at exxon and mobil, we engineer smart gasoline that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it s how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil.
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at exxon and mobil, we leengineer smart gasoline way. that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it s how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids. we re having mexican tonight, so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later. late dinner, pill now? aghh i ve got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it s simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great.
but you go in pieces. [ female announcer ] you can t pass mom s inspection with lots of pieces left behind. that s why there s charmin ultra strong. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable so it holds up better. fewer pieces left behind. charmin ultra strong. at exxon and mobil, we engineer smart gasoline that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it s how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil.