overseas an entirely different story. syrians fighting for their lives, more killings, people runni running. president bashar al assad refuses to cede the presidency. and chilling 911 calls before the man set the house ablaze killing his entire family. stunning moments right before that tragedy. and we go one on one this morning with donald trump. he is one of the wealthiest men in america. no one would dispute that. what does he think about mitt romney's tax rate and the whole idea of raising taxes on the wealthy. we're going to ask him about it and see what he has to say. you might be surprised. and rick santorum's tuesday night trifecta. the former pennsylvania senator turning the race for the republican nomination on its ear. missouri, the nonbinding primary, no delegates at stake there, here are the results. santorum 55%. romney, 25%. paul, 12%. gingrich, not even on the ballot there. >> and minnesota, this is the state that he won handily back in 2008. this time not so much. the caucuses there had 37 delegates at stake. santorum pulled off the win with 45% of the vote. ron paul came in second with 27%. and then came mitt romney, a distant third with 17%. gingrich's very bad showing was 11. if we move on to colorado, the third checkmark in colorado. again, another win for romney in '08, but not last night. 33 delegates up for grabs. rick santorum again pulling this one off with 40% of the vote. mitt romney coming in behind at 35% of the vote. and rick santorum was suddenly sounding presidential. >> ladies and gentlemen, i don't stand here to claim to be the conservative alternative to mitt romney. i stand here to be the conservative alternative to barack obama. >> cnn's political editor paul ste steinhauser is live in washington, d.c., to talk through all of this. you might say romney is suffering some welsh words this morning. did anyone expect anything like these results? >> reporter: wow. that's what i'll start with, a big wow. this hat trick of victories, i know the other candidates are trying to play it down, but this is very surprising and a very, very big deal. any time you think you know what's going on in the race for the republican nomination, you don't. it changes. last night's victories for santorum are proof of that. he also used his victory speech in missouri to say it was more of a level playing field last night because a lot of money wasn't spent by any of the candidates. he also took shots at mitt romney. take a listen. >> governor romney's greatest attribute is, well, i've got the most money and the best organization. he's not going to have the most money and the best organization in the fall, is he? no, we're going to have to have someone who has other attributes to commend himself to the people of america, someone who can get up and make sharp contrasts with president obama, someone who can point to the failed record of this administration and say that barack obama needs to be replaced in the oval office. >> so what does santorum do next? actually 2 1/2 hours from now, he's right here on cnn. then he heads to texas. why texas? their primary isn't until april. we're talking fund-raising. now is the time for santorum to start month nop liopolizing on victories and raise some cash. >> this effort to capitalize on the momentum, will he be trying to push this message that this was not only a validation for me but it was also a thumping nonconfidence vote in rit romney among the gop? >> reporter: exactly. and the other point he will make is i am the conservative alternative to mitt romney, not newt gingrich, somebody who did not perform very well at all. also, we'll look to see what rick santorum says at the political action conference with that big meeting with three of the potential candidates. going to happen on friday. >> a lot of people make huge hay the morning after, and then it's on to the next state, and it's hard to know what race happened two to three weeks ago. this is three. it's not that forgettable, is it? >> reporter: not at all. romney campaign is going to say, listen, missouri, we didn't even campaign there. minnesota, he did go to minnesota. that was his first stop after florida, after his big victory in florida, and he came in third in minnesota. that's got to hurt. and especially colorado. he was there last night. he had a small crowd. mitt romney at his hq. take a look at what he said, though. >> this was a good night for rick santorum. i want to congratulate senator santorum. wish him the very best. we'll keep on campaigning down the road, but i expect to become our nominee with your help. >> reporter: a top romney adviser said they're going to pay more attention to rick santorum and paint him as the washington insider he was in the senate. to rick santorum, i say watch out. we've seen the romney campaign go after the gingrich campaign. santorum has had it pretty easy. i think that changes today. >> fs very safe to say, i think donald trump may not be all that impressed by santorum's big win last night. because, of course, six days ago he endorsed mitt romney. it was a big affair in las vegas. i had a chance to sit down with the big man, mr. trump, yesterday, and we talked about the all important question about electability because that's such a huge issue in this election. trump says santorum flat out doesn't have it. >> rick santorum was a sitting senator who in re-election lost by 19 points. so my knowledge, the most in the history of this country for a sitting senator to lose by 19 points. it's unheard of. then he goes out and says, oh, okay, i just lost by the biggest margin in history. now i'm going to run for president. tell me, how does that work? that's like me saying, i just failed a test. now i'm going to apply for admission to the wharton school of finance. he just failed a test. now he's going to run for president. i don't get rick santorum. i don't get that whole thing. >> we're talking about that endorsement he made of mitt romney. what was the outcome of that endorsement. >> there was a bit of blow-back from it. there was a poll down in "the washington post," which 31% said it would make him less likely to vote for his candidate. i asked donald trump about that, and he said it's foolish. it's ridiculous. >> a lot more to come. we'll see about santorum's surge. >> indeed, what a story. >> you can keep it here for the best political coverage in television on "starting point." soledad o'brien goes one on one with rick santorum. we're minding your business news. wall street shaking off fears about greece in trading. dow jones, nasdaq, and s&p all closing higher. they've closed the highest since may of 2008. >> but still greece comes back to bite us, why, christine romans? >> it really is. there's no short resolution or quick resolution. so greece is going to be a drag. but you look at may of 2008, what does that mean? that means the dow is trading at its highest level since before this president was in office. it's one of those things politically at least is in the president's favor. now at least you have a stock market that's recovered. the dow and s&p are up 60% over the past three years. and i'm not giving credit or blame to anyone politically. i'm just saying that stocks have recovered here. have they recovered and everyone is feeling it? that's the big question here. it's what i've been calling a two-speed recovery going on. you have stocks doing better, unemployment down, 8.3% is the unemployment rate. but we heard from ben bernanke, the fed chief, yesterday, who said be careful about being too optimistic about the jobs numbers. we're still a very long way from a normally operating labor market. too many workers have been left behind. too many have dropped out of the labor market. too many, bernanke has said, are working part time but they're capable of working and want to work full-time. the fed chief's records and data are showing, companies are recovering, the housing market isn't. that's most likely to affect middle class people who are really trying to figure out are they going to benefit from a growing economy? maybe they're not exposed to the stock market anymore. they got blown out three years ago. that happened to a lot of people. they're still exposed to jobs and housing. those are the two things they feel the most. a two-speed recovery. you look at data getting better on almost all fronts. it's benefitting people who have money and benefitting companies. even ben bernanke saying we've got a long way to go in the labor market. that's what we feel. >> thanks, christine. appreciate it. it is nine minutes past the hour. every morning we give you an early start to your day by alerting you to news and stories just developing now. you saw it first here. he was brutally beaten apparently for wearing skinny jeans and for being gay. today that man, 20-year-old brandon white, is set to speak out this morning. before we show you this video, we want to give you a chance to turn away. if your children are up at this hour, get them out of the room. it is quite shocking to see. this is the video. it is posted online under the headline "dead wrong." man wearing skinny jeans gets sucker attacked. and g's throw a tire on him for being gay. he was attacked outside of an atlanta convenience store. brandon white will speak out this morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. the fbi and local police are still looking for his attackers there. it's hard to watch that. more airline passengers are about to get in the fast lane at airport checkpoints. they're rolling out the precheck program. this is going to happen in airports in minneapolis, salt lake city, new york's jfk international. if you want to get involved, a couple of things you've got to do. you have to volunteer personal information and agree to a background check. but in return, those travelers who are vetted for this are allowed to wear their shoes and their belts and even their coats. maybe more importantly, bypass long security lines. >> yippee. >> i know. it's been one of the warmest winters on record, but today rain and snow moving into the northeast. up to four inches expected in parts of pennsylvania, d.c., philadelphia, and new york could all see light snow this morning before it mixes with rain a little later today. rob marciano is on that. he'll bring us more details later. still ahead on "early start," the 911 calls released in the tragedy in washington state. josh powell, his two young sons, he blew everybody up in that house fire. and a vacation to forget for cruise ship passengers, not one, but two outbreaks of norovirus on board. we'll get to the bottom of it. find out how this happened. and a susan g. komen executive quits. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! in your breakfast cereal, what is? now, in every box of general mills big g cereal, there's more whole grain than any other ingredient. that's why it's listed first. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... just look for the white check. get more whole grain than any other ingredient... ah, welcome to i get it...guys weekend. yeah! if you're looking for a place to get together, you came to the right place. because here at, we're only about hotels. yeah! yeah! noooo. yeah! finding you the perfect place is all we do. welcome to good morning, st. louis. it is 33 degrees right now. a little bit later, sunny and a nice chilly 39 degrees for you. >> that's the perfect temperature to have moves like jagger. maroon 5 waking you up this morning. it's time to get a look at the top stories making news this morning. rick santorum turning the race for the republican nomination on its heels, sweeping to victory tuesday night in the minnesota and colorado caucuses. >> are you pumped? >> yeah. and missouri's nonbinding primary, it was a three-fer. >> alive and well in missouri and minnesota. >> as he was excited, something very different going on. our ambassador to the united states susan rice warning syrian president bashar al assad, your days are numbered, as the pentagon looks at military options in syria in case president obama requests them. also, funeral services for the two young boys who were killed sunday night when their father blew up their washington state home. scheduled for saturday afternoon. we now have the 911 calls that were made by the children's caseworker just moments after she brought them to that mandated visit with josh powell for supervised time with him. >> i'd like to pull out of the driveway because i smell gasoline, and he won't let me in. >> you want to pull out of the driveway because you smell gasoline but he won't let you -- >> he won't let me in. >> he won't let you out of the driveway? >> he won't let me in the house. >> whose house is it? >> he got the kids in the house, and he won't let me in. it's a supervised visit. >> there's so much more to those 911 tapes. we'll share some more with you a little bit later. and the los angeles school board has fired miramonte teacher after he was charged with three felony counts of lewd acts on a girl under 14. he pleaded not guilty. he is the second teacher at that school facing child abuse charges. and passengers on the crown princess cruise ship forced to cut their vacation short because of a nasty norovirus that has broken out among the passengers and crew. just a few days ago princess cruise lines declared the ship sanitized after a similar outbreak. and it was quite a scare for a 6-year-old boy. this little guy from texas. he was attacked by a mountain lion in big bend national park. rivers hobbs and his father jason reliving how this all went down. >> it sneaked up on me. >> the cat was clamped on his face, reached down and got my pocketknife out and stabbed the cat in the chest, and it let go at that point. >> oh, my goodness. that's a hero dad. several trails in big bend national park have been closed, and dog teams have been called in to search for the wounded cat. they say no luck so far, but they're going to stay on top of that. oh, my gosh, that little boy. >> can you imagine that parent? >> good he's alive. >> it turned out far better than it could have, that's for sure. this morning a whole lot more fallout from that susan g. komen's foundation short-lived break with planned parent hood. the senior vice president is stepping down, karen handel. a lot of people thought she was the orchestrator of pulling the funding from planned parenthood. she was speaking out about all of this yesterday. she was asked how much she had to do with this decision, and her opposition to abortion. here's her answer. have a look. >> absolutely none. i'm a professional, and when i come to komen, my number one priority is the fight against breast cancer, our mission, and the women that we serve. >> so handel blames planned parenthood for making this issue political. laura bassett, political reporter for the huffington post, is joining us again. you have been following this very closely. earlier this week, we saw internal e-mails saying handel was to blame. but handel says policy review predated her arrival at komen. you quoted a source who said handel was the driving source behind this. could just one person make this major decision for this organization? >> absolutely. it wasn't only handel's decision. it had to be vetted by executives at komen and the board. i just said she was the driving force behind the decision. my source told me she pumped up the anti-abortion attacks against komen and tried to convince komen leadership that defunding planned parenthood was the best thing to do. of course, she was successful, and they did end up signing off on it. it was a group effort in the end. >> it's kind of hard to believe there's really one fall guy here. do you think that brinker deserves any accountability here? >> i think she definitely deserves accountability and certainly for lying to the public. she went on andrea mitchell on thursday and said karen handel had nothing to do with this. that's a bold faced lie. if you're a cancer charity, you have to be really careful about what you're telling people and about your transparency because people want to be able to trust you. they're raising money for you. they're doing komen for the cure walks. i think that's what really makes her culpable here. >> handel and brinker seem united on this, on the fact that handel resigned. handel actually is blaming planned parenthood. she said that they made it a political issue. let's listen, and then we can talk about it. >> the only place for politics in all of this came from planned parenthood when they launched this vicious, vicious attack on a great organization and perpetrated what was nothing short of a shakedown to coerce a private entity to give them grants. >> i know you said you saw this coming, but are you surprised that handel came out swinging so hard there? >> i'm not surprised at all. her resignation letter was defensive, and her interview on fox was defensive, and brinker's acceptance of her resignation letter was defensive. they're trying to clean up the mess here. unfortunately, that's just not true about planned parenthood. it is true that komen is no political match for planned parenthood, but this backlash didn't come from planned parenthood. it came from the people raising money for komen. it came from congress. it came from public figures such as mike bloomberg who came out and publicly rebuked komen. for them to say this is vicious attacks from planned parenthood, it's just not true. >> i want to read from komen's founder nancy brinker. "we have made mistakes in how we handled recent decisions and take full accountability for what has resulted. but we cannot take our eye off the ball when it comes to our mission." you have been critical in the past on how brinker personally has handled this. she's the name of komen. she named this in honor of her late sister. how damaged do you think her organization is going to be? >> unfortunately, because i think komen does do some good things, komen is extremely damaged from this. the reputation is damaged. people just don't trust them. yesterday even after handel resigned, there were all these petitions circulating, demanding that she resign, and then she did. there wasn't a sense of relief. there was a sense of dissatisfaction. people want more. they want a board shakeup, and they want komen to come clean about what happened and stop trying to pretend to the public like this had nothing to do with abortion politics. >> i have to get back to the board because this was not a unilateral decision, it was a board decision, it was approved by the board. do you think this is the end of resignations, or do you think we'll see more in order to try to settle this issue? >> i think we'll see more. i think the public is not going to back off on komen at all on this. in order for them to protect their reputation going forward, some people are going to have to step down and admit their involvement, and they're going to need to completely shake things up in how they handle these kinds of situations in the future. >> i just want to ask you one last question here. i know that komen has taken heat in the past for suing an organization when they were trying to use the phrase "for the cure." do you think they're going to be hiring a pr firm in order to rehab their image? how do you think that's going to weigh in with the public if they do? >> they already have. they've hired ogilvy, and nancy brinker is consulting with ari fleischer, a well-known conservative pr cleanup man. i think they're already trying to figure out how to best go about this. they hired ogilvy last week. it doesn't seem to be going so well so far, but we'll see what they can do for them. >> laura bassett, political reporter, huffington post. nice to have you on again. thank you. next up, a warning from the united states to syrian president bashar al assad, and i quote, your days are numbered. is there a military option this country is now considering? and did you hear about the santorum sweep? is he the new gop front-runner? and is romney going to be changing his strategy now? also, kid rock has a new clothing line. it's called made in detroit. god help us save flint, flint, michigan. my goodness. what about this clothing line? what do you need to know about it? why should you care? we're going to tell you. uh oh. should we be letting him p-l-a-y with our t-a-b-l-e-t? [ mom ] i think it's fine. it's the new element from at&t so it's w-a-t-e-r proof. cool. what else does it d-o? it's fast. it's 4g lte. what's l-t-e spell? nothing. w-h-y? hey, can we stop spell talking now? ok. a-y. [ male announcer ] buy a waterproof pantech element for $249.99 and get a 4g burst smartphone free. only from at&t. and get a 4g burst smartphone free. homicide of young people in america has an impact on all of us. how can we save these young people's lives? as a police chief i have an opportunity to affect what happens in a major city. i learned early on if you want to make a difference you have to have the right education. university of phoenix opened the door. my name is james craig, i'm committed to making a difference and i am a phoenix. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it is 27 minutes past 5:00 on the east coast. time to check your top stories. a clean sweep across the board for rick santorum, winning two caucuses, one in minnesota, one in colorado, and a wow primary victory in missouri as well. also making top stories, u.n. ambassador susan rice saying this to syrian president bashar al assad, your days are numbered, and it's past time for a peaceful transfer of power. for its part, the pentagon is also said to be reviewing military options regarding syria. and 55-year-old nasa astronaut janice voss has died after a battle with cancer. she was one of only six women to have flown in space five times. and no criminal charges will be fired against new york tv anchor greg kelly with regard to rape allegations. he is also the son of new york city police commissioner ray kelly. four board members, including the company's chairman at yahoo are resigning. this is in response to complaints they did little to combat yahoo!'s revenue and stock price. kid rock, the detroit free press reporting his made in detroit clothing line isn't actually made there, but printed on apparel from india, honduras, and the dominican republic. >> that's kind of embarrassing. >> kind of? >> eek. >> sorry, kid. what a difference a day can make in politics. mitt romney, you might call it a king sized speed bump on the road to the republican nomination, and that speed bump is in one rick santorum, former senator from pennsylvania. >> he pulls off the stunning sweep, crushing romney in missouri in the primary and in the minnesota caucus, finishing off the hat trick with a narrow win in colorado as well. taking a little dig at romney. >> i do care about not 99% or 95%, i care about the very rich and the very poor. i care about 100% of america. >> so much to talk about. live from washington, cnn political editor paul steinhauser, republican strategist trey hardin, and democratic strategist maria c cardona. i'm going to start with you, paul. santorum has won more states than romney. romney still has the lead, however, in the delegate count. and these states have few dell the g delegates. are we making much ado about nothing? >> this is a human victory for rick santorum. he got cheated out of that victory in iowa. he didn't win until two weeks later. santorum gets his big win tonight. people are questioning whether it's inevitable mitt romney is going to win the nomination. and newt gingrich said he was the conservative alternative to mitt romney. now rick santorum is holding that mantel. this was an unexpected night, but a very big night in the race for the white house. >> trey, i want to switch gears. we're going to stay on santorum. there's a gentleman standing right santorum. do we have a picture here? billionaire foster friess. see him there on the left hand side? he's in charge of red, white, and blue fund. it's a super pac supporting santorum. this is completely legal. as long as they're not coordinating about super pac business, it's okay. but was it appropriate? >> i don't think so. i don't think it sends a great message, but at the end of the day, i don't think it's going to mean that much. listen, candidates want to have their big supporters up there behind them. sometimes donors certainly want that opportunity and that attention to be close to the candidate and be in the room. >> don't you think it sends that message that maybe the appearance of them talking about all of the advertising? >> absolutely. i think that it could send the wrong message, but at the end of the day, i don't think it's going to impact the state races going forward. rick santorum's campaign has been sustained because he's been focused on the issues. last night was an example of that. >> maria, let's talk about romney here. senior adviser indicated last night the campaign will step up attacks on santorum. he's been very successful on bringing up issues on gingrich. is this worth his time with pro-romney states like arizona and michigan lying ahead? >> this is the problem with that strategy, and you're right, that is exactly the strategy they're going to embark on, and they need to, because clearly what happened last night was a big problem for romney and his narrative about being the inevitable nominee. but the problem is that the more that americans find out and learn about mitt romney, the less they like about him. and the more that he is now on the attack against santorum now and gingrich moving forward. it seems that part of the -- of his narrative means the only way he can win is with negative attacks against opponents. the memo his campaign put out last night, and they're right about this, he is in this for the long haul. they saw the shellacking that was going to come down last night, and he's the only one with the resources across the board to compete until the end. we'll see about that. santorum has the ability to raise some money. gingrich is out there trying to raise some money. the problem for romney is he's tanking with independents, and the more that people learn about him, the less they like. that's not something you want in a candidate. >> maria, hang on there. i'm glad the three of you are up. i want you to weigh in very quickly, but i have a rule here. three word answers tops. did romney's loss have anything to do with what he said to our soledad o'brien about the very poor, that they have a safety net? let's start with you, maria. >> absolutely, yes. >> great. so paul? >> a huge factor. three words. >> i didn't hear you. say it again. >> a contributing factor. >> what about you, trey? >> absolutely not. >> trey, maria, and paul, thank you. they followed the rules. i love that. >> very behaving panel. still ahead on "early start," a sit down interview. i get to sit down with donald trump to ask his endorsement of mitt romney. what does trump think about romney's 15% effective tax rate? also the pentagon weighing its military options in syria. so we ask will president assad really be committed to stopping the fighting there? today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother's keeper. what's number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let's go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world's cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america's biggest cities. siemens. answers. [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you're ready for real business. the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. welcome back to "early start." we turn to syria. more bloodshed overnight in homs. at least 42 people killed. we're getting reports of entire families wiped out. syria may be on the verge of a civil war. >> the united states at this point is saying not only with pentagon sources but also centcom sources that military options are possible. they're looking at military options, the actual plans right now. all this as senator john mccain saying our administration should at last consider arming the opposition groups in syria right now. on cnn, u.n. ambassador susan rice delivered this warning to syrian president bashar al assad. >> your days are numbered, and it is time and past time for you to transfer power responsibly and peacefully. >> professor farwaz georges, a middle east expert, director of the middle east institute. i want to ask you the notion that centcom and the pentagon are looking over war plans sounds terribly ominous. does it seem ominous to you? >> well, yes and no. remember, ashleigh, there is a psychological war taking place, and what the united states and the western powers have been trying to do is to squeeze the assad regime, is to fight a war by other means, psychological war, economic war, and financial war. and what the remarks, what you have read, what you have seen the last couple of days, is part of the campaign to pressure assad and force him to basically transfer power to the opposition, to listen to the grievances and the aspirations of his people. >> i can't help but thinking that iran is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from syria. they are allied like perhaps no other country, and i'm wondering if this is a serious problem for the united states that iran may try to capitalize on the fact that we're considering some kind of military option at the same time the rhetoric with iran is heating up. >> you know, ashleigh, this is a very, very important question because, in contrast to libya, the syrian crisis is embroiled in what i call regional and international dynamics. you have a struggle for syria. the double veto by china and russia, russia and the united states and the west on the whole are basically fighting for syria. also, unfortunately for the opposition, the syrian krcrisiss caught in the regional cold war between the saudi left coalition on the one hand and the iranian coalition, and rising tensions with iran don't actually help the crisis in syria because iran is very committed to helping assad because assad is the only ally that iran has in the region. that's why we're talking about a very complicated and complex struggle in syria. >> i'm glad you mentioned complicated. as i hear that centcom and the pentagon are looking over options, i remember the words of dick cheney saying how we would be received getting rid of an evil dictator in iraq. let's listen to his words. >> my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. >> professor, so many people believe these desperate voices in syria are calling out for us, but there are other voices who want no part of us, right? >> ashleigh, this is a very, very important point to be reminded of what has happened in the last ten years. remember, as you said, the idea that the united states would have been received as a liberator, showered with rice and flowers, it was one of the bloodiest conflicts in america's history. what barack obama has been trying to do is to really mend the rifts. that's why barack obama in libya, he did not take a lead in libya. he allowed the european powers in the arab league because he's fully aware, barack obama, of the bitter legacy of his predecessor. and that's why in syria, i think barack obama is absolutely correct to say there is no military conflict. that syrians on the ground will determine their future, will own their future. and the military community should help the opposition inside and outside, basically to tip the balance of social forces inside syria. arming the opposition will not help end the syrian crisis sooner. in fact, it will likely plunge syria into all out civil war and exacerbate a civil conflict. >> i so appreciate your perspective on this this morning. thank you so much, professor gerges. and we want to remind you that general wesley clark, the former nato supreme allied commander, will speak with soledad o'brien on "starting point." ahead on "early start," winning the white house requires big, big money. why is president obama giving $200,000 back? >> that's got to be tough to do. or maybe not so much. and chuck norris, tough guy, says he knows what it takes to be a warrior. he was a big backer of bush. but who is he endorsing now? you'll find out in just a moment. i don't want healthy skin for a day. i want healthy skin for life. 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[ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. it could be very abrasive. if the surface gets abraded, it's just the environment that bacteria likes to nestle into and they can cause the odor. your denture needs to be cleaned gently on a daily basis. i like to recommend polident, it kills the bacteria without causing any abrasion. when my patients follow my instructions, their dentures feel clean and fresh. they look forward to putting them in their mouth and smiling. 46 minutes past the hour. it's time to check stories making news this morning. rick santorum pulling off an improbable three-state sweep, winning the minnesota and colorado caucuses and missouri's nonbinding primary. mitt romney's new secret service detail saving the former massachusetts governor from a glitter bombing in denver last night. take a look at that. the man who threw the glitter was taken into custody. and actor chuck norris says he knows what it takes to make a true warrior and is endorsing newt gingrich for the republican nomination. the obama administration is returning $200,000 in campaign donations from the family of fugitive juan jose cardona. he disappeared after jumping bail in iowa 18 years ago and has been linked to violence and corruption in mexico. don't forget, he is the brother, not the donor. the president is holding a fund-raiser in new york last night called runway to win. he hopes to raise money by selling tote bags, t-shirts, accessories all made in america by two dozen designers. and madonna releasing details of her 2012 world tour that begins may 29th in tel aviv, israel, and comes to america on august 28th starting in philadelphia. i seem to remember -- this is kindi kind of taxing for me -- she started her last tour in israel. i remember she definitely performed in israel. i'll have to check that. >> i love her too. i know we were talking about her heels. she's got to bring those stilettos down. i was worried about her teetering off that stage. >> she had an injury. she was rocking the injury and rocking the four-inch heels. it's tough, rob. it's hard to walk in those heels. >> absolutely. looking forward to her new tour. hopefully, she'll be singing and not -- >> stumbling. >> good morning, guys. we've got a little rain across parts of the ohio valley right now. temperatures are right around the freezing mark. this is fairly quick mover. right now it's 32 degrees in d.c. i point that out because that's where the snow is heading. it's moving quickly. it's not going to be a huge blizzard. considering what we have had this year, which is practically nothing other than the october storm, one to three inches seems like a big mess, and it's going to time out, at least in the d.c./baltimore area to be the most intense around the evening commute. it will be slushy and messy on your way home and will slow down the airports in the d.c. area, maybe in philly as well. a little in new york, but not much in the way of accumulation. finally, some colder air, more winter-like stuff coming through the great lakes thachlt will pour in behind this system. 39 degrees in new york city? hey, that's where you should be this time of year. >> we like it where it's warmer. >> when you say rain and snow is where it should be, what's up with you, mr. georgia? still ahead, donald trump. he talks and people listen. he's the man now standing behind the man who was the front-runner until last night. he endorsed mitt romney, and he's now talking about a number of different issues. he addresses the controversies over the 15% tax rate, the effective tax rate that mitt romney pays. i ask him about that and ask him about how much tax he pays. tice! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. multigrain cheerios... are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. '?ww@ñwill be giving away passafree copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to that's not going to get you out of bed this morning. marc anthony for you. new york, it's 36 degrees. rob marciano told us. it will be snow showers. 38 degrees will be the high. but he says that's pretty average temperature. welcome back to "early start." lore him or hate him, real estate mogul and reality tv star donald trump can command an audience of the his new book called "time to get tough." >> we had an extensive one on one interview, and we're going to run clips throughout the morning of his thoughts on the political process right now, particularly this. we talked about rick santorum. wow. we didn't know what was going to happen. >> timing, timing. >> timing is everything. i also asked him about a possible cabinet position since he came out with his endorsement of mitt romney. i asked him, would you want a cabinet position? have you been discussing anything about a cabinet position, and what cabinet position would you want? then i really wanted to get to the heart of the money thing. you're a rich guy. romney is a rich guy. he took it on the chin for the taxes and the low effective tax rate, 15% effective tax rate. i wanted to get donald trump to weigh in on that. have a listen. 15% effective tax rate. a lot of people real surprised by that. squeaky clean returns. but the bigger question became 15% on this kind of taxation? is it fair? what's your effective tax rate, by the way? >> well, i can't -- it's substantial, and i paid a very, very substantial tax. >> is substantial 15 or closer to the 30 the rest of the gang pays? >> i paid millions and millions of dollars. i paid a very substantial tax. he did also. he paid millions of dollars in tax, and he paid millions of dollars to charities and things that are very nice. >> the numbers are amazing. >> they're very substantial. >> truly if you look at the numbers, they are amazing, but people still get stuck on the 15%. >> a lot of people want to know, in terms of tax increases, they want to know where's our money going to? i think a lot of people would feel differently if they knew what the government was doing with the money. i would. >> i'm not so sure. a lot of the occupy wall streeters have a real bone about the inequity, as they see it, of the code, of the tax code. is there a problem with the tax code? >> yes, it's too complicated. >> other than complication. >> the biggest problem with the tax code is it's too complicated. you need a 180 iq to understand it. that's the number one problem. and it's too cumbersome. it's not only complicated, it's cumberso cumbersome. the tax code has to be simplified. >> a lot of people agree it's complicated. but i think there's a statistic the top ten companies in the united states pay more in lobbying to keep some of that protection for the effective tax rates that they pay than they actually pay in taxes. does that seem right? >> i will say this, and i'm speaking for myself. but when i look at what's going on, this world is very fragile, and this country is really fragile from an economic standpoint. china is eating our lunch. opec is taking advantage of us like probably nobody's ever taken advantage of anybody or anything, and you look at what's going on in this country. everyone needs leadership. but beyond leadership, taxes to start raising taxes at this very fragile point can be a very, very dangerous thing. >> can i peg you on the future? is there perhaps future -- if we do recover in this economy, are higher taxes for the wealthy or corporations something that would be viable? >> it could happen. very simply, i hate to give you a very quick answer. >> could it happen? >> the truth is it could happen. >> should it? >> it depends on the economy, it depends on the state, and it depends what they're doing with our money. i really want to see where this money is going. why can't a committee, which has never been formed in the first place, why can't a committee come up and say we're going to cut $1 trillion or $2 trillion or $3 trillion? instead it ends up in turmoil. we can't cut anything in this country, and the cutting is the biggest thing because, if you cut, you don't need tax increases. >> i'll tell you what, half the time i couldn't focus because of the beautiful view. that guy's the go the nicest office. >> popping out in the background. >> did it ever. and how would you like to look at that all day long. i wouldn't be able to think. >> no work done. >> we talk a lot all the time about -- >> it's a great conversation. >> and he has a lot to say about electability and what that means because so many people are talking about it being really important to them as they walk into their polls. then we talk about rick santorum's electability. clearly last night it was really up there. donald trump feels really differently about him and also the cabinet issue. sort of pegged him on the cabinet talks. >> are we going to hear about that later? >> you are. >> there's your tease. >> all coming ahead. >> also ahead, top stories coming up next, including the terrifying 911 calls just minutes before that washington state man killed himself and his two little boys. [ beep ] [ mom ] scooter? the progresso chicken noodle you made is so good. it's got tender white meat chicken. the way i always made it for you. one more thing.... those pj's you like, i bought you five new pairs. love you. did you see the hockey game last night? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. in addition to the two hundred plus facilities that the university of phoenix has we have a very progressive online learning environment. we have something called phoenix connect that allows students to have a social network. you can post discussion questions. we have more than twenty thousand faculty members, chances are one of them is online when you need some assistance. i'm ron gdovic, i'm committed to providing my students with a twenty-first-century education and i am a phoenix. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." i'm ashleigh banfield. >> we are very happy you're with us. i'm zoraida sambolin. we're bringing you the news from a to z. it's 6:00 a.m. in the east. >> if you wanted to get the finale, the final numbers, it was becoming evident all night. >> we have them. >> big sweep for rick santorum winning missouri, minnesota, colorado, and reviving his campaign. certainly raising questions for mitt romney, is it over for him? just one of those uncomfortable things. syrians fight for their lives as the killings rise. with the bashar als assad refusing to recede power, what are the options now? is there a military option on the table? and some chilling 911 calls from the case worker who dropped those two boys off at their father's home in washington state before that father, josh powell, killed himself and his boys. it's shedding new light now on what happened in the moments before that terrible tragedy. proposition 8, california's same-sex ban is unconstitutional. that is the court ruling. so, is the next stop the supreme court? up next though, a stunning and this is pretty much everyone's words, stunning three-state sweep for rick santorum. and a miserable morning after hangover for mitt romney. missouri is a nonbinding primary so there weren't any delegates at stake, but never good to lose something. always good to win something. santorum won, 55% of the vote going to santorum. romney, 25%. ron paul pulling in 12%. newt gingrich wasn't on the ballot there. >> the minnesota caucus, santorum, 45%. ron paul, ron paul, 27%. romney is third here with 17%. gingrich at 11%. colorado caucuses, 33 delegates up for grabs. santorum, 40%. romney, 35%. the former senator from pennsylvania is sounding very presidential. >> ladies and gentlemen, i don't stand here to claim to be the conservative alternative to mitt romney. i stand here to be the conservative alternative to barack obama. >> cnn political editor paul steinhauser live from washington. is this a game changer for santorum? >> yeah, i think that's a fair estimate. will be, we h never got the credit he deserved from his victory in iowa. 2 1/2 weeks late. to rick santorum had a very big night. it does alter the race for the presidential nomination. santorum said these contests were kind of a level playing field because none of the campaigns and even the super c pacs spent a lot of money on campaigning in these states. it gave them a level playing field. he also took time in his victory celebration in missouri to go after mitt romney. here's what he said. >> governor romney's greatest attribute is, while i've got the most money, he's not going to have the most money and the best organization in the fall, is he? no, we're going to have to have someone who has other attributes to commend himself to the people of america, someone who can get up and make sharp contrasts with president obama, someone who can point to the failed record of this administration and say that barack obama needs to be replaced in the oval office. >> so what does santorum do next? 90 minutes from now he will right here on cnn and then heads down to texas a little later today. campaigning and fund-raising. now is the time for rick santorum to monopolize and capitalize on his big victories. he needs to increase his money right now, zoraida. >> what does romney do next? >> romney, listen, the romney campaign was downplaying the three contests yesterday when they had a feeling that maybe they wouldn't win all three. they said missouri, we dount even campaign there. nonbinding campaign, didn't count. he did go to minnesota, first stop after his victory in florida. he was in colorado last night, spent two days campaign ing there. the victory celebration wasn't that much of a victory celebration for him in colorado. that one had to hurt. take a listen to what he said last night. >> this was a good night for rick santorum. i want to congratulate senator santorum. wish him the very best. we'll keep on campaigning down the road but i expect to become our nominee, with your help. >> you know, interesting thing he also said last night. he spent most of his speech talking about obama. he said i'm the only candidate democrat or republican who did not work in washington. and zoraida, i think that's where you're going to see more of, the romney campaign and candidate painting santorum as a washington insider. santorum has it easy, i guess. he has escaped the full frontal attack from romney, that will now change. >> i know he normally see him attacking gingrich, see where we go from here. thank you so much. appreciate it. of course it all brings up the big count, right? the delegate count and where it stands right now. it's a little bit tricky. sheer the cnn estimate at this point. mitt romney is in the lead with 106 delegates with the contests we've been through. newt gingrich with 38. santorum with 22. paul with 20. don't forget those 70 delegates that were up for grabses last night are not factored into this count because it's kind of a tricky process that i won't get into now but it takes a while for those to filter down the line. >> so thaerks mat e-mail comingh and i'm like, i'm confused. >> it's a phone book of rules. these caucuses get crazy. it's a paul steinhauser thing. that guy is smarter than anybody and even he has to think hard about those issues. mitt romney came up empty in minnesota, missouri, and colorado. >> going into those races one guy who wasn't concerned at all -- >> donald trump. >> you betcha. he wasn't the leath bit worried about rick santorum's momentum after endorsed mitt romney. i had a one-on-one interview with donald trump and i asked him about whether he might consider becoming a washington insider. have a look. >> is there a place for you in a romney cabinet? >> well, it's certainly not something i'm looking for, but if i can do anything to help this country, we have to do something to help the country. we can't keep losing our jobs to other countries. >> have you talked about it with governor romney? >> no, i haven't. i haven't discussed that, no. >> if he reached out to you, what would your reaction be? >> i think it's very early to worry about it. i think number one he has to get the nomination. two, he has to get elected. after that, we would be open to do anything to help him or the country. >> what cabinet would it be? >> maybe a position where i negotiate against some of these countries because they're really taking our lunch. >> taking our lunch. he's got a whole lot more to say about -- just about everything on the political landscape. make sure you keep it here on cnn. from now through november for the best political coverage on tv. at 7:30 eastern, as if to prove our point, on "starting point," soledad o'brien is going to go one-on-one with the man who won last night, rick santorum. i'm sure he's having a great morning. so it will be a terrific interview. eight minutes past the hour. switching gears here. just released new 911 tapes from the washington state man john powell who killed himself and his two young sons sunday. >> we're hearing one of the calls made by a terrified case worker as well as neighbors. that case worker had just dropped off josh powell's two boys for a supervised visit but she was blocked from getting into the house. listen to her phone call. >> ma'am, okay, okay. do you know the exact address of the house? >> yes. it's 8119 189th street court east. >> okay. do you know if anyone is in the house? >> yes. there was a man and two children. i just dropped off the children and he wouldn't let me in the door. >> okay. stay on the line for the fire department. okay. i'm going to get them on the line. don't hang up. hold on. >> our cnn legal contributor and former federal prosecutor sunny hostin joins us live now. sunny, so many people are talking about the horrors involved with this story. then there's that major question on everyone's mind, how is it possible that there was a court-ordered visit, supervised or not, with the man who clearly had the potential to do something this vial? >> well, i don't think it was that clear to the court, ashleigh. it's very difficult to prevent visitation from a biological father without proof that he's been abusing the children or without proof that there is some sort of mental health issue. that just was not evidence before the court. so clearly there was visitation but it was supervised visitation. some concern on behalf of the court but legally, it appears to me that everything was done appropriate in this case. >> i know there is so much grieving and mourn that still lies ahead. but down the road, i'm wondering what sort of legal options this family might have and, also, with regard to these 911 calls, whether they provide some evidence to perhaps bolster any case. i want to play one part of that 911 call where the case worker was desperately trying to get someone to the house after being blocked from going in. and it didn't seem like anybody was too hurried or rushed in this emergency. have a listen. >> okay. how long will it be? >> i don't know, ma'am. they have to respond to emergency, life-threatening situation first. >> this could be life-threatening. he went to court on wednesday and he -- he didn't get his kids back. and this is really -- i'm afraid for their lives. >> this could be life-threatening. i'm afraid for their lives. sunny, this woman was asked three times what her name was. she was asked four times what the address was. and ultimately, nobody got there fast enough. i don't know whether anyone could have prevented the calamity, but is there something in there that makes you as a lawyer say, you know what, i smell a rat. >> no question about it. i mean, it's extraordinary, isn't it, when you call 911 and you say that there is an emergency, which is what she was saying to the dispatcher, you expect immediate -- immediate reaction. and that just wasn't the case here. it appears that the 911 dispatcher determined that this wasn't a true emergency. and so, clearly, that is going to be problematic. whether or not we will see civil litigation against the county, i don't know that that's going to happen, ashleigh. and i don't know that anyone could have prevented, as you mentioned, this just terrible tragedy. >> just quickly, sunny, for me, if you would, what does this incident do to the case that still exists in utah, the missing mother? does it help the case, that now we know josh is a killer, does it hurt the case because we can't interview this killer about the missing mother? what does it do? >> well, certainly, the police department has indicated that this investigation into her disappearance continues. it has never stopped and they will continue searching for susan powell. you know, there's no question about it that now they can't prosecute him, josh powell, if certainly he was the person that was responsible for her disappearance. but the investigation still continues. that's what i've been told. >> certainly can't get any information out of him, either. sunny hostin, thanks so much. >> thanks, ashleigh. 12 minutes past the hour. ahead on "early start," a warping from the u.s. to syria's president, bashar al-assad, your days are numbered. is there a military option in the works now? what prosecutors are asking to have jerry sandusky kept indoors as part of his bail conditions. and rob marciano live at the weather center. >> a little winter weather heading to the east coast finally but not terribly scary. here it is. it's a quick mover. again, i won't be spending too much time in the east coast. ohio river valley and all of it is heading towards delmarva, d.c. beltway. slushy east and west. one to three inches of snow. you will see delays at that airport. maybe philly as well. light snow showers across the metropolitan area and chilly air behind this system. 13 minutes after the hour. "early start" is coming right back. in the works package, we change the oil we change the filter... tire rotation, suspension, we make suspension checks... what we have here is the multi-point inspection. every time a vehicle comes into a ford dealership you'll be presented with one of these. we check the belts, hoses... brakes. tires and the pressures... battery, all your fluids... exhaust system, transmission... we inspect your air filter... it gets done,it gets done quickly and it gets done correctly. the works. oil change, tire rotation and more: $29.95 or less after rebate - at your ford dealer. you're a doctor... you're a car doctor. maybe a car doctor... time to get you caught up on top stories this morning. rick santorum is having a great day already. pulling off a stunning three-state sweep last night. turning the race for the republican nomination upside-down. the victories last night were in minnesota, colorado, those were caucuses, and missouri had that non-binding primary as well. also in the news, a weird one. norovirus has broken out on the princess cruise line again. just days ago they said it was sanitized after similar outbreak on another trip. the l.a. school board has fired miramonte teacher for counts of lewd acts on a girl under the age of 14. springer pleaded not guilty yesterday. he's the second teacher at the school facing child abuse charges. prosecutors in pennsylvania want former penn state coach jerry sandusky ordered to stay indoors as part of his bail conditions after complaints that he was watching children in a school yard from the back porch of his home. >> that's a difficult one. now, a crisis in syria where opposition activists are saying more than 50 more people were killed overnight in the government's assault on the city of homs. the pictures tell a lot of the story. opposition human rights observers say that three entire families were killed when military troops stormed through walls of their homes. again, those are opposition groups giving us those reports. we can't independently verify them or confirm them. but what we can do is show you some live pictures that speak for themselves perhaps this morning. >> these are live pictures now from a mass funeral in darwa. thousands of people gather for daily prayers. america's u.n. ambassador susan rice telling him on cnn your days are numbered. the pentagon is reviewing military options concerning syria now. barbara starr is live at the pentagon for us. barba barbara, we want to show some images here. we see these disturbing images every day of injured children, cries for help, families being decimated. what are the military options that are being reviewed? >> well, zoraida, this is what the military does in cases like this. they don't really wait for the president to ask for options. they start themselves by taking a look at what is feasible. it should be said very much that the administration policy remains diplomatic and economic action against syria. if it were come to something, the military would want to be ready. they are looking at fisibility issues, what is out there, what do they have, what could they do if they were asked. that's the whole range of options from humanitarian assistance to assisting the opposition. i think at this point there is very little being looked at in terms of strike options because, again, the u.s. wants to see the arab league nations get involved in this as well. there's very little possibility, i think, that this would be any kind of unilateral action. but they are beginning to look. that's the real change here. here at the pentagon, officials are saying, you know, look, we wouldn't be doing our job if we didn't put some options on the table, if we didn't look at what we could do in terms of military support for syria, for the syrian opposition. so that's what you're beginning to see. what could they do, what could they do for the syrian people. but it would obviously be a presidential decision to go f forward with anything, zoraida. >> this is a decision. we're hearing from people on the inside. actually older gentlemen crying out for help. and there were reports that a red cross vehicle was actually shot at, as well. so how can you get humanitarian help to that region when it seems almost impossible to do? >> they -- this has been a constant problem in so many places, you know, around the world, libya, lebanon, over the years. so many places in africa. you know, a lot of people say, why can't the military just airdrop assistance in, you know. that's a very dangerous option, airdro airdrops. you can wind up injuring civilians quite inadvertently. so the most feasible option would be to truck in aid if at all possible. but as you say, this has become a hot combat zone. so humanitarian organizations who are very experienced in operating these kinds of areas are going to want to see some protection, some ability to actually move around. you can't get humanitarian assistance unless somebody -- unless, you know, there's some level of security control. and that's the fundamental problem right now. as long as this combat continues on the streets of syria, it is going to be a very difficult problem. >> all right, barbara starr live at the pentagon for us. thank you. and general wesley clark, former nato supreme commander talks to soledad on "starting point." coming up ahead on "early start," some more good news about jobs. and that's a good thing to hear when you're waking up. apparently the job openings in december, highest numbers that we've had in years. so who's getting those jobs? who is doing the hiring? you're going to have to stick around for it. i am loving this greek yogurt. i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. oh, sweetheart! can i give you a hand? no, thanks, dad, i got it. okay. i'm going to go fix the lamp in your room. you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. there are thousands of children in foster care who will take you just as you are. >> i like that. stronger, i think there's a reason why we're play that song. >> yes, because we are "minding your business" now, and it is stronger. good news for the labor market. jobs openings were at their highest level in three years in december. >> you know who the jobs guru, right? >> do we get a high five for that? >> what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, that's first part of that phrase, right? people who are listening to me talk about job openings are saying, wait, i've been looking forever. you're right. there are almost four unemployed workers for every job opening in america, so your competition is three other people stand ing there. i get that. >> it used to be seven. >> it used to be seven, almost eight. it's going in the right direction. we know from the labor department statistics yesterday that there are 3.4 million job openings. right now. the end of december. in america. 3.4 million jobs are open. that's best we've had in about three years. it's not what you want to see in a recovery and ben bernanke has said we're nowhere near normally operating job market, but it is an improvement. so we are heading in the right direction, 3.4 million job openings right now. >> why is that not normal? >> 3.4, it's usually much, much higher? >> usually better, yeah. at the peak of the recovery, almost high of that. no, 4.4 million is what you had before the recession started. >> i want to know where all the jobs are. bottom line. >> here's where. they're in trade, transportation and utilities, we've seen that for some time. those areas where there are job openings, hundreds of thousands of job openings right now. retail, professional and business service, leisure and hospitality. two warnings, retail and leisure and hospitality, two growing parts of the american economy. most of those jobs you're not going top send a kid to college on. most people who lost a job as manager or semiconductor engineering plant in massachusetts they look at that and say -- that's not going to do do me any good. i can't pay my mortgage. very interesting here. if i hear from ceos is they want to hire. you have a mismatch of skills and the jobs available. i hear that a lot. there's a disconnect here between what companies want and what they say the american workforce can do. i'm not sure how much of that is almost a little bit of an excuse for not hiring and holding on as long as they can and keeping their costs low. but that's that. >> just graduating a ton of english majors and they need skilled engineers? >> i think the jobs today are so specific, we've out-sourced a lot of jobs that were more generic. and so the jobs that are here are very professional and business services are very specific jobs. >> we talked a lot at the beginning of the recession about reinvention. so perhaps now is the time to start doing that as well. start thinking about. how do you reinvent yourself. >> entrepreneurship if you can get the loan for your entrepreneur idea. >> jump over there and see what we can -- put some people and some money together. >> thank you, christine. aheard on "early start," kid rock's made in detroit shirts actually made where? we're going to find out. rick santorum's stunning a lot of people who were not expecting a three-sweep, winning colorado, missouri, and minnesota all in one night. he says the race is now a no-man's-land. panel is going to weigh in. you'll find out what they have to say about that and where this momentum is here to stay. good morning to you. it's 31 minutes passion 6:00. it's a good time on the east coast, i should say. let's get you caught up on top stories. how sweep it is, that's what he's saying this morning. rick santorum going three for three in the contest on tuesday. he was winning all of those caucus necessary mes in minneso missouri, great night for rick santorum. wow. i want to take you to a completely different story that developed overnight. these are live pictures over darwa in syria. thousands of people have come out for their daily prayers, appealing to the international community to help them. they say the syrian government is bombarding their cities and their towns and their people indiscriminately. killing dozens and dozens every day. homs overnight losing a number of people. in the meantime, we, the united states, actually considering what we can do about it. incredible pictures where they come out and say this is happening and we hope people will watch our plight. >> entire families wiped out. >> that's what the opposition is saying. we can never confirm that because we can't get in. veteran nasa shuttle astronaut janice voss has died after a battle with cancer. she was 55 years old. you might remember she was one of only six women to have flown in space five times. four members of the yahoo! board of directors including the chairman are resigning. responding to stockholder complaints that they did little to prevent decline in yahoo!'s revenue and its stock price. the susan g. komen foundation executive karen handel stepping down after the charity's decision to cut planned parenthood funding. it was a decision that was later reversed by the komen foundation. it turns out kid rock's made in detroit clothing line is not actually made there. the detroit free press reporting his clothes are printed in india and the dominican republic. >> i want you to sigh han dur ras again. >> honduras. it just comes to the brain. >> we have offices beside each other and sometimes she becomes somebody differently completely when talks to the kids at home. >> your pronunciation has gotten excellent. >> i'm trying hard. 33 minutes past the hour here. a funny thing happened on his way to the republican nomination, he got swamped by rick santorum. >> boy, did he ever. look how excited he is in these pictures last night after the former pennsylvania senator pulled off a three-sweep. three states, crushing romney in missouri in that primary there, nonbinding one, and the minnesota caucus and finishing off that hat trick, for our hockey fans, with a win in colorado as well. and then taking the opportunity to give a little, you know, shot at his opponent mitt romney. >> americans respond because i do care about not 99% or 95%. i care about the very rich and the very poor. i care about 100% of america. >> well, you know, we might try to ascribe all of the strangeness to the state that gave us once jess i can ventura and al franken as political leaders there, but maybe not. maybe this is just the way it is and the way it's going to be. live from washington cnn political editor paul steinhauser joins us along with tray harden and maria cardona. mary yarks i maria, i want to start with you. i couldn't ups how the numbers came in. because of the past. in '08 mitt romney did a whole lot better in minnesota and colorado. i think it was just massive wins, 60% he had over his opponents in colorado and 40% he got the vote in minnesota. this was just a mess. but there was something else that played here, maria. in minnesota he had the ex-governor tim pawlenty endorsing him, and senator norm coleman. he had everything he could want and still it was a disaster. is there a take away message for the republicans as we head towards the general election here? >> absolutely there, is ashleigh. here is the problem, not just with mitt romney but with the whole republican party. majorities of republican voters, and they said this in polls, would like to see somebody else run for president. they're not that satisfied with this current gop field. increasingly they're not satisfied as americans as a whole are not satisfied with the presumed front-runner, which is mitt romney, and he ran into that last night. and the issue with that is that he has not been able to consolidate the support from conservative voters which is critical, especially when you're so seeking the nomination. more important than that, i think what is starting to cement in voters' minds is that mitt romney is not something that you can trust and voters, when they go into the voting booth to vote for somebody, they inherently vote for the person that, in their gut, they can trust to fight for them and to represent them. >> you sound like you work for gingrich and santorum, girl, with that whole line you just spat out. hold on. >> you know what, last night the voters took around a. look around and they are listening now to somebody else. >> let's move on to something else that kind of dovetails out of this because "the washington post" said maybe what happened in minnesota to mitt romney is that he didn't spend enough money and advertise in that state. that's why he took a walloping. so, to that end, the advertising, the money that it takes to advertise, the super pacs that are getting all that money, take a look at this picture of rick santorum last night and, particularly, i want you to focus on the guy wearing the green tie standing directly to the left of him. we'll get the shot out so you guys can take a look. he's smiling. he's happy. that's his guy. that's his guy, rick santorum. that man is foster frees. he is a big investment manager. he has given about half of the super pac earnings for rick santorum. about $730,000 he's donated to rick santorum. nothing wrong with that but for the fact you're not supposed to be cozying up to the candidate. you're supposed to be well apart. and he's standing there on stage. so, paul steinhauser, i guess it's the reality. have we come to a point now, even the obama administration saying if you can't beat them, join them. i've got to do the super pac thing. where you can now do this? >> yeah, the super pacs have been a huge story line. saw it in 2010, seeing it right now. as long as there's no coronation on strategy, ads, it's allowed. frees has donated a lot of money to the red, white, and blue fund, independent but pro-santorum super pac which did put up some spots in these states and the super pacs are such a huge story line. you're right though, in all those of these states, not a lot of money spent on ads, not at all like in florida and south carolina. santorum said it was more of a level playing field and that's why he's touting his big victory. but remember, mitt romney and his super pacs have a lot of money to spend. we've got two big states coming up with michigan and arizona at the end of the month and then super tuesday. money will matter. >> i'm wondering about that arizona vote now with what we saw in colorado. i'm curious. trey hardin, if we look at these wins and losses, are we starting to see the gop as a fractured map? we're seeing this support of gingrich in the south, we're seeing the midwest supporting rick santorum. and we're seeing pockets of support maybe on the east coast, on the west coast, at least towards the west coast for mitt romney. is there anything wrong with that? does it give us any insight at all? >> el, i'well, i'll tell you i imagine that mitt romney is happy now because there are two alternatives to mitt romney. as long as there are two conservative alternatives to mitt romney, he is the likely victor because they will continue to keep splating delegate votes in is a marathon, not a sprint. and running for president is really a math equation at the end of the day. both for the nomination and in the general election. you choose the states you need to spend money in. you choose the states you need to have organization in. you know, there was very low voter turnout in these states last night. very little money spent. definitely a big night for rick santorum. it's based on politics and principled messages. at the end of the day he's not going to have the money, he's not going to have the independent voters in some of these primaries. >> you know what, you're right. it is not a sprint, it's a long haul. but for the four geeks on the screen right now we really enjoy looking at them every day, don't we, and analyzing it. paul, trey, maria, thank you. geek included. 40 minutes past the hour here. ahead on "early start," wining the white house requires big money. so why is president obama giving back $200,000? and a one-on-one with donald trump who sarks i don't get rick santorum, i don't get that whole thing, and then within hours, rick santorum gets three states. this guy, chuck norris, says he knows what it takes to be a warrior. so who is he endorsing? we're going to find out. you're watching "early start." b . ♪ made with only milk... cream... a touch of sugar... and pure natural flavors. ♪ who knew being natural could be so delicious? coffee-mate natural bliss. from nestle. add your flavor naturally. ♪ [ male announcer ] offering four distinct driving modes and lexus' dynamic handling, the next generation of lexus will not be contained. the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. ♪ [♪...] >> announcer: with nothing but his computer, an identity thief is able to use your information to open a bank account in order to make your money his money. [whoosh, clang] you need lifelock, the only identity theft protection company that now monitors bank accounts for takeover fraud. lifelock: relentlessly protecting your identity. call 1-800-lifelock or go to today. delicious sugar-free vitafusion fiber gummies have more fiber than other leading brands. they're the better way to enjoy your fiber. good morning, minneapolis. oh, it's 19 degrees in minneapolis. >> that's a chilly morning. >> it's going to be so warm later. sunny and 29. >> that is balmy for february. i'm a midwestern northern girl and that is a nice -- elvis costello singing "pump it up" could not be more appropriate this morning. pumped up at 45 minutes past the hour, rick santorum, pumped up. top story this morning. santorum pulling off the three sweep last night, three states, winning missouri's nonbinding primary and both the caucuses in minnesota and colorado. in the other headlines, though, mitt romney's new secret service detail busy working hard and saving the former massachusetts governor from a glitter bombing. yikes. glitter bombing, not so dangerous but there are other things that he has to be concerned about and that's why they're hard at work. this happened in denver. the man accuse of the glitter is taken into custody. actor chuck norris says he knows what makes a true warrior. i don't think he said it in that voice but he's announcing that he's endorsing newt gingrich for the republican nomination. and the obama administration is returning $200,000 in campaign donations from the family of fugitive juan jose. he appeared after jumping bail in iowa 18 years ago and has been linked to violence and corruption in mexico. and president holding a fund-raiser in new york last night called "runway to win." he hopes to raise money by selling tote bags, t-shirts and accessories made in america by some pretty impressive designers there. and madonna is releasing new details of her 2012 world tour. ashleigh cannot wait. it begins may 29th in teleaviv, israel, and comes to america on august 28th. it's starting in philadelphia. it's a road trip for us. >> on location with madonna. what can i say? i'm a product of the '80s. i grew up on the girl. i love her. soledad o'brien, product of the -- >> '90s. >> late '90s. >> shoulder cut off. black bangles, remember? >> yes, yes. and the hair. >> a lot coming up this onning on "starting point." this morning we're going to talk to rick santorum as you've been talking about all morning, he swept three states last night. he will join us live for his first interview of the day to talk about how he is feeling this morning. plus, there was a political ad that ran during the super bowl called racist and business disturbing. this morning pete hex ter is going to defend that ad. the only asian-american woman in congress will join us exclusively to respond. also, a morning-after pill dispensed by a vending machine on a college campus. $25 a pop. we'll talk about that straight ahead this morning as "starting point" gets under way in ten minutes. [ horn honks ] hey, it's sandra -- from accounting. peter. i can see that you're busy... but you were gonna help us crunch the numbers for accounts receivable today. i mean i know that this is important. well, both are important. let's be clear. they are but this is important too. [ man ] the receivables. [ male announcer ] michelin knows it's better for xerox to help manage their finance processing. so they can focus on keeping the world moving. with xerox, you're ready for real business. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize. improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. it's clinically proven to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] daily moisturizing lotion. and for healthy hair every day, try new pure renewal hair care, with balancing seaweed extract. only from aveeno. it is a beautiful day and it is gorgeous in denver. it's a beautiful day anywhere right now if you're rick santorum. but in denver, 14 degrees. late, sunny, going up to about 41. >> seriously, 14 to 41, transpose those numbers. welcome back to "early start." love him or hate him, donald trump can command an audience. he's a lot of fun. he has a new book out called "time to get tough." >> i had an extebsive one-on-one interview with the donald. he talked about why he thinks the guy he's endorsing, mitt romney, is going to win and why he doesn't understand rick santorum's momentum or whether he can possibly win it all. but that was ten hours before he swept three states. talked about a cabinet position as well. but of interest at this point they want you to hear, i asked him about his effect and what he can do for mitt romney, particularly with regard to mitt romney's image. have a listen. do you think there's something you can do for mitt romney, because some people have said he's just that guy you want to like but that he's stiff and maybe too rich or out of touch. can you help with that every man approach? >> he's really a much different guy than you see on television. and i understand that. he maybe comes across whichever way you want to say, but he's a great guy in person. he's got a great personality, family, everything. >> can you help him bring that to the little screen? >> you know, i don't know. i mean, i'm not sure. maybe it doesn't translate, but that doesn't make him bad in terms of what he does. he will be a great president. you know, the sad part about the world in which we live, if you do well in television, you maybe can get elected to something. but that doesn't mean you're going to be any good at what the big picture is, which is running couldnntry country. >> talk to me about electability. that may be the most important thing so far about the voters going to polling stations. aub news/"washington post" came out saying if the race were obama versus romney, obama would beat him by six points. if that were newt up against obama, it would be 11 points. it's not looking good at this juncture. >> six points is nothing, and so what. they haven't really focused on obama. the sad thing is they're focusing on each other, the republicans. it's rough, it's a rough, rough, nasty primary but they're -- they haven't really hit obama yet. >> have the right candidates dropped out? >> well, people have dropped out -- huntsman never had a chance, if you look. you look at somebody like ron paul, he's interesting. rick santorum, look, rick santorum was a sitting senator who, in re-election, lost by 19 points. to my knowledge, the most in history of this country for a sitting senator to lose by 19 points. it's unheard of. then he goes out and says, oh, okay, i just lost by the biggest margin in history, now i'm going to run for president. tell me, how does that work? how does that work? >> he's doing well. he's not only doing well, he won iowa. >> look, look, that's like me saying i just failed a test. now i'm going to apply for admission to the wwarton schoolf finance. i don't get rick santorum. i don't get that whole thing. >> is there a place for you in a romney cabinet? >> well, it's certainly not something i'm look for, but if i can do anything to help this country we have to do something to help the country. we can't keep losing our jobs to other countries. >> have you talked about it with governor romney? >> no, i haven't. i haven't discussed that. >> if he reached out to you what would your reaction be? >> i think it's too early to worry about it. number one, he has to get the nomination, number two, he has to get elected. i would certainly be hope to do anything to help him or the country. >> what cabinet position would it be? >> maybe a position where i negotiate against some of these countries because they're really taking our lunch. >> i asked him what about china, would you want to be an ambassador for china, his realed on china, i don't think so. i don't think so. >> a lot more coming up on soledad's show, this interview. we're going to be right back. you're watching "early start." i am loving this greek yogurt. i like yoplait. it is yoplait. but you said it was greek. mmhmm. so is it greek or is it yoplait? exactly. okay... [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so greek. the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] try aleve d for strong all day sinus and headache relief. [ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you'll money. my choice. my meineke. got a quick reminder for you before the finish of the hour coming up on "starting point" this morning with soledad o'brien going one-on-one with rick santorum after the big rg big finish last night. all coming up live at 7:30. but that is it for us. that's the news from a to z. i'm ashleigh banfield. >> i'm zoraida sambolin. "starting point" with soledad o'brien starts right now. good morning. >> good morning, ladies. nice to have you. our "starting point" this morning is that surprise clean sweep for rick santorum. he won all three gop contests. he won the state of missouri, he won the state of minnesota, he won the state of colorado. he says he is the true republican conservative. >> ladies and gentlemen, i don't stand here to claim to be the conservative alternative to mitt romney. i stand here to be the conservative alternative to barack obama. >> oh, everyone wins, suddenly they start looking at the president instead of talk at their colleagues. we're going to speak with rick santorum and his big win. also, more blood spilled in syria. america's u.n. ambassador is warning president assad days are numbered. now the pentagon is weighing military options. we'll talk about

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Brandon White ,Calls ,House ,Tragedy ,Family ,Presidency ,One On ,Ablaze ,911 ,One ,Mitt Romney ,Donald Trump ,Tax Rate ,Morning ,No One ,In America ,Wealthy ,Idea ,Raising Taxes ,Men ,Senator Santorum ,Missouri ,Nomination ,Senator ,Primary ,Race ,Delegates ,Stake ,Pennsylvania ,Results ,Gop ,Trifecta ,Ear ,25 ,55 ,Ron Paul ,Newt Gingrich ,Minnesota ,Caucuses ,Win ,Estate ,12 ,Ballot ,2008 ,37 ,12 ,Vote ,Colorado ,Showing ,Checkmark ,Third ,45 ,11 ,17 ,27 ,Grabs ,Romney In ,35 ,33 ,40 ,08 ,Barack Obama ,Alternative ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Anything ,Wasn T Concerned At All ,On Cnn ,Anyone ,Paul Ste Steinhauser ,Words ,Political Editor ,Washington D C ,Reporter ,Candidates ,Victories ,You Don T ,Deal ,Hat Trick ,Big Wow ,Lot ,Listen ,Wasn T ,Proof ,Many ,Last Night ,Level Playing Field Last Night ,Victory Speech ,Shots ,Big Money ,Someone ,Organization ,Attribute ,Attributes ,People ,Administration ,America ,Record ,Contrasts ,Isn T ,Texas ,Oval Office ,2 1 ,Momentum ,Fund Raising ,Effort ,Cash ,Nop Liopolizing ,Point ,Message ,Validation ,Rit Romney ,Thumping Nonconfidence ,Three ,Action ,Conference ,Meeting ,Hay ,Campaign ,It ,Forgettable ,Two ,Look ,Victory ,Stop ,Go To Minnesota ,Crowd ,Hq ,Florida ,Help ,Road ,Nominee ,Night ,Campaigning ,The Very Best ,Romney ,Attention ,Washington ,Adviser ,Senate ,Romney Campaign Go ,Insider He ,Santorum S Big Win Last Night ,Course ,Chance ,Fs ,Affair ,Las Vegas ,Six ,Question ,Issue ,Big Man ,Election ,Doesn T ,Electability ,Country ,Points ,Most ,History ,Knowledge ,Of ,Re Election ,Margin ,19 ,Test ,Wharton School Of Finance ,Work ,Admission ,Thing ,Bit ,Endorsement ,Blow Back ,Poll ,Outcome ,Candidate ,Story ,Surge ,Washington Post ,31 ,Soledad O Brien ,Starting Point ,Business News ,Television ,Coverage ,Dow Jones ,Trading ,May ,Nasdaq ,Highest ,Closing ,Fears ,Wall Street ,May Of 2008 ,Resolution ,Drag ,Christine Romans ,Weird One ,Things ,Stock Market ,Stocks ,Level ,Office ,Credit ,Favor ,60 ,Ben Bernanke ,Everyone ,Unemployment Down ,Unemployment Rate ,Big Question ,Fed Chief ,8 3 ,Way ,Labor Market ,Workers ,Jobs Numbers ,Companies ,Data ,Has ,Housing Market Isn T ,Jobs ,Economy ,Housing ,Recovery ,Thanks ,Fronts ,Long Way To Go ,Stories ,Jeans ,News ,Nine ,Children ,Room ,Video ,Set ,20 ,Convenience Store ,Headline ,Throw A Tire ,G ,Sucker ,Atlanta ,Fbi ,Airline Passengers ,Police ,Attackers ,Eastern Time ,10 ,00 ,New York ,Airports ,Program ,Minneapolis ,Jfk International ,Fast Lane At Airport Checkpoints ,Salt Lake City ,Precheck ,Travelers ,Information ,Shoes ,Background Check ,Belts ,Couple ,Return ,Bypass Long Security Lines ,Coats ,Snow ,Rain ,Parts ,Light Snow ,Rain A Little ,Northeast ,Philadelphia ,Four ,Josh Powell ,Rob Marciano ,Details ,Vacation ,Sons ,House Fire ,Norovirus ,Susan G Komen Executive ,Cruise Ship Passengers ,Outbreaks ,Bottom ,Muscle Health ,Muscle ,Got Revigor ,Fight Muscle Loss ,Exercise ,Team ,Okay ,8 ,Announcer ,Charge ,Protein ,Hmb ,Nutrition ,Strength ,Preserve ,Amino Acid Metabolite ,Grain ,Ingredient ,Breakfast Cereal ,Box ,General Mills ,Big G Cereal ,Check ,Place ,Hotels ,Welcome To Hotels Com ,Hotels Com ,Noooo ,Temperature ,Moves Like Jagger ,Louis ,39 ,Heels ,Maroon 5 ,5 ,Something ,Fer ,Alive And Well ,Military Options ,Bashar Al Assad ,Susan Rice ,Pentagon ,Case ,Ambassador ,Warning ,Syrian ,Looks ,Funeral Services ,Boys ,Visit ,Home ,Caseworker ,Sunday Night ,Father ,Driveway ,Gasoline ,White House ,Kids In The House ,Tapes ,Let Me In The House ,Teacher ,Girl ,Felony Counts ,Facts ,School Board ,Miramonte ,Los Angeles ,14 ,Charges ,Passengers ,Cruise Ship ,School ,Princess ,Ship ,Crew ,Cruise Lines ,Child Abuse ,Chuck Norris ,Jason Reliving ,Rivers Hobbs ,Boy ,Outbreak ,Scare ,Mountain Lion ,Big Bend National Park ,6 ,Cat ,Let Go ,Chest ,Face ,Pocketknife ,Goodness ,Closed ,Dad ,Teams ,Top ,Little Boy ,Hero ,Dog ,Luck ,Gosh ,Trails ,Parent ,Fallout , ,Sure ,Foundation Short ,Decision ,Senior Vice President ,Karen Handel ,Planned Parenthood ,Parent Hood ,Funding ,Break ,Orchestrator ,Opposition ,Mission ,Women ,Komen ,Abortion ,Answer ,None ,Fight ,Breast Cancer ,Professional ,Priority ,My Number One ,Laura Bassett ,Huffington Post ,Source ,Policy Review Predated ,E Mails ,L A School Board ,Executives At Komen ,It Wasn T Only Handel ,Force ,Attacks ,The End ,Group Effort ,Komen Leadership ,Nancy Brinker ,Kind ,Public ,Accountability ,Andrea Mitchell On Thursday ,Nothing ,Cancer Charity ,Transparency ,Lie ,The Cure Walks ,Fact ,Let ,Politics ,Attack ,Entity ,Shakedown ,Coming ,Interview ,Resignation Letter ,Mess ,Acceptance ,Defensive ,Fox ,Mike Bloomberg ,Backlash ,Match ,Congress ,Decisions ,Mistakes ,Name ,Ball ,Eye ,Honor ,Sister ,Reputation ,Don T Trust Them ,There Wasn T A Sense ,Sense ,Relief ,Board Shakeup ,Petitions ,Dissatisfaction ,Order ,End ,Board Decision ,Resignations ,Involvement ,Forward ,Kinds ,Phrase ,Situations ,Heat ,Pr Firm ,The Cure ,Image ,Consulting ,Ogilvy ,Ari Fleischer ,Conservative Pr Cleanup Man ,Military Option ,Strategy ,Clothing Line ,Kid Rock ,Front Runner ,Made In Detroit ,Save ,Flint ,God ,Mom ,Element ,Michigan ,T A B L E ,At T ,Uh Oh ,Spell ,4g Lte ,W H Y ,4 ,Lives ,Smartphone ,Homicide ,Impact ,Waterproof Pantech ,49 99 ,249 99 ,Opportunity ,Door ,Difference ,Education ,University Of Phoenix ,City ,Police Chief ,My Name ,James Craig ,Phoenix ,Oman ,Cholesterol ,Woman ,Cereal ,Yummy ,2 ,Wrong Didn T ,Taste ,Goats ,Honey Nut Cheerios ,Sweep ,East Coast ,Board ,U N ,Power ,Part ,Janice Voss ,Cancer ,Battle ,Transfer ,Nasa ,Times ,Greg Kelly ,Regard ,Son ,Allegations ,New York City Police Commissioner ,Five ,Board Members ,Complaints ,Chairman ,Revenue ,Company ,Yahoo ,Response ,Yahoo Are Resigning ,Ray Kelly ,Wasn T A True Emergency ,Stock Price ,Detroit Free Press ,Apparel ,Embarrassing ,Dominican Republic ,Detroit ,India ,Honduras ,Speed Bump ,King ,Eek ,Caucus ,Crushing Romney In ,Dig ,Care ,100 ,99 ,95 ,Trey Hardin ,Strategist Maria C Cardona ,Democratic ,States ,Delegate Count ,Lead ,Much Ado About Nothing ,Dell The G Delegates ,Questioning ,Human Victory ,Iowa ,Gears ,Mantel ,Hand ,Billionaire Foster Friess ,White ,Picture ,Red ,Gentleman Standing Right Santorum ,Side ,Blue Fund ,Super Pac ,Business ,Sarks I Don T ,Supporters ,Donors ,Wall ,Races ,Advertising ,Appearance ,Issues ,Senior Adviser ,Example ,Let S Talk ,Problem ,On Gingrich ,Arizona ,More ,Narrative ,Opponents ,Shellacking ,Haul ,Resources ,Memo ,Campaign Put Out Last Night ,Ability ,Independents ,Tanking ,Word ,Hang On There ,Loss ,Rule ,Yes ,Factor ,Safety Net ,Rules ,Panel ,Contributing Factor ,Options ,President ,Sit Down Interview ,15 ,Fighting ,Decatherms ,Brother S Keeper ,90 ,World ,Some ,Let S Go ,Site ,Cities ,Gas Turbines ,Bout Ya ,Joe ,Answers ,Siemens ,Technician ,Ducati ,Management ,Publications ,Xerox ,Manuals ,Portuguese ,Chicken Noodle ,White Meat Chicken ,Pairs ,Bikes ,Pj ,Progresso ,Soup ,Hockey Game Last Night ,Homs ,Bloodshed ,Families ,Sources ,Civil War ,Verge ,Pentagon Sources ,Centcom ,42 ,Opposition Groups ,Plans ,John Mccain ,Farwaz Georges ,Middle East ,Notion ,Middle East Institute ,Ashleigh ,War ,Powers ,War Plans ,Yes And No ,Pressure ,War By Other Means ,Regime ,Remarks ,Psychological War ,Iran ,Shop ,Jump ,Grievances ,Aspirations ,Skip ,Rhetoric ,Crisis ,Struggle ,Libya ,Contrast ,China ,Dynamics ,Veto ,Russia ,Coalition ,Whole ,Tensions ,West ,Cold War ,Saudi ,Krcrisiss ,Region ,Rally ,Belief ,Liberators ,Dictator ,Professor ,Iraq ,Dick Cheney ,Voices ,Ten ,Price ,Conflicts ,Liberator ,Flowers ,Rifts ,Legacy ,Predecessor ,Arab League ,Syrians ,Military Community ,Military Conflict ,Ground ,Balance ,Forces ,Outside ,Conflict ,Wesley Clark ,Perspective ,Former ,Supreme Allied Commander ,Nato ,Professor Gerges ,Back ,200000 ,00000 ,Skin ,Life ,Warrior ,Backer ,Don T Just Moisturize ,Tough Guy ,Bush ,Improvement ,Health ,Oatmeal Formula ,Moisture ,Moisturizer ,Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion ,24 ,Hair ,Hair Care ,Lotion ,Balancing Seaweed Extract ,Aveeno ,Wwe ,Fire ,Stuff ,Turbines ,Kid ,Power Plants ,Hands ,Harness It ,Wouldn T ,Form ,Electricity ,Building Turbines ,Flights ,Flip ,Energy ,Ron Gdovic ,Brad ,Beer ,Building ,Age ,Guys ,Bud ,Laughter ,Wait ,Yoplait ,Greek ,Mmhmm ,Polident ,Bacteria ,Environment ,Denture ,Abrasion ,Odor ,Surface ,Basis ,Patients ,Dentures ,Instructions ,Mouth ,46 ,Glitter Bombing ,Governor ,Secret Service ,Detail ,Massachusetts ,Denver ,Glitter ,Custody ,Bail ,Campaign Donations ,Jose Cardona ,Fugitive Juan ,18 ,Fund Raiser ,Accessories ,T Shirts ,Corruption ,Violence ,Tote Bags ,Brother ,Made In America ,Donor ,Runway ,Mexico ,Madonna ,World Tour ,Designers ,America On August 28th Starting ,Israel ,May 29th ,Tel Aviv ,2012 ,August 28th ,28 ,29 ,Tour ,Kindi ,Injury ,Stage ,Teetering ,Stilettos ,Mover ,Mark ,Temperatures ,Stumbling ,Ohio Valley ,32 ,October Storm ,Blizzard ,Big Mess ,Time Out ,Little ,Area ,Evening Commute ,Baltimore ,Accumulation ,Great Lakes Thachlt ,Mr ,Rain And Snow ,Georgia ,Number ,Controversies ,Tax ,Clothes ,Grains ,Whole Grain ,Multigrain Cheerios ,Eating Right ,Tice ,110 ,Schedule ,Technology ,Mom And Dad ,Copies ,Alcoholism ,Addiction Cure ,Ww à Will ,Ssagesmalibubook Com ,Bed ,Thigh ,Snow Showers ,Marc Anthony ,38 ,36 ,Book ,Audience ,Lore ,Real Estate Mogul ,Everything ,Cabinet Position ,Timing ,Process ,Thoughts ,Clips ,Money Thing ,Chin ,Heart ,Taxes ,Returns ,Taxation ,Gang ,Rest ,30 ,Numbers ,Millions ,Charities ,Dollars ,Money ,Government ,Terms ,Tax Increases ,Tax Code ,Complication ,Code ,Inequity ,Bone ,Wall Streeters ,Iq ,Number One ,180 ,Protection ,Statistic ,Tax Rates ,Lobbying ,Lunch ,Nobody ,Advantage ,What S Going On ,Standpoint ,Opec ,Anybody ,Everyone Needs Leadership ,Leadership ,Corporations ,Truth , A Committee , A Committee Come Up ,Cutting ,Turmoil ,2 Trillion , Trillion ,1 Trillion ,3 Trillion ,Half ,Nicest Office ,Background ,Increases ,View ,Polls ,Conversation ,Cabinet Issue ,Cabinet Talks ,Tease ,Scooter ,Two Little Boys ,Beep ,Lots ,Specialists ,Doctors ,Advice ,Asthma ,Person ,Unitedhealthcare ,Pediatrician ,Addition ,Learning Environment ,Hundred Plus Facilities ,Two Hundred ,70 Million ,78000 ,Connect ,Members ,Assistance ,Students ,Discussion Questions ,Chances ,Social Network ,Twenty Thousand ,Twenty ,Ashleigh Banfield ,Zoraida Sambolin ,Least ,Finale ,A To Z ,Questions ,Killings ,Bashar Als Assad ,Case Worker ,Table ,Stunning ,Supreme Court ,Court Ruling ,Ban ,Proposition 8 ,California ,Hangover ,55 ,Game Changer ,Estimate ,We H ,Level Playing Field ,Pacs ,Contests ,Campaigns ,Super C ,Victory Celebration ,Monopolize ,Feeling ,Didn T Count ,Romney Campaign ,Nonbinding Campaign ,Victory Celebration Wasn T ,Insider ,Speech ,Count ,70 ,22 ,106 ,Grabses Last Night ,Line ,Mat E Mail Comingh ,Thaerks ,Phone Book ,Guy ,You Betcha ,Leath ,Cabinet ,Countries ,Haven T ,Reaction ,Position ,Landscape ,Tv ,7 ,John Powell ,Young Sons Sunday ,Eight ,Worker ,Phone Call ,Neighbors ,Address ,189th Street Court East ,189 ,8119 ,Hold On ,Stay ,Hang Up ,Fire Department ,Sunny Hostin ,Contributor ,Mind ,Our Cnn ,Horrors ,Court ,Visitation ,Vial ,Potential ,Evidence ,Mental Health Issue ,Sort ,Concern ,Behalf ,Emergency ,Didn T ,Kids ,I Don T Know ,Situation ,Say ,Isn T It ,Lawyer ,Rat ,Calamity ,Dispatcher ,County ,Litigation ,Sunny ,Whether ,Mother ,Killer ,Incident ,Utah ,Disappearance ,Investigation ,Police Department ,Susan Powell ,Works ,Prosecutors ,To Syria ,Ashleigh ,Warping ,Jerry Sandusky ,Bail Conditions ,Weather Center ,Weather ,Beltway ,Slushy East And West ,Spending ,Delmarva ,Snow Showers ,Early Start ,Airport ,Delays ,13 ,Vehicle ,Tire Rotation ,Dealership ,Inspection ,Soil ,Filter ,Suspension Checks ,Works Package ,Ford ,Pressures ,These ,Tires ,Battery ,Air Filter ,Hoses ,Brakes ,Fluids ,Oil Change ,Transmission ,Exhaust System ,9 95 ,29 95 ,Car Doctor ,Doctor ,Dealer ,Sweep Last Night ,Cruise Line ,Trip ,Springer ,Counts ,Penn State ,Conditions ,School Yard ,Porch ,Pictures ,Opposition Activists ,Assault ,50 ,Troops ,Walls ,Homes ,Human Rights ,Thousands ,Funeral ,Darwa ,Prayers ,Barbara Starr ,Images ,Barba Barbara ,Military ,Cases ,Policy ,Fisibility Issues ,Strike Options ,Orange ,Officials ,Nations ,Possibility ,Real Change ,Job ,Saying ,We Wouldn T ,Military Support ,Inside ,Gentlemen ,Places ,Around The World ,Red Cross ,Option ,Airdro Airdrops ,Lebanon ,Africa ,Organizations ,Civilians ,Aid ,Combat Zone ,Somebody ,Areas ,Security Control ,Combat ,Streets ,Talks ,Supreme Commander ,Job Openings ,Yogurt ,Hiring ,Sweetheart ,Lamp ,Foster Care ,Reason ,Song ,Doesn T Kill Us ,Jobs Openings ,Jobs Guru ,Competition ,Job Opening ,Listening ,Labor Department Statistics ,Direction ,3 4 Million ,Seven ,Job Market ,Recession ,Peak ,4 Million ,3 4 ,Leisure ,Transportation ,Service ,Trade ,Utilities ,Bottom Line ,Retail ,Hundreds Of Thousands ,Hospitality ,Semiconductor Engineering Plant ,College On ,Warnings ,Manager ,Ceos ,Good ,Mortgage ,Skills ,Mismatch ,Workforce ,Disconnect ,Costs ,Excuse ,Ton ,Majors ,Generic ,Business Services ,Engineers ,English ,Entrepreneurship ,Loan ,Reinvention ,Christine ,Entrepreneur Idea ,Shirts ,Kid Rock S Made In Detroit ,Aheard ,No Man S Land ,Contest ,Minneso Missouri ,Mes ,Great Night ,Community ,Killing Dozens ,Dozens ,Towns ,Plight ,Stockholder Complaints ,Decline ,Board Of Directors ,Yahoo ,Susan G Komen Foundation Executive ,Parenthood Funding ,Charity ,Kid Rock S Made In Detroit Clothing Line ,Han Dur Ras ,Each Other ,Brain ,Pronunciation ,Finishing ,Hockey Fans ,Nonbinding One ,Opponent ,Strangeness ,Jess ,Maria Cardona ,Leaders ,Al Franken ,Tray Harden ,I Maria ,Mary Yarks ,Wins ,Tim Pawlenty ,Away Message ,Republicans ,Disaster ,Norm Coleman ,Voters ,Majorities ,Support ,Gop Field ,Minds ,Voting Booth ,Gut ,Advertise ,Somebody Else ,Tie ,Standing ,Walloping ,Super Pacs ,Investment Manager ,Shot ,Left ,Super Pac Earnings ,Cozying ,30000 ,730000 ,Pac ,Reality ,Story Line ,Ads ,Coronation ,Saw ,2010 ,Pro Santorum Super Pac ,Fund ,Like ,Spots ,South Carolina ,Losses ,Super Tuesday ,Midwest ,South ,Pockets ,West Coast ,Map ,Alternatives ,Insight ,I Well ,El ,Sprint ,Both ,Victor ,Running ,Delegate ,Marathon ,Math Equation ,Votes ,Splating ,Voter Turnout ,Messages ,Primaries ,Big Night ,Principled ,Geeks ,Screen ,Don T We ,Who ,Wining ,Geek Included ,Touch ,Sugar ,Tb ,Milk ,Cream ,Flavors ,Flavor ,Nestle ,Coffee Mate Natural Bliss ,Handling ,Generation ,Lexus ,Driving Modes ,Lexus Gs ,2013 ,Identity Thief ,Bank Account ,Computer ,Identity Theft Protection Company ,Bank Accounts ,Lifelock ,Clang ,Identity ,Takeover Fraud ,1 ,800 ,1 800 Lifelock ,Go To Lifelock Com Today ,Fiber ,Gummies ,Brands ,Pump It Up ,Nice ,Midwestern Northern Girl ,Elvis Costello ,Headlines ,Voice ,Fugitive Juan Jose ,Runway To Win ,Holding A Fund Raiser ,May 29th In Teleaviv ,Ashleigh Cannot Wait ,Road Trip ,Location ,America On August 28th ,Product Of The 80s ,80 ,Product ,Shoulder Cut Off ,Black Bangles ,Sad ,Super Bowl ,Pill ,Vending Machine ,Morning Pete Hex Ter ,Asian American Woman In Congress ,Horn Honks ,College Campus ,Accounting ,Pop ,Sandra ,Peter ,Michelin ,Receivables ,Gonna ,Finance Processing ,It S A Beautiful Day ,Anywhere ,Love ,Fun ,41 ,Interest ,Effect ,Out Of Touch ,Happening ,Raise ,Stunner ,People Runni Running ,

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