a case surrogate for president obama in his reelection campaign. for the first time ever, the heavy metal band megadeath makes a political ticker. founder and lead singer is endorsen rick santorum for president. he says he was impressed by santorum's decision to leave the campaign trail to be with his sick daughter. he says he's previously supported newt gingrich, but became disillusioned. i don't know, could be some interesting music at tributes there on the campaign trail. >> indeed, thanks. thank you very much. the cause of death is listed as deferred. what does that mean? well, coroners have not identified what killed the singer. they're waiting for toxiology reports to come back. in any geffen case, not just one that involved a big star like whitney houston, when you're waiting on toxicology results, it usually takes anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks, but speaking to my sources, it seems perhaps this may have some sort of rush on it, that it may have been competent dieted. with that said we could get it back much sooner. this is not a situation where they say this could be this, they have to be absolutely sure, and so, again, this coming in from the los angeles department of public health, the death certificate cause of death listed as deferred. candy? >> kareen, thank you very much. a suspected international fugitive managed to hide for two decades until his daughter-in-law reportedly ratted him out. a fascinating family drama. we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at but we couldn't simply repeat history. we had to create it. introducing the 2013 lexus gs, with leading-edge safety technology, like available blind spot monitor... 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[ engine revving ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. an international fugitive nabbed after 20 years on the run, and police say it was his daughter-in-law who exposed his mysterious double life here in the u.s. we want to bring in our mary snow with the details. >> candy, this was a case that seemed like never would be solved. that's until police got a tip that prompted them do do online research and reached out to federal agent. >> this was edward mayer in 1993. wanted for an armored car robbery in the uk. this is edward mayer arrested in ozach, missouri last week. the fugitive nicknamed fast eddie captured the imagination of great britain, a uk newspaper recently wrote there was little chance of finding him after 20 years on the lam. accused of stealing 1 million british pounds during a bank delivery, it was believed he fled to the u.s. to meet up with -- the case went cold until police say the double life was exposed. he went by the name michael, and was working as a capable installer. >> my dad is one of the nicest guys you'll meet. he's only ever done what's good for us. there's no way he would do this by choice. he wouldn't do it to just do it. he doesn't commit crimes. >> lee king told station kspr that his family moved around a lot and was told it was because of his father's job, but police say it was king's wife, maher's darrent who tipped them off about an international fugitive. she also told them she felt threatened. >> when i was talking with her, she told me about where there michael maher, that's the name he was using -- >> the officer says he went online, because the watch was so emotional he believed her and looked up fast eddie maher. >> i thought what's the chances this is my guy. >> reporter: on february 8th, he was arrested on suspicion of immigration violations and gun charges. a criminal complaint states maher's wife led officers to several weapons in their home and a storage facility. it also states that he used his brother's name michael and obtained false i had tisks in the u.s. we reached out to the public defender representing him, but he didn't immediately return our calls. also a woman at the maher home who answered the phone said the family has no comment at this time. to what happens next, the u.s. attorney's office says they have started talking with the uk authorities. there's no word yet on a formal extradition. >> that's an amazing story. mary snow, thank you very much. the mormon church is on damage control after an embarrassing discovery involving holocaust victims who were baptized as mormons after they died. our brian todd has new information. >> it's kind of a bizarre story. leaders are calling what they call a serious breach of the protoc protocol. the parents of simon weisenthal were baptized as mormons. this stems from a practice within the mormon church. they believed their deceased ancestors who never have the opportunity to be baptized can have that done by proxy, but church members are only supposed to request that those baptisms for their own rely tiffs. that involves a detailed genealogy search. sometimes members submit a name not connected to their family and it gets through, and apparently that's what happened. weisenthal's father actually died in combat in world war i, his mother died as a concentration camp in 1942. this practice done with his parents violates a 1995 agreement in which the mormon church vowed to stop the baptism of holocaust victims. jewish leaders outraged the program is still going on, saying it's sack religious to say that jews on their own were not worthy enough to receive god's eternal blessing. a spokesman says sincere his regrekt an individual's action -- they have suspended that person's ability too access genealogy records, candy, an embarrassing episode for the mormon church. they meant well, apparently, but it just kind of exploded on them. >> and simon weisenthal isn't the only jewish leaders who was caught up in this. >> the mormon church acknowledged that three relatives of a hole kaus survivors were interinto the today thea base, but never referred for baptism. vazell says mitt romney to speak to his own church and tell them to stop the proxy baptism. and now, of course, we've dragged politics into this -- >> part of the political -- >> it may have been inevitable, considering the year and the climate we're in. >> brian todd, thank you. jack is asking you, does rick santorum have electability issues? your answers are next. plus he is the hottest basketball player in the world, but just a few days ago no one knew who he was. jeany moos has the take on jeremy lin. now look who is here. it is time to check back with jack. jack. >> thank you, candy. question this hour, does rick santorum have electability issues if he lost his u.s. senate pennsylvania seat by 18 points? yes, he does. carol writes rick santorum has no appeal for intelligent women. he'll never get my vote. i'm a religious person but i don't have any faith in bible-this muching politicians. the photo of him with the pastors laying hands on him was just plain creepy. his views on women are ignorant and insulting. m writes "an empty cab arrived and rick santorum got out." terry on facebook he has electability issue because he's not running in the 17th century. his stance on women is positively archaic from healthcare to the military to working to birth control and beyond. pennsylvania said the same thing america says. no. s in virginia writes "the electability factor will weigh on can the new guy have a chance at making my existing conditions better? the economy will decide who wins more so than the candidate's social stances. majority of those americans who are displaced and see little future for their retirements will be the driving force to determine who the next president is. vick writes "it depends. did you like the crusades?" ken writes "nixon was vice-president of the united states, went out of office, ran for governor of california, lost, then the next time he ran for office he ended up president of the united states." and gordon in new jersey writes "yes, as the standard betterer in the gop's war against modern women, rick santorum is the epitome of "father knows best "paternalism. behind that cherubic smile is a 14th century mind still struggling to come to grips with the reformation. if you want to read more go to my blog file or to our posts on the situation room's facebook page. >> you guys do not hold back. >> i've got greater writers than leno. >> see you tomorrow, jack. thanks. a new nba star is grabbing headlines all over the globe. the "new york post" calls is thrillin. that's the only -- not the only pun on squajeremy lin's name. jeanne moos is next. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. get this free travel bag when you join at sure. what flavor? mm, one of each. lemon burst, hm, cherry orchard, blackberry harvest... my daughter's grabbing some yoplait. pina colada, orange creme. i can't imagine where she is... strawberry cheesecake. [ grocery store pa ] clean up in aisle eight. found her! [ female announcer ] yoplait original. 25 flavors for you to love. it is so good. sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices... which i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. [ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. in she raung -- sri lanka. in oman men perform a ritual dance to celebrate a cycling race. malaysia, confiscated tiger skins from poachers. in india priests offered prayers on the banks of the ganghis river. hot shots pictures coming in from around the world. jeremy lin is taking the nba by storm. he is scoring points at a record pace and turning the knicks into winners. but it's the lin-vasion or lin-trusoin of puns about his name that caught the attention of jeanne moos. >> reporter: he went from his teammate's couch to the cover of "sports illustrated." the three letters of his last name -- >> lin-sanit. >> my symptoms? lin-somni arc. >> reporter: headline writers are finding is thrill-lin and kriegting devine lintervention. shots like this sure look divine. rhymes trip off the lips of announcers. >> lin to the rim. >> reporter: jeremy lin, cut by two teams, came off the bench and made the hapless new york knicks winners. now lin-sanity is inspiring songs. and to top it off, lin comes across as a really nice guy, a team player. >> do you believe this is happening to you? >> no. >> reporter: he has an economics degree from harvard and did a parody video telling kids how to get into the ivey league school. >> get glasses. if you already have glasses, get bigger glasses. >> reporter: after lin was seen doing a multi-step handshake that includes cupping the eyes to signify thick, nerdy glasses, a few folks started lining, just like those tebowing photo ops but focusing on the eyes. if all the lin word play and puns are driving you nuts, too bad. they're spreading like lin-fluenza. there's the jeremy lin word generator, lin plus insult, lin-sult. lin plus indie construct ability. lindestrructible. director spike lee got positively giddy reciting poetry-slamming lin nick names to the "wall street journal." >> jeremy i use so

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Cancellations ,Florida ,Loopholes ,Firecracker Exploding ,Cigarette A Fire ,Victim ,Cigarettes ,Quit Smoking ,Dangerous ,Tweet ,Rise ,Latinos ,Details ,Session ,Plus Chimichangas ,Technology ,Controversy ,Blind Spot Monitor ,Safety ,Team ,Night View ,Tires Screech ,Heads Up Display ,Engine Revving ,Technologies ,Energy ,Recycling Systems ,Emissions ,Producers ,Natural Gas ,Conservation ,Air Quality ,Environment ,Power ,Domestic ,Lives ,Footprint ,Wildlife ,Whirring And Crackling Sounds ,Companies ,Assembly Lines ,Intelligent Network ,Cisco ,Poll Numbers ,Mary Matalin ,Maria Cardona ,Cycle ,Mark ,Magic 60 ,Function ,44 ,Campaigning ,Republicans ,Unemployment ,Pushback ,Season ,14 ,Matter ,Battleground States ,Approval Numbers ,Jobs ,Families ,Growth Path ,Hit ,Independents ,340r ,340 ,Demographics ,Front Runners ,Tanks ,Concern ,Independenting ,Jim Messina ,Columnest Dana Mill Bank ,Reelection Campaign Manager ,Washington Post ,Chip ,Stir ,Context ,Outrage ,Leg ,Hispanic ,Leadership Network ,Article ,Stereotyping ,Filibustering ,Weren T Jim ,Everything ,Chris Coback ,Pete Wilson ,Trip Down ,Leg To Stand On ,Word ,None ,Racism ,Go ,Electorate ,Tanking ,Electora ,Rhetoric ,Influence ,Florida Hispanics ,Difference ,Mccain ,Keystone Pipeline ,Hhs ,Names ,Demographic ,Lieu ,Governor ,Et Cetera ,Spots ,Proof ,Midterm ,Pudding ,Nevada ,New Mexico ,Nickel ,Nickels ,Voting Group ,Pocket Change ,Pockets ,Nuisance ,More ,Vice President Spending Part ,Iowa ,Visit ,Connections ,Hits ,Whitney Neuen ,Hank ,Life Insurance ,Son ,Boy ,College ,Agent ,Lady ,State Farm ,Stop ,China ,Xi Jinping ,Sentence ,Musca Teen ,Fact ,Dinner ,Trip ,House ,27 ,Cynthia ,Dib Mcclean ,1985 ,Pictures ,Picture Standing ,Kitchen ,Maeglis ,Smile ,Maeglins ,Cake ,Piece ,Itinerary ,Didn T Matter ,English ,17 ,Leader ,Stead ,Terry Bran ,Beijing ,Lineage ,Wife ,Friend ,Welcome ,Friendly ,Wheels ,Iowaen ,Experts Say Xi ,Leaders ,Generation ,Parties ,Trade ,Bone Up On Economics ,Products ,Loss ,Thousands ,American Jobs ,Soybeans ,Pork ,Farm Machine ,Relationship ,Xi ,Relationships ,Exports ,Increase ,2010 ,2000 ,1200 ,Preparations ,Muscatine ,Chinese ,Friends ,Home ,He Weren T The President ,Meeting ,Ted ,Weather ,Vice President ,Headlines ,Solace ,Snow ,Winter ,Ted Rowlands ,Singer ,Founder ,Ticker ,Rick San ,Campaign Trail ,Decision ,Daughter ,Attack Ads ,Michele Bachmann ,Polka Contest ,Ballroom Dancing ,Rumors ,Dancing With The Stars ,Whitney Houston ,Coverage ,Fortune ,Work ,Readle ,Ticker On Cnnpolitics Com ,Penny ,Push ,Worth ,Fish Stories ,Little Bird ,My Turn ,Oooh ,All Of Us ,Mind ,Paris ,Everyone Else ,Management ,Technician ,Manuals ,Business ,Xerox ,Ducati ,Bikes ,Publications ,Portuguese ,Entertainers ,Death ,Wake ,Tom Foreman ,Both ,Megastar ,Stwh ,The Bodyguard ,Soundtrack ,Measuring ,Movie ,1992 ,20 ,11 Million ,411 Million ,17 Million ,Rover ,Most ,Recording Industry ,Song ,Saturday Night Fever ,Purple Rain ,Houston ,Copies ,I Will Always Love You ,4 Million ,Dolly Parton ,Recording Law ,It Today ,Still Houston ,Music ,Writing ,Cornerstone ,Cheap Wigs ,Top ,Songs ,Singles ,Charts ,Number One ,Empire ,Row ,Beatled ,Crack ,Straight ,Michael Jackson ,Sales ,Millions ,Albums ,Wortham ,Millions Songs ,Billboard ,16 Millions ,Record Deal ,Properties ,Wealthier ,Mid 90s ,Tens Of Millions Touring ,2001 ,Audience ,Show ,Tributes ,Grammys ,Appeal ,Transformation ,References ,30 ,00 Million ,100 Million ,Film ,Industry Experts ,Fame ,Sparkle Requests ,Company ,Contract ,Disputes Inavailably ,Future Earnings ,Lifetime ,Bottom Line ,Disarray ,Earnings ,Affairs ,Church ,Child ,Newark ,11 ,Funeral ,Camera ,Don Lemon ,Dade O Brien ,Piers Morgan ,Answers ,The Cafferty File ,Boston ,Ben ,Serve ,Don T ,Indentured ,10 ,Primary ,Hillary ,Add ,Recovery ,Depression ,Latter ,Choices ,Left ,Children ,Administration ,Doesn ,Fault ,Tony ,Kirk ,Abilities ,Incompetent ,Eye ,David Writing ,Greece ,Thelma And Louise ,Minnesota ,Capability ,Cymbalta ,Weapon ,Penny Problem ,Back Pain ,Doctor ,Thoughts ,Mood ,Changes ,Antidepressants ,Suicide ,Behavior ,Fda ,Blood Thinners ,Liver Problems ,Glaucoma ,Maois ,Teens ,Adults ,Thioridazine ,Aspirin ,Risk ,Fatal ,Nsaids ,18 ,Signs ,Eyes ,Abdominal Pain ,Yellowing ,Confusion ,Muscles ,Skin Reactions ,Medicines ,Skin ,Fever ,On Cymbalta ,Migraine ,Mouth Sores ,Hives ,Blisters ,Peeling Rash ,Conditions ,Standing ,Alcohol Use ,Dizziness ,Cymbalta Com One ,Liver Disease ,Fainting ,Trial Offer ,Three ,Brakes ,Choice ,Store ,Money ,My Meineke ,Per Coin ,Athena Jones ,Pock Change ,Julian ,Mix ,Times ,Designs ,The Cent ,1793 ,Design ,1807 ,1794 ,1796 ,1807 Reporter ,Point ,Pennies ,Metal Makeup ,Permission ,Congress ,Prices ,2 4 ,11 2 ,Price ,Market ,Materials ,Zinc ,Face Value ,Minting Process ,Doesn T ,Mint ,Haven T ,Metal ,Stages ,Lehman ,The Street ,Attempt ,Rounding , ,50 Million ,Program ,Flaunts A Big Step Forward ,Atomic Bomb ,Fugitive ,Hotel Room ,Investigation ,Jewish ,On The Run ,Medication ,Candy Crowley ,Drinks ,Viewers ,Jeanne Moos ,Around The World ,Breaking News ,Daughter In Law Got ,Step ,World Leaders ,Nightmare Scenario ,West ,Weapons ,Barbara Starr ,Purposes ,Research ,Nuclear Fuel Rod ,Announcement ,President Ahmadinejad ,Scientists ,Images ,Assailants ,Defiant Ahmadinejad Franked ,Pageantry On Iranian State Television ,Approach ,Nation ,Centrifuge ,Access ,Translator ,Know How ,Sanctions ,Pressures ,Significance ,Threats ,Advanced ,Yell Yellowcake ,Achievement ,State Department Doesn T ,Negotiating Ploy ,Crepeling Sanctioning ,Indicator ,Nuclear Weapon ,Enrichment ,Red Line ,Inspectors ,Account ,Making Bombs ,Seriousness ,Facilities ,Action ,Warhead ,Estimates ,Intelligence ,Military Action ,Missile ,Israeli ,Orc ,Military Force ,Mortgages ,Brian Todd ,Surrogates ,Group ,Measures 9 ,9 ,Security ,Proxies ,Presence ,Footprints ,Damage ,Clear ,Concrete Answer ,Hezbollah ,Jewish Community Centers ,Schools ,Enterprises ,Homeland Security Aide ,Bulletin ,Homeland Security ,Extremist ,Fbi ,Assessment ,Organizations ,Course ,Individual ,Janet Napolitano ,Jewish Community ,Strikes ,Argentina ,Iranians ,Prime Minister ,Plot ,Ambassador ,In Washington ,Stroke ,In Paris ,Shows ,Plots ,Regime ,Gerecht ,Sleeper Cells ,Interests ,Attack ,Strike ,Strait Of Hormuz ,Would ,Confrontation ,Move ,Merger ,Sympathizers ,Radicalize Al Shabab ,Al Qaeda ,Group Ashabab ,Fran Townsend ,Community ,Cnn National Security ,Al Shabab ,Homeland Security Advisory Board ,Pages ,Alerts ,Law Enforcement Communities ,Government Officials ,Wasn T ,Cya ,Wording ,Alert ,Snickering ,Hand ,Chest Beating ,Skepticism ,Rein ,Saddam Hussein ,Facts ,Chest ,Frankly ,What Ahmadinejad ,Frut ,Star Step ,Path ,3 5 ,Bombings ,India ,Georgia ,Thailand ,Photoop ,Consumption ,Audiences ,Amount ,Sense ,Effect ,Pride ,International Community Have ,Prize ,Willingness ,Steps ,Willings ,Imam ,Terror Decidingation ,U S State Department ,Opposition Group Mek ,Spotlight ,Mormon Church ,Los Angeles ,European Union ,Reports ,List ,Breach ,Horn Honks ,Protocol ,Accounting ,Peter ,Sandra ,Gonna ,Michelin ,Finance Processing ,Receivables ,Accident Doesn T ,Car Replacement ,Liberty Mutual Insurance ,Auto Insurance Product ,15000 ,Policy ,Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance ,Offices ,Alcoholism ,Addiction Cure ,Ssagesmalibubook Com ,Swing State ,Defeat ,Margin ,Climate ,Demographic Group ,Supporters ,Charges ,Landslide ,Iraq War ,2006 ,Women ,Kids ,Pennsylvania ,Virginia ,Pennsylvania School ,Living ,Hypocrisy ,Education ,Feminists ,Households ,Image ,Need ,Ends Meet ,Working Parent ,Incest ,Fiscal ,Polygamy ,Catholic Church Sex Scandal ,Liberals ,Boosten ,Feeding Tube ,Fern ,Disgrace ,Clue ,Ial ,Bet My Fern ,Bet ,Kareen Wynter ,Latest ,Hoyer ,Coroner ,Sills ,Investigators ,Prescriptions ,Pharmacies ,Subpoenas ,Name ,Where ,Cooperative ,Quote ,Ballots ,Drug Addiction ,Beverly Hills ,Doctor Shopping ,Tissers ,Singers ,Throat ,Well ,Tears ,Marvin Winans ,Eulogy ,Pastor ,Marriage ,Bobby Brown ,Winans ,Of C ,Brother ,Reaction ,November ,Concerts ,Town ,Request ,Cissy ,New Jersey ,Nuke ,Dionne Warwick ,Plan ,Arrangements ,North Carolina ,Pierce Morton ,Soledad O Brien ,Syria ,Pipeline ,Bombardment Isn T ,Thick Black Smoke ,Homs ,Instructions ,Haley Barbour ,Ed Lavandera ,Mississippi ,Second ,Agenda ,Surveyor ,Dan Lothian ,Shadow ,Wisconsin ,Plants ,Made In America ,Prosperity ,Labor ,Boom ,Milwaukee ,Opportunity ,Insourcing ,Masterlock ,Plant ,Reverse ,Ceo ,Business Sense ,32nd Street ,32 ,Super Bowl Ad ,The Good Old Days ,Blys A Positive Trend ,Corner ,Manufacturing ,Create New American Jobs ,Focused ,Situation ,Promises ,Proposition ,Failing Grade ,Tax Incentives ,Pay ,Anything ,Poll Ratings ,Remarks ,Upbeat ,Campaign Event ,Felt ,Mrs ,Photo ,First Lady ,Vermilion ,Pardons ,Mississippi Supreme Court ,Scores ,Martina White The First Lady ,Barbour ,Murderers ,Ed Lav Dera ,Keg ,Won T ,Speech ,Washington And Lee University ,He Wouldn T ,Questions ,Billing ,Theme ,Communicator ,Actions ,Career ,Barbour Wasn T In The Mood ,Supreme Court Rules ,Chance ,Dui ,Jail ,Pardoning ,Door ,Crash ,Bothic ,Protocols ,Breech ,Lexington ,Scooter ,Stand By ,Bashar Al Assad ,Beep ,Chicken Noodle ,White Meat Chicken ,Progresso ,Pairs ,Pj ,Soup ,Hockey Game Last Night ,Smoke ,Residents ,U N ,Resolution ,Bloodshed ,System ,February 26th Vote ,26 ,February 26th ,Silvio Berlusconi ,Protesters ,Court ,Window Dressing ,Prosecutors ,Italian ,Corruption Charges ,Prostitute ,Trial ,Bars ,Lawyer ,British ,Antonio Villaraigosa ,Schedule ,Democratic National Convention ,Reelection Campaign ,Heavy Metal Band ,Megadeath ,Lead Singer ,Coroners ,Cause ,Toxicology Results ,Big Star ,Geffen ,Toxiology ,Brush ,Dieted ,8 ,Department Of Public Health ,Death Certificate ,Family Drama ,Daughter In Law ,Technicians ,Engineers ,400 Billion Dollars ,3 Million ,400 Billion ,Cleaner ,Homes ,Businesses ,School ,Smarter Power ,History ,Police ,Tip ,Edward Mayer ,Armored Car Robbery ,1993 ,Finding ,Newspaper ,Imagination ,Lam ,Missouri ,Great Britain ,Ozach ,Fast Eddie ,Cold ,Bank Delivery ,1 Million British Pounds ,1 Million ,Guys ,Installer ,Dad ,Station Kspr ,Darrent ,Michael Maher ,Crimes ,King ,Lee King ,Officer ,Watch ,Fast Eddie Maher ,Chances ,Criminal Complaint ,Gun Charges ,Suspicion ,Immigration Violations ,February 8th ,Officers ,Wife Led ,His Brother S Name Michael ,Storage Facility ,Calls ,Defender ,Phone ,Tisks ,U S Attorney Office ,Extradition ,Mormons ,Holocaust Victims ,Damage Control ,Discovery ,Simon Weisenthal ,Practice ,Parents ,Protoc Protocol ,Church Members ,Ancestors ,Baptisms ,Baptized ,Proxy ,Tiffs ,World War I ,Mother ,Combat ,Detailed Genealogy Search ,Baptism ,Agreement ,Concentration Camp ,1942 ,1995 ,Blessing ,Sack ,This ,Spokesman ,God ,Genealogy Records ,Episode ,Survivors ,Relatives ,Hole Kaus ,Interinto The Today Thea Base ,Proxy Baptism ,Vazell ,Jack ,Electability ,Basketball Player ,Jeremy Lin ,Jeany Moos ,Seat ,Vote ,Politicians ,Pastors ,Bible ,Faith ,Muching ,Yes ,Carol ,Stance ,Views ,17th Century ,Cab ,Terry ,Got Out ,Birth Control ,Healthcare ,Beyond ,Electability Factor ,Stances ,Driving Force ,Majority ,Retirements ,Nixon ,President Of The United States ,Crusades ,Lost ,California ,Vick ,Ken ,Gordon ,Paternalism ,Betterer ,Epitome ,Posts ,File ,Reformation ,Star ,Page ,Leno ,Globe ,New York Post ,Writers ,Nba ,Only ,Squajeremy Lin ,Pun ,Thrillin ,Love ,Peach ,Flavor ,Mm ,Yoplait ,Blackberry Harvest ,Hm ,Cherry Orchard ,Lemon Burst ,Orange Creme ,Pina Colada ,Grocery Store ,Flavors ,Strawberry Cheesecake ,25 ,Dry Cleaning ,Pancakes ,Reservation ,Invoices ,Shoes ,Sushi ,Marriott Hotels Resorts ,Invoice Process ,Smoothie ,Customers ,Code Scan ,Meineke ,Cycling Race ,Ritual Dance ,Men ,Poachers ,Tiger ,Priests ,Prayers ,She Raung ,Sri Lanka ,Malaysia ,Storm ,Banks ,Ganghis River ,New York Knicks ,Puns ,Winners ,Attention ,Lin Trusoin ,Lin Vasion ,Cover ,Teammate ,Symptoms ,Couch ,Letters ,Lin Sanit ,Sports Illustrated ,Headline Writers ,Shots ,Look Divine ,Lin Somni Arc ,Kriegting Devine Lintervention ,Announcers ,Teams ,Lips ,Bench ,Rim ,Team Player ,Economics Degree ,Glasses ,Handshake ,Parody Video ,Ivey League School ,Harvard ,Lining ,Nuts ,Word Play ,Tebowing ,Lin Plus ,Insult ,Indie ,Word Generator ,Lin Fluenza ,Lin Sult ,Cameras ,Face ,New York ,Amplifying Effect ,Impression ,Celebrities Courtside ,Token ,Mvp ,Kobe Bryant ,Spike Lee ,Lindestrructible ,Wall Street Journal ,

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