16-year-olds on this show. good morning, welcome to "early start" on this monday. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> happy to have you this morning. i'm zoraida sambolin. let's get started. tropical storm beryl making landfall in northeastern florida near jacksonville beach. it's packing a wallop, 70-mile-per-hour winds, torrential rain, more than 24,000 people without power this morning in the area. take a look at the pictures on your screen. that shows you the wind. the wind warnings, storm warnings all up along the atlantic coast from florida to georgia to the carolinas, putting a severe dent in a lot of the memorial day festivities. rob marciano has been pretty much up all night in the severe weather center watching all of this. things getting better tleels for now? >> well, the wind has died down but the rain is still coming. this event is far from over. at one point winds at 70 miles an hour, almost a hurricane. and some could argue that it was a minimal category 1 hurricane when it made landfall. here it is on the radar scope. just reading the latest from the national hurricane center, their 5:00 a.m. advisory, winds now down to 50 miles an hour. obviously when these things come onshore they lose strength. this their fuel source. the center of it is about 20 miles, 30 miles to the west of jacksonville, maybe about 80 miles east-southeast of valdosta, georgia. it aets headi it's heading westerly at 8 miles an hour. you can see your typical rotation and the thunderstorms wrachi in wrapping around this thing, much like a tropical system. impressive considering, what? it's memorial teday. we haven't even begun officially hurricane season, starting june 1. 50-mile-an-hour winds gusting to 70. here is the track, giving you an idea of what is left of beryl. we expect it to go down to a tropical depression but the moisture is the key. now, we badly need it so we'll take it, but, you know, it's going to take its sweet time getting offshore. so in areas that need the rain, namely north florida and south georgia, it's pretty dry, the ground, so the heavy rains that will come down, a lot of it will run off. so we'll see some flooding, but the castch of-22 is we need the rain. warnings from flagler beach to the savannah river for the next 12 hours at least. the threat for tornadoes is there as well, and the heavy rainfall is going to be the key here as we go through time. four to eight inches of rainfall in this area, flash flood watches have been posted. ironic considering this same area is in extreme drought. this thing is kind of giving it a nudge, but tropical storm beryl a memorial day tropical storm landfall, i'm not sure that's ever happened. we'll have to dig throughout the morning. that may be the interesting tidbit being carried forward on this holiday. >> you're certainly working overfierm us. we appreciate it. >> you got it. three minutes past the hour here. the united states is condemning a bloody massacre in syria. more than 100 people have been killed, including dozens of women and children. u.n. officials say, the u.n. security council blaming much of this weekend's violence on the syrian government. the government is blaming al qaeda-linked groups. officials say syria has not fully cooperated with cease-fire agreements. the u.n. human rights chief is calling for the crisis in syria to be referred to the international criminal court. a sobering warning on this memorial day weekend from defense secretary leon panetta. he says it will be, quote, disastrous if congress allows $500 billion in defense cuts to take effect in january as scheduled. those are the cuts that were triggered by congress' failure last year to reach a deficit reduction deal. the senate minority leader harry reid says he won't back down on the cuts. in a few hours, president obama will lay a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at arlington national cemetery and kicking off a 13-year project to honor veterans of the vietnam war. he'll speak at the vietnam memorial wall and will announce plans to honor those who served in southeast asia from now until the 50th anniversary of the last u.s. troops pulling out of saigon. he has confessed to killing a little boy named etan patz 33 years ago. now a member of pedro hernandez' family is telling that he reported the suspect to police in camden, new jersey, back in the '80s and nothing came of it. the relative says hernandez admitted to killing a boy in new york and dumping the boy in the trash. hernandez is right now at a new york hospital on suicide watch awaiting a psychiatric examination to determine if he's competent to stand frierl murder. a boulder, colorado, couple is not going to face charges for shooting and wounding a 21-year-old female student who wandered into their home through an unlocked screen door. police say colorado university student zoe rip he elle had a blood alcohol level 0.2 when she entered the home. here's the 911 call moments after the man shot the woman. >> we were screaming at her. she kept coming in the bedroom. and we shot her. >> the 911 operator then instructs the homeowner to ask the wounded intruder a question, and it picks up from there. take a listen. >> do you have any weapons on you? what? why did you just walk into our house when we were screaming at you to get out? she seems kind of stoned or something. >> so colorado has a, quote, make my day law, like a stand your ground, like a castle law. it allows homeowners to use deadly force if an intruder enters their home uninvited and if they feel threatened. prosecutors are deciding if they're going to press charges against the intruder. dario franchitti captured the flag at the indy 500. winning the third time in the last five year s you can hear al about it when dario franchitti joins us live in the 7:00 hour. that is on "starting point". one young man and one big riddle. a centuries-old math problem put to rest by a 16-year-old. are you ready for this? sharia ray of germany solved a math problem first posed by sir isaac newton over 300 years ago. it makes it possible to determine the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to resistance. ray also closed another unsolved math problem first posed in the 19th century. an indian-born teenager who learned calculus at 6 says his school boy curiosity led him to those discoveries. an irish exchange student is found sthang strang elled in a japan hotel room. two american men are detained. we'll go live for it details on this murder mystery. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. 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[ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] an international murder mystery is it unfolding this evening in tokyo, two american men being held by japanese police in connection with the strangling death of a 21-year-old irish exchange student. the suspects met the female at a nicki minaj concert. live from tokyo this morning, what do you know about these two americans? >> reporter: well, zoraida, we're learning a little more about their background. police here are zridescribing b men as entertainers. the 19-year-old suspect is a man that police describe as a musician. they are not releasing his name as of yet because under japanese law he's considered a minor. the 23-year-old is identified as james blackstone. he is a backup dancer and according to tokyo police it fairly well-known. they were at a nicki minaj concert when they mets two irish women, what the media is reporting. then toke know police tell us the four ended up at a tokyo city hotel, and it's at that hotel that all of this happened. someone inside the hotel reported hearing a loud noise early thursday morning. when hotel staff went to check, they found 21-year-old nicola furlong unconscious. tokyo police say she died of strangulation. authorities here trying to unravel what led to this woman's death. zoraida? >> thank you for that report. appreciate it key yawn law live for us in japan. the state department is trying to get the release of a u.s. citizen who was kidnapped in the west african nation of benin. consular assistance is being provided, still not clear where the unidentified american was abducted. denin is a country of about 9 million people. live right now, former british prime minister tony blair take a stand on the uk phone hacking scandal. blair is expected to face questions about his ties to news corporation founder rupert murdoch. the inquiry is investigating alleged ties between the british press and several government officials. former news corporation tabloid "news of the world" is accused of hacking the phones of several high-profile people including politicians, even a murder victim's phone. defense secretary leon panetta is defending the administration's plan to withdraw all u.s. troops from afghanistan by 2014 and also taking a swipe at mitt romney over his criticism of the president for making that plan public. >> without getting into the campaign rhetoric of what he's asserting, i think you've got 50 nations in nato that agree to a plan in afafghanistan. it's the lisbon agreement, an agreement that others, president bush, president obama, everyone has agreed is the direction we go in, in afghanistan. >> the defense secretary is also warning there will be, quote, disastrous consequences if congress doesn't reverse planned cuts of more than $500 billion from the defense budget early next year. six people hurt, including a firefighter and a police officer, following a massive house explosion. this was in the suburbs of milwaukee. fire officials still aren't saying what caused saturday's blast, but take a look at that. witnesses were stunned by the sheer force of it. >> oh, my god, this is -- i never in my life see something like this. whoa! >> very tall, very bright, engulfing everything around it. >> the injured police officer suffered smoke inhalation and the injured firefighter was treated for heat exhaustion. the men in black franchise is back. after a ten-year hiatus, ten years, can you believe that? ten years. how old are we? anyway, it was tops at the box office, "mib 3" bethrowning "the avengers" becoming number one. by the way, it took in $55 million this weekend to earn that title. "the avengers" fell to fourth place, only brought in $36.9 million, but it's the billion-dollar movie. "the avengers is" is not crying in its soup today. >> my kids saw it. haven't gotten reviews yet. look, ma, no hands. at first glance, this home run yesterday looks like your typical dinger. you can see he loses the bat. check this out. the spotlight shows the bat is actually out of frazier's hands when he makes contact with the ball. it is a hands-free home run. pretty amazing! >> i don't know a lot about baseball, but i figure that somewhere in the rule book that has to not count. >> oh, i think it counts. >> if you don't actually get the hit? you know what i mean? >> you did. you positioned that bat to hit that ball. >> i don't know. i'm thinking there's some conspiracy theorists out there going over the centuries-old rules of baseball. >> that's wild. >> it's kind of cool what an oops moment, letting go of the bat. go figure. oh, no, my pen, i can't go on. >> it's 16 minutes past 5:00. time for your "early morning" reads. we want to get you up to speed on the newspaper stories. this is a head scratcher. 17-year-old honors student is crying because she's getting thrown in jail for missing too many days of class. did i say she was an honor student? yes. apparently she's working two jobs to support her siblings because her parents left town. hour houston affiliate says that diane tran is now living with one of her employers. she says she's sometimes so exhausted from work that she misses school. but a judge said he wanted to make an example of her so he did. he ordered her to spend 24 hours in jail and pay a $100 fine. did i mention she was an honors student working two jobs trying to support -- >> that's an odd story. how do you make an example of that? >> give her a medal for heaven's sake. don't send her to jail. >> help her out. >> send the parents to jail. 19-year-old tech entrepreneur spends two months as a squatter at the aol building in fpalo alto. eric simmons was rending pace. when the program ended, simmons -- i think it's siem nz actually didn't have rent money so what did he do? he decided to stay. he ate free food, took showers at the employee gym and slept on the couch. aol employers thought he was just a really hard worker. eventually he was kicked out by security and an aol vice president said, quote, it was always our intention to facilitate entrepreneurialism in the palo alto office. we didn't expect it to work so well. >> eric simons, you have a job in the news business. that's what it takes, live, eat, work and breathe. >> they said, well, this is just one of ours. >> i think that's great. so a california family says that a mistake by a sheriff's deputy led to a fire at their home. it's really unbelievable how this plays out. "the daily mail" is reporting that san diego investigators were investigating a robbery and stormed the wrong house. number one, they arrest the wrong family inside. at the time they made this erroneous arrest, the husband is cooking dinner, right? the stove is on. husband says, would you let me turn the stove off? apparently they say no and they pull the it family outside. minutes later, fire breaks out, destroys the kitchen. it's like, yo, i told you! >> i have to turn off the stove. >> please! are you kidding me? >> i know. >> luckily, nobody was hurt, but the sheriff's department says -- and i love this -- we're investiga investigating. i bet you're investigating! >> that's odd. i guess they were all head-scratchers this morning. why do you not allow him to turn off the stove in. >> i suppose these kinds of things happen, but please if you're arresting someone, at least let the neighborhood be sa safe. 19 minutes past 5:00, for an expanded look at our stories,, place to go. lots of good stuff. also, want to let you know that helping veterans land a job on this memorial day is a critical part of why we are on this planet. so what are businesses doing right now to help those who put their lives on the line for our freedom? it's important, folks. make sure you tune in. you've got to see this. you're watching "early start." also, get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline, anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. [ slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maximize cash flow. as the number one small business lender for nine years running... we're with you when you need us. so you can be there for your customers. wells fargo. together we'll go far. hi, welcome. it's 23 past 5:00. minding your business this morning, financial markets closed for memorial day so, if you're awake, it's just because you're normally awake at this hour. when trading resumes tomorrow, analysts say the debt crisis in europe and pesky uncertainty in greece is continuing to be the issues. meantime, stocks are coming off a strong week with the nasdaq rising more than 2%. not all bad. >> let's bring in christine romans looking at the job market for veterans today. boy, servicemen and women are having a really hard time. >> they are, but the unemployment rate is improving a bit so that's a good sign. there are companies, big companies that have big company relations pushes to hire veterans but there are also small and midsized companies doing the same thing because it's good for business. i want to introduce you to one company that has found that the battlefield and military experience is really good for them. it actually helps them grow their business. listen. >> reporter: for dave devonzo to find a job, all it took was a sign. >> i've been driving past that modern sign probably when i moved back here 12 years ago, 18 years before that. >> reporter: this billboard outside of philadelphia on i-95, modern group wants to hire people just like him, veterans. he retired from the navy in august after 29 years. >> it was a bit of a shock i think. i put my applications out, got little response. very little response. i saw the sign out front and i called the hr department, sent them my stuff, and the rest is history. >> reporter: that's what led him as a shop technician here. >> i will tell you this -- my first-ever job interview and i'm 47 years old happened at modern group. so it was a change. definitely a change. >> reporter: dozens of applications poured in to dave griffith, modern's president and ceo. >> you can imagine the visibility that sign gets. >> reporter: he's hired 27 veterans and reservists from all branches of the military. >> they're more disciplined, focused, sensitive to the customer. i think there's a great attention to detail for folks coming out of the military. >> he's shown me quite a few things. >> we've got to help each other out. we're all on the same team, inevitably it's our mission to get the entire job done and keep this company rolling. >> reporter: there's a huge push to hire more veterans, the unemployment rate for post-9/11 veteran is steadily improving. still higher than the national average, though, some 40 major u.s. companies have pledged more than 100,000 jobs to veterans by 2020, including time warner, the parent company of cnn. 12-plus vets have been hired this year. government, health care, tech and manufacturing have been hiring vets. >> i feel very strongly as a ceo that our obligation is to honor that service. if we can do that in such a way that we can hire these young men and women and bring them on board and also do good for our company and our stakeholders, i can't imagine why i wouldn't do that. >> in the military, it's really nothing but a snapshot of society anyway. coming here, working with these guys here, i think it's a perfect transition. >> perfect transition 27 and counting they've hired from that sign. the biggest help wanted sign i've ever seen and it's very specific. veterans with mechanical experience, we want you. that's a key here. you've got really smart companies in this country who are figuring out what kind of skills they're using on the battlefield they can use in their companies. manufacturing, a lot of these jobs in manufacturing, but also health care and others as well. this is one story of a company that's going out of its way to hire vets. >> love that targeted approach. >> yes. >> it's such a great story because on memorial day we think of our fallen soldiers but we have to remember the soldiers who are home, who are looking for jobs who have served our country. we need to pay them back best we can. that man is wonderful, what he did. >> he's doing it -- i mean, it's good business, you know? this is what runs businesses. it's good business to hire veterans. >> yes. >> great story. 27 minutes past hour. nuns gone wild. i feel a little sack relidges saying that. we'll tell you why the church is so upset about forces nuns to reform. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. . scandals rocking the vatican this morning. the pope's butler arrested. and also america's largest group of catholic nuns getting a reprimand by the vatican. find out why and how the nuns are responding, coming up. plus, it's the fist of tropical system to mike landfall in the united states this season. we are tracking tropical storm beryl for you this morning. and it has been a deadly couple of months on mt. everest. one of the worst in recent history, in fact. this hour we're going to take you up the mountain and talk live with a man who just made it to the summit and is now on his way back down the mountain. >> i am really looking forward to your interview with him. >> me, too. welcome back to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> nice to have you with us. i'm ashleigh banfield. it looks like a stormy memorial day on top tap, at least down south. tropical storm beryl coming ashore overnight in northeast florida near jacksonville beach with heavy rain and near hurricane-force winds. the storm working its way along the atlantic coastline, and rob marciano has been busy all night tracking this storm. what's the worst of the stories here, the wind or the rain? >> well, a little bit of both. we do have power that's been knocked out especially across north florida and south georgia. the rain will be torrential at times, that will cause flooding chblt but this area of the country is also in extreme drought so a catch-22. we need the rain, not all at one time. 50-mile-an-hour winds, at one point 70-mile-an-hour winds. it was this close to becoming a hurricane, some would argue it did before landfall. nonetheless, pretty big regarding winds, tropical storm-force winds extend over 100 miles. the center of it is 20, maybe 30 miles west of jacksonville, florida. there you see the classic circular motion. it will be slow to move out to sea over the next 48 hours. it will turn into a tropical depression, obviously weakening as it continues over land, then picked up by a front coming through. in the next 48 hours, eventually off the coastline of south carolina then heading out to sea. the main threat over the next 24 hours is four to eight inches of rainfall, locally more in spots. it's been so dry so the ground is caked and a lot will run off. they need the rain so i suppose they'll take it. >> still tough on memorial day, right? >> big washout, yes. >> rob, thank you. well, the butler did it. it's taking on new meaning in a vatican investigation. the catholic church trying to find out who leaked confidential documents belonging to pope benedict xvi. the butler has been arrested on suspicion of leaking the material to an italian journ journalists. the documents including hundreds of personal letter s reveal an internal power struggle within the vatican. he has been the butler since 2006. that is him with the pope. we are joined live from rome this morning. there are so many layers to this story, barbie. can you tell us what is in the documents, what they contain? >> reporter: well, these documents range from gossip to very serious allegations of cronyism, financial corruption, of how the vatican has tried to avoid paying italian property taxes. things of this nature that have really shaken the very core of the vatican. there are trivial things about how 100,000 euro white truffle ended up in a soup kitchen in rome. but the more serious allegations surround money laundering and financial corruption. >> how is the vatican responding to this? >> reporter: well, when the initial leak started coming out in the press and when the book with the leaks called his holiness was published last week, the va can cavatican calla criminal act. they say they're not authentic, but they say it's a criminal act to publish them. the journalist who got the document, who won't reveal his source, who gave him the documents, said he never paid anyone for the documents but that someone came to him, these sources. and, out of a drive for transparency and to try to clear up some of the misconceptions of what was happening inside the holy city and what was being said in the public sector. so that was the reasoning the documents supposedly came out. >> let's focus on the butler. we've shown a picture of him, highlighted there, if we could put that back up. apparently he is being held within the judicial system of the vatican, the vatican city. what can you tell us about the butler? >> well, the butler is part of the pontiffica family. there are secretaries, priests, four nuns who take care of his needs, cooking, cleaning, and threaten then the butler. it's really that intimate. people who saw him first thing in the morning and the last people the pope saw before he went to bed each night. they were really a family, and that's why this betrayal is so saddened the pope, this alleged betrayal, has saddened and shocked the pope according to the vatican spokesman. >> barbie, some refer to this man as a very simple man, simple minded. perhaps there are more people involved, more layers. are we expecting more arrests here? >> reporter: well, the investigation right now is very complex, and i think the conventional wisdom is that this butler wouldn't have been able to act alone, that he wouldn't have had access to the right kinds of people to be able to do this. perhaps he was a conduit for the documents. perhaps he's a fallguy. these are all questions people are asking. the italian press has of course gone wild with the story. they're blaming, finger-pointing all different people. but until this investigation really gets its footing i don't think we'll know who is involved. for now, the journalist is not talking about who his sources were. >> certainly very interesting details, barbie, live from rome, thank you very much. >> and the pope's butler is just one of the headaches facing the vatican this morning. the largest group of america's catholic nuns is another headache because the nuns are going to meet for three days this week to come up with a response to what was considered a harsh vatican reprimand sent their way. the church wants major reforms from the nuns and has criticized them for their radical feminist thomes and not speaking out enough about abortion and gay marriage, the political side of all of that. the 21-member board of the leadership conference of women religious begins its meeting tomorrow. the group represents about 80% of the catholic nuns in this country. new fallout from the north carolina pastor who delivered an anti-gay sermon that went viral. authorities say someone tried to burn his church down but only managed to damage the power lines outside. meantime, thousands of demonstrators rallied outside providence road baptist church sunday to protest its pastor charles whorly. he gave a sermon mother's day for gays and lesbians to be thrown behind electric ool fences to eventually die out. members of the congregation are still supporting him. the parents of missing u.s. soldier bowe burgdahl are joining the thunder rally, held memorial day weekend to remember prisoners of war and those missing in action. >> thanks to you, our pows and mias are never forgotten and never will be forgotten. bowe, if you can hear me, you are not forgotten and, so help me god, you will come home. we will not leave you behind! >> bowe berg dahl is an army sergeant who was capture nd june 2009 in afghanistan. laverne can cross off skydiving off her bucket list. she turned 80 and wanted to do it. holding on to the plane, she had second thoughts. look at her instructor pulling her hand free before they tumble out. but laverne's upper harness slips off, her partner desperately holding on to keep her from plunging thousands of feet to her death. >> once you get on that edge, that's another story. the upper harness came off, you know. it slipped down. i didn't know anything. only to hold on. that's all. >> that's pretty smart. laverne made it down safely, and undaunted she says the next item on her bucket list? driving in a race car. i was going to say she'll be safer there, but i don't know. >> i have to say i did that and i was harnessed, and they make sure it's really tight. so that is very scary. >> can you imagine her partner trying to figure out, before he can pull the chute, i've got to get her back up. because if you pull the chute and you're holding on to someone, you're not holding on for many longer. that's a good story, but that could have been a disaster. oh! >> but her spirit is really something. her spunk. i'll do it again. >> good for her. up next, we'll talk to a man who just finished doing something else pretty miraculous, climbing the world's highest mountain, 29,000 feet, mt. everest. look at all those people. does that look like something you want to do in line behind all of those people? >> not in line. >> we'll find out why the soaring popularity and some really mean will weather patterns are making this more dangerous than even the experts are willing to risk. a party? 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[ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ and get even greater rewards. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. welcome back. it's 44 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. ever heard of this, a human traffic jam on the world's tallest mountain? it's true. hundreds of climbers have been scrambling to try to reach the top of mt. he of everest after really bad weather put a limit to the days when the climbers could try to summit. those are people trying to climb he of rest, hundreds and hundreds of them. it is crazy. it is so crazy that at least four people died last weekend in this bottleneck. one man who made it to the top last week is kenton cool, abdom and he was able to bring a 1924 olympic gold medal to the top of mt. everest. >> we just summited mt. everest! with a gold medal. >> ten minutes ago. how are you feeling, keith? >> not good. >> number one for keith, number ten for me. >> you heard that, number ten for me, his tenth summit. which is a pretty remarkable feat. on the phone he joins me from nepal. can you hear me, mr. cool? >> i can hear you. how are you? >> i'm well. and i'm glad that you're well. it looked like your climbing friend was not so well, and this is becoming a more and more risky endeavor for anybody who wants to summit this mountain. not like it wasn't dangerous before. why is it so much more dangerous now than it was, say, even five or ten years ago? >> well, to be honest, the mountain has become no more dangerous. what happened this year is the sheer number of people and the way that the weather transpired this year, lots of people ended up trying to climb on the 19th of the month and then on the 25th and 26th of the month. i think if you look at statistics it's no more dangerous this year than it has been in the past. it's just unfortunate that the -- occurred on the 19th which had been the sheer number of people trying to climb up. obviously the picture that you showed, i mean, it looks absolutely horrendous, but in reality it's nowhere near that bad. >> let me ask you this. i was reading in the "new york times" a week ago -- i'm an everest junkie. i've been there. i have climbed around there. i didn't do anything crazier than base camp, but when i saw this headline in the "new york times" that says, don't climb every mountain written by a glide, author and climber, he said that not only are the crowds a problem, and they have been for a long time, but the weather paernltds are making things intenuous on the mountain. such that experienced guides and operations are canceling their seasons because it is just too risky. >> well, it's one of the things, it's was -- canceled its expedition early in may. lots of people would have said it was a bit premature decision by russell. he's a very good friend of mine. and although i support him, i perhaps don't agree with him. i think if you look at the number of summits this year, which potentially will be a record number of summits, then maybe his decision wasn't perhaps the right one. but a thing we need to remember is climbing everest is a dangerous under taking. it's the highest mountain in the world, climbers members who spend a lot of time in what we know the death zone, human beings can't really exist there, it comes down to very careful management of how the expedition is run. the small expedition i was with, trying to fulfill an olympic games pledge, we deliberately waited an extra week to get a clear run of the summit. that was on may 25th. and that day worked out extremely well. there's lots at the summit, no one got hurt. really no frost bite and things worked very, very well. so climbing big mountains is all about management and understanding how that mountain works. and i think, unfortunately, people got on the 19th and perhaps summited a little prematurely. >> i'm glad you made it down safe and congratulations on your tenth summit. that is really a remarkable feat. and i just hope within the next few days as the climbing season comes to an end we don't have any further stories like we did. thanks and convigratulations an good luck getting home. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> kenton cool joining us from katman katmandu, nepal. >> very cool name. 49 minutes past the hour here. let's get you up to date. two american men are being held by japanese police in connection with the strangling death of an irish exchange student. police say the suspects met the female victim at a nicki minaj concert in tokyo last week. she is 21-year-old nicola furlong. she was found unconscious in a folk yoe hotel room thursday morning. seems to be a memorial day supersoaker for people in florida and georgia as tropical storm beryl comes acalling. that storm making landfall overnight near jacksonville beach, pounding the coast of northern florida and southern georgia. tens of thousands of people are without power this morning. and for all of you aspiring astronomers, break out your telescopes. tonight skywatchers can check out a half moon and mars. for those looking to spy the red planet, it will appear as a bright yellow-orange spot above and to the left of the moon. mars is actually moving away from earth so this could be your best chance to see the planet for the next few months. if you snap a great picture, send it to us, tweet us. fireworks flew over san francisco last night as the city celebrated the 75th birthday -- oh, look at that -- ever the golden gate bridge. tens of thousands flocked to the iconic bridge for the birthday bash. bridge was built in 1937, has since become one of america's most recognized and treasured icons. >> lady gaga in battle with indonesia. why the pop star has been banned from performing in that muslim country. and if you are leaving the house right now, you can watch us anytime on your desktop, your mobile phone. just go to on twitter, you can reach us at early start cnn. kiwi. soy milk. impulse buy. gift horse. king crab. rhubarb pie. lettuce shower. made by bees. toucan sam. that's not cheese. grass fed. curry. gingersnaps. soup can tower. 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at grocery stores. it pays to discover. to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! hey joe. yeah? is this a bad time? no, i can talk. great. it's the 9th inning and your hair still looks amazing. well it starts with a healthy scalp. that's why i use head & shoulders for men. there are four shampoos for game-winning scalp protection and great looking hair... go on, please. with seven benefits in every bottle, head & shoulders for men washes out flakes, itch and dryness. and washes in... confidence. yeah, it does. [ crowd cheering ] [ male announcer ] head & shoulders for men. welcome back to "early start." time to take a look at what is trending on the web. you probably don't know who jeff barth is, right? you'll know more than you want to know after watching his ad, being called the greatest political ad ever of. the candidate in south dakota for a house seat strolling down the trail with strategically placed props pointing out key moments of his life. who wouldn't vote for a guy who rode an ostrich. take a look. >> we lived around the world. you know, embassies, consulates, that kind of thing, iceland, germany, belgium, la suit tu. look that one up. along the way, i learned chess in iceland. i was afraid of nuclear war the whole time. i've ridden an ostrich, done a lot of stuff. for six years i served in the u.s. military with one of these. >> the best moment in there. the video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times already. >> i'd like to know what that sound was. kind of sounded like a person. i think it's supposed to sound like an ostrich. next up, trending on the web, lady gaga officially calling off her indonesian concert over islamic threats from the country. gaga announcing the show is off, did it on twitter where she has 25 million followers, more than anyone else. earlier this month jakarta police refused approval for the show after the group called the islamic defenders front threatened violence if she pexed there. talks were being held if she would consider toning down the show. what, are you kidding me? it's gaga. you think she'll bend to that? no. she refused. they called her the devil's messenger who wears bras and panties. apparently this thing was sold out, more than 50,000 tickets sold. so the good kids in indonesia will not get their gaga fix. >> wow. tropical storm beryl comes ashore knocking out power to thousands. find out where it is heading next. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief, i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. if you want to make a difference, you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i am committed to making a difference, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ tropical storm beryl slams into florida overnight but it's about to make a dramatic turn. the latest track of the storm straight ahead. plus two american men arrested in japan, and charged with strangling a woman. coming up, how a nicki menage concert played into the story. president obama says we must return the favor to returning heroes. this is a live picture we're taking a look of. can we put it up again? >> beautiful. >> absolutely gorgeous, you can see the washington monument in the background as well. good morning, monday morning, nice to have with you us on "early start," i'm ashleigh banfield. >> very happy to have you with us, i'm zoraida sambolin. it's severe weather and messing things up for memorial plans down south. tropical storm beryl pounding northern florida and southern georgia with heavy rain and heavy wind, the storm coming ashore overnight near jacksonville beach, florida, and knocking out power to at least 20,000 people. beryl is arriving early. the atlantic hurricane season isn't officially supposed to begin until friday. rob marciano has been watching this. >> 50-mile-an-hour winds right now ashleigh and zoraida and last night, 70 miles an hour, it was this close to being a hurricane and we haven't started strk season yet. 50-mile-an-hour winds moving west at 8 miles an hour, puts the center 40 miles to the west of jacksonville, florida. you see the center of circulation vividly, 70 miles east-southeast of valdosta, georgia. there will be a fair amount of rain, it will be a slow mover and it will continue to weaker. it's battering the coastline with strong winds and big waves, even before it made landfall over the memorial day weekend we had well over 100 water rescues because of the extreme rip currents and waves that came onshore. several reporting stations reporting 60-mile-per-hour gusts. you get the idea this has had strong winds and the winds the georgia coastline also. here is the forecast track, we bring it far to the northwest into southeast georgia and curve it back across the carolinas as a tropical depression. the winds won't be much of a factor past 6:00 tonight. winds will be strong until then and weaken after that and head slowly out to sea. the heavy rain will be an issue as we go through time and some areas will see 4 to 8 inches of rainfall pile up. in an area that really, really needs it so they were certainly hoping for something like this, just don't want all of this to come down so a lot of the dry is cakes off so we'll see a lot of runoff. four to eight inches of rainfall expected in this watch area with the waves coming onshore as well so we will see a fair amount of flooding as well. severe storms across the upper midwest. this is a severe tropical storm and the season hasn't started. >> rob thanks for tracking that for us. we appreciate it. it is three minutes past the hour. an international murder mystery is unfolding this morning in japan. two american men are being held by tokyo police in connection with the strangling of an irish exchange student. police say the suspects met the victim at a nikki me imagine concert in tokyo. the 20-year-old later died. he's confessed to killing etan patz earlier this week and pedro hernandez telling cnn they reported the suspect in camden, new jersey, back in the '80s but nothing came of it. the relative says hernandez admitted to killing a boy in new york and dumping the body in the trash. hernandez is in a new york hospital on suicide watch awaiting a psychiatric exam to determine if he's competent to stand trial for murder. a group representing 80% of catholic nun also meet for three days toment could up with a response to a harsh vatican reprima reprimand. the church wants major reforms from the nuns and criticized them to are their "radical feminist themes." the 21-member board of the leadership conference of women religious begins its meeting tomorrow. new this morning, former british prime minister tony blair testifying just minutes ago in the uk phone hacking scandal. blair was grilled about his ties to news corps founder rupert murdoch. he said "it is inevitable and essential for politicians to have relationships with journalists." we'll bring you live pictures. he is admitting however that relationships with journalists can be unhealthy. murdoch's paper famously switched support to blair's political party just before he was elected. his former tabloid "news of the world" is accused of hacking the phones of several high-profile picture. a live picture of the marine corps war memorial, outside the walls of the arlington national cemetery. in a few hours president obama will be laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns there and also kicking off a 13-year project to honor veterans of the vietnam war. he'll speak at the vietnam veterans memorial wall and will announce plans to honor those who served in southeast asia from now through 2025, the 50-year anniversary of the last u.s. troops pulling out of saigon. a couple from boulder, colorado, is not going to be charged after shooting a 21-year-old female student who had just wandered into their home through an unlocked door. police say colorado university student zoe ripple had a blood alcohol level of 0.2 when she entered their home. listen to the 911 call moments after her husband shot that student in the hip. >> she walked into the bedroom and we were screaming at her and she kept coming in the bedroom and we shot her. >> shot her they did. the 911 operator then instructed the homeowners to ask the wounded student a question. >> do you have any weapons on you? what? why did you just walk into our house and we were screaming at you to get out? she seems kind of, uhm, stoned or something. >> regardless, colorado has something called a make my day law, like a castle law like a stand your ground law where homeowners can use deadly force if an intruder enters their home uninvited and they feel threatened. prosecutors are still considering whether or not they should charge the student. 32 young children slaughtered in syria. the government refusing to take responsibility. will bashar al assad be held accountable? mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes 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[ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. with gold bond intensive healing cream. it targets the underlying causes of itch and irritation. gold bond. intensive healing for lasting relief. global outrage over a bloody weekend massacre in syria. more than 100 people killed including dozens of women and children. the united states and the u.n. blaming much of the violence on the syrian government, but the government is pointing the finger at al qaeda-linked groups. u.n. envoy kofi annan just arrived in damascus just moments ago as an emergency effort to save his peace plan. mohammad jamjoon joins us with the latest. is there any hope kofi annan will be able to help? >> the short answer to that, zoraida is not really. the free syria army yesterday the rebel army that agreed to the cease-fire and to the "360" point peace plan proposed by kofi annan announced his plan dead. they're calling for air strikes against the syrian regime by the international community and they're holding the u.n. security council responsible for what's happened to unarmed civilians in syria. it's never been this bad and the opposition activists we speak to in tieria say they never believed to begin with that the syrian regime was serious agreeing to the peace plan, they thought bashar al assad was biding his time. what happened to the children this weekend bears that out and shows bashar al assad was always disingenuous. when monitors have been in the country, violence has not ceased and doesn't look like it will be cease any time soon. the syrian government says this is the work of terrorists and al qaeda. the opposition activists say this is the syrian regime going after people that want change in that country. >> we've seen the finger pointing continues to happen so what do we do, stand by and just continue to watch, the united nations? >> it's a very good question. the united nations security council has been deadlocked about this because china and russia have veto power so every time the other country on the united nations security council want to try to do something more forcefully toward the syrian regime they've been sometimied in that effort. by what we're hearing from the russian ambassador to the ub that's going to continue to be the case. it's a worrying development what's happened over the weekend. there are claims that atrocities are happening in other parts of the country as well even as there's this stepped up international pressure, even as more members of the international community are directly laying the blame for what happened on the bashar al assad regime and yet still you see this diplomacy isn't working, sanctions that have been proposed and put in effect by the eu have not worked. you see even when the arab league monitors were there didn't work. nothing the international community tried to do has stopped this seemingly endless cycle of violence. >> it is just horrific to watch. mohammed jamjoon joining us live, thank you for the update. >> 13 minutes past 6:00. let's get you caught up to date on the top stories here. tropical stormber si beryl is m landfall, happened at the florida/georgia border. the storm just pounding this region with torrential rains, powerful winds and moving along the atlantic coastline as we speak. a sobering warning from defense secretary leanne panetta. he says it will be disastrous if congress allows $500 billion in defense cuts to take effect in january as scheduled. those cuts triggered by congress's failure last year to reach a deficit reduction deal. security concerns forcing lady gaga to cancel her concert scheduled for next week in indonesia. this decision coming after islamic hard liners denounced her costumes and sexy costumes. lady gaga tweeting an apology to fans and sending a message to critics saying there is nothing holy about hatred. the parents of missing u.s. soldi ieier bowe bergdahl holdi rolling thunder rally to remember him and those missing in action. >> thanks to you our p.o.w.s and m.i.a.s will never be forgotten. bowe, if you can hear me you are not forgotten and so help me god, we will bring you home. we will not leave you behind. >> the 26-year-old army sergeant was captured in june of 2009 in afghanist afghanistan, currently america's only known prisoner of war in afghanistan. scotland's dar io franchitt captured the flag at the indy 500, husband of ashley judd. he won the race for the third time in five years after japan's takumo sato tried to pass him on the last lap but crashed when he tried doing it. the men in black are the men in green "mib" took in $55 million to knock "the avengers" out of the box office. "avengers" fell in second place after three weeks, with $37 million. look ma, no hands. look close at this one, at first glance home run by cincinnati reds todd frazier, he loses the bat but oh those lucky folks, up close, do you see the bat in his hands? the spotlight shows it is not in frazier's hands when you make contact with the ball so this is what you call a hands free home run, awesome. justin bieber is being investigated for possible misdemeanor battery against a photographer. the photographer claims bieber hit him after he snapped pictures of the singer with his girlfriend, actress selena gomez. after the alleged incident the photographer was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released. bieber's handlers are not responding to phone calls. it's 17 minutes past qualify on the east coast and helping veterans land jobs on this memorial day, what could be better than that. there are businesses doing their part, we'll highlight one in particular really doing something terrific to help those who put their lives on the line for us, get the jobs they deserve. we'll tell you about it in a minute. and for an expanded look at our top stories head to our blog a party? 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[ female announcer ] new from stouffer's. farmers' harvest steam meals taste so good we'll bet the farm on it. good morning to you, washington, d.c. it's 21 minutes past the hour. these are live pictures you're looking at over marine corps memorial, also own as iwo jima memorial, outside arlington cemetery in arlington, virginia. in a few hours from now president obama will be there, laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns. >> a beautiful shot with the sunrise behind it. good reminder of why you may have the day off today, folks. it's memorial day, so think about our fallen soldiers. in the meantime we're minding your business at 21 past 6:00, the nasdaq rising more than 2% but hold your horses, those are three very pretty arrows but the picture for may is not as rosy. it's shaping up to be the worst month for the dow and the s&p since last november, mostly because of that pesky debt crisis in europe. >> pesky. christine romans is always keeping an eye on the economy for us and today she is focusing on veterans. i love this story you are bea to bring us. >> this story i was coming back from ali velshi's house in philadelphia a couple of months ago and i was driving along the highway and saw the biggest help wanted sign i've ever seen and said i've got to do a story about this company. listen. for dave devonzo to find a job all it took was a sign. >> i've been driving past that modern sign for 18 years. >> reporter: this building outside i-95 wants to hire people just like him, veterans. he retired from the navy in august after 29 years. >> it was a bit of a shock. i put all of the applications out, all the work i had done, put my feelers out there and got very little response so i saw the sign out front and called the hr department, sent them my stuff and the rest is history. >> reporter: and that's what led him to a job as a shop technician here. >> i will tell you this, my first ever job interview and i'm 47 years old right now, happened at modern group, so it was a change, definitely a change. >> reporter: dozens of applications poured in to dave griffith, modern's president and ceo. he's hired 27 veterans and reservists from all branches of the military. >> they tend to be more disciplined, more focused, more sensitive to the customer. i think there's a great attention to detail for folks coming out of the military. >> we're all on the same team, inevitably our mission is to get the entire job done and keep this company rolling. >> reporter: there's a huge push to hire more veterans. the unemployment rate has been steadily improvement, 9.2% in april, but still higher than the national average. some 40 u.s. companies have pledged more than 100,000 jobs to vaet rans by 2020, including time warner, the parent company of cnn. already this year 12,000 plus vets have been hired. government, health care, tech and manufacturing are the fields hiring. >> i think our obligation is to honor that service, if we can do that in such a way to hire the young men and women and bring them on board and also do good for our company and our stake hold stakeholders, i can't imagine why i wouldn't do it. >> the military is nothing but a snapshot of society so coming here working with these guys here i think is a perfect transition. >> perfect transition, so that's just one company, and there are a lot of other small and mid sized companies either because the owner or the managers are veterans or because they found that some of these skills on the battlefield really translate to their business are hiring more veterans. i mean there's doing it because it's the right thing to do and also doing it because it's the right business thing to do, this and other cases turning out to be the right thing and the right business thing are the same thing. >> thank you, that's a fabulous story. >> and what's the one thing we need to know today? >> the one thing that veterans need to know today as they're trying to get a job, leave the yes, ma'am and yes, sir on the battlefield or in the military and this is why. lot of job coaches are saying people are coming back, having their first interview and really answering questions with the military mind-set, not telling a lot about themselves, but just receiving from the hiring manager. you got to be a little more forceful, no yes, ma'am, yes, sir. this is what i can do. this is what i did in the military and how i can use those skills in civilian life. this is how i solve problems. this is how i lead. these are all things we do in the military, technical skills also, make sure you are really illustrating your technical skills because that is what hiring managers want to see. >> don't walk in with the newspaper. >> in your story the gentlemen were talking, it was the owner of the company saying these folks are sensitive to the customers' needs, putting everybody else first. >> totally. the yes, ma'am and yes, sir is for the customer, that's the most important thing, not the boss. the boss wants to know a lot about you. the yes, ma'am and yes, sir are for the customer. >> that's a real paradigm shift for vets because they have in that mode for a long time. >> it is. >> you're very polite. >> you translate the skills. best of luck to everybody out there. >> awesome information, perfect for memorial day. thank you. >> 26 minutes past the hour. for the first time in history a man is picked as a military spouse of the year. i'm going to talk to him live right here on cnn right after a really quick break. and if you're leaving the house right now, don't worry, watch us any time on your desktop or mobile phone, just go to get everything you want there. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. it is the first tropical system to make landfall in the united states this season. it's early. we are tracking tropical storm beryl for you this morning. and remembering why you have a three-day weekend. president obama paying tribute to the nation's fallen warriors on memorial day say we must commit to and care for the veterans who are coming home. and a 16-year-old kid comes up with a solution to a 300-year-old problem, first posed by sir isaac newton. it's all about gravity this morning. welcome back to "early start." we are happy you're with us this morning. i'm zoraida sambolin. >> hi, everybody, i'm ashleigh banfield. 31 minutes past the hour. let's get you caught up on top stories. tropical storm beryl pounding the atlantic coastline with flooding, rain and high winds and derailing a lot of memorial day festivities in the process. the storm barrelled into the northern florida coastline overnight making landfall near jacksonville beach. parts of florida and georgia could get as much as eight inches of rain. some areas could get 12 inches. rob marciano has been busy trying to track this thing, finding out who is going to get hit the hardest. >> rainfall for sure, still getting winds and big waves along the coastline, winds 50 miles an hour sustained so we've got power out for over 20,000 people, potentially more as it continues to wind down. the center onshore moving to the west eight miles an hour. you see the center of it is probably about 40 miles to the west of jacksonville and rotating in a fair amount of rainfall and that's going to be the main player once the winds die down. that won't happen for another 12 or so hours. these are from last night over 60-mile-an-hour winds along the beach in northern florida. forecast track brings it inland, weakens to a tropical depression. this will take some time and because of that, the rainfall will persist in the areas for a decent amount of time, good 48 hours. flash flood watches are posted for this area, could see several inches of rainfall. here is the thing, they need it. bring it on. this area has extreme drought so they'd like to get it drawn out during a longer period of time, but beggars can't be chooser. four to eight inches locally or higher. obviously a washout for this memorial day weekend plans along the beach but again they could use the rainfall and now they're getting it in a hurry right now. >> i don't know how to feel about that, good for them, bad for them, probably a little bit of both. >> exactly. >> thank you, rob. 33 minutes past the hour. call it a sign of the times for the first time the military spouse of the year is not a she. here he is, jeremy hilton was chosen from hundreds of nominees and is himself an air force academy graduate and a former navy officer. jeremy hilton, military spouse magazine's pous of the year. congratulations to you. it's really nice to see you this morning. so first it was air force spouse of the year, and then you went on to win the big one, military spouse of the year. i was reading how they came up with the announcement and they were trying to keep the gender out of it because you were the only male in the running. how does it feel? >> it's actually a huge honor obviously and it was quite a shock, considering the other five ladies who i was going up for the overall award are all pretty amazing, and so to be selected as a final military spouse of the year is obviously quite an honor. >> now your wife is lieutenant colonel renee children. you have two children, jack is 9 years old and kay is 7 years old. how did you make the decision you would be the one to stay home with the children in. >> it was a practical decision. kate was born with a number of pretty significant medical issues. when you looked at the deployment schedule for the navy versus the air force i would have been gone perhaps as much as three-quarters of the year and for all military families it's a tough situation dealing with a single parent household and particularly dealing with a child with a disability, that is that much more significant so we made the most practical decision which was for me to get out and take care of her. >> do you enjoy being at a stay at home dad? >> i do, it's a lot of fun. there are days where you want to pull out your hair like any other stay at home parent but the good outweighs the bad. >> it's not popular to be a stay at home dad. in 2010 there were an estimated 154,000 stay at home fathers compared to 5 million moms. is that difficult for you, when you discuss this with other men, perhaps? >> it can be at times. certainly most of us guys find outlets in which we can become involved obviously with our children's lives and other areas of our life. obviously for a lot of us guys, a lot of us are veterans that stay at home with our kids, and so you know, we're all part of this kind of finding ways to be part of national security and supporting our female service members and making sure our kids grow up as healthy and safe as they possibly can. >> i contend that you do as good of a job or men do as good of a job as women do. do you have any tips for men who make this decision like you did? >> i think getting your head wrapped around the concept that what you're doing is just as important as what any other lady might do. obviously for member becon beco involved in some sort of groups or other. there's a d.c. metro stay at home dads group where we get out and do things together. >> i don't want to leave without talking about your mission, because this is a greater good you're serving as well for everybody in the military, and it has to do with disabled children. can you tell us about that? >> sure, obviously my larger goal relates to helping military kids with disabilities take care of themselves long-term. one of those aspects is a bill in congress, currently it passed the house as part of the defense bill, it's the caring for military kids with autism act. right now it's being considered in the senate, and we're hoping that we can find enough senators to include it in the senate's version of the defense bill so it becomes law. what it does is, for example, some of our wounded warriors who are actually, might have a child with autism, when they're forced to medical pli separatly separa medically retired, their children lose access to medical treatment for the autism and this bill fixes that. >> congratulations, jeremy hilton, 2012 military spouse of the year, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. 37 minutes past 6:00 on the east coast. new fallout from the north carolina pastor who delivered an anti-gay sermon that went viral online. authorities say someone tried to burn his church down. didn't work. they only managed to damage power lines outside of the church. all this while thousands of demonstrators rallied outside of that church. it's called the providence road baptist church, this happening on sunday. the effort to protest its pastor charles wuerle. he gave a sermon on mother's day calling for gay people and lesbians to be thrown behind electric fences to eventually die out. sur pridesingly many members of the congregation are supporting him. one young man, one big riddle, a century's old math problem put to rest by a 16-year-old, solved a math problem posed by sir isaac newton, the solution makes it possible to figure out the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance and closed another unsolved math problem posed in the 19th century, the indian born teen who learned calculus at 6 says his curiosity and school boy naivety led him to the discovers. >> with a 15-year-old who won the international science fair with a detection for cancer. what's it with kids these days? >> uber bright. mitt romney pulling out the trump card literally. the republican candidate teaming up with the donald to help raise money but here's the question, with what's coming out of the donald's mouth, could this hurt the candidate more than he was thinking? you'll find out in a moment. peter. i can see that you're busy... but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. [ man ] the receivables. [ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. to get people to try on these new depend silhouette briefs, and today we are rocking the red carpet. look it's lisa rinna! lisa hiii,i know you don't need one but will you try on these new depend silhouette briefs for charity and prove just how great the fit is even under a fantastic dress? are you serious? i am serious... sure why not! she's doing it! the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. hey lisa, who ya wearing? she's wearing the new depend silhouette. (growl) we invite you to get a free sample and try one on too. it is 4 minutes past the hour. let's get you up to date. two american men are being held by japanese police in connection with the strangling of a female irish exchange student. the student is identified as 21-year-old nikola furlong, found unconscious in a tokyo hotel room early thursday morning. a memorial super day soaker it seems for the people in florida and in georgia as tropical storm beryl comes calling. the storm making landfall near jacksonville beach. as much as eight inches of rain is the examined. some areas could get a whole foot of rain as well. harnessing the sun like never before, germany set a renewable energy record this weekend, a clean energy think tank said solar power provided the country with one-third of its energy needs on friday and accounted for half of the power grid on saturday. germ snee decided to wean itself off nuclear power after the fukushima nuclear disaster last year. it's already shut down eight plants in the past year. for all you astronomers look to the sky tonight because you'll be able to check out a half moon and mars. probably won't look like what you're seeing on your screen, but if you are looking to check out the red planet it will look as a bright yellow-orange spot above and to the left of the moon. mars is moving away from earth so this could be your best chance to see the planet for the next few months and if you're able to snap a picture because you have fancy, expensive equipment, tweet it to u us @earlystartcnn. >> you're not going to see any of this, i want to make that clear. you an unlikely discovery made it an unlikely way in wichita, kansas. 13-year-old edison opened an old cartridge found a photograph and the boy had no idea how impressive it was until he showed his grandmother lewis who identified the young man as her own son who had died in a car crash 23 years ago. the fament ll ll lly family hasn connection to the garage sale. the man couldn't recall where he purchased it. edison says he bought the camera because it was pretty cool. how bizarre is that? a special hit inside "games of thrones" they recognize death rocky, i don't know, in their unique language. this week's "next list" features a man who created that language, his name is david peterson. >> in seasons to come, they are first and foremost people and so wherever she goes they follow but at the same time, yes, as she's traveling through different lands there are other languages she comes across. >> we have other languages coming up on the soet that also need to be invented and we're hoping david will do those for us as well. >> personally i'd love to keep creating languages for "game of thrones" for tv shows and movies. that's the dream of everybody's to sit down and create a language. >> the "game of thrones" you have to cover your eyes sometimes it's racy stuff. >> some people here love it. >> one of the bets thinst thing, just make sure the kids are not around. christine romans is filling in on "starting point," got the orange mem row i so i see. >> it's a busy day, we start with syria, sickening pictures of hundreds dead, including many children. the weekend massacre triggering shock around the world. what can be doen to stop the violence and what are we doing? paying tribute to the nation's fallen warriors. plus meet the 4-year-old boy who didn't want to wear his hearing aid because he told his mom, superheroes don't wear hearing aids so she wrote to marvel asking for help and boy did they come through. and he's the richest man in hip-hop with an estimated $550 million but sean "diddy" combs won't have to pay for his son's education because he received a scholarship. head to, that's all on "starting point." >> oh, that's going to be a talker. 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[ gargling ] [ gargling ] he drinks green stuff. he says he's from albuquerque. i'm not buying it. i mean, just look at him. and one more thing -- he has a spaceship. [ whirring ] the evidence doesn't lie. my dad's an alien. [ male announcer ] the highly advanced audi a6. named to car and driver's 10 best. ♪ named to car and driver's 10 best. i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. nothing can stop me now. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer provides unbeatable uva uvb protection and while other sunscreens can feel greasy ultra sheer® is clean and dry. it's the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. 58 minutes past 6:00 on the east coast. time for your early reads. 17-year-old honors student thrown in the slammer for missing too many days of class. i mentioned she was an honors student. she is an honors student. here is the deal, she says she's working two jobs to try to support her siblings because her parents took off. houston affiliate khou says diane tran is now living with one of her employers. she says she's sometimes so exhausted from working the two jobs that she misses school. the judge said he wanted to make an example of tran so he ordered her to spend 24 hours in jail and pay a $100 fine. did i mention she was an honors student? a 19-year-old tech entrepreneur spends two months as a squatter at the aol building in palo alto. cnet says eric simons got a building pass working for a program fronting space there. when the program ended simons didn't have rent for money so he decided he was going to stay there, ate free food, took showers at the employee gym and slept on the couch. aol employees thought he was a really hard worker. eventually kicked out by security. senior vice president said "it was always our intention to facilitate entrepreneurialism in the palo alto office, we just didnx

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Spikes ,Glucerna Hunger Smart ,Six ,Fifteen ,Way ,Path ,Twins ,Kids ,Life ,Care ,Legalzoom ,Ownership ,Wills ,Ones ,My Name ,Colleen Stiles ,Times ,Law ,Side ,Will ,Smile ,Listerine ,Whitening Plus Restoring ,Company ,Bottom Line ,Mouth ,Wanted ,Word ,Employee Benefits ,Teeth ,Shades ,Sound ,Duck ,Lac ,Tune ,Lullaby And Good Night ,Aflac ,Forbusiness Com ,Connection ,Strangling Death ,Concert In Tokyo ,Reporter ,Suspects ,More ,Background ,Name ,Musician ,Minor ,Entertainers ,Zridescribing B ,23 ,James Blackstone ,Backup Dancer ,Reporting ,Someone ,Hotel ,Media ,Noise ,Tokyo City Hotel ,Staff ,Nicola Furlong ,Report ,Death ,It Key Yawn Law ,Strangulation ,State Department ,Authorities ,Release ,Country ,American ,Nation ,Citizen ,Consular Assistance ,Denin ,West African ,Benin ,Ties ,Questions ,Tony Blair ,Rupert Murdoch ,Phone Hacking Scandal ,Stand ,News Corporation ,British ,9 Million ,Press ,News Of The World ,Politicians ,Phone ,Phones ,Government Officials ,Murder Victim ,Inquiry ,Plan ,Afghanist Afghanistan ,Swipe ,Criticism ,Mitt Romney ,Administration ,Plan Public ,2014 ,Nations ,Campaign Rhetoric ,Afafghanistan ,Nato ,Direction ,Everyone ,Agreement ,Others ,Lisbon Agreement ,President Bush ,Police Officer ,Firefighter ,Consequences ,Defense Budget ,Suburbs ,House Explosion ,Congress Doesn T Reverse ,In My Life ,Aren T ,God ,Fire Officials ,Saying ,Blast ,Witnesses ,Saturday ,Milwaukee ,Everything ,Franchise ,Heat Exhaustion ,Smoke Inhalation ,Men In Black ,Box Office ,Number One ,The Avengers ,Hiatus ,Mib 3 ,Bethrowning ,Ten ,3 ,Place ,Movie ,Title ,The Avengers Is ,36 9 Million ,5 Million ,55 Million ,6 9 Million ,Bat ,Home Run ,Soup ,Hands ,Glance ,Reviews ,Dinger ,Baseball ,Ball ,Frazier ,Spotlight ,Contact ,Somewhere ,I Don T Know ,Rule Book ,Hit ,Conspiracy Theorists ,I Can T Go On ,Cool ,Go ,Rules ,Go Figure ,Pen ,Honors Student ,Morning ,Jail ,Newspaper Stories ,17 ,Jobs ,Yes ,Diane Tran ,Parents ,Employers ,Town ,Honor Student ,Class ,Siblings ,Hour Houston ,Judge ,School ,Work ,Fine ,Pay ,24 ,For Heaven S Sake ,Support ,Don T ,Odd Story ,Tech Entrepreneur ,Program ,Eric Simmons ,Siem Nz Actually Didn T ,Squatter ,Building ,Aol ,Fpalo Alto ,Rending Pace ,Money ,Showers ,Worker ,Food ,Couch ,Employee Gym ,Job ,Security ,News Business ,Vice President ,Office ,Intention ,Entrepreneurialism ,Palo Alto ,Eric Simons ,Sheriff ,Fire ,Deputy Led ,Mistake ,Heat ,California ,Husband ,Robbery ,Daily Mail ,Investigators ,Arrest ,Plays Out ,San Diego ,Kitchen ,Stove ,It Family Outside ,Dinner ,Oyo ,Department ,Odd ,Nobody ,Stories ,Kinds ,Neighborhood Be Sa Safe ,Stuff ,Line ,Part ,Businesses ,Lots ,Planet ,Lives ,Cnn Com Earlystart ,Folks ,Flight ,Freedom ,Seats ,Credit Cards ,Miles ,Island ,Hat ,25000 ,Won T ,Venture Card ,Isn T ,Flights ,Capital ,Airline ,At Capitalone Com ,Frustrating ,Wallet ,Uh ,Pilot ,Cereal ,Cholesterol ,Wrong Didn T ,Yummy ,2 ,Tum Tums ,Goats ,Grain ,Slap ,Foods ,Honey Nut Cheerios ,Taste ,Business ,Aspects ,Tum ,Wells Fargo ,Solutions ,Customers ,Expenses ,Small Business Lender ,Cash Flow ,Millions ,Business Owners ,Nine ,Debt Crisis ,Trading ,Hi ,Analysts ,Issues ,Uncertainty ,Greece ,Job Market ,Stocks ,Europe ,Christine Romans ,Nasdaq ,Companies ,Sign ,Bit ,Unemployment Rate ,Servicemen ,Company Relations ,Midsized ,Experience ,Battlefield ,Dave Devonzo ,Home Dads Group ,Billboard ,Philadelphia ,I 95 ,95 ,18 ,Rest ,Response ,Front ,Shock ,Applications ,Navy ,Hr Department ,29 ,Change ,Group ,Shop Technician ,Job Interview ,47 ,Military ,Ceo ,Visibility ,Dave Griffith ,Branches ,Reservists ,Modern ,27 ,Team ,Attention ,Customer ,Mission ,Out ,Focused ,Veteran ,Push ,Average ,Company Rolling ,9 11 ,40 ,Vets ,Health Care ,Time Warner ,Manufacturing ,2020 ,100000 ,Service ,Obligation ,Board ,Stakeholders ,Guys ,Transition ,Counting ,Society ,Snapshot ,Skills ,Soldiers ,Approach ,Nuns ,Great Story ,Sack ,Church ,At T ,Forces ,Photo Sharing Abilities ,Caterers ,Reform ,Standards ,Network ,Possibilities ,Drivers ,Table ,Aviva ,Policy ,Life Insurance Companies ,Difference ,Access ,Check Up ,Wellness ,Life Program ,Life Insurance ,Savings ,Humanity ,Avivausa Com ,Mayo Clinic ,Management ,Technician ,Manuals ,Ducati ,Bikes ,Xerox ,Publications ,Portuguese ,Pope ,The Vatican ,Reprimand ,Butler ,Scandals ,Fist ,The Big One ,Hasn T ,Tropical Storm Beryl ,Mountain ,Couple ,Everest ,Worst ,History ,Fact ,Mike Landfall ,Summit ,Interview ,Jacksonville Beach ,Heavy Rain ,Stormy Memorial Day ,Hurricane Force Winds ,Both ,Atlantic Coastline ,Catch 22 ,Flooding Chblt ,Classic Circular Motion ,Sea ,Land ,48 ,Coastline ,Spots ,South Carolina ,Meaning ,Big Washout ,Documents ,Investigation ,Suspicion ,Catholic Church ,Material ,Journ Journalists ,Italian ,Benedict Xvi ,Hundreds ,Personal Letter ,Power Struggle ,2006 ,Fabulous Story ,Players ,Gossip ,Rome ,Corruption ,Allegations ,Cronyism ,Property Taxes ,Core ,Nature ,Euro White Truffle ,100000 Euro ,Soup Kitchen ,Money Laundering ,Leaks ,Book ,Leak ,His Holiness ,Va Can Cavatican Calla Criminal Act ,Journalist ,Criminal Act ,Source ,Anyone ,Document ,City ,Drive ,Transparency ,Sources ,Misconceptions ,Reasoning ,Public Sector ,Picture ,Focus ,Let ,Secretaries ,Needs ,Cleaning ,Cooking ,Pontiffica Family ,Betrayal ,Night ,Saw ,Bed ,Saw Him ,Spokesman ,Butler Wouldn T ,He Wouldn T ,Arrests ,Wisdom ,Finger ,Fallguy ,Course ,Conduit ,Details ,Footing ,Headache ,Headaches ,Reforms ,Harsh Vatican ,Gay Marriage ,Abortion ,Feminist Thomes ,Leadership Conference Of Women Religious ,Meeting ,Pastor ,Fallout ,North Carolina ,Sermon ,Charles Whorly ,Power Lines ,Demonstrators ,Baptist Church ,Thousands ,Outside Providence Road ,Members ,Mother ,Congregation ,Fences ,Lesbians ,Gays ,Electric Ool ,Soldier ,Thunder Rally ,Prisoners Of War ,Bowe Burgdahl ,Pows ,Mias ,Bowe Berg Dahl ,So Help Me God ,Missing In Action ,Laverne ,Army Sergeant ,Capture Nd June 2009 ,2009 ,June 2009 ,Bucket List ,Plane ,Thoughts ,Skydiving ,Instructor ,Holding On ,Partner ,Harness ,Feet ,Edge ,Anything ,Hold On ,Item ,Driving ,Race Car ,Chute ,Disaster ,Longer ,World ,Doing ,Spirit ,Spunk ,Up Next ,29000 ,Patterns ,Popularity ,Party ,Water ,Record Skips ,Clear ,Experts ,Music Plays ,Huh ,Fat ,Minerals ,Vitamins ,Lid ,Nine Grams Protein ,Twenty One ,Zero ,Charge ,Peach ,Pomegranate ,Blueberry ,Nutrition ,Dad ,Car ,Dude ,Safety Pick ,Volkswagen Passat ,Gonna Kill Me Dude ,Iihs ,09 ,209 ,Communications Company ,Communications Provider ,Centurylink ,Around The World ,Fortune 500 ,Points ,Thankyou ,Backyard ,Olympic Spirit ,Team Usa ,Visa Card Holders ,Thankyou Points ,Cheering ,Fashion ,Karen ,Tom ,True London ,10000 ,20000 ,Rewards ,East Coast ,Top ,Climbers ,Mt ,Scrambling ,Human Traffic Jam ,44 ,Limit ,Bottleneck ,Kenton Cool ,Olympic Gold Medal ,Abdom ,1924 ,Keith ,Feeling ,Mr ,Feat ,Tenth Summit ,Nepal ,Anybody ,Climbing Friend ,Endeavor ,Wasn T Dangerous Before ,Number ,The Mountain ,Statistics ,25 ,26 ,Reality ,New York Times ,Bad ,Headline ,Base Camp ,Reading ,Junkie ,Climber ,Author ,Don T Climb Every Mountain ,Glide ,Operations ,Guides ,Seasons ,Decision ,Expedition ,Friend ,May ,Russell ,Summits ,Record Number ,Under ,Decision Wasn T ,Climbers Members ,Human Beings ,Death Zone ,Run ,Olympic Games ,May 25th ,Mountains ,Mountain Works ,No One ,Frost Bite ,Little ,Congratulations ,Prematurely ,Luck ,Climbing Season ,End ,Katman Katmandu ,49 ,Victim ,Memorial Day Supersoaker ,Folk Yoe ,All Of You ,Tens Of Thousands ,Coast ,Southern Georgia ,Storm Making Landfall ,Acalling ,Left ,Astronomers ,Telescopes ,Tonight Skywatchers ,Mars ,Half Moon ,Chance ,Fireworks ,75th Birthday ,Last Night ,San Francisco ,Earth ,75 ,Bridge ,Birthday Bash ,Recognized ,Golden Gate Bridge ,1937 ,Lady Gaga ,Desktop ,Mobile Phone ,Battle With Indonesia ,Pop Star ,Cnn Com Tv ,Muslim Country ,Icons ,Twitter ,Lettuce Shower ,Cheese ,Kiwi ,King Crab ,Rhubarb Pie ,Bees ,Soy Milk ,Curry ,Gift Horse ,Impulse Buy ,Toucan Sam ,Grass Fed ,Employees ,Grocery Stores ,Cash ,Cash Back ,Duck Yelling ,Splash ,Benefits Package ,Gingersnaps ,Oahhh ,Hair ,Ha ,Hey Joe ,9th Inning ,9 ,Head ,Flakes ,Shoulders ,Scalp Protection ,Men Washes ,Benefits ,Confidence ,Bottle ,Go On ,Scalp ,Dryness ,Shampoos ,Head Shoulders ,Seven ,Crowd Cheering ,Sad ,Web ,Trending ,Jeff Barth Is ,Candidate ,Guy ,Ostrich ,Who Wouldn T ,Take A Look ,Props ,Trail ,Seat Strolling ,Vote ,South Dakota ,Consulates ,Embassies ,Chess ,Iceland ,Belgium ,La Suit Tu ,These ,Nuclear War ,Person ,Video ,Threats ,Followers ,Islamic ,25 Million ,Talks ,Toning ,Approval ,Anyone Else ,Islamic Defenders Front ,Jakarta ,Messenger ,Bras ,Panties ,Tickets ,The Devil ,50000 ,Fix ,Homicide ,Impact ,Indonesia ,Opportunity ,University Of Phoenix ,Education ,Police Chief ,Phoenix ,Visit Phoenix Edu ,James Craig ,I Don T Wanna Be Right ,Record Scratch ,Vietnam ,1968 ,Protection ,Generation ,Level ,Commitment ,Auto Insurance ,Usaa ,South Pacific ,Iraq ,2003 ,1943 ,Legacy ,Equal ,North Texas ,Mcallen ,Piece ,Equipment ,Nowhere ,Middle ,Asset ,Sense ,Bell ,Cat ,How A Nicki Menage Concert ,Plus Two American Men Arrested ,Heroes ,Beautiful ,Favor ,Monday Morning ,Early Start ,Washington Monument ,Memorial Plans ,Atlantic Hurricane Season ,Haven T ,West ,Circulation ,Amount ,Waves ,Mover ,Reporting Stations ,Gusts ,Rip Currents ,60 ,Forecast Track ,Georgia Coastline ,Factor ,Northwest ,Issue ,4 ,Runoff ,Cakes ,Storms ,Upper Midwest ,Strangling ,Tracking ,Tokyo Police ,Nikki Me Imagine Concert In Tokyo ,Hernandez ,Exam ,Body ,Competent To Stand Trial ,Murder ,80 ,Nun ,Reprima Reprimand ,Radical Feminist Themes ,Relationships ,Journalists ,Essential ,Paper ,Walls ,Marine Corps War Memorial ,Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall ,2025 ,Zoe Ripple ,Hip ,Shot ,Uhm ,Stand Your Ground Law ,32 ,Bashar Al Assad ,Responsibility ,Cadillac Xts ,Seat ,Safety ,Danger ,Pulse ,Forward ,Mercedes E Class ,Communities ,Industries ,Investing ,Funding ,Neighborhood ,Expansion ,Bank Of America ,Brooklyn ,Boston ,Hospital ,Community ,Quality Care ,Business Serving ,Lending ,Neighborhoods ,Seattle ,Burgers ,Heartburn ,Acid ,Don T Get Heartburn ,Zero Heartburn ,Shoot ,Prilosec Otc ,Bond ,Healing ,Cream ,Relief ,Irritation ,Causes ,Weekend Massacre ,Outrage ,Kofi Annan ,Peace Plan ,Emergency Effort ,Hope ,Mohammad Jamjoon ,Answer ,Cease Fire ,Army ,Syria Army ,360 ,Regime ,Civilians ,Air Strikes ,Opposition Activists ,Bashar Al Assad Regime ,Tieria ,Monitors ,Doesn T ,Terrorists ,Pointing ,Stand By ,Effort ,Sometimied ,Russia ,China ,Ub ,Pressure ,Parts ,Atrocities ,Case ,Ambassador ,Development ,Russian ,Sanctions ,Diplomacy Isn T Working ,Blame ,Eu ,Arab League ,Didn T Work ,Mohammed Jamjoon ,Cycle Of Violence ,Si Beryl Is M Landfall ,Tropical Stormber ,Leanne Panetta ,Region ,Georgia Border ,Security Concerns ,Costumes ,Liners ,Critics ,Message ,Fans ,Hatred ,Apology ,Holdi ,Soldi Ieier ,Rally ,Rolling Thunder ,June Of 2009 ,Dar Io Franchitt ,Prisoner Of War In Afghanistan ,Scotland S ,Race ,Flap ,Ashley Judd ,Takumo Sato ,Mib ,Out Of The Box ,Todd Frazier ,Look Ma ,Up Close ,Cincinnati Reds ,7 Million ,37 Million ,Photographer ,Claims Bieber ,Selena Gomez ,Misdemeanor Battery ,Girlfriend ,Singer ,Justin Bieber ,Hit Him ,Phone Calls ,Handlers ,Incident ,Presentation ,Carrots ,Milk ,Farm ,Stouffer S ,Steam Meal ,Steam ,Credit ,Farmers ,Harvest Steam Meals ,Boys ,Don T You Think Stouffer ,The Farm ,Washington D C ,Reminder ,Outside Arlington Cemetery ,Tomb Of The Unknowns ,Virginia ,Sunrise ,Horses ,Arrows ,Economy ,Eye ,Pesky ,Dow And The S P Since Last November ,Highway ,House In Philadelphia ,Ali Velshi ,Bea ,Feelers ,Jobs To Vaet Rans ,Improvement ,9 2 ,Fields Hiring ,12000 ,Hold ,Stake ,Managers ,Owner ,Business Thing ,Cases ,Job Coaches ,Ma Am ,Back ,Hiring Manager ,Mind Set ,Problems ,Everybody ,Talking ,Newspaper ,Don T Walk ,Gentlemen ,Boss ,Mode ,Paradigm Shift ,Military Spouse ,Time ,Information ,Break ,Don T Worry ,Dream ,College , ,The Sky S Limit ,Naphtali Bryant ,Warriors ,Tribute ,Coming Home ,Memorial Day Festivities ,Derailing ,31 ,Process ,Northern Florida Coastline Overnight Making Landfall Near Jacksonville Beach ,Storm Barrelled ,Hardest ,Sure ,Finding Out ,Player ,Beach ,Memorial Day Weekend Plans ,Washout ,Beggars ,Chooser ,Spouse ,Hurry ,She ,Sign Of The Times ,Rob ,Jeremy Hilton ,Navy Officer ,Nominees ,Air Force Academy ,Military Spouse Magazine ,Air Force ,Announcement ,Pous ,Honor ,Award ,Running ,Male ,Gender ,Lieutenant Colonel ,Renee Children ,Jack ,Wife ,Kate ,Deployment Schedule ,Child ,Stay ,Household ,Parent ,Disability ,Situation ,Good ,Stay At Home Dad ,Fun ,Moms ,154000 ,2010 ,Ways ,Finding ,Safe ,Concept ,Tips ,Lady ,Sort ,Becon ,D C ,Metro Stay ,Bill ,Disabilities ,Goal ,Senators ,Defense Bill ,Autism Act ,Autism ,Version ,Pli Separatly Separa Medically Retired ,Treatment ,37 ,Charles Wuerle ,Providence Road ,Happening On Sunday ,Mother S Day ,Sur Pridesingly ,Big Riddle ,The Indian Born Teen ,Curiosity ,Naivety Led ,Cancer ,Detection ,Science Fair ,Trump Card ,Donald ,Raise ,The Donald ,Uber Bright ,Republican ,Numbers ,Gonna ,Peter ,Michelin ,Finance Processing ,Receivables ,Charity ,Fit ,Silhouette Briefs ,Dress ,Red Carpet ,Lisa Rinna ,Lisa Hiii ,Depend Silhouette ,Underwear ,Growl ,Lisa ,Sample ,Memorial Super ,Nikola Furlong ,Calling ,Foot ,Sun ,Energy ,Record ,Half ,Power Grid ,Renewable Energy ,Think Tank ,Germ Snee ,Plants ,Sky ,You Astronomers ,Fukushima Nuclear Disaster ,Arlystartcnn ,Photograph ,Cartridge ,Discovery ,Wichita ,Kansas ,Son ,Lewis ,Car Crash ,Fament Ll Lly Family Hasn ,Couldn T Recall ,Garage Sale ,Camera ,Edison ,Language ,List ,Bizarre ,Games Of Thrones ,Death Rocky ,David Peterson ,Languages ,Lands ,Soet ,Personally ,Tv Shows ,Movies ,Eyes ,Bets ,Orange ,Mem Row ,Hearing Aid ,Didn T ,Old Boy ,Mom ,Superheroes Don T Wear Hearing Aids ,Hip Hop ,50 Million ,550 Million ,Scholarship ,Sean Diddy Combs ,Talker ,Trophies ,Creaking ,Zapping ,Performance ,Clang ,Innovation ,Rx ,Sport ,Construction ,Economy Needs Manufacturing ,Pursuit ,Perfection ,Production ,Machines ,Tools ,Infrastructure ,Cement ,Pipes ,Steel ,Wheels Turning ,Chevron ,8 Billion , Billion Dollars ,Breathing Intelligence ,Minds ,Ideas ,Road ,Cloud ,Cheerleading ,Ballet ,Soccer ,Phase ,Banks ,Bank ,24 7 ,Nonsense ,Ally Bank ,51 ,Politics ,Vietnam Memorial To Honor The Americans ,John Mccain ,Conflict ,Memorial Day Ceremony ,Nomination ,Sacrifice ,Paul Steinhauser ,Campaign ,Outshined By The Warmup Act ,And Tuesdays In Vegas ,Fund Raiser ,Battleground State ,Swing ,Nevada ,Comments ,Trump ,Tweets ,Birther ,Romney ,Adviser ,Gloria Borger ,Birth ,Discussion ,Challenges ,Minuses ,Pluses ,Who ,Nominations ,Newt Gingrich ,1044 ,Math ,Afterthought ,Each Other ,Check ,Travel Forecast ,Daytona Beach ,Charleston Down ,Chicago ,Dallas ,Slice ,Least ,Desert Southwest ,Hail ,Corner ,Upstate New York ,New England ,Detroit ,Memphis ,94 ,62 ,Doesn T Lie ,Space Alien ,88 ,Spaceship ,Gargling ,Albuquerque ,Best ,Alien ,Car And Driver ,Whirring ,Audi A6 ,10 ,Ultra Sheer ,Sunscreens ,Skin ,Uva Uvb Protection ,Neutrogena ,Technologies ,Emissions ,Air Quality ,Conservation ,Natural Gas ,Producers ,Environment ,Recycling Systems ,Power Today ,Footprint ,Wildlife ,Domestic ,58 ,Deal ,Slammer ,Tran ,Houston ,Affiliate Khou ,Eric Simons Got A Building Pass Working For ,Cnet ,Simons Didn T ,Space ,Colors ,Star ,Overnight ,Constellation ,Sighting ,Lira ,Weather Gal ,

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