good morning to you. it is thursday, august 11 now. this is "american morning." lot going on today. let's get right to it, folks. >> good morning, good morning. so much for comeback. haven't seen these kind of wild swings on wall street since the darkest days of the financial meltdown. the dow diving 520 points yesterday. this time fueled by fears or at least triggered by fears. that france is on a verge of a credit downgrade. every day it seems to be something new trying terg sell-off or the buying. that's because this is a global economy. your investments feel it here. wild swings. take a look at the week. monday the dow dropped 635 points. tuesday, it rebounded. picking up 430 points. yesterday the dow took it all back and then some with a drop of 520 points. drop of the s&p 500 has a percentage was greater. >> well, far from over, too. because this morning u.s. futures are weighing up and that had asian losses at a minimum. nikkei and shanghai closed down. markets in germany and france are in positive territory. >> let's get more of what we can expect. felicia taylor who has been covering all of this. i read the analysis of the biggest mutual funds. funds we all have in our 401-ks. >> if you are a holder of stocks for the long term this is the place to get in. there is no question about it. actually, you know, futures backed off a little bit. so there's nervousness in the marketplace. uncertainty. we are not going to get away from that. between haven't stepped away from the fundamentals. we have to keep looking at the economy and where we are heading and that's the problem. we haven't had any leadership in washington. >> but nobody has any money to invest. some americans do. christine was talking about it earlier. most people don't have the thousand bucks in case of an emergency saved up. most of america probably feels powerless looking at these wild market swings because there really isn't anything they can do or can they benefit from that? >> americans ha-- some american have been disciplined enough to squirrel the money away while they haven't been look. >> the stock market matters because what's happening in the stock market, confidence for business that's hire. what you can be seeing happening around -- >> exactly. i mean, this is exactly the point. i mean, if there is no confidence in the marketplace, there's no confidence in corporate america. that's a problem. corporate america is going to feed off of that. and that's what's going to help job opportunities. so that's where you need to seize confidence. that's the problem. if we don't have some kind of leadership and i'm going to go back to this point which i made a couple of points ago, frankly, you have got the french president coming back from his vacation. you've got the english prime minister coming back from his vacation. where's our president? i mean, frankly, it is enough. you need to have leadership in washington to start directing the ship. if we don't get that any time soon, where's the market going to go? they have no direction. we have heard from the federal reserve. we heard from the people that matter at this point. now we need to hear from the people that are sitting in washington directing this. >> the president met with ben bernanke, fed chief. >> but there was no message! there was nothing. >> a press release -- >> we met together. >> and talked about the economy jobs and jobs. we talked about the economy and jobs. >> you and i are talking about it. >> i will say one thing about your point of sitting on your hands as a regular investor. the professional investors, fund managers, hedge fund managers, compete against each other on a daily basis. that's very different than the goals of average people set. it just -- just because this is happening and driven by professional investors does not men that should be the same position you make. >> try that again. >> i don't have to mention my 401(k) on a daily basis. >> there is nothing the average person can do but sit back and watch. >> if you really piled up on gold and had 30% of your porl feet yo in gold, you may want to buy some of the that are deeply discounted. >> to give reassure nance the marketplace we are talking about the united states. these still are our companies that have great value. don't forget we had good corporate earnings and we are going to con to see good corporate earnings. there is value in the united states. there is no reason that people can't invest in treasuries that -- and gold is still a safe haven. >> can't afford to buy gold. >> you would be surprised. there are companies buying and storing gold for people for regular investors. >> the etfs. >> you don't have to buy gold bouillon. you can buy the etfs. >> oh, carol. >> you can school her during the break. >> we are waiting to find out who the final three democratic choices are going to be for the new congressional super committee. those picks will be made by nancy pelosi. she has until tuesday to announce her decision. i don't know if he have l take the entire time. 12-member panel began taking shape this past tuesday. senate majority leader harry reid selected patty murray of washington. baucus of montana. john kerry of massachusetts. yesterday on the gop side, house speaker john boehner chose congressman jeff henserley of texas. mitch mcconnell set up kyle of arizona. pat toomey of pennsylvania. rob portman of ohio. we will be talking to pat toomey later in the show. >> once the committee set they have to agree on $5.5 trillion of spending cuts within 90 days. john avalon is not sure they will be able to accomplish that. he believes congress is up to the usual tricks based on picks. he will explain when he joins us at 7:30 eastern. 8:00 eastern, we will be joined by one of the new super committee members, republican senator pat toomey of pennsylvania will ask where he sees room for compromise when it comes to raising revenues. >> also new, payback in afghanistan. u.s. officials say a precision air strike killed the taliban leader and insurgent who shot down a military helicopter last weekend. 30 americans and eight afghans died in that chopper crash. the pentagon now says that 17 of the victims were navy s.e.a.l.s. not 22 as previously reported. the pentagon now says that the names of all 30 u.s. service members killed will be released as soon as today. a jerry rigged bomb tied to a gas line in rural oklahoma. the fbi and bomb squad actually used a water cannon to take the device out before it exploded. the cooked-up bomb had a windup clock with a propane -- propane and black powder. it is now in an fbi lab. >> london's top police spokesman is now on extended leave as the news corp hacking scandal grows. looking into possible misconduct. his ties to former "news of the world" executives. staff of the paper accused of hacking into thousands of people's echlts mail, slug celebrities, politicians. yesterday the ceo rupert murdoch said this was isolated to "news of the world." we are a big company, globe am brand. his personal wealth has taken a big hit with that stock being slammed. >> president obama hosting his third iftar dinner last night marking the end of ramadan. 100 guests on hand including two muslim american congressmen, two muslim american nfl players, israel's ambassador to the united states. now is your chance to talk back on one of the big stories of the day. the question this morning, does hollywood making an bin laden movie warrant a congressional investigation? the question, like everything else, has become a political hot potato. the sad thing, since osama bin laden's death was so unifying. >> tonight i can report to the american people and to the world that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. >> i mean, remember the people celebrated? it was a secret mission that played out like a hollywood movie. don't you know it, it will be released in october of 2012. just ahead of the november elections. republican representative peter king is outrage. >> talking about information that could put american lives at risk. what the administration has done. >> he's calling for a congressional investigation to find out if hollywood is getting special access to classified information. the white house says "please." >> first of all the claims are ridiculous. when people, including you, in this room are working on articles, books, documentaries, movies that involve the president p. ask to speak to administration officials we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts ring correct. >> it is not like the white house is giving hollywood permission to use the bin laden death photos or video of him being buried at sea. for those keeping score, it has been three months since bin laden was killed and come 2012, it will be opening at a theater near you. >> the question this morning, does hollywood making a bin laden movie warrant a congressional investigation? i will read your comments. >> leo mccarthy-like. >> hasn't -- >> don't you think? >> pentagon has been working with movies since world war ii, you know, on continuity. >> peter king makes stuff up all the time. peter king, when had says just -- because he says something was wrong doesn't mean it is. peter king needs to get into the habit of putting the evidence out in front and then talking about it as opposed to saying did washington release secret information? just because peter king woke up in the morningis and and thinks it happened does not mean it happened. i like peter king he has been very helpful. >> usually it is -- it is the government trying to make sure that it has control over what's going on with something going on. i think even the "hunt for red october" they had to scrub interiors of the movie set to make sure nothing that looked like classified information could go out on the air. you think about all those kinds of movies the government is involved. >> if you are listening, call in. >> coming up on "american morning," order in the streets. police in britain restoring calm after four days of rioting in london and beyond. parliament about to hold a debate on the crisis in an emergency session. >> massive hunt suspect that outweighed and outmaneuvered washington cops. >> tiger woods tees off today in the pga championship. we are live in georgia with a look just ahead. 12 minutes past the hour. 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in a way lots of people suggesting he is writing off the pockets of society. is there a fundamental problem with british society? sit fundamentally broken? that's the big debate here. the backdrop here as well, as you know, wall street has been affected by this austerity cuts across europe. european economy in a terrible state. there have to be cutbacks. one of the areas the british government is planning to cutback on is the police service. billions of dollars worth of cuts there. can he justify that, christine, after these riots? it is a big, big question. >> max, another big question is just why? i'm sure that your friends in and colleagues are answer thing question. we here are looking at america's best friend and -- an ally picking up the pieces and picking through the wreckage. we don't know why. hearing a lot of discussion, particularly among economists that say you look at the kids who are rioting and you hear the complaint about austerity or the jobs market. but aren't they too young to really feel it? is that an excuse? can we blame the economy for this? >> reporter: multilayers is what everyone says about this. if you want the simplistic arguments they are there. extreme left. it will be extreme right. people talking about parenting and being a problem. lot of these areas. do you have absent parents, working parents full time. do you have problem was joblessness. and literacy. there is a link there because you have those problems in the areas where these riots are taking place. the extreme left, you are having a situation where they are blaming the austerity cuts over time. cutbacks for a fundamental problem in the society. the other end of the scale you have people suggesting actually the liberal policy agenda in this country is the problem. it has been too soft on crime. we should have been tougher a lot sooner. who will win that debate? there are lots in the middle groun ground. it will be interesting to see how david cameron does. >> great analysis. multilayered is great way to look at it and i think, max, thank you. it is interesting that both extremes are using this to further their own -- that sounds familiar. >> no. >> interesting analysis. >> i was watching "wakeup call" this morning and could not get my eyes off of this video. police have to deal with a lot of bull sometimes but in washington state a couple thousand pounds. this bull, like a real one, eluded police for a half hour. why is there ball in the street? charged a couple of folks that were unlucky enough to be on the road. eventually they called in the cowboys. they were actual cowboys that were able to lasso the big guy from the hood of the parole car. weird. >> i love that. >> come on. >> i actually have lassoed a cow. >> have you really? >> yes. it is fun. >> i envy those cowboys. rob marciano, i'm sure you lassoed a few bulls or two. >> reporter: good morning, guys. sorry. missed that part but i saw a bull or heard about a bull running across the screen. i can just imagine. we are live at the pga championship north of atlanta, georgia. final major of the year. and yesterday we told you and showed you just what it takes to get this golf course into shape. and -- a little bit of news this morning. yesterday was a phenomenal day yesterday with low dew points. late in the evening when they were cutting the greens on 14th and 17th specifically some of the equipment in and one of the mowers dmug the green a-- dug i green and did some damage. i spoke to the man in charge. he says the only thing he can figure out there was a jump in dew point and moistures came up a little bit late in the day. that may have to have hing? to do with it. we assured that damage has been repaired. we will check it out later today. he's always going -- heat will always be an issue. talk about the pga championship. especially when it is this far south. and all of the marquee players were in the press tank yesterday giving their interviews and -- press conferences. tiger and rory being two highlights of the day. they both spoke about the heat. >> hotter at home. this is -- this is nice. it is not so hot here. i'm looking forward to it. i had a nice tournament at tulsa when i was -- you know, over 110 that week. hopefully this will be a similar success. >> major championships are long enough weeks anyway with everything that's going on. so -- you know, add in the extra heat as well, you just have to be very careful. you know, your practice and make sure you don't overdo it leading into the tournament. then when you are on the course just making sure you are taking plenty of fluids onboard. >> reporter: there you go. to the marquee players. tiger living in florida. little bit more used to the heat. rory from northern ireland maybe not so much. low levels of humidity yesterday. an unusual day in atlanta in august. today and tomorrow and going forward i think we will get back to more in the way of humidity. here is the forecast. today, first round of play. culminating sunday, of course. 95 to 96 degrees is what we expect for a high temperature. we inincrease the chancrease th chances of showers. going forward, same deal. lesser chances tomorrow. saturday and sunday we have a front that's trying to come through. that may increase the chances for rain at that time. tiger tees off around 8:30. as you know, he's looking for -- still looking for a full-time caddie. i put in my caplication. at that press conference he did not announce that i got the job. we will keep you posted on that. >> i thought you were our full-time weather caddie. how do we get by without our weather caddie? >> reporter: these guys work weekends. i can moonlight. no problem. >> we will see new a little while when the sun comes up. coming up on this "american morning," can raw sewage save a texas town running out of drinking water? you heard me right. >> that sounds disgusting. >> we will tell you about that. >> u.s. army soldier just back from afghanistan finds a unique way to break the news to his wife. a happy story. 22 minutes past the hour. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] more people are leaving bmw, mercedes, and lexus for audi than ever before. ♪ experience the summer of audi event and get over 130 channels of siriusxm satellite radio for three months at no charge. and get over 130 channels of siriusxm satellite radio [ cat meows ] ♪ [ acoustic guitar: pop ] [ woman ] ♪ i just want to be okay ks ] ♪ be okay, be okay ♪ i just want to be okay today - ♪ i just want to know today - [ whistles ] ♪ know today, know today - [ cat meows ] - ♪ know that maybe i will be okay ♪ [ chimes ] travelers can help you protect the things you care about... and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need... and the discounts you deserve? 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[ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. it has been a roller coaster week on wall street. markets closed sharply lower yesterday. the dow and s&p 500 both dropped about 4.5%. nasdaq fell about 4%. stocks tanked in part over renewed concerns that europe's debt cries sis spreading. this time to france. french president sarkozy came off his summer vacation and called an emergency meeting about that country's budget and finances yesterday. markets took a hit sparked by concern the country could lose its aaa rating because of debt problems. france hassing a second largest economy in europe. sum stock futures are trading higher ahead of the opening bell. pointing to a higher open this morning but investors are bracing for another choppy session today. wall street is waiting for the weekly jobless claims report that releases in about two hours from now. economists surveyed are expecting with 409,000 unemployment claims were filed for the first time last week. that would be slightly more than the week before. double dip recession fears are rising. new survey of economists. a 20% chance of another recession. economist space the rising risk is due in part to huge slides in the stock market and s&p downgrade of the u.s. credit rating. what if the unexpected happened? could you pay for it? a new survey by the national foundation for credit counseling says most americans can't afford a $1,000 emergency. the same survey found only 36% would tap into their savings for an emergency and the rest would opt to borrow money or put it their credit cards. 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senate minority leader mcconnell selected jon kyl of air, pat toomey of pennsylvania and portman of ohio. massive police presence managed to keep the peace in prison after days of rioting. david cameron is about to devil rays an emergency session of parliament this morning dealing with the crisis going forward. we are going to monitor that for you and may bring you parts of it. you know, these heated parliamentary discussions are always interesting. i think the world actually wants to know what's going on in the streets of london now. is it frustration over the economy or unemployment? is it bits of all of that? >> had said broken section of the of the economy that's our -- max foster reported. multi-layered problem president not prone the easy solutions or easy explanation. >> i think the reason it intrigues americans is because we identify so closely with the british and like looking into a mirror. >> could it happen here? it happened here before. >> let's hope not. parts of texas are about to run dry. reservoirs and vanishing drinking water is scarce. >> the situation is desperate. there may be a solution. solution many texans are finding a little hard to swallow. here is ed lavandara. >> reporter: in this withering west texas patch, oil still flows. problem is you can't drink water. finding water is getting tougher. it brings us to the town of vicksburg. this is the spring in big spring. more than 100 years ago it was a popular watering hole for settlers heading west. those days are long gone. you won't believe what people around here are having to do now to find drinking water. crews are now building a $13 million water treatment plant that will turn sewage waste water into drinking water by the end of next year. treated raw sewage water, lake water. >> i will never drink it. >> the idea still doesn't taste right to a lot of people. >> that's not a good idea at all. >> reporter: you don't like it? >> no. if they do we will have to leave town. >> reporter: really? >> yeah, yeah. that's too much. >> reporter: are you kind of the salesman for this plan? >> somebody has to. >> reporter: john direct it is colorado river municipal water. it is his job to find drinking water for half a million people in the area around midland odessa. he has to get people past one big hurdle. when you hear people say oh, my god, these people will be drinking their own urine. >> there was a fellow in midland i heard make a comment that said at least he gets to drink his beer twice now. >> reporter: this part of west texas had a only seen about three inches of rain in the last year. the drought is drying out the areas in the reservoirs. this is what's left of the spence reservoir. the only source of drinking water for the nearby town of robert lee. problem is that there's less than 1% of the water left. the mayor says that the water situation is so dire that his town could run out of water in six months. emergency pipeline is in the works. he thinks turning waste water into drinking water is the future. on the surface of it, that doesn't sound appealing, does it? >> not appealing. >> this is the water we are going to be picking up and -- taking it back through the new water treatment plant we are building. >> reporter: this new water treatment plant will provide 2 million gallons of water every day. john grant predicts people will really like it. you are saying this process is -- could make it better? >> it could. good a quality water. >> reporter: john grant says he will be the first in line to pour himself a glass. ed lavandara, texas. >> i'm told that in nasa, in space, they recycle waste for water. if it is good enough for astronauts, must be good enough for us. >> it happens more than people are prepared to think. i would venture most americans don't give a whole lot of thought to what comes out of their tap. >> are you kidding? i think they do. definitely. >> comes out of the tap. >> we just recently built that up. >> don't think much about where your water comes from. >> british prime minister david cameron is making a amount to parliament about the rioting. let's listen. >> i tried to speak to many of the members who constituencies have been affected. i would like to pay particular prib u-- pay tribute. what we have seen on the streets of london and other cities, across our country is is completely unacceptable. i'm sure the whole house will join me in condemning it. keeping people safe is the first duty of government. the whole country has been shocked by the most appalling scenes of people looting, violence, and vandalizing, and thievery. it is criminality pure and simple. there's absolutely no excuse for it. we have seen houses, shops the raided and torched. fire crews you a tacked as they tried to put out fires. we have seen people robbing others while they lie injured and bleeding in the streets. even nonpeople being deliberately run over and killed. mr. perfect, we will not put up with this in our country. we will not allow a culture of fear exists on our streets. and we will do whatever it takes to restore law and order and rebuild our communities. first we must be clear about the sequence of events. a week ago today the 29-year-old man was shot dead by the police. clearly there are questions that must be answered and i can assure the house that this is being investigated thoroughly and independently by the ipcc. we must get to the bottom of exactly what happened and we will. mr. speaker, initially there were peaceful demonstrations following his death. understandably and quite appropriately, the police were cautious about how they dealt with this. however, this was the news as an excuse by opportunist thugs and gangs. across london and then in other cities. it is completely wrong to say that there's any justifiable causal link. it is simply preposterous for anyoning to suggest people looting over the weekend still less three days later where in any way doing so because of the death of mark duggan. the young people stealing flat screen televisions and burning shops, that was not about politics or protests p.m. it was about theft. mr. speaker, in recent days, individual police officers have shown incredible bravery and in some cases worked around the clock without a break. they deserve our support and our thanks. what became increasingly clear earlier this week was that there was simply far too few police deployed on to our streets and the tactics they were using weren't working. police chiefs have been frank with me about why this happened. and initially the police treated the situation too much as a public order issue rather thanes lynn one of crime. the truth is that the police have been facing a new and unique challenge. with different people doing the same thing basically looting and in different places but all at the same time. mr. speaker, to respond to this situation, we are acting decisively to restore order on our streets and support the victims of this terrible violence and to look at the deeper problems that have led to such a hard-core of young people to decide to carry out such appalling criminality. let me take each in turn. first restoring order. following the meetings of cobra which i chaired tuesday and wednesday and again this morning, we have taken decisive action to help ensure more robust and more effective policing. because of decisions made by metropolitan police commissioner and other police chiefs up and down the country, there are now more police on the streets, more people being arrested and more criminals being prosecuted. the metropolitan police increased the number deployed on the streets of london from 6,000 to almost 16,000 officers. this number will remain throughout the weekend. we have also seen the large increases in deployment of officers in other affected areas. leave effective force has been cancelled and police officers have been across the country to areas of greatest need. and many businesses have also quite rightly i released special cuts of this to help and performed mag -- magnificently as well. more 00 people have been arrested. we are making technology work for us by capturing the images of the perpetrators on tv. even if they haven't yet been arrested their faces are known and they will not escape the law. as i said yesterday, no human rights concerns about publishing these photographs will get in the way of bringing these criminals to justice. anyone charged -- >> it is interesting that he said it wasn't the lack of police officers or the -- police cuts that led to the infective use of police force, you know, to arrest the rioters, rather they were using the wrong tactics. >> then -- said, though, they are bussing them in from all over the place. clearly there was some shortage of police officers. he said they are coming in from all over the place and everybody -- have a lot of video, obviously, in london, streets. anybody whos hasn't been arrested they will find them and arrest them. david cameron insisting that this is about hooligan its. >> many the most compelling people urging calm are not the leaders of the country. it is the people who are residents of the country. if we have the sound of the father of one of the kids who was killed in the hit-and-run, listen to how he pleads with his country to just fix this. >> we live in the same community. why do we have to kill one another? what's escalating the riots? why are we doing this? i lost my son. step forward if you want to lose your sons. otherwise calm down. go home. >> i mean, i think -- the voices like that are the most compelling in this whole argument. you can see politicians talk and posture. >> also interesting nobody quite knows why this is happening. everybody is like going through these soul-searching like how did this suddenly happen? that's the weirdest part to me. >> cameron said simultaneous crimes in different parts of the country. i mean, that's what's really -- >> i think it would be great to talk to economists and sociologists about this but i think many tell you it doesn't suddenly happen. it is an environment that creates -- >> one day. cities across your country. >> we will keep following it for you. >> sarah palin's one nation bus tour ready to roll. the former alaska governor ready to do some party crashing. [ vending man ] hi there! that's not going to satisfy you. come on. it's time for a better snack. try this. it's yoplait greek. it has two times the protein of regular yogurt. you'll feel satisfied. [ female announcer ] yoplait greek. it is so good. oh, and there's a smile. mitt romney continues to lead the field of republican candidates for president but he doesn't have a whole lot of wiggle room. take a look at the latest cnn/orc poll. 17% favoring the governor. look who is behind him, two points back texas governor rick perry who has not officially declared he is running. he may do that in the next few days. rudy giuliani, sarah palin, ron paul. notice in the top five you don't have mishal bachmann. she is making a lot of news. speaking of sarah palin, gassing up that bus again after a three-month hiatus. the one-nation bus tour vedy to roll. >> former alaska governor plans to crash gop presidential party in iowa. the republican field is in ames for a debate and big straw poll that takes place saturday. palin will be 30 miles away at the ohio state fair. it is not clear when she will arrive. >> maybe she is just going for the deep fried butter. who knows. not. stephen colbert is also getting in action. americans for a better tomorrow tomorrow. a one-minute campaign ad airing across iowa. take a look. >> a storm is gathering over iowa. a money storm. out of state groups like grow pac and jobs for iowa pac are flooding the iowa airwaves telling you to vote rick perry at the ames straw poll. they think that they can buy your vote with their unlimited super pac money. but americans for a better tomorrow tomorrow ask -- what about our unlimited super pac money. we want to you vote for rick perry, too. but not their rick perry. our rick parry. august 13 write in rick parry. that's parry with an "a" for america. with an "a" for iowa. >> he's collecting money for his pac. it will be interesting to see how much he takes in. >> i love that commercial. >> it is a good commercial. >> sorry, rick perry. 48 minutes after the hour. we are going to check today's top stories including late night talk show that has been canceled. >> is the obama administration getting information about the raid that killed osama bin laden to a hollywood director. 48 minutes past the hour. it is 50 minutes past the hour. here is what you need to know to start your day. u.s. stock futures are up this morning and that has most of markets in europe rallying. this all coming one day after the dow sank more than 4.5%. britain's prime minister david cameron telling an emergency session of parliament that he won't put up with violence this country has been rocked by. he authorized police to use water cannons and batons on violators if necessary. the jury recommending a death sentence for an ohio serial killer anthony sowell, convicted in the murders of 11 women. the judge can hand sowell a life sentence. he will announce his decision tomorrow morning. japan's prime stintster is o -- minister is out. he is resigning. his popularity tanked after the march earthquake and tsunami followed by the country's bungled nuclear crisis. president obama heads to a plant in ohio. "george lopez" is being canceled. he was pushed back to later time slot to accommodate conan o'brien's talk show. tonight will be lopez's final show. that's the news you need to know to start your day. "american morning" is back after this. he may be expert in camouflage but michael harlow outdid himself the other night in the minor league baseball game in mississippi. his wife threw out the ceremonial first pitch. she had no idea the man behind the catcher's mask was her husband home from afghanistan. watch this. >> just shock. overwhelmed. >> nine months. >> yes. >> since i have seen her. wanted to make sure she remembered what i looked like. >> i didn't through the mask. >> major harlow says the last time he surprised house wife she fainted. i'm not sure i would have gone for this if that's the reaction. isn't that fantastic? >> that's sweet. >> he is glad she didn't faint this time. he says he will be home for ten weeks. then heading back to afghanistan. >> that's sweet. you know how i feel when they surprise the little kids. i don't like it. i don't like it because i feel like those kids -- that gives me -- i don't like it. i don't like putting them on the spot like that. that -- i mean, that's -- that was cute. >> that worked very nice. >> what do you think, carol? >> i'm going stay out of this one. you know, i don't have a loved one serving overseas. i really don't know what it feels like. i don't know. >> for this couple it did work. >> it did. we are glad. now is your turn to back on one of the stories of the day. hollywood is working on a movie on the raid that killed osama bin laden and comes from peter king, a republican. he wants an investigation into whether the house gave filmmakers access to confidential information. we asked you, does hollywood -- does hollywood making a bin laden movie warrant a congressional investigation? here are some of your responses. from heather. why a congressional investigation? more money waste order something tasteless. we do not need to make bin laden more of a martyr to his followers than he already is. the less attention the better. yes, i believe it did. the bael white hou this from anthony. congress should not be worrying about anything except this economy. wasting our taxpayer dollars is why we are in this condition now. keep the comments coming. >> congressional hearing about the weather. they can have a congressional hearing about the congressional hearings. >> and they do. >> we only talk about the few of them that are, you know, newsworthy. congressional hearings all the time. what else would they do? >> subcommittee hearings in rooms that are empty. they like to hear themselves talk. just ahead, jobs are varning. markets are plunging. why are lawmakers and the president on vacation? [ man ] behind every business is a "what if." what if we designed an electric motorcycle? what if we turned trash into surfboards? whatever your what if is, the new sprint biz 360 has custom solutions to make it happen, including mobile payment processing, instant hot spots, and 4g devices like the motorola photon. so let's all keep asking the big what ifs. sprint business specialists can help you find the answers. sprint. america's favorite 4g network. trouble hearing on the phone? visit but not in my neighborhood. ♪ [ female announcer ] we're throwing away misperceptions about natural gas vehicles. more of the vehicles that fuel our lives use clean american natural gas today. it costs about 40 percent less than gasoline, so why aren't we using it even more? start a conversation about using more natural gas vehicles in your community. wall street driving us up a wall. stocks straight ahead. taking another nose dive. families scrambling to try to manage their money. do stocks have another comeback today? >> critical time for the economy. the president still sticking with plans to go on vacation. critics this morning asking where's the leadership? >> the roster is almost set. members are charged with getting us out of the ditch. is it just a smaller version of the divided congress? >> tangling 70 stories above midtown manhattan. a rescue of a man that said he would jump off the top of the rock on this "american morning." >> good morning to you. it is thursday, august 11. welcome to "american morning." >> right now the morning stock futures are painting a more positive picture after seeing red all day yesterday. by the time the closing bell rang the dow had fallen hard. >> here is your damage report. dow is down 520 points. that's more than 4.6%. the nasdaq and s&p 500 were each down more than 4%. wild swings that are dominating your dinner conversations, front pages, newscasts. >> breaking news. stock prices collapse again. the dow losing another 500-plus points. >> high anxiety. another terrible day for wall street. >> stocks and stress. another plunge and big one in the market. >> headlines continue this morning. u.s. futures are up. asian markets were down. in europe markets and uk, germany, france, in positive territory. with so much uncertainty in the markets a lot of investors feel the safest place to put their money is in gold. and as -- one point yesterday gold hit a record of $1800 an hou ounce. gold prices were higher there the 1980s. >> it is not a record high when you adjust that. lot to digest this morning. let's bring in felicia taylor who has been watch thing carefully. i know because we have been working similar hours that you have really been trying to find rationale and reason behind this. the question everybody has is when does it end? >> exact. >> i we need to find out from people who are buying and selling the stocks. why they are doing it and when they think lit stop. >> i have been talking to people around the world and asking that exact question. when is the buy-in point. they are not ready yet. there's just simply too much uncertainty. that remains in the marketplace. they are not confirmed as to when the united states is going to actually issue some kind of direction as to where we are going in this global crisis is that the -- i kept hearing yesterday that it was really because of the global markets that are -- stock market went wendt on a roller coaster ride yesterday. >> it is a global market. no question about it. we haven't seen this kind of a market really in near terms. when you hear rumors about france and possibly being downgraded, that, of course, is a concern. hate to say it but three, four years ago we wouldn't have cared about a -- >> france's credit rate. >> we wouldn't have known or cared. but we do today because what that means is that there's global contagion. we have already heard the united states has been downgraded. we never heard that -- totally unprecedented. completely unheard of. when you hear things like that and rumors back in the marketplace, people are concerned. they don't know what to do or where to go. that's why you see the tick-up in gold. what's interesting this morning is gold has flattened out. people are sitting literally on the sidelines and waiting to hear what is going to happen. so i'm heading down to the nine next just a few minutes. we will see what's happening. it is still an open outcry situation which is interesting. we will see what happens in the mark totes see if that's a statement in play. >> it is a good trading bid because like you said open outcry, you have real people making trades. you don't have to keep on guessing about the computers. >> exactly. right. >> all right. >> thank you, as always. the cries are growing loud they are morning from law makers to get back to washington and for the president to show a little more leadership. check out the op-ed page in "the wall street journal." these are difficult days for our president. buffeted by events. he looks weak, dazed and over his head. this in p "washington post." sound of confidence in obama's leadership breaking. events keep screaming the that the president is weak, weak, weak. >> compare that to events in the uk. david cameron cutting short a vacation in italy dealing with riots in london. french president sarkozy interrupting a vacation to call an emergency meeting in paris over the economic crisis. here in america, president obama is preparing to take a ten-day vacation next week in martha's vineyard after he goes on a midwest bus tour to campaign for his re-election. talked with david gergen about it last night on "a.c. 360." >> i think what americans are looking for now is seriousness in washington and, frankly, that's not going to come from some bus tour on a campaign trail for the president. i think a lot of -- growing number of people think he ought to get off the campaign trail and pull people together and see if he can't get some answer of -- bipartisan answer on jobs. >> kind of is unacceptable washington is not fully on this right now and that the president is out there giving speeches in the heartland as he plans to. this is a crisis. had had a meeting with ben bernanke today and all the white house did was release a statement to say he had a meeting with ben bernanke and that they talked about jobs and economy. everybody is talking about jobs and the economy. we need guidance and solution. we need confidence. >> just how confident are you that washington can solve these economic woes? according to a poll just out this morning, astounding three-quarters of americans are not confident that washington has the answers. >> but there is a bright spot to tell you about this morning. you can call it. four conservative democratic members of the house seem to get it. jim cooper of tennessee, mike mcintyre of north carolina, michael mcmichaud and cuella. calling on them to end the august recess and bring congress back from vacation. >> we know at least nine law makers that will be in washington next week. they have just been picked to serve on the new congressional super-committee. 12-member panel began taking shape tuesday when senate majority leader harry reid selected three democrats. yesterday on the gop side house speaker john boehner chose congressman jeb hensarling, dave camp and fed upton. jon kyl, pat cheney and rob importantman. all six of the gop choices signed a pledge not to raise taxes leaving "newsweek" and daily beast columnist skeptical about the chances of reaching a compromise on spending cuts. >> this is a profile in cynicism. it is a pathetic bid by party leaders that recycle alproblems that got us here. the people that sat down in a room trying to reach across the aisle for solutions. those gang of six members were intentionally excluded. instead of a conservative you get the club for growth like pat toomey. >> joe, with all of that out there, we really -- can we expect compromise in this group? >> you know, i don't think i have ever seen john avalon that worked up. >> stop it. >> all right. look, the first thing that's important to say is that the people who are saying nothing is going to happen here. actually have a good case to make. because we are going into an election year and there's -- you know, six and six on this committee equally between democrats and republicans which would make it hard to get a tiebreaker. now also, the -- the wings are well represented on this committee. right wing, left wing. and among the names we have seen, people like senator pat toomey, the republican out of pennsylvania, this is a guy who has been very much interested keeping taxes down and keeping government under control. when he worked, you know, at a -- think tank here in the washington, d.c., area, club for growth. senator patty murray is a democrat. she has had a lot of people going after her because she works for the -- democratic senatorial campaign committee and they are all about protecting entitlements which something else that people would want to have on the table to talk about this. yes. i mean, these are people that come from their -- party's bases on the other hand, i don't know want to paint a rosy scenario but there may be potential for compromise. john kerry, rob portman, fred upton of michigan, even maybe max baucus, the senate finance committee chairman, those are people that may be able to get a deal. >> those triggers built in, joe, triggers built in, if they don't compromise, are pretty painful. i mean, people -- >> absolutely. military seniors would feel it if these guys and -- patty murray, a woman can not figure it out. >> right. and they will look like failures, too. that's all it -- something to consider. people that are very powerful in washington, d.c. and would very much like to walk away from this looking good. although it is very hard to see how they will do that. >> joe johns, thanks so much. we will talk to pat toomey later and talk to -- i mean -- could he ever agree to raise taxes? i mean, he will say -- >> no. >> no, no, no. >> interesting thing is all six of those republicans signed a no tax pledge. >> pat toomey signed -- pat toomey didn't vote for the agreement. >> but can you get tax increases in exchange for real tax reform? and a promise to do tax reform. >> that's an interesting point. >> wrestling over what the definition is of raising taxes. really -- like -- right now, the definition is anything that would raise taxes. anything. like subsidies and anything. >> good discussion. tune in for it. we will talk to pat toomey. the other big storey we are following is british parliament holding a rare emergency session this morning to deal with the country's worst rioting in decades? massive, massive show of police force helping to restore calm in the streets of london and other cities after four days of violence and looting. drew an emotional plea from a father whose son was killed in the rioting. >> would y do we have to kill one another? what's escalating the riots? why are we doing this? i lost my son. step forward if you want to lose your sons. otherwise calm down. go home. >> very powerful. british prime minister david cameron just wrapped up and addressed parliament and said police will do whatever it takes to end the lawlessness. zero tolerance policy to lawmakers moments ago. >> keeping people safe is the first duty of government. whole country has been shocked by the most appalling scenes of people looting, violence, vandalizing and thievery. criminality, pure and simple. there is absolutely no excuse for it. >> cnn's max foster live in london for us right now. max, give us a sense from your perspective about what's happening, have things calmed down dramatically? and what we think the root cause of this rioting has been. >> certainly things have calmed down and just been -- whole load of emergency court appearances while this has been going on. fast tracking all of the offenders through the court system. certainly it calmed down on the streets. as you say, they are now analyzing what went wrong in britain this week. and the prime minister making it very clear he thinks it is not about politics. he thinks it is about culture. problem was parenting and schooling and certain areas. in the heart of all of this, he talked about gang culture being the main problem. young men from dysfunctional families. he referenced los angeles and what lessons could be learned from there. interestingly he's talking about culture here. couple of interesting decisions he decided to try to make in terms of looking tough on this. and he is saying he wants the police to have greater powers in dealing with social media. people using twitter, facebook, criminal activity. clamped down on that and police, social media, which has wide repercussi repercussions. also given the police powers to ask people to remove face masks if they are convicted and suspected, reasonable suspicion, of criminality. lot of the kids have scarves over their faces. that will cause a big debate among human rights groups in relevant tiger woods face masks. as in face veils that a lot of women wear. >> it is inning that -- cameron was very, very clear, though, he feels that this is -- i don't know, hooliganism and felt it was lawlessness. he's not giving an inch on the idea that some -- not a small percentage is due to economic concerns or -- unemployment among youth. we heard from the victim's father that sort of sent out the plea to say keep your kids off the road or you could lose them. >> yes. speaking to think tanks and youth workers say a lot of it is purely economics. what david cameron is saying that starts with schooling and parenting. letting people feel as if they have prospects and a stake in the system. he has talked in the past about sick segments on society and wants to crack down on them. that's causing some people on the left to suggest that -- actually he's not addressing the fundamental problem here. he is in the middle ground but certainly trying to tackle it head on. >> max, thanks very much. we will continue to follow the story with you. max foster in london. now is your chance to talk back on one of the stories of the day. the question this morning, does hollywood making a bin laden movie warrant a congressional investigation? the question like everything else has become a political hot potato. a sad thing since bin laden's death was so unifying. >> tonight i can report to the american people and to the world that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. >> usa! usa! >> remember that? remember how people celebrated? it was a secret mission that played out like a hollywood movie. don't you know it, a hollywood movie about it will be released in october of 2012 just ahead of the november elections. republican representative peter king is outraged. >> we are talking about revealing classified information that could put american lives at risk. what the administration has done. >> king called for a congressional investigation to find out if hollywood is getting that special access to classified information. the white house says "please." >> first of all, the claims are ridiculous. when people, including you, in this room are working on articles, books, documentaries, movies that involve the president, ask to speak to administration officials we do our best to accommodate them to make suring the facts are correct. >> it is no like the white house is giving hollywood permission to use bin laden death photos or the video of bin laden being buried at sea. for those of you keeping score at home, it has been a little over three months since bin laden was killed. come 2012 the story of that top secret mission will be opening at a theater near you. does hollywood making a bin laden movie warrant a congressional investigation?, will read your comments later this hour. >> drama at rockefeller center yesterday. a man threatened to jump from the observation deck. you see him in light blue there. there he is. even more astonishing, as he dangled 70 stories up, tourists actually took photos of him. when police finally reached the man there were a few tense moments. >> at one point he stood up and put his hands on the glass and at that point we weren't necessarily sure if he was going to push himself off or if he was going to climb over. so sean fwhent from the angle he was at and i jumped down and we were able to secure him at that point. >> he was very apologetic when we were helping him over the glass. he really stated over and over again he was sorry for taking up everybody's time. >> wow. police roped off surrounding streets. tried to keep gawkers away from the sky-high spectacle. he was taken to an area hospital for evaluation and those pictures, i'm so afraid of heights. >> i'm going to say -- >> so afraid of heights i get sick to my stock market back when i'm inside there i look down. >> did you see all the people inside the building looking out the window at this guy? some of them did have cameras. >> first trip to the big city. you will never guess what i saw in new york city. >> wow. still to come this morning, strike against verizon communications is getting ugly. thousands of workers walked off the job on sunday. now the company is accusing the union of sabotage. >> serial killer that scientists say may help save your life. the new research a lot of people are paying attention to. that's straight ahead. >> final major of the season, pga championship under way this morning at the atlanta athlettic club. the world's best players dealing with lightning, fast greens, battling stifling heat. rob marciano drew the short straw to cover this assign. >> you are right about that. third time that this event has been held here at the atlanta athletic club. there was damage to a couple of the greens. we luck l talk about that. tournament preview. your forecast in just a few minutes. a lot of times, things are right underneath our feet, and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's where the discovery comes from. yoo-hoo. hello. it's water from the drinking fountain at the mall. [ male announcer ] great tasting tap water can now come from any faucet anywhere. introducing the brita bottle with the filter inside. verizon says striking workers are taking their demonstrations too far. 45,000 verizon employees have been walking picket lines since sunday. the company is suing to stop what they claim is harassment of picketers blocking act stoes facilitieif a -- access to facilities. >> reporter: d.c. resident pill powers this morning had no cable, phone or internet service. he went outside and found a couple of verizon contractors. >> one gentleman told me that something inside of the box had definitely been sabotaged. and that's why service was lost on a great portion of this block. >> reporter: in the district of columbia, nine states more than 20 acts of vandal its until the last 48 hours. verizon, cable and telephone lines snipped, cable boxes sabotaged. this comes on the third day of a strike involving 45,000 verizon workers. workers walked off the job over health care and pensions. verizon says that it is seeking to bring benefits more in line with industry standards. the unions insisting that the company is demanding cuts, even as it rakes in billions in profits. for verizon customers needing repairs it can take hours to get someone on the phone. >> thanks for calling verizon. please be advised due to a strike you may experience significant delays in having your call answered. >> reporter: verizon stopped short of blaming the unions for the sabotage but said it is absurd to think there is not a connection. >> when you cut cables, it is not a crime against a faceless monolithic company. it is a crime against individual people. american citizens, your neighbors, hospitals, police departments. it is not a faceless act. there is a consequence for cutting cables and those consequences can be fairly severe to those that have been impacted by the cuts. >> reporter: communications workers of america and international brotherhood of electrical workers are denying their workers had anything to do with the cut lines. >> we have absolutely no information that any verizon wireless -- our members on strike are involved in any of these instances. this is more of gamemanship on verizon's part. it is a way to turn the public sentiment against the strikers. >> reporter: so far no leads in the investigation. but verizon says there was a police department in new jersey and at least one hospital where phones were impacted, not to mention many small businesses that have had phone and internet disruptions. verizon's chief security officer says sabotaging the country's communications grid is a federal offense. lisa sylvester, cnn, washington. >> let's go where the news is a bit brighter. shall we? rob marciano getting ready for the big pga tournament. the weather is very much a factor. >> it is. yesterday couldn't have been more perfect. but we are going to get back to what's par for the course down around this part of the world. in august. which means increasing levels of humidity. you see the players on the practice tee. the first tee-off times are going off now on one and ten. tiger, phil and adam scott will be some of the early morning pairings. and we will be updating you on those throughout the morning. talk about the heat first of all. across texas, across parts of mississippi. these are the record highs. the list is beginning to shrink. that's the good news. as are the number of advisories out for this part of the world. 105 in midland. 102 for a high in vicksburg. dallas continues 100-plus days and continuing. pleasant across the northeast. surface map, that's why we have dry conditions here as far south as atlanta yesterday. cool front came through. humidity levels will be on the rise as we go on through time. i mentioned earlier were in the broadcast we did have -- damages to greens 14 and 17. the course superintendent told me that's -- because of some judgment in dew points. unusual weather yesterday. we had low levels of humidity. dew points will rise and fall at night. the dew point to jump back to normal in a two, three-hour period, that can cause some of the equipment to malfunction. the greens have been repaired. and i will go out and have a look at that firsthand in a couple of hours. you can have a look firsthand as well on tnt, our sister network. coverage begins today 1:00 to 7:00 p.m. tomorrow as well. if you want to catch marquee pairings including tiger, phil, adam scott, you can go to and they will be covering those on the internet also. >> the weather is unbearable but it is beautiful. >> bernie madoff's pants as ipad covers. >> nine of the 12 members of the new congressional super-committee have been selected. who are these people? can they possibly agree to compromise on $1.5 trillion in spending cuts. what some of the people have never agreed to compromise on some of these your use before. 24 minutes after the hour. we all have internal plumbing. but for some of us with overactive bladder, our pipes just don't work as well as they should. sometimes, i worry my pipes might leak. but i learned there's something more i can do. now, i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. so why wait ? ask your doctor today... ... about taking care with vesicare. minding your business this morning. it has been a roller coaster week on wall street. cliche certainly holds here. markets closed sharply lower yesterday. the dow and s&p 500 both dropped about 4.5%. nasdaq fell about 4%. stocks tanked in part over renewed concerns europe's debt crisis is spreading. this time to france. president sarkozy came off his vacation and called an emergency meet being the country's budget and finances yesterday. markets took a hit sparked by concern it is country perhaps could lose its aaa rating due to its credit problems. france has the second largest economy in europe. fears over france's economy seem to have subdued this morning. european storms are up and investors still vigilant. sentiment fragile. we cannot say that enough. right now u.s. stock futures trading higher ahead of the opening bell in the u.s. investors bracing for another choppy session today. wall street awaiting inform the week will you jobless claims report this morning. that comes out in about an hour from now. economists surveyed by expect about 409,000 unemployment claims filed the last time last week. slightly more than the week before. if you are in the market for a new ipad cover what about bernie madoff's drawers? the frederick james company is selling ipad covers made from the ponzi schemer's pants which were sold at auction last year. one of the bargain deals four covers for madoff's khakis, about 250 bucks. certificate of authenticity is available upon request. proceeds go to the victims. for the latest news about your money check out the all new american money. from neutrogena® naturals. developed with dermatologists... it's clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt and toxins and purify pores. and with natural willowbark it contains no dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. dirt and toxins do a vanishing act and my skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser ♪ ♪ when you're resonsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. ♪ what's so super about it anyway? before the roster is even complete, critics say it is a smaller version of a dysfunctional correct me if i am wrong. on this "american morning." with all that's happening in washington and still a good morning. thursday, august 11. welcome back to "american morning." >> a lot going on this morning. top stories. another day and another market roller coaster. a cliche roller coaster's wild ride. it certainly holds. wild swings back into the red with a 5 20b-point drop for the dow. european markets are in positive territory. asian markets down slightly overnight. u.s. stock futures are higher. nine down and three to go. republicans have chosen their team for the bipartisan super-chiti to tackle the deficit. it includes congressman jeff hensarling of texas, fred upton of michigan. on the senate side jon kyl of arizona, pat toomey of pennsylvania, and rob portman of ohio. constituent wailing for three house democrats to join. british prime minister cameron telling an emergency session of parliament keeping people safe is his top priority and will not put up with the violent disorder that rocked britain for days. the streets of london and other cities were relatively quiet overnight. after more than 1300 arrests were made. a killer inside your body. one that you want, in fact, because it can seek out and destroy deadly tumors. rae searchers are on to something that could change the fight against cancer in a very significant way. our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen is here to explain how this all works. good morning, elizabeth. what is this? >> good morning. as you said this is really potentially very exciting. let me tell what you the researchers did. they took three people with leukemia and these were people who had chemotherapy and the cancer had come back. the only option was a bone marrow transplant that could kill them and not do anything for their cancer. the doctor said -- can we pick a different way to do this? they took the patient's own cells and turned them into assassins. genetically modified the cells and imagine a bunch of cells running around with little machine guns going to kill the cancer cells. it appears to have worked. they had a very big -- gave it to the patients. within a couple of weeks they saw that it was working against their cancer. and right now at least two of those three are in remission. this is, you know, really exciting finding being published. >> what is the -- we always ask you, what's the likelihood of this going forward? if it were to be proved to work, when might somebody be able to use this? >> right. this is just three patients. that's the really -- very small. and we don't know if it is going to work important more patients, between don't know if it will work for people with other kinds of cancer. and they have been -- you know, they have seen that they have gotten better and it has been about a year. it is possible that the cancer could come back because of the way it did before. there's lots of caution here. this seems to be at least in some ways proof of principle that this technique could work possibly for other people. >> fascinating if it turns out to be successful. that would be quite a breakthrough. great to see you. >> thanks. nine of the 12 members of the new congressional super-committee have been selected. a lot of people are already skeptical about the committee's chances of reaching a compromise deal on the spending cuts. let's bring in our cnn contributor ask resident independent john avalon, columnist with "newsweek" and daily beast. joining us live from washington, ron brownstein, se"national journal." welcome to you both. >> good morning. >> super-committee is coming together. we have all the republicans named now. every single one of them signed governor grover's tax pledge, no new taxes under any circumstances. so when you look at the makeup of this committee -- i'm not just singling out republicans here, because there are democrats on the extremes that what -- no cuts to entitlements. as you look at this committee, super-committee, i know nancy pelosi has yet to name her selections, he is ready to explode already. i can tell by your face. go ahead and explode. >> look, insanity, defernition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. that's why what we see from the committee selections. selection process by the party leaders because the s&p downgrade, specifically cited brinkmanship. the only way goat past that is through bipartisan compromise. two independent groups got together to pose debt reform over the past year. bull simpson connection and gang of six. gang of six members were all systematically excluded from this commission. the only members of the bull simpson commission appointed voted against it. that's an incredibly cynical move by the party leadership and sets up a committee to fail. we all need to succeed. >> do you have a -- at least a bit of a brighter outlook on this? there are some lawmakers, according to the committee, rob portman, a republican, he is known to compromise a bit. john kerry, also known to compromise. >> the omission of the gang of six is a conspicuous signal here that they did not pick anyone -- either senate leader picked anyone that's affirmtily known for challenging their party on these issues. on the other hand, the signal signal here, you have members that in various ways have shown willingness to work with the other party. fred upton, chair of the energy and commerce committee, republican, has been moderate. you can see moderate in the past. rob portman has been seen as someone that worked with republicans. max baucus. he did vote against the bulls proposal did engage in extensive negotiations on health care. john kerry worked with republicans on environmental issues. even jon kyl who is close to the leadership needs some effort with democrats on immigration in 2007. he was in the central position there. you do have people who have some history there. i would say that this is -- dynamic today is exactly as john said where you would not point to this committee and say they are being positioned towards success. political dynamics may change between now and november. you have people who have shown some flexibility and ability to change -- move with those changing values. >> wait a minute. nancy pelosi has yet to announce her picks. i don't even know what i want to ask. john, i will ask you. is there hope that her appointments will be sort of a compromise? will they be willing to compromise? >> you always hope for the best. prepare for the worst. nancy pelosi has already said she wants to appoint people that will oppose entitlement reforms because that will get in the way of her election strategy. you have a special committee that's been formed because congress couldn't come to an agreement. grand bargain on the real issues that matter. tax reform, entitlement reform. both parties are position for 2012 and want to run against those things. this is what we need to put our nation back into sound fiscal footing. is a large plan that can reduce long-term deficit and debt and this committee -- 78% of americans in the poll said they were frustrated with the way our political system the working. this process is now exhibit a for the dysfunction in washington, d.c. >> something else, of course, people are frustrated about. ron, i will ask you this. they want congress to cut come back from break and get to work and try to do something about this economic mess we are in. i mean, aren't lawmakers hearing their pleas? don't they care? >> well, i don't know. i mean, i think, look, specifically on this super committee which is a great opportunity to deal with the long-term issue because of the special rules set up around it to give proposals, expedited consideration, this will take a while. not something you can bake overnight. i don't think there is much to be served by bringing them back here in august to bang heads against each other. the real issue to me on all of these questions, both deficit and the -- whether we have some further efforts to stimulate the economy is whether outside forces ultimately change the internal calculations that as we see are what cynical and in the appointments to this committee. you are looking at abysmal poll numbers for the congress and institutions in general and the president. you have the risk that not -- other rating agencies will follow s&p and downgrade u.s. debt if this committee goes off the rails. you have the verdict of the stock markets rendering every day on the status of the american economy. all of those things inspire to put more pressure on the committee to do more than seems possible today by the time they get ready -- >> you see the stock market like -- acted like a roller coaster and freaking everybody out. >> this is the larger issue. it used to be -- we could depend on a cries toys unite our politicians to do the right thing. now we have the political crisis which created a real fiscal crisis and still can't get them on the same page to say let's put forward the members that have shown a record of being able to reason together. rescue for failure and need this to succeed. >> i will end with this. howard kurtz says now that the super-committee has been picked shouldn't the rest of congress go home for the year? what do they have to do anyway? ron, you wonder what are they going to do. it is up to is super-committee. >> you do feel given where the president is, it is hard to imagine he's not going to come back this fall with some more ambitious ideas on a spurring the economy than he put forward so far. i think the republicans probably will want to match him. it is funny. you may see the super-committee going down one track of long-term deficit reduction. yet, the administration and congress moving towards a stimulus plan that would have a short-term deficit empact impace other direction. it may be that it is quiet the rest of the way. when you look at the numbers both sides are facing at this point, that would be a strong political bet that hold your hand where you are now. given the enormous anxiety. historic anxiety we are seeing among the public. >> we have to end it there. it has been quite entertaining. passionate. i love that. thank you so much. we will be joined by one of the new committee members, republican senator pat toomey of pennsylvania. we will see if he agrees with you two. that comes your way in the 8:00 hour of "american morning." >> great, great conversation. i have to say, you know, i think these two guys are some of the smartest. think there's something to be said about congress to come back. we proved with this debt debate, carol, that they won't do anything ahead of time. they can't get things done in a timely manner. i know you and i have not been on the same side of this issue. i have come entirely over to your side on this. i think they need to get back and get work done. >> i think congress should come back as -- as a symbol if nothing else. the president, on the other hand, everybody is saying where is the president? the president can't do anything without congress. >> for the time being he has been there. whether he should be campaigning next week is another story or going on vacation after that. great conversation. thank you. still to come, drinking water growing scarce in parts of texas. there is a solution a local rev locals finding the solution hard to swallow. at exxon and mobil, we engineer smart gasoline that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil. ♪ let me make you smile ♪ let me do a few tricks ♪ some old and then some new tricks ♪ ♪ i'm very versatile ♪ so let me entertain you ♪ and we'll have a real good time ♪ [ male announcer ] with beats audio and flash, you can experience richer music and download movies straight to the new hp touchpad with webos. thanks. >> welcome back to "american morning." jerry rigged bomb tied to a gas line, the fbi, bomb squad actually used a water cannon to take the device out before it explodes. it had a windup clock with proceed camplain and bla-- prop and black powder. >> the news corp. phone hacking scandal grows. investigators looking into possible misconduct. staff at the newspaper are accused of hacking into thousands of people's voice mails including politicians, celebrities, and terror victims. right now parts of texas are running dry. reservoirs are vanishing and drinking water is growing scarce. the situation is desperate. there may absolution. one that many texans are finding hard to stomach. here is ed lavandara. >> in this withering west texas patch, oil still flows. problem is you can't drink water. finding water is getting tougher. which brings us to the town of v big spring. it was a popular watering hole for settlers heading west. those days are long gone. you won't believe what people are having to do to find drinking water. crews are now building a $13 million water treatment plan that will turn sewage waste water into drinking water by the end of next year. treated raw sewage water, lake water and treated again three times in all. >> i will never drink it. >> reporter: the idea still doesn't taste right to a lot of people. >> that's not a good idea at all. no. if they do we are going to have to leave town. >> reporter: really? >> yeah. yeah. that's too much. >> reporter: are you the salesman for this plan? >> somebody has to be. >> reporter: john grant direct it is colorado river municipal water district. it is his job to find drinking water for half a million people around midland, odessa. he has to get people past one big hurdle. when you hear people say these people will be drinking their own urine. >> there was a fellow in midland i heard make a comment that said at least he gets to drink his beer twice now. >> reporter: this part of west texas has only seen about three inches of rain in the last year. drought is drying out the of reservoirs. it is the only source of drinking water for the nearby town of robert lee. problem is that there is less than 1% of the water left. robert lee mayor jacobs says the water situation is so dire that his town would run out of water in six months. emergency pipeline is in the works. but he thinks that turning waste water into drinking water is the future. on the surface of it, that doesn't sound appealing, does it? >> not appealing. then again going thirsty isn't either. >> this is the water we will be picking up and taking it back through the new water treatment plant we are building. >> reporter: this new water treatment plant will provide 2 million gallons of water every day. actually, john grant predicts people will like it. you are saying this process is -- could make it taste better. >> it could. as good a quality water. >> reporter: he says he will be the first in line to pour himself a glass. ed lavandara, cnn, big springs, texas. still to come on "american morning," sarah palin taking her bus tour to iowa. some republicans aren't too thrilled. the raid that killed osama bin laden guess hollywood. not everybody is thrilled about the movie. what do you think? we will have your responses. 48 minutes past the hour. can i have some ice cream, please ? no, it's just for new people. hey ! chocolate, vanilla or strawberry ? chocolate ! chocolate it is ! yeah, but i'm new, too. umm... he's new... er... than you. even kids know it's wrong to treat new friends better than old friends. at ally bank, we treat all our customers fairly, with no teaser rates and no minimum deposit to open. it's just the right thing to do. [ martin luther king jr. ] i still have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream today! [ male announcer ] chevrolet is honored to celebrate the unveiling of the washington, d.c., martin luther king jr. memorial. take your seat at the table on august 28th. almost 52 minutes after the hour. here is what you need to know to start your day. u.s. stock futures slightly lower this morning. had been up all morning. markets in europe are down. this all coming one day after the dow sank more than 4.5%. lebanon one person killed. according to officials there the explosive device placed outside a car belonging to jauj's son. sarah palin heading back to iowa and announcie ining she is taking her bus tour to the state fair. more than half of americans say they aren't prepared for a minor emergency. 64% say they would not have enough money to come up with a thousand dollars in a pinch. in october the statue of liberties crown will be shut down for at least a year. more than 27 million will be spent to make the monument safer and more accessible. ashton kutcher the highest sitcom actor on tv. he earns far less than the $1.2 million charlie sheen made while he was on the show "two and a half men." "american morning" is back in 60 seconds. ♪ welcome back. your turn to talk back at the big story of the day. hollywood is working on the movie about the raid that killed osama bin laden. congressman peter king, a republican, wants a congressional investigation into whether the white house gave filmmakers access to confidential information. so we ask you this question. here are some of your responses. this from david. no! there no sno reason to waste the money. if congress wants to cut the debt they should start with politically motivated investigations. jay says it depends on whether or not hollywood is using classified information that can put americans lives in danger. debbie do we need a bin laden movie? probably not but don't need an investigation of it either. if representative king wants to investigate something maybe he can find out where all of the jobs went. that's a good one! most people responding this morning saying come on, a congressional investigation? get real! >> why is washington in the business of deciding what people see as entertainment? that is a little more worrying to me peter king minds a lot of people's business. >> i think this is a lot about quality control. think about how the white house was involved in the elvis movies in hawaii and stuff. they had to make sure there was no classified information coming out of those movies! remember the old elvis military movies? >> i was trying to forget them actually. keep your comments coming. our producer has told us the stock is lowering. top stories after the break. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. new splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. new splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. but not in my neighborhood. ♪ [ female announcer ] we're throwing away misperceptions about natural gas vehicles. more of the vehicles that fuel our lives use clean american natural gas today. it costs about 40 percent less than gasoline, so why aren't we using it even more? start a conversation about using more natural gas vehicles in your community. yeah. 24 bucks later. that hurts. it's not like i really had a choice. snack on this. progressive's "name your price" tool showed me a range of coverages and i picked the one that worked for me. i saved hundreds. wow, that's dinner and a movie. [ dramatic soundtrack plays ] this picture stars you and savings. but mostly savings. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. could the market bounce back? i'm christine romans. u.s. stock futures now down sharply after 500-point drop yesterday. just turned lower. we when will this wild ride on wall street end? if you have money in the market should you ride it out? nine down and three to go. i'm carol costello. congressional super committee is nearly in place but will they be able to compromise on spending cuts? right now, confidence is low. we will ask one of the republicans who is iting on the panel how a deal could possibly get done. >>ism ali velshi. the fastest plane ever built capable of flying from new york to los angeles in 12 minutes! the last time the pentagon tested it, it crashed into the ocean. now they are ready to give it another go on this "american morning." ♪ ♪ >> i can't get coffee in 12 minutes. good morning. thursday, august 11th. welcome to "american morning." stock futures have just turned lower down more than a hundred points. who knows what that means for the day, though. >> they could shoot up again. >> volatility is kind of the word of the day. >> exactly. the "v" word. in 90 minutes millions of us will be looking at the big board on wall street and wondering which direction the numbers will move in today. >> futures have been all over the place this morning. as they have. this is not uncommon these days. they have up, down. after the dow dropped 520 points yesterday, 4.5%. this time the drop fueled by fears that france is on the verge of a credit downgrade. >> a check now on how the markets are doing overseas. nina, good morning. is this the same old fear and volatility? >> reporte >> reporter: the one thing is certain you can't second-guess the markets. what we are seeing a number of these markets start the day with single digit percentage gains but up about 2% to 3% and only manage to hold on to the gains for about three hours. only took us 3 1/2 hours for the markets to sharply turn red. the ninth straight day we see sfoks flirt with gains and quickly surrender the gains to losses. we currently got cat 40 down. you were saying, ali, france is the next country everybody is worried about. it's one of 15 countries around the world which still envoys that coveted aaa status but what has economists worried is hits high debt to gdp and deficit which is double the euro zone targets 7% that is why people are worried. france has got its growth figures out just tomorrow and we will be keeping eyes on that. >> we saw what italy did to our markets. france is a substantially bigger economy than italy is. nina dos santos in rome, thank you. >> let's talk politics now. >> bright spot is there, carol. we can't watch wall street, let's go to washington. >> we have to talk about this! up to nancy pelosi to fill the final three seats of the super committee. she has until tuesday to do it. >> she seems to be dragging her feet on this a little bit. i think she wants to make a solid decision. reid and mcconnell and boehner have already made their decisions. >> joe johns is joining us live from washington. who is she considering and how do you make sure it's not a shrunken version of dysfunctional congress? >> reporter: i don't think you can do that. look. pelosi has actually been quoted as saying she doesn't intend to draw lines in the sand with her picks, but that was before the other super committee members were named. she still keeping people guessing. no clue on who she's thinking about. you know, the political pressures on nancy pelosi inside the congress are a little different than some of the other leaders. there's a bit of a buzz going around capitol hill pointing out underrepresentation of women and minorities on the super committee. so far, right now, one woman, no minority member. but the biggest question really is who among democrats in the house would actually want this job going into an election year? because it creates really headaches for people, say, liberal democrats, people who want to hold the line against entitlement cuts and a lot of people saying needs to be on the table. pelosi's office tells us they do have plenty of of people who want the job and, like you said, she has until tuesday. as far as compromise goes, you know, a handful of deal makers, we know all that. is this going to be just another representation of the dysfunctional congress? so far, it has been just a little bit of everything and, you know, it's kind of stacked against them, but as we have said earlier on this program today, there are reasons why, including the so-called triggers that are incentives for them to get a deal so we will see. >> joe johns, thanks. you heard that there. can they compromise? it's 1.5 trillion dollar question. it's a bigger question if we don't get our act together because people are losing an awful lot of money and it's nerve wracking. >> we think what we are losing with cuts and losses for the people. >> losses for people who make 200,000 or more are much greater because they are more invested in the market. >> the wealthier in the country tend to be more invested. >> i'm sorry. >> killed on wall street. >> they can afford to lose more than the rest of us, right? >> our next guest might take issue with that. republican senator pat toomey of pennsylvania is one of the senators sitting on the super committee and joins us live. thank you for being on the show with us. >> thanks for having me. gom. >> senator, you come by your disdain for increased taxes very honestly. you have been doing this for years. >> yeah. >> you're not pandering to a particular constituency on it which on one level pleases us because that means you're going to come by it honestly. but we need compromise on here. are you guy that can compromise that might compromise tax increases? can bring yourself to do that? i mean in that a good way. >> i understand. i think there should be two big guiding principles. i hope for all of us, certainly for me, one is that we absolutely got to do something meaningful to reduce our deficits. whatever we do has to be constructive for the economy. it has to help to create an environment for greater economic growth because we badly need the kr job creation that only comes with growth. a big tax increase does not come with growth. is it outrageous when a huge american corporation doesn't pay any income taxes? yes, it is. i think there are a lot of opportunities to compromise without having some kind of economically crushing tax increase. >> senator, this committee doesn't have much time to completely reform the tax code. >> right. >> the loopholes for corporations and the like. you're going to have to decide in short order how to come up with a trillion and a half dollars. would you agree to tax increases of some sort in that plan, in that package if you are assured later on tax reform is something this congress is going to start to handle? >> look. i think we need to deal with the tax reform that we can in this package. now, it's going to be difficult, you're right. we are under a compressed time frame. i think it's likely that what we are going to do as a committee is look at other ideas that have already been floated, ideas that have been vetted, ideas that are thoughtful and constructive and have some broad political support, rather than, you know, reinventing wheels in a short period of time, i think we are going to look to some good work that has been done and there has been some very good bipartisan work on tax reform as well as entitlement reform and spending reduction. a lot out there. we have to pull it together. >> are you referring to the bowles-simpson report something you might turn to? >> personally, i think we ought to take a look at the ideas in that because there were some constructive ideas. if you look what their main focus was on the tax side, for instance, it was mostly about getting rid of some of the really egregious deductions and loopholes and carveouts and lowering marginal rates. that is pro growth if you do that sort of thing. there are other groups out there. >> a lot of people ask about the mortgage interest reduction. should that be on the table? >> i'm not going to draw lines in the sand here and have negotiations on a tv show. with all due respect, i think this is something the committee needs to address. my point simply is that some very good and constructive and thoughtful work has been done. there are well vetted ideas. part of our responsibility, i think, is to look at these ideas and consider whether they should be part of a final package. >> senator, with all due respect, back to you, some of us think the negotiations on tv might be more successful than the ones in congress. how do we make sure the 12 of you are not a miniversion of the gridlock we saw? i don't think anybody wants to see a repeat of what we just went through. >> all right. that's a fair question. i've been very critical of the lack of productivity in the senate and the fact the senate has ro -- one of the things going for us in this committee is a process that requires an up and down vote on our product. that is unprecedented. no other committee has that opportunity. so if we can reach a majority in the committee, the house has to vote on our bill without amendment, without delay. the senate has to take up our bill and a simple majority have to vote it up and down. there is no filibuster opportunity. the leadership can't block it. we have actually a lot of pressure on us to come up with some kind of an agreement that will be constructive and congress has to vote up or down on it. frankly, if we pass it in both houses of the congress, i think the president will sign it. so i think we will feel a lot of pressure to get something done. >> the irs has released its numbers for 2009 that show just 3% of taxpayers who make more than $200,000 a year and only 0.2% make more than $1 million a year. the whole idea is if you raise taxes on the richest part our society, it would not affect 97% of people. do you think that we need to be talking about -- or are we being honest about how many people are affected by tax increases for wealthy americans? >> we should be honest about every aspect of this debate but we also should be honest about the fact of raising marginal tax rates are counterproductive to tax growth. it sdourgs investment and risk taking and job creation. it's a tax that will land heavily on small business. i think we ought to be, you know, honest will all aspects of this discussion. >> so let me ask you this. >> guiding ideas ought to be deficit reduck shawn is pro growth. >> good point but we haven't seen a tax increase in a long time. >> cutting taxes for ten years. >> we haven't seen the job creation. >> right. >> where is the the evidence not cutting taxes creates jobs? we haven't seen it. >> let's remember after cutting taxes in 2003 we had a tremendous job creation. unemployment rate dropped below 5% and recently as 2007 our federal deficit under the current tax regime was only 1.2% of gdp, a tiny fraction of where it is now. look. i think a lot can be done to improve the tax code and make it more sensible and more fair and lower marginal rates and if we do that we will have stronger growth and more revenue as a result. i think we have to focus on deficit reduction that is -- >> how much pressure do you feel from wall street the fact that so many people who have been looking for guidance from washington are getting killed in their 401(k)s and i.r.a.s this year? >> i don't feel any pressure from wall street. i feel it from main street, feel it from my constituents i meet in pennsylvania every day. they want us to make progress and get ourselves on a fiscal path. we have very weak economic data. i think we are overregulated in many respects so a lot of things need to be addressed but an important piece of this is our looming deficits and people i talk to in pennsylvania want us to address that. >> senator pat toomey, good to talk to you. he is a republican and member of the super committee and have a busy few months. >> senator, do you think that congress should come back from its recess? >> you know, i wouldn't oppose that. you know, there's a lot of things we should have been doing all along, starting with having a budget resolution, but absence of a budget resolution has all kinds of negative consequences. there are things that we should have done a long time ago in expanding, ratifying the trade gremts and expand export opportunities. i think we should have a moratorium on new regulations so small businesses can thrive. there's a lot of things we could do on the tax front. we have a big spending bill we have to take up. some of this should have been done before now. i don't know why it's taken as long as it has. and the committee, i can say, i can tell you will be doing work during the month of august certainly by phone, probably in person. so there will be a lot that is getting done. >> so just to make it clear. you i think your fellow lawmakers should cut short their recess and come on back to washington? >> if we have a pro growth to pass i would be in favor of that. unfortunately we have a majority leader in the senate didn't want to up a budget. if we can't do anything constructive, there is not much point. >> interesting. everyone has a different -- i have a constructive -- of the agenda but he would think that was -- do you know what i mean? it's all in eye of the beholder. >> senator, it was very interesting. thank you. now is your chance to talk back on another story of the day. does hollywood making a bin laden movie warranty a congressional investigation? the question like everything else has become a political hot potato. a sad thing since osama bin laden's death was so unifying. >> tonight, i can report to the american people and to the world that the united states has conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. >> remember how we all felt back then? remember how people celebrated? it was a secret mission that played out like a hollywood movie and don't you know it? a hollywood movie will be release in october 2012 ahead of the november elections. republican congressman peter king is outraged. >> we are talking about revealing classified information that could be put american lives at risk. >> he is calling for an congressional investigation to find out if hollywood is getting special access to white house information. the white house says, please! >> first of all, the claims are ridiculous! when people, including you in this room, are working on articles, books, documentaries or movies that involve the president, ask to speak to administration officials, we do our best to accommodate them to make sure the facts are correct. >> it's not like the white house is giving hollywood permission to use the bin laden death fots or him being buried at sea. only three months since bin laden was killed. come 2012 the story of that top secret mission will be opening at a theater near you. so the talk back question this morning. does hollywood making a bin laden movie warrant a degree of medical investigation? we will read your responses later this hour. >> i said would be curious if congressman peter king thinks something has been leaked. why not tell us? congressman king, usually he is watching. why hasn't he called? call into the show. he has got the number. >> i think they did a tough interview with him yesterday and i think maybe he is recovering. up next, wedding bells for bert and ernie? new push on facebook for same-sex marriage on "sesame street." >> what and who is behind the perfect storm traffic nightmare today in the big apple? it's the fastest airplane in the entire world. how fast is it? well, no one can hear you scream when you're going mach 20. who owns this beauty? it's 15 minutes part the hour. [ man ] they said i couldn't win a fight. but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos. of these abandoned racetracks in america today. automotive performance is gone. and all we have left are fallen leaves and broken dreams and -- oh. wait a second. that is a dodge durango. looks like american performance is doing just fine. ♪ carry on. ♪ it is 69 degrees. what a beautiful walk into work i had this morning. >> i know. >> it was like a spring day. only going to get up to a high of 84 and good, a good i day to walk around new york. this next story show why so many people in america say new york city is a big place to visit but i wouldn't want to live there. >> before we get to that, peter king, we have to be fair. he said he was calling for a congressional investigation. he is actually calling on the cia and the department of defense inspector general to conduct an investigation into this movie about osama bin laden but he is still calling for a federal investigation of this movie so keep those responses coming. >> criminal investigation of a different type. let's talk about traffic here. >> they call it a perfect storm. about to bring new york city to a standstill. the city has several event that will cause major gridlock. the funeral today for hugh kerry with both celebrities and dignitaries on the invite list. yankees and mets both home games scheduled this afternoon and president obama arrives for a quick visit downtown. experts say nonstop gridlock from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. tonight. >> interesting. people not from new york say it's always traffic in here. compared to l.a. this plays moofs effe moves effectively. >> it's still pretty awful. a drama playing out at the top of new york's rockefeller center yesterday. a man threatened to jump from the observation desk. he is in light blue. he dangled 70 stories up. tourists were taking pictures of him. when police finally reached the man there were a few tense moments. >> at one point, he stood up and he put his hands on the glass. at that point we weren't sure if he was going to push himself off or if he was going to climb over. sean went in from the angle he was at and i jumped down and we were able to secure him at that point. >> he was apolicy jettic. he stated he was sorry for taking up even's time. >> wow. just looking at the guy perched up there, i am so afraid of heights. i'm sure many of you are watching this going, no way would i sit up there. police roped off the surrounding streets and tried to keep the gawkers away from the spectacle. the man you see there in the light blue was taken on to an area hospital for observation. >> it's built so you can't get over that glass. interesting. a police chase in washington state. i can't get enough of this. probably didn't even reach 10 miles an hour but the suspect you would not want to mess with him. >> there's a bowl! run! you might want to run! it's coming this way, partner! run! >> i'm not quite sure what the police thought the sirens were going to do but i think clearing people out of the way. a couple thousand pounds of bull was difficult to catch. he eluded police for about half an hour. he charged into a couple of folks unlucky enough to be on the road and then called in the cowboys and able to lasso the big guy from the hood of a patrol car. >> they were riding a different kind of steed. take a look at this falcon made by the military. the military plans to test it out by launching it on a rocket this morning in california. it can travel at speeds up to 13,000 miles per hour. that is 20 times the speed of sound. so what does that mean in terms that we can actually grasp? how about flying from new york to los angeles in 12 minutes? you can track today's test flight on twitter at darp, under score, news. >> they are always bickering. you know who we are talking about. is it time to ernie and bert to come out of the closet and get married? a facebook campaign under way urging "sesame street" producers to allow the two pup it's to exchange wedding vows and asking for a transgender character to be added to the children's show. organizers say put an end to the bullying of lesbian/gay kids. no response from the show's producers or ernie and bert. markets looking for a rebound this morning. we are checking out futures. which have been all over the place this morning. how much cash do you have on hand if an emergency strikes? we are "minding your business" next. 23 minutes after the hour. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! 27 minutes after the hour. "minding your business." right now u.s. stock feature futures for the dow and nasdaq and s&p 500 trading lower before the opening bell. wall street is waiteding for weekly jobless claims report that comes out in about three minutes. double dip recession fears are rising. new survey of economists by cnn/ says 25% chance the economy will dive into another recession. that is a jump from 15% chance just three months ago. economists say the rising risk is due, in part, to huge slides in the stock market and the s&p downgrade of the u.s. credit rating. could you pay for the unexpected if it happened? a new survey says most americans can't afford $1,000 emergency. same survey found that only 36% would tap into their savings for an emergency. the rest would opt to borrow money or put it on their credit cards. if you're thinking about buying a new car you might want to wait a little bit longer. analysts are saying car buying incentives this ball will be better than usual. japanese automakers are expected to up their incentives to offset their loss of market share which was caused by the tsunami and earthquake in japan. coming up next, he got out of the projects and graduated with honors from yale but instead of cashing in on her success this young lady is going back to the projects. it's a must-see story. truly inspirational. "american morning" is back after the break. taking a look at our states in crisis now. rhode island a bitter dispute that led to nearly 2,000 teachers being fired. it's been revolved now. the providence teachers union approved a new collective bargaining agreement yesterday, a deal now would rehire all of the fired teachers and save the city millions of dollars. union members overwhelmingly agreed to concessions in exchange for those jobs. >> interesting. speaking of teachers. one woman from the projects went on to become an ivy league success. she could have gone anywhere after graduation. >> but she same home and now teaching kids in her old neighborhood a valuable lesson. here is ted rowlands. >> remember when we moved to the carpet? we sit in rows. >> reporter: it's hard to understand for some why 22-year-old tamika bethel came back to the south side of chicago to teach third grade. >> a lot of people have asked me why didn't i go to medical school or why candidate didn't i go to law school or why am i not on wall street making a lot of money. >> reporter: she graduated from honors from yale but instead of cashing in, she is giving back. tamika joined teach for america, a program that recruits college grads to teach in underserved school districts. >> she is going to be an incredibly persuasive role model for her students. her students are going to look at her, they are going to identify with who she is, who she has become and they are going to be very inspired by that. >> do you have a question? ? >> reporter: tamika grew up in a housing projects where kids often ended up going to jail rather than college. tamika's mother was a drug addict to her grandmother raised all four kids. >> it was you need to be in bed to sleep at this time. you need to be up getting ready for school at this time. she had the schedule when four of us take showers and when homework needed to be done and what chores to do. >> reporter: she won a scholarship to attend parker high school, a private school in high priced lincoln park. it took 90 minutes, two buses, and a train one way to get there. for four years, tamika traveled back and forth between these two opposite worlds. getting straight a's. >> i walked right to the bus stop and back to my house every day. >> reporter: the public housing project where tamika grew up is now in an open field that fenced off and demolished by the city of chicago along with other projects in an evident to make the city safer. >> we did not go outside. we didn't do the things that other kids did. an that was my grandmother's way of keeping us safe. >> reporter: her grandmother mary still lives in public housing. >> she rans you ran a pretty tight ship. >> you got that right. you got to get a good education. finish from grade school to high school to college. otherwise, grandma got to take care of you. >> reporter: tamika is hoping someday she will be able to take care of grandma. >> my family is very low income. it's been that way my entire life. my family still lives in public housing. that's a daily struggle for me to think that i could be somewhere making a lot of money, to help move us out of that, but that's just not my calling. that's not what i'm meant to do right now. i belong here. >> reporter: ted rowlands, cnn, chicago. >> there is that choice between changing the lives of all of those kids or changing her family. >> right. >> that is interesting. >> very good people in the world. >> yeah. coming up next, the heat in georgia will be a factor in the pga championship today, but will it affect tiger woods? tiger remains the center of the golf universe. ian baker-finch joins us live next. 35 minutes past the hour. ♪ good morning. atlanta, georgia, partly cloudy right now. 79 degrees but headed for a high of 94. very steamy for the golfers just outside of town today. >> that's right. tiger woods just teed off. he is joining the top players of the world at the golf's final major of the season. the pga championship at the atlanta athletic club. tiger looking for his first major title since the 2008 u.s. open. >> 91 of the top players in the world are competing for the pga's wannamaker trophy and they just started. >> they actually did! ian baker-finch is good enough to join us. he is an analyst with cbs and understands what it takes to win the major. he captured the british open 20 years ago. thank you for being with "american morning" this morning. >> great to be with you. i hope you're enjoying the pga championship here from hot latna! >> you're not kidding. tiger woods is coming back after a knee injury. he didn't do so great at the tournament in akron, let's face it. do you think he'll be back on track today? >> i wouldn't be surprised if tiger competed today and then ongoing through the weekend. i doubt that he has the game with him to win. typically, to win a major championship you have to bring your a-game with you and you have to be confident and prepared and ready to go and tiger can't possibly be prepared. he still got to be rusty after that 12-week layoff. >> you're talking about the 12-week layoff and people keep talking about his knee injury and the physical things they are trying to measure about his performance but what about the mental, mental step? this is such a mental game. he has had a horrible couple of years of his own making. i mean, the people want to see him come back, i mean, really? is that just fantasy? >> i think he will come back. he will never be as formidable, as dominating as he was in the past you know, three, four, five years ago, because the young guys coming through have grown up, you know, idolizing tiger and trying to perform like tiger, but they haven't had a chance to compete against him or being beaten into the ground like the older guys have. the young guys have looked up to him for a long time but they are going to come and beat tiger and tiger doesn't have that 15th club in his bag any more of knowing that the other guys know he is better than them. so i do believe he'll come back and start winning again but i don't think he will be the force that he was for that decade. >> you talk about these young phenoms. who is your favorite in the pga tournament? is it rory mcilroy? >> rory mcilroy is by far the best. he really has laid it out there, hasn't he? winning the u.s. open by so many strokes back in congressional in june. the best young american. the guy that all of the youngsters guys go out and watch is ricky fowler but yet to win on the big stage yet so people are unsure about ricky fowler. right now, we have 25 guys under the age of 25 that are capable of winning major championships and certainly a bunch of them have already won this year on the pga tour. so it's an exciting time for golf. >> yes, it is. an exciting tournament as well. thank you so much for joining us this morning ian baker-finch. we enjoyed it. >> thank you. >> you can track your favorite players through weekend. live coverage of the tournament can be seen all day on beginning at 2:00 p.m. eastern on tnt. we got your morning headlines next, including sarah palin's plan to crash another party in iowa. listen up techies. a hot new gadget poised to hit the markets this week. it's not for you. it's for your baby! tablets for babies? come on. is there a market and you know it. 42 minutes after the hour. ♪ there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters now works harder to help neutralize odors in multiple-cat homes. and our improved formula also helps eliminate dust. so it's easier than ever to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. 43 minutes past the hour. weekly jobs report is out and it's a little better than economists expected. 395,000 jobless claims were filed last week for the first time. that's actually down 7,000 from the week before. and it's the first time less than 400,000 weekly claims were filed in the past four months. investors sentiment is very fragile this morning after another big sell-off yesterday. stock futures for the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 all trading sharply lower ahead of the opening bell. 9 of the 12 members of the congressional super committee have been chosen. last three democrats have to be picked by the minority house leader nancy pelosi. six republicans were selected yesterday and their representativ representatives. mitt romney still leads the race for the republican presidential nomination but not by much. according to the latest cnn/orc poll, perry is two points back and he hasn't clared yet. sarah palin is heading back to iowa and announcing taking her bus tour to the state fair this week, 30 miles south of where the presidential debate held tonight. pentagon plans to test fly falcon htv-2 aircraft and capable of speeds up to 13,000 miles an hour. that means it can fly from new york to los angeles in 12 minutes. las vegas overrun by trekkies today. william shatner and leonard lee moi will be there. that is the news you need to start your day. "american morning" back after the break. ♪ new york city, good morning. 70 degrees and sunny. up to a high of 84 degrees today. for those of you in new york, going to be a bit of a traffic nightmare out there ped tootoda. use public transport. babies want technology. you know they do. your phone, your blackberry. >> babies always grabbing the phones. >> you can't give them a fake one or demissioned because they somehow know. now, they will be able to tap, swipe, navigate through their favorite baby videos on their very own tablet. a california doctor created an ipod-like tablet for babies called the vinci tab. no wi-fi or 3g to lessen the chance of harmful radiation waves. they start at 389 dollars. my 5-year-old can't tie his shoes but he can navigate a youtube category. not kidding. >> really? >> this is for babies, infants, babies. >> yeah, babies. babies. there you go. >> interesting. >> i've seen a lot of parents hand over their device to a kid when in public and the kid sort of acting up. >> give the kid a spoon and the kid will play with a spoon, right? >> nothing if there is something flashing and beeping over there and it's interesting. you're right. >> amazing. so called serial killing cells could be a ground-breaking solution for the fight against cancer. researchers have are treating tumors like the enemy. killing them in less than a month. the treatment does have some side effects but researchers say it could give real hope to those with leukemia, ovarian and pang decree at titi pan decree at ti cancer. >> finished a report on fracking. pumping water chemicals and sand to force out the natural gas. the panel is concerned about the fracking on air and water quality. >> you probably have seen the films and video of people turning down their tap and light a match. the industry say those are rare instances but at least the department of energy is studying how rare that is. in your a.m. house call your health is one place you don't want to make a mistake and "wall street journal" found 15 times the number of medical research reports were retracted last year than in 2001. >> disturbing, right? senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen has been looking into this for us. elizabeth, i mean, are the mistakes really, really serious? is it something we should be extraordinarily concerned about? >> reporter: the mistakes were serious because they took the step of retracting them which is relatively unusual. "wall street journal" says 339 times last year, medical journals said something was true, a drug worked for high blood pressure or a treatment worked for, let's say, cancer and then they said, oh, no, maybe that's not so true. this is unusual 339 sounds like a big number but when you think about all of the studies that are published, it's a relative small number but it makes you think when you see something is published in a medical journal, even a prestigious one, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's true. >> how do these mistakes get made? usually, these reports are supposed to live up to some standards and pass through things. how does it happen? >> reporter: you know what i found disturbing, ali? half of them were because of some kind of misconduct. in other words, no one likes to use the "l" words but perhaps some lying going on that, in some cases, people were making stuff up. what happens is the researchers do their research in their labs, they present their paper to a journal, and the journal doesn't re-create that experiment. they look at it and say, yeah, it looks like it was done well or looks like it wasn't done well. if you lie, how are they supposed to know? the answer is they don't know. >> peer review means peer review not re-create an entire experiment. what does it mean for consumers of medical procedures and medical devices? are doctors believing all of this and prescribing things to us? >> i think you don't have to freak out. as i said, it was a small fraction of the studies that were published but you do have to be an empowered patient and think through the instructions that your doctor gives you. if your doctor says, hey, there is a new treatment just published in this journal and i want you to have it, the first thing you should say to yourself is new does not necessarily mean better. as a matter of fact, as i point out in my empowered patient book, i like older things, older things are tried and true. older things have a safety record of years and years and sometimes you really actually should prefer old to new. so ask about other options to see if there are other things out there. and also check out the research on your own. people think, oh, wow, this is medicine, i couldn't possibly understand it. the answer is that you can and there are lots of other patients online to help you do that. >> great advice. wow. >> so disturbing, isn't it? >> yeah, disturbing and infuriating actually. >> yeah. got cheese? there is plenty for everyone at the indiana state fair. that is a 00-pound birthday cake made entirely of cheese. the artist said it took about a year to construct which begs several questions. it is designed to honor the state's yu electrician and dairy council on its 80th birthday. >> is it low fat cheese? nutrition council? >> how is this for an artery clogger. that's not a corn dog. it looks like a corn doing but it's a fried butter log. you heard me. a fried butter log. that will cost you 4 bucks at the iowa state fair. you start out with a stick of butter and dip it in cinnamon honey batter and deep fry it and topped off with a drizzle of icing! >> yeah, whenever you say butter on a stick, people think of a stick of butter and running down their face and it doesn't sound too good. you're not biting into a stick of butter. it's melted. most of it in the mix and a little bit of butter might run out but the lion's share runs into the mix. >> so it's batter soaked with butter with butter on top. >> you can have that with a piece of your cheese birthday cake! >> yeah, yeah. >> everything in modern if you're going to one of these fairs -- >> everything in moderation? you got to be kidding me! we saw a 350-pound cake full of cheese and then batter fried with a stick of butter! >> it's a fair. they deep fry everything. just try it. i don't know. or go for the corn dog! just don't eat it every day. >> good advice. even i wouldn't eat it every day. 54 minutes after the hour. we will be be back in a minute. . [ male announcer ] members of the american postal workers union handle more than 165 billion letters and packages a year. that's about 34 million pounds of mail every day. ever wonder what this costs you as a taxpayer? millions? tens of millions? hundreds of millions? not a single cent. the united states postal service doesn't run on your tax dollars. it's funded solely by stamps and postage. brought to you by the men and women of the american postal workers union. ♪ ♪ good morning. you got to get out of bed, l.a. a big day is ahead of you. kou cloudy and 64. >> a beautiful day. >> it's nice. >> that was pretty funny. now is your chance to talk back on the story of the day. is hollywood making a bin laden movie warrant a federal investigation? i have to read them from the paper. they are easier. funny how republicans whine and cry. they need to use their time figuring out how to get the economy going in the right direction for the american people and not big business. sam says if the administration is leaking classified information to their film making allies then it warrants an investigation. carol says i'm disgusted with congress. another example of their failure to deal with real issues. what a waste of time and money. i really think that the president of the united states has enough sense and awareness of his responsibility to avoid leaking classified information to a movie maker. facebook/americanmorning. thank you for your comments this morning. >> nobody has said what might have been leaked or it might have been leaked. representative peter king somebody leaked classified information. >> that requires the inspector general to check these things out. with the bad news on wall street, a few late night laughs to send you off with a smile. >> with the crazy stock market influx, the price of gold has shot up to almost $2,000. yeah. in other words, flava's mouth is now a millionaire and about to retire! >> we have come up with a simple metaphor. i think this helps explain to people exactly what is going on. here. take a look. >> and now a video metaphor for this week's financial crisis. the red hot air balloon represents republicans in congress. the blue one represents democrats. the guy on the wire is the american taxpayers trying to stay alive. the plane coming at them represents s&p.

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,Humidity ,Levels ,Rory ,Northern Ireland ,Play ,Forecast ,Chancrease ,Temperature ,Culminating Sunday ,Ith ,96 ,95 ,Chances ,Rain ,Showers ,Forward ,Tiger Tees ,Weather ,Job ,Press Conference ,Caddie ,My Caplication ,Drinking Water ,Town ,Raw Sewage ,Weather Caddie ,Sun ,Wife ,Soldier ,U S Army ,Bmw ,Saudi ,Mercedes ,Woman ,Channels ,Event ,Charge ,Summer ,Satellite Radio ,Siriusxm ,Cat Meows ,Okay Ks ,Acoustic Guitar Pop ,130 ,Things ,Travelers ,Chimes ,Whistles ,Coverage ,Discounts ,Agent ,Weight Class ,Save ,Quote ,Visit Travelers Com ,800 ,800 My Coverage ,Millions ,Hits ,Move ,Stack ,Apps ,Flick ,Hp Touchpad ,Webos ,Roller Coaster ,Both ,Nasdaq ,4 ,4 5 ,Sarkozy ,Emergency Meeting ,Debt ,Concerns ,Finances ,Summer Vacation ,Isis ,Concern ,Trading ,Pointing ,Debt Problems ,Bell ,Aaa Rating ,Hassing ,Time ,Unemployment Claims ,Releases ,409000 ,Survey ,Recession ,Economist Space ,20 ,Downgrade ,Credit Rating ,Slides ,Foundation For Credit Counseling ,000 ,1000 ,36 ,Savings ,Rest ,Credit Cards ,Combination ,Barks ,Surprise ,Gonna Love ,Protein ,Barking ,Accents ,Nutrition ,Chicken ,Muscles ,Avocado ,Tomato ,Grains ,Coat ,Beneful Healthy Fiesta ,Hoo ,Energy Security ,Flavorful Beneful ,Healthful ,Growth ,Oil Sands ,Ability ,Oil Reserves ,Resource ,Project ,Hundreds ,Canada ,Kearl ,Breakthrough ,Emissions ,Oils ,Plan ,I Ll Be There ,Experts ,Path ,Green Line ,A Thousand ,Step ,Letters ,165 Billion ,Doesn T ,Tax Dollars ,Taxpayer ,Mail ,Costs ,Tens ,Wonder ,United States Postal Service ,34 Million ,Women ,Postage ,Stamps ,American Postal Workers Union ,Hope ,Receipts ,Asia ,Super Committee ,Attention ,Super ,Nine ,Jeb Hensarling ,Jon Kyl ,Prison ,Peace ,Devil Rays ,Unemployment ,The Streets Of London ,Discussions ,It Frustration ,It Bits ,Section ,Solutions ,Explanation ,Solution ,Reservoirs ,Texans ,Parts ,Hard ,Mirror ,Let ,Water ,Finding Water ,Soil ,Patch ,Ed Lavandara ,Spring ,Settlers ,Watering Hole ,Big Spring ,Vicksburg ,Water Treatment Plant ,Raw Sewage Water ,Lake Water ,Sewage Waste Water ,Crews ,13 Million ,3 Million ,Still Doesn T Taste ,Somebody ,Area ,Colorado River Municipal Water ,Salesman ,A Million ,Comment ,Fellow ,Hurdle ,Urine ,Beer ,God ,Odessa ,Robert Lee ,Reservoir ,Drought ,Source ,Mayor ,Waste Water ,Works ,Water Situation ,Water Left ,Emergency Pipeline ,Six ,1 ,Surface ,John Grant ,Building ,Process ,2 Million ,Line ,Glass ,Nasa ,First ,Waste ,Space ,Tap ,Thought ,Astronauts ,Prib U ,Many ,Constituencies ,Amount ,House ,Safe ,Duty ,Criminality ,Scenes ,Vandalizing ,Thievery ,Houses ,Shops ,People Looting ,Fires ,Others ,Bleeding ,Fire Crews ,Perfect ,Mr ,Communities ,Law And Order ,Culture Of Fear ,Events ,Questions ,Old Man ,Sequence ,29 ,Speaker ,Demonstrations ,Bottom ,Understandably ,Ipcc ,Gangs ,Thugs ,Anyoning ,Mark Duggan ,Police Officers ,Politics ,Cases ,Televisions ,Theft ,Bravery ,Thanks ,Tactics ,Clock ,Support ,Police Chiefs ,Weren T Working ,Truth ,Challenge ,Thanes Lynn One ,Places ,Meetings ,Led ,Core ,Cobra ,Action ,Decisions ,Policing ,Metropolitan Police Commissioner ,Help ,Chiefs ,Number ,Criminals ,Officers ,Weekend ,16000 ,6000 ,Businesses ,Need ,Increases ,Force ,Deployment ,Tv ,Technology Work ,Perpetrators ,Mag ,Capturing The Images ,Faces ,Law ,Photographs ,Human Rights ,Justice ,Police Force ,Anyone ,Use ,Rioters ,Police Cuts ,Black ,Everybody ,Anybody Whos Hasn T ,All Over The Place ,Shortage ,Father ,Sound ,Leaders ,Its ,Hit And Run ,Residents ,Another ,Son ,Community ,Sons ,Posture ,Go Home ,Argument ,Voices ,Compelling ,Crimes ,Sarah Palin ,Bus Tour ,Sociologists ,Environment ,One Nation ,Governor ,Vending Man ,Party Crashing ,Alaska ,Times ,It S Time ,Snack ,Yogurt ,Yoplait Greek ,Smile ,Greek ,Mitt Romney ,Wiggle Room ,Candidates ,Field ,Rick Perry ,Orc Poll ,Rudy Giuliani ,Ron Paul ,Vedy To Roll ,Mishal Bachmann ,Gassing Up ,Notice ,Hiatus ,Five ,Straw Poll ,Iowa ,Former ,Ohio State Fair ,Butter ,Stephen Colbert ,Deep Fried ,Storm ,Take A Look ,Money Storm ,Gathering ,Campaign Ad Airing ,Pac ,Vote ,State Groups ,Airwaves ,Ames Straw Poll ,Grow Pac ,Super Pac Money ,Rick Parry ,August 13 ,13 ,Commercial ,Late Night Talk Show ,48 ,Hollywood Director ,Stock Futures ,Rallying ,50 ,Violators ,Water Cannons ,Batons ,Jury ,Judge ,Anthony Sowell ,Death Sentence ,Murders ,Hand Sowell A Life Sentence ,Is O ,Japan ,Prime Stintster ,Minister ,Earthquake ,Popularity ,Tsunami ,George Lopez ,Plant ,Lopez ,Conan O Brien S ,Night ,Minor League Baseball ,Michael Harlow ,Camouflage ,Oman ,Game ,Mississippi ,Husband ,Catcher S Mask ,Ceremonial First Pitch ,Wanted ,Shock ,Overwhelmed ,Isn T ,Mask ,Reaction ,Harlow ,Ten ,Spot ,Overseas ,Serving ,Stay ,I Don T Know ,Turn ,Responses ,Filmmakers ,Money Waste Order ,Martyr ,Better ,Followers ,Heather ,Taxpayer Dollars ,Condition ,Bael ,Hearings ,Rooms ,Few ,Subcommittee Hearings ,Lawmakers ,Business ,Varning ,Surfboards ,Motorcycle ,Trash ,Sprint Biz 360 ,Devices ,Spots ,What Ifs ,Sprint Business Specialists ,4g ,Mobile Payment ,Motorola Photon ,360 ,Phone ,Answers ,Trouble Hearing ,4g Network ,Visit Sprintrelay Com ,Neighborhood ,Misperceptions ,Vehicles ,Gasoline ,Natural Gas ,40 ,Conversation ,Natural Gas Vehicles ,Families ,Nose Dive ,Roster ,Version ,Plans ,Critics ,Ditch ,Rescue ,Top ,Rock ,Tangling ,Midtown Manhattan ,70 ,Red ,Morning Stock ,Picture ,Bell Rang ,Damage Report ,4 6 ,Newscasts ,Stock Prices ,Dinner Conversations ,Pages ,High Anxiety ,Stress ,Headlines ,Big One ,Plunge ,Europe Markets ,Record ,Bounce ,1980 ,1800 ,Rationale ,Stop ,Rumors ,Terms ,Hate ,Roller Coaster Ride Yesterday ,Wendt ,Credit Rate ,Global Contagion ,Tick Up ,Sidelines ,Outcry ,Bid ,Statement ,Mark ,Computers ,Trades ,Guessing ,Open Outcry ,Law Makers ,Cries ,Page ,Op Ed ,Head ,Weak ,Wall Street Journal ,Washington Post ,Italy ,Paris ,Midwest Bus Tour ,Re Election ,Martha S Vineyard ,David Gergen ,A C 360 ,Campaign Trail ,Seriousness ,Answer ,Meeting ,Heartland ,Speeches ,Poll ,Woes ,Quarters ,Recess ,North Carolina ,Jim Cooper ,Michael Mcmichaud ,Cuella ,Mike Mcintyre ,Tennessee ,Democrats ,Dave Camp ,Fed Upton ,Pat Cheney ,Rob Importantman ,Newsweek ,Compromise ,Taxes ,Spending Cuts ,Columnist ,Party Leaders ,Pledge ,Daily Beast ,Profile In Cynicism ,Gang ,Club For Growth ,Conservative ,Aisle ,Recycle Alproblems ,Joe Johns ,Group ,Energy And Commerce Committee ,Tiebreaker ,Wings ,Wing ,Left Wing ,Control ,Keeping Taxes ,Think Tank ,Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ,Party ,Hand ,Table ,Entitlements ,Scenario ,Bases ,Senate Finance Committee ,Chairman ,Potential ,Fred Upton ,Michigan ,Failures ,Military Seniors ,Triggers ,Good ,No Tax Pledge ,Definition ,Tax Reform ,Agreement ,Tax ,Tax Increases ,Raising Taxes ,Exchange ,Promise ,Wrestling ,Didn T Vote ,Big Storey ,Tune In ,Subsidies ,Plea ,Drew ,Lawlessness ,Zero Tolerance ,Zero ,Perspective ,Max Foster Live In London ,Happening ,Root Cause ,Sense ,Pure And Simple ,Fast Tracking ,Offenders ,Emergency Court Appearances ,Load ,Court System ,Schooling ,Culture ,Los Angeles ,Heart ,Lessons ,Gang Culture ,Social Media ,Powers ,Criminal Activity ,Twitter ,Masks ,Repercussions ,Scarves ,Police Powers ,Reasonable Suspicion ,Repercussi ,Veils ,Human Rights Groups ,Victim ,Youth ,Hooliganism ,Economics ,Sent ,Sort ,Road ,Tanks ,Youth Workers ,System ,Parenting ,Starts ,Stake ,Segments ,Prospects ,Story ,Movie ,Representative ,Opening ,Score ,Drama At Rockefeller Center ,There ,Observation Deck ,Angle ,Sean Fwhent ,Spectacle ,Gawkers ,Heights ,Hospital ,Pictures ,Evaluation ,Verizon Communications ,Workers ,Cameras ,Window ,Trip ,Big City ,New York City ,Ugly ,Company ,Sabotage ,Serial Killer ,Research ,Union ,Season ,Scientists ,Lightning ,Athlettic Club ,Atlanta Athletic Club ,We Luck L ,Tournament Preview ,Feet ,Rocks ,Technology ,Deposits ,Discovery ,Fuel ,A Hundred ,Tasting Tap Water ,Bottle ,Brita ,Drinking Fountain ,Mall ,Anywhere ,Filter ,Yoo Hoo ,Faucet ,Picket Lines ,Harassment ,Act Stoes Facilitieif A ,Employees ,Picketers Blocking ,45000 ,Cable ,Internet Service ,Facilities ,Resident Pill ,Contractors ,Portion ,Box ,Block ,Gentleman ,Strike ,Third Day ,Vandal Its ,Telephone ,Cable Boxes ,Snipped ,Unions ,Health Care ,Benefits ,Pensions ,Industry Standards ,Someone ,Customers ,Profits ,Repairs ,Cables ,Connection ,Call ,Delays ,Faceless Monolithic ,Fact ,Neighbors ,Consequences ,Consequence ,Police Departments ,Hospitals ,Communications Workers Of America ,Lines ,International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers ,Sentiment ,Strikers ,Instances ,Police Department ,Gamemanship ,New Jersey ,Chief Security Officer ,Phones ,Communications Grid ,Offense ,Internet Disruptions ,Yesterday Couldn T ,Big Pga Tournament ,Let S Go ,Lisa Sylvester ,Tee ,Par ,List ,Pairings ,Highs ,Phil ,Adam Scott ,Thigh ,Advisories ,Dallas ,105 ,102 ,Humidity Levels ,Northeast ,Surface Map ,Conditions ,Rise ,Broadcast ,Cool Front ,Course Superintendent ,Judgment ,Well On Tnt ,Internet ,Marquee Pairings ,Pga Com ,Pants ,Bernie Madoff ,Covers ,24 ,1 5 Trillion ,Plumbing ,Vesicare ,Care ,Pipes ,Overactive Bladder ,Bladder ,Glaucoma Problems ,Muscle ,Trouble ,Reactions ,Symptoms ,Urges ,Stomach ,Face ,Doctor ,Constipated ,Emergency Help ,Vision ,Swelling ,Tongue ,Throat ,Lips ,Abdominal Pain ,Caution ,Constipation ,Side Effects ,Indigestion ,Tasks ,Dry Mouth ,Cliche ,Debt Crisis ,Credit Problems ,Emergency Meet ,Rating ,Aaa ,Futures Trading ,Storms ,Briefing Com ,Ponzi Schemer ,Cover ,Ipad ,Bargain ,Drawers ,Auction ,Khakis ,Selling Ipad ,Frederick James ,Proceeds ,Certificate ,Request ,Authenticity ,250 ,250 Bucks ,Harsh Sulfates ,Toxins ,Dirt ,Dermatologists ,Dyes ,Parabens ,Neutrogena ,Purify Pores ,99 ,Cleanser ,Skin ,Team ,Much ,Resonsible ,Thursday ,Market Roller Coaster ,Cliche Roller Coaster ,Wild Ride ,5 ,Deficit ,Jeff Hensarling ,Super Chiti ,Nine Down ,Constituent Wailing ,Disorder ,Killer ,Priority ,Arrests ,Body ,1300 ,Cancer ,Elizabeth Cohen ,Fight ,Tumors ,Searchers ,Rae ,Researchers ,Chemotherapy ,Leukemia ,Cells ,Bone Marrow Transplant ,Patient ,Option ,Patients ,Cancer Cells ,Bunch ,Assassins ,Little Machine Guns ,Likelihood ,Finding ,Remission ,Really ,Ways ,Technique ,Principle ,Proof ,National Journal ,Ron Brownstein ,Resident Independent ,Tax Pledge ,Governor Grover ,Makeup ,Circumstances ,Defernition ,Selections ,Result ,Insanity ,Groups ,Selection Process ,Committee Selections ,Goat ,Brinkmanship ,S P Downgrade ,Commission ,Debt Reform ,Gang Of Six ,Bull Simpson ,Bull Simpson Commission Appointed ,Outlook ,Signal ,Omission ,Leader ,Issues ,Chair ,Willingness ,Proposal ,Moderate ,Negotiations ,Immigration ,History ,Effort ,2007 ,Dynamics ,Flexibility ,Appointments ,Change ,Values ,Best ,Entitlement Reforms ,Worst ,Congress Couldn T ,Parties ,Entitlement Reform ,Election Strategy ,Grand Bargain ,Working ,Nation ,Footing ,78 ,Mess ,Dysfunction ,Something Else ,Opportunity ,Pleas ,Proposals ,Rules ,Each Other ,Consideration ,Heads ,Poll Numbers ,Forces ,Efforts ,Calculations ,Stock Markets ,Status ,Institutions ,Rails ,Verdict ,Rating Agencies ,Pressure ,Toys ,Failure ,Put ,Shouldn T The Rest Of Congress Go Home ,Howard Kurtz ,Ideas ,Stimulus Plan ,Deficit Reduction ,Track ,Empact Impace ,Sides ,Anxiety ,Bet ,Numbers ,Public ,Committee Members ,Passionate ,Debt Debate ,Great Conversation ,Smartest ,Manner ,Symbol ,Rev Locals ,Engine ,At Exxon ,Level ,Mobil ,Station ,Intake Valves ,Gasoline Work ,Exxon ,Let Me Entertain You ,Music ,Flash ,Beats Audio ,Investigators ,Camplain ,Prop ,Phone Hacking Scandal ,Bla ,Newspaper ,Terror Victims ,Voice Mails ,Celebrities ,Running Dry ,Absolution ,Water Treatment Plan ,Idea Still Doesn T Taste ,Colorado River Municipal Water District ,Jacobs ,Thirsty Isn T Either ,It Taste ,Ice Cream ,Chocolate ,Vanilla ,Teaser Rates ,Deposit ,Her ,Ally Bank ,Umm ,Dream ,Slaves ,Slave Owners ,Red Hills ,Martin Luther King Jr ,I Have A Dream Today ,Unveiling ,Brotherhood ,Jr ,Chevrolet ,Memorial ,Seat ,August 28th ,52 ,28 ,Lebanon ,Jauj ,Announcie Ining ,Statue ,Say ,Pinch ,Half ,A Thousand Dollars ,64 ,Ashton Kutcher ,Liberties ,Sitcom Actor ,Monument ,27 Million ,Two And A Half Men ,Charlie Sheen , 2 Million ,60 ,1 2 Million ,Congressman ,Investigations ,David ,Sno ,Jay ,Danger ,Worrying ,Entertainment ,Elvis Movies In Hawaii ,Quality Control ,Movies ,Producer ,Strawberries ,Bowl ,Old Elvis Military Movies ,Vitamin C ,B Vitamins ,Packet ,Fiber ,Boost ,Antioxidants ,Sweeteners ,Splenda ,Coffee Doesn T Have Fiber ,Essentialstm ,To Boot ,Taste ,Feeling ,Hurts ,Yeah ,24 Bucks ,Price ,Coverages ,Tool ,Progressive ,Orange ,Thursday August 11th ,3 1 2 ,Us 3 1 2 ,2 ,15 ,1 5 Trillion Dollar ,200000 ,1 Million ,2009 ,00000 ,0 2 ,97 ,2003 ,1 2 ,October 2012 ,69 ,84 ,10 ,13000 ,23 ,Thirteen ,27 ,25 ,2000 ,35 ,79 ,94 ,2008 ,91 ,42 ,43 ,7000 ,395000 ,400000 ,9 ,389 Dollars ,389 ,2001 ,339 ,80 ,4 Bucks ,350 ,54 ,Wake ,Maker ,Point Drop ,The Wild Ride On ,Fear Factor ,Procter And Gamble ,Stock Tips ,Pep Toes B ,Christine Romans ,Ali Velshi ,

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